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RPG RPG Maker [ saboten] サボテン Sex Idol 48! Lewd Ambitions セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~ RE117876 RJ117876

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Tentacle Monster
Jan 30, 2012
Reputation score
another Saboten game
this one system is something like the bf game one but this time you can turn some of the girls you won against into idols or choose the rape route.

Create the industry's greatest pop group of 48 members!

Determine star quality with -> SEX!
Train talents with -> SEX!!
Promote girls and sell products with -> SEX!!!

A sex-filled BF (Battle F*ck) RPG!!

Popular ladies man Yamamoto (protagonist)
has a godlike c*ck!
Girls fall madly in love with him after
just one dip from his wick.

The female manager of a talent agency deep in debt
buys Yamamoto and his package so he'll
f*ck her business up the ladder of success.

"Get out there and recruit women with your pants,
bring them back here!" she commands.

Yamamoto goes scouting selfishly.
Whoever gets him hard, he puts her on her back,
makes her cum and adds her to the roster!

"Waaaaaahahahaha! I get to have sex AND get paid
for it! There's no better job in the world!"

Deal with the yakuza trying to collect the debt
and duke it out with a rival talent agency while you
grow the manager's business as Yamamoto,
in a glamorous glitz and tits story.

* BF (Battle F*ck), Weak Point and Lesson systems!
* Don't forget about money! There's a Debt Redemption system!
* Idols sleep their way to success!
* Includes voice for all 48 girls! (on/off option)
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Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

over 1 GB, a lot of contents!
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

The game is getting pretty good reviews.
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

Uhm, sorry for being slow guys, can someone show me directions for a some kind of walkthrough or tips for this?
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

Uhm, sorry for being slow guys, can someone show me directions for a some kind of walkthrough or tips for this?

Wasn't sure what kind of tip you were looking for so, uh, let me see if this helps:
Obtaining a girl to make into idols: when you're fighting a girl from random encounter, hit a girl with a technique/skill she is weak to in order to obtain her after winning the battle. Girls 'ready' to be captured will have a red heart mark next to their name. Girls with orange-yellow heart next to their name indicates you already own that particular girl.

Every time you win a fight, you get a random item if you're lucky and something called a move point [行動力] which you need in order to interact with the girls that you obtained. you can see this with your hp/mp on the lower right of the menu screen you get from pressing X key.

Some gang members come around at the start of every second week from a certain point in the game. They demand you pay 5k ~ 100k money to them depending on how far you are in game. If you can't pay them, you have to sell one of your girls [in which case there's a small scene and then you lose that girl]. This can happen after you enter the main office building with the two girls, lose a battle or interact with the girls; basically anything that would roll over to the second week.

Go to the blond npc in the building you start off for interacting with your girls. The commands you can do are:
営業 - idols 'work' for money and fame. Can only be done by girls that have become idols.
レッスン - turns girls into idols. this gives the girls experience points on the full version. The girls become idols at certain levels depending on the girl.
休息 - rest to replenish the health point/体力 of all the girls.
ユーニット確認 - see your current idols that are going on a concert thing. Note that the rating on the bottom left, the group's average stat, may not show the correct stat on the turn the idol group is formed. Will need to attend at least one concert to show the proper group average.
ユーニット結成 - create or disband an idol group [or unit, whatever you wanna call it].

Fame/名声 is basically the main character's exp points. Get fame to level him up.

Live concert that occurs on the start of every 4th week and 'work'ing gives money and fame. Lesson and Rest seems to completely heal the character you control. Unsure if 'Work'ing does too.

Girl's stats:
体力 Determines the number of times the girl can perform a Lesson/Work action.
歌唱力 and 色気 Determines the amount of money earned through Live concert.
協調性 Determines the chance of succeeding the Live concert.
ダンス力 Determines the fame earned through Live concert.
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Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

oh loks interesting like this circle games and this one has bf to:D
any links jet?
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

Game might have loli content.

Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

can i ask for an link for this game here?
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

well there may some lolis but not too many so may i ask for a pm link?
(it's a really difficult question because i personally hate loli shit but love bf games)
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Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

If somepony gets the link pls post here that you have it in sake of preventing a tsunami of posts asking for the link.
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

pm link please
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

PM the link too....:):)
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

Can someone pm mt a link
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

1.24 Gb... holy crap il need to torrent if gonna get this game XD
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

If somepony gets the link pls post here that you have it in sake of preventing a tsunami of posts asking for the link.

Hahahaha!!! Somepony? really? really?

If this game comes out on the English Dlsite I might get it. I usually like Saboten games, their artwork really sells it for me.
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Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

They're artwork? Really? Really?

Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

They're artwork? Really? Really?


yes, they are artwork. Saboten, is Art, the very essence of it, distilled down, and made man.
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

yes, they are artwork. Saboten, is Art, the very essence of it, distilled down, and made man.

Kinda deep. I like it.
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

PM link please:D
Re: セックスアイドル48!~淫乱娘アイドル化計画~

When someone can pm me a link it would be very cool :cool: :D
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