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[LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2012
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I've always liked things that were like... draining? Swallowing? Not vore, but something where the girl is like... taking or receiving. If it's a girl doing this, I'm aroused by it; if it's a guy doing this, I feel uncomfortable and repulsed. Because I'm certain I'm heterosexual, I've concluded that there is something inherent in these acts that makes me uncomfortable. I want to figure out what that is, and I have no idea how to go about it.

Now, the reason I'm posting this on a hentai board is because hentai is what piqued my curiosity about this quirk of mine. I've amassed quite a collection over the years, and have collected some gifs that may aid in my description of what triggers the discomfort I'm talking about.

I have no idea what connects them. Sure, there's a biological imperative to push DNA into other humanoids - but then why does stuff like life draining end up being arousing too? Maybe someone else can provide some insight on the subject. Worst case, I learn nothing from this authoring this thread, but maybe I'll at least provide some dude with a handful of good hentai gifs (and a few normal cartoon gifs).

So, without further ado, here's a bunch of gifs that make me feel funny.

Here are some examples of stuff that makes me want to pull and tug on my wiener:

EXAMPLE 1 said:

Airi (in the maid costume) from Queen's Blade, and... someone less important that I didn't bother identifying.

EXAMPLE 2 said:

I have no idea where this gif is from.

Here are some examples of stuff that elicits similar feelings of awkwardness, but without any identifiable sexual associations:

EXAMPLE 3 said:

Here's one from an episode of Batman Beyond where (Youtube). I remember watching this and being like, "whoa, shouldn't this be censored? I guess it's not really erotic, but it's... definitely weird."

EXAMPLE 4 said:
I'm hitting the image cap, so this one's just a link.

(which took forever to load) is from an episode of Dragonball Z where (Youtube). Again, not sexual, but really weird and uncomfortable. Dragonball Z was FULL of shit like this, too. Every opponent absorbed or went inside or possessed people. Gross.
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Re: [LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.

Milking/Body Draining through the orifices are some of my favorite fetishes :D. Gif #2 is from HHH Triple Ecchi if I recall correctly.
Here's a to doujin I like. It has Magic Draining in it (starts on Page 42, it's in chinese).
Re: [LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.

Milking/Body Draining through the orifices are some of my favorite fetishes :D. Gif #2 is from HHH Triple Ecchi if I recall correctly.
Here's a to doujin I like. It has Magic Draining in it (starts on Page 42, it's in chinese).

I can't read Chinese, so... so far all I've seen is a girl with crabs flying around ice cream land.
Re: [LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.

I'll take a crack at amateur psychology.

So from what I'm seeing from this fetish, it's a very specific form of the basic "dom-sub" relationship (If you don't know much about that, It's a pretty essential concept in hentai). Using your terms, you have a "taker" and a "receiver". The magical thing about it is that both people can fall under both the dom or the sub and it could still be arousing.

Let's take Example 1. The red-haired girl, Airi, is shown as the dom in this case. We see restraint of the sub by the dom, an unwilling expression that's mixed with arousal, as well as a sense of hopelessness. I'd like to think that this is a typical scenario is a hentai scene with a clear dom and sub role.

Where the truly unique part of the scene comes in, however, is the short clip of what appears to be Airi taking some of the other girl's substance. It could be a soul, it could be her life force, whatever. The important part is that it seems to be something important and the dom has just taken it. And being the sub, the other girl can do nothing but shyly look away. From this, I'd say that your interest in this fetish has something to do with the specific fact that sub helplessly watches as her very essence is taken away from her while at the same time being sexually interacted with.

I would liken it to certain h-scenes, in which one's significant other is raped by another person, while the person is forced to watch. I can recall Taimanin Asagi's first episode had something like that. It's a mixture of the (usually not sexual) excitement of seeing one person being helpless as they lose something of value to them, while at the same time being already sexually stimulated.

Moving on to Example 2, this time we have a (I would assume) man and a woman. I wouldn't be so bold as to assume that you like a female dom and male sub, as that's a little different from what we're talking about, but we can still see a dom-sub relationship going on, or at the very least a scene with a sexually aggressive woman. Besides the whole "creampie" aspect that most people are aroused by, what I'd guess you're most interested in is the fact that she's so willing to take all of the ejaculate in her mouth and still keep a suggestive face on. In this case, it's probably a matter of seeing the dom (which I'm interpretting as the female, if you didn't realize), being able to assume a sub position, and yet still seem like she's in control. By seeing this, I'd imagine that it becomes less of a scene of "girl gives blowjob" and more of a "girl allows man to use her mouth".

Now I was only talking about the dom portion of the entire scene, but what about the draining/swallowing? Well that's just the more popular fetish of finishing inside a woman, and that could be interpreted as a simple, "Well she swallowed my ejaculate. People don't do that. But she did it. That's hot." It could also be interpreted in the case of your fetish as, "She's taken something from the man. Granted, it's not important, but she still took it. He didn't give it to her; she took it. And she looks satisfied for taking it." I didn't point it out in the first example, but both that and this example have something notable about the dom's expression: they're both happy about taking something away from the sub. Based on what you're saying, I'd make the assumption that you enjoy when the dom is getting off. Does something like bondage sound a little arousing to you? What about rape? Granted, those are pretty broad and explored topics, but they borrow from this concept too.

Finally, we have the two male subs that are actually receiving. First of all, these are breaking from the pattern in that the male is now the focus and they are the ones receiving, and unwillingly I might add. You can chock up your uncomfortable feeling to a number of things. My guess is that:

1. There's a bit of homoeroticism emitting from these scenes, and you're uncomfortable with a dude being the one treated as the sex symbol. Nothing wrong with that. It's a hentai forum and we don't judge people's preferences (unless it gets us in trouble).

2. There is no taking. There is only receiving. The dom-sub relationship is also switched. In the previous two examples, we saw the doms taking because they are controlling the situation. In these new situations, we have subs that are receiving against their will. Now, on its own, the concept might be appealing, but when combined with the fact that it's a man that's become the sub, it starts looking wrong. The man isn't normally the sub, especially not to the woman (in Example 3's case).

3.It's a lot more relatable to you (who I'm assuming is male). I've always had the belief that when somebody views a sexual act, they subconsciously put themselves in that position as well to experience the pleasure more acutely. After all, imagination is half the story when it comes to hentai. I'd even be so bold as to say this applies to all fantasy situations. A typical person should have the ability to empathize, which gives them the ability to think about situations they've never been in. Why are we scared for a protagonist in a horror film? Why do we enjoy Bethesda games that put the player as close to the avatar they control as they can? Why do men typically enjoy it when a woman is feeling pleasure? We empathize with their emotions. That's why a lot of people don't like guro, at least at a subconscious level, I believe.

So when you see a man being forced into a sub position, wouldn't you feel emasculated? Shouldn't you feel like the dom? Isn't this what a gay man would do, not a straight man? That's probably the conflict you feel when you see Batman and Inque or Vegito and Buu.

And of course, as always, I could just be talking out of my ass and not even close to what you might be experiencing. But I'd like to think that about 85% or more of porn has a bit of dom-sub in it (at varying ratios of course) and that's why so many fetishes derive from it.
Re: [LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.

I'm busy lately, and responding to your post will likely take me several hours of redundant, ruminating thought.

I will, though.
Re: [LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.

...Always found life-draining to be oddly hot for whatever reason. The Batman thing caught me off guard.
Re: [LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.

I haven't forgotten about this thread. Responding will likely take several hours, and life sucks, so I haven't gotten around to it.

But I will.
Re: [LOTS OF GIFS] Life draining, Creampies, Swallowing, Batman, and Dragonball Z.

Almost ready to reply. Almost.