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Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

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Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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It was a cold, winter night in London. Clouds lay across the sky like a thick quilt to tuck in the moon and the stars. Only faint slivers of moonlight managed to slice through the clouds like little needles to illuminate the falling snow flakes on their slow descent to the city below. The snow fell slowly, fading in and out of slivers of light, until becoming illuminated once again by glowing torches and fires of London's humble and not so humble abodes, finally dusting or vaporizing upon the Earth.

Most but not all Londoners had fled to their homes, seeking the warm comfort of blankets, fires, friends, and lovers. A few adventurous souls still mingled the snowy streets and parks of London, however, enjoying or enduring the snow, depending on their mood.

One of these souls was Eliza Guiscard, though she felt neither hearty nor particularly adventurous. Some might even dispute that she had a soul at all. The wintry haired Lasombra sat on wooden bench within a London courtyard, one leg crossed over the other. Although she couldn't feel the cold, Eliza was dressed for the weather. She wore a heavy tan cloak, lined with white fur, black pants, and boots. It wouldn't do to stick out like a sore thumb.

Eliza watched a pair of pretty girls walk past her on the cobblestone path. They were alight with laughter and smiles, soaking in the soft snow flurries on their way across the courtyard. Eliza's kiwi eyes gleamed menacingly for a brief moment as she watched them go until she leaned back again with a dismissive flick of her hand.

Too much effort, or maybe just not interesting enough. Eliza would wait for more enticing, easy prey or for something else to pique her interest. The hunt was so much more exciting when she felt the desire build up within her.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Clip clop, clip clop, clip clop, clip clop...

The pale palfrey trotted slowly through the dead of winter's night, in the year of the mortal's Lord, 1103. Upon the beast rode a feminine figure, cloaked in dark brown, her wild hair spilling out in wisps from the cowl's shadow. Her dress was cut to allow her to ride men's style upon the saddle, for lately, Vezina of clan Tzimisce had taken to studies of a more physical pursuit. Underneath the riding dress, she wore the leather trousers and hunter's tunic that Lysandra had given her those many nights ago when she had first begun her personal campaign against the Tremere. Despite her efforts, the taint of the Usurpers still lingered at the fringes of Avalon's court, and while her sire toiled to rekindle his spiritual, koldunic connection to this foreign land, Vezina had decided that she must turn to other methods to safeguard herself during her hunt.

Ahead in the courtyard she spotted one of the city's relative newcomers, akin to herself in many ways. The white haired mistress of shadows, Eliza Guiscard, shared Vezina's title as primogen of their respective clans. And like herself, the Lasombra had a penchant for being active in the coming and goings of nobles. It was these activities on both their parts that had recently angered the Toreador primogen, the mortal agents of whom had begun to harass Vezina's prospective ghoul - an heir to a barony south of London proper. Rumor had reached the Tzimisce that these same Toreador lackeys were also interefering with the Lasombra's desires.

Perhaps it was high time for Vezina to put aside her rocky beginnings with the Lasombra.

The kiwi-eyed beauty had been fixating on a pair of giggling young women at the far end of the courtyard. Vezina had yet to eat tonight and they seemed appetizing enough, but the duo were moving on too quickly, and Eliza had turned away from them in the next moment with a dismissive gesture. The Tzimisce pulled up on the reins, glancing down at the seductive figure through the calmly falling snow.

"Good evening, Eliza," Vezina intoned in her thick, Eastern-European accent. Her grey green eyes were ghostly and searching as compared to the piercing intensity of her Lasombra counterpart. "Are you in the midst of the hunt? Might I join you?"
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Sensing the approach of another kindred, Eliza arched a white eyebrow curiously. Ah, the Tzimisce she thought to herself as she looked up to see Vezina sitting high upon her horse. Eliza could think of many worse vampires to come across on a snowy evening. She found Vezina's brash crusade against the interlopers to be a bit tiring, but other than that, the Lasombra primogen didn't harbor her much ill will.

"Bonsoir Lady Vezina. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Eliza replied evenly. She glanced back toward the women disappearing into the snow-filled night before looking to Vezina. "You wish to accompany me do you? Hm." Eliza paused thoughtfully, fingers stroking through the fur lining her cloak as if measuring Vezina's intentions and then shrugged. "Well I would call it perusing rather than hunting really, but nothing is stopping you. There is such slim pickings of enjoyable food, it seems sometimes. Are you sure we share the same tastes in cuisine?"
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Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Well well well... getting into trouble?" Lexwyn could not help but interject as she walked around a nearby corner. She had been passing this way, by chance, on her way back from important business. Truthfully she cared not what they were doing, but never missed the chance to poke at the more serious members of the community. Not that many were not, or that she herself wasn't mostly serious, but when it came to vampiric affairs, Lexwyn definitely cast a bit of disdain towards the usual plotting.

"We might not be affected by such cold, but that's all the more reason you two just stick out on a night like this." Lexwyn stopped, despite her eagerness to return to her loft, and her books. For the moment she was quite content with her hunger, or more preciesly, her lack thereof, but sometimes contentness just equaled boredom. If anything riling the other two up would break the monotony of the past few weeks.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Vezina had been about to answer the Lasombra primogen, when another kindred rounded the corner and implanted herself in the proceedings. The individual was a Brujah, and not one that she had gotten to know closely. Aside from her name, Lexwyn, and her association with the others of clan Brujah, Vezina knew very little of this one.

She inclined her head briefly to the newcomer, but turned back to Eliza first.

"That would depend on your tastes, Eliza. You've yet to share your preferences with me. Perhaps we can change that."

Sliding off of her saddle she took the reins of her horse and whispered words into the creature's ear. Her gloved hand stroked the palfrey's mane tenderly. In response, the horse nickered and clopped its front right hoof against the cobblestones. Letting go of the reins,the horse set off in a gallop through the streets, to wait in a prearranged spot for Vezina to summon it again.

She glanced back at Lexwyn, as if to size her up. Would this one be a hindrance or would she be of use?

"We wear no summer dress, nor flaunt our differences to the kine. As to trouble, that depends. I was inclined to see Eliza's idea of a rarefied meal."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Anabelle watched the three from the shadows, not yet showing herself. She knew that if they actually looked about them, or paid attention to their senses beyond their small circle, they would quickly find her, but for the moment, she was more interested in watching. Wiping a small trail of blood from the corner of her mouth, a remnant of the meal she had savoured earlier in the evening, she pondered over the three kindred.

Neither had given course to distrust them as of yet, but neither had they given any course for the opposite either. Remembering the boat that time ago, the loss of what would have been her first friend in London, still burned in the Scot's heart, and she'd stayed away from the court, even the city mostly, since that night.

Now though, curiosity pulled her inwards, so, tightening her ratty cloak tighter around herself, she simply watched for the moment, letting her curiosity take its lead for now.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Sensing other vampires beginning to appear, one of which having shown herself, Eliza half wondered to herself if any more would arrive. Sometimes it seemed like they outnumbered the humans in this city.

"What is wrong with my cloak?" Eliza asked Lexwyn, lips parting indignantly as she looked down at her clothes. "It is quite the fashion at the human courts, or so I am told. Am I sensing jealousy perhaps? If you want to borrow my clothes so badly, my dear Brujah, you should just ask."

Eliza patted the fur-lining on her cloak before nodding to Vezina. She watched the Tzimisce curiously and then chuckled to herself. "Ha, I remember once my brother wondered if I suffered from the Ventrue curse. Goodness no, I just have refined tastes is all. I prefer my prey soft, warm, and wriggling." Eliza gestured to the Brujah redhead and smirked, "I would not mind seeing that one wriggle for instance."
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Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Lexwyn shook her head. "Distracted by the same things as always... some people never change. Sometimes I wonder how you get anything done at all. I swear, given the world a few hundred more years and this obsession with fashion may spread to all females..." As a general rule, explaining the joke was a bad thing, and the effort would probably not be much appreciated by these two anyway.

"You're in the wrong place for hunting, anyway. Not only is this gathering... unusual, but if you wish to find a gathering you can feast upon you're probably better off looking indoors... though those with less self control might be wary to stay away from the ones curled up next to the hearth." Another small jab at the more easily spooked was still in order. No doubt this would sail right over their heads too though...
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Vezina let her eyes wander as the other two kindred began their repartee. The Brujah was doing her clan's reputation as provocateurs no favors with her bluntly-placed jabs. Was that supposed to be a comment about the Rotchshrek? Vezina had faced the demon within the flame within minutes of awakening from her Embrace and had not failed her Sire's test. A simple hearth did not rattle her beast so easily, even if she still chose to keep her distance. Her beloved master, Gyulu,told her of the Koldunic rituals in their homeland that granted an immunity to the fear of the dread fire. She was determined to rediscover that lore here, so that she might become something more than her fellow Cainites. It was what drove her, pushed her to hunt down and fight the usurping Tremere wherever they dare show their faces. Could any of these other kindred claim to be driven by such a noble purpose? She doubted it.

As she was pondering upon Tzimsice superiority, her roaming gaze spotted the shadowed form of the Gangrel warrior, Annabelle. She was watching them from the edge of the plaza. Though rural and feral and of a low clan, Vezina respected this Cainite, as she had stood with her against the Usurper's monstrous servant. Like Lysandra, Richard, and Aethulwulf, Vezina was inclined to give a healthy dose of respect to those Cainites willing to act, rather than claiming to be above it all.

It was with respect that she did not call out to the Gangrel. If she desired to talk with them, she would be free to approach on her own terms. Instead she rejoined the conversation, deciding to poke back at Lexwyn.

"Praise be to the Eldest, the Brujah has come to correct our fashion, hunting techniques, and remind us that fire is bad," she said with a slow-spreading grin. "Thine is a sacred duty, no doubt."

She turned to Eliza.

"I appreciate the quality of vitae, particularly I enjoy the blood of youth and innocence. Whether they wriggle or not is inconsequential, unless they have been insolent. Then I take a certain pleasure in showing a mortal why they should fear a mistress of the night."

This talk of vitae preferences also reminded Vezina of her true desire - the blood of Usurpers. Nothing would ever be so sweet as drinking the heart's blood of a warlock. With righteous fury, she had quaffed of his soul and tasted rich, elder Cainite blood. The dark knowledge of this bliss would never leave her, but she could not share her dark act with others.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Indeed," Eliza replied to Vezina with a smirk. Whenever Eliza was genuinely amused, her smile just couldn't help from looking crooked, even sadistic. So much so, that anyone observing it might wonder what it was that she was actually thinking. This was definitely one of those situations. "I could not agree more! I do especially enjoy punishing insolence..." Eliza's voice trailed off, her piercing kiwi gaze resting right upon Lexwyn for a few seconds as if letting that sink in.

"If I did not know better, I might think Lexwyn has convinced herself that she is our sire. If you are such a hunting and fashion connoisseur, perhaps you would be so good as to give us a lesson in these mysterious, esoteric hunting techniques of your's Lexwyn, oh exalted one? I am ever so intrigued, and as my dear sire could attest, I am such a fabulous student."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Lexwyn shrugged. "Do as you wish. My advice is always free, but only those willing to truly accept it will benefit. I will admit, I simply can't contain the urge to comment frequently, but don't mind when said comments are not heeded. Great amusement is provided either way." Whine as they might, even such comments were proof her taunts were at least slightly effective.

"Though there is another flaw I fear I'm am guilty of. Are you content to just stand around, or are we going to get to some action? Words are one thing, but you have to follow through, hmmm..." Lexwyn quirked one eyebrow and looked at their surroundings more. "I'll admit, I'm curious now, but take too long and I might have to go find the best targets all by myself."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Eliza smirked, getting up from the bench to wipe the snowflakes from her cloak. They formed a little cloud of ice and mist around her, slowly hovering to the ground as the Lasombra walked toward Lexwyn. Eliza stopped just a few short inches in front of her.

"Were you not listening my dear Brujah? We stand around in eager anticipation of your lesson! Unless, of course, you do not have any material worth imparting?"
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

The Brujah's behavior was a tad bewildering to Vezina. Correcting fashion where none was needed, for both Eliza and herself had been suitably dressed for the weather as much as any mortal, and then lecturing them on hunting problems when they had not yet begun their hunt. The advice about bewaring the hearth was something out of a sire's first night lesson to a neonate. She could only imagine that this was some Brujah rite of passage, to provoke other clans with inane prattle. Such was the only generous way of thinking about Lexwyn's immediate behavior, that it was some sort of test.

"I fear it is the curse of their kind, Eliza. They talk so brashly and loudly that they have difficulty listening." She spoke off to the side, holding the gaze of nothing in particular.

"But let us not stand here trading barbs. I approached the Lady Eliza in good faith, with intent on enjoying a fine drink and enjoyable chatter. Lexwyn, if you wish to provide amusement instead of condescension, you may accompany us, or go thine way if such is not within your capabilities. If a challenge is what you need, then I propose a friendly one: let the winner be the kindred who drinks the finest vitae tonight."

She let that hang in the air, hoping that it would disengage the trio from what seemed like the Brujah's goal and lead to a more fruitful endeavor.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Oh Eliza, intent on playing the game out fully tonight, hmm? You're very good at hiding sarcasm as fact." Whether or not Lexwyn's own sarcasm was hidden would be another matter entirely. "But a direct challenge eh? I could also venture the previous question, who's definition of best vintage are we using? No matter, I'm confident enough in my abilities. Enough so that I shall even let you have the first move. No need to ruin the contest by disheartening you before you've even begun. Once you've had your fill I shall 'impart' how it is really done."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Tut tut. There will be no turns here. We will procure our subjects together. Then we shall bring them to a private place where all may be tasted at once." Vezina said, having to immediately deflect an attempt to take the last turn as if it were a disadvantage.

"You and Eliza can together determine the location of our hunt, being that it was I who proposed the challenge. The winner will be determined by group consent, or a fourth party could be introduced to judge, if the more competitive of us cannot agree."

A casual glance in Annabelle's direction might hint at who Vezina wouldn't mind that judge being.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Anabelle caught the glance, and let out a snort as she stepped forth from the shadows. She didn't seem particularly surprised at being discovered. Her boots crunched in the snow beneath her as she moved forward, keeping the patchwork cloak tight around her in case any kine happened to see her. The kilt beneath would raise enough questions as it was.

"Court seems to have treated you all well, that you can argue of fine vintages and delicate games of hunting," she said simply with a shrug, and sniffed at the air before letting her gaze meet each of the other Cainites around her.

"But, I suppose one who is not picky can be a good judge."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"A contest you say?" Eliza smirked, running a finger through the streaks of platinum hair poking through her hood. "It might be fun to teach you all how it is done I suppose. As for a location, I suggest St. Paul's Cathedral. It is one of the places I enjoy frequenting, but I have not been recently."

"We shall see what kind of judge you are in a short while, hm?" Eliza said to Anabelle, gazing at her curiously before turning to the others. "I wonder what shall be the prize for our glorious champion?"
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Are the boasting rights not enough for you, Eliza? What would you desire of us, should you be proven the victor?"

The question hung in the air, ending in a suggestive lilt of her voice. Vezina was interested in piquing the Lasombra's desire, but hesitated to offer anything specific just yet. In her mind, she was pondering a possible blood tithe, or some minor penalty. Something kept within this small circle of Cainite personalities.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"I can think of many things I would like upon my inevitable victory Lady Vezina," Eliza's eyes gleamed like a predator, glancing at each vampire in turn before waving her hand dismissively. "Boasting rights is not one of them, however. What need do I have for boasting when I am already so beautiful, refined, and powerful, hm? None, I am afraid. No, I am much more interested in more opulent prizes..."

Eliza paused, contemplating ideas, a malicious smirk growing at the corner of her lip. "Such as the pair of you bent over like naughty little kine, preparing for my punishment. That would be rather amusing."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Lexwyn shook her head. "Like I said, some never change, though if you don't get the joke it's rather sad. Either way, that shall be an acceptable hunting ground. No objections here. Pick whatever you want for a reward, as you shant be having it anyway." Lexwyn's smile was extra-sly, though she did not overly show excitement. She'd found quite early on the less emotion she showed, the more flustered some got, especially the vain ones...
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