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Artemis Academy

Re: Artemis Academy

3. Operation bestiality is go!
Re: Artemis Academy

== Cassy ==

Cassy looked around. She was definitely alone. Absolutely. The forest was eerily silent, and it felt like she'd hear someone coming from a mile away. She collapsed to the ground, her back against a tree, and tore her skirt getting it off. Her panties were already soaked. It had been forever since she'd been able to cum, but that hadn't stopped her getting horny. In fact, it seemed to have stopped her being able to stop getting horny. The panties vanished as well, and both hands started working on the dripping pussy suddenly revealed.

Maybe it was just some sort of nervousness. Maybe out here, all alone, she'd be able to cum. It didn't make terribly much sense, but she had to try! It took about ten seconds to realize it wasn't working, that all she was doing was making her arousal worse. But she couldn't stop.

Half an hour later she was exhausted, sore, and with three fingers wrinkled from her arousal, but she still hadn't finished even once. She threw herself face down on the forest floor and screamed with frustration.

An eternity passed, or possibly about five seconds. It was getting hard to tell through the haze of arousal. Something had touched her leg, tentatively. Cassy didn't move. She didn't care. If it wasn't going to let her cum, what did it matter?

The sensation moved up her leg, leaving a slightly tingling sensation behind as it seemed to coil gently around her. Maybe it was a snake, here to eat her. At least then the need would be gone. Hopefully. It prodded at her dripping wet pussy, and she balled up a fist and slammed it into the ground. Great. It could make things worse, arousing her even more.

The brown-haired mess started to turn over to pull the thing off her, and she felt it move with a burst of speed, slipping between the too-lubricated lips. She gasped and started to scream. But something pulled the scream from her throat. By the time she realized what was happening she was writhing, back arched, toes curling, and letting out a scream of pleasure that nearly deafened her.

Someone might have heard. They must have heard, even across the entire island! It didn't matter. Some sort of unseen snake-thing was fucking her. That also didn't matter. She had finally orgasmed! It was bliss! The best orgasm of her life, almost worth the eternity of buildup.

More. She needed more. Her rolled over and looked between her thighs. It was green strongly muscled, and at least twenty feet long, ending out of sight in the brush. There was a trail of something almost clear, very slightly white goo up her leg.

She put both hands around the thing near her pussy, and with all her strength pulled it nearly all the way out. The tip seemed to bulge slightly, and as soon as she saw and felt that, Cassy started pushing it back in. This went more smoothly, and it started pulling back out before she could do anything. After half a dozen thrusts she was futilely trying to slow it down, and after a dozen she was on her back moaning again.

After her second orgasm she didn't have to coax it to start back up, and after the third it went a little before she was ready. And it didn't stop when she climaxed, it just kept going. Orgasms got closer and closer together until they started to overlap...

== Cassy ==

She awoke with a gasp, sitting bolt upright. She was in her dorm room. Sandy's naked form stirred slightly on the other bed, but didn't wake. Which was good. Cassy didn't need her friend to see her like this, so horny but unable to cum. And what had that dream been? She supposed she'd do practically anything for an orgasm, just now, but it wasn't that bad. She had discipline. Hell, it had only been three days! She'd made Sandy go longer than that without cumming!

Still... Cassy glanced at her panties, which were soaked through. She hadn't *actually* orgasmed in her sleep, just been horny as fuck. Maybe that explained why she had just kept going like that. The whole thing needed to be addressed. She'd go to a nurse in the morning. And if they couldn't help, maybe she'd try the idea from her dream. The first one, at any rate. The island was unlikely to provide any horny snakes, or whatever that thing had been.

Okay, so... I think we all know what's going to happen next. But there are still some things to decide:

1: A.) Once she finds a tentacle in the real world once, she can cum again naturally.
1: B.) For the duration of her stay at the Academy, Cassy can only cum from a tentacle or similar creature's attentions.

2: A.) All tentacles can impregnate.
2: B.) Only specialized tentacles can impregnate.
2: C.) Tentacles only impregnate women they hold in one of their lairs.

Note: either way, Cassy isn't getting knocked up. In the next post. Probably.

OOC Tidbit:

As per an early factoid, most people believe that the last great war was a civil war, caused by competing networks of Gateways. They are wrong. It was an attack by something outside. Humanity never stood a chance, in an actual fight. The hugely incompatible computer systems let them fight a defensive battle on the digital front, but an unwillingness to cut all digital communication made it a losing battle there as well. At first the spread of the attackers was slowed as Humanity remotely severed gateways that fell into enemy hands, but eventually this stopped working, and the time bought as gaps were bridged at the speed of light was spent fighting viruses that had made it through before anyone even knew there was an enemy.

The final victory was the complete eradication of knowledge about who did the attacking. Since that time they have continued living in the shadows, watching humanity, curtailing or redirecting their renewed expansion as necessary. And culling select individuals as they see fit, for entertainment or curiosity. Or pleasure.
Re: Artemis Academy

4 votes for letting Cassy cum, 3 against. And now we have special impregnation tentacles.

== Cassy ==

Cassy bit her lip in concentration as she carefully twisted the last knot into place, let out a sigh, and started testing her work. "Go over the rules one last time, I'm almost done down here."

"I'm going to wear this until you agree that I've learned my lesson. I won't take it off for anything. I'm forbidden from wearing panties except to class. I can't wear anything but this in our room."

Everything seemed fine. The half-inch marble wasn't going to come out of the little cradle, so Cassy reached up above Sandy's ass and slipped the other end of the rope into the knot in the small of the blonde's back. She got back to her knees and checked her handywork. One more tug and the suspended marble gently parted Sandy's lower lips, where it was already receiving its first coat of natural lubrication.

"If I have to... you know... I can push one of the ropes out of the way." She faltered for a moment as Cassy continued messing with the arrangement between her legs. "I-I can shower in the m-middle of the night if I want, but I have to wear this anyway. C-Cassy, somebody's going to notice!"

The brunette shrugged. A little discomfort for Sandy didn't really bother her, not while she still had to change her panties several times a day, while she still couldn't cum, not for anything. "In which case you'll be a pretty embarrassed little toy, won't you? Do your best to show how sorry you are, and maybe I'll let you out before that happens."

The tied-up freshman nodded glumly, went to pick up the clothes she'd peeled off nearly an hour ago, then sighed and sat down at her desk as she was, gasping as the marble was pushed a little further inside her. Cassy grinned with pleasure. "Good. Now, I'm going out for a while. You can sit here and stew for a bit. Maybe you'll stop moaning every time you sit down before dinner." She slipped out the door, careful not to open it enough for anyone to see past her. Then, before closing the door, she stuck her head back in. "Oh, and no masturbating! I wouldn't want to have to spank you!"

That taken care of, for the moment, Cassy started down the stairs and towards the road to the observatory. Sandy was, now, plan B. It was clear that, for whatever reason, her tongue wasn't enough to get Cassy off, no matter how hard she tried. If what she was doing today didn't work - and she didn't think it would - she'd already carefully approached a few people. The idea of a threesome clearly turned Sandy on, and by the time she'd sat in that harness a couple of days, she'd agree to practically anything.

For a few minutes, Cassy was lost in thought as she jogged down the jungle road. She reached the observatory, and continued right on into the trees. Jogging wasn't really an option at that point, but she kept on as fast as she could. Another hour later, and the sun was starting to set as she finally found what she was looking for.

It was almost eerie. She hadn't heard the ocean waves in her dream, but other than the addition of that and the normal jungle noises, the little clearing was exactly how she remembered it. Soft grass in an irregular circle where a tree must have fallen. There was even the tree she'd sat down against when the dream had started.

She sat down with her back to it now, pulled off her jeans, and closed her eyes. It had been more than a week since she'd had an orgasm outside her dreams. She'd gone to the nurse, and been told that the woman couldn't really help, that everything seemed normal, physically.

Her panties were practically dripping. Of course they were, after setting up Sandy like that, and some of the thoughts she'd had on her run, and the difficulty she seemed to be having shedding arousal lately. She ran a finger down them, and moaned helplessly. Cassy stripped the rest of the way down, and tried to masturbate to the memory of her dream.

It seemed so close, but it didn't work. She was about ready to give up, to take her pack and trek back through the woods, or perhaps to walk along the beach to the docks, given that the sun was starting to set. And then something brushed her foot.

She let out a scream and pulled back. And saw... a long, green thing, moving like a snake. It didn't seem to have scales, and was oddly muscled. It was as thick around as her wrist in the center, where it had touched her foot. At its head it was perhaps an inch across, widening hardly at all for the first four or five feet. It was leaving a mucous trail on its underside.

The theater major felt her eyes practically popping out of their sockets. It was almost exactly what she'd seen in her dream, and she was almost certain she'd never seen anything like it anywhere else. She found its head, which flared out slightly from it's 'neck'. There was a slit at the end, but no obvious eyes or ears or anything like that. Certainly no teeth. And nothing on the island was supposed to be at all dangerous.

Before she could tell herself how insane this was, she grabbed the thing with both hands around its 'neck', and pulled its head toward her dripping crotch. It felt... strong as hell, with hardly any give as she squeezed. Instead, it just seemed to exude more of that mucous anywhere it felt pressure. Fortunately, it seemed fairly cooperative, going where she guided it. Its head pressed against her swollen lower lips. It was warm.

Cassy gritted her teeth and pushed it inside her. The orgasm was immediate, and powerful. It hadn't gone more than an inch in, and as she sat writhing on the grass, she felt it pull out, and start crawling up on her belly. The slime tingled slightly.

She recovered, gritted her teeth, and pulled the thing's head back to her crotch. This time it went at least four inches in before wriggling slightly, making her cum, and pulling out. The remainder of its body had curled around one leg, and it seemed to be getting less cooperative, but that didn't matter. With an effort, Cassy shoved it inside her for a third time. This time it sunk in without any resistance whatsoever, once it reached her pussy, and kept going until it struck bottom. She let out a gasp of pain, but it was already pulling itself back out, and pleasure threatened to overwhelm her.

Cassy hesitated, not sure if she should continue. But the green tentacle didn't, immediately sliding back inside again. She grabbed it as tightly as she could with both hands, trying to halt its progress, and felt the combination of her own lubricant and the mucous from squeezing the thing conspire to let it slip through her hands with ease. It didn't quite hit her cervix this time, and didn't pause for even a second before pulling back out, almost all the way.

The theater major tried desperately now to stop the thing, but it seemed useless. She couldn't get a grip, couldn't slip between the thing's head and her pussy. She switched her attentions to the rest of its body, hoping to get it off her leg and so deny it the leverage it was using to fuck her with increasing speed.

And then it bottomed out on her cervix again, and started quivering. She orgasmed again, her strongest yet, and through the bliss felt something hot fill her and come pouring out of her pussy around the intruder. By the time she recovered, the green tentacle had pulled out of her pussy, and was uncoiling from around her leg. It moved with a speed she hadn't seen before, vanishing into the brush in seconds.

She was left blinking at what lay beneath her legs. Thick, white goo oozed from her pussy, adding to the puddle between her legs. There must have been more than a cup of the stuff. She poked a finger into it, and put it to her lips. It tasted like... cum. Which wasn't a flavor that Cassy particularly liked. It didn't look quite right - too white, too thin, not quite sticky enough - but now that she thought about it, that was probably because it wasn't cum. Certainly not human cum, but even for this thing... it couldn't mate like that, it would have to do it like a snake. This was more likely some sort of defense mechanism, neutered by whatever it was that stopped things on Terraformed planets from developing venom and such.

It must have gotten scared, tried to hide in a hole, and then panicked. The logic was a little shaky, but that was more or less what she'd experienced. And she had been the one that forced it inside her first, right?

It didn't matter. Something more important had happened. She had climaxed. Her fingers darted to her pussy, still dripping the odd white liquid, and started going in and out. It didn't compare to the green tentacle, but she was still horny as fuck, and thirty seconds later she felt herself orgasm. A solid, fulfilling orgasm! It was heaven!

The seconds wasn't quite as good. The third was almost pathetic. She was still unreasonably horny, but also sore, and tired. After some consideration, she moved almost onto the beach, pulled on a spare set of clothes, and bedded down for the night.

Right, so how that's going to work is that Cassy can cum again... but it will get less and less fulfilling the longer she goes without some tentacle lovin' (or similar).


1.) Cassy sleeps safely through the night.
2.) The tentacle returns in the night.
3.) The tentacle returns in the night. With a friend.
4.) The tentacle returns in the night. And brings a friend, only this one is pink. (pink can impregnate)
5.) The tentacle returns in the night. And brings several friends. (enough to easily move a human, for example)

OOC tidbit:

There are a number of varieties of tentacles available for use on Artemis, each with specialized tasks. Or to put it another way, specialized cum.

Green is addictive. Yellow is nutritious to humans. Blue is nutritious to young/unborn tentacles. Pink holds eggs. Purple has a sedative.
Re: Artemis Academy

Hrm.... 3
Re: Artemis Academy

3 then the next day 4 and finally the last night 5
Re: Artemis Academy

3 green... but not highly addictive, just enough to keep her cumming back....
Re: Artemis Academy

In retrospect, I change my vote to plmnko's.