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Artemis Academy

Re: Artemis Academy

Merry Christmas! I promise that it is totally a coincidence that Artemis is also near the end of it's inter-semester break, and that our 'hero' will be visiting a snowy place.

== Sarah ==

Sarah shivered but managed to keep on, but she was grateful that April's coat had a short tail she could hold on to. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to make out her girlfriend most of the time. It was too cold to talk, and too windy to be heard in any case. She could feel the delicate tug of the girl behind her on her own jacket, and was currently dearly hoping that Professor Merryweather had been more correct about the bolthole then she had been about the weather. Because if not, they were all going to die.

That cheerful thought had hardly really had time to set in before suddenly the veil of the blizzard was lifted in front of her face. She blinked, let go of April's coat - a difficult task with near-frozen fingers - and wiped the frozen hair out of her face. She had just passed a thick steel door, and... a push at her back reminded her that there were still two girls behind her, and she moved further inside.

The girl directly behind her, a cute but oblivious blonde with disconcertingly intense amber eyes, did the same thing Sarah had, stopping in the doorway, looking around, and only moving when she was practically pushed into the room by the final member of their party, a raven-haired girl who looked ready to collapse on the spot.

"Well, maybe a little further than I thought, but here we are. And I've already started up the heater. If someone could just close the door... there are enough supplies to last weeks, and as soon as the weather clears someone will be along to collect us. The door?"

Sarah turned to look. Two of the other girls were pushing as hard as they could, but the door was still about an inch open. "Um... I'm afraid that the door will have to be closed. The heater is sufficient for normal circumstances, but it'll drop well below zero when the sun goes down, and it's not quite that good..."

All five women pushed, but with all their strength, feet sliding on the slick floor. A minute or so passed. "Um... it's not going to budge. Maybe we could block up the hole?"

A brief search of the closet at the back of the room turned up a number of cans of food, the controls for the heater, and little else. Finally, the Professor shrugged off her coat. "Come on girls, it'll be plenty warm if we can block out the blizzard..."

Five coats managed to cover the base of the door adequately, but left big gaps on the top and side. This time nobody had to speak. Five pairs of pants and five shirts filled out the rest. Five women in their underwear practically collapsed directly on the floor as the room as it warmed.

Sarah found herself among them, lying next to April. She fell asleep in minutes, and immediately started dreaming...

Voting: Who does Sarah 'get with' in her dreams? (and afterward, probably in real life as well.)

A.) April, her girlfriend
B.) Sam
C.) Jenny
D.) Professor Merryweather

(Vote for as many as you like.)

Also, in the event that Sam is one of the girls Sarah's going to be sleeping with (regardless of if you voted for it or not):

1.) Sarah catches cat-girl-itis (but not April)
2.) April catches nyan-osis (but not Sarah)
3.) Both of catch the feline fever
4.) Both of them are dog people (immune to it)

== Hitomi ==

Kimiko looked stunning. Her dress shifted colors smoothly, subtle patterns shimmering in a way that suggested it was on the edge of transparency without ever actually showing anything. Hitomi could only muster a sickly smile for her old schoolmate, rival, friend, enemy. Lover, almost.

It had been weeks since she'd had her situation explained, and so far her 'host' had kept true to their word. The arousal had grown more intense, with her 'little friend' helping it along considerably. She'd broken down after only three days, and masturbated at least once daily since. It felt like failure... and bliss, at least for a moment.

She didn't want to face her old friend like this. They'd always competed at everything. Tests, sports, socially... Hitomi thought she'd generally had an edge, if for no other reason then that her family was more wealthy. But now it seemed that this was not the case. At least, the mesmerising dress was a good deal more dignified than the Artemis uniform that Hitomi still wore. Still pantyless. But she couldn't leave Kimiko without any explanation. "Kimi, I'm... I'm not exactly..."

"You", her friend responded, "are a slave." She smiled happily. "Whereas I am a free woman. I suppose they told you you're never going back to Earth? Did you know there are aliens? I shall be a citizen in another year or two. Maybe then I'll buy you. Fat lot of good your money did you in the end, right?"

Hitomi stared, stunned. "Hah! You should see the look on your face. I'd free you if I could, but there seems to be some problem with my gaining citizenship. Really, are they treating you well? I was told I could visit every week, if I liked. I couldn't believe you were here too! And enslaved? I'm sure you'll find a way to turn it to your advantage."

"Well, they... they haven't done anything... untoward. Not exactly." Hitomi couldn't bring herself to mention the big thing... or rather, the quite little thing. The elephant in the room. The octopus in her womb.

"Well, anyway, we have a lot of catching up to do, I think... tell me how you ended up here!"


Several hours later, Kimiko left the room. Hitomi stayed, and only made it a few seconds after the door closed behind her friend before her skirt was pulled out of the way, and her fingers finished what the tentacles had started. There was no way the other woman hadn't noticed, and in fact Hitomi was fairly sure that the shift to reds and pinks in her friend's dress indicated something of a similar feeling... though probably not with exactly the same cause. The stupid little freak had been pounding her since she set eyes on her old friend, keeping her just shy of orgasm the entire visit. Even worse than it did when she was near one of the maids.

There was no way she could go through that again, not without release. But Kimiko had promised to return the next week, and Hitomi hadn't been able to bring herself to say no.

(to be continued.)
Re: Artemis Academy

A,D at least, may as well B, and C as well. Also 4
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Re: Artemis Academy

All of the above, and maybe 4.
Re: Artemis Academy

We've got a 50/50 split between D and "all of em'".

== Sarah ==

Sarah lay in the soft grass of the forest, luxuriating in the warmth of the sun. And in the attentions of April. Her eyes were closed against the glare of the sun, but she let out a moan as April kissed her neck, ran one hand up her side until it was cupping a breast, ran the other down until it was tickling her stomach, then lower. And with her other hand, gently parted Sarah's thighs.

Even the warm air of Artemis felt cool running over the wetness between her legs, but not for long. Sarah felt the shadow as a figure blocked out some of the sun, kneeling between her legs. Then they bent forward, kissing her there. Sarah's back arched, and she grabbed gently at April's head as the kisses moved up her neck and to her lips.

Her eyes sprang up. It was indeed April she was kissing. She gasped, her realization halted by an orgasm as whoever it was between her legs expertly finished her off. When she got control of herself Sarah gently pushed April off, and got a look at who the third woman was. Professor Merryweather got back to her knees, licking her lips as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Her impressive breasts hung free, and a quick glance further down suggested that she was pretty thoroughly aroused.

And then behind her she saw another two young women, nude and kissing. And more than kissing.

== Sarah ==

Sarah awoke with a start. It was sweltering hot all of the sudden, and only partly because of her arousal. She quietly glanced around. April's head was buried between her own breasts, sleeping peacefully. A sound made her turn more. The professor had one hand down her panties, moving gently, though she seemed to be sound asleep. Sarah blushed, especially when she noticed that Jenny seemed to have fallen asleep with one hand around the professor's waist.

Her eyes continued to roam. Until she met Sam's golden eyes. There was a hunger there that Sarah hadn't expected, almost desperate. The blonde moved across the floor silently, until she was pressed against Sarah's back. A handed rested gently on her thigh, and she let out an almost involuntary gasp. A few seconds later, a pair of cotton panties landed in front of her face. With a big damp spot, the source of which Sarah promptly felt pressed against the small of her back. The hand at her thigh moved down, tugging at Sarah's own panties.

At which point April's eyes blinked open. Her girlfriend's moods were easier to read. This was an April who wasn't going to take no for an answer. Sarah was pushed over, almost squishing Sam. April let out a predatory moan, and Sarah realized that she too had managed to slip her panties. Then April froze, her eyes meeting Sam's. Across the room, there was a girlish yelp. The entire room seemed to be balancing on the edge of a knife for a moment.

Then April made a gesture with her head, the point of which Sarah couldn't quite make out. Sam seemed to know, though, getting to her feet... and then kneeling above Sarah's head, lowering her dripping pussy towards Sarah's face, while Sam leaned forward to kiss April.

== Sarah ==

Sarah walked across the room, checking a third pair of near-identical panties. Finally she'd found her own. None of the other women had bothered to get dressed yet, and she could understand why. It had been a pretty intense night.

The professor was examining the furnace. "Must for some reason be leaking some sort of mild aphrodisiac. Though why a furnace should have a mild aphrodisiac in the first place... must have some other use..."

Jenny was also looking through the discarded and nearly-identical undergarments. "Um... maybe we should get dressed, if we think the rescue ship is going to be here soon."

Sam turned an amused look on Sarah. "It's unmanned. We could go naked until we were in sight of the Academy, if we wanted." From the tone of voice, there was no doubt what option she prefered. And something seemed to be wrong with the girl's eyes. The pupils didn't look quite right...

April seemed to consider this for a moment. "I don't fancy walking naked across the snow, at least." The others seemed to agree, reluctantly. "Of course, the flight back will be almost six hours..."

Sam was grinning, and Sarah found herself blushing as well.

1. Aurora Norte. A redheaded catgirl majoring in Math, with a-cup breasts and an intact virginity. (6/10 exposure)
2. Sarah Summer. Blonde, Blue-eyed civil engineer, with c-cup breasts. In her first same-sex relationship, with her roommate April. Seems to be a somewhat open relationship, now. (3/10 exposure).
3. Alesha Willow. Black haired, blue-eyed biology major, with b-cup breasts. Lesbian with only solo experience. Some of that 'solo' was with a plant. (3/10 exposure)
4. Cassandra Alistair. Brown haired, brown-eyed Theater major, with d-cup breasts. Experienced bisexual. Experienced tentacle breeder. (7/10 exposure)
5. Hitomi Fujimoto.Black haired, blue-eyed Sculpture major, with c-cup breasts. Very inexperienced bisexual. Lived the dream of the fisherman's wife. (RETIRED)
6. Jessica Blake. ??? (0/10 exposure)
7. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
8. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
9. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
10. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)

A.) Sarah Summer. (Continue current character)
B.) Aurora Norte.
C.) Alesha Willow.
D.) Cassandra Alistair.
E.) Jessica Blake.
F.) Suggest a name.

For E/F ONLY: Design a character.

1.) (optional) Hair color.
2.) (optional) Eye color.
3.) (optional) Breast size.
4.) (optional) Major.
5.) (optional) Sexual orientation.
6.) (optional) Previous sexual experience.
7.) (optional) Other physical information, or factual past.

Note: I reserve the right to veto characters that I don't think fit. (Athletic, reasonably intelligent, not complete sluts) "Modifications" may happen later, but they will all at least start out within the normal human variances.

Hitomi moaned, gripping Kimiko tightly. Part of her hated herself for giving in to her 'instructions' and ending up sleeping with the guest. But she'd nearly done so all the way back on Earth, Kimiko was clearly still interested, and Hitomi herself had been nearly out of her mind with arousal.

She'd been halfway afraid that the tentacle would slip all the way out of her pussy and be visible to her old friend, given how active it seemed to be in Kimiko's presence. But it hadn't. And best of all, it had stopped fucking her the minute she'd kissed her guest. She felt Kimiko scratching at her back as they rubbed together, and Hitomi almost wanted to do the same as her orgasm approached.

She felt her friend seize under her seconds before she reached her own climax. Which left her panting into her childhood friend's modest bosom. That was nice. Then, suddenly, something shifted between her legs. Hitomi let out a helpless moan as her passenger slipped into her canal. Only this was different. It wasn't just a tentacle. She felt the entire thing pass, swelling her passage. It wasn't as big as the one that had initially knocked her up, but it had grown in its extended time in her womb.

A wave of exhaustion washed over her, and she looked dully on Kimiko's face as an expression of confusion came over it. "Hitomi? What's... that?" Hitomi felt the little suckers on her ass as the octopus steadied itself. Then Kimiko started struggling. Hitomi started to lift herself off her friend. Then she felt the tentacle that the little freak had left in her vagina stir, gently fucking her. The message seemed clear. Stay put, or it was going back in. So she stayed put, and kept Kimiko with her.

There was a moan of terror and arousal, and a squishing sound that Hitomi tried to ignore. Then Kimiko shuddered, and seemed to pass out.

Hitomi rolled off, and looked down between her legs. There was the hated octopus. It withdrew the last tentacle from Hitomi's body, and shifted. The tentacles reached out, curling around her legs and waist, and sticking fast there. She felt something new push into her. And realized that she'd felt this particular intrusion once before. She screamed, and tried to pull the thing off, but it was stuck fast. She practically saw the thing deflate, felt each egg as it passed first her pussy lips and then her cervix.

It felt like forever before it was done, detached. Hitomi saw a maid come out of nowhere and lift the thing off her bed, patting the exhausted slave's stomach. Then the maid put one hand on her own belly, smiling, and Hitomi saw that it was swollen. Then she passed out.

(To Be Concluded)
Re: Artemis Academy

Sorry about the delay, busy holidays, sickness, had a hard time getting back into this.

== Jessica Blake ==

Jessica let an eye lazily open. It was more habit than anything else. Usually, lying on the beach, she'd peek every few minutes to see if anyone cute was around. But after a semester at Artemis she already knew the answer to that. No guys, of course, but she was willing to give that up - at least for a while - just to know that whenever she wanted, she could go lie on the beach, confident in the knowledge that when she opened her eyes there would be half a dozen scantily clad women parading about. And most of them open to the idea of sleeping with other girls.

Of course, she wouldn't be able to do it so much in the next week. Classes had to start back up. Jessica figured she should probably care more about that, but... well, when she got out of the sun it would probably seem a little more urgent. For now, everything was great. And even class wouldn't be so bad. New books, and of course she'd be stuck in a little room with 20 college co-eds.

That was actually one thing she missed. Not the co-eds, obviously, plenty of those around. But new books. Artemis apparently had a fully-functional connection to the interplanetary info-gate network, but they didn't allow free access to it. Or perhaps more accurately, direct access. A lot of popular stuff got copied over to a planetside cache fairly often, to the point where the less aware students probably didn't even notice anything different. And you could request things for school that would be almost immediately approved if they were even feasibly education-related. But there hadn't been much excuse for that over the break. Which had meant not a single new book on the entire planet - as far as she could tell - for weeks. Or, well, possibly teachers or upper level classes had brought some into their private stations or something, but nothing accessible to her.

Something to look forward to with classes starting back up, one of the side benefits of a literature major. She'd be learning something this semester, even if her classes all turned out to be useless.

So... what's Jessica going to learn?

1.) What it feels like to have a penis.
2.) The effects of a native Artemis drug, previously unknown.
3.) The true purpose of Artemis Academy (extreme danger for her, obviously)
4.) About the tentacles native to the Island.
5.) That there is, in fact, a second and entirely unrelated race of tentacle monsters on the planet.
6.) Insert_Option_here

Hitomi kissed the maid before she got out of bed. First on the cheek, then again on her belly. She still didn't know all the womens' names, but that didn't matter. She knew something else about them. After her previous night's 'work', all eight were host to the same thing as her. Along with at least half a dozen other women.

It had gotten easier after the first time. Once she'd stopped fighting. She'd learned the rules, never spoken. But they were simple, at least. Mostly just having sex with anyone she could reach, and not to stray too far from the Manor, for too long. Easier too, once she realized that one of the maids had actually decided to keep one of her first offspring as a pet. With predictable results.

Unfortunately, it seemed like only one of the eight maids currently 'employed' by her master would be permanent hosts, like herself. The rest got filled with eggs easily enough, but when they gave birth the octopuses left them alone. Hitomi had no idea why. But she listened to the news when she went into the nearby town, and she'd heard that there were increasing incidents of attacks on women in the bay. And even an outbreak halfway across the continent, in the city where Kimiko had been staying. Her children would spread.

Hitomi headed for the master's suite. Technically, he'd never asked - or ordered - her to fuck him. But her passenger had had other ideas, and he certainly hadn't argued when she'd finally presented herself. And after everything else she'd done... well, it seemed like such a small thing. A way to say 'thank you' for what he'd done. She touched her belly and smiled, imagining that she could feel the eggs growing already.
Re: Artemis Academy


Edit: I approve of xigva's idea.
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Re: Artemis Academy


She'll immediately be the most popular girl in school, lol.

Edit: Heh, maybe 1 could be the result of 2.