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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Tybi just mumble, sleeping like nothing as she remain tied and shackled until Angie try to take some time to untie her or find for a key, both things could take a little of time. At both rooms there was only the devil guy mantle, for what it looks all theirs things had been taken, except for the dirty glasses than the angel hold and the remains of the ritual like the insience vessel and the dark book.

She dont checked the door with the hole or the entrance door and instead she check the old wood door with rusty metal. It was like an old basement with candles, statues, books, a closet, some wood bunk bed unused for years and what looks to be a trap at the floor close some others fornitudes. The whole temple was in a deep silence made by the strange peaceful aura and the soft rain from outside, she could still continue straight from the path than she has choiced using the trap door or take another door of the two remains.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Once Tybi was taken care of Angie went on through the door she'd chosen after grabbing her glasses and wiping them off a bit with the mantle the demon guy had been wearing, and she saw the door led into what appeared to be a basement. After taking in the sight of what all was in the basement room here Angie saw a path leading forward from there, noting all of the statues and bookshelves and whatnot, but instead of pushing onwards through there she decided to check the other door first, the one with the smoke coming out of the hole next to it, figuring she should check just in case it may prove to be a better path to take. She left the book she'd read where it sat, not wanting to touch it again for now, but deciding that she'd take it when they left as well as some of the other books in the closet area in the basement to study and see what she could learn from them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Once looked a little the basement room, Angie decide to check the next door than have the smoked hole at it, the room was locked but thanks the hole on the door she manage to open it with some complications. Once opened the door she get a terrible discovery as the old man body from before was tied at a chair in front of the door, muffed and tied with a hole on his body and for it looks has died just a moment ago thanks to the last attack than the evil humanoid has launched and Angelique supposed than has missed.

Looks like this was a room used to have private confesions behind the temple, the back zone of the room have a little dinning room. The dark blast has ripe part of the old man's tunic and rag his pocket, a little shine bellow his leg show a key half hidden bellow his decayed foot, maybe he tried with his last breath to hide this key. There was a door leading to another room at a side of the dinning zone.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Finding the door locked, Angie had to open the door by reaching through the hole in the wall and unlocking it that way, which thankfully did the trick. Once she'd opened the door, Angie came face to face with a horrible sight... which was the old priest from before who had told her that he'd help remove the curse from Ashley. "Oh gods... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have moved... if I hadn't then he'd still be alive and could help me remove Ashley's curse. These three must have been those from before when I first left the temple... if I'd only pressed them like I started to then I'd have figured out that they were demons and could have prevented everything," Angie said as she moved over to the old priest, a mixed feeling of sadness, anger, and guilt all at the same time at what she was seeing now.

Looking the old priest over and untying him so she could set him down a bit more honorably, Angie noticed the shining key under his foot, which she picked up and looked at for a moment before setting him down onto the floor as gently as she could. Once she'd laid him down, Angie went over to the door across the room and tried it, sticking the key in and unlocking it if the door was locked and checking inside. "You shall have an honorable burial good sir, you deserve better than this. I will ensure it happens no matter what, and I'll remove Ashley's curse in honor of you, and I shall make sure these demons pay for what they've done here," Angie whispered to the old priest as she laid him down gently before heading over to the door.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

nce she placed the body at the floor and take the key, Angie continue trying this time to unlock the door than continue this path, however soon she noticed than the key was not for this door and it was unlocked already so she could easily go inside. The place was a small kitchen and storage, but there was not too much food and some was already served at a side, it was six food ration in total, it was not something than could take too much time to be prepared and it looks to be a little cold as if has passed some hours of being prepared, one of the dishes was at the floor broken and arruined as also some weak struggle remains as a water glass and a broken ceramic plate show, two of the rations are half eaten and then Angie noticed a lovely pink apron close the storage zone resting at the floor, looks to be new and have a red ribbon as also a note. What read than it was a present from the temple owner to the lione family.

Now without more to go deep through this passage, Angelique could check more around these rooms or check the other path, as also try to get out the temple and search outside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Finding the key didn't go to the door behind the old priest, Angie just opened it once finding out that it was already unlocked anyway. Inside she saw what appeared to be a kitchen of sorts, where there was already a bit of food that'd been served to someone, though who all it was for she didn't know exactly. It looked as if there had been a struggle of some sort some time ago, which told Angie when the old priest had been ambushed by these demons and knocked out most likely. When she saw the pink apron laying on the floor, and the ribbon she saw had a note attached to it, which she picked up and read to herself.

"Well, I wonder why he was giving this to the Lione family. It's quite strange to say the least, maybe it's enchanted or something though is why he was giving it to them," Angie muttered to herself before taking the ribbon and tying it into her own hair to hold onto it for the moment until she could give it to Ashley, and she also took the apron and put it on as well so she'd have at least a little something covering her and to protect her body from these demons that seemed intent on raping her and Ashley, though she knew it wouldn't provide a whole lot of protection or anything, but every little bit helped.

Once she was done here, Angie quickly ran through and checked the nearby rooms to see what was inside, giving a quick look in each before moving on to the next. If nothing was found in these rooms she would rush back out and open the entrance to look outside very quickly to try and find Ashley, thinking that they may have gone out there to do whatever they intended to do under the open sky, whether it was still storming or not. If nothing could be found within sight of the temple, or a little ways off from the air above the temple once she took wing and went up, then Angie would head back to the wooden and rusted iron door she'd gone through first and continue down the path it followed.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Once she Placed the ribbon at her hair and then wear the beautiful pink appron, Angie could feel herself more proud of herself than before, her eyes then noticed the mess at the floor again and this time she automatically need baddly to clean the food at the floor to put this room at order. She was so fast and happy at do it and she feels so relieved once this little work was done, proud of how clean all looks even with the small work than she made, it was as if she were a very experienced maid or housewife, the food at the kitchen would had worried her but she know than she could easily make more for her friends in just a pair of minutes and after use a finger to taste it, she know what she needed to add to make it taste as made at heaven.

She know than she dont have too much time and nearly as if she have a six sense she start to look around the rooms without make a false move, she take the demonic robe and sigh giggling... silly Angie. She think to herself as from the mantle she take a small key and with this release finally the poor Angie and place her in a best stance before kiss her forehead motherly and press the monster child cheek, pressing softly their nose before leave.

The mess at her body dont worrie her at all, she feels great and full of energy to solve usual problems, as she check the remain rooms she was sure than she would really love clean all the next hours but first was Ashley, once all in place she could return later and place all in holy order, after all as a sweet angel she coulnot leave this holy place without be in perfect conditions for the believers, as she go outside she also write in mind than she should make some of her lovely touches at the garden to make all welcome and get more people.

The place was a little close the port and there were many footsteps at the roads, with the little taste at the food she know nearly exactly than had passed at least two hours of had been made and she is sure than the two rested maybe just one at the temple, so taking away the event at the ritual these guys could still have tweny minutes to go away, maybe some more after her cleaning, she fly a little more but only own more water at her body and her beautiful apron was getting wet so she get inside the temple again with less of the white fluid what by a strange reason she miss.

Her housewife skills manage to find a candleholder than she could use to iluminate the path, also she found a bunch of coins than she suppose could be from the believers than could reach more than 1k coins, three weeding rings, a pair of prayer books, a small monstergirl figure made of marfil. At the mantle she found a box with some seals than looks to mantain something sealed inside, a long needle with blood than looks to had been use lately and have some little stains of dark blood, a paper with some strange numbers and a bag with coins.

Once she get ready to open the old door again she soon noticed the HUGE mess and she could baddly endure try to take her time cleaning all this, she even when could find a lot of things she was sure than she will dont stop once she start and even with her supernatural cleaning skills this will take her a lot of time.

If she decide or dont clean it, she then will go through the trap door where some ladders will take her to an old passage filled with tombs and small corridors going everywhere. All was dark and she could try to go straight, to the left, right or take two more paths than looks to make her go to the other side of the temple.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When she put the apron on, Angie felt the unnatural need to clean the entire room for some reason and couldn't explain why, so she did so. It didn't take her long at all she saw and once she was done, she headed back out, feeling quite proud of herself to say the least. She even tasted the food for some reason that she couldn't explain and found that she knew how to make it taste even better when she made more for Ashley later once she'd rescued her. Once she'd taken care of Tybi, acting like a mother to the unconscious girl and rubbing her nose against Tybi's and kissing her on the forehead too.

"Get some rest sweetie, okay. Momma Angie loves you now, so rest for now and I'll take you home soon," Angie whispered to Tybi, unsure of why she referred to herself as momma Angie.

As she checked the remaining rooms in that area of the temple, Angie found only thing that she knew needed cleaning, but she also knew that she couldn't bother with that for now for Ashley's sake, so she put it all on hold despite the want to do it for the sake of any worshipers that came by while she was here. Once she was done looking around in there, Angie headed on outside for the moment and saw the garden needed tending to, but again that needed to wait until after Ashley was rescued and taken care of she knew, so she left it for now and decided to come back to it later. Thankfully she didn't find either the demon men or Ashley outside of the temple, which would be considerably harder to get to them and fight because of the heavy rains, but she did end up with more of the sticky white fluids being washed off of her.

Heading back inside, Angie quickly managed to find a candlestick and a candle to light her way as she traveled back through the place to the wooden and rusted metal door, where she began following the path leading through it after finding all of the different things such as money and the other trinkets laying about, and the statuette of a monstergirl she saw was kind of cute too. She left the mantlepiece where it was, deciding that the bloody needle and whatnot was best left there. She left everything where it was despite the extreme want to clean the place, because again she knew that Ashley was counting on her and she couldn't stop to clean this place just yet, maybe afterwards she thought to herself.

After struggling with her inner self about cleaning as she went down the ladders, Angie came to the crossroads beneath the temple and quickly decided to take the path straight ahead of her for the moment, figuring that it would be good to take. Before she started down it however, Angie shook her head a little bit and untied the apron she was wearing, the thought finally dawning on her that the apron was making her want to do all of this cleaning that she had no time for, that it had an enchantment of some sort on it, and she didn't want to maybe come to another room that she couldn't help but clean when Ashley needed her help now. She laid the apron on the ladder leading down and left it there for now so she'd know where it was at and went on down the path straight ahead of her position in the tunnels, figuring she could easily come back if need be if nothing was down in that direction.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Even when the apron could have a lot of magic, it was easy to remove as any other cloth, however soon Angie notice her lack of skills than she lost after remove it, if she havent went straigh maybe she would be lost for hours in these passages... She suppose it at least because soon the path went down and then to a side, her candle was close to turn off many times and she could not find any clue to where to go, there were just tombs, statues and others empty paths until suddenly she found a big door with many paper seals and two turned off torches at the sides, the door was locked and she will need something to open the door.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she made her way through the temple catacombs, Angie soon came to a large locked door with a pair of unlit torches on the wall next to it, which she used her candle and lit to light the place up. Once she had some light in here now, Angie reached out and tried the keys she had taken before, the one from the old priest first, if it unlocked the door, she would gently push it open and head inside to see what was within, thinking that Ashley may be inside and she needed to get in there to rescue her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Ashley tried the old man's key this unlock the door and then she tried to open it, breaking the seals of the door at the process. At the tiem than she open them, a wind get out and nearly turn all into darkness, but fortunately the two torches at the sides endure it. The nude angel went inside, feeling the wet stone floor at the room, she could sense the peacecefull aura be more intense in this place, nearly making her feel as if she were at her mother embrance. She was at the start of a underwater lagoon, there was a bright at the bottom and some water drops were starting to fall at the floor than has been dry, something make her play attention to the small zone and she could start to notice lines forming letters.




Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The seals on the door broke as she unlocked and opened it, where a powerful wind blew out through the opening. The wind nearly blew the torches she'd lit out, but thankfully it didn't do so and she could still see thanks to the fires enduring the blowing. The stone floor inside was wet and cold, and the strange sense of peace she had throughout this place was overwhelmingly powerful in this particular room. She wanted to just curl up on a dry piece of the floor and go to sleep for a good long while, but she shook her head at this thought and continued walking inside.

As she stepped forwards into the room, Angie saw the watery area was almost like a underground lagoon of some sort, and she saw some water dripping down from the ceiling as well. Her gaze soon fell upon the letters forming on the floor ahead of her, and something in her mind told her to go ahead and step closer, that there was obviously a power in this place that seemed to want to help her, but then again she also thought that this may be another trick of the demons, but she did remember that this strange sense of peace she kept feeling was in here before the demons tied up the old priest, so maybe it really would help her. She had to hurry regardless she knew, because Ashley was counting on her to rescue her.

"How will you help me? Can you aid me in eradicating these demons from this holy sanctuary? I need strength with which to destroy them and to remove my friend's curse," Angie asked whoever or whatever was making these letters as she cautiously stepped forward towards them, a hand extended in front of her to blast her holy magics if something went wrong to clear her a path out of here, but this peaceful feeling she had in here made her believe she wouldn't need to worry about being tricked, though she still thought it best to be prepared anyway.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The water let Angie talk and then some more words at the side were formed.




The water marks answer the questions one by one, each time more slow and the light at the botton was slowly fading too.


the angel notice and the place shake softly, the enough so she could see the light torch iluminating the walls and lake, all was filled by seals and papers, bottles at the botton of what looks to be wine bottles were empty resting at the lake far bellow,as also many talisman objects.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Tainted... tainted how? By what? And how can I lift this taint? And where can I find them and where they've taken Ashley? I must hurry if I'm to rescue from them and lift this taint you speak of," Angie asked quickly as the room shook and she saw what all was in there, her eyes glancing around at the place quickly.

Angie went over to where she saw the talismans in the water and grabbed a couple of them, or all of them if there weren't all that many of them in there. After she checked these talismans, to see if they had holy magics in them she could use to help protect herself with, Angie would then follow the directions to where Ashley was at if this spirit or whatever it was told her where to go in order to find her. Though if whatever this was didn't tell her where to go in order to find Ashley then Angie would then head back the way she came and check the path to the left she'd seen before coming this way, moving quickly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)


The spirit manage to write missing at the last letter and then something like a big shadow slither away at the ceiling and made a splash at the lagoon, soon the light was fading and leave Angie alone with the many relics and the strange peaceful aura getting less powerful as how Angie has feeling at the whole temple.

The angel could follow the drection of the unknown spirit and find out the exit by herself, but if it was true then what Angie could decide to do before go flying to the town if she decide to go. The talismans than she can hold without any thing to store them were ten if she leaves all the others things than she was holding at her hands, she could not feel anything more than the aura at the temple but the symbols on them make her suppose than seal something.

Soft cum covered, wet wings, nude

talismans ??qty (max: 5 per hand, 2 per hole)
extinct candle
old man key
evil man little key

Room items
wine bottles/ luck roll to get a full one
used paper seals
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As soon as the spirit wrote the last message, Angie knew exactly what these demons were doing now and knew that she needed to hurry. She quickly grabbed all of the talismans that she could and brought them up out of the water even as the spirit or whatever it was left the room. The peaceful feeling or aura that was present began to fade somewhat, becoming less powerful around her for now and not interfering with her senses as much anymore. Before leaving, Angie decided to keep all of the talismans that seemed to have power in them that she could use to her advantage against the demons, hoping that they had something within them to help her reveal the true nature of these demons to the people of the town before it was too late, and she also tried to find some sort of magic in them that would help purify the taint in the town.

With that, Angie followed the path that the spirit laid out for her, intending to follow it to the demons and rescue Ashley from their unholy ritual or whatever reason they wanted her. She was figuring that they were wanting to do this in front of the town so that her mother would accept it since she had been trying to hard to marry Ashley off to some noble house, but then again maybe this had been Elizabeth's plan all along, so she couldn't rule that possibility out just yet until she made sure. Once she had gone through all of the talismans and found the appropriate ones she wanted, Angie put them on wherever she could and went on, flapping her wings mightily to shake the water off of them before heading out so she could fly better for at least a little bit on her way back to town.

"How long do I have?" Angie called out to the spirit as she prepared to leave.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie soon started to collect as many unknown relics than she could hold, starting by a beautiful necklace it had a gold chain and a growing blue huge jewel. Soon as this rest between her ample blossom her attempts to place as many as she could increased, her needs for earn more power has grow her greed to unknown levels, placing at each of her fingers at least two rings and also adorning her toes with them, bracelets, earings, a tiara helm as also hairclips and without notice it she adorn her manlike member with a thigh bracelet. her wings were softly pierced and small earings were placed at them before she hold more at her hands before leave the place.

As if she know the place at deep darkness the angel fly through the passages as she adorn herself more, without feel any pain she pieced her nipples with two niple rings after bond them with a thin gold chain, she casted a magic and the remain objects start to be placed on her as she continue flying to the exit. Soon Angie know than this was the only way than the spirit know to save Ashley of her terrible fate, the words "sorry" and "borrow" come at her mind many times as her body get filled with more relics, each giving more power to her body but also making her slowly fade at her mind. The hurry of both Angie and the spirit was enough to dont stop at the trap door and just pass through it and also every door and wall in front of her at her flight, each wound than Angie could receive from this was quickly healed as also every each damage as her wings and body were pierced by the relics dont leaving any mark at her.

The rain clouds move away of her leaving a shining efect as she fly at the sky, making her gold chains and jewels shine in an spectacle than would leave any creature amazed and stuned. In front of her the rain as if were a long viper creature focused the remain power and water at the town, the guards there soon moved to get cover in the few roofs than little could do at the owerful monson winds than shoot endless bursts to them until the huge door fall. The people at the plaza who was gathering for a unique event soon turned to the sky after heard the fall of theirs borders. A woman scream and pointed at the middle of the colosal storm where a light path pointed direct to the cathedral, no one could apart theirs eyes of the humanoid winged creature slowly flying toward the weeding.

Angie could sense the sight of every person at her, looking her and questioning what she was and why she was adorned naked like that, others just deep bow to her placing theirs knees and heads at the floor as she celestialy land. The remain guards than endure her mighty power surround her and even one tried to wound her with his sword, but Angie just block with her arm without turn to him, the remain angel mind notice a thin chaind at her arm than has block it without any problem. It was the same thin delicate gold chain than has unite her niple rings, for what she has notice it has grow a lot, wraping each of her orbs too and then slither softly around her limbs until fuse with her bracelets in every limb and manlike member, collar and rings at her clit and lower lips, these last and her ass metal circle at her rear make all be able to see her insides if they tried. All this dont give any shame to the angel and just make her feel enjoyment, as she proud show her virgin celestial body to all.

The swordsman guard go away in shock, as he see how his sword start to rust.

BEGONE! WITCH WHORE!! The man with a huge axe shout and the masses start to awake of their awe. Two feets more huge than an ussual guard he lift his axe and try to cut the angel in two but this just turn to a side as she surround hin with her arms and wings. The spirit frown not liking the man's ugliness and words. A shame she mutters as she see the powerful impact than the axe gives to the floor before rurround completely the man at her wings and then in a second a frail beautiful woman come out of where the man was, this make the panic grow and the soldiers go back a little.




many men and women shout and take anything than they can to fight her, Angie was worried, but her body just sigh as she remove one of her shatered rings and let it fall on the floor. Angie could feel the spirit's sadness inside her body, each of these words were more than a knife at her heart, the wordsstop and shut up were trying to get out of the angel mouth as also the begs to stop these townpeople of try of lynch her futively, before she get more pissed an old man kissed her barefoot.

Please goddess, give me another chance and please forgive them. Angie soft smile and kneel a little to caress the old man hairless head. in the instant the man's hair start to grow in a red tone color and with soft groans the new young viril male just pass uncouncious at the floor with a smile on his face. This town as decayed so much... Angie could not stop herself to say before lift her arm to the sky and then point to the townspeople against her, the rain cloud turned into a long tunel and as a viper water tornado swallow nearly all the humans at the town, at seconds nearly all her rings turn into dust leaving her with only five at her hands. There was not more of ten guards still at their feet's and a dark clothed man get out the cathedral to defend the door. After the huge spell Angie could control more her body but she still feel the spirit power at her nearly having more power than an archangel could reach, but she was not used at this power and looks like each use make her get more weak, she also notice some lust coming of her manlike member and breasts these were leaking milk and cum drops without stop the whole time. The new girl in what the huge man has turned have her huge armor slowly dissolving, the small girl blush looking the cum trial behind the angel and start to like the warm seed trying to struggle to stop herself but loving the taste, slowly giving up to her lewd instincts.

Many critic fails and success mixed so i decide to make this little event happen, sorry for nearly auto ended the whole battle.

1.- The water spell has turned all the townpeople afected into...
-female beautiful young nympho monster girls and monsters
-female beautiful young nympho monster girls
-female beautiful young nympho women
-viril males and young girls in huge needs to make an orgy
-normal naked and fucking each other, maybe even childs
-all are just uncouncious
-all are dead

2.- fight
-all soldiers
-one by one
-mantle man
-just shoot and get inside cathedral to interrupt all and fight what is inside too
-MF own choice
Angie can cast now water magic, holy, wind and metharmorphosis magic focused on rebirt. Take care as more powerful and OMG is the spell more magic take of you and you could get in troubles.

Soldiers hp from 3 to 6 and a strong one of 8
dark mantle man ??
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Collecting as many as she could get of the old talismans and relics of the temple to use in order to rescue Ashley, Angie put on the necklace as the large blue gemstone laid between her breasts. As she put everything on, Angie felt a moment of greed in her very soul before slowing down in taking things, then she shook her head at the thought and feeling of greed. "No I'm not greedy... these are... only temporary, in order to... save Ashley and her town from a terrible fate. I need all of the power that... I can get for this... or I fear that I'll fail," Angie said, struggling to speak and justify her actions for wanting this power.

She pierced her nipples with a pair of rings, her feathery wings with a few earrings that she could do so with, as well as fixing a bracelet around her penis too, she even fixed a golden chain to the nipple rings to connect them. She felt no pain from any of her piercings thankfully, because if she had then she may very well have decided to not take any of them really. She flew as quickly as she could to the exit of the temple, going past Tybi along the way and muttering to herself that she'd be back for her soon and would take her back to the town to rest until her mother could be found, whoever it was. The wounds she received by bursting through the doors from the splinters, or a chunk of rock hitting her from going through a wall was negligible to say the least, because her new found power thanks to the talismans and relics she was wearing healed her body instantly thankfully.

When she reached the outside and flew up into the sky and shot across it towards the town, Angie could see the storm receding from in front of her, allowing her to fly quickly back to the town before it was too late. The sun parted the clouds as she made her way to the town, which shone and glinted of of her new jewelry and soon enough she heard a woman scream as she pointed up at her. Every person in the town that was within sight was looking at her, and she could sense a few guards that weren't quite affected by her radiance moving towards her in order to stop her despite many people bowing their heads respectfully and allowing her to pass. When the first blade came at her in a vain attempt to wound her, Angie merely threw her arm up and blocked the blow before it hit her, the swing harmlessly being batted aside thanks to a thin chain that was coiled up her arm and was connecting her nipple rings together, the thing having grown it looked like until it connected all of her bracelets and necklace and rings together, even her piercing through her clit was connected to it now she saw. She continued forth as another soldier came at her bearing a huge axe and swung it at her, but again she was ready and darted in, surrounding him with her wings and wrapped her arms around him, the spirit that was with her speaking up as she practically ordered Angie's body to do what she was about to do. When the spirit had pushed forth her power and the soldier man had turned into a beautiful young woman, making Angie believe that this corruption was very powerful indeed to have caused that much of a taint to someone.

As the people screamed in fear of said mountain spirit, Angie could feel the spirit within her feel hurt by their words and very sad. "What are they talking about my friend? What mountain spirit are they speaking of? Don't listen to them, just focus on saving them from this taint okay, they're only words, and words cannot hurt unless you allow them to do so," Angie spoke to the spirit through her mind since they seemed to be connected at the moment.

When an old man kissed her feet as she stepped forward more, Angie stopped momentarily before she spoke up to the people to dissuade them from attacking more and she gently caressed his head, where a new head of hair sprang forth, red in color, and he changed back into a young man, the decay and taint of this town now showing more so, likely to some of the surrounding people as well which was good as it'd help to sway them against these demons. "I shall forgive them good sir, have no fear. But this town has a taint and evil growing within it that I must destroy to save you all, only then can you all live free from this evil. And I am no goddess, merely one of her angels that was sent to save you all before it was too late," Angie said to the man before he fainted at her feet, her words coming out so kind gentle that he would know it to be the truth.

"Gods this town has decayed so much. I must put an end to this madness before all of these people are lost," Angie said as she lifted her arm to the sky and called forth her power at the people intending to attack her.

A rain cloud swirled around them all and formed into a tornado of water, that engulfed many of the people there and as it did so she pushed forth her own holy powers into it to cleanse the taint from each of them, turning the water there into pure holy water before it was done, or at least trying to. The exertion of doing this was eradicating most of her rings, piercings, and other jewelry from her body, but she cared now as long as it cleansed this town from the evil taking it over. How she could not see it before amazed her greatly, but she figured that it must have been because she was so weak after coming here. When her spell was done and most of the people were no longer attacking her, she saw that there were only ten guards remaining on their feet as a man in darkened robes came out of the temple to keep her out. She could feel that she had complete control of her body again as the spirit had given it back to her now, likely having exhausted itself before with the spells.

Her body was very aroused, her breasts were dripping milk from her nipples and her member was dripping something from it as well, though she didn't know it was just a bit of pre-cum herself, as she knew virtually nothing about sex. Angie knew she couldn't kill any of these people, at least she couldn't do so unless she absolutely had to, and even then she wouldn't want to do it, the dark mantled demon man though on the other hand was another thing altogether, him she could kill because she'd already killed one of the three of them. Stepping forward again a few steps, Angie looked to the soldiers.

"Soldiers, there are demons among you, but I am not one of them. I am an angel that has come to purify this town of the taint that is within it, and at the temple outside of town there was an old priest that was killed by these demons I spoke of, of which there were three. One of them I have killed, and the other two have taken one of your own, her name is Ashley Lione. Help me to rescue her within this place and to eradicate the demons and their taint before it is too late, before you all fall to their evil. I do not wish to fight any of you, so please don't make me do so," Angie said to the soldiers, trying to get through to them before moving forward again, where she then pointed at the dark mantled man. "The demons wore robes just like his when I last saw them, and they tried to defile me... an angel, but I broke free of their hold and am here now to free you all from it as well. You need but listen to me," Angie added to the soldiers, where she then threw a bolt of holy energy at the mantled man in an effort to seer his robes off and show his true form, because she knew he was one of the remaining demons and that these people would listen to her once they saw the truth of the matter.

It's alright about the battle stuff, I actually expected her to have been tricked again by this spirit to be honest really.

Also, she is going to choose to purify everyone with that spell, figuring that an angel shouldn't make them turn into women and monster girls, and or men as well and turn the place into a huge orgy, because that isn't becoming of an angel.

For the second choice she is speaking to the soldiers to try and get through to them or get them to at least stand down and stay out of her way and then she's going to attack the mantled guy who she is assuming is one of the demons with a bolt of holy energy, directed at his center mass in an effort to either knock him out or destroy his clothing so the remaining soldiers see what he truly is.

If worse comes to worse, Angie will call upon the angels back home to come to her aid and tell her where she went wrong, feeling totally ashamed that she couldn't handle this herself and had let it get so out of control. Just a contingency type of thing that you can use if things get out of hand or she loses in the end.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Maybe there wasnt too much time to talk between each other, but Angie suddenly notice the mensagge at her head telling her than this was a great spirit with inmense power than help to build this city and all place them as their goddess in a distant past, before all slowly start to forget and hate her existence.


The soldiers werent amazed by her news, even some slowly surround her as she speak. Some looks to try to endure a laught but mostly looks her down or are afraid of her.

Liar, i haven hurt anyone and im a human born at this town. The only corruption here comes from you, evil spirit. All know than Ashley Lione will be saved soon from your cursed blood and even with your power we will stop you. The guards nod and shut ofensive words toward the angel and their goddess just before she shoot against the dark mantle guy. At the last moment the darh mantled guy casted a dark spell to protect the zone from the impact and jump away, but even then the ray hit him making his body visible for the others. He looks amazed as his extra apendages get revealed but remain in guard insulting Angie for her spell. Some guards join him calling her whore witch and looks ready to fight, but others looks to be confused and draw back.

At least seven are ready to attack her and the possible demon stay firm at place. the place near the door reveal a huge damage in the wall and floor, as many screams come from inside the building.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Me corrupted? You accuse an angel of corruption when it is obvious she isn't? Anyone can feel the corruption from you if only they look closely enough. I have not killed anyone here save your demon friend and I don't plan on killing anyone else save you and that other demon companion of yours in the least bit. You however killed a priest with your two cohorts... a priest of a temple that was still to the goddess that created this place. He was a frail old man and you killed him after tying him up and leaving him defenseless. Now what would do that but a demon?" Angie said to the demon man before blasting him, revealing his true nature to everyone there, which did indeed make a few of the soldiers stop coming towards her, but not all of them. She ignored their curses at her and told the spirit to calm down before it did something that it would regret, to let her try this.

"Look at him now everyone, I believe that is all the proof that you should need to know he is a demon, the fact that my holy energies forced him into his true form should be more than enough I'd say. He and his companion are going to hurt one of your own and turn her into something far worse than them if we do not stop him. I have made a blood oath to lift the curse upon Ashley Lione, and to free this land of the taint within it. I ask you, has he made any such oath? Do you not hear the screams coming from inside? They are going to corrupt Ashley Lione into what I don't know, but I do know that it will destroy your town here as it is if you allow it to happen. Now I am going to go in there and stop these demons, and you all are going to see that I speak the truth if you somehow can't see it yet. I don't wish to hurt any of you, but I won't allow you to stop me from this," Angie went on to say to the rest of the soldiers as she began stepping forward towards the doors, hoping that the soldiers wouldn't attack, but intent on being ready to defend herself if they did so, because she couldn't stop now, not when Ashley needed her help and these people needed her to stay strong too for the sake of the whole town and everyone in it.

As she walked, Angie raised her hand towards the demon man and unleashed another burst of holy energy straight at him, intending on eradicating him from this world altogether as she went inside to where the screams were coming from. If the soldiers attempted to stop her, she would give a small burst of energy strong enough to knock them back, but not hurt them overly much... enough to deter them from attacking again though and to sear away any corruption that has started to take over their minds so they could see the truth. "Any of you that wish to truly save your town... follow me and defend your home from these vile creatures," Angie called out to the people of the town that were still standing or awake at least, well the ones that weren't the soldiers standing against her now, intending on hopefully scaring these remaining soldiers into following them if nothing else with sheer numbers against them.