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Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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(i will place the info of the other thread later)

At the opened camera, the three girls soon notice the great danger of stay there exposed at the growing rain than was falling from the violent sky. Marianne spell succesfully was casted and the air around them tried it best to cover the three girls, but the power placed on this was too much to maintain for the started layer and soon the spell started to fade. Luckily they have the time to decide what to do now.

They still could try to go up but if Marianne get completely tired to cast her spell they could end in middle of a possible strong storm than most likely would leave them without any item or defense. They could go back and rest but they could be not sure how safe could stay the entrance after a while. The others two options were continue straight to where they could heard some noises and finally that small pink hole at a wall of the intersection who will be really narrow so they would need to go inside crawling.

If they get at a safe place at this cave they could still use theirs items who were something lika a diary, traveler simple items nad these strange white boxes with the name #add1t10nal cl0th3s" on them, certainly they could had been damaged by something before, maybe the explosion or the strange change at the reality around them.
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

Well, out of the frying pan and into the fryer it seems. While the spell slinger was able to get some sort of protective barrier up, god only knows how long the thing would last and they could be in deep trouble. And in a place like this, having no items, armor or weapons would lead to being easy targets for the beasts of this world. Looking at their condition now, a decision needed to be made and fast. Catherine took the lead, trying to direct the group towards the regular looking cave. Even with the noise, facing whatever was in there was better then charging into a strange pink cave. "We gotta head over to the cave. That place is our best bet, even if there are some nasty monsters in there. We stand a better chance then staying out here and seeing out items dissolve. Lets move!"
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

Marianna huffed, casting her spells was slowly tiring her out, and maintaining the ‘shielding’ forever was out of the question. She pressed her hand against her voluptuous chest as she tried to regain some air, looking at the both of the girls with a slightly concerned face. “I’ll agree on the cave, it’s better than staying here in the open.” She exclaimed.
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

With Marianna and Catherine chosing to go straigh, the three girls soon started to move again, getting away of the opening than is leaving get inside the corrosive rain. The path is still softly illuminated by the little gemstones at the walls and some little leaks manage to reach the floor in an unharmed way for the group. Amet could feel the cold breeze at her nude wet body as they go on, making her remember her missed clothes.

After a while they reach to heard some giggles over the ceiling, they had noticed how the ceiling cave has been getting away of them as they walk until be at least 20fts at the distance. Some caves are soon noticed at the walls at 13 fts of distace at least from them and they looks to have sme groups on them. The wings sound are more stronger at this place and a slithering sound is starting to surround them some feets at the floor from them.

There is a passage at the right with ushrooms on them and close the upper wall holes they could notice a sweet scent.

(as they walked they could had talked or made something )
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

"I'm not liking these sounds," Amets said as she lowered her spear into a ready position, "Any chance anyone has some better lights? If not we might want to think about getting out of here."
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

"Can't say I got anything. Hey, spitfire...got anything to light this place up a little. I'm going to provide a meat shield for you in case there really is a big bad monster down there in the cave. Something about all this just dosen't make sense..." She couldn't help but notice all the noises and sounds around her. Laughing, louder wing flapping and worst of all slithering. Gods above, just what are these things. "Actually...both of you stay behind me. Anything pops out at us is getting an axe to the face." She griped the axe with both hands, ready to swing at a moments noticed.
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

“Alright… just make sure it’s them who get an axe to the face.” Marianna replied as she started browsing the book she carried, in her face a bit of concern from all the sounds around them, seemed they’d stepped in the proverbial mouth of the wolf, though she hoped that wouldn’t become literal.

“Get ready, I’m going to light this place good. If things get heavy, get at my side, I don’t want to hit you again with a spell…” Heaving a long sigh, the girl prepared to read her spell, muttering lowly as she stared at the darkness, which soon started retreating, as a small flame started burning just on top of Marianna’s hand. “Don’t touch this or you’ll get burned.” She exclaimed as she prepared to shed some light on the situation.
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

As slowly Marianna casted her spell, the place gets more illuminate. Succeding at dont call the attention for now, she stop of increase the potence of the flame and soon they could view more easily where they are now.

There was not too much change except for what looks to be remains of the belongings of another missfortuned traveler, rags of clothes, a pair of boots of some sizes bigger than any of them, manlike underwear and some corporar translucid fluids. All looks to point than this was once equipment of a man, he most likely could be in great danger in one of these caves but is imposible at the moment find out in which place he was taken, also there is a lot of cum at the floor, more of than a single human could make in a day.

Just then they notice a bunch of eggs laying behind some rocks in front of them, the strange slithering sound was coming from there and they reached to see some strange worm green phallus objects starting to get inside a hole at the floor, most likely these strange creatures were running from the fire light, but many of them looks to be just ending to born, so these creatures could need a pair of minutes to notice what is happening.

(vision range increased to 15fts and it can be still get increased)
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

A part of her was almost sickened by what was revealed and she regretted having asked for any light to begin with. If one had stumbled upon this scene one could think a murder of some kind took here, magic being involved in some way. The discarded clothing, the goo, all of it. Save for her companion, Catherine never was a fan of magic or the people that used them. Usually they were creepy times that asked way too many questions and caused more trouble then they were worth.

But then she saw the cum and the eggs. Not one would expect in Catherines original scenario. Whatever was here was clearly horny and was reproducing at a scary rate. The sounds were starting the get to the barbarian warrior and she couldn't stand it much longer."Damn buggers are running off! Any ideas? I'd rather not walk into this without a plan!"
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

“Hmm… Your guess is as good as mine, I don’t even know if we should even be here, all things considered…” The witch’s voice was somewhat shaky, as she stared at the contents of the cave, the situation was everything short of ideal and they were there. “We’re between a rock and a hard place here… Say, is anybody willing to fight right now? It’s either pushing forward or going back. Though both options have a chance of seeing us naked and in a bad spot…”
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

"They don't seem to like fire and light, maybe torch parts of the place and drive them farther in?" Amets said, she had to admit they were not in a good place at the moment, though she wasn't really disgusted at the events mostly because she may or may not have ended up looking at way too much of the dark sides of the internet in her free time. Well she might be a bit curious about what would happen if they did lose that wasn't enough to overrule her own sense of self preservation, We could also try going out that way with the mushrooms, but I don't trust those either.
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

As the group decide what to do now, the strange creatures act and slowly leave the place using a nearly hidden passage behind the rock, very narrow for all the girls but this dont mean than they had lost the chance of hurt these creatures if they find the way.

The slithering sound coming from the new born mosters slowly fade and this make than the far giggles sounds could be heard better for the three girls. The sounds looks to be coming from the passages at the ceiling, the most closer to the floor is at 4 fts above and 25 fts of distance from them, so just a little walk and going up using a little of support will be enough to get there. others four passages close this one will be a little more difficult to go there, as they would need to climb a little to reach them.

About the mushroom passage at the other side it still looks to be a not so noisy path, the ears of all could notice water sound maybe coming from a little undergound lagoon, others really far small sounds can be detected too, as if a pair of small rocks had fallen at a water body maybe te possible underground lake or a puddle.

Some hit noises suddenly come from the passages above them, joining the far away giggles, for the moment nothing has detect them and they could use anything at this chamber before take any of the paths, likely the group will take the mushroom passage unless anyone decide to choice another path.

Items at the room than can be used: unknown mushrooms, rocks, rags of clothes, a pair of boots of some sizes bigger than any of them, manlike underwear and some corporar translucid fluids close some remain of monster eggs

optional choices: Check better the room, take any of the items, decide another path, return from where has you come, use items, talk, etc

Paths: 4 at the north (3 of them need climb check rolls) [Passage 1 2 3 4]
passage with Mushroom
road from where they had came
small tunnel from where the little baby monsters are escaping (one turn more to completely escape)

Items: Catherine's backpack.- diary, adventurer simple items, two white boxes with the name #add1t10nal cl0th3s" on them. 2 rations
Marianna's backpack.- Diary, magic book, two white boxes with the name #add1t10nal cl0th3s" on them, 3 rations
Amets is nude and dont have a backpack, but she have her weapon like all the others.
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Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

Adjusting the backpack and gripping her axe with a newfound fury, Catherine would speak her mind. "Quick. We take the path with the mushrooms. There's a good chance that the path will lead around to wherever that thing is going. I'd rather deal with these things sooner rather then later." Not even waiting for a response, she'd begin moving, taking point for the group while the magician and the spear woman decided what to do.
Re: Amet Marianna and Catherine (Aust, Ranger9000 and Arma)

Thinking than nothing would come if they stay here, Catherine and Amets decide to go through the path with mushrooms. With Marianna's spell still active they could easily see than this place was once filled with water yet the many moves from the mountain had reduced the quantity of water than this zone can have, theirs feet's over all Amets bare ones could notice the moss at the floor and the fongus live looks to get increased as they progress across this place, the type and color of all these mushrooms were different and from the ceiling they could see the little drops from the rainstorm slide without harm them making trials at the walls.

Marianna and Catherine notice how looks like someone has walked at this place, going to the intersection where they had been before, so it must be a possible clue than there is an exit at the other side, this could be a little far as they cant see any light at the other side of the tunnel.

As the time pass they seea big wolf corpse laying at the floor with many wounds from a not so old fight, its body is still not so tense, so it must have maybe an hour more or less death. as the girls check this they heard something coming to this place there was not a place to hide and they could expect more of two things coming here. Four creatures start to come from the shadows, moving slowly toward them growling to express their anger, Amet was the first to notice them exactly what they are, for what it looks these are young wolves, not so big as the death one at their side, but nearly as large as a human so they must be ready to decide what to do. Marianna can see only two as a huge stone hide the owners of the others footsteps.

With only some seconds to act and not sure exactly the power of theirs foes, the girls group need to decide what will be their action plan now.