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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Saphira accepted to wait a little longer as Angelique tried to find where the remain of the Priest are. As she was at the graveyard it dont take her so much to find the exact place even when this dont have any name or mark. This last really was heartbraker for the sensual nun, but she tried to remain strong for all and the Priest.

Ashley meanwhile couldnt not expect a so romantic moment coming froom Angelique, the human certainly was trying to endure all this and now just as an open book her angel take her and affirm to any looking at them who was the most important love in her life. Of course than Ashley only manage to gasp softly before her muffed love kiss sounds were shared by each other. More than turn her on and get her member slighty hard again, the love between them was too much to notice that huge passion and lust, even theirs hearts looks to move at the same pace and the kiss lasted maybe twice the time than Angie expected.

They slowly and softly pull away, theirs full in love sights showing the great effort than they needed to let this for later. Angie then noticed than Cathleen has used this time to find out a way to write the name of her friend in a stone, certainly magic or a great strength mixed with a delicate and fine touch.

I doubt than they will be in danger, mostly the rest of us will follow us until we get inside the temple and just then they will wait to have their turn, after me of course~ Saphira said as she enjoy getting close and cuddle at the angel, for what it looks she completely accept without problem than Angie have someone so loved in her life.

Dont worry my love, we will try our best to run as fast as possible and alert you in case if something come out. Im also armed, so we will mostly be ready for anything. Ashley said trying to give a calm travel to Angie who soon fly with the blue skinned lady in her arms, as she start to take height she finally noticed than holes opened everywhere in the small graveyard and where the Priest has rested looks than the soil has been moved in not so much time, maybe less of some days, what maybe should be expected by the early of their visit.

Angie remain close the pair and could by instant notice many bodies move really fast between the trees, but remain in distand and really well hidden behind the shadows to see them clearly. Out of this the travel was peaceful and the four reach the temple. Ashley and Cathleen needed a little more of time, but they run all the way without problems, something than a normal female with a dress would be almost a hard challengue, more for Ashley who made all the way barefoot, if Angie would look the human's feet these would be completely clean and so delicate looking skin would be out of any damage just as if she has come out of a relaxing bath, even when mud, rocks and many others objects were at her way to the temple.

Im glad than nothing happened, it was in part a relaxing way to calm ourselves after such hard moment. Cathleen said trying to remain calm and smiling after so difficult and hard moment.

Yes, actually it was fun and really easy, if it werent for all these people following us we could think in do it again. Ashley then went to where the angel and hug her. So, should we then talk with Miss Sammantha and the rest? I understand if you want to all of them join, but as we will be in a safe place...well, i will not need to remain just looking to all... Ashley said blushing and stoping just suddenly when she notice Saphira rubbing all the way the angel's body, as the woman has done all the way as they were flaying, her actions pretty much had prepared the holy rod for a long action.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you Sapphira, I appreciate your patience, and I will make up for it, I promise you," Angie replied to Sapphira when she consented to wait for just a few more minutes until they found the priest's grave.

It didn't take too long to find it though, with Angie pointing it out and calling out to Cathleen that she'd found it. When Cathleen came over and Angie noticed how heartbroken she looked, Angie hugged her from behind for a few moments and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry Cathleen, if only I was stronger, then perhaps he would be alive still," Angie told Cathleen in a sad tone as she hugged her.

When she moved on to kiss Ashley though after Sapphira's kiss, Angie was as passionate as she possibly could be, not pulling away until Ashley was ready to and letting Sapphira see just how in love with Ashley she was. After they finally broke apart, Angie moved to help Cathleen carve Frederick's name into a stone that she also helped move over to his grave.

"I wouldn't mind letting you all come into the bedroom with me so that I can see you all while Sapphira is riding me, or while I'm on top," Angie said, looking around at the trees where the others coming with Sapphira apparently were. "And honey, don't run too fast, because I don't want you to fall down and get hurt or anything. And I'll be above you both the whole way okay, so scream if you need me," Angie added to Ashley and Cathleen, looking over at them before scooping Sapphira up in her arms and taking flight.

It took them a while to reach the temple again, but not very long thankfully. She noticed the others flitting between the trees as they moved quite fast along with her and Sapphira. "Sapphira, may I ask what your race is called exactly? And what you were doing around there?" Angie asked along the way, one hand on Sapphira's butt, groping the perfectly shaped rear that she had.

When she arrived at the temple, Angie landed at the steps and watched Ashley and Cathleen come up to meet them. Angie noticed Ashley's feet were quite alright despite running around the forest barefoot like she had, and as clean as if she'd stepped out of the bath just moments before. It surprised her, though she could only imagine that it had something to do with her heritage.

"Aye, I'm glad nothing happened either... well, nothing bad at least," Angie said in agreement. "I would love to take a walk with two such beautiful ladies as you two, anytime you like. And aye it would probably be a good idea to let lady Samantha and at least Mize and Tezzy, or Nyami maybe what's going on. And... Sapphira, c-come on now, let's get to the bedroom before we do that. And come on ladies, you all can come out now so that we can see you all. No need to be shy," Angie went on to say, nodding to Ashley and Cathleen as she stepped into the temple proper, slipping one arm around Ashley and her other around Sapphira as she went inside and gesturing for Cathleen to follow them on in as well as she looked around for Samantha and called out for her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angelique hug was welcome by a bereaved Cathleen who needed a moment to get the enough breath to calm and turn softly to the angel. It was not your fault Miss Angelique, at least you were there to protect the temple... and im glad than both of you werent hurted, by the ones than taken his life. Angie then tried to show her love to Ashley who also made the same to the winged one. Their show of love was mostly seen by all the ones hidden in the forest, but these remain hidden and in silent even after the invitation given.

Cathleen has already made all the work to place a grave stone for her friend when Angie come to help, but she let her help her and after pray for him the nun was ready to leave this place for now, maybe she could decide to return later. And so Angie fly high with Sapphira, holding her with a hug, both taking some instants to sense the flesh of the other. I said you, Cutey. Its our dormains, there is where we live and have fun between us to pass the time. The last part said in a whisper and some giggles, maybe as she remember how against have sex in the graveyard was seen by the three visitors. We were looking for males to breed, i need so baddly to fill this emptyness in my body, as anyone else of my kind who dont have a name, we dont need it as we only return to this world to just bring and share pleasure.

Their time to get to the temple was close to end, Sapphira needed some time to continue, her mind was focused on increase even more the hardeness of the meat member pressed at her belly but her intrusions no matter how skilled were, Sapphira just sigh in dissapointment for something getting in the way, at least this made her focus on the angel question. I cant wait to remove this cute dress and see your whole natural beauty, my mouth is melting to taste your whole self, Angelique. Hmhm, ah yes you can just call us blue girls, yet some of us have violet or purple tones.

The flight end and once the others two running behind reach the temple, the get some moments to talk before get inside.

Ah that... Yes, we should inform them about this. Ashley answer surprised and ashamed a little after heard why really Angie wanted to inform the maidens of the temple about the orgy. Hmm, now returning about the walk. That is why i dont bring the heels than Mize made me buy, if i have problems walking with them just imagine trying running... I would love walk with you Angie to get some of my things and also buy some for you. Of course than Miss Cathleen could come with us too.

Im honored to go with both to the town, once i end some tasks and clean a little the temple, of course Miss Ashley. The nun said smiling back to the noble girl who cooed softly when the angel placed her arm around her, as they walked to the temple she softly pushed down Angie's arm so the angel could enjoy the touch at her future wife's rear, just as a hand was doing before a second join to tease the Angel's buttsex juicy cheeks.

Ashley was turning to see the blue skinned woman as her hand touched the other behind Angie, she whimpered softly and maybe she was close to do more to enjoy more of her lover, but some fight sounds and dust reach the entrance. Fortunately the fight in the place inside the temple looks to had just started, there Sammantha and the scorpion girl looks to had finally meet, there the red winged woman was still with the apron in her arm and really calmed to wave to Angie and the rest. Not like Selket who was ready to throw another bench and maybe attack the new angel in their home. Of course than see that strange blue skinned woman dont helped.

YOU! Why you bring them? this people shouldnt be here. Selkie said after turn to Angie, her need to kick someone clearly made her loss the focus on her strenght and break a little more the bench of what she was expecting, making the object fall in pieces. I...i cant sense more of them, close this place, where we must live and remain in secret.

Please, dont cause more damage to this temple. There are betters ways to solve what ails you. Cathleen said as she tried to get closer in order to stop more destruction on the temple than the Priest Frederick has lived and served others.

I Agreed than maybe this scaled a little too high, but we were just talking about what we will do to protect them and these lands. Sammantha said as she just looks to dont understand how easily the scorpion girl could get pissed.

NO! You were pointing than your race will sattle all this and we should just wait. There is no way than i will just sit and cross my arms looking how ours ervices arent not required. I had been fighting without rest with these blue creatures and others than appeared after our Mother fall sleep.

There is not need to fight against each other, we live in this glorious world and we should just enjoy ourselves. Sapphira remain at the side of Angie, but the anger filling the temple looks to just wet her thighs even more, her eyes focus at the long tail of the bug girl, maybe trying to wish to have that inside her without care the lethal danger. Meanwhile Angie could also heard barefoot sounds getting closer and giggles too, Ashley sigh and turn back mostly being the only one out of this discussion to be able to notice than they will have guests soon.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you Cathleen, I appreciate your kind words. I still wish I could have helped him more though," Angie said about Frederick, a saddened look on her face as she prayed along with Cathleen.

"So you aren't actually from the mortal world then Sapphira? Which world did you come from then?" Angie asked Sapphira along the way, a curious look on her face.

After landing and after Ashley and Cathleen joined her, Angie smiled at her fiancee and pulled her close when Ashley replied to what she'd said. Angie was a little disappointed that Cathleen slipped out of her grasp so her arm wasn't around her any longer. When they entered the temple though, Angie was taken by complete surprise when Selkie rounded on her and angrily spoke to her.

"Selkie, calm down please. There's no need to get so angry, and you're breaking the temple," Angie told Selkie to try and calm her down.

Angie watched as Selkie continued ranting though about everything she was going on about. She was starting to get a little tired of Selkie's hostility to be honest, and was starting to think that the only way she would respond was through aggressiveness directed back against her. "Sapphira... I again apologize, but we'll have to put our fun on hold for just a couple of more minutes I think. I have something I need to deal with real quick first okay. I promise though that we will have the fun I agreed on," Angie told Sapphira before turning to Selkie with a frown.

"Alright Selkie, that's it. That's just the last straw. We come here to help you, yet you're so hostile towards us, and I had no choice but to bring Sapphira here along with some of her kin because I was concerned for my fiancee's and Cathleen's safety. The first of whom is your own kin by the way. I'm still pregnant with a couple of Ary's offspring, and you're really stressing me out by how hostile you are. Now you're going to stop being so mean to everyone and tell me why you hate me and everyone else Selkie," Angie said to Selkie, walking towards her with a hurt look on her face.

When Angie reached Selkie, she wouldn't dodge any blow that came at her, knowing that Selkie wouldn't strike her for fear of hurting Ary's children that still resided in her womb. Angie would dart her hands out and grab Selkie's tail and pull or drag her over to one of the pews, where she'd pull Selkie down into her lap and hug her close so she couldn't get away no matter how hard she tried.

"I want to be friends with you Selkie, I really do. But you need to learn to be nice to people, because we have feelings too and sometimes your harshness can really hurt our feelings," Angie would tell Selkie after pulling her down into her lap, giving her a couple of playful spanks on her butt, and if Selkie still didn't understand then Angie would just look at her with another hurt look. "Think of how your words make others feel, of how your words would make Heki feel if she heard you talking to the papa of her children. And how Mize, and Tezzy, Ary, and Nyami, and how it makes Ashley feel," Angie would then tell Selkie to try and get through to her.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Saphira smile as the angel ask from where she come and fly to the temple, the fully face of this woman got filled with more lust and needs to fuck the winged one, but this endured, maybe a hard task for her. Before awake on this world, we were fully surrounded by love and happiness... Then this merciful being send us here to share our love and we had been trying to do this. Now we are part of this world, it has been hard... but we know than slowly we will be accepted by all. Angie could suppose than it has been really hard for Sapphira and her people, all this time waiting peacefully for a kind soul than could understand them in that graveyard.

Cathleen maybe has taken her distance, not like Sapphira and Ashley who were doing what they could to enjoy the Angel's body, as also pampers. As a nun it was normal for the pale woman to mantain the angel as a friend and hug her as they get inside would cause more troubles and confusion.

When they get inside, all were given theirs opinions and maybe were close to find a way to talk and get all this in order. It was then when Angie decided to calm all this with her own hands and her words give to Selhie the time to focus on the young angel instead the red winged one.

All will be fine Angelique, i will help to repair all after we end this interesting conversation. Sammantha said peacefully, she and Sapphira were the most calm of all. Oh, please. I will really appreciate your help, Miss Sammantha. Cathleen said, lossing for a moment her focus on what was close to do Angie, as also does Sammantha. Both were softly talking and getting closer when Angie walk to where Selkie was waiting for her as this smile in a challenguing way. Im just doing my best to defend my home and family, as also all the work done by us and the one than we will make in the future... The one than caused all this conflict was you Winged girl by making this kind get so close to our lair.

After the words come the struggles, Angelique could easily notice than at difference of her little humor and patience with the strange ones, Selkie have a incredible strenght and combat skills... maybe also expecience in combat by far beyond the small battles than the angel had in her young life. However, the bug woman never used this completely.

Dont dare to place my blood relatives into this, this should be only between you and me. Selkie said when Angie said her sisters and Ashley names, as easily she dodge any attmp than the angel could make to try to hold her, but maybe heard than she still have some Ary's babies made the scorpion girl's stranght fade. Suddenly Selkie just let the angel try her move, maybe just to try to see what she dare to try against her or result of the pride at her endurance. W-what are you trying? She growl when her body get placed in positions for the spankings.

Selkie hide her face and waited for Angie's spankings, turning with a dissapointment frown for an instant. Its that all? she ask, not for answer her words but mostly for waiting something else from the angel. Dont be afraid Angie, give her them hard with all your love, i bet than she will love them as i will when i get my turn~. Sapphira at the start interrupt, making Selkie turn to the guest.

I would take care of what come out of my mouth if i were in your place, blue creature. At least the strange spankings calmed her tone a little and she remain in her place, maybe accepting to have all this clear now than both have each other theirs bodies to end this conflict, than maybe Selkie dont care too much as Angie.

If that will stop this nonsense, sure we can be friends. But has how i talk, its not my fault than my way to be affect you so much and i dont see why you need to care for all my family when they know how i'm.

Now, you are always trying to make me think about yours problems, feelings and all your stuff... but has you tried to do the same for me? I want to just fight to protect my family and lair... hunt when i want, just stop that nonsense of that red winged woman about we let them all to your race and follow my rules to protect this place and there shouldnt be problems between us.
Selkie fight to say without dont trying to get out of the angel lap, her tail was still on place and her strong skin exposing her soft rear which translucid drops between her legs let smell a sweet scent than Angie barely manage to smell. She wait for Angie move, maybe she suppose than enduring this would prove than she could fight without their help if the case comes or Angie could suppose anything else.

With all focused on talking between each other, only Ashley looks to be very focused on what was happening outside, she closed the door, so they could get some time and end this, maybe just some minutes before someone knock at the door. Her worries between Angie and Selkie werent so much as both were family and this as many of her discussions at home were common to end without even hit each other, part of the ussual to have more of just a brother in the family.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Your blood relatives are already placed in the middle of this Selkie, there's no way around that. And no, all this conflict was not caused by just me. I admit some likely is my fault, but not all of it. And I want to be a part of your friends and family too Selkie, but you're just so... mean sometimes," Angie said as she made to grab Selkie.

As the two kind of fought back and forth, Angie continued to fail to grab Selkie until she mentioned still having some of Ary's babies in her belly. At the mention of that, Selkie stopped struggling against her and let Angie grab her. Angie gently spanked Selkie, more in a playful way than anything to try and calm her down.

"I understand that you want to protect your home and your family Selkie. I'm not trying to prevent you from doing that. But we have our own ways of doing things and we want to help protect you and your family, and your home," Angie said to Selkie to try and calm her down further as one hand kept lightly spanking, giving her a slightly sharper one that resounded through the room, but didn't hurt at all. "And furthermore you should be careful what comes out of your mouth. Because You just gave me the perfect opportunity to do... this," Angie went on to say before darting her head in and kissing Selkie directly on the lips while her hand that wasn't groping and spanking Selkie's butt gently ran up the length of her tail to the tip where her stinger was and she ran her fingers around the base of said stinger where Selkie's skin met it.

If Selkie broke their kiss before Angie was ready to break it, Angie would give he another sharper spank, this one stinging only a slight bit, with Angie raising an eyebrow questioningly at Selkie before kissing her again. "This is the best way I know to calm people down, by using my body. I don't want to fight you Selkie, because I love you as much as I do Mize and all the rest. Which is very much," Angie said to Selkie. "I just want you to calm down though honey. There's no need to get so angry. Besides, you wouldn't want Ashley to risk getting hurt would you? That's why I brought them here. If you like, you can keep guard on them for me to keep them in line. I trust you Selkie, because you're so passionate about protecting your family. Do you trust me Selkie? Like your family seems to," Angie went on to say to Selkie, sighing softly as she looked up at the girl's face with a hopeful look on her own.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie's words before finally Selkie let her take her would had been answered if Selkie werent already trying to dont cause stress on the angel, the anger in her eyes looks to be struggling to dont cause any damage in the not born Ary's babies.

It was then when Selkie was letting out out some of her anger when the angel dare to kiss her, the bug girl tried to endure this other attempt of the angel to steal her heart, her look remain serious as always, maybe she wanted to just remain cold. However Angie moved her hand to dangerous places, Selkie's long and dangerous tail was not exactly a safe place for a hand and even least the sting, the rub made was slowly making the apendage get wild, the bug girls butt get tensed and her legs tried to press at each other, there was not more option for Selkie than push Angie lips away of her before the effect on the teases affect her even more.

I-i cant allow than the way than your kind have to sattle the problems overprotect us and denny me the chance to act for them... "aghh"... and protect my land...mnhhm... Selkie manage to say without stop her words when Angie spank her sharp enough at her pressed buttocks and before the second kiss, the sudden strong hit sound wet at the end and Selkie's cheeks get softly red, her breathing get affected too. It was clear than Selkie could easily get spanked like this without feel any innesecesary pain.

Angie notice a reduction on the struggle of the love maiden, her slutty body born to fuck was reducing her anger, but still she push osftly again and answer once Angie talked again, her voice slighty disturbed at her actual state. I would trust you...if you stop them here... follow ours rules, so they stay safe. Just fuck them here, in this huge room, let me do my job and we will be fine. As she said this her tail wags high up in the air, effect of her instingtive hips moves to the sides in a dessesperate attempt to calm herself, the floor and her thighs were starting to get a little more wet than before the strong spanking.

Sapphira was getting closer, her hands auto pleasuring herself with soft rubs were sign than the show was really arousing for her, her senses out of the door dont let her notice when Ashley tried her best to shut close the door with some benches. I...i lost the count, how many of them are outside? the noble lady ask to herself aloud, surprised by the number of strange energy coming out the woods.

Minutes maybe were earned, but soon or later someone knock and giggle outside the temple, the benches would not be an obstacle, all know this, but Sammantha and Cathleen werent so worried, they were still talking and looking to Angie actions as Saphira has been doing all this time.


Is someone inside?

The door looks to be blocked... maybe we should use the holes at the walls.

Many voices and giggles were growing in number as the time pass, the women looks to had found the remains of the damage caused by Angie when she make a hole to go to save Ashley of the townpeople, there were just a few planks outside than could in notime be removed to have the huge hole exposed. Ashley turn to Angie still looking for a way to solve this or let them come inside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie was glad Selkie seemed to be taking her gropes without getting angry, smiling softly at the monster girl as her hand traveled up Selkie's tail. When she finally did push her back to break their kiss so she could speak, Angie nodded to her and smiled again, letting Selkie grind her hips against her all she wished. When Selkie asked her to stop Sapphira and her companions here in the temple to keep the others all safe, Angie nodded to her.

"Alright Selkie, if that's one thing it'll take I can keep them up here. Though here in the temple itself isn't a great spot I think. We'll use one of the nearby mossy beds in the woods next to the temple. But... only if you keep an eye on us just in case," Angie replied, looking serious for a moment as she leaned in close to Selkie. "I trust you to rescue me if they try anything more than just making love Selkie," Angie whispered where only Selkie could hear her.

With that, Angie lifted Selkie from her lap and set her down next to her on one of the temple's pews and got up, looking to Sapphira. "I said I would satisfy you and your... friends, and so I shall Sapphira. But we won't do it inside here, but nearby if that's alright. And Ashley, unless you really want to come out with us, I'd prefer it if you go back down with Mize and the others, maybe have them help you decide on your wedding dress for when we get married. I'm not supposed to see it after all remember," Angie said first to Sapphira and then Ashley, stepping over to kiss and hug Ashley first.

"Miss Samantha, would you also help keep an eye on me during this? Just in case," Angie would whisper to Samantha on her way back over to Sapphira to head outside with her to find a nearby bed of moss within sight of the temple to use for their fun she'd promised.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Out of the amoung of arousal than Angie could be placing on her, Selkie remain looking at the angel's face, as for her it was important than the angel get than have the blue creatures away of her family its a serious priority. I-ill promise it, i cant let you do this alone, after all. Selkie cold words dont follow her tone or the moves of her hips asking for more pleasure, she maybe wanted to stay there a little longer, as the little gasp from her when Angie make her sit at her side have a certain grade of dissatisfaction.

M...my wedding dress!? Ashley wide opened her eyes and stay maybe daydremaing for moments after heard such dreaming words from Angie. Losing herself as she kiss and hugs back passionately her love angel.

Oh, i dont care the place as long as i have you Angelique, but do you really will leave her like this, sweetheart? Sapphira said now just some steps close Angie and the bug girl, her words as she turn with a lusty grind to the heavily aroused maiden show not fear of how could Selkie act if she gets more teased. Fortunately her legs looks to be still a little weak, yet she manage to glare at the blue woman.

Would you use also a wedding dress, Angie? Or a...wedding suit? i think than you would look beautiful in any way. Thr sounds and naughty voices from the outside looks to fade at Ashley senses, her heart was in race but she shaked softly her head and tried to get focused on this moment. I...cant leave you alone, Angie.

There is not need for you to be with her if i will be there too. Or could be than you have a Voyeur fetish? Selkie interrupt her, her cold gaze and insulting words were hidden her attempts to put Ashley away of any possible battle.

Maybe the rumor than Mize said me about Ashley being a netorade girl is truth. Sammantha then add, mostly pondering what the maidens could had teach her when she talked in private with them. Of course than Cathleen feels devastated by hearing all the titles impudics coming out even from an angel. Miss Sammantha, please lets just change of topic. Ahm, Miss Ashley... please go with that named Mze, it would be helpful for us too than someone say them what is happening now.

Fine...but i must clarify than i dont understand any of the stuff than all talked and im a normal girl and my likes are normal. Ashley said frowning to Selkie and then leaving, mostly with some hate form all these words placed on her, but at least she wave to Angie with a soft smile before get out the huge room where all are.

Sammantha just needed to nod when Angie asked for her help to have all in order. All then moves to look for a bed, which was the one where the old priest should had used all his last years. The bed was at a room behind the altar room and it was the same than Angie used to make the young beast girl rest before go to save Ashley from that vile man.

That bed could be a little small for all. If you want to add a romantic touch, why dont take all the blankets and pillows and make a love nest in a huge room or outside if you want. Saphira sugest to the angel, there were stored pillows and blankets... also they could take the mattress

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'll be alright honey, and this way I'll know you're safe. Not that I don't trust Sapphira or anything, but we did just meet her after all, and she did hiss at us. Please don't get angry about this okay honey. And yes I would use a dress, though not one quite as beautiful as your own," Angie told Ashley, holding her beloved close so she would know that Angie was only suggesting this to keep her safe, and not that she didn't want her to be with her.

When the others spoke to Ashley and she turned to leave, frowning as she did, Angie sighed softly and took her hand before she got gone and kissed her again. "Honey, I love you. If... (sigh)... if you want to be there too, then I won't make you not be there. I'm just worried for you, because I don't know what will happen, and I don't know how many of Sapphira's people are out there waiting for me," Angie told Ashley before she left, looking a bit sad that Ashley was upset about leaving her side.

Regardless of whether or not Ashley decided to stay and go with them, Angie moved to the bedroom and got the blankets that were in there, taking them all along with the bedsheets to lay on the ground for them to lay upon. Angie then headed outside, with her hand in Ashley's if her beloved came with them. "Alright everyone, I'm the only one you're allowed to touch during this okay, don't try and touch any of the others because that wasn't part of the deal we made okay," Angie told them, heading to a nearby tree that looked good for cover and had a good bed of moss to lay the blankets and sheets on, where she sat down after that and undressed, revealing her already erect manhood to all of them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The talk between them continue, o course than Sapphira could heard all, but she should be already used to this threatment to interrupt her hosts and mostly all was close to end and get sattled.

Ashley hugs the angel after this sigh and said her reasons to ask her to leave, after that last kiss she looks to had melted away a part of what Selkie and Sammantha produced with theirs uneeded words. And i love you too with all my heart, Angie. Its just than we will be soon a married couple... we should help each other... i just want to say than i always will try my best to help you, in what i can do. Said this, Ashley kissed a last time the angel before go to find the others at the tunnels.

Helped by the others to carry all the elements to create the love nest, Angie opened the door and found herself in front of a considerable huge group of beautiful enticing women, each of them savoring what would come soon, few more of them were coming from the woods and when Angie ended to prepare all there were maybe a little less of two dozen of them.

Dont worry for the rest of your lovers, cutey. Only you have the scent than we had been looking for. Sapphira answer back, followed by giggles of the others, almost all the girls stared at her nude body, all her gazes placed on her hard virile member.

Lets sattle the rules then, i will go first and some can have some fun with us, but not more of five... and then we will let you rest, as we need to feed all ours holes to be satisfied.

Heh, it could take us hours, but we will only share our happines with you~

Indeed, i want just a taste of your huge dick, winged one.♥ The many group of women talk between them and prepare theirs teams to rest on the confortable bed with the futa angel. Most the time Angie receive flattery and compliments of her naughty body.

As said Sapphira was the first to take the lead, making the angel rest face up, licking her baby maker tool with devotion, two more placed theirs attention on the angel's breasts, caresing her sweet spots at her limbs and armpits, as a fourt went to her mouth and neck. The saliva placed on her skin increased soon her sensivity, each part slowly turning into a pussy who sometimes get a small nibble.

Angie would find herself loving to get small red marks at her body, there was not much than she could do before the one kissing her get up to sit and place her wet cunt over her so Angie could drink from it. And so after a long pleasure placed on her the first load get placed inside Sapphira's mouth who then prepare her pussy to ride her, not before the rest tried to drink the small remanents of seed than Sapphira greedy dont take.. Cathleen was having problems to see all this lust placed on a single person, but she stay with Selkie and Sammantha in order to have Angie protected in some way.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"And I shall always love you with all my heart and do my utmost to help you out with anything you need. No matter what it is. Your well being and happiness are what matter most to me Ashley," Angie replied to Ashley before she headed back downstairs to the catacombs with Mize and the others, a happy smile on Angie's face as she went.

Once they'd stepped outside, Angie saw that there were around a couple of dozen other girls like Sapphira to sate soon. As soon as she'd gotten nude, Angie watched their hungry glances as she stood there a few moments before sitting down. "I... I hope it won't take some hours. I don't know if I have the stamina to last that long ladies. But... thank you for the compliments, you're really flattering me," Angie replied with a blush to all their kind and flattering words.

As they lay her back to get started, Angie gasped as soon as Sapphira's tongue touched her already throbbing angelic love pole, her whole body tensing momentarily before relaxing. When the others joined in, Angie couldn't help but let out sweet soft moans of pleasure as her hands roamed across all of their bodies that were within reach, touching them all over. She returned the kiss of the one at her lips with much passion, her tongue reaching in to wrestle the girl's tongue down even though she was being ganged up on by about half a dozen or more of the beautiful blue skinned ladies.

By the time Angie saw the one kissing her maneuvering around to show her pussy to her, the young angel was too far lost in the passionate lust of the moment to care who or what was watching her. As soon as that sweet juicy wet pussy was within reach of Angie's tongue, it darted out to lick at it as Angie went to drink down her juices.

"O-Oh yes... goddess yes... I'm... c-cumming Sapphira!" Angie panted out loud before letting out a lewd moan of lust that she couldn't suppress.

As soon as her orgasm died down, Angie was left breathless for a few moments before she felt Sapphira's greedy pussy encase her hot hard and incredibly sensitive dick inside of it, where she began riding her. It wouldn't take her long to milk a powerful orgasm from Angie's lust filled body, with the young horny futanari angel giving up her fertile seed to Sapphira's horny and equally fertile womb as her eyes rolled up into her head.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With a warm smile filled with love after heard such beautiful words from Angie, Ashley decide to take her responsability over what she wanted to do, taking this chance to dont be in danger as also inform to the rest of what was happening.

Angie soon get an answer from the same Sapphira when the winged one was maybe sure than they were too much for just her. Do you needed to do something in the next hours, sweetheart? If not then you dont need to worry about anything except to receive our love and share our happiness... just let yourself be taken by the flow, all of us will be sweet lovers of so kind soul.

Sapphira words couldnt be more correct, her body and juices flowing and moistining so young angel were placing Angie into a trance, her whole body burn in passion as whole herself was used by countless stimulation, even her toes were sucked and licked, her eyes then turned to Sapphira who after deep impale herself opened her mouth close the angel to show her how she have still a part of the angel cum, moving it softly with her tongue, tasting it and remain it there with a naughty and sexy face. then she closed her mouth and engulf all of it and then opening again to let out softly her tongue showing than there was not more of the fertile seed than the angel has shared.

I must thank your goddess to had given you so delicious and fertile seed to share with all of us. My pussy is so thigh isnt? i will suck each drop from you until leave you dry... Angelique and then this cycle of happiness will restart endlessly until we all share the life inside you, praise the gods aloud, my kind mate. Said this without the others stop to increase the lust at the angel with many kinds of foreplays, Sapphira's cunt just made hard for Angie to hold for too much, the angel's mouth was only free again to say more impudic praises and words to the heavens, invited by them so all would know how depraved the angel is.

As Sapphira said she leave the orgy as soon as her womb was filled, lasting a pair of minutes so her walls press and suck the angel's cock. She remain close looking the next of her kind take her place and only returning to cuddle at Angie when they leave her rest, licking her cunt and pennis so the time of waiting get reduced. The others blue girls leave one by one with giggles and dissapear once the count with them was settled.

It take hours, Angie could notice it as the night was close to start, Sapphira hug and kissed her cheek, making her broken in lust mind get switched suddenly to act normaly again. My body burns with the live shared by you Angelique and now my body dictate me than i must take a woman, but that is the only thing than i know and also than all will be fully clear... my goal in this world will be revealed once i share my whole love to a woman, but it cant be you Angelique or any of my kinds. Sapphira get up and the slowly less gazed eyes from the angel noticed than Sapphira pure blue body had now black runes everywhere and at her back the picture of two wings.

Selkie looks to had tried to stop that extreme orgy, Angie could see her whole boby marked with bite marks than werent painful at all, at least there was not a single drop of her cum in her body or blankets. Unfortunately Sammantha has stoped Selkie the whole time and just than now all ended she let her get up from the floor releasing a sealing spell placed in the bug girl, a strong one by the deep hole from where Selkie was.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... don't doubt that Sapphira. I simply mean that... I'm not entirely sure that my body can handle such a number of you lovely ladies," Angie replied to Sapphira softly before they began.

Angie could only watch in anticipation for more as Sapphira played with her seed in her mouth. She squirmed while her entire body was licked, kissed, and otherwise suckled on by the many blue skinned women there. As soon as she felt Sapphira's pussy engulf her shaft, Angie squealed softly and tensed up, her hands reaching out and grabbing the first breasts or butts they could find and give a little squeeze to.

The pussy hovering over her mouth was occupied by her tongue, which licked as deeply as it could reach, swirled around several times, then slipped out to lick across that particular blue skinned woman's clit, then repeating. "Oh yes Sapphira... t-that feels so good. Make me cum again you... g-gorgeous woman you," Angie panted to Sapphira before going back to licking, feeling the urge to cum already too strongly to resist it when Sapphira clamped down around her in climax herself and filling her womb as full as possible.

During the orgy, Angie started getting really into the sex, her own lusts taking over and urging her to take the lead a few times, which she would do if the blue skinned ladies let her do so. She'd take them in both the doggystyle and missionary positions when she was able to get on top, pounding them deep while their pussies gripped and milked her cock dry.


When everything was all said and done with Sapphira and her people with her, Angie raised up and looked around at her. She listened to what she had to say and looked over to Samantha and Selkie, but she didn't see Cathleen anywhere nearby, unless she was overlooking her. Angie looked back to Sapphira before she left and sighed softly. "Sapphira, please don't go rape anybody or force them into carrying your child. If you do that, I refuse to make love to any of you again. I'll go ahead and lay that out right now for you," Angie told Sapphira when she spoke. "And... are you a succubus Sapphira?" she then asked curiously before Sapphira left, motioning for Samantha to let Selkie up when they were all gone.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With their huge orgy or gangbang ended, Angie manage to notice the temple's door open a little, but Sammantha has been on guard all this time so no one of the blue girls should be inside. Cathleen was nowhere to be seen around, maybe the whole event has been too much for a chaste woman like her.

Sapphira eyes wet softly and her face gets softly sad when the futa angel talked in such way of her. Rape someone? What made you stop to believe in us, sweetheart? We never force you to this, but dont worry we are used to this wrong opinion about us. As she said this Sapphira dress herself with her white clothes and then placed her softly cold but enjoyable hand at the angel's belly.

If you werent already carring someone you could help me with this huge and painful need. Her face smirk again, making her rubs cause a shiver of lust on Angelique before shrug. Maybe im a succubi, we only come here with ours minds empty of anything except our instincts, mission and kind personality.

Sapphira then get up ready to leave, just at the same time than Selkie get out finally of the hole made by Sammantha.

Please, wait young one. i believe in you Sapphira and if your race is now part of this world then its our priority learn all what we can. Beside, i havent sensed any dark scent from any of you, so if you allow me, you can use me to fulfill your need. Sammantha then get closer before be stopped by Selkie who hold her arm.

Eh? Wait, you cant do this, you cant trust her all this and put yourself in danger. We could find someone else, i... i preffer to be myself if there is not another choice. Selkie who was in part pissed with Sammantha and her obsesion to place her family out of any confrontation maybe was really worried for Sammantha or she was still fighting to be her who do the best for the others, which was the case Sammantha softly released her hand as she smiled to her and then walk closer.

Angelique decided to protect you and your whole family, in the worst case somehow something happens to me, then i had fulfilled my word and duty of protect Angelique and this world

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well... I mean... I don't think you would be mean and rape someone, but I... I have to ask you not to," Angie said sadly, feeling bad for mentioning that now.

When Sapphira touched her belly, Angie shivered slightly. "Goodness Sapphira, your hand is so cold. Why is it so cold? Here, let me warm you up some," Angie said, wrapping her arms around Sapphira and rubbing her hands up and down Sapphira's back, trying to get her warm.

When Samantha offered to help Sapphira out since Angie herself couldn't do it, Angie gasped and looked over at her. She moved over and hugged Selkie from behind to keep her from doing anything rash. "Selkie, let lady Samantha do this. It means she's trusting you to protect everyone else until we're all back on our feet and able to fight ourselves. And I trust you too Selkie," Angie told Selkie before gently grabbing Samantha's hand. "Please be careful lady Samantha. I'll be watching the entire time to make sure nothing happens. And if it does... well, I'll use my power to rescue you," Angie whispered to Samantha before letting her go with Sapphira.

"Sapphira... you take good care of lady Samantha. She is an important friend of mine and a mentor. If you turn on us, I will help her in any way I must," Angie said, giving fair warning to Sapphira that if she crossed them she would regret it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

I understand Angelique, but you dont need to worry about ours actions, after all we only come here to share our happiness and we can wait until someone accept. Sapphira answer back and then let the angel rub at her back and more down if possible, as Sapphira made the same in the naked futa angel, taking the chance to grope her round rear more of a time. Unlike her hands, Sapphira have warm places around her and mostly Angelique turn herself in heat again after both rub each other, at least the white dress on the blue skinned woman would stop the angel to pierce Spphira's pussy again, but the fabric was very soft to do something to change the feeling than both were touching theirs nude bodies between this.

After be like this for some minutes, Angie decide to go and stop Selkie before this could try something against any of them, holding her from the back, a dangerous place if she werent carring Ary's childrens. The struggle was not so long before Selkie turn to Angelique with her usual cold serious eyes and tone, yet a soft blush below them was there too. I will continue doing my work even after both of you can fight again. She said accepting the angel words, but putting clear than she will not let both of them placing her behind any trouble in the future.

Sammantha softly smile and rubs Angelique's hair softly with a nod. I fully trust on both and i know than you will take the right choice if is need it. said this to angelique, the red winged angel get close Sapphira and both kneel on the love nest, it started slow with both wishpering each other, making the other shiver with theirs breaths passing close theirs ears before kiss each other at theirs collar neck or nibbling softly theirs ear lobe, soon the white dress fall down and the skimpy red armor dissapear leaving both lovers as nude as their birthday, maybe Sammantha was not a love angel, but at least could defend herself in this kind of moments.

But no matter her skills, Sapphira just have something than made the angel melt more in pleasure, the tattoo at her blue skin slowly increase in a purple light as their foreplay continue, but Angelique dont see any evil energy on these. Theirs breasts and cunts were licked by each other as the minutes passed and then the lust on Sapphira reach the point where her eyes started to turn into a purple tone too before between her legs a shine light come out and a luminic phallus was created.

Sammantha was softly moaning and rested at her back now, already so wet than she just got pleasure as her insides were filled with Sammantha's magic dick who as she thrust more wide turn making both moan louder and increse her pound speed. Holding the angel's legs over her shuolders, Saphira press deeper until she could reach the angel's lips to kiss her a pair of times until get faster and then with a last thrust they both cum together, in a long orgasm. Sapphira's body get filled with that magic growl and shine so much than all of the ones looking remain blind for a moment.

When Angie manage to see again she only notice Sammantha witha wide smile resting with her legs opened and rubbing her breasts and belly with her eyes closed for a moment. In her belly was a mark and Sapphira was not there anymore. After her after time Sammantha opened her eyes and just get confortable as if she was fine and in bliss.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As Angie nodded to Samanatha and sat down to watch, she felt the urge to slip up behind Sapphira and take her from behind as she watched. Angie was able to hold herself back though while she and Selkie watched them, biting her lip as she endured it. "It's so arousing watching them go at it. I feel so hot and... h-horny," Angie panted softly as they watched the two go at it, gently stroking herself off as she watched.


When they were done, Angie was so hard it hurt, despite the fact she'd just gotten through making love to over a couple of dozen of them. When Sapphira disappeared and left only the markings on Samantha, Angie hurried out to help Samantha, her own nude body still on show for everyone, and her fully erect cock bouncing with each step she took.

"Lady Samantha... are you okay?" Angie asked worriedly as she reached down to help Samantha sit up


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Not only Angelique remain with her eyes on both voluptuous females, yet for Selkie be in from of someone having sex was pretty usual. It cant be helped, just lay there as i do the work. The bug girl said with cold blood, pretty much she was not expecting more than this from Angelique and she preffer to work alone, with sharp eyes remain ready for act, hidding any possible need to enjoy the same as the winged girls.


It was hard to endure the pain on her hard dick, but Angie manage to do it, as she get close Sammantha to call her attention of that bliss. Of course than im fine, young one. She said softly smiling and her eyes half closed still in her after orgasm effects, letting to Angelique to help her to sip, but her hand manage to touch Angie's hard member what made Sammantha notice the condition on it. You dont need to worry for me Angelique, my body and soul havent been affected, what Miss Sapphira placed on me looks to only be growing slowly until the time than it come out.

In the instant than she ended to say it she placed her hand softly over Angelique's rod rubbing it a little and getting a little worry in her face. Im more worried for this Angelique, it must be really painful for you... as your mentor i cant let you out of my care.

Sammantha then started to stroke softly at Angelique's cock causing it to already let out softly frops of precum. The saliva of Sapphira's people must have some kind of aphrodisiac than our magic cant remove, it must be the reason why it get harder again, right Angelique? Sammantha ask, maybe she has manage to heard the words of the young angel when she was having sex with Sapphira, but even if that was not true Angelique know than Sammantha as a powerful angel would discover any lie and more now than Angie was filled with lust and needs to calm her pleasure on the blonde angel in front of her.

It was nothing to be about the effect of the saliva. Angelique was just so horny and she had been having sex with so beautiful girls, but that gorgeous angel in front of her have her wet pussy ready to be taken and Sammantha's precious mouth was so close of her naughty place now, the scent of all that sex from before and preccum looks to dont disconfort her mentor who have her mouth so close of her wood and cunt, both wet in need.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"O-Okay Selkie. But, doesn't this make you horny too?" Angie replied to Selkie, never tearing her gaze away from Samantha and Sapphira going at it as her hands gently gripped Selkie's butt and hip.


"Good lady Samantha, I'm so glad you're alright. I... o-oh goddess yes, that feels so good," Angie began saying back to Samantha before gasping and pretty much melting down next to Samantha when her hand grasped Angie's dick.

"I guess so lady Samantha. Just seeing another beautiful angel like yourself just... really got to me. And yes, I felt something causing me to remain aroused while they were going at me earlier. I can only assume it was their saliva," Angie replied, her body visibly tensing as her poor raw and very sensitive cock leaked her pre to show just how ready for more it was.

"You want me too lady Samantha, I can tell just by how wet you are down here. We both want each other. So why fight it any longer love?" Angie panted softly in Samantha's ear as she moved in, gently pushing the beautiful blonde angel back down onto her back and pressing her dick against Samantha's folds, grinding up and down against her tight wet pussy before she thrust her hips gently forward to enter her fellow angel, while her hands move to gently hold down Samantha's wrists as she kissed her directly on the lips. Angie would start thrusting away madly into Samantha, all thoughts of anything else forgotten as the aching in her loins demanded her take Samantha no matter what and fill her full of her seed.