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Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



You have always been an outsider, your old family never accepted you. you were the runt of the liter, and your sisters made sure you knew it.

Always the target of jokes, you were bullied every day until the bullying became beating, even your own mother had little love for you.

one day the time had come to leave, you knew your place wasn't here.

you were a young wolf girl living on your own, you survived by eating bugs and eating the leftovers from someone else's kill. it was a rough childhood and it made you the hard person you are today.


Coming over to the stream, you cupped your hands together and gathered some water, the refreshing liquid did little to sate your hunger.

You had preyed upon small animals but the forest seemed quite empty lately, perhaps something else had scared them all away, what little you caught barely fed you, you we're an adult wolf now, strong and proud.

you stared into the clear water, your feminine face was very pretty and your long red hair went down below your shoulders, from the side of your head, soft red and white ears. despite being the runt, you still have large breasts which were firm and shapely each occasionally dripped a small amount of milk, your chest and belly were smooth as silk.

your body was quite muscular, your butt was toned, yet still ample, feminine and attractive.

You had been alone for most of your life, since you had been forced out of your family, but it didn't bother you much, the truth was, you hated other monster girls, to you they all seemed just as cruel as your sisters we're.

The forest here had been your home for a number of years now, it was very quiet, devoid of the activity some other places in this land had, you didn't need anyone...except maybe a man.

You had long dreamt of having a man of your own, although you had only seen them a few times while you spied on other monster encampments...

you had licked your moist lips as you looked at them from afar, you could smell their scent from even where you were posted far away on the edge of their encampments, it was the most delicious thing you had ever smelled and if you though you could get away with it, you would have jumped out and raped the men you saw before escaping back into the bush...

You sat back at the edge of the stream your mind still remembering that day, your bushy tail between your legs as you stared off into the distance with your mind empied.

'a man of my own' you said aloud as a bit of drool leaked from the side of your mouth, daydreaming.

In this world, males were so rare, so precious that they were shared amongst a monster community. a large group of 150 monster girls would count themselves lucky if they had one male to call their own.

Kean didn't think she would ever get a male herself unless she stole one, and they we're guarded so carefully she would likely be torn to shreds as soon as she got anywhere near one held by others.

her genitals ached and begged for stimulation, her hands we're insufficient for the task, it was a itch that couldn't be scratched and it had lingered since she had reached age.

Kean got up from her seated position and started walking back towards her den, her belly rumbled as she went.

The forest was dense and it was almost dusk, the faint beams of light which shined through the canopy of tall trees had faded now and she thought she should get home before it was too difficult to see and perhaps she encountered something which lurked in the dark....a spider girl perhaps...

as Kean rushed back towards her den a faint smell entered her nostrils, it smelled quite pleasant and strangely familiar, maybe a new type of creature had entered her forest.

If she investigated the smell, she might be lost on the way back to the den, but but her mind raced with possibilities, perhaps it was worth the risk of being lost.

What do you do?

A. Follow the smell, running toward it as fast as you can.

B. It might be dangerous to stay out any longer, better go back to the den and hide.

C. Move carefully, avoid making any noise and sneak up on the creature producing the smell.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Intermission 1: Lilly

As she closed the book, a satisfying clap noise filled the room. the sunlight came in from a window above a book shelf and particles of dust could be seen.

She had spent the majority of her life in this dusty old room, filled with forgotten knowledge from a better time.

she pushed her glasses up her nose and brushed long her blonde aside. a big smile was on her face, she was finally done. she completed her education as a priestess of water.

There was no official ceremony at least not anymore the time for that had long passed, but she was happy enough, it had probably been decades if not centuries since a water priestess had existed, let alone practiced.

she placed the book back on the dust-laden shelf and slid it into it's appropriate slot.

She stood back from the shelf and looked at it with awe. 88 books she had read tirelessly for the past two years.

The Teachings of water weren't just a religion, they were a way of life, they taught how to grow vegetables, how to build proper housing how to cure diseases and fight predators, various bits of information which would allow her to lead her community.

She opened her door and shielded her eyes from the bright sun.

Her village was small, it was made up of human women just like her who had found their way.

The monster girls had a small chance of birthing a male child, less than 1% of their children were pure human , and the males were particularly precious, the only way a community could reproduce was by protecting and breeding with the males, the female human children were much less important, not only we're they another mouth to feed, the monsters didn't even consider them part of their communities.

Soon after each girl reached puberty, they we're cast out into the cold. Many of the young women starved to death, but others survived long enough to find small communities like hers, and work together to survive.

'No book today Lilly?'

'i wanted to finish where i started' Lilly said

'So you are done then?'

'Yes Bethra, i'm completely educated in the teaching of water'

Bethra came up to her and wrapped her arms around Lilly, giving her a bit hug.

'I'm so proud of you' Bethra said

Bethra had always been like a mother to Lilly even though they were only a few years ago in age.

While Lilly was studying Bethra did alot of the work around the small village, washing clothing, tending to the crops, she even found time to ensure that all of the beds were made for each of the 5 girls in the village.

'It will be night soon, you should get some sleep, tomorrow we can talk about it some more'

Bethra gave Lilly a little parting touch of the shoulder before walking away towards her house.

The village had been abandoned long ago, when they found the place it had been in rough shape, it took months to turn it what it was now, many of the buildings in the village were ruined, but the 3 buildings they had saved housed them now.

Lilly went back inside of her house, the library was just below her room, after climbing the narrow stairs, Lilly look off her blue robes which Bethra had made for her. "If you are going to be a water priestess you had better look like one!" she said when she hanged the silken cerulean gown over.

Lilly had not worn it before today, when water priestesses were sworn in, they wore their robes as they knelt down beside a river and drank the water blessed by another water priestess, since no other water priestesses existed (as far as she knew) the ritual was skipped, she still wanted to look the part though.

taking care not to damage the gown at all, she gently took the gown off and put it on a table she had next to her bed.

Her skin was pale and her breasts we're small, it was quite a rare thing to have small breasts in this world, almost all of the monster girls had large breasts, she might be mistaken for a man if the monsters couldn't sense that she was a woman first.

Lilly laid down in her bed and pulled the sheets over her petite body, it took her a few minutes to fall asleep, she couldn't remember the last time she was so excited to begin a new day.


a cool wind blew against her face as she gradually opened her eyes, had she left the window open?

lifting herself out of bed bleary eyed, she went over to the window and closed it, ensuring it was locked this time.

As she went back to her bed, her heart stopped as she noticed someone was watching her from a chair on the other side of her bed.

The person was veiled in shadows but was definitely not human, she had a dark tint to her skin.

'Did you know that you masturbate while you sleep?'

The voice had a certain power to it, like it was enveloped in darkness.

'Who.....who are you?' Lilly said as she crossed her arms and covered her small breasts.

'There is no need for that, i've been watching you for quite some time'

'Why were you watching me?'

'Because i've chosen you'

The veiled woman stepped forward and Lilly's heart stopped, the woman wasent a woman at all, but a dark creature with large purple wings with veins pulsing, she had two large black horns coming from her forehead which twisted around into an intricate shape. Her body was completely hairless, but her breasts we're quite large and her pussy was dripping with moisture, the demon's body was covered with sweat.

'Are you ready to accept my gift?'

'w....what gift?' Lilly said as she stepped backwards trying to retreat.

from behind her, the demon's tail was revealed, it was large and spaded, but it was engorged and thick, it oozed a black substance which lightly plastered the floor.

Lilly tried to run down the stairs but the demon was lightning fast, catching her from behind and throwing her onto the bed with unreal strength.

'Please.....please don't hurt me' Lilly said as tears started to come from her eyes.

'Hurt you? I'm giving purpose to your pathetic life'

The demon spread Lilly's legs apart and put her face down into Lilly's crotch and started licking it ferociously.

'Stop!!' lilly said, trying to resist with all her strength, the but beast held her open from below with godlike strength, the grip of her hand was unlike anything she had ever felt, she knew this demon could kill her instantly if she wanted to.

The demon stretched forward across Lilly's body and started to lick her stomach as she shifted her hands onto Lilly's breasts.

Lilly closed her eyes and grit her teeth.

The Engorged tail of the succubus rose high into the air and lilly opened her eyes just in time to see the lightning speed of it as it stabbed into her body and thrust deep down into her virgin cunt.

Lilly screamed out in pain as the tail started to fuck her, the demon closed her own eyes and gasped in pleasure while squeezing Lilly's small breasts.

the tail moved faster and faster, the thrusts came longer and harder, Lilly grit her teeth once more and closed her eyes, doing her best to cope with the intense pain of the rape.

suddenly, a bulge of fluid started to come from the body of the demon and was transported through the tail, it entered Lilly's body as the Succubus screamed out in ecstacy, having an intense orgasm.

the excess black cum poured out of Lilly's body as the tail was pulled from her ravaged pussy, drenching the foot of the bed with the demon's dark juices.

Lilly started to feel incredibly ill, feeling more sick than she had ever felt in her life.

the demon crawled off of Lilly and got to her feet, the engorged tail was already shrinking back to it's normal size.

'Thank you.....i needed that....release.' the demon said

placing a hand on Lilly's stomach the demon rubbed in gently.

'Enjoy my gift, don't let it go to waste'

with that, the demon left her, going back out of the window and flapping her dark wings powerfully, taking flight in an instant.

Lilly was covered in sweat and brought her legs close her body, crawling into the fetal position, er teeth clattered and she shivered. She was sure she would die and soon she lost consciousness.


The pounding on the door caused Lilly to open her eyes and sit up quickly. she brought her hand down to her stomach and felt it.....had this all been a dream? she felt fine..

'Lilly?! are you coming?!' the voice was Bethra's she had promised to tell her more about being a water priestess today.

Lilly rolled out of bed, she felt completely healthy, maybe even better than she had felt yesterday.

'Phew...what a terrible nightmare' Lilly said to herself as she went over to the table with her gown on it

picking the gown up off the table and went over to the mirror.

she took a quick look at the mirror and her heart stopped, the gown slipped out of her fingers and fell to the floor.

using her hand, she carefully glided her fingers over the two small nubs which had grown out of the front of her head, they we're small but pointy and black, just like the horns of...

She heard the pounding again. 'Lilly are you coming or not?'

'No!' Lilly yelled as her eyes started to well up 'I'm....... sick!'

'I'll come back with some hot soup for you' Bethra said as she left

Lilly would have told her no, but she was frozen again by what she saw, a thin black string-like tail with a spaded end came from behind her leg like a timid animal.

Lilly turned around to reveal not only the full tail, but a pair of small black wings as well.

It wasn't a dream, she had been corrupted by the demon which raped her last night, turned into something resembling her....is this what she meant by receiving her "dark gift?"

Lilly ran down the stairs with impressive speed and balance, entering the library room again and coming to another book shelf opposite of the one with all of her water priestess books.

with her finger she guided it across all of the books until she found the one she was looking for. openning it up she looked at the index and flipped the pages until she came upon a crude illustration of a demon resembling the one which had attacked her.

'Succubus.....a creature of unbelievable power........reproduces through an injection of dark energy into a human female.....'

'But what is the cure?' she said to herself as she continued to read.

There is no cure for succubization, the victim's body becomes unable to sustain itself with the usual means, only semen will sustain the victim. If the victim does not feed, she can become violent in the presence of others and even kill them in an uncontrollable rage.....the succubus will die without feeding on semen, it is best to put the victim out of her misery.

Lilly put the dusty book back on the shelf and dropped to the ground, crying.


She didn't know where she would go, but she couldent stay here. If the book was true, she would soon become so hungry that her actions would put the other women at risk. she didn't want any harm to come to the women who she had lived with for all these years, and she couldn't explain to them why she was leaving either, they would never understand.

Putting on her blue silk gown and taking with her a few important books along with a few pieces of food, she climbed out of her window and walked away from her village as she wiped away the tears.
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Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

C. We need to know what we can do, better do so early I suppose.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Caution is the proper approach.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



You had been held captive by more than one kind of monster for the past few years, the monsters had milked you every hour of every day when you were in captivity, sometimes waking you in the middle of the night.

It was hell, the creatures simply wouldn't let you rest, your genitals ached from the pain, hoping for a rest for just a few hours so they could recover from the sex you had to endure.

you were a man at least 20 years of age, you had lost track of time and couldn't put an exact number on it, your daily survival was the most important thing now.

You scavenged for food in the wilderness, eating various berries and herbs you knew to be safe, you had to be careful where you went though, or else you might run into one of the many predators who would make you their lunch instead.

It wasn't always like this, you remember back when you were young the creatures left you alone, feeding you, caring for you and keeping you warm in the nights, but as you became older things started to change, you started to become most of a slave than a guest and you knew you couldn't stay.

You had been raised by a group of harpies, who made sure you were warm and well fed while in their nests high in the mountains, you had personally seen the way they treated their victims, other men they had caught, they cared for them as well, but expected something in return; their seed.

Males were rare in this world, you never understood the exact math, but only 1/10th of the children born were male, the other 9/10ths were monsters just like their mothers, creatures with a humanlike appearance but with very obvious mutations.

There were probably thousands of differant kinds of monster girls in this world, each with their own uses for a male. Some of the races; like the succubi only fed from males, while races like the harpies needed their semen not only to feed from, but to reproduce as well.

you can remember the first time a harpy came to lay in your nest, you were mature then, come of age to the point where things had changed, you grew up with the harpy who sat beside you with her red and white feathers, she was a very attractive girl and you played together when you were young like children would, talking to one another, running around the bluffs of the high mountains as the older harpies kept a close eye on you.

But something was different, she had a kind of hunger in her eyes, you weren't friends anymore, you were food.

She came to you slowly at first without saying a word, her soft feathers brushed against your skin and it caused an immediate reaction between your legs.

she made no attempt to hide her own changes, her breasts and vulva were red and engorged, she had matured as well and she couldn't resist your presence anymore.

you told her to stop but she didn't say a word as she pulled your legs apart; her physical strength was unbelievable, you can remember when your monster would pick you up and carry you, you were always impressed with her strength as well, it was like you were a worm compared to her.

She looked down at your genitals which had become enlarged from her presence and touch and she licked her lips before plunging her mouth down onto it.

you put your hands on her soft smooth shoulders and tried to push her away but it was like trying to move a statue she was so powerful. using her tongue she licked your cock inside of her mouth rapidly, she was incredible, it was as if she were acting out of pure instinct.

you didn't last long, you shot into her mouth and some escaped from the corner, rolling down her chin and onto her neck, when she finished licking your cock clean she sat down beside you and using her tongue and hands to scoop up the rest.

you were afraid of what might happen next, but she just sat there beside you, her wings resting on your arms and shoulder, keeping you warm.

'i'm sorry' she said, breaking her silence a few minutes later.

you didn't say anything, you were just trying to understand what would have caused her to do such a thing, but you simply realized it was in her nature.

After that in the coming days there were more young harpies, all coming to get their first taste of a man; most of them you didn't know, trying to talk with them was pointless, trying to resist was impossible.

you could remember asking whether this was worth it, whether you would be better off just leaving, it didn't take long for you to build up the courage to finally escape, to go into the dark world and try to survive by yourself, so one night you waited until a few harpies were done with you and you crawled out of your nest carefully, you made your way down the mountain carefully knowing one false step and you would fall to your death.

It was been many years since then and you almost wish you could go back and stop yourself from crawling out of that nest, life had only gotten harder since you left and the predators down here were much less kind.

you look around diligently before entering the thick forest ahead, you needed to be sure that nobody was watching you, it was be more difficult to escape from the monsters while you were in the forest.

You had lived in this area for a few weeks, and you had not come in contact with a single monster since you came.

maybe you had finally found your home? you thought to yourself.

The forest was dense and full of many different species of tree and bush; you knew some of them had some tasty berries you could eat, it wasn't the best, but it would do.

your frame was very average, but you weren't muscular at all; there simply wasn't enough protein in your diet; you can remember when you were living with the monsters that they always were able to find some kind of tasty food with plenty of protein in it, but it also had another effect, it made you produce alot more semen which of course meant that after you ate it was their turn.

Living on your own was tough, but you still prefer the freedom to captivity.

you went to your favorite bush and started to pick off the tiny berries from it, immediately bringing the entire bunch to your mouth and downing a handful, you munched on them and enjoyed their bittersweet taste.

suddenly you hear a noise from underneath the bush, you quickly step back and drop the berries you had in your hand.

a feminine face pokes from out of the bush and tilts her noise up towards your direction.

'i knew i smelled something!' the wolf-like creature said as it crawled out from under the bush and got to her feet, her skin was partially covered in soft fur and she had huge green eyes which stared down at your flaccid cock.

you back up until you bump into a tree behind you, scraping your back against it as you wince in pain.

'Just give me a little bit of milk, i promise i won't hurt you' the wolf said as she walked up to you seductively.

placing her arms on either side of your head, she tilted her pelvis forward and brushed her soft crotch against your genitals, causing your body to react almost instantly.

you felt as blood rushed downward towards your own crotch, a wave of pleasure made you shiver as the cat girl closed in closer still, pressing her breasts against your chest and rubbing her crotch up and down against yours.

'I've never tasted a man before......I'm so excited' the wolf girl said, her face was flush and drool was coming out of the side of her mouth as she licked her lips.

As suddenly as you could, you ducked down and brushed against her body again, you dove down to the ground to get around her and sprang forward, getting away from her momentarily.

After rolling away, you got up as fast as you could and started running out of the forest

'Hey!' you heard the Wolf-girl yelled from behind as you ran with all of the energy you had.


She chases you through the forest, you could hear her crazed laughing behind you as she chased, she was having fun hunting you, you weren't sure she was actually going as fast as she could, you stumbled and fumbled along, almost out of energy, she knew that her meal was inevitable and that it would be easier to rape you when you were exhausted, you were playing right into her hands.

Finally you came upon a dirt road and you tripped over your feet and fell down, twisting your ankle as you did.

you yelled out in pain as you reached for it with your head snapping back.

Rolling over next to you, she poked you gently on the stomach 'Tag!' the Wolf said, giggling to herself.

she crouched down next to you and placed her fur covered hand on your thigh.

'I'll be taking that meal now' she said as she smiled and lowered her face down between your legs.

you pressed your legs together and brought your knees up, holding them close to your body.

'Stop it!' she yelled as she placed her delicate hands between your thighs and pulled your legs apart, her strength was unreal.

your throbbing cock was in her face, there for the taking, she licked her lips again.

placing your feet on her shoulders you tried your best to push her off but it was as if she weighed a ton, you we're like an insect compared to her, yet it still seemed to annoy her.

her face became a bit red as she shook your feet from her shoulders and dove down between your open legs, pressing her breasts against your chest and meet you face to face as she hover over you just inches from your face.

'I don't want to hurt you, but i will if i have to' she said as she stuck her tongue out and ran it over your closed lips.

her body was as soft and warm as anything you had ever felt, her belly pressed against yours and you immediately as you had when your mother had kept you warm in the dark nights of your nest, her wings pressed close against your feeble body as you fed from her breast like a babe.

But this was different, your body wanted her in a different way.

your penis was erect from all of the excitement, and pressed underneath the moist mound that was her crotch, though it evaded penetration for now, it wouldn't be long, especially if she kept grinding up against you.

her hards wrapped around the back of your head, you stopped resisting her the more she moved, not only was there nothing you could do, but it felt so good, a warmth from deep inside of you came up your spine and made the hairs on the back of your head stand up as your teeth clattered, it was like a pulse of excitement.

she parted your lips with her tongue and you opened the rest of your mouth to accept her.

'that's it' she said, smiling as she brought her hands up around the sides of your head and held you in place, her tongue and your connected about halfway, she started sucking and licking, pushing and pressing, she was far more dominant than you and took control.

you brought your hands up from your sides and put them around her, her skin radiated heat and immediately made them feel more warm as you wrapped around around her back and held her down more against your body.

adjusting her waist, her found your erect penis and pressed it against her crotch, she didn't even need to check.

it slip into her moist hole easily, though it was a bit tight as first, the warmth surrounded you as another pulse of pleasure shot through your body like electricity and made you clinch your toes in ecstasy.

The wolf girl sat up and laid her hands on your chest, adjusting her pelvis so that you could sink deeper inside of her.

her face made a half smile half grimace look as she allowed your penis to penetrate her deeper still, when she found the correct depth, she closed her eyes and made a full smile, her tongue stuck out of her mouth slightly as she dictated the movements, lifting and pressing down against your erect cock and fucking herself on it.

her hands were scratching gently across your belly, you could tell she was in a state of intense and constant pleasure.

you moved your hands to the sides of her thighs and just waited there with them, you we're enthralled and it didn't even seem to bother you much that you were pressed against the cold dirt road at this point.

the pressure building inside of you finally erupted as a big orgasm sent a wave of pleasure though you so strong that every inch of your body seemed to twitch.

a flood of hot semen was pumped deep into the wolf girl as she bought her knees together and made a soft 'eeee' sound. her mouth was wide open showing her pointed teeth and her closed eyes showed the effects of her own orgasm as it spread through her body as it had yours.

when it was over she laid her head down on your chest and wrapped her hands underneath your body, her moved her head gently across your chest as if it were a pillow.

The softness of her skin was rivaled only by that of her hair which was long and crimson.

you gently placed your hand on her head and stroked her hair, the other hand on her back, she snuggled up closer to you, her eyes still closed and held you ever closer like you were a teddy bear, though you were roughly her same size maybe even a little smaller.

warm and satisfied, you closed your eyes and went to sleep, looping the silken hair playfully as you did.


In the morning you awoke to being picked up and carried, the shock of the experience caused you to yell out.

'Be quiet!' the wolf girl said as she shook you while she held you in her arms like a man would carry a stack of wooden planks.

'Where are you taking me? let me down!' you yelled, kicking, trying to get loose.

'I'm going to take you back to my den'

Back to her den? you had been held captive by a monster before, and didn't want to be anyone's captive again.

'No! No!' let me down!' you said kicking and screaming.

'Listen!' the wolf girl said as she dropped you to the ground and crossed her arms above you, 'i'm your master now and you had better get used to it! her face looked even more beautiful now than it had last night, even though she was angry with you.

'I don't have a master, I'm not going to be held captive!'

'don't you understand?!' she said gritting her teeth. 'You are a male, almost every creature in the world would make you theirs, and i got to you first'

'I won't be your slave!' you said, hopping to your feet, you were the one who was angry now, your ankle still hurt a bit from before when you twisted it.

she reached out quickly and grabbed you by the arm, you tried you best to break her grasp but it was like impossible, her strength was many times yours, even though you were comparable height. 'it isn't safe for you alone.'

'And I'm safe with you?' you said with an angry look on your face.

She let you go, and her face turned blank 'Yes.....id protect you'. she said, she sounded sincere, but something else was in her voice.....loneliness.

'I've never had a friend before, I've spent most of my life alone' you could tell she was becoming quite emotional, but she did her best to hold it back, she didn't want you to take it as a sign of weakness.

You didn't want to be taken captive, but this girl seemed to be honest with you, perhaps you should live with her......at least for a while..

What do you do?

A. Accept, it can't be so bad, plus you wouldn't mind having her company.

B. Decline, you won't become her slave, you will force her to take you.

C. Try to run away!

D. Think it over and decide later.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

In this CYOA your perspective and role change after each decision, sometimes you will be making decisions as Kean, sometimes as Harlon or one of the other characters within the story.

I will call this method of storytelling 'Cube Storytelling', as you never know which character you will be voting for next. You may find that some characters have their own agenda's or thought-processes. You should make decisions which you feel are best for the character you are following, and decide whether or not the character would make these decisions for the good for the group or just for themselves.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

can we do a E?
E. Say you are willing to go along with a cooperation, but make it clear that you will not be her or someone else's slave

If not then D
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

can't hurt to ask, but try putting yourself in her shoes (you will be making decisions as her frequently), would she ever allow you to have a say in anything? she can overpower you whenever she wants. If you were her would you want some human being able to tell you when to stop? Or would you want all of the control?

From her point of view, it isn't may not be much a question of whether you are her slave as it a matter of whether you accept that position willingly.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Intermission 2: Gelrak

You pulled your tentacles from the poor Neko and a deluge of cum splurted from her pussy, gushing down her legs and coating her sweat covered thighs.

'neeeowwww....' the cat-girl said weakly, her body almost completely drained of energy.

The world was filled with predators and you had no shortage of food yourself. The tentacles were an ancient race, many centuries ago they had ruled this land, but the humans almost wiped them out entirely.

but the tentacle race was a resilient one, able to live for centuries underground off of a couple of captives, that is how Gelrak survived. While the others were slaughtered, Gelrak fled to his Lair, a small hole in the ground where he had just started his collection of human slaves, they sated him long enough, their minds broken from decades earlier, their bodies would serve for centuries more.

There was an old human saying that in the land of the blind, the one eyed man was king, Gelrak didn't have any eyes, but he could make anything with a pussy succumb to his will with the tools at his disposal.

firing another tentacle forward, Gelrak thrust into the mound of a Goblin who yelled out in horror as Gelrak started out pound into her relentlessly, her cries for mercy was like music to him.

Gelrak couldn't decide whether it was more enjoyable to break the minds of these creatures or the raping of them, but he always enjoyed their defiance....while it lasted.

'No.....no please!!!' the goblin screamed as Gelrak thrust into her pussy with yet another tentacle, in response to her protest, he shoved two more tentacles into her, one for her anus and one for her mouth, he didn't know how many tentacles would fit into her small body, but he was curious how much semen he could pump into it.

These creatures all loved semen, but not the kind he was providing. Unlike human semen, tentacle semen provided little nourishment, it served more to controlling his slaves, although it was different for pure human females would couldn't get enough, finding them was rare now, but always a delight when he did.

His tentacles splurted semen into the goblin, a gush flowed from her pussy, but her stomach expanded as she was being pumped full of cum from both sides, pulling his tentacles out all at once, a spray of semen flowed from her anus and mouth as well as her pussy, her stomach reduced in size slightly, though it was heavily distended now, her body twitched as her orifices slowly oozed, her eyes rolled back as she went into a state of shock from the pain and the pleasure.

Gelrak was already growing bored of these recent captures, their will wasn't strong enough, they broke too easily.

He would fill his Lair once more with new captives and their screams of fear and ecstasy would echo from the walls as a river of cum flowed beneath them.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

Men<Monster Girls<Tentacles<Men

And thus the world order is created?

Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

D, for now.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls



She walked warily along the dirt road, she body had felt weaker every hour she kept on, but she couldent rest, she wasent tired, she was just drained.

She ate some of the food that she brought with her, but it all seemed to come back up, her body rejected it, strangely enough she wasn't thirsty, and when she tried drinking water it was the same effect.

The books she had taken from her personal library would help her understand her affliction, but she didn't want to stop and read, she knew she was close to something she could feel it.

Her body had been transformed, she had tiny little horns poking from out the top of her head which she hid from everyone with the hood of her silken robe, her wings were small enough so that they fit inside of her robe without much issue, it was her tail which was really giving her trouble. The tail was thin and black, it was more narrow than the lace which held her robes together in the middle, but it was strong and restless and seemed to have a mind of its own, it didn't appreciate being hidden away at her rear.

She contemplated cutting a hole there so it could be free, but then she would ruin her nice silk robes......and everyone would know she was a succubus.

Lilly admit that she should have done more research into the Succubi, she had expansive knowledge about quite a few monster girls, but the Succubi we're race by comparison. When the collapse happened hundreds of years ago, the Succubi feasted on their prey, rounding up huge numbers of men and forcing milking them all. Succubi were incredibly greedy and didn't share their captives with anyone.

All of their extravagance and greed doomed the succubi eventually, their hunger for semen became so great that the human population couldent sustain them anymore and most of the succubi starved to death.

Lilly hoped the same wouldn't happen to her, but she knew that in all likelihood, it would.

This 'Gift' she had been given was more like a death sentence, given the number of males remaining in this world to feed on.

She kept on going down the road, well past dusk and into the night, her body was shaking slightly and she knew her mind was racing, it 'wouldn't be long now' she thought.

with hear head down and her mind slipping away, she started to sense something closeby, it smelled delicious, and her body awoke all at once upon smelling it, with renewed vigor she quickly walked towards the scent. what could it be? A special fruit? a camp where someone was tending to a roast? the smell was about as appetizing as anything she had even experienced.

Pushing through thick brush and dense vegetation, she came upon the entrance to a small cave.

Lilly carefully entered it, peaking her head around to see if anyone was inside.

When she saw him, her heart pounded with excitement and her mouth started to water.

There was a man here, alone.

The man was sitting on a log next to a small fire which had been built, he looked quite frustrated, his arms were crossed and he fidgeted around. As far as she could tell, he wasent held in place by anything.

She knew now what she had to do, though this man had done her no harm, she had to rape him.

She felt incredibly guilty, this wasn't who she was. 'No, but it is what i've become' she said to herself.

If she didn't get this man's semen she would surely die, she could feel herself coming weaker by the moment now, she newly formed succubus body needed to be sated, her body felt heavier now, she couldn't make it any further.

she dropped her backpack full of books and stepped into sight.

What do you do?

A. Theres no point in talking, hold him down and rape him.

B. Talk to this man, maybe he will understand your position.

C. No, this isn't you, you can't do this...just....sleep......
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls

B. Try seducing him instead of raping him. Take off your clothes and offer your body to him. If that doesnt work default to A.
Re: Annwn: The Land of the Monster Girls
