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Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



You struggled against your bonds, two tentacle manacles wrapped around each of your hands, even though you were stronger than the average girl, you were no match for the tentacles, which gave slightly and were more slippery then anything else.

Your body was warm but weaker, you had not eaten a proper meal all day and each time the tentacle monster had fucked you, you left even more energy being sapped away.

You looked over at Lilly, she was absolutely exhausted, she could barely open her eyes, the tentacle monster had taken its toll on you, but she was still a growing succubus who needed more energy than you did.

You didn't want to talk to her, your ire for her was almost as potent as it was for the creature who caught her now.

You weren't sure what kind of creature she was at first, but now that you knew she was a succubus your hatred of her grew. Succubi had cause all of these problems for monster girls like you, at least thats what you had heard.

Succubi werent ones to share, they were incredibly hungry and evil creatures, Lilly seemed nice enough, but she knew that wouldent last long. As soon as Kean got out of here, if she ever could, she would find a way to get rid of Lilly before she got rid of you first.

'Let me go!' you heard a familiar voice say, the monster granted him his wish as he threw Harlon from his tentacles onto the nearby floor, which he slid along until he stopped just shot of the pile of corpses on the far side of the room. He looked at it frozen and then looked back towards the Tentacle monster horrified, he didn't seem to notice you there at first.

'Your friend left you human, left you to die here, its too bad you don't also have wings'

Harlon got up, slipping a bit in a puddle of cold cum underneath him.

'Kean? Lilly?' Harlon said as his face went from red to pale.

'Oh, do you know these girls?' the creature said, the interest in it's tone was unmistakable.

'...Harlon.......' Lilly said, the weakness in her voice was noticeable, she could barely lift her head.

'I have to admit i havent seen a male human in hundreds of years, not since they slaughtered my race and forced me to hide under the earth like a worm for centuries' The creature said as it moved toward you.

'Take me instead!' you yelled, as you grit your teeth and struggled mightily, ripping the tentacles as far out as they would go before they recoiled and pulled you back against the warm slimy meatwall.

'I intend to' The creature said as a lightning quick tentacle slid across the floor and pierced into your anus.

The tentacle was so fast that you pain from the penetration came on seconds after the tentacle was already inside of you, it pounded furiously away, your anus was ravaged as you suffered intense agony.

'Stop it, you'll hurt her!' Harlon came behind the creature and pounded against it feebly, the tentacle creature seemed to just ignore him.

With a move as quick as the penetration, the tentacle pulled from you, your body recoiled as your anus adjusted to the new void and you grit your teeth more as a tear came from your eye you braced as the pain from the violation endured.

'I might......if you obey' The monster said, as it turned towards harlon again.

'Obey...?' Harlon looked puzzled and afraid.

'Your body is useless to me, they give me about as much energy as dirt would give a human, but your body may serve me in other ways'

A tentacle pointed to each of Lilly and Kean. 'You know these girls and you came for them, i can see it in my mind'

'You can read my mind?' Harlon questioned

'I am a very powerful creature who has grown bored raping these feeble creatures, i have gained the powers of the blue, green and black tentacle races, before they were lost or destroyed in these lands, i have many powers, reading the minds of lesser creatures like you is only one of them.'

'Please...let them go....i will do anything.'

'Not just anything...you will be my bait.'

'I....dont understand' Harlon said.

You finally recovered from the pain, though your anus continued to ache 'Don't help this monster, get out of here harlon!' The slap came as fast as the previous raping tentacle did, it went across your face hard and wet and left a small bit of tentacle semen with it.

'Quiet girl, i'm not speaking to you' your face ached along with your cheek now.

'You have a tentacle yourself, the girls refer to it as a penis, but all i see is a pathetic tentacle, be that as it may, there are some in these lands who value it highly, it is a rare object and one i intend to use to spring a trap'

'How?' Harlon said as he moved over to you and put a hand on your cheek, caressing it gently.

'There is an ancient order of Alchemists in this land who use your semen as an energy, they hide behind metal walls and use strange technology to keep themselves safe...these Alchemists.....'

'The sisterhood of Purity' Lilly said weakly.

'Correct, The Sisterhood of Purity is a group of human females who use human semen to power their technology, and i want to do something similar with their bodies'

'You want to enslave these women?'

'Indeed, human females are the prey i was meant to consume, these monster girls provide only a fraction of their energy, like a snack....i grow tired of snacks, i hunger for a feast.'

'Will you let them go?' Harlon looked at you and Lilly.

'That depends on your answer.'

Harlon continued to caress your face, he cared about you and as much as you felt the pain of your body, your heart throbbed......he loved you as well, the tears now were ones of joy.

'I will be your bait' Harlon said.

'Then our Tentacles shall work together.'

You felt your manacles release and you found yourself on your knees on the slimy ground, you wrapped your arms around Harlons legs and pressed your head against his knees. you thought you had lost him forever, just when you had found him.

Lilly got up slowly, she was in much worst shape, but found the strength to come over to harlon as well and stand next to him, your hid your hatred for her.

'You will feed these slaves tonight and come back to me tomorrow morning, we will start our journey, so bring what you need, it is a long way south.'

You got to your feet quickly and put your arm around Harlon, holding him as much as he held you, you walked out of the cave with Harlon and Lilly as you heard the voice from the back of your mind one last time.

'And Harlon, if you try to run, i promise that i will impale you and your friends on my tentacles.'


You arrived back at the den, and fell to your knees, Lilly leaned against the wall and put her back to it, sliding down it slowly like she was afflicted with some terrible disease.

Harlon went over to the pot of Bellium Soup and drank some of it, it would be a while before his body would grant him the strength to feed them both.

You watched as a harpy came walking into the den, you would have chased her off if you could stand, but instead you just watched her and harlon come together and hug. you heart sank in your chest.

'Harlon i'm so sorry....there was nothing i could do' the harpy had tear in her eyes and she was shaking worst than Lilly was.

'Its ok' Harlon said as he embraced her closer and planted a kiss on her forehead.

you felt worse now than you had even when you were being raped....Harlon...i thought he loved me..

You watched as Harlon came to Lilly first, you knew she was clearly weaker than you but you still felt anger as her mouth enveloped around his cock and she started to lick and suck it.

You could have torn their heads off, each of them. took Harlon for yourself and hid away somewhere where nobody would ever find them, you would force him to love you and only you....who do these creatures think they are? They come to your Den uninvited and try to steal your husband.....your prize....your lover......the more you thought about it the less you felt pain......replacing it with fury instead.

Harlon came in Lilly's mouth and she licked it up quickly, careful not to let any go to waste, he shivered in pleasure as he moved away from her, her mouth moving away with his body as he pushed her back and she wiped her mouth and licked her lips.

You watched as Harlon went back to the pot of soup and finished it off, burping softly as he did, then he moved next to you and started to stroke his cock a bit.

'Harlon' you said, he turned towards you 'Do you love me?'

'Kean i......i didn't want to see you get hurt...you.....' He struggled to find the words, he didn't want to admit anything, you could see that he was conflicted.

'Lets just go Harlon, far away.....leave these others behind, leave them for the monster.' you put your hand on his lap.

'I can't Kean......i've got to protect all of you.......i guess i love you all'

your heart sank again, your anger turned to sadness.

'Eat up Kean.....you need to be strong, who knows what we'll find while we travel'

'I will need to be strong, i need to protect him from these girls and others' she thought to herself.

You looked over at Lilly and the Harpy, who were introducing themselves to each other. 'soon' you thought.

Your face turned to a smile as you looked into Harlons eyes, he smiled back.

it was time for your meal.

What do you do?

A. Suck his cock, so you can prove you are better than Lilly.

B. Tell him to fuck you, so you can see his passion for you.

C. Use all your strength to fuck him, show him how strong you can be for him.

D. Tell him to fuck you in your aching ass, so he can see your endurance.
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Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Intermission 6: Gelrak

Would he keep his promise? It would not matter.

The Humans were as varied as any creature ever was, some we're honorable, others were treacherous, which one he was didn't matter, though he would certainly be easier to manage if he were honest.

The Tiny Tentacles could be motivated, unlike tentacles, there was only so much pain a human could endure before they were broken, though it had been some time since he was forced to break a human male.

Whether it took impaling all of his friends ass to mouth and watching them choke to death was his choice now.

Gelrak went to his pile of corpses nearby and rummaged through them, picking one up by a leg and tossing her aside, grabbing another by an arm and sliding her away, finally he found what he was looking for, a fox girl with nine-tails, he picked her up by the tails and brought her toward him, he face was pale and grey, her stomach was ripped open from when her belly burst from the semen inside and leaked her guts and the semen together onto the floor.

Sticking a tentacle into her, he fucked her cold corpse in her dried pussy, it would have been difficult if not for his own juices, but he had been used to it. He splurted inside of her and set her down flat on the ground.

Her skin slowly changed from grey to creamy white, her rotted guts turned red again and retreated back into her body as the skin of her stomach came together and sealed itself leaving not even a scar, her tails were soft and bushy again and she rolled over to her side moaning, she opened her eyes and they gleamed with a bright purple.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

B sounds good to me!
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

maybe we can get some points with him
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



The taste of Harlon's Semen was still fresh in your mouth, the feeling of weakness was finally subsiding and your mind was calming down.

You had done a little bit of research of the monster that attacked you while learning the ways of a water mage. Tentacles existed centuries ago and preyed upon monster girls and human girls alike, they we're a nuisance which was dealt with by the kings of old, slaughtered with human steel by the king's decree. It was surprising to learn that one had survived at all, let alone being attacked by one yourself.

The success of the Old King's campaign against the tentacle monsters was likely on the mind of the young king who ordered the march on the Succubus Queen's Citadel, who wanted to find his own glory and instead brought his race to the brink of extinction.

You watched at Kean spread he legs open weakly, Harlon penetrated into her slowly and passionately.

You were kind of jealous, but you knew Kean loved Harlon and despite your wisdom and your nature, you we're as well.

Her two voices spoke to her every moment, the human voice urged patience and disciple, the succubus voice told her to kill these others and steal Harlon away so you could feast on his semen every day until you were satisfied, but you knew you would never be satisfied, the succubi were never satisfied, not even after they had taken more than 50,000 human captives by the end of the Collapse and the semen flowed like a river through their unholy citadel.

Bebe had introduced herself and gone off into the forest so she could look for food. 'for Harlon' she said with a smile before she had left. She was a proper servant, maybe she could be serve as a slave after......no. you shook your head, it was the succubus talking....Bebe was a friend...she was a friend...

The tone of your skin had gotten darker, it was now almost purple in this dim light and you gained a bit more control of your tail as you practiced controlling it by looking it gently around each of your ankles.

Had you received this 'dark gift' before the collapse you might have fucked 100 men by now and maybe have been able to enslave at least a couple of them for personal use. Succubi we're known for keeping a few human male slaves for their own, they traded their semen between each other, savoring the semen like a human might value a fine wine, she read about the golden chalices the succubus royalty had fashioned, the taste of semen was never far from their lips back then.

Kean yelled out as Harlon came inside of her, you watched as she experienced an intense orgasm, her body accepted Harlon's seed as she had earlier, and she remembered as every bit of herself seemed to explode with ecstasy.

When Harlon pulled out, Kean immediately brought a finger to her pussy and scooped up any semen she may have missed, bringing her finger to her lips and savoring the taste, Harlon sat beside her and had some talk, they both seemed happy.

She wondered what the succubus queen might have thought about such happiness.

The Queen was the most powerful creature to have ever existed according to legend, she had sired so many sisters that she was widely believed to be the original, but there were other tales of how she murdered her own maker, and that her murdered maker was the original. The true tale was lost well before human history. The Queen had fucked at least 1,000 men by the end of each day at the height of her power, the techniques she used we're lost with her, but it was said that she could make a man cum instantly just by looking at him, what was certain was that she died alone, without a friend in the world, starving as the men died of old age and she had murdered or been abandoned by her succubus sisters.

'Is that my destiny as well?' Lilly thought.

She got up and went over to her backpack, three books remained that she had not read since she set out.

She carefully decided which one she would read next.

What do you do?

A. Read the Book Titled 'The Monster Girl Encyclopedia: Volume 4'

B. Read the Book Titled 'Spirit Energy: The Science behind the most Precious Resource in Annwn'

C. Read the Book Titled 'Grimoire of the Alchemists: Forbidden Technologies'
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Intermission 7:Tamara

BEEP BEEP BEEP! her alarm sounded as she quickly swung a hand over to silence it.

She rolled to sit up in her metal bunk, wearing only her panties as her breasts jiggled from her movement, her room was small, almost too small to live in, but it was the same for all of them, and it was better than living out there.

she rubbed her eyes and reached for her clothing, it was a soft black shirt with a black overcoat with orange trimming, she slipped into her black leather pants which fit tightly around her waist and fastened the clasp around her waist. It was an absurd outfit for her duty, sometimes it could get messy in there and her black garb did little to hide an stray string of semen. Though she supposed it was better than if it were white and she didn't see it and walked around smelling like a man all day.

She walked to her door and it opened automatically with only a soft 'woosh' noise.

'Good morning tamara.' one of the passing girls said. 'Good morning Betsy' Tamara responded. Betsy looked almost absurd as Tamara might, the pants she was wearing ran up her ass and shaped her into a very feminine appearance, it was particularly good at accentuating her hips, her breasts and her slim legs.

'Maybe you'll give one of the males a boner' Betsy always used to joke. 'Do you really think they need anymore help with that?' Tamara would respond. 'Probably not' Betsy said with a half-smile.

Tamara followed Betsy into the housing area, on either side of them, about ten males were sitting and standing, watching as they passed by.

'Do you think they ever think about fucking us?' Betsy said as she turned back to you.

'More likely they think about fucking your head up with a steel pipe.' you said in response.

When they reached the end of the room, there was a table with a giant sign and some gloves for them to put on.

'Rules. rules. rules' Tamara said as she put the thin rubber gloves on and pulled them down her hands.

'Hey, these rules are important' Betsy said as she put her own gloves on.

'Rule number one: don't spill a drop' Tamara said. then looked down 'Rule number six: Don't let the men grab you'

'They can replace you easier than they can a drop of semen i suppose' Betsy said as she released her glove and it slapped against her wrist.

Tamara just shook her head as she stepped in front of the steel doors and waved to the camera.

The doors opened with cries of pleasure and pain, tubes filled the room, vacuums, feeding tubes, probes and prods, metal seats with straps and chains, machines whirred and whistled all around them, the doors steel doors behind them closed securely.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

C sounds very interesting.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

B both B and C seem interesting, not actually sure which would be better.
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Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

I'll be making updates similar to 'Intermissions' where Lilly will be reading the book you choose, that way you can learn what she learns. She may also put her knowledge to use during her adventure.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

C forbidden books are always the best choice, after all...the dark side have cookies
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



Bebe didn't fear the forest at night, she had flown night and day looking for Harlon and had been able to escape many horrors on her journey, including the tentacle creature she and the others had escaped from earlier.

The Tentacle creature wasent the only predator she needed to watch out for, there were also many types of plants and monstergirls who would attack her such as Alraune plant girls, parasitic cockweed and even goblin girls who would harvest her for eggs and milk.

She landed on top of a tree and picked a big red fruit from a high branch, it was a juicy apple which she was sure Harlon would enjoy, the forest had many fruits few creatures had access to, being that some of their fruits we're too high up for most creatures, this wouldn't be a problem for Bebe.

Bebe had promised to help Harlon's friends, because that is what he wanted, they could have been far away by now, embracing each other and being happy, but the tentacle monster complicated things for them, Lilly had told Bebe that they were to on a journey and that if they didn't they would all be killed. She wouldn't let any harm come to Harlon and if she took him away right now, no harm would ever come, but she knew Harlon would never forget.

She picked another piece of fruit off a branch, a plump and fuzzy peach.

Nothing good could come from such a journey, the land was filled with plenty of nasty creatures who would gladly rape Harlon and kill the rest of them if that was what it came to, she knew she would kill anyone if they stood between her and Harlon, even if Harlon loved them. it had not come to that, at least not yet.

She picked a pear off another tree and held the fruit closely with her legs against her crotch.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a pale face looking at her, she was being spied on by someone and she might have been followed this entire time.

If she confronted this spy, she would have to quickly drop all of her fruit to the ground and her gift to Harlon would be ruined, perhaps it was nothing a scared little hungry monster girl who had never seen a harpy before....but it might also be something more sinister.

What do you do?

A. Drop the fruit and confront the creature.

B. Ignore the creature and fly back to the den with the fruit secured so Harlon could eat well tonight.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Lore 1: 'Grimoire of the Alchemists: Forbidden Technologies'

Our order has operated in secrecy for thousands of years, we have experimented on a wide variety of components from herbs to animals and seeing how they react.

The Alchemist's guild's mission is to improve the position of the human race in this world. Humans are naturally at the bottom of the food chain, creatures such as tentacles, monster girls and other beasts each have a significant strength and speed advantage over the human race, it has been our intelligence and our technology which have kept us safe from these creatures, engineering, metalwork and alchemy has allowed our race to defend itself from nature, but even so, towns and hovels are sacked, women and men are raped and some are taken away to be enslaved by these other creatures, it became necessary for the Alchemist's guild to develop new ways the human race could defend itself.

For centuries we had looked for a solution within nature, certain herbs proved to contain properties which would repel certain types of monster girls, but the same herb would later be found to attract a different (and sometimes more fearsome) type. It wasn't until we started experimenting with semen that we finally understood it's power.

In each human, a mysterious power called 'Spirit energy' is produced, in a male, this energy is dispensed through their semen, in a woman, it is absorbed through contract with her blood-engorged genitals, drawn with special appendages such as tentacles.

With no tool such as a tentacle at our disposal, our only option was to experiment on semen.

Initial tests with semen showed that it could be converted into incredible energy, monster girls use it not only as a tool for reproduction, but as a tool for evolution as well. Succubi for instance can grow their wings, gain more control of their tail or even learn what could be considered magic.

Our experiments lead us to believe that semen could also be used as a power source, our designs allowed us to use it as a readily available energy, and our basic designs quickly evolved from automated clocks and trinkets to self propelling vehicles and even energy-based weapons.

It soon became clear that we would need a larger pool of semen in order to further our studies, however as the order of alchemists was a small and secret society, abducting other men would become a necessity.....
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Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

B no need to make a fuss and lose the present
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Update is halfway done, i expect alot of 'action' in this next one. Been busy playing monkeyman island for the past few days.