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To Hell(?) and Back!

Re: To Hell(?) and Back!


Mayumi carefully edges around her enemy while he does the same. Neither of them seem willing to make the first move and the first potential mistake as Mayumi hasn't gotten pissed off yet. They continue on for another 3 or 4 seconds until Mayumi gets bored, bounds off her back foot, and throws a kick at the demons ugly mug. He was taken off guard and reacted a half a second too late. The shin lands squarely on his cheek and damn near knocks him to the floor. He spins to keep his feet and swings his club in an upwards uppercut strike. Mayumi tries to back away from it but just puts herself right in the path of the club. It strikes her painfully in the ribs, the cloth doing nothing to dull the impact, but at least it's still intact. The force of the impact nearly knocks her off her feet and she falls to a knee one hand holding her side.

While she's still staggered by the blow, the demon approaches and tackles her over, shouting a roar, and positions himself on top of her. A clawed hand grabs her wrists and holds them above her head. Mayumi desperately tries to wrench he wrists out of his grasp but he's holding her too tightly. The creature's lips curl back in what would pass for a smile as it's free hand descends to the straps of her slip. With a claw, he cuts one of the thin bands on the side and tosses them off, still mostly intact. Then she sees his hard dick.

"What are you doing?!", Mayumi shouts confused, angry, and even a little scared. This prompts a new series of struggles out of the girl but the creature just smiles again. "Don't toy with me, asshole!", Mayumi shouts again. Being mocked is a surefire way to set her off. All of it's for naught as the creature lines itself up and enters her, sending a searing pain through her lower extremities. The beast shows little consideration for her but does put off a pleasant scent that messes with Mayumi's head a bit. She hadn't noticed it at all before, maybe it's not strong enough to have an effect unless it's right up on you for an extended period of time. She's starting to feel a bit more than just the pain. This outright terrifies her. It's something she's completely unfamiliar with and is pretty much a horrifying experience, but why should this feeling this slightly good feeling be coming with it? The fear brings with it new strength as she breaks the creature's loosening grasp on her hands, pushes him back and out of her and delivers a kick up to his chin.

Mayumi regains her feet and feels that familiar red mist descend upon her. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT, DISHONORABLE DOG! I WILL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT THROUGH YOUR NOSE!", Mayumi roars as she charges in. She aims a flurry of punches at the creature. It tries to block some of them but ends up catching a kick right to the balls delivered full force straight on. It's eyes cross and it vomits up something foul and tentacley as it passes out. This doesn't stop Mayumi as she rolls it over and continues pounding on it's face until she's sure it stops moving and breathing. All the while she's been crying. It's been what feels like an eternity since she's cried, not since she heard the news about her brother and father. When she finally tires out she sits on the steps for a minute and just cries to herself for a minute.

Rolls stats and other such things will be posted later, as I have to go to work.
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

Alright, now I know what the fuck I am doing so I shall continue... nearly 2 years after I left off.

You'll want to go back and look at the first page. I've edited it to make sense from a more normal tabletop game now(I've learned D&D, just started playing some 5th edition)

Anyway, the revised stats for Mayumi are as follows

Untamed Rage-Even though her past conflicts no longer matter, a daily diet of rage for a couple years leaves it's marks. She can fly into a rage twice a day. She will do nothing but attack but will gain increased attack power.(+2 to damage when active)
Skilled Warrior-Killing men, particularly warriors as famed as Samurai is tough work when you're smaller. In combat, she has remarkable
focus unless her rage is triggered, giving an increase to defense.(+2 to AC)
Unfamiliar with Sex-Not really certain how her body will respond when... pressured. Virgin and doesn't even really have much knowledge
otherwise.(-2 to lust AC until she gets used to it)
Oblivious-Not really great at reading motives of others and often takes what is said at face value, nearly incapable of deception. Subject to change, but it won't be overnight.(-2 to diplomacy checks)
Judo-Uses DEX modifier rather than STR for hand to hand attack rolls. Damage still uses STR
Proficient with heavy armor, spears, polearms, swords, bows and all simple weapons.

DEX: 17
STR: 13
CON: 15
INT: 10
CHA: 8
COMBAT AC:15(13 when enraged)
EXP: 250

Now let's roll some psychological damage!

Mayumi quickly dries her eyes and stands. This is NOTHING. Physical pain can't make her break down and she has no idea what to make of the good feeling but for once in her life, she doesn't dwell on something. Mayumi puts the thoughts right out of her head and examines her surroundings.

She collects the slip the monster cut off of her and ties the strings up so she can still wear it. It's a bit tighter now, but at least it still covers her. On account of her losing her virginity, it's got a few splotchy blood stains, but blood isn't something she worries about pretty much ever.

Having redressed as best she can, Mayumi walks to the corpse of the oni, spits on it's pulped face, and retrieves it's cudgel.

Cudgel-Simple weapon. light.
Damage-1d4+STR modifier
Attack modifier-STR

She gives it a quick heft, it can break bone if swung hard enough, better to take it anyway. She doesn't have much else to carry right now anyway and maybe giving something a good whack will deter it from pursuing the fight.

Something seems to be missing, unlike the last time, no package appears. Maybe this place figures what she took from the Oni to be reward enough? No matter, Mayumi does the only thing left to do, heads up the stairs. It's a short trip, only about 20 steps until she reaches a small open door. She ducks through and hears it shut instantly behind her followed by the click of a lock engaging.

The room she entered is rather dimly lit but she can make out a sign in jagged writing hanging from the ceiling, "Welcome to the First Labyrinth!". As such, there are 3 more doors, one ahead and one each to the left and right. "Where shall I go?", She wonders.

Failed psyche damage DC

Total:3 psyche damage

EDIT: Because I figure there needs to be an explanation. Her passive perception is too low to warrant giving any further information about the routes. They are all different, I assure you, but if this goes for another day, I'll just go with Maxentius' left to keep things moving. I'm sorry.
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Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

To keep things moving because I understand this wasn't an interesting choice.

LEFT!(follow the lefthand wall? Classic!)

There doesn't seem to be much difference regardless of where Mayumi goes so she just kind of picks a path at random.

Left will do

She enters the hall and feels it progressively getting narrower until It's just wide enough for her to walk normally. Fortunately it stops narrowing there, but it still fills her with an uneasy feeling. Trying to swing a club in dimensions like this would be quite ineffective. Her arm brushes up against a nearly imperceptibly raised brick and she hears a click. Before she can react a dart shoots at an angle out of the ceiling and strikes her in the shoulder. It causes minimal pain but fills her with a heat that settles on her groin and stomach. On top of this she feels a bit of moisture seep into her panties, blotting out the small splotches of blood slightly.

Mayumi shakes her head and tries to banish the strange new feelings, but she's not sure what to do but plow ahead. After a few more minutes in the cramped quarters of the hallway, she sees the walls come to an end at sharp 90 degree angles. She hears a sound like water dripping into a pool up ahead. As she enters the chamber, lit by a few bio-luminescent plants growing out of the suddenly moss covered floor, she sees the source of the noise. A very large flowering plant is hanging from the ceiling and is dripping a slivery white substance into a small bowl on an unadorned pedestal. Along with this are two more pathways, one that seems to lead back to brick lined halls and another that's less uniform and looks more like the entrance to a cave that looks like more of the same of this room.

What do?

Ignore the bowl(or not)?

Back to bricks?

Into the earthy caves?

Back the way you came?

You're always welcome to come up with another course of action.

Also Rolls
DC DEX=12 to avoid trap 3+3=6 FAIL

Roll lust damage 1d6=6

DEX: 17=+3 modifier
STR: 13=+1
CON: 15=+2
INT: 10=0
CHA: 8=-1
COMBAT AC:15(13 when enraged)
LUST HP: 4 (Mayumi is horny, she just doesn't really know what that means or how it feels)
PSYCHE: 97(as fine as a revenge driven psychopath can be)
EXP: 250
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

Caves or bricks if it gets more support.
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

investigate the liquid in the bowl