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Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

Beat difficulty 1-3. Bonus difficulty (4) is really hard because her attacks also block, and there's a very small window of time where you can get anything through her (offensive) defenses. I saw an earlier post with references to what seems to be cheat engine, but I couldn't get it to work. I wouldn't mind having infinite HP. Pretty fun game and looks really good!
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

I was doing what I did on easy, not sure how to cheatengine the game to do hard ;/ (would make it easy though if she started going "love to be molested by you" mode more though.
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Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

yeah it's a shame that it only has those extra bits and not the stuff that you guys are hoping for maybe there is but i can't see how they are implemented

maybe the consensual could have something to do with how you defeat her by not hitting her in the face at all? Not entirely sure just an idea..

also isn't the plastic duck feature just a lot of fun!!!

a little bit of advice for those that are having a tough time beating her try moving your mouse/view to the very top of the screen you'll dodge all her attacks but wont be able to attack her during this movement so be strategic about it!
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

yeah it's a shame that it only has those extra bits and not the stuff that you guys are hoping for maybe there is but i can't see how they are implemented

maybe the consensual could have something to do with how you defeat her by not hitting her in the face at all? Not entirely sure just an idea..

also isn't the plastic duck feature just a lot of fun!!!

a little bit of advice for those that are having a tough time beating her try moving your mouse/view to the very top of the screen you'll dodge all her attacks but wont be able to attack her during this movement so be strategic about it!

Actually, if you do the "grab" move filling 50% power bar, it locks her down.
Also, it can randomly "grab" through her defense (gives points for grabbing her chest/pinching nipples). and uses very little energy.

Just right left.. right left.. right left, nonstop assault
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

i see and you've tried that but no extra content then what I've explained already?
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

What does the ducks do anyways? They fall from the sky?
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

i see and you've tried that but no extra content then what I've explained already?

hmm well I tried, just molesting her chest the entire time and between her legs and haven't gotten anything new.
I tried knocking her out (full force punches to the face) she seems to attack a lot less this way (may try punching her down 50% then molesting).

someone says she can straddle you in the bathtub? not sure how that will work. maybe someone will explain how~
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

Parabolic's Blog stats that a new version was uploaded to DLsite which fixes 2 bugs. Any idea what these bugs might be?
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

Parabolic's Blog stats that a new version was uploaded to DLsite which fixes 2 bugs. Any idea what these bugs might be?

I've notice when I played the demo (My PC's old so I was using the 32-bit version) a few weeks back that when you start the game, half the time a glitch occurs where the girl just sits there covering herself up with a annoyed expression on her face, it just happened to me again in the full game a few hours ago. That's probably one of the things that was fixed.
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Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

She stops making voices/sounds altogether too at some point, that could be another one.
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

I saw an earlier post with references to what seems to be cheat engine, but I couldn't get it to work. I wouldn't mind having infinite HP. Pretty fun game and looks really good!
I've uploaded a CheatEngine table for the 64-bit executable (renamed to CT.txt because the forum software doesn't like unusual extensions), with some simple hotkeys (so CheatEngine can build a rudimentary trainer without additional input). I could write an actual trainer program but... meh. The game is fairly easy as-is, and there don't seem to be any hidden features or "easter eggs" which a custom trainer could help to unlock. If the author keeps updating the game (and if it becomes available on English DLSite so that I can actually buy a copy) then I'll consider it.

Girl HP - 4-byte floating point, max value 836
Guy HP - 4-byte integer, max value 419
Stamina - 4-byte integer, max value 279
Punch gauges - 4-byte integers, max value 1058642330
If you freeze the punch gauges at max value then a single "tap" of the mouse button will become a full strength punch without the need for a charge-up. The animation runs normally, so the attack can still be interrupted or blocked. It doesn't give you "machine gun fists."

Freezing the gauge at 1050000000 will make every tap into a "grope." Double-grope attacks are somewhat difficult to execute, since they require precise timing on the unclick action.

Clock - 4-byte float (displayed number is truncated, not rounded)
Score - 4-byte integers (current score, high score, total score)
Multiplier - ??? Could not find; may be hardcoded by difficulty.

Note that the max HP values are constant regardless of difficulty; the game difficulty is driven entirely by the "aggressiveness" of the AI and its ability to perform combo attacks.

Edit - Attachment didn't work; here's a link:

Update - The game actually includes a stamina value for the girl. If it's depleted (or zeroed out by cheating), then she cannot attack (note: grope attacks will still be randomly blocked because that's an automatic behaviour) and she won't flee when her HP is depleted (because she needs at least 500 stamina in order to escape). Her stamina normally recharges, but you can of course freeze it to zero if you want a completely passive opponent. Setting it to a large value allows her to attack a bit more aggressively, but the change isn't very noticeable (I was hoping that she would go into berserker mode). 4-byte integer adjacent to her HP address (max value = 2000 on hard/super difficulty, 1500 on normal, 1000 on easy).
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Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

pretty sure i saw another option below the "H with prim" button on his nico. Anyone managed to unlock other types of endings other than her legging it or knocking her back into the tub which knocks her out?
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

I've uploaded a CheatEngine table for the 64-bit executable (renamed to CT.txt because the forum software doesn't like unusual extensions), with some simple hotkeys (so CheatEngine can build a rudimentary trainer without additional input). I could write an actual trainer program but... meh. The game is fairly easy as-is, and there don't seem to be any hidden features or "easter eggs" which a custom trainer could help to unlock. If the author keeps updating the game (and if it becomes available on English DLSite so that I can actually buy a copy) then I'll consider it.

Girl HP - 4-byte floating point, max value 836
Guy HP - 4-byte integer, max value 419
Stamina - 4-byte integer, max value 279
Punch gauges - 4-byte integers, max value 1058642330
If you freeze the punch gauges at max value then a single "tap" of the mouse button will become a full strength punch without the need for a charge-up. The animation runs normally, so the attack can still be interrupted or blocked. It doesn't give you "machine gun fists."

Freezing the gauge at 1050000000 will make every tap into a "grope." Double-grope attacks are somewhat difficult to execute, since they require precise timing on the unclick action.

Clock - 4-byte float (displayed number is truncated, not rounded)
Score - 4-byte integers (current score, high score, total score)
Multiplier - ??? Could not find; may be hardcoded by difficulty.

Note that the max HP values are constant regardless of difficulty; the game difficulty is driven entirely by the "aggressiveness" of the AI and its ability to perform combo attacks.

Edit - Attachment didn't work; here's a link:

Update - The game actually includes a stamina value for the girl. If it's depleted (or zeroed out by cheating), then she cannot attack (note: grope attacks will still be randomly blocked because that's an automatic behaviour) and she won't flee when her HP is depleted (because she needs at least 500 stamina in order to escape). Her stamina normally recharges, but you can of course freeze it to zero if you want a completely passive opponent. Setting it to a large value allows her to attack a bit more aggressively, but the change isn't very noticeable (I was hoping that she would go into berserker mode). 4-byte integer adjacent to her HP address (max value = 2000 on hard/super difficulty, 1500 on normal, 1000 on easy).

Numbers have never been one of "my things"...so yeah, I feel stupid when trying to mess with CE most the time. Like this time. Absolutely no clue what you're saying lol -_-'

Anyway, yeah...game is fucking hot and I've unlocked everything in the store. Still only have the missionary H-position with the choke...so no clue how to unlock anything else.

I'm guessing it probably has something to do with getting your score to a certain point or something...no clue.
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

Parabolic posted that he released a version of the game on DLsite English.

It is unclear however if just had an English Manual included, or has actually been edited to include English text.

Game this volume remains essentially Japanese.
English manual is attached.

You can never tell with machine translations.
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

stuntcock42, how do I make use of your cheat table? Im not really sure on how to make it work. I tried changing it to notepad but it seems to do nothing, did i rename it wrong? Because its currently named as PurinOhuroV2_64.CT
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

New version 2.1:


1. バランス調整。ハードが強く、挑戦状が若干強くなりました。
2. Hシーンに分岐が追加されました。条件、Hシーンに行ける状態でScore3000点以上獲得。
3. ミニゲーム中、一時停止でタイトルに戻るが追加されました。

2<- New H-scene?
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

stuntcock42, how do I make use of your cheat table? Im not really sure on how to make it work. I tried changing it to notepad but it seems to do nothing, did i rename it wrong? Because its currently named as PurinOhuroV2_64.CT
  1. Install Cheat Engine:
  2. Run Cheat Engine. UAC will prompt you for elevated permissions, because Cheat Engine wants to modify the memory space of other applications (that's how cheating works).
  3. Once inside the program, we'll need to show Cheat Engine which application we intend to modify (so that it knows which memory space to view/edit) and load the premade table (so that it knows which memory addresses to target).
  4. Loading the table is easy: click the "folder" icon or select File > Load, and then choose the PurinOhuroV2_64.CT file. No renaming is needed. The bottom pane (black text on white background) will fill up with a few rows of confusing text - you can ignore it for now.
  5. Start the game. If it was already running, then that's fine (no need to restart it).
  6. Return to Cheat Engine and use the main menu: File > Open Process. We need to choose the appropriate entry from the list, and there will be a LOT of items. Cheat Engine will try to pre-select the correct item. We're looking for something that contains the game name. In my case, it's called "000025B8-PurinOhuroV2_64.EXE" Select this item and click Open. Double-clicking the item also works.
  7. Cheat Engine will cross-reference the addresses in the table with the working memory of the game. Many of the rows that previously contained nonsense (such as "Girl HP = ??") will now have numeric values ("Girl HP = 836").
  8. Start an actual round of the game, let it run for a few seconds, and then pause (Spacebar) and switch back to Cheat Engine.
  9. All of the values should now be populated with "reasonable" values. Many of the rows in the table indicate a range of reasonable values (such as Guy HP: should be between 1 and 419). If you see a value which is outside that range (such as 0, or 12319230185019715) then the memory address is incorrect - it means that I've given you a defective table. If this happens then you should stop at this point and close Cheat Engine: you won't be able to cheat successfully and there's a risk of crashing your game by modifying some important memory address.

    Special note: the "Clock" value may seem odd because it's a floating-point variable (which means that it has a lot of confusing/meaningless digits after the decimal point) and because it will sometimes be negative during the "walking in" sequence. That's normal; try to focus your attention on the straightforward values (such as Stamina and HP) in order to avoid confusion.
  10. If all of the values seem "reasonable" then you can try editing a few of them. For example, double-click the Guy HP value and cut it in half (419 -> 200). Upon returning to the game, you should see that the guy's HP bar is only half-full.
  11. Do you find that it's annoying to Alt-Tab between windows in order to cheat? Of course it is! Cheat Engine includes a hotkey feature whereby certain in-game keystrokes can activate specific cheats. I've predefined a few, but you're free to modify them or add new ones.
    • Shift-1 Infinite HP for the guy
    • Shift-2 Disable the above cheat
    • Shift-3 Infinite stamina for the guy
    • Shift-4 Disable the above cheat
    • Shift-5 Drain girl's stamina and freeze it (so that she can't attack)
    • Shift-6 Disable the above cheat
  12. If you find that it's annoying to launch Cheat Engine and go through the aforementioned steps when you want to play a game, then you can ask Cheat Engine to build a simple Trainer program for you. Main Menu: File > Generate generic trainer lua script from table.
  13. The window which pops up has a lot of options, which may be overwhelming. You can ignore them all; just press the "Generate Trainer" button.
  14. Choose a filename for the trainer, and a location to save it on your hard drive. Click Save.
  15. Click the "Target Process is 64-bit" radio button. We have a few other options on this window but we can again ignore them. Click "Generate".
  16. After a few seconds, the file will be generated. We can now close down Cheat Engine completely, and launch the new trainer file. UAC will again prompt you for elevated permissions, because the trainer does essentially the same thing as Cheat Engine does.
  17. The trainer window is very simple - it just lists the available (hotkeyed) cheating options and highlights each one briefly when it's activated. So long as this window is active (note: you can safely minimize it), all of the aforementioned cheat hotkeys will work normally. Launching multiple concurrent copies of the Trainer program is possible but not recommended.
  18. If you close the trainer window, then any "toggled on" cheats will be automatically disabled. Gameplay can continue normally. You can launch the Trainer again during the same gameplay session and resume cheating, if you'd like to.
  19. If you close the game then the trainer will continue running but won't do anything harmful. Since it's an "aggressive" application (one which can modify the memory of other applications), it's prudent to close it whenever it isn't actually in-use - just for your own peace-of-mind.

Update - I've found a memory address which seems to govern posture/attitude but I haven't yet figured out how it works (it may be an output-only field). I'm still hoping that it will be possible to toggle between "normal", "friendly", "horny", and "BERSERKER FURY" modes. Also, there's a minor fix to the cheat table (to correct a pointer error).
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

I do have to say, the cheat table works good, but it seems that the ONLY 2 values that remain un-adjustable and can't be activated/deactivated is the girl's HP and stamina. Every try seems to yield as untouchable, wat do?
Re: Parabolic's "boxing with a blonde in the Bathtub" Game.

Thanks for the cheatengine help stuntcock42, been busy lately so haven't had time to try to figure all this stuff out on my own o_O