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Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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There was an angel who had forsaken her god. Actually, there were many angels who turned away from the Chief God, who had taken rule following the corruption of the previous god Persephone. Persephone was a beloved god and kept the land's peace for centuries despite the threat of demons and monsters. But one day, hundreds of years ago, Persephone slayed the Demon that ruled over all of Hell in an attempt to hold back the demons from the human world, and in doing so, took in all that made him godly. The angels who had at first stood victorious over the land of demons, then fled from it's new ruler, demoralized upon finding Persephone as a demon. With the power of the Chief God and the Lord of Hell in her possession, Persephone came to be regarded as the most terrifying existence any world has ever known. She was unable to even hold her form, and became like a black hole in Hell, a center that none could enter without being consumed. Persephone could only interact with the world by separating herself into smaller pieces, and those fragments were referred to as Lilim, daughters of the Demon Lord.

The Lilim ventured out, and eventually came to have human lovers. Whether these human men were willing or not, even a Lilim, but a fragment of Persephone, contains immense power. Persephone gathered power from these men, and used that power to break the old Demon Lord's curse from her soul, separating his power into seven fragments that would become known as the Seven Cardinal Sins. And they would take shape, becoming Persephone's own daughters. With her power under her own control, she changed all demons and monsters in Hell and in the closest realm of Gaea. These creatures turned into mamono who took on the shapes of attractive females, and their instincts were altered as well. Affecting billions of creatures at once with her power, even Persephone had her limits. All that changed was that the demons and monsters had their instincts changed to seek love from the humans, instead of death. Her power also infused them with her energy, creating a miasma in the atmosphere called the succubus curse. The monsters drew from this power, and on top of becoming women, became even more powerful than they were before.

An angel's life was easy before this change. To slay monsters in the name of humanity made angels nothing but divine. But when monsters began to look like human women seeking love from men, the angels' attempt to save humanity from extinction began to seem savage and brutal. Humans who die as saints come to be angels in Heaven. Women who turn into monsters lose their humanity, and men who become husbands to monsters are anything but saintly. It soon became a pandemic in the Holy Lands, and angels gradually became more concerned with their own kind than the humans. That is when the Chief God of the current day stepped in... And ruled that all humans who associate with monsters shall be purged. She began feeding lies to the human population, that the monsters hadn't changed, and that they still seek to kill humans, only now by seducing them in order to feast on their bodies in private. The word of God made this fear widespread, and an immense hatred of monsters grew... Humans began killing monsters alongside angels... But there were always some who viewed it as inhumane.

Clara was one among them. Compared to many elders, she was still very young, and upon seeing her fellow angels kill infant human girls who were turning into mamono, she betrayed her God. She no longer had the blessing of the Holy Lands to sustain her celestial body. She was a magical being that would fade away if not sustained... For the sake of survival, Clara would have only one option, and that was to let the invisible miasma absorb into her body to become a fallen angel. Absorbing the curse, she would manage to survive by feeding off of humankind. Many men she experienced, and many women she turned into mamono through making contact... She was now an enemy of God. She had to seek the only bastion she could...


Chapter 1: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium

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Pandemonium Castle.

Such was a truly mysterious and confusing place. It was not even of the same world as Gaea, but a separate realm that the god Pandora herself created for those who followed her to seek protection. Pandora was a mystical being that accepted all things in life to establish true neutrality. She walks with one black wing and one white as a sign that she is neither holy nor fallen. Her followers worship her by both embracing Persephone's curse and seeking to sustain and prolong the human race. All manner of races walk the streets of her city, as do they in her castle. Human women are protected from the curse by the Dark Priests, and when you see them, they are usually pregnant with a human child. Religious holidays are held every sunday, and after speeches, prayer is conducted via an orgy with every church member present. They practice the art of being prolific and seeking of pleasure from one another. This led to a very open and friendly community. Everyone knows each other, and everyone cares for one another.

Such was the community Clara found herself coming into. With the humans who were also ostracized from society following her, they walked into the city of Pandora to find it was Sunday... And the streets were filled with those individuals carelessly making love anywhere they pleased. Two women were kissing each other while sharing a pastry treat in front of a cafe. A man had a woman bent over a supply box in a warehouse store, and there was two men in the middle of the street... Also participating. Clara and her group had to step around them. As it turns out, Pandora had an aura emanating from her various churches, which seemed to subtly control human emotion. She and her fellows were affected by it, but it was easy enough to ignore.

Clara's invitation to the castle began with being discovered by Lady Pandora herself, as she hovered above them and called out to Clara, noting her as a new face. Clara was invited into the castle, and also invited to partake in the religious ceremony. Following Pandora, the woman's personality might have hid for a moment, her godly presence. She was not as mighty as God, but it was still not a small power even by comparison. Clara was led into a giant celebratory hall, where countless guests of all shapes, colors, races and sizes were partaking in the mass act of debauchery before her.

"Obviously I would like for you to serve me, but instead of thinking me as your god, I'd like for you to think of me as your friend!" Pandora would announce to Clara, before inviting her to join the party. If Clara accepted... Then she'd quickly be swept into the mob of passionate love makers. Bringing out her futanari if she so chose, it would end up in a lustful woman's pussy, who was already soaked with cum. For good reason too, she was quite attractive. In the meanwhile, a man with a wettened cock would embrace Clara from behind and insert himself into her body, while another man and woman would come closer, sucking on Clara's breasts while they too were receiving service from others. Then, Pandora stepped in front of Clara, and held her own futanari length in front of the fallen angel's lips, while the various orgy members flocked to Pandora, calling out her name lustfully, eager to fuck her. She didn't even react with more than a sweet coo as a man lustfully grabbed the underside of Pandra's breasts, and began plunging himself into her pussy.

"Welcome to Castle Pandemonium! Enjoy your stay!"


It must have been hours. Hours and hours of constant sex. Everyone covered in sexual juices that belonged to spirits knew who. While Clara arrived slightly hungry for energy, she was brimming full of it now. It was after a time of sex that some of the orgy members, mainly the humans, were going to sleep, either on the carpet, or blankets, or various pieces of furniture. Even futons were present, few held two lovers, others held many more. Beings like Clara, magical beings, went into a state of sleep so that they could comfort their human lovers, or even because they wanted to simply lay with one of their own kind. Clara had various men and women sleeping with her on a giant mat that was prepared for their new guest. Almost everyone wanted a turn with the newcomer Clara almost as much as they wanted to make love to the wonderful Lady Pandora.

Someone was stepping over the various sleeping people, and approaching Clara carefully, but intently. Seeing Clara, he made a small noise of confirmation, before taking a seat and watching Clara from a short distance away. Whenever Clara moved or noticed him, he'd speak to her. "Good Evening, Lady Clara." he greeted her. "Did the welcoming party treat you well?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Upon arriving in Pandemonium with the remaining refugees she'd encountered and decided to remain with upon her decision, Clara saw what most if not all from her old life would probably see as chaos. It strangely... didn't bother her really for some reason. As they walked along after entering the place, Clara could sense Pandora's energy emanating from her various temples and churches that seemed to enhance everybody's lust from the looks of it, though it was tough to tell exactly to be honest, and she could see the revelry all around her, men and women, women and women, men and men, it made no matter to everyone from the looks of it. When Pandora greeted her and asked her to the castle itself, Clara graciously accepted her invitation into the castle, as well as the invitation to join in her ceremony, which seemed to have already started without them from the looks of it.

"I... yes lady Pandora, please, I would love to join you... as a show of my gratitude for accepting myself and the refugees I was with... and, because I am fairly weak right now and in need of some energy. Though I would also enjoy it for the pleasure too of course... because... well I can tell you later," Clara replied to Pandora when she asked her to join the orgy.

Clara stepped closer to the mass of people who were already in the middle of a lot of fun themselves, stripping out of her clothes as she went to reveal her entire body for everyone in there to see. Clara conjured up her futanari cock just as she was swept away in a tide of bodies, it ending with her member inside of a girl's already cum soaked folds as a man entered Clara's pussy from behind, both causing her to moan out in bliss. Glancing over her shoulder at the man behind her, Clara softly bit down on her bottom lip before pushing back against him with all her strength, forcing him to sit with her on top of him as she pulled the pretty young girl down into her lap while still buried deep inside of her. Once she had her position how she wanted it, another man and woman both latched onto her breasts and suckled on her already pert nipples, drawing a cute gasp and subsequent moan from the lusty fallen angel. Doing her best to bounce for the man beneath her while bouncing the girl above her on her own cock, Clara barely thought about it when Pandora whipped out her own futa cock and just lunged her head forward and took it in her mouth, suckling and bobbing her head up and down on the length. She held Pandora's length in one hand while sucking on her, while her other hand held onto the girl riding her as she herself bounced, all of the pleasure mixing and overwhelming her senses quite fast to say the least, though she was able to hold out before she reached climax until the others were all ready with her.

"Oh I will lady Pandora... I will enjoy it here greatly I think," Clara panted when she was through with Pandora's cock and could talk again after gulping down the goddess's seed.


Clara went on with not only those four and Pandora, but after they were through she switched to some others that wanted a piece of the new angel in town, going through quite a few people during her... fun. When the orgy was finally over and done with, with Clara having reached climax many times during that time, she looked around from where she lay in the middle of all of the lovers she'd taken during the orgy, three women and a man all cuddled up to her, the last ones she'd had sex with before the end there, the man laying up against he left side, while there was a woman on her right and the other two women laying with their heads just to either side of her futa cock with their bodies mostly laying on top of her legs. The slight feeling of weakness she'd experienced before the orgy was gone now, her body having absorbed tons of energy and she was now as full up on it as she could possibly be, which delighted her to no end really, as she'd not felt so full since leaving heaven... her home.

When the man came closer to her, picking his way over the unconscious bodies of her lovers during the orgy, Clara responded by raising up as he sat down, though a bit slowly. "Good evening to you as well sir. And yes... it was a wonderful welcome, I've not felt so full of energy... so... alive since leaving home. Who might you be by the way? Did lady Pandora send you to fetch me for some reason? Because I believe I'll need a bath first if she wished to speak with me... and maybe some clean clothes too probably," Clara answered the man that greeted her, shaking her head slightly and brushing her slightly cum stained hair out of her eyes, taking the man's hand if he offered it to help her up.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

The man and woman clinging to Clara gave out slight moans of complaint as Clara rose from them, before simply cuddling up to one another to seek comfort from each other. Meanwhile, the white haired man with clear mamono genetics (given his ears) would smile at Clara, nodding at her when she responded to his good morning wishes. "I'm glad to hear that you've taken well to our lifestyle. It's quite carefree indeed, though I don't often partake in the festivities... It can get quite exhausting and confusing, and once you get into it, it's hard to escape. A man such as myself trying to escape that madness often gets pulled down as if the claws of hades were after me, you see." he said simply, not letting any emotions get in the way of his speech, if he had any towards the situation.

Offering a hand to her, he stood up from his chair and offered to help her stand up. "Nice to meet you, Clara, my name is Yue. I am a criminal sentenced to punishment. So essentially, I am your slave." He announced without a care in the world. "If you would ask about my crime, it was for but a petty offense barely worth even being made to serve a beautiful lady such as yourself. Should you ever find yourself in need of energy, my body is at your disposal. Now..." He made a courteous bow, and directed one hand towards a hallway leading out of the orgy room. "There are baths ready for all. If you so desire, I shall help you bathe. There are three bathrooms prepared for all combinations of genders. I can only accompany you to the mixed bath, for obvious reasons~" he chuckled.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Aye once I started it was extremely hard to say no... not that I had any desire to do so to be honest. As I need to absorb the energy I can't really say no to it to be honest, at least I don't think I can anyway," Clara replied as she raised up and took the young man's hand when he offered it to her, allowing him to help her up to her feet where she stretched her body out a bit.

When the man introduced himself and the fact that he was essentially her indentured servant or slave, Clara was a little surprised that he was speaking of it without much worry and that he seemed to not feel worthy of serving her for how petty his crime seemed to have been. "I see, well it's a pleasure to meet you Yue, and thank you for the compliment, and thank you for the offer of energy when I need it, for I believe I shall indeed need it eventually. I think I can handle my bath though myself in the women's bath, thank you though for the offer Yue, I... suppose you can await me in my chambers, if I have any at least," Clara said as she followed him out to the hallway and then on to the bathrooms. "Hmm, in fact if you can see if I have some chambers to live in or something of the sort while I bathe, then that would be very helpful Yue. Would do to know where I'm going to be staying at I suppose, and that way two things are done at once. After that you can await me outside of the baths and show me to wherever it is I'm to be staying at I suppose, other than that I don't really have much in mind at the moment for you to do, at least not until I'm done and stuff," Clara added, giving her first orders to Yue here since he was apparently her servant for the time being, though she didn't know what else to have him do to be honest other than what she said, at least not at the moment.

With that, she would let him show her to the bathroom and then she'd head on in to wash herself off, cleaning her hair first and getting all of the cum, dried and otherwise off of and out of her body, letting any girls in the bath help her wash off as she relaxed some and washing them off as well in return. She would chat with the ladies that were helping her to bathe if any did so, just kind of getting to know some people a little bit before finishing up and drying off, wrapping a towel around her before she went to see if Yue was there yet and waiting for her, though if he wasn't then she would await his return and follow him to her room or house or whatever.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

After accepting her hand, Yue nodded respectfully to Clara. "I understand. If you'll simply follow my presence, then you shall easily find your way to your quarters as I wait in them." he instructed simply. But at her orders to follow, he nodded again, though he looked less pleased. It seemed he was more interested in being lazy and resting in Clara's room without needing to show her around. "... I will wait for you, milady." was all he said on the matter, simply letting it go and showing her to the baths. He'd lead her away from the mess of lovers in the room, and towards a side hallway that led to a simple end of three different archways with three different banners hanging over them with letters on each banner. The one on the left said 'F' and 'F', which was a rather simple indicator that such was a female and female bath. The other two were much the same, the male and female in the center, where most of the sounds of sex were coming from, and the male-male bath. Perhaps to Clara's disappointment, the same sex baths were mostly composed of those simply seeking to take a break. "I'll wait here, milady." Yue said, before casually leaning against a wall and folding his arms.

In the womens bath, Clara would be able to sit in a large but shallow pool everyone seemed to agree to be the bath, mostly because you could sit in it and not drown. A few girls would chat with each other, and one would help wash Clara's back while allowing her to return the favor. "I've been thinking about becoming a mamono, but the wait for clearance is a bit long." said one of the girls. "I've already applied to become a priestess. Immortality sounds great." another girl answered with a chuckle. "That's why everyone wants to become one!" the girl washing Clara's back groaned. "I've been getting pregnant so I can get faster clearance. Since you can't give birth to humans but rarely as a mamono, Pandora tries to maintain the balance between humans and mamono. I can appreciate that, but... Having a baby is tough." Another woman sighed, who was true to her word, as she looked well into the third trimester with her little bundle of joy. "I've had three babies," announced the woman behind Clara. She looked well rounded, with wide child-bearing hips. "I'm just happy I don't have to worry about their safety, since Pandora is here to watch over them. She really is a wonderful god~" she sighed happily.

Once clean, Yue was still waiting outside, but he seemed to have found a way to entertain himself, as a red haired girl found her way in front of him as he lean against the wall, and was in the middle of locking lips with him before he saw Clara, and shooed her away. "Ahem... This way," Yue gestured with a blush, before leading Clara only a bit down the hall, past the many doors they passed before on their way to the baths, and stopped at a particular door. "This one looks unoccupied, so I suppose it'd be fine if we claim it." Yue said simply, before opening the door and indeed find that it would be rather plain and lacking in personality.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Thank you Yue, sorry to trouble you so much about it, but I'm quite new here and unsure of where to go is all, once I know where my room is and all I won't trouble you unless I need or want you to do something for me," Clara said as she followed Yue to the baths, looking around and taking in the sights as she went. "Very well Yue, thank you," Clara said as she went into the female only bath.

When she went in and began rinsing herself off a little before entering the main bath itself, Clara found that this was a resting place more so than anything from the looks of it. Thankfully one of the other girls in the bath was helpful and agreed to wash her back, which she did for her in return, listening to them all chat between each other. "So you girls have to do things like give birth to children before you can become priestesses then? And Pandora sounds like she takes care of her own very well here," Clara asked the girls as they praised Pandora quite a bit, obviously loving her and trusting her with their children. She would chat the entire time she was in there with them all too.

After she was done getting cleaned up, she washed the girl that helped her, gently caressing all of the soon to be mothers bellies and smiling at the feel of them after she was done, telling them she loved children and couldn't help but do it if they asked her why she wanted to. When she was through in the bath and bid farewell to all of the girls in there she'd chatted with, where she went outside and found Yue smooching a cute redhead just outside the bath as he waited for her. She waited until he'd shooed the girl away from him and gestured to Clara to follow him to find a room for them to take before saying anything. "I see you found something to occupy your time Yue. That doesn't bother me just so you know, I don't mind you having fun with other girls... or guys if that's what floats your boat," Clara said to Yue with a half smile as they got to the room he said that was empty so they should be able to take it if they wanted. She looked around as she stepped inside, taking stock of everything in there and seeing if she would have a balcony with a good view to sit on and look out at when she wanted to. "And I suppose it'll do, but let's see if it has a balcony with a decent view before we decide on anything final okay, I like having a lot of room and a good view," Clara added, heading over to the balcony if she saw one.

If it turned out to not have a balcony or anything to at least make up for the plain look it had, then Clara would go and find Pandora and see if she could speak with her about a good room to her preferences.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

The room did indeed have a balcony, one that overlooked the pale gray haze that made up the border of this otherworldly dimension, along with a view of the odd purple vegetation. Trees with pink leaves rested over ground that gave rise to purple grass, signs that the corruption was thick enough to seep into the ground and plants themselves. However, this corruption was quite clearly monitored inside Pandora's castle, as Clara would feel the own corruption that normally emanated from her like a scent being contained around her, as if she were wrapped in plastic meant to trap solely corruption. Those whom she came into contact with as well seemed to be relatively untouched by the corruption lingering in the air. Though various cures were about the establishment to rid oneself of the corruption. The bath water especially seemed to melt away corruption. It affected Clara as well, but it was no effort to prevent herself from melting away, as the water's affects weren't that aggressive, and required prolonged exposure combined with hygienic cleaning to take effect on a participant in the bath actually willing to get it out of their system.

Given the protective measures, Clara likely would need to exercise caution with the female inhabitants. The human population is a topic of concern, and a transformed human means that there's one less human in the world.

"Well, to be fair, I was... 'attacked' before you came out from the bath." Yue said with a chuckle. "I'm sure you can add your personal effects to this room when time permits. Try not to think too much on it."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

She found that she did have a balcony to get out onto when she wished thankfully, because if she didn't then she'd have to go find another room that did. She looked around from the balcony's edge and saw the features of this world, with the corruption having seeped into the ground and vegetation around the place even, though it was apparently not effecting anyone like it ought to have been, and she'd noticed that her own aura of it had been contained to within a very small area around her. She'd also felt the bath waters effects and had taken the appropriate measures to prevent anything happening.

"Well Clara, this is your home now... might as well make it yours now," Clara mumbled to herself as she stared out over the landscape of Pandemonium. "And remember, no corrupting any humans unless told you can or are allowed to, they're too precious for all of them to be corrupted," Clara added in a mumble to herself.

After stepping back inside from the balcony, Clara listened to Yue chuckling as he spoke again. "Attacked huh? Well it looked like you were holding your own at least against your foe, but it was hard to tell who had the upper hand there. And yes I shall spruce the place up a bit with some things later, once I have some things to do it with," Clara said to Yue with a wry grin before going over to the bed and flopping down across it to check and see how soft it was.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Flopping into the bed, it felt like Clara fell into a cloud. She'd feel as if she were suspended in air while a soft plush sensation comforted her from below. Having nothing else better to do, Yue decided to sit on the edge of the bed, allowing Clara some space. "While I'm no stranger to one, I must admit I've never had the chance to share company with a fallen angel. Before the true knowledge struck me, I'd have thought the term 'fallen' to be a rather menacing one. Though the fact remains still that you... Were not fallen at some point," he said carefully, as if worried that it was a touchy subject for her.

He stood up from the bed, and walked over to a water jug to pour himself a small glass of water. "Did they not allow two women to fall in love among the angels? I'm just harboring a guess as to why you left, if you aren't bothered by that." He asked, and his words weren't too far from the truth. It was looked down upon, but not outright forbidden, as it didn't damage God's plans in any form.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Not too many have had the chance to share company with one of my kind, whether fallen or not really now that I think about it. And I still have most of my powers, just none of my holier ones really... at least I don't think so anyway, but I've never felt more free than I do now that I am as you say fallen. And hell now that I think about it, my non fallen kin are probably more menacing, at least they would be towards everyone here just about most likely," Clara said as she lay back on the bed, feeling one of the most comfortable beds she'd ever laid on in her entire existence really. Clara waited to speak further however, seeing if Yue wanted to say anything else as he got up to pour himself a glass of water, where she let him take a drink and he then started speaking again. "I only fell not too long ago though myself if you really want to know, and yes it is allowed for lovers amongst us angels, but it was looked down upon for the most part if I recall correctly. I left though because... well I was sent to eradicate the people you might have saw me come in with actually, because they were turned or turning. When I arrived, there was another angel already there doing the deed, slaughtering those poor children without a care in the world, like it was right to kill children who didn't know why they were being hurt and killed like that. something just snapped inside of me, and I couldn't stand it any longer, so I attacked my kin, knowing what would happen to me... knowing I would fall as a result... as my punishment. But I just couldn't stand by and let those poor children be slaughtered like rabid beasts, and by the time my fight was done with the other angel, we were both hurt quite a bit, but she was much more so than I. I let her live, went to the people, then we began our long trek to here, arriving... gods last night I believe, or early this morning it's hard to tell really after all of the... sex," Clara went on to say, telling Yue what had happened to make her fall and decide to come there to Pandemonium.

"I am not some cruel woman though Yue, so you need not be worried about asking me things. If it's something I don't really feel like talking about then I'm not going to fly off the handle on you or anything for asking about it, I'll simply let you know that I don't wish to speak of it," Clara said, raising up on her new bed and going over to get herself a glass of water as well, feeling the need to wet her throat some. "I left... everything behind. Without the chance to even say goodbye to my friends that I've known for many years. My only regret however is that I wasn't able to explain my actions to my friends I left, so that maybe they would understand why I did what I did. Heh... I doubt they would anyway though regardless of how much I explained it to them. Angels can be quite... overzealous when it comes right down to it, but there were a few of my friends that I will continue to keep high hopes that they'd understand why I did it," Clara added after taking a drink of her water after getting it poured.

With that Clara went back to the balcony with her glass of water in hand, deciding to look out over the landscape again and the city there, leaving Yue free to follow if he wished to do so, but not forcing him to. She suspected though that he would still have questions to ask, especially now since she'd told him she wouldn't get all pissed at him for asking her anything, and she was ready to answer him, or at least give the best answers she could, if only to have something to do and to get to know him a little at the very least since they would apparently be together for quite some time it seemed.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Yue nodded his head slowly as Clara went on, as well as focusing his eyes on her to show that he was listening. "Well~ It seems you've your fair share of love for the superior sex." Yue said. Inversely to the human world, where Clara would be familiar to women being called the fairer sex, on the mamono side of things, due to the sheer amount of women in power, they're referred to as superiors to men. "It looks like not much will be demanded of me, since I've yet to catch you giving a single lewd gaze my way. What a fortunate punishment!" Yue chuckled at the lack of desire towards him. He'd then laugh and wave off any illusion he gave off of worry. "I merely said that fallen sounded rather menacing. I know there's nothing scarier than an actual angel, so anything different is rather welcome."

He'd nod as her story ended, though frowned at the mention of your friends. "I won't claim to be all knowing, but from what I understand of angel's ways, your friends will be lied to about what you have done. Should you see them again, they will see you as a madwoman who was driven insane by the corruption. I wouldn't be surprised if the blame for the slaughtered children were placed on you as well. Those black wings 'do' make you out to be the perfect villain."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Hmhm, no Yue I don't dislike men altogether, I merely prefer women most of the time. I'm sure that there will come a time where I'll... have need of you though, either for energy or simply because I have the urge to feel something within me, so have no worries on that part. But I wouldn't abuse you by no means... unless you're into that kind of thing that is," Clara said with a giggle at Yue's chuckling about her lack of desire for him, raising a curious eyebrow when mentioning that she wouldn't abuse him unless he wanted her to.

After she told her story and Yue gave his reply to it, Clara nodded in agreement about what was likely said to all of her old friends from back then. "Aye you're probably right about them lying to my friends. And they likely will think me mad from the corruption, but I did leave a message that only my friends would notice and be able to read at the sight of the battle, hidden in what they know would be one of my favorite places that would be in that area, which is the tallest place there from which you can see all around, so I can at least hope that they were able to read it and would believe me or at least understand my reasons for doing what I did. Though I won't get my hopes up too much with it so that I'm not so let down in the end. I also kind of... placed a small thread of my energy on the other angel's butt, the barest of touches that my old friends might notice as mine but nobody else might take notice of, and then they might follow it back to the sight of the battle when they hear of it and inevitably go to speak with her. Then they'll be able to find my message to them, which was written before I actually fell, so they may actually believe it, who knows. It tells them what was happening when I arrived, what I did and why, as well as where I decided to go to live since I would be unwelcome and likely killed if I went back to heaven, which is here in fact," Clara said to Yue about her friends, wondering if her old friends would believe her or the lies that were likely to be spread about her. "Hell who knows, I may get lucky and they'll believe me and may very well end up joining me here, or some of them might. That would be good I guess, for more powerful angels to come here. But we'll see soon I guess one way or the other," Clara added hopefully, though it would look obvious to Yue that she wasn't going to hold out for it, but would be very happy indeed if it turned out that way.

"It's hard... burying children that never had the chance to flourish in life. I hope that they can at least find peace in death. I have a soft spot for children in case you couldn't tell Yue, I could never bring myself to hurt one, and I've always wondered what it would be like to have children of my own one day too, but I only ever wondered because I was too scared to go through with it," Clara went on to say afterwards as she finished off her glass of water, taking it back inside and setting the glass down on her bedside table with a clink as it touched.

She then looked over to Yue and smiled at him. "I believe I'll go and see if I can talk to lady Pandora about what I can do here to pass the time, because just lazing around doesn't suit me really. I like to be doing things, helping people wherever I can, and it seems to me that I would be of great use to her," Clara said to Yue before heading over to the bedroom door. "I honestly don't know if there's anything I need you to do for me, so I guess just come with me if you want, or go do anything you like until I return," Clara added before heading out the door, leaving Yue to decide on what he wished to do for now as she went on out, not caring if he followed her or not.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Yue let out a false groan of sadness. "Well, first impressions can be deceptive. All I have to say is that I will not say 'no' to you when the time comes." He assured her, looking off to the side with a grin while letting her know that he'll be willing.

Then, hearing Clara's indication of her 'favorite place' made Yue look rather humbled. "Ah... In a high place, you say?" He said, before chuckling. "That's... A very bizarre location. Even knowing that now, I highly doubt I'd think to look in such a place. The same goes for the enemy as well I suppose, but that is still a strange place." He said while taking to laying down on the bed. "But, the wicked nature of angels towards our kind cannot be overlooked. We're a threat to humanity, and are treated as such. Mamono who die living a life of love, sex, and selfishness is so hardly fit to be an angel, they say. So a mamono's soul is no good, and angels who go down this path anyway have their wings turn black, to show that they do not embrace the 'divine word of god'." he chuckled, as if mocking God.

Then, Clara mentioned something about children. "You mean back when you were a mortal?" he inquired. And it was true, angels are merely mortals who shed their mortal shells and ascended to Heaven to become as much. "Last I heard, immortals and sort of have children too... But I also heard that it was difficult. Another immortal might know more~" he winked, before getting up, ready to follow Clara. "As your servant, I must remain nearby at all times to answer any immediate or future need. So, it goes without saying that I will accompany you~" he said with a bow to her, before following up behind her so that they could make way to Pandora's location.

Pandora herself was in the throne room, being read various town related activities and concerns that needed to be addressed. She sat on a wide throne with two men dressed in nearly nothing on either side of her. One had a pair of bunny ears, and the other had harpy wings for arms. They both snuggled up to the affectionate Pandora, who looked fairly bored on her throne while entertaining her hands by digging under both loin clothes on either side of her. "I will not grant their request for aid with food any longer. They should enjoy life, but they have no excuse for laziness! Tell them to get to work foraging and hunting." she said off-handedly, sounding rather annoyed before she saw Clara. "Clara, my dear! You couldn't stay away from me long, could you? You have the look of a lost lamb who needs something to do. Could you solve me the problem I just discussed? Near the city gates, a town Inn is filled with whiny men and women who refuse to do anything but sleep and fuck while expecting to survive. Could you inspire them to be more self-sufficient? There's a dear~" Pandora said, before looking back to her work as a female elf with glasses red more concerns off of a rather intimidatingly long line of paper. "Tell the centaurs I will put a law in place against their drinking alcohol unless they get their act straight!" Pandora said angrily, before a woman with heavy armor that covered even her neck gave a salute of acknowledgement and headed off. She seemed most fitting of the tales she heard of dullahan, terrifying warriors that could threaten even the elite among angels. Sightings of dullahan were a rather serious matter in Heaven.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Well that's good to know Yue... I suppose," Clara said with a wry grin. "And it may be a strange place, but my old friends all knew that I loved high places, so they should be able to figure it out, because Lara, the oldest of us, she was quite smart and could figure things out pretty quickly," Clara went on to say with a chuckle, looking sure that her friends would figure it out.

After speaking of children she smiled faintly. "Aye we can have children, it is merely difficult for us in the process. I don't know the fine details, but I'm sure I can speak with lady Pandora about it if I ever feel the time is right for that," Clara said on that matter when Yue had said what he did about it. "And if you're going to come with me, I suppose we should get going then. I just need something to do, and I figure that talking with lady Pandora is the best way to find something that I can do," Clara added as they walked out and towards the throne room.

When she and Yue entered the throne room, she heard Pandora speaking and sounding a bit annoyed and looking bored about the judgement she was passing at the moment, something about somebody being lazy it sounded to Clara. "Indeed I am looking for something to do lady Pandora, I find myself bored and I don't wish to become lazy like the ones you were just speaking of," Clara said with a nod of her head at Pandora's asking her to handle the problem of the lazy people at the inn around the city gates, waiting until she was done talking about the centaurs to continue speaking. "How should I go about persuading them though my lady? I doubt you want me to beat any of them over their heads with my wings or perhaps with Yue here until they listen to me," Clara went on to ask, smirking over at Yue at the mention of perhaps using him to beat these people over the head with to force them to listen to her, though she was just joking about that and hoped he would notice that she was.

When she noticed the dullahan moving off, Clara shuddered slightly, knowing just how strong they were and how threatening to angels they could be, and making a mental note to never piss Pandora off else risk one of these being sent after her.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Yue wouldn't have much to say about Clara's assurance that her friends would find out. It still seemed quite a strange place to him. He followed silently behind her like a loyal but silent butler as she found Pandora and began listening in on her conversation, before becoming apart of it, and then immediately being sent off.

But Clara didn't go as she was instructed. She stayed, and inquired for specifics. Pandora seemed a bit surprised Clara was still there. "Whatever means you deem necessary! Granted, don't kill them or ruin them, just get their butts back into gear! And I am not putting the bar of violence so high out of malice as a leader, you must understand that you live among mamono now, and some tales among humans and angels are true. We can be excessively violent, and you may be attacked for suggesting they work instead of enjoy themselves. You are permitted to defend yourself, and to give them a lesson in responsibility through a beating yourself. Your ultimate goal is simply to make them stop being lazy, that is all!" Pandora explained, before going back to the dealings of her town.

"I still don't know what 'dakka' is, or why the orcs want it! It sounded like a catchphrase or gesture to me at first, but it's an object? Tell them something might be able to be arranged if they can actually define what they want in more clear terms." Pandora sighed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Very well, and sorry my lady, I didn't know how far I could go about doing it is all, forgive me please, for I am new here and still learning Pandemonium's ways," Clara said to Pandora before heading on to do her new job, bowing her head politely to the woman and not really listening to whatever was happening just after that.

With Yue in tow, Clara went on to this bar as instructed, ready for anything if what Pandora said was true that she may be attacked for suggesting that these people get back to work. Once she had arrived at the bar, Clara looked around it, for any avenue of escape really just in case. As soon as she'd found all ways in and out of the bar, Clara went on inside with Yue in tow to fix the problem Pandora was having.

Stepping inside, Clara looked around to likely see these people either having sex or sleeping it off. While she may have wanted to join them to say the least, she was there to do a job. She'd look around for the leader of the group that didn't wish to work or anything, where she'd head over to him or her.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Pandora laughed at Clara's response. "Use common sense, and do onto others as you would have them do onto you, and you should be totally fine! Given how rowdy individuals often are, most tend to get the feel for what they can and can't do when they actually get something wrong and are warned about it. Have fun now~!" Pandora wished her off, actually hoping she has fun doing her assigned task.

Yue would follow along, only a step behind her, and walking at her side much like a butler. His hands were even folded behind his back in a similar fashion. "Ma'am, if I may be so bold, I could be your conscience as it were. I'll gladly inform you of whether you are doing good or bad~" he said with mirth.

No matter what she answered, Yue would accept both responses. He'd be unable to respond to any questions though, as they'd come quickly to a building with a simple swinging sign overhead that read, "Inn."

"I sense a dark presence from this place... A very lazy dark presence." Yue announced. Clara would have felt it too. It was a dark presence so lazy that it couldn't even feel impressive or worrisome. Based on Clara's angelic training, this kind of concentrated evil was the result of Sloth's influence. That's not to say Sloth, the Cardinal, is actually taking a room in the Inn, but it's very clear her Sin is heavy in that place.

Walking inside, a girl with a white buttoned shirt and a short pink skirt was laying down on her back on top of a counter where a receptionist might allow you into your room. There were hooks for hanging keys along the wall, but only a few actually hung there. A few were on the ground, and two were placed over the girl's breasts, which were bare as her shirt was buttoned open, and her pussy was bare while her legs took a defenseless stance. A sign was over her that read, "Fuck and take a key," while a similar sign was over a man slouching in a chair, wearing pretty much nothing. He had a whole ring of keys around his length, and a sign over him. "Fuck and take a key."

The chairs were disorganized. The dining area that was the first floor looked absolutely filthy. There were stains on the floor, from food and sex, and the kitchen was a mess of ill prepared pots and pans with barely any food and ingredients that seemed edible. Saying that these people were living like slobs would be a compliment.

"Sex is a common method of trade, milady." Yue announced. "So they're doing no wrong asking for sex; however, the quality of their establishment is quite obviously hazardous. Businesses such as this are shut down for being so poorly managed. The only kind of people who would decide to live here will likely be rather sleazy people, so do take caution so that you don't find yourself in the claws of something that finds your energy appetizing, milady. I'm sure anyone who lives in this dump would be starved."

Then, after a moment's time, a figure rose from the cluster of mess in the dining area. There were a few patrons, mainly those that were either doing nothing in their chair, or engaging in lazy forms of sex. This figure was a rather attractive demon who, instead of acknowledging Clara by coming closer, simply laid back down and encouraged a woman who's head was to her crotch to continue licking. "Are you the one who brought us food?" she inquired. "Go ahead and take one of the humans laying around here. Fuck them for some energy, leave the food somewhere, it doesn't matter." she instructed Clara, apparently thinking Pandora agreed to her request to simply be provided with what she wanted.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Nodding to Pandora on her way out at the goddess's answer, Clara turned to leave as Yue followed along behind her. Once out of the great hall and on their way to the inn in question, Clara glanced over at Yue as he spoke up about being her conscience. She laughed mirthfully at his words, unable to stop really for a moment as they neared the inn, but she caught her breath finally just before they got there. "Very well then Yue, please be my... conscience if you would, I'd hate to actually hurt these people and all because I'm not evil or anything of the sort and can be quite kind for the most part," Clara told Yue before they arrived.

When they did arrive and Yue spoke again, Clara nodded in agreement with him about it, because it did indeed feel like the power of Sloth within this place. She knew now that she really needed to make them listen to her and that this may be a bit tougher than she'd originally thought it would be. "Indeed Yue, it is a very dark presence indeed within, we should tread carefully," Clara said as they stepped inside.

As they stepped inside, Clara came face to face with one of the most disgusting places she can ever recall having entered. When she saw the girl and the man laying or sitting with the keys on them with the signs next to them stating what to do, Clara would have felt a bit aroused if not for the state of disarray this place was in and the nastiness of it. The dining area was just disgustingly filthy and in sore need of cleaning, practically being an abomination in and of itself. Surely nobody would be stupid enough to come here to live unless they simply had no other choice in the matter. When Yue told her that sex was a common means of trade here in Pandemonium, Clara just nodded to him, a look of disbelief still present in her eyes at the messy place.

"I figured as much to be honest Yue. But who in their right mind would willingly come here for it? And if someone or something tries to take my energy I shall take it back twofold from them, but if they would do something other than laze about then they might have some willing participants to give them energy, though I don't see how they would need energy when they don't do anything to waste any," Clara muttered back to Yue so nobody overheard her speaking and what she said.

When the figure rose in the room and Clara saw the woman, making her out from the few patrons that were amazingly there, she looked straight at her when she spoke up to Clara. Clara thought of her answer very carefully for a moment before actually speaking to the woman, thinking of something to do that might shame this woman who was apparently their leader into shaping up. "Who are you then miss? I take it you're in charge here? I was told to come and speak with you on that matter actually, I would sit down with you and talk about this, but I fear there aren't many places clean enough to do so in," Clara said as she stepped closer to the demon woman, waiting for an answer and reaction before doing anything further as she picked her way across the room to her, glancing to see if Yue was following her.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Still..." Yue hummed. "Despite how harmless and useless they may seem, you can never be too careful." he nodded, before the demoness was addressed. She didn't move at all after seeing Clara the first time. Her tone was very bored and tired, as if she couldn't even be bothered to talk properly. "Moss," the woman replied in response to her name, before answering the rest of her questions in turn with the same lame tone. Asked if she was in charge, she said, "Yes." Explained to that Clara had come to discuss the matter of her livelihood, she replied, "Don't care. Come back with food, okay?" she instructed Clara.

Yue just shook his head and got close to Clara, whispering to her. "She's a hopeless slob. Not worth anyone's time. I'd suggest a firm beating would set her straight. She certainly should be treated like a spoiled child." he advised her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Clara just listened to Moss as she'd named herself speaking in such a lazy and bored tone, feeling slightly disgusted at just how much of a slob this succubus apparently was, though she didn't show anything physically to let Moss or anyone else know how annoyed and disgusted she actually was of course. When Yue whispered in her ear, she looked over at him and winked before leaning over. "I've got a better idea than an actual beating, because after all we do want her to be able to move of course. If she wants to act like a spoiled child, then I shall treat her like one. just follow my lead, this should work I think, but if it doesn't then I suppose we'll do what we must," Clara whispered back to Yue with a smirk before turning back to Moss.

"Moss wasn't it? Well you see I was supposed to find out just how much food and whatnot you all actually needed, so please come and sit with me so I can find out what all you need without any distractions. I'll need to write it all down so we can take it back," Clara said as she turned back to the succubus, trying to keep from just grabbing Miss up and smacking her across the face. "Who knows, perhaps when our business is concluded we could have some fun you and I," Clara added, trying to give Moss a reason to want to hurry up and talk like Clara was wanting her to.

If Moss did get up from her spot finally and sit next to her, or in her lap, either one really didn't bother Clara... in fact her sitting in Clara's lap would be better, because it would be less to have to do with her plan to enact it. Her plan was to throw Moss here over her knee and spank the hell out of her ass like the spoiled kid she was acting like to force her to see things her way and stop being so damn lazy, but she needed Moss to sit next to her or in her lap and for everyone else in there to see it is why she was trying to get some seats in there.
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