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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley looks to dont enjoy the idea of her guardian need her to defend themselves, maybe she has thinking than Angelique could defend them of something more dangerous than this, she just continue struggling and begging for help.

With the fight ended, Angie soon get up and take Tybi from the tree, she was mostly focused on take as much fruits as she could, they looks nearly as blackberries so she was not pleased with just ones.

I cant endure all this...thing over me, i feel...sick. Ashley looks to be palid, mostly really displeased in her state, she could faint out if she get more stressed, her attempts to clean herself continued even after Angie stop talking and focused on take the little girl from the tree.

Yaaay! lets fly again.1 Tybi said cherfully and tried to dont let fall any fruit than she has stored on her clothes and mouth... what werent enough as she and Angie dont have a backpack or poket... only Ashley have a baghand so she would need to let them sote them there if they plead them the enough. Yes, lets just go there and forget about all this place and its nasty creatures.

Hey... i live here too and there are some cute animals too.

Im talking about the spiders and the others nasty things...lets just go out to clean all this mess.

Uhm... i havent been at the lake without Mommy, maybe she is there.

The girls talk a little before get ready to fly, Tybi looks really happy with hope to find her mom, meanwhile Ashley just want to go there... to wash herself.

Angie fly and soon the three moved to the lake, there were some moves bellow them from time to time, maybe common cretures or most dangerous monsters, there was not way to know. They take a while to get closer the mountain where the lake rest at a side. They could see a huge place used for fishing and fun activities than the humans could do there, but Ashley point to a different place, more hidden behind the trees and the mountain. The place have an opening between the trees than Angie used to lay down. There were some strange ruins there, stone creatures figures as also fallen warrior statues really damaged by the time.

The angel could see a strange peaceful aura there and this energy made her lost her senses to detect anything else, Just as they touch the floor, Ashley run to the lake and used the water and her reflection to clean herself, her lower body had most all the webs so she focused on it, Tybi run around the place in a happily state, trying to find any clue if her mother has been there.

So what do you want to say me, Angie? The girl say cleaning her face too and purple hair in the lake, using her hands to collect the water.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Come on Tybi, carry all you can okay and we'll go on to get you some fish, and to get us cleaned up. And don't worry so much Ashley, you're going to worry yourself sick if you keep that up," Angie told Tybi, then Ashley, trying to calm Ashley down and keep Tybi in high spirits along the way.

As they flew, Angie could see the mountain coming closer into view as they went, with the lake soon coming into view as well, where she saw the docks that people from the town used for fishing and whatnot. Ashley however directed her towards a clearing in the trees next to the lake a ways off from the dock, where Angie soared down to and set the two down after landing. After landing she followed Ashley over to the water to wash the webs off of her that were still there, while Tybi ran off looking for her mother. "Tybi stay where we can see you okay sweetie, don't want you to get lost or anything okay, and we'll try and get you that fish before we search around too," Angie called to Tybi as she ran around and looked for her mother.

"Alright Ashley, I need you to be honest with me here. I need to know everything about this curse on you that you know. And those spiders back there... they suddenly had holes in them from something after that strange noise, and the holes looked just like the hole in the centipede thing from last night that I protected you from. Did you do something that caused those holes?" Angie said to Ashley as she washed the webs off of herself, pressing Ashley for the truth, but not doing so in a mean or angry way, merely wanting the truth on the matter as far as Ashley knew, because she had the sneaking suspicion that Ashley was withholding something from her about all of this. "Now I've been trusting you Ashley, about everything about your world here. So please trust me enough to tell me the truth, because I can't help you unless I know what exactly is going on. I mean this curse you have could be different than I'm thinking and I could mess it up if I don't know everything, making it worse or just anything really," Angie added, letting Ashley know how bad it could be if she didn't have all of the information and tried to uncurse her and ended up getting it wrong because of that. As she spoke, Angie looked around behind them at the ruins they were now in, checking them carefully with her eyes because the peacefulness and serenity of this place was messing with her ability to sense things that may be coming at them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

It was not sure if Tybi really was hearing the angel every time, her needs to show her needs for fish and later to look around the lake made her only nod giggling before leave and look around, for the moment she was close enough to look for her.

Ashley take a moment to heard the angel and once this spoke, she really looks to dont show any change at her feelings. Hmm, im sure to had said you all what i know about this curse...What you saw these times must remain as a secret, is not a curse, more likely a secret ite than i found at the town, it dont have anything related to these strange things about magic... so lets just focus on check the place around, i will stay here looking for that little girl as you look around the mountain or any other place, i could even try to fish... it must be not hard. Ashley blushed softly at the middle of the talk, she could have that iem at her bag and maybe she have anything else hidding but maybe are mostly really private to show.

Angie could see many places to start searching, it was the lake, the mountain, even the forest and she could press more to Ashley to say her as much as she know, but even then she looks to dont have anything else in her mind than could be part of the curse. The strange peaceful aura surround even part of the woods around tehm and there was some strange letters at some stones, as also a bunch of strange stone creatures broken at the zone. Angie could see remain of tributes on a side of the lake and in many stone hand worked things close the mountain.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Seeing that Tybi wasn't going to go off too far at the moment, Angie breathed a sigh of relief as she spoke to Ashley. When Ashley replied, Angie listened without interrupting her and closed her eyes and sighed softly and nodded her head, feeling that Ashley still wasn't telling her the whole truth, but she didn't feel like causing her to dislike or mistrust her or anything because of it, so she dropped the subject for now. "If that's all you say you know Ashley, then I'll believe and trust you... so please don't betray my trust okay. But if this item you have and used is that powerful them it is very dangerous, and I think I deserve to know what it at least looks like if it can do that kind of damage to something, because I'd need to know how to defend against it if someone or something decides to use one on me at some point. Don't you think? I wouldn't look very good with a large hole in my stomach... or in one of my wings... or my back, and I certainly wouldn't feel good with a hole like that in me somewhere. I mean the only thing I know of that can do that kind of damage is magic really," Angie said to Ashley as they finished washing up, getting the webs off of them both, though she didn't look displeased about anything and wouldn't be if Ashley didn't want to tell her. "And see if you can somehow get her a fish or two to eat, it'll keep her close by most likely for a little bit at least. I can get you a stick to tie off some string to before I go off too if you want, or if you don't mind doing so then I'll go on now and start looking around. Now where did you hear the woman's voice exactly Ashley? So I'll have a place to start looking from and whatnot," Angie went on to say, staying to help Ashley get a couple of fish for Tybi to eat before going on if she wished her to, but going on now if she told her that she could handle it herself.

Whether Ashley wanted to tell her what this item was or not really was up to her, but Angie did look extremely curious about it, though she wouldn't press her any more about it than that, so if she didn't speak up about it then Angie would go on over to the statues and explore them a bit, looking closely at each one, but not disturbing them in any way, checking the strange runes on some of the stones as well for the time being, as this place seemed to be guarded by something it seemed. If nothing curious was found worth looking at, then Angie would fly over to the other area closer to the mountain she'd seen that looked to be a place of worship where things were left as tribute to something or someone... likely the gods. It was something she'd heard about from her parents that the people of the mortal realm did to show the gods they still worshiped them or some such thing they'd said.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Well, is not like i could dodge any magic even when you show me how you cast your strange shinning powers. But as you insist soo much i could let you see it, if you dont say to anyone what its. Also, dont ask me how i get it...is a deal. Ashley answer not glad to be questioned of this by the angel.

Once this ended, Ashley walk toward a plain stone, clean it a little and then from her handbag take a soft white blanket, a little small but enough to make pleasant the rest when the purple haired girl take out her shoes and sit at it, placing her legs to enjoy the clean water and then rest at the stone after strech herself a little. Hmm...yawn, sure that will help a lot to get them, as is ready let me enjoy a little of this dresh morning. Said this she rest over her arms covered by the shadow of the mountain and a lone tree at the other side, for what it looks Ashley want to catch the fish and let to Angie all the search of dangerous spirits, what could be the most safe for her. Lets see, mmh i was resting here and then, we eat a little and then i was in danger so i run and... i guess than i get lost a little close some strange statues and letters, its really difficult to remember it but around that place is some kind of altar or something close this place.. Ashley looks to be closing her eyes as she talk, most likely trying to take a nap.

The ruins close the lake were hard to read thanks to the time and erosion, so she pnly understand the words lake guardian, white and rebirth. Maybe she will need to check the temple but this could take her ten minutes flying.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Look Ashley, I'm not trying to be mean here. And I promise I won't speak of it to anyone Ashley, now will I ask how you got it, but if there are more than one of those things, then I'd really like to know what it is so that I can protect myself from it, because I'm just as susceptible to damage as you all are really, I can just take a lot more before I die though is the only difference... and dying is painful for an angel, especially since we can be revived quite a bit easier than a human, and I wouldn't be able to come back down here until I recovered fully either," Angie said to Ashley before heading off to begin her search, still very much intrigued about this item that Ashley seemed to have. "I would like to know who you got it from though and where... because if you only got it recently then it could possibly be the cause of this curse you told me that you have," Angie went on to say, thinking that it was a long shot, but a possibility nonetheless.


Before she went off and got a stick or anything for Ashley, Angie noticed that the girl seemed to be about to take a nap, so she figured that she could get a fish or two for Tybi before going, as it shouldn't be that hard with magic really. But she would wait until after Ashley and her were through talking to do that.

When Ashley told her about when she first heard the woman's voice before when she found out she had a curse on her, Angie listened intently. "So wait, there was someone else with you at the time? You said we ate a little and then you were in danger so you ran. Who was with you, and what kind of danger were you in? Did whoever you were with try to do something to you? And if you're wanting to take a nap then I can get the fish, it shouldn't be too tough with a bit of magic I think," Angie asked after Ashley spoke, waiting for Ashley to answer before heading over to check the statues and stuff there.

When she'd checked the immediate area, remembering what she'd read around the ruins and whatnot, Angie went back over to the lake and flapped her wings and went out over the lake's edge. As she hovered there above the edge of the lake, just far enough out to see the fish swimming past in the water, Angie raised a hand and sent forth a few very thin beams of her light, focusing them enough to pierce a few medium sizes fish and flip them over onto the shore, where she would then head over and clean them off before calling for Tybi to come over and get them so she could eat her fill. "Tybi... I've got you some fish over here, come and get them okay sweetie," Angie said as she called for Tybi, preparing to head on across the lake to the temple that Ashley seemed to have gotten lost heading to.

Once Tybi was there and was eating her food, Angie would smile before leaning down and kissing her on top of her head, telling her to stay there with Ashley while she went off to investigate the temple in question, where she then flapped her wings mightily and lifted off, starting on her journey across the lake to the temple and altar to see if she could find out what it was exactly that Ashley had encountered, as she was curious now, especially after making out what few words she did on the statues and rocks around the ruined area she left Ashley and Tybi at.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley yawn and turn to rest at the other side. You sound so much as some kind of annoying guard, Angie...

The sleepy purple haired girl look at her bag slowly and after a moment take something from it. It show it for a moment to the angel before store it at her bag again. Undoubtedly it was a shinning beautiful jewel ring, mostly made of gold with a strange emblem on it.

Look...im not a really cult person even when i was a noble...The school where i was dont teach you of these things, but i know than this is not the reason of my curse as i had the damn dreams a long time before get this ring and the persons who had them before me could not even use it. Ashley yawn and strech her body again taking her feets out the water and curling herself to get more comfortable.


I will decline the offer of answer all the others questions, it will dont help us and i dont want to talk about all that incident, mostly you can have an idea of what happened whitout heard more, now let me enjoy just a little nap,please. Ashley manage to say, it was sure than Angie could make her get upset if she try to bother her more with all this.

The attempts to fish something with her beams werent working as she was expecting, mostly because there was a lake of preys or something blocks her attacks under the water. After a time she get just three short fishes, even then when Tybi come, she dont bother with the size and just start bitting the meat with a really joyfull look, fortunately looks like the little one know how to eat fish so she dont have problems with the small fish bones. Giggling after said thanks when Angie kissed her. Leaving the sleeping beauty in the hidden lake zone and Tybi the little girl focused eating the remains and dont focusing in her surroundings, Angie just fly and leave them alone, her travel was not big but it take her a while to reach.

The temple was small, there was some picturs of fishmen and old people, as also others humans portraits in the most protected zone of the shrine, withered flowers on some places and the glass around the place was large enough to cover a large part of the place, with only the center softly cleaned by a heavily covered man with a brrom cleaning the place in a corner. A pair of sailors were just leaving when Angie was flying close, they looks to be in a hurry as they dont notice her. She saw what looks to be a wine bottle than they leave at the place, but the guy in charge of cleaning dont even turn to see it. . It was a nearly un visisted place, but a kid from the port decide to come and leave some kind of small box close the temple before run away.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I see... well if you say so Ashley, then I'll trust you on this, okay. Now I'll head on, just keep an eye on Tybi while I'm gone to that temple and I'll be back as soon as I can," Angie replied to Ashley after looking at the ring, which had a curious symbol on it that she memorized in case she saw it elsewhere.

Once she had flipped the three smaller fish out of the lake, which were smaller than she'd wanted to say the least really, and after she kissed Tybi on her head, Angie waved bye and told them both to stay around there and she'd be on back shortly once she'd finished investigating the temple and surrounding area some.


When she arrived at the temple, she found it was a bit smaller than she'd first thought it was, and she saw the pictures of several people hanging about the place as well, along with some withered flowers near the shrine. On her way down from the sky she saw a couple of sailors on their way out as she landed behind them, the two apparently not seeing her. Inside she saw a man wearing some heavy robes using a broom to sweep the place up, but it seemed he had either just started or was only cleaning the one corner of the room. She then noticed a bottle of wine that the two sailors had apparently left behind as they went out, and then a young kid came running up and left a small box near the temple doors before running away again, making Angie curious about this place.

She decided to simply ask the man cleaning the place up to see if she could get any answers from him, as he seemed to be the only one here that might be able to help her any. "Um... sir, could you help me? I am checking about for any strange disturbances in the area, specifically around the lake here. A girl has told me she was cursed and I am trying to figure out what it was that cursed her so that I can uncurse her," Angie asked the man, explaining why she was there if he turned to listen to her, though this temple was a little creepy, so she remained ready for anything.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The man continue his daily work, dont turning to look at her. My most deep apologize mylady, im a little deaf... do you said cursed? The man said in a decayed tone, as if his life were close to end in some days. The old man continue slowly sweeping nearly at the same place. This lake has been really a problem for us at my whole long life, we cant do too much around these places without the needs of run from it...

Just a few years ago we can at least get close here, but i fear than what dwells here, could soon torment us again. The man needed time to recover his breath, yet even then continue working without stop. The sky slowly gets filled with some dark clouds, maybe a storm was getting closer.

Runnn... Leave our land... return from where has you come...
ghostly voices were reaching the angel's ears, but the old man continue. A dread deity... it looks to live here, is strange than some still venerate that naughty lewd being, her heirs must be placed under control so we can live freely...

The place slowly have a strange aura, coming from three places of the whole altar, one of which was close Angelique but could not find it thanks the strange lake aura.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The old man that was sweeping the shrine up sounded as if he were about to die any day now that's how old and weak he sounded, yet she listened to his words closely so as not to miss them any at all. She made to help him a bit when he stopped talking to catch his breath, thinking it was his time already, but she stopped when the sky began to turn dark like there was a storm coming in. Then the voices came, which scared her more than a little, making her flinch and take a step or two back. As the old man finished up talking, Angie looked around at the altar, feeling an odd aura coming from it, though she couldn't tell where from exactly.

"What in heaven's name is going on around here? It's almost like... a prophecy or something, or maybe not. Maybe I'm overreacting to this, surely that's what it is," Angie said in her head to herself before turning back to the old man where she stepped a bit closer to him so he could hear her better. "Sir... this deity you spoke of... where are her heirs? And how can I get them under control? Or how could I deal with this lewd and naughty deity? I have significant power, so maybe I can get her to leave these lands alone for you all," Angie then asked the old man, standing about 5 or 6 feet behind him, wondering if he'd turn around and if he did whether or not he'd drop dead from fright at seeing an angel in his shrine... hoping that he would in fact not do so.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The wind strt to blow, certainly a storm was close to hit the mountains. Even then the strange old man dont flinch at all.

...A young lady like you should not risk her life with imposible tasks. The man said without turn to her, completely immersed in his job. We will take care of her heir before this cause us any problems, dont worry about them... our people always had found them and get rid of them... thanks to their tainted blood we can find them when their dwell at the city...

The wing blow even more, making the weeds around Angie move and made her notice a strange mark close where the old man was cleaning.

She loves the flesh... the impure acts and depravations are like a luscious delicacy, even just the warm seed from a young male would make her disguise fall and show her true self...hmmehp... the man looks to try to stop his needs to cough or maybe any other sound than unwittingly was close to do. Also someone more was coming to the temple, maybe to pray on this place.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"But sir... it is my duty to help put an end to curses and whatnot if I can. I was sent to do just that in fact, as well as to experience life here in the mortal realm. Because I am a young angel and... well because I wish to help if I can, not only because it's my duty," Angie replied to the old man, noticing the strange mark near his feet and looking a little closer at it when she got the chance. When he began coughing, Angie stepped forward, pushing out some of her healing magics to help him some as she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Do you need some help sir? I will do so if I can," Angie asked him gently, helping him to sit down if he needed it, not really concerned that somebody else might come in and see her in there.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The old man nearly fall when Angie touch him, maybe know than she is an angel so suddenly made his weak heart be affected by the conmotion, by the surprise he nearly fall to a side nearly dodging her spell J...just continue cleaning and say me more about this girl as i sit here to calm myself. The man have his eyes closed and looks to have a quick breath, for what it looks he havent see her yet or could be blind with all that age over him, he with difficulty moves to some old benches at a side of the middle of the temple.

Angelique could notice some kind of seals like shape on the symbol at the floor, the old man could be cleaning around them or he has just found them by luck, even when these were strange for Angie she could suppose than these were trying to be used to protect the temple.

...What kind of problem have this girl? are you sure than is related to this lake?... the old man said after recover a little.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie caught the old me when he nearly fell, holding him gently in her arms and letting the warmth of her angelic nature wash over him and soothe his heart and even his very soul so he calmed down. When he stumbled her healing magics nearly missed him amazingly, but thankfully she'd caught him before he fell. She helped him over to one of the benches there and then helped him to sit down, taking his broom and sweeping the floor a bit for him. "I don't know exactly, but she told me that she was cursed while near the lake or something of the sort, and that if she lost her virginity then it would be very bad for everyone around here," Angie said to the old man, sweeping the floor good enough to see all of the symbols that were there so she could see them all.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The man thanks her, soon she started to clean the place finding even more seals with the time. Hm... do she have any strange mark or change at her body?

...Ussually these persons dont know their true being until they start to hunt to sattle... their impure needs. Maybe you should bring her to us, the townpeople will find out if she have the curse of the lewd being
. The old man said with a most recovered voice, maybe thanks to be resting, however Angie notice more people getting inside and just praying without notice both of them. Also the symbols and marks looks to be already placed and were making some kind of sanctuary to make this place imposible to leave or let avoid than something come inside.

Liar... go away... The unknown voice start to say again without Angie could identify from where it come.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I um... don't know exactly to be honest sir. I haven't seen all of her body, so she may have markings that I don't know about yet. But if I brought her forth and all, she wouldn't be hurt would she, should she be one of these heirs you speak of I mean? I mean she lives in the town already, her name is Ashley... something... I honestly don't know her last name now that I think of it. Her family has fallen on hard times though, a poor noble family if you would," Angie asked the old priest, continuing with the cleaning despite the power in the place, figuring that it was meant to hold these heirs or their power or something of the sort, but she would take it slower to give her time to talk with the old priest here before she finished, just in case.

When the voice called her a liar and told her to go away, Angie inwardly shouted back at it. "I am not a liar, and I will not leave. Ashley is a friend and if I can help her then I must. She is innocent and should be free of the curse she has," Angie shouted back into the void of her mind at the voice in her head where the priest and other people there praying wouldn't hear her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

not y... The voice at her head suddenly stop when she cleaned some more. We cant know it unless we see the mark... even then there are ways to cure her...

The others persons on the place werent playing attention to Angie or the man resting on the bench, maybe all were just with a bunch of problems or suppose than Angie is an usual winged girl from the mountain.

If you bring her here we could find it out... is a shame than i live close here and dont have the strengh... to reach the town and know her family.

The temple soon only have others three persons, these has been mostly all the time and were in different places of the temple, one of them looks to have a really ugly scar and he is trying to hide it with a scarf, other looks to be another sage or traveler and finally a dirty man resting at the floor of a corner close one of the two exits of the chapel temple.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie was a little taken aback when the voice seemed to have heard her and shut up, or maybe it was cutoff for some other reason, but regardless it did so when she shouted back at it. After the old man spoke to her again, Angie wracked her brain to try and remember their house name, and then it finally came to her. When Ashley's mother introduced herself the night before, that was when she heard their family name.

"Ah yes, now I remember their family name sir. Lione, Ashley Lione is my friend's name, and her mother is Elizabeth Lione. Does the name ring any bells? I would like to help her remove the curse if I can, but I'd need to know what kind of curse it is or I could hurt her if I try to purify the wrong thing," Angie said when she remembered Ashley's last name, her eyes glancing around at the remaining people in the place as she finished speaking and noticing the three remaining people in there as she took in their features, moving over close to the priest once more and sitting beside him for a moment. "I... well... in case you haven't been able to tell by now. I'm an angel, though I'm quite young and still have much to learn I'm sure. My parents encouraged me to come down here to the mortal realm to learn more about life when I mentioned wanting to do so, so here I am. Ashley allowed me to stay in her home last night after I arrived, and they fed me and clothed me as well, so I feel that I at least owe it to her to help however I can," Angie went on to say to the old priest, looking around the shrine while she rested her feet for a moment.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The name looks to had made the old man react a little, nodding and touching his chin to remember or more likely making time. The Lione's family has passed by many bad moments the last years...

Even from a long time many tales has been surrounding them...

But Lady Elizabeth has tried all to save her family and sometimes she even has passed hungry to feed the needed.
I will be honored to help you to protect the soul of that poor girl... if she have the mark then we could make the spirit rest so she could have a peaceful life. The old man said, still mostly covered by his mantle just showing a little the remains of the figh against the ages at her damaged face.

However soon Angie notice than the grass around the temple wanted to get inside in vain and the three guys were now surrounding the place, sitting at the diferents exits of the temple.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When the old priest replied that he knew the Lione family, Angie was glad that he would help her out with Ashley, because she felt that the girl was innocent in all of this and shouldn't have to live with a curse like that. "Alright then, I shall bring Ashley to here and we can purify her if she has the mark, I will help you and do all that is needed for it to happen, because I believe that she is truly innocent in all of this and is just scared, and she shouldn't have to live with a curse such as that on her. I'll bring her as soon as I can. Give me some time to go and get her and we'll be back soon, just rest until I return with her, surely with the strength and purity of an angel we'll be able to cleanse her curse," Angie told the old priest, standing up after that and starting towards one of the exits where one of the men were standing.

Then she glanced around to see the men at the other two exits and felt something really wrong with this, though she didn't stop walking just yet until she got to the same exit she'd come in from, where she started to move around the man at that exit, keeping a close eye on the others.