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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Its almost as if i was uncouncious all the time, Its all so haze from when we were resting at the temple until when you save me at the church... In part i had tried to dont remember what could had happened to me when i was in theirs hands. Ashley answer looking away and using her finger to rub her cheek, giving a smile to Angie so the answer dont perturb her lover so much and they could just walk peacefuly with something new than they know of each of them.


You are so Charming sweetheart~ Our mother will maybe cry in joy when she heard than our union is so close, she has waited some years for this. The young lady said still happy and lustful focused on her tasks without care to get angry when her mother was named her, instead she wanted as Angie be there to give her such happiness. When Angie inform to Ashley than she also could take her any time Ashley smile turning leaning back to Kiss Angie in her cheek or lips before make the last touches in their food. We could end having only sex one of these days~


Their passion follow to a dreaming sex in front of the goddess statue, Asley was recovering her breath from a potent orgasm shared with the celestial girl than she loves with all her heart. Even in this moment her hips were trying to drain some more of the divine sword which is embedded deep inside her lovely shealth placing the bless of life as much as possible. With all our love we will have soon a home for her so, she can grow up so kind and perfect as you are, my love. And dont worry for the ring, we could get one here if Mize leave us take one of the many than are at the underground lake or maybe my mother could have one. Said this Ashley nuzzle and enjoy with her hand the whole back claveage of the angel, using the other she softly placed Angie's face close to kiss softly her lips until Angie turn back the needed to find out who was behind them now.

As she look back she soon notice red wings from a woman who needed to react fast to hold someone who looks to be very weak to remain standing. She wanted to see it with her own eyes, but there will be time to talk later, please continue young one. Sammantha said mentaly to Angie, in an attempt to dont cause any effect on the human.

Without know what had just happened, the young human placed softly her hands on the angel's shoulders to call her attention from what looks to disturb her now. Maybe there are a lot of things to have all clear to prepare our wedding, all that can wait as there is still time, so lets just enjoy this moment, your skin is so soft and pleasing to the touch. Her hands softly massage and pamper Angie's shoulders and slowly went to her back, slowly going to the base of her wings so she could find out if Angie like it before they continue with their time together releasing all that passion inside the other.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"It's alright sweetie. I'm here for you, and I'll always do my best to protect you. I love you," Angie said softly to Ashley, caressing her cheek and kissing her again.


"Hmhm, I'm sure your mother would love to know you're in love with an angel and want to marry one. I don't know if she'd approve of it being me since I'm mostly a woman myself, but... I think you and I could persuade her," Angie giggled, kissing Ashley again as they finished their food. "We wouldn't go too far I don't think. We love each other too much to go too far on any day I believe... at least, that's the way I feel anyway," she added, kissing Ashley again and hugging her.


As Ashley lay there beneath her, the human girl's hips squeezing around her and trying to coax out as much of her seed as possible, Angie moaned cutely in Ashley's ear. "Oh I'm not that perfect honey. But thank you for saying so. And you're right, I'm sure Mize and the others could spare us a ring or two so I can give you one. Or I'll ask your mother if she has one that I may give you. Because you can't be without a wedding ring after all. I love you so much Ashley, I want you to have the best I can provide... for you and any and all of our children," Angie replied, kissing Ashley deeply before peeking subtly over at the people she noticed, seeing Samantha and someone else she couldn't quite make out exactly who it was. "Very well, thank you lady Samantha. Who is that by the way? I couldn't quite tell," she then replied through the mental link to Samantha, asking who the other person was that looked nearly about to faint.

She did keep going though with Ashley despite the interruption from Samantha, listening to Ashley's words and smiling at her. "Hmhm, there's plenty of time until the wedding sweetie. I can't wait for it, when I can see you in your wedding dress, walking down the aisle to me. And I definitely can't wait until afterwards to strip your dress off of your beautiful body so we can make love again, with my parents as witnesses and some of my friends as well. And your mother if she wishes to be there for it too," she said back to Ashley before resuming her thrusting into her now fiancee, kissing her deeply as she started back up.

Angie would keep going until Ashley was well satisfied, her body moving in perfect harmony with Ashley's, switching positions various times so that Ashley could be on top sometimes as well. Her thrusts would at times be quick and shallow, and at other times a bit slower and deeper to ensure she hit all of Ashley's most sensitive parts and to change up the pace from time to time. When she reached her final peak with Ashley, holding back until they could cum together, Angie would scream Ashley's name and how much she loved her.

When they were done, Angie would gently roll off of Ashley and onto her back, pulling Ashley with her so she was on top and laying on Angie, where Angie would stroke her hair as they lay there coming down from their climaxes. "I love you so much Ashley," Angie would tell Ashley while they were cooling down, a pleasant and satisfied look on her face as she held Ashley.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

My Mother will be fully pleased, as long we can give her the joys than she has looking for. You are the best choice as a husband, as i love you with all my heart~ Ashley answer and all this love soon reveal in their future moment together than she was looking for share the rest of her life with Angie.

Im sure than you will do a great job as father, my love and dont worry we will work together and raise our family as best as we can, i maybe even could look for a job at the town or this temple. With most of her focused on her mate, Angie manage to talk back mentaly to Samantha who looks to need a moment to decide if were appropiate do it now when Angie was busy.

Is just a familiar of one of you, i would answer your question but she wanted to remain hidden for now until she could talk with both of you, please just continue and let this for later, young one.

With her superior hidding the identity at least now, Angie only needed to just do what she always has been the best and that was be the lovely charming angel than love this woman. I also want to see you dressed as a bride and take you in that bed, i dont care anymore how many could see us or what we will face in the future, what only worries me is how will look ours pregnancies in ours dresses. She ended with a little smile, taking Angie as how she suppose could pleasure her better, maybe was the apron or Ashley was really talented in get all the sweet spots at the angel's body, Angie could only enjoy it as they passionately continue having sex, theirs bodies working as one to reach the right moment to cum together, singing in duo and fill the temple finally with that perfect melody.

With theirs passion sattled for the moment, Ashley was just so confortable to rest over her loved one, feeling each other the kindy sweet sweat at theirs bodies, Ashley just smell so good than the celestial could had bet than her lover was a succubi if she dont know already than the perfect entity over her was human in part. The magic apron remain clean and almost it was like it repels the whole substances around it except that delightful perfume getting released from the passion of both what could put her member fully hard in any moment with just smell at it.

I love you too much too, Angie. The young noble answer, with her eyes closed and very happy close to fall sleep with the most perfect bed than Angie's body was for her. When they could manage to get out their love nest, Angie would notice Samantha between some wooden benches taking care of a woman dressed with a mantle, maybe uncouncious or very affected to continue peeking
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, I think your mother will enjoy our union too. And we can think about looking for work after we get married and stuff," Angie said, giggling softly as she nuzzled against Ashley's neck and continued thrusting before looking over at Samantha.

"V-Very well lady Samantha, I would talk with anyone that wishes to talk with me. If you would like, you may return with whoever it is in half an hour, we should be well done by then I think," Angie said through the mental connection with Samantha, telling her when to return with whoever it was she had with her.

Turning back to Ashley and continuing their lovemaking, Angie listened to her lover's words and cooed softly in her ear. "Don't worry about how we'll look to everyone. By the time we have the wedding I'm sure I'll have long since given birth to these little ones, and you sweetie might not even be showing yet," Angie replied to Ashley, smiling back and sharing a sweet kiss with her as she went on thrusting.


When they were finally done and Angie had rolled over to let Ashley lay atop her while they recovered from their intense sex, Angie simply held her close for a couple of minutes. "I love you too Ashley... very much... with all my heart I love you," Angie told Ashley lovingly, caressing her cheek as she held her.

When they finally left the room after a few minutes of recovering, Angie glanced around to see Samantha sitting nearby with whoever was with her dressed with a mantle over her to block her face. "Lady Samantha... I didn't realize you were in here," Angie said aloud, thinking the angel and the woman would have left for now.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

After a well deserved rest after such wild passion, both help each other to get up. Ashley once standing put in place the apron, as she tried to press almost instintively her puss to dont let too much of the angel's sacred seed fall on the floor. Her skin was shining with the remain of theirs bodies fondly against each other, in part Angie was as her drunked a little in such after sex.

Returning again at the main area of the altar, they easily notice such glorious red feathering wings, the blonde angel was using her lap so the one uncouncious could rest peacefully. Sammantha wearing her battle armor invite with a move of her hand to the two girls to come closer. Shh, lets give her some minutes more to rest, she get fully red and her body get so warm than she couldnt leave, so i decide to stay and take care of her. The angel said to answer the doubt of why she still was here. Let me be the first to congratulate you for your future wedding, i may not be there in person with all the work here, but you have my blessing for sure young one.

The angel let her decide if she wanted to say something and then continue. It may be rude to ask you again, Has you already decide what path will you follow? Once you ascend you will have enough power to help us, but it would be also wise than you enjoy this time with your loved ones now than we have an excess of angels in this world.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie nodded when Samantha suggested they let the woman laying in her lap rest a while longer, where Angie gently took Ashley's hand and walked over and sat beside Samantha, pulling Ashley down to sit in her lap as she held her. "Thank you lady Samantha, I appreciate your blessing. And I do hope that this lady here is alright too," Angie said, placing her hand over Samantha's and gently squeezing it in thanks.

When Samantha asked her about which path she'd choose or if she'd decided yet, Angie gave a thoughtful look, having still not decided yet really. "I... I don't know lady Samantha. I would like to return home with Ashley here, and her mother, but I do have responsibilities here as well. Maybe I could return with Ashley and her mother for the wedding for a short time and then come back down to continue with all my responsibilities," Angie said, looking back to Ashley and hugging her while the purple haired human sat in her lap. "If I ascended in power, taking the path you offered. How hard would it be on me? And would it allow me to come back and forth from our home in Celestia to here easier? So that I may visit my family with Ashley when we wished. Because I would like to be able to have our wedding back home if possible," Angie went on to say to Samantha, smiling at Ashley when she mentioned wanting to have the wedding in Celestia so her family could be there to witness it.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Smiling and softly giving a bow to Samantha, the young human let her angel guide her to sit over Angie's lap, her sexy rear just make Angie's body enjoy so much the touch than her member from time to time press up to try to reach the beauty's puss. I also apreciate your blessing, Lady Samantha. Im not sure yet, but there could be a possibility than my mother could try to do a second wedding here. Of that happen we will be honored to invite you too. Ashley said in a polite tone, her eyes then turning to the woman resting

Im sure than she will get fine soon, please dont get worried by this and if im not busy i will try to come to the wedding, but i cant promise it right now without a date. Samantha interrupt before turn to Angie and do her best to answer her doubts. For the moment is possible to return to our land and ascending will help you to dont be exhausted traveling. But i must warn you than sometimes the planes get interrupted, it would be wise check this if you want to travel often between worlds.

I could go for some cold water at the kitchen, if the temperature on her is high, it could help her placing a damp rag on her forehead. Said this she tried to bend over moving her hand to try to free the woman's head as she could need to get refreshed. In the instant her hand was hold by the girl who looks to had awakened with the talk around her. She just whimper with her mouth muffed by the clothes covering her face.

Her eyes focused suddenly on Angie and made her get up and try to escape or place some distance from the angel. Angie could see than the speed than this woman have is not the optimal, by had raise up so suddenly
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, we would indeed be honored if you would attend the second reception here, should Ashley's mother wish to have another one here... well in town rather. I suppose it would do much to improve the happiness of the town if we did a second reception here," Angie said, looking a bit thoughtful as her body instinctively reacted to Ashley's body touching her, her member growing hard again.

When Samantha replied about the wedding, Angie nodded at her. "Yes of course, we'll see about setting ourselves a date soon. And of course I'll be sure to check if there's any interference between our world and the mortal world here before traveling," Angie said with a smile, remembering her trip down.

When Ashley made to uncover the girl's face, Angie watched as the girl jumped up and began to move away as soon as she saw Angie. "Um... w-wait please... I'm not going to hurt you sweetie... please... don't run. Come, sit and talk with us please. I would appreciate it if you would join us. Besides, you just woke back up, you shouldn't get up too quickly or you could get dizzy," Angie called out to the girl, reaching out and gently taking her hand in her own and smiling kindly at her, hoping to calm her down and get her to sit with them. "Ashley, do you mind going and getting this kind lady something to drink real quick? Some nice cold water would be fine I think," Angie then asked Ashley, kissing Ashley on the cheek and gently pulling on the girl's hand if she managed to get a hold of it to do so that is.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Of course, Dear. I will come back soon with some water for our little guest. Ashley said as she get up, ready to bring some water to the almost uncouncious girl who subit tried to escape from them. However as Angie has said this has been really soon for her and it looks like the mantle girl could faint in any second as she try her best to get some distance and maybe try to leave the temple. It was amazing how she manage to acomplish this at the start, dodging Angie attempt to calm her. Noo, please dress yourself first. The voice comming from her was of a young and a tone of shame could be noticed.

I...think than your behavior is not correct and you must repent yourself... to be pure again. She said having a great movement for someone uncouncious just some seconds ago. At least the calm words from Angie looks to had stop her of try to escape and only she looks to need some space to calm herself.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the younger woman managing to slip through her hands and start moving away from her, Angie gave her a saddened look, especially when she spoke and said what she did. "Aw... but there's no reason to be scared or worried. We angels don't worry about nudity that much. Please, come and sit with me, you needn't sit in my lap or anything. I just want to talk with you," Angie told the girl, patting the seat next to her. "And why must I repent myself of my sins? I didn't know love was a sin though," Angie went on to ask the girl, unsure of what she'd done exactly to warrant being called a sinner.

"I'm Angie by the way. Might I ask who you are dear? And if you really insist I don't mind getting dressed," Angie said after a few moments.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Im neither scared or worried, but your nudity in a public sacred place displeasure me. The mantled girl answer still taking some distance from Angelique. Ashley meanwhile was still at her task to bring some water to the girl and Sammantha was giving the chance to both to melt the ice.

I already had meet you enough Angelique, by the images than were sent direct to the mind of many good people. The name given to me is The Stavrophore Cathleen and with the authority than the church and ours Gods lay on me, at the most attentite way i request to each of your kind remain appropriately dressed at least in public spaces. Sammantha just shrug and by for the look of what is happening the talk would be better if all get dressed for a while until this young woman leave.

It may be a long story, but as resume Sisiter Cathleen was at the town where i was doing our work, she was looking for an answer to what has been happening lately and i supposed than she should meet you. The red winged angel said as Angie go to dress herself, off course than Angie know than Sammantha is only wearing that celestial armor created by her power and nothing more, but looks like all was fine if Cathleen dont notice it.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well... nobody is here to see us though. And the statue that Ashley and I made love before was my own lady goddess whom I serve. I know she would not look down upon us for it, as she is the goddess of love after all and what we both did was an act of true love," Angie told the girl with a saddened look on her face at being told such things by the young woman, who introduced herself as Cathleen. "Besides... would you deny the true love between two people miss Cathleen? Have you never loved somebody so much that you couldn't contain it within yourself and simply had to spread your love to those that you love? And this is my true form miss Cathleen, so if you're scared of it or just disgusted by it, then please tell me. I mean... I'll be sad if you're disgusted or scared by me, but I suppose I can get over that. I just want the truth about why you're so adamant about not sitting with me when I'm naked. I mean... this is how we're all born after all, so surely the gods wouldn't be angry about us being naked. But the truth is, I don't have any clothes with me right now Cathleen. So I'm stuck like this until I go all the way back through to the sanctuary underneath the temple to get something to cover myself with," Angie then asked Cathleen with the same sad look on her face.

Angie would wait a few moments to see if Cathleen would join her on the bench, but if she wouldn't, then Angie would sigh before looking to Samantha for help in covering herself with a bit of magic since she had no actual clothes to wear. Once she was covered, unless Cathleen would finally consent to sit with her without her clothes on, Angie would look over at the new girl and smile. "So what are you wanting to know about dear?" Angie would then ask Cathleen, once the whole clothing ordeal was over with.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The mysterious Nun let the angel expose her defense, showing some patience, yet at the end she raise up her right hand with her index pointing up with her finger, maybe to ask for her turn now or something else. Of course than we can express our love and feelings for our loved ones, that ussually is not a sin. However there are rules on this world, the lack of clothes will call the attention of unchaste eyes and cause temptations at ours neighbours. Her tone more calm and ready for a debate was interrupted when her hands started to untie her mantle than quickly remove and place generously at the bench where Angie was, showing still be against the idea of sit with her in her state.

Without the mantle Angie and the rest could notice her white face and yellow eyes, there was two bumps hidden behind her nun hat than also hide her hair. Her Nun mantle dark and with many religious accesories looks to had been earned with the years, there was a blush in her white cheeks and her eyes were looking to other side waiting for Angie to dress her sacred mantle to cover her indecency.

Your sin was comming here nude without think in the damage than you could cause at an inocent, but it could had been only for ignorance and that could be forgiven for this time at least, because now you know than in some way walk naked in public is wrong. The religious said crossing her arms below her dignified hidden ample breasts at her tunic, she was really not trying to be pedantic, just she wanted to guide the angel for the right path.

Soon with the cloth thing ended, the angel pointed her need to know why she was here and what she wanted to know. She nods and accepted the glass of water than Ashley bring, looking dissapointed the lack of clothes of this when the human move to sit close Angie or over her mostly if the angel let her. Once moistened her throat she start. Most of my life i had been secluded from the world, praying for all and writing books, of course than i learned many ways to defend myself of the darkness, but i never expected to need to get out... She made a pause taking some of her drink, it looks than she could easily drink it all but the taste is maybe not the best for her. It could be just my imagination, but the world look to fall in some kind of almost unnoticiable effect, then your little birth performance at ours minds made me be sure than something was wrong. The Priest of this temple was an old friend, soon the rumors of a depraved angel and his death made me come here and so i will solve the problems in this temple, give a proper burial to him and search for any strange entity causing this caoz. Do you have any information to share with me, sister Angelique? She then take all the water in a deep drink and place it softly at a bench close her, waiting for Angie to talk back.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well, I truly didn't realize that people were so concerned about clothing down here in the mortal world, as we don't concern ourselves so much with them. And there aren't any visitors to this temple in any case, therefore there is no reason to get so worked up about it, at least in my opinion," Angie said back to Cathleen as she took the mantle the woman slipped off and placed it over herself. "I don't think it's fair to call me ignorant though when it's simply a difference in cultures. I was taught that humans here in the mortal world used to wear no clothes and didn't mind about being nude all that much. And I have committed no sin, for this is a temple of my lady goddess, and as such I am adhering to her tenants, a couple of which are spreading love where I can and protecting love where it blossoms," Angie then said, looking a bit upset at being called ignorant by the woman, who was sounding to Angie like she was trying to tell her what she should do.

"I mean Ashley's told me that I shouldn't walk nude in public around town, but we aren't in town, we in a temple that's quite far from town. I just don't see what's so wrong about being nude... it's the way we're born after all and the way we're taught the gods made us. So should we be ashamed of that?" Angie said to Cathleen after a few moments, still looking as if she didn't understand the silliness over having to have clothes wherever you went around here. "But why are you covering yourself miss Cathleen, we're all girls in here, it's just I have a penis and the rest of you don't," Angie added as an afterthought, trying to get the nun girl to loosen up a bit and relax around her.

Now that she was covered though, the talk of the clothing ended as Angie made her points and everything, where after she asked about why Cathleen was here, Angie sat there and listened, gently pulling Ashley back into her lap and kissing her on the cheek. When Cathleen was finished, Angie had a slightly upset look again at being called a depraved angel and let it show.

"A depraved angel? I'm not a depraved angel. I'm an angel of love. And as for the priest... it was partially my fault he was killed. He was going to try and help me remove the curse placed upon Ashley here, and the demons... at least I believe they were demons anyway, they shot some sort of beam of energy at me and I dodged it, where it hit the wall, going through and hitting the old priest unfortunately, whom they had tied up," Angie said, incredulously at first, but then more softly and calmly about the priest's death. "Perhaps I should start at the beginning instead though," Angie added before looking to Ashley and kissing her, asking her if she minded bringing her some water too since this could take a few minutes to explain everything.

Once Ashley was on her way, Angie launched into the tale of her coming down and everything that had happened involving her up until they met. When Angie was done telling Cathleen what all had happened, pausing in there to take a few drinks of water along the way every now and then, she looked over at the girl and sighed softly, having left out no details since she figured that either this nun would see through any lies, or that Samantha would tell her to speak truthfully. "And so that's everything that's happened around here that I know of," Angie said after she was through.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

This temple who have many religions could be pretty far from the town, but not so far there is a lake than connect the seven rivers, most of the ones than work there come here to this temple to pray for protection and others to find love, of course than also the loved ones of the ones than losts theirs lives fishing come here to get some confort. The nun inform, to show to Angie than this town was important not only for her goddness and will be not rare than any mortal could come here.

Maybe for you the word ignorant maybe could had been rude, but just now you show than you should learn more of this world or your lack of knowledge will cause more conflicts and missunderstandings. Humans love clothes, these protect them from the enviroment between others possitive things.

Im not against your labor to share and protect the love. Neither if you are naked in a private place. But this temple must be honored and protected, as many believers support theirs faiths in this place. Beside, my old friend must had placed all his efforts to take care of it and i will remain dressed, i made some vows and i feel better wearing this tunic.

Suddenly Ashley interrupt, raising up her hand to ask for her turn who soon she use. My lovely Angie only have maybe less than two weeks in our world and she has been busy fighting for us, this discussion about clothes dont have reason to grow more, im sure than Angie will learn all ours customs with the time and her body is so beautiful to feel something negative when is at full display~ Ashley then kissed her future husband and giggle softly with a nod when Angie asked for some water for her.

Ashley soon return and the talk about the clothes looks to had ceased, the noble lady was lost in love and maybe the mantle was not of er like, as she couldnt place her bare body against the angel. Cathleen was maybe ready to express why she called the angel a depraved, but she was more interested in heard about how her friend loss his life.

Her curse? The nun ask looking as if she has found something from the start without know than it was a curse. So a curse... I see clearly than that apron is enchanted, but it have a different scent than couldnt be demonic.

I wanted to ask about the apron too. Samantha add

Eh? We just find it and i looks amazing, isnt? Ashley said defending her new clothes. Then Angie said all and the nun needed some time to get it all. The ones than killed the priest cant be demons as this temple have some remanents of a barrier, most likely i suppose than they were humans possesd at much
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"So... you wear clothes even in a public bath then? And the old priest man didn't seem to me like he cared overly much for nudity, for I was partially nude when he saw me the first time and he said nothing to me about it," Angie asked Cathleen with a curious look on her face. "All I'm saying is that my lady goddess's tenants say nothing about I must wear clothes or anything like that, which means I'm not dishonoring this temple just by being naked. That is one reason why I don't care if I'm not wearing them," she went on to say before being interrupted by Ashley who spoke to diffuse the situation.

When Ashley spoke, Angie smiled and returned Ashley's kiss and hugged her for her kind words. After asking Ashley to bring her some water too, she giggled playfully along with Ashley as she reached out and pinched Ashley's exposed butt before turning to start talking.


"Aye her curse. It should be broken now, at least I think so. From what the priest and the guardian spirit lady both told me about Ashley and her family, so long as one whom Ashley loves returns that love, then she shall bring good fortune to the town and the surrounding lands, for she is descended of the guardian spirit in question. As for the apron here, Ashley is telling the truth, we did find it just down at the bottom of the ladder leading up and down between here and the catacombs," Angie said after she'd finished telling the story, telling about Ashley's curse and the apron she'd found. "If I recall correctly I wore that apron at one point too, but I remember taking it off at some point... though I can't remember right off. As for those men... I assumed they were evil demons, since they were so adamant about making me fall and everything. But... I purified them with the guardian spirits help... a bit too much in my opinion, but I couldn't completely control the power she lent me, which caused her to fall into a sort of hibernation for now until I could break the seals on the magical energies that flow through these lands. I do remember her telling me though that she would recover soon and could speak with me again. But I don't know how long it might be," Angie went on to say, telling as much as she knew about the spirit lady that helped her rescue Ashley and everything.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

No... i have a perfect schedule where i take my bath alone at the morning after pray to give thanks for a new day. The nun answer amazed by how Angie asked such things. She then scratch her pale cheek not impressed to heard than the Senile priest dont said anyhing about the angel nudity. So you never find out than he was almost blind, its not your fault he was really skilled in hide it, but when he cleaned you could see him sometimes be in the same place even when it was already shinning. Cathleen needed to use her breathing skill earned by years of meditation to dont cry or run away of the place by how sttuborn Angelique was about the lack of clothes, at least Ashley tried to stop this relentless war. The enchanted human squeak cutely when her bared rear was disturbed by the angel's hand and before Angie tried to remove her fingers from her Ashley placed her hand over the one at her buttcheak, inviting her lover to continue teasing her in middle of the talk, cuddling happily at the angel covered chest.


Im so glad than Angie was the one than broken the curse, before do it i was already in love with her and she is so kind and passionate, with her at my side we will bring happiness and good luck to these lands. The noble lady placed her arms around the Angel's back of her head and almost fully focused kiss her not caring what was happening around, Angie was just so hot and give her a lot to love to hide it.

Very intersting, but we must find out what kind of charm have this apron. Do you feel something happening when you wear it Angelique? Sammantha ask, as it looks the interest in this object was slowly growing.

Uhm, i dont feel anything strange wearing it and Angie loves it so much. But the changes caused after break the curse amuze me, i can easily walk without shoes and swim is more easy, my body is full of energy to share. The human interrupt stoping their irresistible long kiss and shaking softly her head, she was completely sure than this apron was a bless to their relationship.

Uhm... Cathleen rub her pale chin after heard all about the demon guys and the missing goddess. If the fight happened before the goddess went to sleep, then the demons than killed my old friend were really strong or they were just possesed creatures. But this place would had been fully destroyed if they were so strong to break the seal and still now i can see them painted.

Yes, mostly they were just some servants or Angelique would had been in real danger, but now with the Goddess of this place unable to do her work who will do it?

Oh that is covered, her daughters are helping each other to do her work and her leader is really powerful. Ashley interrupt again, she was softly sweating by how the two were looking at her.

The worse than we can do is ignore ours chances to solve a problem. As wearer of the power to bring happiness, you must learn what yours powers can do and then be ready when these maidens need you. Sammantha said concerned than the human was not giving her best with that gift.

We cant wait for the Goddess to awake, the first in the list is investigate Priest Frederick death and then call for help to the town to return this temple to its old glory
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hearing the nun's schedule she stuck to ritually from the sounds of it, Angie kind of felt bad for the poor girl. It sounded like she never had any fun at all and had a rather dull life if that's all she did. "So... what do you do for fun then exactly miss Cathleen? And no I didn't know he was almost blind, though I did use some of my holy healing magics on him to help his health, because he seemed to be a bit sickly to me. It helped him a bit if I recall correctly," Angie asked, going on to tell that she'd tried to heal the priest when she first met him when Cathleen spoke about him again.


As she sat there, Angie did put her hand back on Ashley's butt instinctively, giving it an affectionate squeeze but doing nothing further than that for now while her other hand lay gently on Ashley's belly. When Ashley spoke up and pulled Angie's head closer, Angie kissed her passionately, though she didn't go overboard with it and only held the kiss for a few short seconds before breaking it and smiling happily.

"Well... the priest was gifting it to the Lione family for some reason, which is Ashley's family. I remember finding a note attached to it the first time I found it that said as much from the temple owner. And when I wore it... the apron made me feel... like a maid almost, or the perfect housewife. I was urged by the enchantment on it to clean up any mess I saw on the floor and things like that. And it also gave me cooking knowledge that I didn't have before. I didn't keep it on long, but that's how it made me feel when I wore it and that ribbon," Angie said about the apron, telling what she knew about it.

"Hmm, then perhaps I was mistaken and they weren't demons and only possessed by one, controlled by one, or maybe freely serving one. Either way I purified them with the guardian spirits power to aid me. But she did tell me that Ashley and her mother are both kin to her, so maybe that means they could help reawaken her somehow. But I will help Ashley learn what her power is lady Samantha, I love her and I will do all I can to help," Angie said when the others had finished talking again, looking serious about helping Ashley grow stronger and whatnot to discover her powers. "And I don't really know what else you'll find out about his death honestly miss Cathleen, I told you what all I know about it. I mean... was he like you Cathleen? Or was he maybe... not supposed to be an old man? Because he looked absolutely ancient to me," Angie went on to say.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

So sudden change of topic was well taken by the Nun, she even smile as she remember what she do at her free time. Common things as all Angelique, but what i most enjoy is create my own liqueur with the others sisters, is not only fun but also helps you in make bonds with the others... But i only drink at the night, mostly. Now returning wit that problem at Priest Frederick's eyes, it was something than simple healing spells couldnt do something.


There was sone more than Ashley wanted to do with Angie right now, rubbing with her fingers the angel's hand at her lovely butt to show her apreciation for that warm touch, her other hand went to her belly too, helping the angel to rub where their future children would create a round belly to show to all their love turned into a new being. But she soon noticed than the two women were more focused on her after what Angie said about her apron.

Uhm, i dont feel anything weird now than im wearing it, maybe it dont works on the ones of my family. But it so strange than the priest wanted to gift me a magical apron, maybe he in some way know than his days were close to end and wanted to gift us something if we get a maid. Ashley answer trying to get the best idea of what caused such strange efect on Angie.

Not a single creature of this planet know the date and place. But if the Priest Frederick was so sick as Angie said, ten maybe he wanted to help to Ashley and her Mother to bring luck and happiness to this place. Angelique, just in case try to always check when Miss Ashley wear it, if she get an strange behavior then we must separe it from her for her safety. Sammantha was not interested in hidde her worries and Cathleen nods show than she agreed with this, but neither of them could find out without more research what could cause this apron in its user.

Like me? Cathleen ask not sure how take that question, in some way maybe Angie was talking of how she look or the angel was referring about how she act. He was just really blessed by the gods to had lived so long. There are many things than you can findwhere someone was killed by an evil entity or possesed being, i will just sense the place and then check the town later, maybe then i could find something.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well I wasn't trying to heal his eyes really, just improve his general health, because he was quite sickly looking and his breath had... the stench of decay upon it. As if he were... rotting almost from the inside out," Angie replied to Cathleen about the old priest.


"Of course lady Samantha, I love Ashley, so I wouldn't want her to be put in any danger regardless of how beautiful it makes her look," Angie told Samantha reassuringly, not going to place Ashley in danger just so she kept wearing the apron, no matter how nice it made her look.

"Well, how you look I mean, with the pale white skin and whatnot. And was he supposed to be around your age too? That's one of the main things I was getting at, because it just seemed odd that the two of you would be so close when the difference in your ages was so great," Angie replied to Cathleen, telling her what she meant with her questions. "And... I shall do whatever I can to help you in making sure this temple is sanctified properly," she added, her wings fluttering a little bit.

"Ashley, sweetie... let's take that apron off for now so that lady Samantha may check it out with her magical powers to see what enchantments it may have on it. I think that would be for the best," Angie told Ashley when she'd finished talking to the other two, helping Ashley to take the apron off and handing it over to Samantha before covering Ashley up with her wings and still holding her close.