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Re: Rift Touched

C. I'm confident there are ways to lock his magic.
Then H.
Re: Rift Touched

I have to agree with xgkf's vote - he's too dangerous to try and keep prisoner, but he has yielded, so Colette should execute him, not torture him.

A - slit his throat again. No torture beforehand, no mutilation afterwards. "By my own eyes I witnessed, by my own mind I judged, by my own hand I punished."

Then H - see what we can do on the healing front.
Re: Rift Touched

Don't actually have Colette say that "By my own eyes I witnessed, etc...", line, though. :p
Re: Rift Touched

Alright so A and H to end Arlandus on the spot and then help heal anyone injured
1:00 pm

You mull it over for a few moments, weighing your options as you notice Arlandus’ legs, especially the knee that you stabbed, start to wobble fiercely – Arlandus himself lets out a few pained whimpers as you quickly replay events in your head. You’re reminded of the death, first and foremost, that he caused in just a short amount of time here and now, but also of his confession to murdering the previous governor and some of the servants under his employ, no matter how dastardly they may have been. You wonder what else he may have done that he never had the chance to confess to… and then there’s his own servants and Elise, each of which was tortured, beaten, and degraded beyond comprehension, especially Elise. Then you’re reminded that he wanted to do the exact same to you… most likely regardless of if he defeated you in combat or things never escalated to that level in the first place. Your thoughts fly at a thousand miles a second, and you keep coming up with one answer; that he is far too dangerous to be left alive and that, given even the slightest chance, he would escape or use whatever influence he has left after this to his benefit, not to mention the power he wields with magic being chiefly amongst his most dangerous attributes should he ever get into contact with a magic crystal. Then there’s the “old words” he spoke of and the magic he commanded with such words, which you didn’t even think was possible… and again you wonder why hearing the words and being told about them seemed to stir something within you. However, you realize two other things at that moment that you had previously overlooked as you let your eyes wander over the bloody carnage before you.

He said that each of these undead were tied to his will and that only his death or their complete destruction would stop them… which means that, at any moment, he could bring them all back from their dormancy. And of all the gods to pray to for mercy and forgiveness he left out one very important god – Victressia. He knows he would be punished severely, maybe even with a Spirit of Justice, and I don’t see anyone moving to destroy his undead creations. No… he deserves to die… he needs to die for his crimes; he’s too dangerous, caused too much pain and strife now and over the years, and he would continue to do so at everyone else’s expense in a heartbeat. This needs to be done lest others continue to suffer in the future should he ever escape justice.

Arlandus’ shaking knee becomes even worse and, all things considered at this point, you decide to grant him a quick and merciful death, both to keep things from being drawn out and to prevent him from being in any more pain, which you know he doesn’t deserve such kindness. You draw your daggers away from his back and crotch, which causes Arlandus to sigh in relief, but it is short lived – you kick in the back of his right knee, causing him to immediately buckle and let out a surprised gasp before you swiftly run Nyx’s black dagger across his throat a second time just as his knee hits the stone floor. Again, the blade glides along his throat, yet this time you do it much quicker and much harder, both to ensure you don’t cover yourself in more blood, and to make sure that he cannot heal himself in time by whatever means he may have. The blade glides across his skin and you can feel the skin, muscles, veins, and arteries opening up with ease that sickens you to no end. As the blade runs left to right from cheek to cheek before finally ending along the right side of Arlandus’ neck, he gurgles and coughs on his own blood and brings his hands to his throat to try and stem the blood loss. He shakes violently as he takes his last pained filled gasps of bloody air, and you drop your daggers as you grab either side of his arms and gently cradle him on your chest as you tenderly lower him onto his side as he dies, a final mercy and kindness to save him from hitting the stone floor. As you lie his head on the stone floor he looks over at you, his hands now pulled away from his throat, and he looks you in the eyes with pain, fear, confusion, and then with the realization that he will die. You stare back into his dark green eyes with a neutral expression, not really feeling anything other than a cold understanding that this needed to be done and, perhaps, at some level Arlandus understands as the realization dawns in his own eyes… and then he stops. You watch as his eyelids stop fluttering, his hacking and writhing vanishes, and his eyes take on a blank and expressionless look – you bring your right hand to his eyes and close them before picking up both daggers and standing up, looking down at the now dead form of Arlandus for a few moments. Seconds tick as you stare before you hear what sounds like satisfied groans around the room and, when you look up, you see that each of the reanimated convulse slightly as they groan… and then they too release a final sigh of exertion before they lie still once more, finally being granted eternal rest and a true death.

You look out at the people in the room, and each and every one of them looks hurt, tired, and in some sort of physical and emotional pain; some are near death and won’t survive, others have grievous but non-life threatening wounds, others cry over fallen friends and perhaps family, and more than a few look at you with slight wonderment, perhaps at your abilities as you brazenly used your rift abilities during the fight, and also with looks that seems… approving. You look at Nyx, who stands still and continues to stare at you and the now dead Arlandus before she looks back and nods at you, releasing a tired and heavy sigh while shaking her head afterwards as her shoulders slump. You look at Nyx’s dagger as you kneel down, cleaning the blade on Arlandus’ robes before standing up and striding over to the dwarven woman. You take heed to step over corpses and a few severed limbs along the journey, though you honestly can’t help stepping in blood as there’s just so much of it on the floor, which makes you thankful that you’re wearing Skin-Walker as it doesn’t soak through. Nyx stands beside her shadow and watches you with curiosity while your own shade follows in your footsteps – upon reaching her you hold out your hand and offer her black blade to her, which she looks at for a few moments before she reaches out and takes it. Just the simple act of walking, breathing, and shifting your arms and neck sends pain and soreness pouring through your body, and always there’s the constant stinging pain on your face and the left side of your body where you were peppered with sharp stones earlier. When you reach Nyx, the newly blonde dwarf gives you a curious look as you hand over her dagger, which she looks at for a moment before snapping back to reality and taking her weapon back. Instantly your shade fades out of existence anticlimactically, slowing turning transparent before it fades entirely – you don’t even give it a second thought before striding passed Nyx and heading towards the stage, intent on helping those that are wounded by using the object of their misery to do so.

“Colette, wait” Nyx says as she catches up to you, and you look to your right at her and notice that her shade has disappeared as she struggles to both walk and hike up her skirt, which reveals her pale hairless legs and a pair of leather straps on each of her inner thighs that link through two specially made scabbards, where Nyx finally manages to stow her daggers before she again has to catch up to you. “What?” you ask simply as you continue to walk, each step and breath sending pain through your body that you fight to ignore as you draw nearer to the stage, stepping over the dead and around the injured towards where you fought Arlandus, and where Koren, the two guards, and Glethal are recovering as her son cradles her and talks to her as she cries. You feel her hand on your shoulder firmly, which makes you flinch in pain and stop in your tracks as you snap to look at her intently, waiting for her response. She quickly withdraws her hand and after a moment she says calmly “You should rest, Colette; you’re hurt badly and it’s obvious that you’re not doing well. Also, I think we should talk… about what you are”. For some reason you feel upset… pissed off even and you open your mouth as the anger seems to boil over, but you stop yourself from shouting and simply close your mouth, breathe, think things over, and then try again. Nyx looked like she was ready to be yelled at, and even backed off a little – you must have looked terrifying for her to do that – but you say calmly “I just need to keep busy, Nyx. I need to help to take my mind off of… off of everything right now. And what do you mean what I am?” Nyx nods slowly and takes in some air before she says “I think you know what I mean, Colette. We all saw what you did… what you’re capable of – I’ve had my doubts as to what you are. Finding out from some of Gauis’ students and peers when he had his outburst made me wonder, as did his and Jazra’s newfound enthusiasm and letting loose some new discovery important to magic. Then there’s how people seem to be unnaturally attracted to you… even myself, like it’s hard to look away from you and just so easy to listen to what you have to say, to admire you, and to befriend you, and then there’s your eyes. Small things, and nothing to be sure of, but tonight confirmed my suspicions of you, Colette…. I know what you are; I’ve heard the stories, read the history involving your kind and what you’re capable of”. You stand there and listen to Nyx speak, waiting for the punch line and, when it doesn’t come, you simply turn and head back towards the stage, and you can hear Nyx walking as she tries to keep up as her heels clack on the floor quickly.

You don’t even bother to take the stairs, simply walking right up to the stage and hoisting yourself up through grunts of pain and exertion with Nyx hot on your heels. “Colette” Nyx pleads behind you, though you hardly hear as your mind is an inferno of anger, rage, confusion, sorrow, and numbness that all seems to roll itself into a nice little black ball in your mind that seems to suck away any thoughts are feelings that might be good or happy as you blame yourself for what happened – If I hadn’t been here than none of this would have happened. No one would have died because no one would have slipped Arlandus a truth serum and asked those questions. I did this; all of this is my fault. You bring your right hand up to your hair and scratch your scalp and your red locks feverishly in frustration, only stopping when you hear Nyx’s voice call your name out again. You sigh irritably and turn around to face the Living Shadow once again, her face full of concern as you wait for her to continue. After a few moments of looking at each other Nyx opens her mouth, closes her mouth and looks to the side as she bites her bottom lip, then opens once again to speak. “You’re in danger, Colette, plain and simple. Look… if you blame yourself for what happened here, then don’t, because if you weren’t here and didn’t stop him then he would have done so much more, and the consequences would have been much worse. I know you don’t believe me, and it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth. I’m wary of saying that it was for the greater good – often times those who commit terrible atrocities say those words, but in this case it’s the truth. I swear by Yyssbo that it is, that him dying and what happened her was for the best in the long run for everyone”. You scoff at Nyx and roll your eyes, unable to accept the fact that a raving madman slaughtering dozens of people, turning them into mindless corpses that kill their friends and family was somehow for the greater good. Still, you are curious as to what she meant by you being in danger so you ask for clarification. “What do you mean that I’m in danger? Do you expect anyone here to try and kill me or hurt me?” Nyx shakes her head at your question before she elaborates with a sigh “No, but nearly everyone saw your power, including me. Colette, you released a shockwave from your body with will alone and could move twice as fast as any normal two-legged creature that I know of – simply put, you were a blur and the power of your attacks was mind boggling, able to stand toe-to-toe with Arlandus, a man clearly bigger than you and with enchantments to enhance his own strength and reflexes not to mention a lifetime of magical training and study. You also somehow took away Arlandus’ magic away from him… and then you somehow disappeared and reappeared at will! I thought you had vaporized, given the blue mist the appeared where you once were, and then imagine my surprise when I see you reappear out of thin air right behind him! The survivors will wonder about you, Colette, and some might put the pieces together while others will talk of what they saw. They will talk and when word spreads it will reach the ears of those that would seek to harm you, use you, kill you, enslave you, or experiment on you. Well, that and rumor of the stunningly beautiful red-headed warrior that defeated the maniacal madman while half naked”.

You can’t help but smirk at Nyx’s final statement, clearly intended to cheer you up some, and it works as you look down and think about it. You did just fight a bloody battle wearing Skin-Walker, which is very tightly hugging your skin. If not for your half-cup bra or thong everyone would be able to see your nipples and cleft, and as it stands this is hardly better. There’s a perfect outline of your breasts, and the outline to your half-cup is clearly visible, as is your garter belt, the outline of your thong, and the outline of your sheer stockings, not to mention your toned stomach, butt, and muscles are clearly visible as is your belly button. If not for the pain you feel and the recent battle you might have been more turned on, and so would everyone else, but right now you don’t care too much and neither does anyone else… that or they’re just being polite and not bringing too much attention to it given that Xillia’s dress was utterly destroyed a few minutes ago. Speaking of pain, you think that given the amount of pain you feel you think you probably look like crap underneath; you probably have bruises, cuts, lacerations, and blood underneath. You shake off your amusement, though you do keep a small smile as you respond “Can we talk about this later, Nyx? You make some really good points, but none of that matters right now – right now I would really just like to help as many people as I can. I can worry about the consequences later, because frankly it’s not that important right now”. Nyx nods and gives you a soft smile, which you return, before you look around the stage and find what you’re looking for. Peeking out from behind the thrones lies the staff that Arlandus used – you stride over to it and, after sheathing your dagger, you kneel down and pick it up with both of your hands. “Gods, this thing is heavy” you say as you grunt to lift the metal rod up, amazed at the weight of the staff as you lean it over your right shoulder before turning around. “Gold magic crystal on top should help, and if the staff has its own reserves of magic then that will make things easier” you explain to Nyx, who again nods. “I’ll scrounge around for some strips of cloth and wood to use as bandages and splints since my healing miracles are expended for the time being. Don’t over exert yourself, Colette” Nyx says and, with a smile, she turns and heads down the stage – you watch her head down into the crowd towards the large tables that are broken down in search of any materials. You decide to start with the closest people and head over to Koren’s group to check on them. As you approach you notice that the two shield wearing guards have their helmets down, and you note that one of them is a Cat-person with light brown fur who is sitting on the steps catching his breath, while the other is an incubus with dark brown-red skin and two tiny horns protruding from his forehead that is leaning against the far wall while sitting, breathing heavily – you wonder which is Julian and which is Yasha, though you suspect Yasha might be the Cat-man.

Koren and Glethal are close to the steps, with Koren looking almost as disheveled as his mother, who is sobbing into her hands on the ground with Koren holding her tightly and rocking her. “Oh my sweet Ulric, I am so, so sorry. I should have known…” you hear her say as you approach, Julian and Yasha watching you intently with both thanks and a tiny bit of desire in their eyes. “Are either of you hurt?” you say softly and sweetly as you kneel down beside the son and his mother. Glethal looks up at you with tears in her eyes, which are also bloodshot, and slowly shakes her head as does Koren, though he diverts his eyes and seems to go red in embarrassment. “No, young lady, no I am unharmed… thank you for asking. Only my pride and my heart ache… oh, listen to an old woman pity herself. I should be thanking you from the bottom of my heart; you saved my son’s life and you avenged my husband. I never knew… gods I never knew, never saw the signs; he was always so polite, so forthcoming, so caring. How did you know?” You offer a small smile to them both, especially Koren as his eyes keep wandering over to you, only to dart off again as he tries not to stare overly much at your exposed form. “Chance, really” you explain easily “I had just arrived in the city and decided to take a job dealing with a pack of feral goblins terrorizing the farms outside the city. I dealt with them and found a note, along with a rambling shaman, that seemed to indicate that someone was helping them attack the farms by giving them advice and giving the shaman items to increase his own power. After I turned in the notice, along with the chieftain’s head and note, a friend of mine later ‘discovered’ that the handwriting on the note was suspiciously familiar to Arlandus’. At that point I learned that that he was taking money from the city that should have gone to help those in the slums and the orphanage, and then my friends raided his home while he was away and found that he had tortured and abused his servants, turning them into slaves, while also drugging, torturing, and raping a young girl that he fancied… probably because it amused him. I found a way into the ball that you were throwing to try and expose him, and the rest is history”. Glethal shakes her head in dismay and says somberly “I shouldn’t have been so naïve and trusted him. He assured me he was doing everything possible and making all the right decision… and I never questioned him, not once. I thought him a friend, but all he was was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How can I ever repay you for saving my son and most likely the city?” “You seem like a good person, Glethal, if a little overbearing on your son~” you say with a smile as you look to Koren, who blushes lightly and again diverts his eyes “And I need nothing in return, except maybe that you’ll continue to be a fair and just leader and help the slums, the orphanage, and continue to fight for peace and tolerance”.

The half-goblin woman smiles and looks to Koren, rubbing her left hand along his right cheek as she nods and says “My baby boy is everything to me since I lost my Ulric, that and continuing what he and I both fought for so long to achieve. I promise, young lady, and again you have my most sincere thanks for protecting my beautiful Koren. Now that I get a good look at you, I don’t believe you were really invited in - what is your name, young lady?” “Colette” you reply a sad smile and a shake of your head “And no I wasn’t properly invited… and it was no problem at all. I would do it again if I could”. Koren blushes at both yours and his mother’s words, who nods in acknowledgement and smiles sweetly at you, before finally saying “Thank you for avenging my father, Miss Colette, and, uhm, would you like my coat? You, ehrm, well… your dress was destroyed and a fine woman such as yourself shouldn’t w-wander about nearly n-naked…” You see the interest in his eyes as he looks at you and speaks, and you can’t help but smile as you shake your head and reply sweetly “No, thank you, I will be alright. This won’t be a problem for me and I wouldn’t want to strip you of your clothing for my sake” – “A-alright, w-well then thank you so much, Colette. I think that Julian and Yasha could use some help; they both took some nasty blows from that undead guard they fought against. Gods those things were unrelenting – speaking of which… what are you, Colette?”. Koren explains to you before asking, and you nod to him and say “I… know some things that others do not” before standing up and walking over to the incubus, who you assume to be Yasha. He watches you through half-lidded eyes, his shield discarded beside him with severe dents in the metal that attests to the incredible strength of the undead guards Arlandus had with him, while his longsword rests to the right of him. You kneel down next to the incubus and, after a short conversation, you assumed correctly that he is indeed Julian and that, after further examination and discussion, you find out that his left arm is broken from the beating his shield took as he seems to be babying it. You tap into the power of the gold magic crystal and give him a mild heal, which causes you to hear the sickening sound of bones snapping and readjusting, though Julian only sighs in relief as the pain ebbs away and his arm is healed, though he does say it is still sore, obviously, and you recommend he not be on it for a little while before you turn your attention to Yasha. Yasha is much the same as Julian with his shield and sword to the sides of him, though his arm isn’t as big a concern as he complains about his ribs and side, which he suspects might be broken and also you see that lower towards his left side he seems to have taken a blow from one of the greatswords which got between the small areas of his armor, cutting deeply into him as blood oozes out of the wound. You offer a small heal for that and, after he thanks you and seems to feel slightly better, you move down into the crowd, but not before Glethal gets up and moves away from her son towards you and gives you a thankful hug, assuring you that she won’t ask any questions on your being here. You thank her before moving down and from person to person, both foreigner and native alike, and heal any wounds that you possibly can on those that were defenseless or were fighting to protect those that could not defend themselves. Some wounds are too grievous for you to heal, and you just sit with them for a time as they hang onto life, offering your hand and encouraging words as you try to heal what little you can. Some don’t survive, which tears at your heart, but most will live – you step over many corpses, and you think you even see Sharpstone’s plump corpse among others, though it’s difficult to tell and you weren’t really that concerned to be honest.
Re: Rift Touched

All the while you hear banging on the door and shouting from the other side as well as ramming – some of those that are strong enough pick up weapons and try to chick away at the stone that seals the doors, but to little effect as it’s far too strong for anything short of mining equipment or other earth magic. You step up to the forefront and try casting a few earth spells, which really is just a few rocks that pop out of the ground, and aim it at the much larger uprooted stone. You chip away at small pieces, but nothing that really makes a difference, so you go back to trying to tend to the wounded and dying instead, leaving others to try and break in… or out. You come across the orc that you helped earlier along with another that is clearly of the same tribe is the first as they both wear fur clothing that reminds you of a barbarian, further reinforced by the axes that they wield. They also have tattoos on their left arm of a stylized roaring bear face, however, as you approach you see them standing silently over the corpse of another orc dressed similarly to them who looks much older, perhaps in his late sixties, with sword slashes and bite marks marring his otherwise impressively muscled form. “I am sorry for your loss, warriors… do you need healing?” you ask tenderly as you stand a few feet behind them as they stand over their fallen comrade, eyes closed as they seem to be offering a prayer to him. After a few moments they both turn around and, the one you helped earlier – who also looks to be in his mid-thirties compared to the other who looks a decade younger – speaks up. “No, little one, we do not. Battle and blood are in are very being; we relish wounds and combat. I thank you for your kind words, but he died an honorable death – those of our tribe yearn to die in combat, and he fought like a demon before he fell. Hah, the old man feared he would die of old age rather than on the field of battle, so I know he is at peace. Allow me to properly thank you now that there is time – my name is Trusolg and my tribesman is Aejsoag, while the fallen before you was our mentor, Yaibo. Your assistance earlier was greatly appreciated…?” “Colette” you respond serenely to the orc with great respect for him, and to his fallen mentor as you look down at the old man, who has long grey hair and a patchy grey beard on his dark green skin which, oddly enough, you see he has almost a happy grin on his face with his eyes closed as he grasps his weapon in his right hand. “Colette” Aejsoag, the younger of the green skinned orcs says, and you note he has long black hair tucked behind him in a small ponytail-like bun “I am glad you were there to help Trusolg, for if he fell then he would not have been there to aid me and I too would have fallen. It would have been a good death, but it is always better to live to fight another battle”.

“I’ve always thought that was better, myself” you say, earning a laugh from both of the warriors. “Out of all those to come to my aid I never expected it to be a beautiful little girl in such an interesting outfit, and one that wields such power no less… and one with elven blood in their veins. Your land is truly a strange place” Trusolg says with a laugh as he eyes you up and down without shame, clearly enjoying what he sees, as does Aejsoag beside him. “Little girl? I’ll have you know that I’m twenty years old and can take on a man twice my size!” you say with a laugh, which earns a hiss of pain as you grab your side. The two orcs, which are probably an inch or two over six feet tall and more than double your weight, laugh with you but quickly become concerned over your pain. “You are injured little one and, while it adds to your beauty in my eyes to see the evidence of a victorious battle on your face and body, should you not be resting and healing your wounds?” the younger orc says in concern, to which you merely shake your head. “I’ll live – others need more help than me. The pain will pass, eventually, and none of it will kill me, which is more than I can say for some others here. Speaking of which, I should get back to work. It is an honor to meet you both, Trusolg and Aejsoag” you give them a courteous bow, as much as you can manage, before turning to walk away. “The honor is ours” the older orc says “You have a kind heart, Colette. Later, we are going to honor Yaibo by celebrating his life with food, drink, and stories of his exploits at our quarters here to honor his memory. You are welcome to join and we would be honored to have you” Aejsoag says and, when you turn to look at him and his companion, you see hopeful desire in their eyes and smile back at them before continuing on to help others as you feel their eyes on you as you sway off. You get a few more heals on those that are injured, meeting up with Hera’s group and healing her and her warriors of some nasty cuts, bruises, and bites that each of them has suffered, and they too offer their hospitality later, though with less innuendo… but they are still no less interested in you, which makes you wonder more at the strange power you seem to have over others as pointed out by Moa’din, Nyx, and others, though in a far less direct manner. Then you come to Yunlya, who is currently bandaging one of the common guards that was in the room at the time, a nasty gash on the half-orc guard’s leg that cut right through her chainmail which causes obvious pain as she cries and yelps as Yunlya methodically wraps her leg in a clean white cloth before tying it tightly. You bend down beside Yunlya and tap into the power of the magic crystal, utilizing the staff’s reserves as it glows in a gold light before you release a mild healing spell on the guard, and you watch as the quickly blood dampening cloth stops spreading her blood as the cut seals itself partially.

“So” Yunlya says as she stands up and looks down at you, moving her fine light brown hair out of the way behind her long elf ears “You’re not just some spoiled girl here on daddy’s coin. Who are you and what was your intention here today? Know that if you intend to cause more harm then I swear I won’t hesitate to cut you down”. You look up into Yunlya’s steely stern gaze, admiring her fire and conviction as well as her practical beauty and, for the first time, you really notice her hazel eyes that are filled with a passion to match your own… more than likely surpassing it entirely. You also admire her lithe form which her military attire lends well to, though it’s a bit disappointing that some of her patches are missing from sword cuts or tears from undead hands and teeth. You stand up and lean against the staff as you take a pained, almost wheezing breath from your exertions before properly introducing yourself. “My name is Colette… Colette Neilanwittr, and I mean no harm. My intention, Miss Elistranna, was to bring Arlandus to justice for his crimes in front of all of his peers. I… had no idea what kind of monster he would turn out to be; I only wanted to have him shamed in front of everyone and then arrested. And before you ask… no, I wasn’t formally invited to the ball”. Yunlya snorts at your answer, and she seems to want to argue with you as her face turns into a scowl, but she eventually sighs, shakes her head, and gives only the smallest hint of a smile. “I should have you arrested and thrown in the dungeon. Do you know how many laws you’ve broken today, young lady? But… you’ve proven yourself in battle, protected the governess and her son, the interests of the city and Eborthia as a whole, and brought justice to a man that would have surely sullied the name and reputation of our great country. Even hurt as you are I don’t know if I would want to fight you with whatever strange powers you seem to have. So – and I do not say this lightly – in light of your recent actions I will forgive you just this once and vouch for you, though I do question your choice in ‘clothing’”. She looks you up and down with a frown… though you think you spy just the tiniest hints of admiration and desire in her eyes, but it’s quickly gone as she looks you in the eyes and extends her hand out to yours. You look at her right hand a moment before switch the staff into your other hand and extending your own out, taking it in a firm handshake to which you smile at as you will part of Skin-Walker away so that you can feel the contact of your hand on hers, which is slightly rough but still smooth thanks to her elven nature. When the exchange ends you ask “You said earlier that you’re captain of the Third Ranger Division? What is the ranger division?” Your question makes Yunlya smile mightily with a fiery glint in her eye as her chest puffs up a little.

“I am Captain Yunlya Elistranna, and I command the finest group of woodsman, archers, scouts, trappers, trackers, and battle hardened soldiers in the Eborthian army. You find none better with a bow or crossbow in all the land, and you’d be hard pressed to find those better with a blade. When there’s danger that threatens the people of our land we are the first in to deal with the situation before backup arrives, and we are the last out… usually before back up arrives, and oftentimes before the general populace knows there was danger in the first place. We know every nook and cranny, every patch of land from here to the border of Scoleshire. We’re called a division, but in reality I command a small platoon of the best damned men and women I’ve ever had the pleasure and honor working with. We fight for the High Council, for Eborthia, for all of the towns and cities therein, but most importantly we fight for the people of this land, to preserve our way of life – the life envisioned by Kein Bleekblood over one-thousand years ago, where everyone, no matter of creed or race, can live peacefully and in harmony without fear of persecution, and to destroy all those that would threaten that stability and dream”. Based on Yunlya’s very thorough explanation it’s obvious that she takes great pride in what she does, and is wholly devoted to her group and its goal… which you find kind of inspiring to be honest. She looks you up and down critically for a moment before she says “You know, you’re green around the ears… but there’s the makings of a ranger inside you, and with that strange power you possess you could be a real asset to the group. If you’re ever interested in seeing what ranger life is all about then seek me out. I’ll be here for close to a week unless I get called away suddenly – I can arrange something, at least training, but you would have to leave the city. I’m also interested in learning more about you since now that I know you’re not some spoiled brat I find you more… interesting”. Hmm, being trained as a ranger might not be so bad – I wonder what Yunlya wants to know about me? you think before you nod your head in understanding and give her a smile as pain continues to wrack your body, but even more so on your soul. “I can tell this is your first time seeing so much death” Yunlya adds sympathetically “My first times were bad as well. I can tell you that if you continue with whatever lifestyle you have now, probably as an adventurer, you’ll see more of it in the times to come. It doesn’t get any easier, but you learn to deal with it in your own way. Stay strong, Miss Neilanwittr”. With that she nods to you once before turning around and scanning the room, and then marching off to help some other poor soul.

You watch her go with interest, unconsciously scanning her body and admiring her from a distance… that is before you feel a hand on your left shoulder. You turn around to see who’s trying to get your attention, and you’re surprised to see two elves dressed in flowing white and gold robes of Wehndarwil which look in surprisingly good shape aside from a few tears and the bottoms being covered in blood. You also spy that the two elves, a man and a woman, are carrying rapiers that have blood along their lengths indicating that these two were part of the fight rather than cowering somewhere. “Excuse me, young cousin” the male elf with grey eyes and long, slicked back fine white hair says “But did we hear correctly; that you referred to yourself as a Neilanwittr?” You look at the slightly shorter elven man, who must be about an inch or two shorter than you, before looking to the elven woman, who has long fine black hair and light brown eyes and is maybe an inch shorter than her partner, before nodding slowly and with confusion. The woman’s eyes, which seem lazy and uninterested in anything at all, seem to light up ever so slightly, as does her partner’s as they look at each other before directing their attention back to you. “Your father, he wouldn’t happen to be Olweilff… would he?” the man asks cautiously – You look at both the elves with even more confusion now and slowly nod your head and say “Yes… my father’s name is Olweilff, Olweilff Neilanwittr. Why, do you name my father?” Both the elves now seem much more interested in you than before as they look you up and down before the woman says excitedly “Yes, cousin, yes we do; we did not interact with him much, but we spoke on many occasions before he… left twenty years ago. A very fine warrior, very wise and just and from a reputable family”. You cock an eyebrow at the two elves, your curiosity rising as your father never really divulged many details about his life before your birth. “Can you tell me about my father? And what do you mean he’s from a reputable family?” you ask curiously, trying to hide your excitement. “Yes, a very reputable family – I don’t know what you know about Wehndarwil, but we don’t believe in hierarchies or monarchal rule; we much prefer each distinguish themselves based on their own merits, however, the Neilanwittr’s have always been highly respected for their compassion and wisdom, and many Neilanwittr’s have been leaders throughout our history. Their word carries weight, young cousin, and one could even liken them to human nobility, but that is a crude comparison – suffice to say, cousin, that in your veins runs the blood of one of the noblest and well respected family lines in Wehndarwil’s history.”

The man finishes explaining, and then the woman speaks, but with a much more somber tone. “As for your father… he is a great man, and one who respects all life, wise beyond his years, and a fierce fighter, both on the battlefield, for justice, and for tolerance. The Neilanwittr family has always been more tolerant of the… lesser races of Zelios, but none has ever started a relationship with one of the quick children before. It is not my place to speak of your father, cousin, for this is his duty, but he did fall in love with your mother… Katherine I believe her name is?” You nod your head in confirmation of the woman’s explanation, now only realizing the funny coincidence of your fake name when compared to your mother’s real name. “At the time Katherine was in our land researching our great trees, trying to discern how our great Sylvan’s could harvest magic and be used for enchanting weapons and armor better than most metals. She was from Scoleshire, so most assumed she was encroaching upon our lands to do us harm… but she was different than most humans of her land. She did not care for their politics or ways, or so she claimed when our people took her prisoner. She pleaded that she only cared about the advancement of magic and did not care about racial boundaries. Your father was the one who imprisoned her, and she was a fiery one – her yells would echo throughout the halls of her holding cell about how we were shortsighted and were no better than those in her homeland”. You continue to listen intently, grinning a little as you listen to the story “Eventually” the woman continues “She and your father started to talk about magic, and he became enthralled with her considerable knowledge; many of our brothers and sisters were impressed with what she knew of magic, and eventually Olweilff convinced the council that she should be released, but they refused as they still thought her a threat… so he offered to be her guard and make sure she stayed out of trouble. This went on for many months and somewhere in that time they started spending more time together before eventually falling in love. Then he just… left – without a word he was gone one day. I know he saw his mother and father before he left, but they won’t speak a word about what happened between them and their son, and he of course took Katherine with him. Is he… is he happy?” The woman asks you with sadness in her eyes, but also hope… and you can’t help but think that this woman might have had feelings for your father at one point, or perhaps she is just concerned. “Yes” you say sincerely and with a smile “He is very happy, and so is my mother”. “Good” she says with a small smile “When you ever see him next, tell him… tell him Ruala and Nesfer wish him well and that he is always welcome back home. His friends and family have not forgotten him”. With that the two bow to you, which you return albeit painfully, before they excuse themselves.

1:23 PM

1:27 PM

You exhausted the power of the staff and your own magical reserves healing as many people as you could and now you resort to bandaging others just as Nyx, Yunlya, and some others are doing. A few moments after the staff was exhausted of magic, you notice that the stones holding closed the doors started to became more brittle and started to chip away thanks to the efforts of those on both sides of the door – those on this side shipping at the stone whereas those on the other continue to ram the door with something, which it starts to give. At the slight shaking of the doors, which is more than what has happened for the last thirty minutes or so, those in the room move away so as not to be crushed. You continue to tend to the current wounded you are bandaging with a not so clean strip of cloth, wrapping it over Pia’s, the noblewoman from earlier, wrist as she suffered a bite from one of the undead… which she thanked you profusely for doing so as she sobbed. “-et the fuck back!” you hear a familiar female voice from behind the door yell out, which makes you perk up immediately. You stand up and move closer to the door, but not too close, to listen better… and what you hear does bring a happy smile to your face despite how miserable you feel what with the pain to your body and the weight of your own thoughts crushing down on you at times. “Fucking gods dammit if you don’t move the fuck out of the way I’ll take your shitty toy and clock you in the head with it! I can sneeze harder than that thing!” the woman’s voice yells out from behind the door, and a moment later you hear swift and furious pounding on the door… follow by the two doors shaking quite violently. “Delilah, get your ass over here and help!” the voice says again, and this time you’re sure you know who is behind the door, and you watch as the door starts to budge now and the stone holding it starts to give as it’s forced away and seems to crumble under the incredible pressure being put on it. A few moments later and you hear another familiar voice call out “Stand back you two! I’m going to hit it with a spell! Sister, I could use your help, and you too, Astraea!” A few moments later and you start to get worried as you yell “Everyone, get away from the door!” You go back to Pia and lift her to her feet with a grunt of pain as you drag her towards the back of the room, and you’re pleased to see that others are moving out of the way as well. The seconds tick by and you wonder what will happen… and then with an almost deafening explosion the doors blow wide open and shatter any remaining stone that was holding it closed, kicking up shards of earth and dust around the room and causing more than a few people to yell out in surprise and shield their eyes, including yourself. You shield Pia from most of the dust as you cover her with your body, and when you turn around and wait for the dust to settle you’re met with a very welcoming sight.

Striding through the door are guards of Kilnhaven clad in chainmail with an emblazoned kiln and fire insignia on front facing cloaks, followed by Astraea, Deliliah, Helena, Lula, Leena, Meredith, and even Vulgan all in their traditional garbs. You also think you spy Gauis, the old human mage and temple head of Kramulet, Kromgal – who seems to be sporting a morningstar and some chainmail of his own – along with some disciples of Yyssbo, an elderly human man with a sword and shield and a half-orc woman with a bastard sword wearing plate armor except for their faces that you don’t recognize, and a few adventurer looking types. Each of them strides through the door with determined looks on their faces, but when they get closer they each stop and look shocked and disgusted… almost dumbfounded by the scene that they find before them, if not for the scent of death hanging heavy in the air itself. “Looks like there are going to need to be a lot of explanations” you hear Nyx say beside you, and when you look beside you, you see her looking at you with concern. “I already talked with Koren and Glethal and informed them of all I know… and some things I found out before you showed up here in the first place. I’ll handle everything while you focus on getting some much need rest and healing. Gods, Colette, you look like you’re in severe pain right now – your face looks drained of blood even”. She’s not wrong about that one. My whole body is killing me right now… and I feel so tired… you think before you smile and say “Yeah, thank you… rest sounds nice right now…” And, just like that, the world seems to float before you as you let go of Pia and fall towards the ground, the weariness and pain becoming too much for you to bear any longer. You see the ground quickly approaching, but before you hit you hear Nyx call out your name followed by hands on your arms, holding you up from hitting the ground, and then darkness…

1:29 PM

8:43 PM

You feel groggy as you feel yourself being pulled from whatever dark place you were and your body aches fiercely, but surprisingly enough it’s not as bad as it was before the darkness took you. You keep your eyes closed, willing yourself back to sleep… but alas, you can’t fight it, so instead you keep your eyes closed and just enjoy your soft, warm resting place for now, especially the hands that are running through your hair sensually, hitting all the right spots along your scalp and soothing you greatly to offset the soreness you feel everywhere else. You remain still and silent as you find that the position you are in is incredibly comfortable with your legs splayed out and your arms resting on your stomach, and you only recently become dimly aware of your back pressed against a mass of… something. You just lie still, enjoy the sensation of those wonderful – and now that you think about it, slightly cold – hand running through your hair as your mass of something behind you is incredibly squishy, soft, and the perfect warmth for your body. Before long, however, your mind starts to shake of the last remnants of sleep and you become aware of warm hands on top of either of your warm that gently caress your skin, a strange yet very comforting tingling sensation that relaxes your right leg, and yet more hands caressing your left leg, followed by the feeling of warm fuzzy fur on your feet. At long last you feel two weights on your shoulders, one slightly cold on your left, and one warmer yet not quite as heavy on your right, and you wonder exactly who or what is in the room with you. That thought is quickly replaced as you wonder how you got to where you are, as the last thing you remember…
Re: Rift Touched

I was at the capitol building attending a party to stop… Arlandus… oh gods….

You remember the fight, the pain, the blood, the death… the screams and the smell of the battle, and you swear you can remember exactly how thick the air was with the stench of death as it seems to waft inside your noise and hang heavy on your tongue. You seem to remember every tiny detail; you slitting Arlandus’ throat… twice in fact, and then after you killed that despicable man you tended to the wounded using his own weapon to heal those he harmed. The irony in that is not lost on you, and then the doors blew open and in strode many of those you know, including those you loved, and many more that you did not recognize… and then you remember getting dizzy and falling. Again, that begs the question where you are now and why you seem to feel hands and other things all along your body. You slowly open your eyes, with them fluttering and watering s you do so from the strain as that small act seems to make every muscle in your body ache in defiance, yet eventually you manage them open. You find that you’re lying propped up in a dimly lit room with a few candle sconces on the walls, which you’re thankful for as anything brighter might have hurt your eyes, and you find yourself staring at a dark black wall with red sheer drapes. No, that’s not right you think as you refocus on the wall in front of you I’m inside the drapes and the wall is on the outside. This is a canopy for a bed. You look up slightly and see that you are correct in your assessment as you find the top of the canopy of a bed, and when you look down you almost burst out into tears of happiness as you find each of your loved ones all around you, cuddling with you, holding you, caressing you, and caring for you… fully nude you might add. Delilah is to your left, caressing your hair and leaning on your shoulder giving you a concerned and loving look from her glassy amber eyes, while Xillia is to your right clinging to you as if you might disappear at any moment. Further down on your right and left, respectively, are Lula and Leena as they caress your arms and hold onto your hands tightly, followed by Meredith as she keeps a slimy hand on your right leg, which molds around it as she yearns for your contact, and then Helena on your left caressing your other limb. Vulgan is at your feet looking up at you with concern with his fierce looking yellow wolf eyes, his large body enveloping your feet in its furry warmth. You see a white tentacle come around in front of you before it presses against your forehead tenderly, rubbing your head with its soft warmth… which means that the something from before must be you leaning against Astraea and her tentacles. You try to move your arms and legs, but groan as you do so when you feel the tenderness and soreness turn into a small tingling pain. Upon further examination you notice that your wounds are gone, leaving nothing but light scratches in their wake that will heal with time, but that doesn’t mean that you didn’t suffer serious enough damage to leave some lasting pain.

“Be still, darling” Delilah coos into your ear as she gently presses her hand over your chest, urging you to be still “You suffered some nasty cats and bruises. You’ll be sore for a while longer. We tried to heal you as best as we could, but healing can only go so far. Gods, darling, what happened in there? I could smell the blood a mile away and even then… rarely have I seen such slaughter. I… we thought you dead when we saw all those bodies, and then when we saw you collapse in front of us…” You look into Delilah’s eyes and see the hurt in them as she thought that she lost you, and you look to each of your loved ones and see the same hurt and pain in their eyes as well, and you feel a lump in your throat at having caused them such grief, and at remembering what had happened… which seems to have an effect on Meredith as she recoils from you a bit. “So much hurt just from a memory” Meredith says somberly and with a painful looking ripple “I can feel it even without being better connected. Please don’t think about it… please don’t make yourself hurt even more”. Astraea’s voice sounds in your mind without the usual bubbliness that you’re used to “Shh, just rest, sweetie – you’ve been through so much, you need to give yourself time to heal”. You quiver at your lower lip and shake your head as you force the lump in your throat down, though your voice still comes out as a hoarse croak. “No, you need to know what happened. Arlandus was even more mad and evil than I originally thought – when I arrived he was nowhere to be seen, so I decided to mingle and adjust to the place. It wasn’t what I expected, but then again I don’t know what I was expecting…” You retell the entire story from start to finish, from when you walked the streets and saw the carriages arrive with fancifully dressed individuals emerging from them to the interior of the estate, the attention you received when you met with Hera, Glethal and Koren’s arrival followed shortly by Arlandus’, and then the events that led to the subsequent slaughter of dozens of the party-goers and your fight with the advisor… and how you killed him to end the massacre and any future misdeeds once and for all before you used his own weapon as a means of healing others all up until you blacked out from pain and exhaustion. When you finish you find that there’s sheen of sweat on your brow and you’re having a hard time breathing as you recall the memories, and both Lula and Leena have to urge you to calm down as your hands are clasped like a vice in theirs. Helena kisses your leg tenderly before looking back at you and continuing to caress your leg. “I’m so fucking sorry, babe… I should have come with you. Fucking gods dammit I should have come with you and then none of this would have happened!” Helena is visibly upset as she shakes in anger at herself, which only serves to make you feel worse as you know that she wanted to be there to protect you and you turned her away. “I’m sorry, Helena, I’m so sorry…” you say quietly as tears start to form in your eyes, and you look away from Helena as you can’t bear to face her.

“I… no, babe, no it’s not your fault. It’s just I’m – I’m so fucking pissed off that he hurt you and all those people! I feel so helpless, and when I saw you collapse I was so scared, and then when we got to you there was so much blood, so much of your own blood… you were so battered I-I didn’t think…” Helena trails off and, instead of continuing, she just buries her face into your leg and hides herself from view behind Leena, though you know she’s crying softly as you feel tears where she has her face buried. “It’s alright, both of you” Leena says gently “You had us worried dear, terribly worried, but you pulled through and that madman is gone and can never hurt you or anyone ever again, and that’s all that matters. We’ll be here with you for as long as you want, and don’t even think of not taking care of yourself. I’ll see to it personally that you eat properly and rest”. Lula on your other side giggles lightly and rubs your right hand tenderly as she says “She means it too, honey, so you better watch out… and that goes the same for me as well; I’m going to watch you like a hawk until you’re all better~”. “Pleaze, Colette” Xillia pleads beside you, and when you look at your elven lover she looks so adorable as her blue eyes gaze into your own “Do not do anyzing outrageouz! I could not live with myzelf if you came to harm again!” Your bottom lip quivers as you remember what happened to Xillia’s dress and say “Xillia… you’re dress… I’m so sorry”. She merely shakes her head vigorously before adding “It iz an object – easily replaceable and made better. You are not, my love, zo do not worry about it”. Vulgan whines at your feet, and you look into his eyes as they give you a pitiful yet adorable puppy look, and you sigh in exhaustion and say “I guess I’m outnumbered… I think I’ll go back to sleep”. Vulgan barks happily once before resting himself back at your feet before Astraea’s voice enters your mind “That is for the best, sweetie – let me help you”. A moment later you feel an intrusion into your mind, yet you allow it as you’re too drained to fight it… not that you want to fight it as you start to feel groggy again and, as your eyes flutter closed, you see Meredith’s slimy face pull up over everyone else and give you a gentle kiss on the lips that make them tingle and relax before she whispers “I love you, sweetheart… get some rest”.

9:00 PM
8:00 AM

You wake up again, but instead of soreness you only have a pounding headache… and you still feel terrible inside more than any physical ailment. You groan as you open your eyes, the pain flaring up when you start to see any hint of light. “Awake now, sweetie?” Astraea says gently into your mind, and you nod with another groan before you realize she probably can’t tell too clearly what with most of the tentacles blocking her eye. Yes, and my head hurts worse than taking a blow to the head with one-hundred hammers. Is this normal? you think to Astraea as you start to take in the sights, which are relatively unchanged save for most everyone is asleep save for Astraea and Delilah, though Delilah looks to be in a deep trance beside you yet you know as a vampire she doesn’t actually sleep. Aside from everyone asleep around you, and on you in some form, you notice that the room is slightly bigger than you first thought, and the bed must be massive to hold all of you – you surmise that you’re in the temple of Domina at least, given the colors, but that this is a room that you haven’t seen before. Whether it’s in the lower chambers or not, you aren’t really sure. “Not with my powers, no – it could be that you’re suffering from some physical damage still… or mental damage” Astraea replies into your mind quietly, and you find yourself getting worried. Mental damage…? What sort of mental damage? Could Arlandus have done something to my mind with one of his attacks, or is it a side effect like a lingering poison? Your thoughts are a jumbled mess as you try to discern what could be the cause of the pain in your head, and you pour over every detail of your encounter earlier… which the reminder serves to make the pain in your head even worse. “… Perhaps, sweetie” Astraea says gently into your mind, which seems to soothe your throbbing pain briefly “But more than likely it could be that you’re trying to… cope with what happened. You suffered through a very traumatic event, sweetie, and I’m sure you haven’t been through something like that before-“. “I’m fine” you say aloud and with a slightly irritated tone, frowning at what Astraea seems to be implying. “Sweetie…” Astraea chides in a soothing voice as she rubs some of her tentacles along your temples, which does ease your pain somewhat, but for some reason the action just makes you more upset. “I said I’m fine – I’ve been through some harrowing things before; I’ve had things try to kill me and I’ve always come out on top. This is no different; I’m fine” you repeat in a more adamant and insistent tone. “Sweetheart” Meredith says as she wakes from her… slumber(?), reforming into a more distinguishable form as a cross between you and Helena “I felt your pain last night, and it was more with your mind and emotions. Even now I feel your pain and it’s… oppressive, dark, hopeless, and empty”.

You want to start arguing, but Lula cuts you off before you can speak and says in a gentle voice as she rouses from her sleep, apparently awakened by your voice as are the others as they come to. “Maybe” Lula starts to say with a yawn “Excuse me – maybe it would be best if we showed her the note. It will put things in perspective and I’m sure it will brighten your spirits instead of beating yourself up, and I think many of the propositions in the note are… interesting to say the least and might be a good focus for you. Oh listen to me ramble, Astraea, be a good tentacle and give our baby the note would you?” Lula smirks mischievously over your shoulder at Astraea, and you get the feeling that, by Lula’s changes in expressions as she shifts her head and smiles, that the two are in some sort of mental conversation. Eventually some of Astraea’s tentacles move and, tired of feeling so stiff, you start to sit up and flex your muscles as you sit up and cross your legs while everyone else yawns and stretches, even Vulgan, as they disperse from you slightly to give you room… which does leave you a great deal colder as you’re currently nude along with them all. You turn on your bottom and face Astraea expectantly, watching and waiting as she pulls an envelope, with the seal already broken of course, from behind her with a small tentacle and holds it out in front of her at you. You take the piece of paper and open the flap where the broken wax would have sealed it, and take out the paper inside. You unfold the parchment and begin to read Nyx’s neat print from top to bottom.

Dear Colette,

You gave us all quite a scare last night after you collapsed. I feared for your life, and I know that those closest to you feared for you as well, especially given what had happened. I would like to inform you that I presented all my findings and evidence to the governess and her son and am happy to report that she will begin reallocating the funds of the city towards the poor district, and specifically towards the orphanage. Within the month I’m sure it will be totally rebuilt and refurbished so that Penelope’s little ones are well cared for with a proper roof over their heads. Arlandus’ corruption was deep; I discovered, amongst the other things that I found that I could not disclose due to the heat of battle, that many of the guard was paid off and served Arlandus only along with a few of the nobles. I do not know who he was meeting with in the capital that earned him so much gold well beyond his station, but I do know that there will be sweeping changes taking effect quite shortly. There will be many imprisoned for corruption and collusion, and many more set free for false crimes to those that were in Arlandus’ mad path. It seems that someone else will need to fill Arlandus’ old role as advisor, though this may take some time I believe our fair governess will choose wisely in the future, if at all. It is a great thing you were a part of, Colette; you helped bring down a madman who has spent decades leeching the life of this city and destroying countless lives, and no doubt he would have destroyed countless more. As for those that he hurt – Elise, his servants, those at the ball – they are all being tended for and can now openly receive the proper treatment that they deserve for whatever wrongs were done to them, with Glethal, and especially Koren, seeing to it that they are taken care of. Ulric would be proud of them, no doubt, but now I must speak of other matters specifically pertaining to you, child… which I may mention many of the nobles and emissaries will remember you and what happened at the ball, and I assure you that you have the respect of most there, and you can bet that most wouldn’t want to cross you. Word has, obviously, spread of what happened and in your unconsciousness the lady governess found the strength to rally her people and inform them of what happened. Your part in the matter as most of those involved has not been disclosed publicly… but that will soon change. You may find that, in time, you will be subject to much more attention from those in the city – I fear that I may receive that attention as well and, while it is a good thing to be beloved by the people, your unique nature may soon be revealed. I don’t think many will make the connection, but rest assured you will be treated differently when news spreads of the red-haired warrioress with strange powers, able to move twice as fast as any normal man or woman, and capable of disappearing and reappearing at will isn’t something that will be forgotten.

Long story short I believe it would be prudent to hide yourself away or at the very least seek the protection of powerful individuals. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve taken the liberty of contacting individuals, many of whom you know, and the hopes that they will offer you asylum and give you the opportunity to improve on your abilities... which are obviously going to be based on those that you choose. Those that are willing to take you on are as follows:

I will, naturally, be honored and more than willing to protect you and train you in the ways of shadow as per Yyssbo’s domain. You will not be required to take vows as there is a “branch” of the temple of Yyssbo that dedicates itself to… well, let’s just say there’s a reason why I know so much. I offer you the chance to join and train with this “guild” and hone your abilities as one who prefers the dark and the shadows. You need only ask and I will take you – this will require that you leave the city, for a time, as you train and to ensure that any would-be threats are thrown off your trail. These people – my people – are very good at what they do.

Next is Yunlya – she is a rather stern and direct woman, and quite wary of me, yet it is my understanding that she expressed interest in you. I have spoken with her and she is willing to take you on as a ranger and train you in one of a few select areas of expertise that you might find highly beneficial. This would not be unlike joining the military, Colette, but it would be very informal and highly unusual, but she assured me that she has enough pull that she could make it happen. You would be required to dress in uniform and live the life of a military woman for a time, which by the way would also require that you leave the city and train with Yunlya and her rangers, perhaps even going on a few missions with them to hone your skills. It is not permanent... but it can be if you want – you would be part of an elite group that looks after their own, you would be fed and eventually be paid. Not my first choice, obviously, but a sound one nonetheless.

I know your main skills lie in the arts of the dodgy path, but I also know that you have a knack for the arcane as well. As such I have spoken with Gaius… well, he did most of the talking, and he has expressed that he would be willing to take you to his out of the way abode to teach you more of the magical arts. He has assured me that only he can enter his home, and those he allows, due to many magical and arcane wards. I am sure that he would want to spend years training you and studying you in equal parts, but after I informed him it would only be for a short period he was disappointed, yet that didn’t seem to curb his enthusiasm for long. He assured me that in the short amount of time he had he could teach you to wield spells in tandem with your swords, to weave spells, gain greater knowledge from magic crystals, and to learn of runes and runic magic… as well as how to properly utilize a mage’s stave. Fret not as should you choose to have Gaius assist you then someone will look after the temple in his stead. Again, you would not need to take any vows to Kramulet.

My next destination was to the temple of Victressia to visit Jergen and Weira. Technically, the temple head of Victressia is Jergen as he is older and more experienced than Weira, but Victressia dictates that there must be two heads at each of her temples: The Sword and The Shield. Jergen is The Shield, and given his affinity for defense and use of shields it is aptly given, whereas Weira is The Sword, again she is younger and… not as wise as Jergen, but she is a fierce fighter and favors the bastard sword. They were reluctant to agree at first, but when I informed them of the justice you delivered to Arlandus in their stead, and the stead of a Spirit of Justice, they became much more accepting. As such they have offered to personally train you at one of Victressia’s smaller temples for a time, away from Kilnhaven and prying eyes. You will be taught to hone your combat abilities as well as being taught how to use a larger variety of weapons and armor I’m sure.

I also did some thinking based on your past exploits and turned to Nilas, the head of the temple of Lequis. Given your relationship with the temple, and Lula, I find that this would be a natural yet unorthodox choice for you. Nilas would accept you, but only if you take the vows of Lequis and become a priestess… as Sister of Love. You may stay in the city if you choose to become a Sister of Love as I believe the protection of Lequis, the temple, and myself should be sufficient as you train as a priestess. This is a commitment, Colette, so make no mistake that you will have to be dutiful, but the rewards are great. If you become a priestess then I am sure you will be granted the use of miracles pertaining to Lequis, and I also think it fits your kind and loving nature. Advancing as a priestess would net you more power, so I don’t think this would be a venture wasted.

Now, I know you visited the temple of Dwynvel, and I know about your “tastes” and “needs”, so I talked to Kromgal, briefly, about you becoming a priestess at the temple of Dwynvel. A Sister of Lust is what you would become and, unlike the temple of Lequis, your vows would be much more… sexual. Speaking plainly you will be involved in sex and drinking, as the priests and priestesses of Dwynvel pay respect to their god through carnal acts. As you’ve know doubt noticed with Helena you will be required to have sex on a near daily basis, drink just as much, party, and well… you get the idea. One “rule” that Kromgal let me know is that those of their order must be “easy”, which means that you must be willing to have sex with just about anyone. However, despite this the benefits of becoming a Sister of Lust are great – Dwynvel is a very powerful god and so are his miracles. His miracles are centered around endurance and protection, thus you would gain some very strong life-extending miracles. Again, like the temple of Lequis this would be a commitment, and by commitment I mean you would need to be dutiful in acting out on your more carnal needs which, incidentally enough, is what Dwynvel wants in his disciples.

This next one may seem rather odd to you, but bear with me on this one. Based on your habits and you visiting a certain Palace of Pleasure, I decided to have a chit with Deidra. I know precious little about her, which is no small feat, and I was immediately struck with how charismatic and persuasive she can be. I also sensed that she was far more powerful than she originally let on, yet she is so composed and in control of herself one would hardly notice unless they saw the signs of one that has weathered many storms in their life. Deidra is one such individual, and she offers some unique opportunities for you. She wants you to work for her, that much is obvious, but she also seems to care for you a great deal for some reason. I also believe that she could sufficiently protect you if need be while simultaneously offering unique training to improve yourself, however, you would stay in the city and be at the Palace of Pleasure for a time as a resident. What she offered is, again, unique – some of her offers are obviously sexual in nature while others are not. Some I can see the benefits for, such as teaching you how to be more persuasive and read others, yet others I fail to see the importance. She assures me that she knows magics of a “different kind”, and her training is to improve both the mind and body based on your desires. I don’t quite know what to make of it all, unfortunately, but you could do worst by being tutored under Deidra.
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Re: Rift Touched

Last, but not least, I talked with Glethal and she expressed deep thanks to you and said that she would love to have more people loyal to the city and to doing what is right. When I offered to have her train as a guard she took a moment to think about it, and eventually she declined as she felt that the role was not fit for you, Instead, she wants you to be a part of a new type of guard that she was thinking of forming based on watching you fight Arlandus. She said that she would be able to bring in a skilled veteran to train the recruits, and that the group would be dubbed the “Dark-Clad Duelists”, specializing in dual-wielding weapons, fast fighting, being quick on their feet, and on stealth. I offered to train the recruits in stealth techniques as I feel that a guard that is both quick, powerful, and capable of blending into crowds and shadows to gather information would be incredibly useful. You would remain in the city if you chose to go with Glethal’s new guard, but you would have me nearby and be in the capitol building most of the time surrounded by armed guards during your training. Those two factors mean that you will be safe and out of the public’s eye for a time.

Speaking of Glethal, she wishes to speak to you as does Koren. I think he may have taken a fancy to you, child. Whatever you choose I know will be the right decision.


You finish reading the note and you can feel the tears in your eyes as you read over the lines dealing with Penelope and the orphanage, and your heart swells knowing that they will be alright… that everything you did was for something. It’s doubly good news that the slums might not be the slums for much longer as well, but the note quickly turns to business and you will yourself to focus on and read. After you finish you feel confused and a little light-headed… but better than you were before and, surprisingly, your headache has subsided some. “Well, darling, do you feel better now?” Delilah says besides you, and you can’t help but smile and nod at her through somewhat misty eyes, to which she smiles back and scoots closer to you, hugging you from the side. You lean into the hug and sigh before she withdraws and Xiliia crawls closer and puts her hands in your red hair… and kisses you. You moan as you drop the paper to your side and wrap your hands around her slender back, letting your hands roam up and down her back and relishing in the feeling of her soft, pale skin. The kiss is like a breath of fresh air to you as it breathes life back into you… and there wasn’t even any tongue! Xillia withdraw after a few moments and breathes deeply before sighing, which you mimic, and says “I am zo glad to zee you happy, my love”. You feel your left arm tingle and relax, and you look over at Meredith with a small smile. “Sweetheart… would you like us to pleasure you? We’re all here for you and want to make you feel good” your true slime lover says in a very sincere voice. “Hell yeah, let’s get down to business!” Helena says, clearly pumped as desire flashes into her crisp blue eyes as she looks at you with lust and want, making you smile. “We have to treat our baby right” Lula says with love as she looks at you with those wonderful red eyes of hers – “Agreed” her sister and your purple lover says with a nod while running a hand through her purple hair and over her horns “This is all about you, dear, and we will make you feel better in the best way possible. Nothing hard, nothing ravenous, but gentle and loving”. “I promise to bring you to the heights of ecstasy my sweetest” Delilah coos beside you, running her right hands through your hair and looking at you with pure adoration that makes your heart melt all over again. Astraea giggles softly into your mind before you hear “Yes, these tentacles can do so much more than rampant fucking you know. I can massage you and suckle all over your body… but if you want to I can go nice and slow for you~”. Vulgan does a cute little dog waddle on the bed over to you and puts his snout to your knee, licking it tenderly why keeping his eyes locked on yours, clearly in agreement with everyone else as his long, warm tongue gently runs along your right knee. You smile at him and gently pet his head in thanks and understanding.

Thank you everyone…

8:17 AM

A. The ones you love. (Can be chosen in tandem with options B, C, and D)
A1. Let the ones you love gently pleasure you at this moment in time
A2. Let the ones you love pleasure you, but forget being gentle – you want it rough, raunchy, and dirty!
A3. No sex for now. Work your muscles and get some fresh air, or just cuddle. (Specify)

B. Go to the capitol building and see the orcs. (What do you want to do?)

C. Go to the capitol building and see Hera and her entourage. (What do you want to do?)

D. Go to the capitol building and see Glethal and Koren and listen to what they have to saw

E. Go with Nyx and train under her with her “guild”. Will further the path of the rogue into specialized rogue classes. (Important decision! No turning back!)

F. Join Yunlya’s rangers and train under her and those under her commands. Will become a specialized class under the rangers which works with a rogues’ abilities. (Important decision! No turning back!)

G. Go with Gaius and learn more of the ways of magic. Will become a mage/rogue hybrid, keeping all rogue abilities and gaining basic mage abilities and become a new class. (Important decision! No turning back!)

H. Train under Jergen and Weira, honing your combat skills and then some. Will become a fighter/rogue hybric, keeping all rogue abilities and gaining some basic fighter abilities, such as the ability to use new weapons. (Important decision! No turning back!)

I. Be tutored by Deidra in her unique areas of expertise. Will become a specialized class with unique abilities, some relating to sex, others with no sexual component and related to charm and persuasion. (Important decision! No turning back!)

J. Accept Nilas’ offer and become a Sister of Love, taking the vows to become a priestess of Lequis. Will become a Sister of Love and gain miracles related to Lequis. Must be committed to Lequis and her domains. (Important decision! No turning back!)

K. Accept Kromgal’s offer and become a Sister of Lust, taking the vows to become a priestess of Dwynvel. Will become a Sister of Lust and gain miracles related to Dwynvel. Must be committed to Dwynvel and his domains. (Important decision! No turning back!)

L. Become a member of Glethal’s newly forming guard, the Dark-Clad Duelists. Will become a specialized rogue class focusing on dual-wielding. (Important decision! No turning back!)

M. Ask where Little Red is at! You can’t forget your cute red slime!

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Please Read! Very Important!:
Sorry if the story is getting railroaded, but we’re at an important point in the story… both for me and for Colette. All of these decisions are going to be important, one way or another, and are going to affect how Rift Touched continues. Now, to answer some questions on the “Class Changes” I want to start by saying that not every choice is limited to only one class. Certain options have multiple classes that Colette can become with their own perks and bonuses, but will only be revealed after the initial choice has been made. So say that you want Colette to go with Nyx, well, Nyx’s route might offer more to Colette in the ways of a rogue than another choice. Others aren’t related to a rogue at all and instead are unique in their own right, while others are hybrids of sorts, utilizing Colette’s roguishness with what the new class offers. Colette won’t lose her abilities thus far so no worries there, and each option can only add to what Colette already is, both with strengths and some limitations. If you have any questions or want clarification then please ask. Also, I want to say thank you to everyone that has read and voted during the course of the story on this long adventure as it really kept me motivated all this time since… last year July I think I started this? Who would have thought that this would have gone on this long? Well, it’s all thanks to each and every one of you that continue to push and drive the story forward, so again thank you!
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Re: Rift Touched

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Medium-High load. Has a small amount of space left. Stowed away at the moment.
-Gold pouch (1000 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (324 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
- Medium Sized Enchanted Black Butt Plug (Activated with command word “Lover’s Embrace”. Will vibrate and expand slowly when activated until it becomes very large, but not enough to harm)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Extremely exposing and extremely light. Comes with creamy white bra that shows extreme cleavage and has thin vertical pieces of cloth that exposes nipples via heart shaped cutouts, thin G-string that rides up on ass and has cutout to expose vagina, extremely short frilly skirt that barely covers crotch and covers only half of butt and held in place by bronze-gold heart bands, thin gloves for tops of hands and arms to biceps held in place by bronze-gold bands with metal hearts on top, open toed five inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place. Blessings in effect when set is worn)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Enchanted Gloves (unidentified)
- Skin-Walker (Blessings in effect when worn)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves. (Enhances MR by 10)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).
-Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers Stowed away at the moment.
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1. Extreme Potion of Healing x1. Full
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


- Nude

Weaponry Stowed away at the moment.

-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage).
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (2/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR). Can use Blood Magic with.
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (1/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead). Can use Blood Magic with. (24 hours remain on 1 recharge)
-Aqua Magic Crystal: Water: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Water missile (1 Charge, 10 MR). Can use Blood Magic with. Unavailable

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 10 minutes. (24 hours remain on recharge).
-Blink (35 MR each use): Can be used in and out of combat to instantaneously transport self within ten feet of current position silently and with only a barely visible blue haze as any indication of its use. Can be used in combat to get behind enemies resulting in sneak attack criticals. Cannot go through solid objects.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Flowing freely around shoulders and behind back. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Scratches and minor bruises on face, sides, left leg, right arm, left arm, stomach.


Health: Fine
MR: 112/112
Slightly aroused .
Stiff, a little tired, sore, but otherwise in good health.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Essence of Absorption: Thanks to receiving the “essence” of countless individuals many, many times, you have discovered a peculiarity about yourself. You have a certain trait of magical beings and monsters that allows you to absorb the magical energy from sexual secretions, and maybe even blood (?), from people to give yourself some energy and restore your MR. Also, it accelerates your healing slightly and you find you can now sustain yourself wholly off of the essence of others similar to magical beings.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, and you’re naturally sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!) (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat being worn). Not in effect.

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield two weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Skin-Walker: You’re blessed bodysuit, blessed at the temple of Domina, has seven unique attributes tied to the blessing. On top of being nearly indestructible and capable of keeping you and itself clean. The blessings allow Skin-Walker to become nearly any article of clothing, within reason, changing its shape through your will and imagination. When worn you also receive the boon of increased physical damage resistance (mild), increased magical/elemental damage resistance (mild), increased physical damage dealt (mild), and increased magical damage dealt (minor), your footsteps are completely silent when worn. The final blessing will allow the suit’s power to increase when you sleep with ten different people up to a total of one-hundred different people, but only if suit is worn. (Sex Counter: 31/100) (Requires Skin-Walker being worn)

Increased Health: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has given you a moderate boost to your natural health, allowing you to take more blows before being killed or knocked out. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Major Barrier of Avoidance: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit has been blessed with a major barrier that warps harmful attacks around you, thus dealing a major blow to enemy hit chances. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Hardiness: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed to give you a moderate increase in your resistances against poisons, diseases, and negative status ailments both natural and magical, meaning you’re less likely to contract a disease, be poisoned, or suffer negative status effects during combat. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Majorly Lowered Sexual Inhibitions: Your Dwynvel blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s outfit has been blessed with the effect of lowering your sexual inhibitions when worn, making you much more receptive to sexual advances and making you much more likely to blindly accept such advances regardless of who is making advances, of the time of day, and of where the advances are taking place. Those making such advances will also seem much more attractive to you. (Requires Dwynvel Blessed Amazonian Veil Dancer’s Outfit being worn) Not currently in effect

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is referred to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 3/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Slightly Lowered Inhibitions: Your inhibitions are lowered slightly thanks to your actions and you find that you don’t mind people getting “touchy” with you in intimate ways, so long as it’s not too extreme.

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

Obviously gotta go for a little of column A1 and a little of column A2~ :D

Might as well do B, C, and D in some order, too, I suppose. Maybe have a little "fun" with them, as well, where appropriate should the opportunities present themselves. :rolleyes:

Not so sure which 'major' choice to make yet, though I'm leaning mostly towards: E) Nyx for uber-stealthy rogue-y stuffs; I) Deidra for uber-sexy brothel times and more charm/persuasion abilities; or J) becoming a Sister of Love under Nilas for that feel-good helping-people sometimes-sexy times, as well as them powerful Lequis blessings.
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched

Obviously gotta go for a little of column A1 and a little of column A2~ :D

Might as well do B, C, and D in some order, too, I suppose. Maybe have a little "fun" with them, as well, where appropriate should the opportunities present themselves. :rolleyes:


Followed by I...
Re: Rift Touched

Obviously gotta go for a little of column A1 and a little of column A2~ :D

Might as well do B, C, and D in some order, too, I suppose. Maybe have a little "fun" with them, as well, where appropriate should the opportunities present themselves. :rolleyes:

I vote F, because elven ranger. Also, leaving the city means we have an opportunity to find more rifts, as well as being able to quick travel back.
Re: Rift Touched

A1. Then C to see if she is alright and D.
After that I if Delilah is involved. Otherwise E.

Also, I want to say thank you to everyone that has read and voted during the course of the story on this long adventure as it really kept me motivated all this time since… last year July I think I started this? Who would have thought that this would have gone on this long? Well, it’s all thanks to each and every one of you that continue to push and drive the story forward, so again thank you!
It should be us to thank you. Few have the will to continue their story that far.
Consider me a fan.
Re: Rift Touched

Hrm, before I put it off again...

M first. Which shouldn't be any problem, given that we left Little Red with Meredith while she went off to read.

Then, something between A1 and A3. Spend some time e.g. cooking, or mending (unrelated) clothes... slow, calming activity that won't relate to the frenzy that was the ball, and will therefore fuzz the ball's memories and put them into better perspective.

C comes third in my list - while touching base with the other two groups would be nice, they're more "friendly acquaintances" than "friends". And somehow I doubt that orcish philosophy would help much with Colette's state of mind.

For the longer term... I'm torn between F, G, and J. I like versatility in my RPG characters, and magic is generally better at that than straight physical skills. That rules out most of the physical classes. Of the priestly ones, Colette only really fits Lequis (Yyssbo not actually being an option at the moment), and I worry about her maintaining the vows. Bleh, wish I could savescum this vote. :p

Ehhh... I'll go with G - I think focusing on magic is the most likely path towards more rift stuff.
Re: Rift Touched

It looks like a mix of A1 and A2, B, C, and D, along with I are the winners in this round! I also did implement a little of M, but nothing too major since it wasn’t popularly voted on.

I hope you all had a great Easter holiday (for those of you that celebrate it) and for those of you that don’t then I hope that you had a great 4/20 day! Sorry this post is so late, I’ve been really busy and tired since the last post… and that’s actually the gist of it; busy and tired.

8:17 am

You still feel sore and ache from your previous wounds, but you can’t deny the feeling in your loins as they heat and the need arises, and those familiar sensations start to creep their way into you once more as Vulgan moves away from you, and you imagine all the ways he could please you. You smile sweetly at each of your lovers, and along the way it turns lewd and you start to get onto all fours to crawl over to Lula… but the soreness and the light pain that follows stops you in your tracks as you hiss in subtle pain. Okay… maybe that wasn’t the best idea. Plan B you think as each of your loves becomes concerned and urges you to be careful, and that maybe this wasn’t the best idea. “Oh no… we’re doing this” you say with a light chuckle and, thinking quickly, you opt for the classic approach – you gently lean yourself back onto the bed with your hands behind you as you lower yourself until your back is flat on the sheets and you stare up at the red canopy. You look up at Lula, Leena, Astraea… all through each of those that you love and, as you spread your legs and bring your hand down to your quickly moistening honeypot, you spread the lips to your special place and say “I want to make love to all of you… and I don’t mind if it gets a little rough, but not too rough alright~? So… who’s first~?” Astraea giggles into your mind and you turn your head slightly to see her approach you, slithering along the sheets before she’s only a foot away from you. “Always so eager, teehee~” you hear inside your mind “But we have to make sure not to hurt you. Here… let me help – you just sit back and relax, sweetie, and let us do all the work~” With that you feel a mass of warm, soft tentacles run along your arms down to your hands, and you sigh as they start to massage you while gently wrapping you’re your hands and pulling them away from your cleft. You feel more tentacles snake underneath you and, a moment later, you’re being gently lifted forward and then into the air slightly as Astraea pulls you back into your original spot when you first awoke… though she does help spread your legs. “That’s right, baby~” Lula says as she crawls provocatively over to you, her heavy breasts swaying slightly and her blue penis hardening as she licks her lips “You worked so hard, so just sit back and relax while we make you feel oh so good~”. She takes her side at your right once more, but this time she dips her head low and, while maintaining eye contact with you as she smiles, she trails light kisses around your right breast before she opens wide and engulfs as much of your orb as she can. You sigh and shiver in exquisite pleasure, not even bothering to hold any of the bliss back as wonderful jolts rock your body – Lula rolls her tongue around your areola and flicks your nipple, even rolling her tongue along your emerald heart piercing before nibbling on the metal stud through your nipple without sucking. When she does start to suck moments later, you sigh and physically shake in happy bliss, arching your back slightly as you start to lactate milk into her mouth, which she happily drinks up with wonderful moans as you feel the pressure relieved from your large DD-cup.

“No need to hog her, sister” Leena, your beautiful purple succubus says with a grin as she crawls alongside to your left, retaking her spot as well. You watch with a silly grin as her larger member hardens and her even larger melons say hypnotically, and all you can think about is suckling on them and having your face firmly planted between them. Alas, that honor seems to be your two succubus lovers as Leena places her left hand on your other breast and massages it, pulling at your piercing occasionally and flicking your pierced nipple which sends shocks of erotic joy through you that couple with the attention your other breast is receiving… and sending you that much closer to an absolutely divine and long overdue release. You moan and sigh happily, and you realize now that you wouldn’t be able to really hold back the pleasure given how tired you still are… nor would you want to. “Such lovely sounds, darling” Delilah says as she crawls over to you and whispers in your ear “Let me add to them. I’ve always loved those pointed ears of yours~”. A moment later as Leena bends down to suckle on your left teat, drawing more milk from you and relieving even more pressure, while Delilah takes the liberty to give your left ear a long lick before she inserts her tongue into your sensitive canal and engulfing a fair portion of your ear and nibbling on it as she worms her tongue into and around your ear. Her cold tongue and mouth, along with the two sisters’ warm mouths on your tits, proves too much and you shake in a small orgasm, gasping and holding on tight to some of Astraea’s tentacles as they massage your arms and hands. You arch your back, close your eyes, and relish in the feeling of warm ecstasy washing over you as your juices flow from your love tunnel and onto the sheets, making the inside of your legs sticky and wet right along with the fabric below you. Your legs and body quakes, making you smile and moan loudly as more and more pleasure flows from your body in gentle waves, and just before it starts to hurt from the soreness all of your lovers stop at once, withdrawing their mouths and giving a final lick to your ear, in Delilah’s case, or to your breasts to gather the last remnants of milk from your nipples in the sisters’ case. You pant lightly and moan as you shuffle your legs in the sheets, closing your eyes and relishing in the warm feeling of a much needed releases which, unsurprisingly, stokes your fires even further and you feel that old familiar lust flaring up into a raging inferno. You open your eyes and look passionately at each of your lovers before you and utter in a demanding low growl “More… give me more”. “My pleasure, babe~” Helena says as she’s the first to respond… and perhaps she understands your needs the most given that she’s neither a succubus nor a tentacle beast, and is constantly ravaged by an almost uncontrollable lust just as you are… sometimes. “Zis is fun~ - I never knew zis play could be zo… exciting~” Xillia says beside you as she was watching with rapt attention, and you think you spied her hand between her legs as a few moans escaped her, though you could be imagining things as you could hear much above your own moans. You giggle lightly before moaning as you watch Xillia’s lithe and petite body crawl over to you from out of the corner of your eye, and then she retakes her position and starts to rub on your right ear before doing as Delilah does and licks along the inside of your ear, sending wonderful jolts of pleasure coursing through your body.

Helena, meanwhile, has moved closer to your pussy and has your legs spread wide, and you watch as she licks her lips before she quickly dives her face close to your sopping wet sex and, with a smile and a wink, she ravenously licks from the bottom of your slit to your hood and ending at your clit. “Gods, yes!” you say loudly, arching your back as Helena’s warm, pierced tongue runs the length of your sex with a fierce hunger, drinking of your juices to which you happily produce more for her as she brings you higher and higher towards your peak far more quickly than the others. Astraea continues to rub and massage her tentacles all over your body wherever your other lovers are not, and even Vulgan gets in on the action as you feel his long, warm tongue running across your left foot… which both feels wonderful and tickles at the same time and you can’t help but giggle and laugh between your moans. Gods… it doesn’t get much better than this you think… and then somehow it does get better – Meredith, who you have spied watching with keen interest as this has taken place, decide that now is the time to act as you’re quickly approaching your second orgasm. She morphs her way next to Lula and over her, and you hear Lula moan as Meredith’s amorphous magical body causes tingles of pleasurable relaxation wherever she touches as she moves over the succubus and partially onto her sister. Yet she doesn’t stop there and instead, whilst partially enveloping the purple and blue succubi, she makes her way towards your front. With flush cheeks and your mouth open as you pant for air you give her the perfect opportunity to attack your mouth. “I love you…” she whispers breathlessly in front of you, mere inches away from your face so that you can see every minute detail of her clear face, mixed between yours and Helena’s, before she lunges forward and presses her slimy mouth against yours. She snakes her slimy tongue into your mouth, and you moan in pleasure and acceptable as you roll your own tongue around hers as it relaxes your muscles. Meredith doesn’t stop there, however, and like the other times before this one she pushes even further until part of her slime slides down your throat, and you instantly relax and both your head and eyes roll back as another orgasm rocks you from all the stimulation, making you quiver and shake, expelling more of your girly fluids into Helena’s expertly working mouth as she presses her tongue into your tight, molding cunt and has her mouth over your puffy lips as she sucks and licks inside you. Your orgasm continues onwards for one, three, ten, fifteen seconds with no end in sight as the stimulation rises. Your body feels like it’s soaring from the heights of bliss as you clench onto Astraea’s tentacles and, like before, just as the soreness and pain returns from the exertions your lovers instinctively know when to stop… or perhaps it’s when your happy, gentle moans turn into low groans. Still, you’re thankful that they stop as such a pain would ruin an otherwise wonderful and delicious moment between you all.

Meredith withdraws herself from your mouth with a sigh and, when her face comes back into full view, you see a dreamy, gleeful smile on her face before she gently reaches down and pecks you on the cheek. “You’re always so good, sweetheart… the things you feel are so amazing” she whispers at you – you moan and smile as you snuggle into Astraea, who continues to massage every aching muscle in your body. You gasp lightly and arch your back in bliss when Helena runs her tongue along your hairless snatch a few times, gathering up the remainder of your juices before she settles the side of her face on your stomach just above your clit. “Lucky girl~” Astraea’s voice sounds off in your mind “You have so many beautiful women, plus one, all at your disposal ready to please you and love you for all eternity~”. You giggle lightly and smile before replying in an airy tone “I am lucky, aren’t I? I am so very, very lucky…” You reach up with your hands and stroke Meredith’s slimy cheeks with a contented smile on your face, and you giggle lightly when Meredith ripples before she places her own hands on yours and closes her clear eyes… which you still find an odd notion even after all the time you’ve spent together. “Darling, are you playing favorites? I think I might get jealous” Delilah says beside you, and you laugh heartily before smirking at her. “Oh, yes, I am playing favorites… you’re all my favorites, and I can’t decide which one to give attention to first. I want to give attention to all of you at once, but there’s only one of me and eight of you!” Xillia giggles beside you and bats her eyes at you enticingly with a light blush before pressing her lips up against your cheek in a very sweet kiss. “Oh, Colette, you are very zweet! I believe… zat the zisters should go first, or else zey will hog you all morning!” Xillia blushes even harder at the insinuation, but you find it incredibly cute seeing her so bashful and, wriggling free some of Astraea, you reach out and grab her face before pressing a kiss to her lips. You close your eyes and moan, as does Xillia, tasting her tongue and mouth while pressing your own muscle as deep as it will go inside her. You snake your hands away from her face down to her A-cups and fondle them lightly, earning more moans from your lover while you get the satisfaction of feeling her up. After a few more moments of intimate tongue action with Xillia you pull away and smile at her and say “I had to do that, you know; you were just too cute”. Xillia blushes harder this time, and again you lunge forward and peck her on the lips, causing you both to laugh after you pull away. You look to Lula and Leena, then to the others and they all seem to be in agreement as they crawl away to give the sisters more room to… enjoy themselves with you.

You sit up a little straighter and stretch as your purple lover crawls behind you and runs her hands along your shoulders, down your arms, and over your breasts. The sensual contact earns a moan from your lips and you lean back against Leena’s very large bust. “I’m sorry it’s not a date” Leena whispers into your ear, and at first you wonder what she’s talking about before it dawns on you that she’s referencing earlier before you left for the ball “But I hope it will do for now”. “Don’t be silly… this is perfect; all of us together enjoying each other’s company. What more is there to ask for?” you whisper back with a contented sigh, wrapping your arms up and behind you, tangling them behind Leena’s head as you twine your hands in her purple her and stroke her head gently, and occasionally you reach up and stroke her horns as well. “I’m so glad you think that, honey” Lula quietly adds as she positions herself in front of you and runs her hands along your tummy, making you sigh once more as her warm hands massage over your toned muscles… but when she gets to your right side and presses a little too firmly you end up hissing in pain as you’re still tender from whatever magic Arlandus hit you with yesterday. Lula immediately withdraws her hands and when you open your eyes she looks like she’s about to cry, thinking she may have hurt you. You smile gently and sweetly at your blue lover and pull your hands away from Leena, reaching out to grasp her hands. Once you have both her blue hands in yours you say firmly yet kindly “I’m just a little sore, Lula – I will be fine… so please don’t stop. I want to feel you both inside me… and I want to feel you pumping me full of your hot cum, both inside and out~”. Lula’s dismayed features quickly turn to a loving smile, and then to a lewd one full of lust and desire for you that brings a shiver to your spine. “You know just what to say don’t you, dear?” Leena whispers behind you as she pulls you back before reaching down towards your bottom and giving it a firm squeeze as she lifts you up. You reach behind you and wrap your arms around Leena’s neck for balance as she holds you up, and you spread your legs for her and moan as her very large cock rubs against your dripping slit. She gathers your juices while your nethers burn in need and arousal, especially when Leena presses her thick, hard and very hot cock against your love tunnel – you start to rock your hips against Leena’s member as she thrusts back and forth, both enjoying teasing you and the slickness of your arousal. It almost looks like you have a giant purple cock from this angle as you watch her tool become shorter, then longer, with every rock of your hips and thrust of Leena’s, yet before long she’s gathered up enough of your liquid need to fully coat her penis.

Lula gingerly grabs your legs, perhaps a little too gingerly you think, and hoists them up over her shoulders, making you moan in anticipation for what is to come. You spread your legs just a little wider to give Lula better access as she pushes so far forward that your legs are on either side of your pierced breasts… and then you feel both Lula’s large blue cock against the entrance to your love tunnel and Leena’s even larger purple penis head pressed against your rosebud. “Shall we go at the same time, sister?” Lula asks sweetly and with a glint of lust in her eyes as she looks at you, then over your shoulder. “Yes” you growl out in response for Leena, burning with need at this point as you hang onto her neck and loving every second of the position you’re in “At the same time. Don’t keep me waiting any longer; I need you both inside me, now!” Both the sisters chuckle at your proclamation, and then they start to push slowly inside both of your orifices – you throw your head back and gasp loudly, your mouth agape with a silly smile on your face as both your pussy and ass are filled so wonderfully full of your lovers’ cocks. Your pussy molds perfectly to the shape of Lula’s cock, tightening around it and causing the hard member to hit all of your sweet spots as she pushes inside you. Likewise you feel incredible tingles and jolts of pleasure that pour into your honeypot and wash over your senses as Leena’s much larger tool spreads your sphincter wide open, stretching you to your limits… as far as you know. You feel both heads part your lower lips and sphincter before traveling upwards inside of you, and due to the size of their phalluses and the act of penetrating both your anus and vagina at once, you can feel them bumping against each other as they travel onwards and upwards inside of you, much to your satisfaction. You moan and gasp and hold on as tight as you can as the pleasure threatens to spill over and send you into another climax, and halfway towards them both bottoming out inside of you that is exactly what happens. “Oh godsszzzz! Yesssszzzz!” you yell out as you arch your back and your toes curl when yet another orgasm rocks you, however, this one is much gentler than others you have experienced and is instead a slow ride from beginning to end as you feel your juices flowing from your nethers and your breasts, your milk pouring out of your tits and cascading down your front between Lula and yourself.

You clamp down hard with your butt and pussy around the two cocks, which has no small effect on Lula and Leena as they both shout out their pleasure in unison, and you can see from Lula’s expression – teeth grit and eyes closed with a furrowed brow – that she’s fighting not to pump you with wild abandon… or blow inside of you too early. You would like nothing more than to throw caution to the wind and make wild, passionate love to both of them right now… but whatever little reason you have says that it would only hurt you in your current state, and that would make them both feel awful for hurting you. So, between moans and gasps as your orgasm ebbs down, yet builds up for another, you loosen up and relax as both Lula and Leena push inside of you even further. “T-Thank you, dear” Leena whispers into your ear from behind you as she dips her head down and snuggles against the back of your head. “I – ahn! – s-s-should be t-thaANKKKing – yes! – you!” you respond through pleasured breaths and moans, trying to keep the pleasure back as best as you can and focus. You mentally picture where their cocks are at inside of you, slowly pressing into you inch by glorious inch and feeling so incredibly full and tight until, at long last, you feel Lula’s and Leena’s pelvis’ press against your bubble butt and pussy. With your legs still over Lula’s shoulders you do your best to try and wrap them around her neck, pressing her closer to you in an attempt to steal a kiss from her. She giggles and obliges, pressing forward and opening her mouth – you press your lips against hers and open your mouth, intent on tangling your tongue with hers… which you succeed at. You moan appreciatively as you work your tongue along hers, the wet sounds of your lips echoing in your ears as your shimmering red lips play with her rosy red ones. You try to get as much of her as possible, pressing your tongue further and harder in an attempt to devour her mouth, and you drink down her saliva as you do so just to taste as much of her as possible… some need inside of you seeking more contact and pleasure for some reason. “Mmph! Oh, honey, you taste so good… and you’re so demanding right now~” Lula says with a muffled cry of happiness before pulling away from you, shooting you a lewd and hungry grin. “You taste amazing, Lula… I need more of you. Both of you – please, hurry up!” you admit and plead with your lovers and, after Lula shoots Leena a look and you feel her nod behind you, both of your lovers begin to slowly and gently thrust their hips, grinding their thick, hard, long cocks inside of you. For your part you lean back against Leena’s bosom with your mouth open in a blissful smile as you half-moan half-gasp in pleasure as the wonderful friction brings you soaring ever higher to the forefront of release once more.

“Gods… I’ll n-never get tired of you, dear, never!” Leena admits behind you as she picks up the pace of her thrusting, but only slightly which shows that she is sincere about not hurting you… which you find both sweet and frustrating all at once. “Do you love it, baby? Do you love it w-when we pound your ass and pussy together? G-gods, I love feeling you through our love, sister!” Lula exclaims as she throws her head back in bliss when you start to clamp down tightly on both her and Leena, and also using your expert control over your muscles to massage her cock even further with your vagina. “Yes! Yes! I – Ahhn! – I love it s-so m-muuuuch!” you practically scream out in response as their slow grinding, while annoying, does build you up to another orgasm, and you find yourself quickly tumbling down a hill of pure rapture as the two sisters gently pump you, wet squelches coming from both of your holes that adds to the effect as you quake and quiver as your juices flow once more. Leena grunts and picks up the pace a little as she grips your bottom tightly, and Lula does the same though instead she lets go of your legs and wraps her arms around her sister when she pushes even further against you, making your ankles go behind your head on either side of you. Lula presses a kiss on you, which you happily accept but can do little to respond as they continue to thrust and send you further into climax, earning little more than appreciative muffled moans that turn even louder when you feel them pick up the pace to a rough tempo for a short time before each of them bottoms out and screams, in Leena’s case, or moans loudly, in Lula’s case as she kisses you, their release for all in the room to hear. You mimic them and tumble into a multiple orgasm when you feel both of them bottom out inside of you, with Lula penetrating your cervix, followed shortly by copious and extreme amounts of their hot, sticky seed pouring inside either of your holes. You tumble over one final time into a nearly mind-numbing orgasm, the quivering of your climax causes your sides to hurt and the soreness to return, but you don’t care as you feel the inside of your bowels and tight pussy becoming warmer and stickier with your lovers’ seed. “So… warm…” you say finally as you calm down and stop writhing, letting your head fall slack to the side as you bask in the afterglow of such incredible sex - Lula pulls away from you and gently eases your legs down as she slips her cock from of your warm, tight confines with a slurping noise and a moan from you. She lets your legs down gently on either side of you while Leena leans back on the bed with her arms around your waist so that you’re now lying on top of her with her cock still buried deeply inside of your ass, and you allow all this to happen as your still suffering small aftershocks as your body quakes every so often. Through half-lidded eyes you watch as Lula looks at you with a fierce hunger in her eyes and, as she spreads your legs further when she parts her knees slightly you watch as she strokes her large blue cock, mingled with her seed and your juices, at a feverish pace and aimed right at your face. You watch with apprehension and excitement as Lula’s own pleasure builds as her moaning intensifies, and after a few seconds she releases a contented moan-sigh as she aims her cock at you and releases thick, ropy strands of her semen aimed directly at you.
Re: Rift Touched

The first spurt of her twitching cock hits its mark square on your face, and you have to close your eyes as the warm, sticky, wonderfully smelling jizz splashes over your forehead, nose, cheeks, eyes, and half-open mouth… which you instinctively flick out your tongue to lick along your lips, moaning as you taste the salty, delicious goo before drinking it down. You know that there’s more to come, and you moan when you feel a few more spurts hit your hair before trailing down your neck, collarbone, breasts, navel, and finally when you feel Lula rest her cock above your drenched, used pussy and releases a few more warm spurts right above your clit. Leena giggles below you, and you feel her warm hands caressing your semen soaked body, rubbing her sister’s spooge into your skin which makes you moan. “You hit my hands, little sister… that’s alright – here you go, dear~” Leena says as she rubs the thick cum all over you before you feel her hands snake up to your mouth. “Yes… give me more…” you say in a throaty, demanding growl as you open your mouth and stick out your tongue just in time to feel and tastes Leena’s perfect fingers run along your tongue before she sticks them into your mouth, completely covered in her sister’s thick cream. You figure it must be her left hand as you feel her pinky on the right side of your mouth when she inserts four fingers inside of you… which you happily and dutifully suck on noisily and clean as you drink down whatever seed she has on them, the taste sending your head spinning and the hunger within you for more starts to rise as your sucking becomes increasingly greedy. You bring your hands up to Leena’s wrist and hold it there as you suck on each digit, swirling your tongue around the tips and length while gathering up the seed and, when you’re finished, you slowly remove her hand and lick along her palm, moaning as you drink down more cum and as Leena’s right hand fondles your right breasts, massaging it whole and tweaking your nipple while occasionally pulling on your piercing. Your pleasure starts to build once more thanks to your enhanced sensitivity, yet you don’t think of it as a burden – instead, you think of it as a boon, just as the others have always said. Yet, despite this you also start to feel rejuvenated thanks to the seed that you’ve swallowed, which reminds you of the time back at Deidra’s when you and Helena had your little “match” against each other followed by the extra fun when you both, well, were gangbanged by an entire room full of people. You’re now fully aware that, somehow, you have developed a succubus-like ability to heal and sustain yourself on sexual fluids alone… which makes you both incredibly curious, and incredibly aroused. When you’re finished with Leena’s hand, both of the sisters and you think the rest of your lovers, giggle when you bring your hands to your eyes and wipe away the sticky residue before bringing said hands to your mouth to clean them. You open your eyes slowly and blink a few times before looking down at yourself – you see splotches of semen on your face from the edges of your vision, large splotches at that, and looking further down you see that your chest, stomach, all the way down to your cleft is covered in Lula’s seed… though not quite as liberally as is normal given the sisters’ ability to produce thicker and larger quantities. You pant for air after the wonderful fucking, though you still feel a great and pleasurable pressure in your anus where Leena is firmly seated inside of you.

You nestle against Leena’s bosom, resting the back of your head against her warm, large melons and using them as pillows as you relax from the exertions as you realize that you’re still not back to one-hundred percent. “Do you want to stop now, baby?” Lula asks sweetly as she strokes your legs with her hands. You relish the feeling of her warm, soft hands on your skin for a moment before you notice that your snatch is leaking mixed fluids and leaves you feeling… emptier than before. You shake your head slowly and smile at Lula and say “No, I want to keep going. I want to make love to each of you… and don’t even think of trying to dissuade me~”. Lula giggles and flashes you a winning smile as she nods. Leena for her part grabs your butt underneath your cheeks and lifts you up gently, which makes you moan as she slowly slips her cock from of your anus, which leaves you feeling very empty as your stretched orifice leaks large amounts of her seed that runs down your butt and onto Leena. When she sets you back down you groan and snuggle against the purple succubi’s bosom once again as she hugs you from behind. You just enjoy the moment for a little while in Leena’s arms as everyone else seems to watch you both with a light smile on their face, but before long a certain someone gets impatient of waiting and, with her usual gusto, she gets straight to the point. “Alright, I’ve waited long enough! Babe, it’s time you felt how good of a gentle fuck I can be!” Helena proclaims as she bounces on the bed over to you, making her DD’s jiggle as she takes Lula’s place, whom has to quickly move out of the way with a yelp and a giggle lest she be thrown by Helena. “Give me a moment to let you down, dear” Leena says as she unwraps her arms from you and leans forward so that you’re both sitting upright… with her softening penis underneath your butt no less. You tilt your head around slightly to find Leena’s lips, which she helps aid you of course, and you give her a tender kiss before scooting off of her and towards Helena. Leena moves further away to enjoy the show with a lewd grin on her face as Helena gives you a bashful look and says “Lie on your back and spread your legs for me. I want to taste you~. Xillia, be an awesome babe and give Colette something to do with her mouth~”. You smile playfully at Helena before leaning back on your hands and lowering yourself onto your back, keeping your feet on the bed while spreading your legs for Helena afterwards to give her a nice view of your cum-splattered pussy. You watch as she gazes into your snatch as if it was one of the greatest treasures in the world before she licks her lips and lowers herself down to your oozing cunt, giving it a long and slow lick from your perineum up to your clit, gathering up any remnants of semen and drinking it down. You moan from the attention and from Helena’s piercing rubbing your clit nicely, then you giggle when Helena grabs your right leg and hoists it over her left shoulder and scoots even closer to you. She gets onto her knees and flings her right leg over your left as she presses her sopping nethers against your own and starts to grind to and fro. You moan and instinctively start to play with your tits whilst staring into Helena’s crisp blue eyes with passion and love, which she returns in equal measure as she slowly works, clearly holding herself back for your sake. You massage your globes in a counter-clockwise position and lightly pinch your nipples between your thumbs and index fingers as you both build your pleasure higher and higher.

“Does it feel good, babe? Not too rough? You’re not hurting are you?” Helena voices her concern between moans of pleasure as she continues to grind her slit against yours, mingling your juices and Lula’s seed together into wet squelches that reverberate throughout the room, and are clearly audible to your other lovers. You even hear some moans and, glancing about, you see that Delilah, Lula, and Leena are masturbating to the sight of you and Helena while Xillia crawls over to you with a shy smile on her face and a blush. “N-No, it’s g-ahn!-good, Helena” you say in-between a moan, touched by Helena’s concern as she’s clearly doing her best to please you without being too rough, which is something she is probably very unfamiliar with you surmise. Even back at Deidra’s she was rough while still trying to be gentle, though it was largely unsuccessful as her passions overcame her at the time. Still, to show your appreciation you grind your hips back and smile sweetly, if somewhat suggestively, at Helena which makes her features soften in relief before she starts to roll her hips as you let the pleasure wash over you, and the sight of her slightly muscular physique whet your appetite for her. However, now your main concern is Xillia as she crawls up alongside you and lies next to you on your right, parallel with your body as she drapes her right arm over your breasts and stops your hands from playing with yourself. You look her in her blue eyes and your passions flare up when she blushes at you and looks down before saying “Pleaze… allow me, my love”. You let your arms go slack as she tenderly takes her right hand and grabs first your left hand and moves it to your side, and then your right, before she sits up and drapes her right leg over your stomach and straddles you. You gaze up at the blonde, petite beauty before you and you grin as you reach out and cup her A-cups, massaging her small bosom and tweaking her nipples which earns a cute gasp and moan from Xillia, who begins to rock her hips against your stomach and leak her juices onto your tummy, mingling with the splotches of seed. You snake your right hand down to Xillia’s moist twat and stick three fingers inside of her, making her gasp and arch her back as you pumping your digits inside of her. “Come here~” you growl out as you pinch Xillia’s left nipple with your left index finger and thumb, tugging on them and urging her to comply. She does and a moment later her fine blonde hair is draping down in front of her and over your face, making you sputter and laugh as her hair gets into your noise and mouth. She giggles and brushes her hair to the side to look at you better, mere inches from your face… and you kiss her – you work your fingers inside of her as Helena continues to rock her cunt against your own, making all three of you moan… especially you and Xillia as you both moan into each other’s mouths while you dominate her tongue. As you build closer and closer to your peak, you have the urge to try and make Xillia cum before you do… so you bring your thumb to her clit as you pump your now curled fingers into her snatch and furiously rub her sensitive button, causing your cute lover to shiver delightfully from your touch, which also gives you the opportunity to press further into her mouth and taste her tongue and lips.

You pick up the pace of your fingers and you continue to press further into Xillia, kissing her ferociously as you moan and pant for air, only to take that short opportunity to nip at her bottom lip and suck on it. “Colette, wai- mmpph!” Xillia pulls back and says, but you don’t give her a chance as you remove your left hand from her breast and wrap it around her hair and pull her back into the kiss, unwilling to let her go as you press even harder, rubbing your cum-soaked face against hers and smearing the seed against her cheeks as you taste her delicious mouth, moaning as you feel yourself almost at your peak. You rub your thumb faster and pump your curled fingers harder, faster, and deeper as you taste every bit of Xillia’s wonderful elven mouth and relishing the feeling of her pale, soft warm skin against yours as Helena grinds against you… which you of course continue to grind back against as the moans in the room from the three of you become as one. You feel yourself teeter on the edge of the abyss… but just before you know you will fall over thanks to Helena’s rutting, you feel Xillia’s love tunnel clamp down around your fingers. At that point you know you’ve won your little battle as Xillia screams a cry of passion into your mouth and arches her back slightly, which is difficult due to the awkward position she finds herself in… and then you topple over as well. You close your eyes and cry a happy wail of bliss into Xillia’s beautiful mouth, mingling your saliva as your fingers are coated in her juices as your own honeypot floods against Helena’s, who keeps grinding against you and rubbing against your sensitive labia and clit, especially as the ring piercing on Helena’s clit rubs against your sensitive nub. Your toes curl and you arch your back slightly as Helena picks up the pace, making you quiver in ecstasy as you become that much stickier down there… and then Helena shouts out a triumphant “Fuck yes! Ahhhn!” She grinds against your cunt one last time as you start to shake with more force from the orgasm, moaning loudly into Xilila’s mouth as you don’t even bother to kiss her, and neither does she as she pants noisily through her nostrils and making the warm air from her breaths press oppressively against your skin. You feel the juices from her own cunt gush out just as your own did and coat the inside of your legs and pussy with her sticky juices, making you quiver in little aftershocks as more of your juices stream out of you gently as Helena pulls herself away from you, easing your leg back down as she slides it down her arm, making you moan happily as you feel your leg glide down her warm, soft skin. At long last Xillia pulls away from you, a sheen of sweat on her brow and her cheeks flush in post-orgasmic bliss with a dash of arousal and exertion, yet the love and wonder in her blue eyes is breathtaking to behold for you as she looks down at you without a hint of shame or judgment, despite her essentially being the odd woman out considering she’s the least “dirty” and sexually inclined of the bunch.

I’m sure I can change that~ you think naughtily as you smile back at Xillia, your red lips forming into something that you can only describe as being supreme happiness at this moment… and then Helena goes and starts acting like Helena. You hear a sharp smack! that reverberates throughout the room followed shortly by Xillia yelping in surprise and slight stinging pain, jumping up slightly on your tummy before landing back down on you, making you groan in discomfort from the force of the landing. Xillia rolls off of you and to your left, clutching her hands to her buttocks as she rubs then and says “What waz zat for?!” Helena laughs heartily, her voice like heaven to your ears as she places her fists on either side of her hips and laughs before throwing you and Xillia a lewd, silly, and somewhat sweet grin as her crisp blue eyes flash with excitement. “No reason, other than I thought that was totally fucking hot just now! You have the makings of a real slut, you skinny elf!” Xillia blushes before replying in an annoyed tone… which you liken to a mouse squeaking in its adorableness “I am not zkinny! I am an elf; I am not az big az either of you! And I am no zlut either! I juzt, well, I juzt find myzelf l-liking to p-play with Colette… and all of you juzt a little bit…” Again Helena laughs before she grins and crawls up alongside you, placing her right hand on your chest and circling your right breast. You giggle and wrap your arms around both Xillia and Helena, the former sighing and calming down as she cuddles into your arm and gazes up into your emerald eyes, to which you beam back at. “I know what we can do to start you on the right path!~” Helena says in a mischievous voice and, before you even look at her, you moan as you feel her warm pierced tongue running across your right breast and along your toned stomach, gathering up as much of Lula’s remaining seed as possible… and also Xillia’s juices as well. Then, with cat-like speed, she leans over your breasts, which heave enticingly as you breathe steadily, and grabs Xillia’s face. Xillia yelps in surprise, which proves to be just what Helena was betting on as she presses her shimmering pink lips against Xillia’s and forces a wet, sloppy, dirty kiss as she shares the mixed semen and girl cum with Xillia. Xillia makes a muffled voice of surprise and perhaps mortification, but as her eyes meet yours as you watch on with extreme interest and arousal as you raise yourself up slightly on your elbows, she seems to melt into the kiss and find a renewed strength as she accepts the kiss. Oh yeah… this is the life~. Two gorgeous women that I love making out above me with the semen of another wonderful, beautiful lover of mine~. You feel yourself getting more aroused at the sight, especially when they part slightly when opening their mouths during the kiss and you spot the sticking white seed rolling about their tongues. You watch for a few seconds longer as they continue to make out, and when Helena breaks the kiss she leaves her tongue sticking out of her mouth and Xillia, in a daze, does the same.

You watch as a thick, wet, and large strand forms between the gap of the two which is composed of bubbly white semen, saliva, and girl ejaculate… and without wasting a moment you dart forward and, with slightly pursed lips, you connect with the middle of the strand and slurp up the entire ropey expanse in a single breath! You moan as the substance enters your mouth, and you roll your tongue around it and look up and to the right as you seem to taste it as a connoisseur would a fine wine, even going so far as you open your mouth and show them both as you swish your tongue around it before you gulp it down with an “Ahhhh!” just to emphasize the point as you down the wonderfully salty, bittersweet, wet mixture. You look at both of your loves and giggle when you see Xillia blushing up a storm with her hands to her mouth in disbelief, though Helena smiles and giggles right along with you. “Delicious… I think I wouldn’t mind having more from you two~” you say in a raunchy, suggestive voice and a devilish grin plastering your face. You feel the soreness and stiffness leaving you the more active you become, and you feel much better than you did before – even your mood is lightening considerably, and you have no one else to thank but those in bed with you. You bring your left index finger to your mouth and suck on it suggestively as you eye both of your lovers and feeling much more playful now than before, and even more rejuvenated – perhaps it’s the sex, the fluids, the passion, or any combination of the three, but you start to feel the spark come back. You push yourself up onto your butt and run your hands through your wavy red hair and just feel yourself, and apparently someone else has the same idea. You don’t know when she got behind you, though you weren’t really paying attention, but you feel Delilah’s cold hands on your body. Specifically, you feel her right hand come from behind you and roughly grasp your right breast in her hand, sending wonderful pleasurable jolts of electricity through your body that course from head to toe before landing in your love tunnel and stoking your fires, which are further stoked when you feel the fingers of her left hand dart down towards your pussy. You open your mouth wide and from your shimmering red lips you release a moan full of need and desire, especially when her first three digits enter your tight snatch, which promptly molds to the shape of Delilah’s fingers and makes for a very pleasant and tight feeling that hits all your sweet spots and stirring up the seed still inside of you as your fluids leak down your thighs and onto the damp sheets below. Without uttering a word, Delilah brings her cool right hand gliding up along your skin to your collarbone, and then over your neck and scraping up the remainder of Lula’s seed.

She brings her hand up to your face, all covered in sticky white spooge, and growls out seductively “Go ahead and drink up, darling, it’s good for you”. You grin mischievously and turn your head to the side, even though the smell is magnificent to your nostrils and you want to whimper when Delilah’s fingers at your twat slow some and rob you of your race to yet another sensitivity induced orgasm. “Make me~” you tease Delilah, and you swear you can feel her grinning back at you from behind. You feel Delilah’s fingers stop entirely, and you whimper ever so slightly… and then you yelp when she slowly pushes up with her fingers and, due to her enhanced strength, you find that you have to sit up straighter and move onto your knees to prevent any discomfort. Delilah chuckles from behind you and, as she slowly starts to withdraw her fingers and you feel wonderful jolts of pleasure that make your knees shake, she says “Because, my sweetest darling, you love to think with your vagina, and I can easily take that pleasure away”. “Or” Delilah adds as she slowly presses her fingers back inside “I can give it to you in droves… of course I could simply tie you up as well, and we all know how that will end~. So, what will it be, my darling? Drink down the girls’ tasty treat or be a naughty girl and refuse to eat your meal, hmm~?” Delilah brings her sticky hand in offering once more, this time inches from your now partially cum-covered face, thanks to your mouth session with Xillia, and you contemplate being a “naughty girl” so to speak and refuse and have her try to tie you up – which makes your juices flow just thinking about – but you decide against it as you can’t resist a treat such as this… and maybe you don’t want to be too rough yet given your almost fully healed injuries, not wanting to make your newfound energy and ease of pain seem like a waste. You smile and open your mouth, sticking out your tongue to flick at Delilah’s hand with your muscle to let your know your answer. “Good girl~” she coos into your ear, snuggling her head and white mane against the back of your red locks as she brings her fingers to your mouth and, without any resistance on your part, inserts her four digits into your mouth. You moan as you taste her and the seed before sucking on her fingers suggestively, rolling your tongue along her tips, the underside of her fingers, and atop her fingers along her nails and the skin behind them as you treat her hand like a tasty treat… which at the moment isn’t too far from the truth to be honest. “Now for the good girl’s reward~” Delilah coos again as she increases the speed of her fingers, fucking you with them and making you moan and rock your hips against her digits as you suck on her fingers greedily as you drain the last vestiges of seed and simply suck on them to do something with your mouth.
Re: Rift Touched

You start to rise ever higher towards your summit as signified by the growing feeling in your loins and the higher pitch of your moans. What really sets you off, however, is when you feel Delilah’s nose against the back of your head followed shortly by her breathing in loud and deep of your scent. “Ahh” Delilah says in contentment before you feel tender, loving cool kisses on the left side of your neck, which you bare for your vampiress with a soft moan-sigh of pleasure and satisfaction. “You smell and taste so wonderful my darling, my sweetest, my love, my Pet… everything about you is just so divine; I could just hold you and bask in your scent for days on end. Now… cum for me so I can hear more of your lovely voice~”. Delilah commands gently of you and, with a few quick, powerful, and incredibly pleasurable thrusts you do just that – you arch your back in her grasp and lean against her as you moan deeply and throatily, the walls of your pussy clenching down tightly around her three fingers as she continues to thrust and rub your clit with her thumb. You feel yourself squirt a powerful geyser of juices on her fingers and hand that, while gentle, is also fierce like a wave crashing against great stones. You squirt and gush for long seconds as Delilah slows her thrusting, bringing you down from your heights gently with a few quivering aftershocks and a contented moan that leaves you feeling very satisfied from yet another release, yet you know that it’s not the last you’ll experience today most likely. You slump back into Delilah’s embrace as she withdraws her fingers from your mouth and honeypot, causing you to groan in protest as you’re left feeling empty. “See?” Delilah whispers into your ear huskily, her breath sending shivers up and down your spine when she lightly nibbles on your pointed tip with her fangs “Ecstasy”. “I never – ahn! – doubted for a second” you reply breathlessly and with a sigh as you lower yourself down, parting your legs widely so that you slump onto your bottom as Delilah’s arms wrap around your midsection. Delilah leans over your left shoulder and kisses you on your cheek and just sits there and enjoys the contact with you, which you do as well. “Here” you say sweetly as you expose your neck once more, tilting your head to the side slightly “I know you want to”. Delilah chuckles, yet you feel her shake her head before a gentle kiss is placed on your temple and she whispers “No… not right now; you’re still recovering and weak. Thank you, my sweetest, but I don’t need blood to feel full and complete anymore”. When she finishes she holds you tighter, making you smile as you realize what she means and you bring your hands up to hers at your midsection and interlock your fingers with hers to show your appreciation and reciprocate her feelings.

After a few long moments Delilah pulls away from you with a joyous sigh, and when you look over your shoulder you see her amber eyes staring back at you with desire and love as she rests on her knees with her left hand on her hip and her right hand running through her white hair as she seems to wrestle with some unknown thought. “I think she wants you bad, sweetie, but she’s afraid of hurting you. Let’s help her, and you, out okay? Teehee~” Astraea’s voice giggles into your mind, and you find her voice soothing and cheerful as always, which makes you smile. You nod your head and, a moment later, you see Meredith approaching you from out of the corner of your eye. You throw a smile at your clear true slime lover and listen as she says “You’re all dirty, sweetheart; here, let me clean you up”. “You always know how to make me feel loved, Meri~. Come here~” you purr out as you open your arms wide for her, beaming a grin at her that makes her ripple happily as she morphs over to you, her arms outstretched before she pushes against you and engulfs your chest and most of the front of your torso. You wrap your arms around her core and giggle as she pulls you down on top of her. You sit up slightly on your hands and knees and look down into Meredith’s face, keeping your hands close to her core without actually touching it and making her entire slimy body ripple with pleasure and happiness as she beams an incredibly beautiful smile back at you. “Sorry, sweetheart, but Astraea made me do it~” Meredith says with a shy smile as she morphs her body upwards and holds you in place as some of her slime snakes its way up your legs and towards your pussy? “Wha-? Eek! Astraea?!” you start to say before you feel Astraea’s long white tentacles grab both your arms from underneath you and pull them behind your back - gently of course so as not to hurt you - while Meri holds you upright and works on “cleaning” you as she moves ever closer to your sex. “Teehee~, Don’t be scared, sweetie, we’re just going to have a little fun. I’m going to tie you up with my lovely tentacles… now close your eyes while I work my way into your cute, tight butt and pump you full of my creamy, ooey gooey cum~”. “Oh, is that all~?” you reply sarcastically before moaning as Meredith reaches your sex with her slime and starts to worm her way inside, making your pussy accommodate her amorphous shape as wonderful tingles of pleasure and relaxation overtake you from her magical form – Astraea, meanwhile, brings your arms close together and pins your wrists together with a single tentacle, and just like that you loosen up and become a little calmer as you wait in anticipation for what is to come. “Sweetheart, I never tire of the pleasure you make me feel, and how interesting your own pleasure is. I could stay like this with you forever, my love~” Meredith says gently to you, and you look into her clear arms and see the truth and love written plainly on her face, which makes you smile and bend down to snuggle into her, earning more ripples from her.

“I know you would, Meri, and that would make me so happy” you reply quietly to her before Astraea’s voice rings out in your mind gently. “Don’t panic, sweetie, but I’m going to make this so much better for you. Remember when I said to close your eyes? Well, I’m going to blindfold you with one of my tentacles~”. You shiver in delight when you feel two tentacles run along your body – one running up your leg before poking at your pucker, which you can still feel leaking some of Leena’s seed, while the other writhes along your back and neck before running through your hair and wrapping gently around your head, covering your eyes with her warm tentacle. “Come on now, Delilah… your cute, slutty Pet is waiting for you~” Astraea’s voice rings out in your mind and, you assume, into everyone else’s as well for you hear a snicker from Helena, Lula, and Leena, as well as feeling some of Meredith’s emotions pour into you as she reaches further inside of you, even bumping against your cervix and snaking her way inside, making you moan in pleasure and as you feel her… apprehension, you think, as she waits for what is to come. With your wrists pinned behind your back by Astraea and Meredith holding you up by your torso from your breasts down to your vagina, and holding your legs in place it now seems, along with being “blindfolded” by Astraea with one of her tentacles… you feel quite vulnerable, and it turns you on. You feel Meredith’s glowing core press against your bosom as she herself presses against you, making you feel warm and loved as you sigh from both the action itself and how her magical body seems to make you tingle all over, especially down there as she starts to slowly add more and more of herself inside of you, expanding inside your pussy so that you feel more stretched than before… and more full than before as she adds more of herself inside of your womb. You feel your knees shaking from the pleasure, and you can’t help yourself moaning and bowing your head down as you try to spread your legs further despite your restriction, which encourages Astraea’s tentacle – which is probably about as half as thick as your wrist – to slow enter inside of you, stretching your rosebud once more this morning as she uses Leena’s cum as lubricant… and pushes deeply inside of you, far deeper than Leena could with her eight inch beast. As the pleasure seems too much to bear, and you feel yourself reaching the end of your rope before the floodgates open, both Meredith and Astraea stop inserting themselves inside of you… and they won’t even thrust just a tiny bit! You whimper in need and say “Please… don’t stop” in a quiet, pleading voice, yet it’s neither Astraea nor Meredith that responds to you as you feel a cool hand tenderly cup your chin and raise your head slightly.

“Goodness, my darling Pet, you’re such a dirty little girl, and so needy~. I think you should give your mistresses some love in return for all of the pleasure we’ve given you, don’t you think? We wouldn’t want to think you were a spoiled girl now would we~?” Delilah coos above you with a quiet, amused chuckle – you hear her shifting her knees on the bed, though she still manages to keep your chin cupped before you feel something slightly cool, wet, and smelling of sex pressed against your mouth and nose, smearing whatever moisture is coming from it onto your face. You immediately recognize Delilah’s delicious twat and, with a slightly muffled “Noph… ofph coursh not, mistresshph~” you open your mouth and run your tongue along Delilah’s pussy, moaning as your muscle absorbs her wet, cool and delicious fluids and leaving a refreshing bittersweet taste in your mouth. “Mmm” Delilah moans as she removes her hand from your chain and instead rubs along the top of your scalp where Astraea’s tentacle doesn’t bind “Such a good, Pet, putting your mouth to work as expected~. Keep going my sweetest darling, my lovely Pet; I need to hear you moan and feel your tongue running across me more~!” You shiver in desire and moan as you run your tongue along the length of her slit once more, easily finding her hood and quickly flicking your tongue underneath to reach her engorged clitoris, earning a very throaty, growling moan from Delilah which also causes her to grab onto your head over Astraea’s tentacle. You moan at the dominant display and, given your situation as bound as you are, it makes you that much hornier and you can feel yourself leaking even more juices, which Meredith happily absorbs, causing her to ripple as she absorbs the residual magic from your body. As you work your tongue up along Delilah’s length, and occasionally inserting your muscle into her snatch and sucking on her labia, Meredith and Astraea start to pump inside of you – Meredith, with her amorphous shape, constantly makes your pussy mold to each new unique form that always seems to hit all your sweet spots, while Astraea’s tentacle reaches further and further inside of you, making you feel full and complete as her soft, warm tentacle spreads your sphincter and seems to vibrate every so often to increase you pleasure. You thrust your hips back against Astraea’s tentacle buried deep in your anus, and to Meredith as she mimics Astraea’s vibrating every so often as she fills your pussy and womb to the brim with her tingling, relaxing slime – you do this in tandem with tongue fucking Delilah’s wonderfully wet cunt, slurping down her juices noisily and moaning both from the pleasure and taste as you alternate between quickly running your tongue along her length, giving attention to her clit and lower lips, and sticking your tongue inside of her and pleasing her with your entire mouth as you suck on her labia while probing along every corner of her inner walls.

As you feel yourself reaching closer and closer to that sweet release, finally having enough energy, somehow, to block out some of the pleasure you decide to give Delilah a taste of your special oral techniques, specifically your magic, which you haven’t felt strong or coherent enough to really attempt thus far. You moan deeply, sending vibrations from your throat to your mouth, which reverberate along Delilah’s pussy as you gather your magic inside your mouth and, when you feel yourself reach your peak, you release your magic in tiny bursts that hyper-stimulate every centimeter of Delilah’s sopping wet honeypot. “ColeEEETTTTEEE!” Delilah screams in sheer blissful, passionate release as she mashes your lips against her cunt as she squirts and floods all over your face and into your mouth, to which you offer a muffled scream of bliss as you drink her down and find your own release as well as your pussy squirts and gushes around Meredith as it clamps down, likewise your cherry doing the same as Astraea continues to pump inside of you before plunging even deeper than you thought possible and, a moment afterwards, she starts to pump her sweet, warm, thick and sticky cum inside of you. You literally convulse in pleasure and your entire body feels flush and warm, yet rejuvenated as you continue to drink down Delilah’s juices as she screams her lungs out in ecstasy and forces your mouth on her lower lips. Meredith vibrates and ripples quickly as she absorbs your juices, and you can hear her moaning and sighing from the meal you’re giving her as well as the positive emotions. Almost all vestiges of soreness and stiffness are gone by this point, with only an aching throb that seems to flare up from your orgasm, yet you don’t really mind given the amount of mind-numbing pleasure you’ve been receiving… including now. You drop into a second multiple orgasm, and your toes curl as your back arches on reflex, and it’s at this point that you do start to feel some pain from your wounds… which, unfortunately, Meredith seems to notice. “She feels so good… but she’s also hurting. We need to slow down” Meri says gently to the others and, just like that, Delilah gently pulls away from you, though not before you get a final lick of her juices before licking your lips of her bittersweet treat, feeling full and regenerated somewhat as you do so. Meredith ceases her pumping and vibrating and slowly pulls herself out of you, sending you into a mini-orgasm from your very sensitive nethers being stimulated – Astraea does the same, though she stops pumping as she withdraws she doesn’t, however, stop cumming as she makes good on her promise to fill you with her seed, and you feel your stomach bloat slightly from the content that she released inside of you.

You gasp when Astraea fully pulls from you, and you feel her thick seed running down your thighs from your anus as it mingles with Meredith’s body and is most likely absorbed. Your tentacle lord lover unpins your arms and removes her tentacle from around your eyes and head, making you blink a few times as you readjust to the light… and then you slump down onto Meredith fully and work your arms, weak as they are, through her slimy body and wrap them around her core as you hug her and recover from your most recent ordeal, sighing and panting in a quivering tone as you quake slightly. Meredith herself sighs and engulfs more of your body until you’re almost completely covered, save for your face and lower legs. You moan and enjoy the sensations your body is feeling right now, especially the closeness with Meredith as her body makes you feel even better, and as she continues to “clean” you of sweat and juices. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I felt your pain; I know you wanted to keep going, but I – we – don’t want to push you and hurt you” Meredith speaks softly to you as you close your eyes and enjoy her embrace – you respond with a simply nod of your head as you smile softly and sigh as you recover. You feel a few thick appendages rubbing the side of your cheek, and when you open your eyes you see Astraea looming over you with her big blue eye half-open as she strokes your skin lovingly, sometimes twirling her smaller tentacles in your fiery red mane. You smile at her before you’re surprised to find a weight on your back, followed by a slightly cool hand that wades through Meredith and makes her ripple as it grasps your right one and pulls it away from your slime lovers’ core. The hand feels cool to the touch, and you know it is Delilah behind you, lying on you as she holds your hand and runs her fingers over the back of yours. No words are said after that, and none are needed as you all just enjoy each other, just as you did with the others around you, and you see out of the corner of your eyes that Xillia has her head cuddled in Helena’s lap, getting her blonde hair stroked by your lavender haired monk. Lula and Leena are sitting next to each other with dreamy smiles on their faces and a look of love in their eyes, and even Vulgan is nearby, panting and wagging his tail as he looks at you and the others.

Mmm, I haven’t given you any attention yet, boy~. I think I need to remedy that~

You lie with Meredith, Delilah, and Astraea for a little while as you rain your strength and energy back, and eventually you find that you have enough, or at least you think you do, and so you start to rouse from your position and start to sit up and pull away from the three as gently as you can manage. “Teehee~, going to give our doggy some love~?” Astraea giggles into your mind as she withdraws her tentacles and gives you space to move, as does Delilah and Meredith as they pull away from you and watch you with slight smiles on their lips. “Mmmhmm” you reply simply as you sit up on your knees and stretch your arms before eyeing Vulgan up and down, which makes him stop his panting as he dips his head low to the covers and watches you intently with his yellow eyes. You snicker and get on your hands and knees as you crawl over to Vulgan, swaying your hips hypnotically as you make your way over to the arctic grey wolf-dog. You see, and hear, his tail wagging playfully behind him as he continues to watch you in his current lying position, a gentle thumping sounding out on the covers that makes you laugh. Your large DD-cups sway provocatively as you crawl over to Vulgan with your emerald heart piercings inches from the sheets, closing the short distance between you and your lovely wolf-dog. You hover over the beautiful creature and dip your head low towards his snout, looking him in the eyes as you plant a light kiss on his wet nose. When you pull back, you giggle in delight when Vulgan darts up and towards your face, covering your face with warm wet dog kisses as he licks your lips, cheek, nose, chin, forehead… all over! You laugh, giggle, and pet Vulgan on his head and ears as he continues to lick you, pushing forward and sending you onto your back. Vulgan mounts on top of you with his forelegs on either side of your breasts as his large body covers yours while he continues to lick your face. You scratch his belly from underneath and rub your hands along the sides of his furry torso, but before long he slows his licks and they become less playful and more… sensual. He licks your face with slow, long licks before dipping his head down and making you moan as he laps at your right breast, and then at your left. When he finishes he looks you in your emerald eyes expectantly and with a dash of hope, and you can’t help but smile at the gesture… and how intelligent he is to get what he wants.

“Don’t worry” you say as you reach up and stroke Vulgan’s ears, which flitter as you touch them “I would never forget about you~”. Vulgan’s tail starts to wag and he licks your face one last time before backing up off of you, giving you room to sit up. You sit up on your knees and before you turn around Vulgan rubs his body along your right side and circles you as you seemingly feels all around you, which feels wonderful to you as well as his warm, furry body brushes against yours. When he makes a full circle around you and stops in front of your face, he looks at you with something you liken to concern. You smile and bend down, cupping his snout and kissing your beautiful wolf-dog on the top of the head lovingly before you say “I’ll be alright, boy… thank you~”. You then slowly withdraw and turn around, getting onto your hands and knees as you crawl forward a little bit to give Vulgan a nice view of your behind. You look over your shoulder and throw Vulgan a sultry look, almost giggling as you watch his tail wag furiously behind him and as he pants while watching you. You wiggle your behind at him again, and grin broadly when he approaches behind you, making you look forward, gasp, and throw your head back when his wet nose rubs against your slit and sniffs your leaking pussy. You press your behind into Vulgan’s nose as he continues to sniff, quite loudly in fact, at your canal before he gives your slit a long, probing lick along the entire length. You moan, arch your back, and thrust your pussy at Vulgan to encourage him… and encourage him it does; he takes the hint and licks again, this time quicker than the last, before he starts lapping at your moist folds as if he were drinking from a pool of water. “Oh, yes…” you moan out throatily as you close your eyes and roll your head therapeutically at the wonderful pleasure that Vulgan’s warm tongue is giving you, bringing you closer to your peak as he continues to drink from you with that wonderfully long, warm doggy tongue. When Vulgan withdraws you know he’s readying himself to penetrate you and, being an animal, you know that he won’t, and can’t, be as gentle as your other lovers no matter how hard he tries. So, in preparation for what’s to come you dip your head and shoulders low towards the covers so that your face is resting on the sheets, and raise your butt up a little higher to give him easier access and to prevent most of his weight from landing on your shoulders. You feel better, but you know that you can still feel pain from the soreness… and you want to enjoy this ride while it lasts. When you feel Vulgan’s forelegs lock onto your pelvis and pull you back, you brace yourself for what is to come... and then you feel his pink, hard cock impale itself inside your pussy in one swift stroke, and you feel your lower lips willingly part to his hard cock as he bottoms out inside you in a single motion. You gasp and whimper in pleasure as you grip the sheets on either side of your head, and you feel Vulgan’s weight shift as he leans forward before out of the corners of your eyes you see his paws on either side of your hands near your head.
Re: Rift Touched

The walls to your pussy feel incredible as they mold to Vulgan’s dick, his wild thrusting hitting all of your sweet spots at once as they accommodate his size. “Yes… yes!” you scream out in breathless pants as Vulgan continues to thrust with wild abandon inside of you, your moist walls making it easy for him to thrust in and out of you as he pants and lowly howls escape him as he thrusts. With your hands at either side of your face, you inch them closer to Vulgan’s furry paws and place your hands over them and gently stroke them, which seems to stoke your wolf-dog’s fire as his thrusts become more fevered. With this new feverish thrusting comes a venerable river of cum that pours into your tunnel and coating your inner walls… followed shortly thereafter by Vulgan’s knot stretching your lower lips before slipping inside of you, making you moan as you’re rocked by another mind-blowing orgasm that makes you shake and causes your eyes to roll back into your head slightly as your pussy gushes all around your dog lovers’ pink cock. “Yesh, yesh! Keep fuckingsh me!” you scream out as the hot, pink pleasure builds and sends you into another orgasm on top of the first as you let everything pour out without holding back. You move your hands away from Vulgan’s paws and grip the shits in front of you tightly just as Vulgan rams one final small thrust home and releases a torrent of his thick seed inside of your well-used pussy, making you both howl out in bliss as you thrust back and shake almost violently to the point where your side hurts and the small aches return. Thankfully, it doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but those few seconds served as both a reminder of your battle, and of the overwhelming love and pleasure you’ve just experienced with all of your lovers at once. “Gods… oh gods…” you pant out, fully exhausted as a fine sheen of sweat coats your body, partly from the sex and partly from Vulgan’s warm, furry body atop yours – with his knot still inside of you, Vulgan slumps on top of you, which makes you groan as more weight is put onto your sore body, before he rocks you both to the side so that you’re both lying on your left side on them bed with Vulgan’s knot still firmly seated inside of your love tunnel, holding in all the cum that he expelled, which is rather a lot given how full you feel. You pant and sigh from the exertions and hold onto Vulgan’s right paw as you snuggle back against his furry body, to which he offers a plethora of slow, loving licks to the back of your head, bunching your red hair up in his mouth some and making you giggle lightly. You moan and sigh as you lie with Vulgan, feeling his knot slowly recede from inside of you.

“So much for being gentle the entire time” Helena says behind you and Vulgan with a chuckle, and when you look over to throw her a coy smile you see that everyone else is huddled around behind you and Vulgan. “Yeah, that went out the window towards the end” you reply with a nervous chuckle and a slight blush before shaking the feeling off and continuing “But I appreciate the effort, especially when I started to hurt when I would, um, get off”. You feel the bed shift slightly as someone makes their way around Vulgan, though you can’t see who until they crawl in front of you and you see your elven lovers’ pale skin, blue eyes, and fine blonde hair. “We’ll do whatever it takez to make you better, Colette” Xillia says to you quietly as she scoots closer to you and takes your milky white pale hands in her own, scooting even closer afterwards and kissing you tenderly on the cheek before nuzzling against you. You smile and rub your nose against hers and offer a quiet, sincere “Thank you”, and just lie in wait surrounded by those that you love as they gather around you. After sitting for a few long minutes with arms and legs draped over you and Vulgan, his knot finally recedes and you wiggle his cock out from inside you with a pleasurable moan as the friction sends delightful pangs of pleasure through your nethers, followed by all the semen that was poured into you as it starts to gently leak down your thigh from your snatch. You close your eyes and bask in the warmth throwing down your legs, despite feeling empty… and then your stomach growls rather loudly. Your eyes shoot open and you stare at Xillia, who stares back before she bursts into a fit of giggles. “Uhhhh” you say with a light blush “Sorry, but I don’t remember the last time I ate. Well, I ‘ate’ just a little while ago, but… if I could get some more…” Vulgan shifts over onto his haunches away from you and the rest of the group to give you space to move, curling up in a ball and resting his head a ways away from you all as everyone else does the same. “Say no more!” Lula booms out excitedly, her hands clapping together just as you sit up and turn to look at her “We’ll cook you a proper meal. Yes, a proper meal, honey! You need some real food – do you know any recipes from back home that you prefer? Is there anything your mother made you that you want, hmm~?”

You throw your hands up in shock and your eyes go wide at the mere mention of food and your mother in the same sentence as cooking. “By the gods, no! If I want to die young there are better ways than suffering through my mother’s meals! Even my Uncle William is a better cook than my mother!” Lula cocks an eyebrow at you in confusion and you can’t help but chuckle nervously as you remember the many times she tried to “cook” for you… which usually ended in you and everyone else wanting to curl up and die. “Sorry” you say with a laugh “but Mom doesn’t know the first thing about cooking. If food needed to be made it was made by my dad. He taught me a few things when I helped, but we all learned early on to never let mom near anything that could even be remotely confused with being put into a recipe. Now, if you want to have something answered based on the history of magic, perhaps spell-weaving, and the nature of enchantments then you would be hard pressed to find someone more qualified. But food…” You let the last sentence hang, not wanting to insult your mother, but also wanting to convey just how “deadly” her cooking can be. “Oh, darling, it can’t be that bad” Delilah chides with a click of her tongue and a roll of her eyes, and Helena agrees with her as she says “Yeah, babe, no one’s cooking can be that disastrous! I mean it’s not that difficult to heat up some meat and clean some fruit and vegetables. You don’t even need to put spices or anything fancy on it if you aren’t sure!” You look at Delilah and Helena gravely, your look taking them both aback as you respond with a low tone “You would think so, but she has ‘ideas’ on how to make food ‘better’ with magic and magical materials. Roasted rabbit marinated in the earth salts of earth elementals and the excretions of hellfire imps, with a dash of nymph sweat, oh, and why not throw a lightning bolt at it for an extra ‘kick’?” “No…” Astraea says into your mind with obvious disgust, and you throw her a look of absolute seriousness as her tentacles seem to cringe at the mere thought. “Yes, and she made us eat it. How I, my father, and my uncle survived is beyond me, but needless to say whenever a meal is to be made it is always my father, myself, or my uncle that volunteers so that mother has ‘more time to work on her experiments’. But every now and then she insists on making something – I’m sure you could try and sell some of her ‘food’ as poisons without anyone knowing the difference if I’m being completely honest… oh, and please don’t tell her I said any of this if you ever run into her”.

“Of course we won’t tell, dear… for a price of course” Leena says with a huge, devilish grin on her face, making you go pale as you look into her red eyes… but she bursts out laugh as she grabs her sides. “Hahaha! No, no don’t worry, dear, we won’t say anything. The look on your face was priceless… anyways, please tell us something that you want and we’ll cook it for you”. You let out a sigh of relief before grinning mischievously as you gaze down towards the covers, thinking of something that you might want to eat – something that you remember fondly when you were back home at Veilwood that would comfort and soothe you. “Well” you begin “I know something, but I want to help make it – I won’t take no for an answer!” You look towards everyone and they nod in agreement, though Astraea uses her tentacles to show her understand, making you smile as you continue. “Good… it’s something my father was fond of. Of what little he has told me of his past, he told me about how, when he was young, his mother would make him a special soup whenever he was, well, wasn’t doing so well. It had blueberries that made it a little sweet, and rhubarb to make it a little tart…” You go on to explain the various ingredients that you can remember the soup having, as well as the side dish of boiled carrots and bread. “Pfft, you elves and your earthy and dainty… everything” Helena teases with a laugh, though Xillia doesn’t seem to take the joke nearly as well as you as she throws Helena a dirty look and says “It zounds lovely! And what do you mean by zat, Helena?” “Whoa, fuck, nothing it was a joke… sorry. I was just saying to doesn’t have a whole lot of meat and seems, well, something that an elf would… really… like…” Helena tries to explain, but the more she tries the more Xillia narrows her eyes and glares at Helena, eventually making her slump her shoulders and say “Ugh, never mind, sorry…” Xillia continues to glare at Helena angrily… and then she puts her left hand to her mouth and giggles, which makes you giggle right alongside her before everyone else, besides Helena – who looks dumbfounded - , joins in. “What the fuck? Did I miss something?” Helena calls out to everyone, though Delilah just scoots closer and pats her on the head and says “It’s alright, darling, nothing to concern yourself over. Now, let’s go make something to eat – I have some extra blood stashed away so don’t concern yourself with me. “Teehee, I have a little something for myself as well, so don’t worry about me, sweetie~” Astraea’s voice giggles out into your mind – you smile and nod your head and follow behind Leena as she moves to get off the bed with the intent to lead you all to a kitchen of some sort.

9: 22 am

10:41 am

You lean back in your chair as you put your spoon down and burp lightly, full from the delicious soup you helped to make. Swilwen was a great help finding all the ingredients – you wonder exactly how much money the temple has to procure such a large stash of produce, meats, dairy products, and so on! – and you spent the better part of forty-five minutes boiling the water, cutting the vegetables, and adding various spices, fruits, and only a tiny bit of meat, which was to satisfy Helena, to the stew. The others helped, of course, but you found it very therapeutic to do something familiar and in such great company as you taught the others your father’s recipe. Astraea was especially helpful cutting and dicing as she wielded knives with nearly all of her tentacles… making you envious of all the things you could accomplish had you had more hands. Still, after you left the room, which turned out to be another room in the lower chambers that you never visited, you went upstairs and changed into your sheer set and opened up Leena’s armoire, donning a common green tunic that fit loosely on you along with a pair of simple brown pants that likewise fit loosely, and you decided that you didn’t really want to wear shoes. Lula and Leena, of course, opted to wear their robes and some high heels while Helena put on semi-tight fitting white sleeveless top and blue pants that only come down to just below her knees, with the finishing touch being a pair of leather boots. Xillia is wearing a pink sundress and flats of her own design, and Delilah is wearing a long black and red dress that has ruffles from her hips down and red high heels while her hair is in a bob – you think Delilah is dressed far too formally for the occasion, but nonetheless it looks good on your vampiric lover and gives an air of regality about her. You did, however, retrieve your collar and it currently fits around your neck snuggly as you bring a finger to the emerald and finger it lightly with a smile on your face. You currently sit at a long rectangular dining table in one of the rooms on the first floor of the temple in a spacious room that has sconces with lit candles on the walls at each of the four corners of the room. There are no windows in the room, but on top of the candles there is a fireplace at the far end opposite the door and the other side of the table that is currently lit, yet you find that it’s not too warm. To your immediate left sits Delilah and to your immediate right sits Helena – across from you is Meredith, Xillia, and Astraea, who’s in a much larger chair specifically designed for her tentacles, while on the long ends of the table sits Lula and Leena, with Lula being closest to the door. Vulgan sits on the floor behind you, eating a piece of rare cooked meat, which is more appropriate for him than soup consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables, and only a little bit of meat along with some bread.

“Alright, I take it back” Helena says with a loud, bellowing burp as she finishes drinking the last of the juices from the bowl and setting it on the table “That was some good shit right there. Could have used a tiny bit more meat, but other than that I think I could go for that again!” “Glad you liked it – now we can find a grove surrounded by nature and contemplate our place in the cosmos and attune ourselves to the natural world around us, becoming harmonious in our existence” you reply to Helena with a smirk, clearly teasing her. Helena leans back in her chair and cocks an eyebrow at you as she brushes some of her lavender hair out of her eyes. “Yeah, I’m gonna have to pass on that one. I got out of all that spiritual bullshit years ago when I left the monastery – now, if you mean contemplate our existence with a good fuck that turns our minds to jelly then I’m all ears!” Delilah dabs a handkerchief on her lips as she puts her spoon down, tasting the soup more out of respect before she grabs for her blood-filled wine glass and takes a gulp. “Not everyone is a brute like you, Helena darling. Although I believe that our sweet Colette could give you a run for your money when it comes to sex. Why, I believe you both could give a succubus or a nymph reason for pause when it comes to sex!” Delilah adds into the conversation after she finishes with her blood and dabs at her mouth once more. You stick your tongue out at Delilah, as does Helena, though neither of you really deny the claims considering, well, that she’s probably right given both your unique tastes. Lula giggles as she sits with her legs crossed at the table, having finished the soup long before anyone else, which makes you rather happy, and says “Oh, but that’s alright! We love it when our honey is a sexy super slut – it’s so much fun… not least of all for us~”. “Right you are, dear sister, right you are. So, what will you do now, dear?” Leena raises her glass to her sister from across the table before turning her attention back to you. You ponder Leena’s words for a few moments as you look down at your empty bowl, then opening your mouth and looking up as you speak. “I’m going to go see Hera, Glethal, and a couple of orcs that I met during and after the…” you trail off as you remember when you met Trusolg, whom you didn’t know at the time, surrounded by undead and covered in blood and wounds. You then remember Aejsoag, the younger orc, and both of them standing over their fallen mentor, Yaibo you think you recall. You also remember the blood, screams, death, cries, pain, anguish, fear… all of it in great detail as it all seems to come back to the forefront of your mind, filling you with foreboding and, for some reason, you feel extremely tired and a little nauseas as the smells and sounds seem to fill your senses. You look down at your bowl and just stare at it for a while as you start to feel… you don’t know what you’re feeling, but it’s numbing and you find that breathing is difficult and heavy.

A furry snout and familiar whining slowly draws you away from your thoughts as Vulgan rests his head on your right leg and whines at you, clearly concerned as he looks up at you with his yellow wolf eyes. You smile softly and scratch behind his ears and pet him on the head in thanks. “Maybe you shouldn’t go, sweetheart” Meredith’s says from across the table, and you look up to see her concerned face looking back at you… as much as a clear true slime touched by a goddess can look concerned anyhow. You shake your head before adding “No, I think it’s the right thing to do. I can’t run away from the place, and they all want to see me”. Some want to see me for some very “specific” reasons I imagine you think with a small grin before you look up at Meredith with curiosity and ask “By the way, Meredith, where is Little Red?” Meredith’s features light up immediately and she starts to speak so fast you can hardly keep up. “Oh it’s amazing, sweetheart, simply amazing! That one has the most peculiar little magical stones forming inside it, and it’s all thanks to you! I never thought it possible – of course I never really knew how these things really happen, but still! It’s so much livelier and has a greater personality than before. It’s even forming its own identity!” “Whoa, slow down, Meri – what are you talking about?” you say as you throw your hands up, clearly not following her reasoning. “Oh, I’m so sorry! Well, what I mean to say, sweetheart, is that with the repeated absorption of your ‘essence’, and maybe some other factors, your ‘Little Red’ is taking its first steps towards becoming a true slime! Those little stones inside of it will soon form a magical core, just like mine! Who knows how long it will take, but it seems it will have true sentience at some point thanks to you!” You, and seemingly everyone else, stops and stares at Meredith, who doesn’t really seem to notice in her excitement. “Come again?” you say, shocked and wide-eyed “Did you say that Little Red will one day be a true slime?” Meredith ripples excitedly in her chair and seems to almost lose her shape as she says “Oh, yes, it’s terribly exciting isn’t it! I mean I don’t know if it will be a true slime like me, but it will definitely have more personality and a higher self-awareness than before!” At that explanation your eyes go wider, as does everyone else’s, before all heads turn to you in astonishment. You look around at each of your lovers, unsure what to say… so you say “What?” and shrug your shoulders. “Your essence creates true slimes, dear” Leena says in astonishment “That is incredible; who knows what else you’re capable of”.

“Well, she can evaporate into thin air. There’s that going for her” Helena says beside you as she takes the mug she brought and downs half the contents in a single gulp. You all sit in silence for a few moments before Xillia stretches and dabs her lips with her handkerchief and says “That waz delicious – thank you zo much, Colette. After this morning I could uze a bath”. Thank you, Xillia! you think with a smile before you stand up and say “I agree – I’ll meet you all upstairs. If you’re quick enough then you might be able to watch me strip instead of seeing me in the nude~”. With that you stride towards the door, reach for the knob, turn it, and walk out the door after you open it. You take a left down the hall and can’t help but smile when you hear the frantic sound of chairs being pushes back and feet marching towards the door. You turn around and giggle when you see Vulgan the first out the door, trotting down the hall after you and wagging his tail excitedly as he catches up.

10:52 am
Re: Rift Touched

11:30 am

You stand outside of the capitol building and watch as dozens of guards stand outside to hold the crowd back, many of whom are crying and demanding to be let inside to see their loved ones. The people outside the building come from all areas of the city and all backgrounds. Some watch on with curiosity and are probably here to see what happened, while others cry out for loved ones that were slain, and still others that are searching for friends and family that are inside… perhaps working, survivors, or part of the dead. You approach the large crowd and start to wade through the numerous amounts of people, some parting willingly while others proving more difficult as they refuse to budge, making you stand and wait as they yell, cry, or just don’t notice you. Eventually after a few minutes you make it to the front of the crowd outside the entrance, and you don’t think you’ll make it inside given that the entrance is blocked off, but still it doesn’t hurt to try. When you reach the front you see that the guards are unwilling to budge and decide to turn around, however, a man’s voice rings out… one that is somewhat familiar though you’re not quite sure. You turn around and see a dark brownish-red skinned incubus with two tiny horns protruding from his head. The incubus has a sling on his left arm, and is wearing nothing more than a simple tunic emblazoned with the crest of Kilnhaven and some brown pants and shoes as he stands watch. You immediately remember him to be Julian and despite yourself you start to notice that he is rather handsome as he has light stubble on his face and violet eyes. “Hold, Colette, hold I say!” Julian shouts above the crowd as he waves his good arm, indicating you to come over. You look over at him and nod and, as you approach, he clasps his hand on the shoulder of a female orc guard. The guard immediately grunts and nods before stepping aside, allowing you to quickly pass through their small barricade before she retakes her position… which does upset some of the crowd. “Thank you for coming, Colette” Julian says with a slight bow before continuing “My lady, the Governess Glethal, and her son Koren seek an audience with you in private”. You nod in understanding, but looking back at the crowd you ask “Why keep everyone out? Don’t they have the right to know and see what happened?” Julian seems to chew on his tongue for a moment as he thinks before he says in a low, grave tone “The people deserve to know, yes, but we can’t have a mob storming the gates. It will do more harm than good – also we are still… cleaning up. We let people in every now and then to… identify loved ones and friends, or what is left. It will be a long next few days, and months I imagine – please, follow me”. With his good arm Julian gestures towards the large entrance and, after taking a last, long look back at the crowd and seeing the faces of those in anguish, your bottom lip quivers as you make your way inside beside the incubus knight.

You walk the main hall next to Julian and, unlike before, there’s a bustle about as guards and staff move feverishly throughout the residence… most of which seems to be centered around the ballroom just ahead. As you near it you feel your breath catching in your chest as well as a lump in your throat. Immediately you start to recall the screams, pain, death, blood… the tastes and smells – you slow your walking as you get near and instinctively you reach for your short sword at your hip beneath your trench coat as if ready to defend against something. You shake the absurd feeling off and catch up to Julian, but when you look to your right and see just how many bodies and how much blood is left, you nearly break on the spot. You see some servants, and many more guards, on their hands and knees cleaning the dark, dried blood from off the stone floor while others, usually two at a time, pick up the pale corpses from off the floor and move them into a neat row. They try to do this, however, some of the victims are barely recognizable as some were cleaved in two or… eaten, with the only identifying traits being what they wore, if that. “Don’t look” Julian’s voice comes from in front of you, and when you slowly peel your eyes away from the entrance you look at the incubus and see the pain written on his face “Just don’t look. It’s obvious you’ve never seen something like this before – hells, neither have I – but right now it is best if you don’t look. It will take time to deal, but for what it’s worth thank you, Colette, truly. From the bottom of my heart I believe that without you most of us would have died, and Arlandus would be ruling the city by now and no one would be the wiser. He was mad, and I have no doubt that anyone that opposed him would have been destroyed, so again I thank you”. You nod your head as your eyes turn misty, and you quickly stride passed the door to catch up with Julian. Eventually you come to the large open room with stairs leading up higher that you noticed when you first came to the building, though on all sides you see hallways and wooden doors that lead to other parts of the large estate. You put your hand on Julian’s good shoulder, making him stop and turn to you as you bite your bottom lip and cast your eyes down for a moment before looking up into his violet eyes and asking.

“How do you deal with it?” you ask simply “How do you deal with… something like that?” Julian sighs and brings his good hand to his black hair, scratching his head as he thinks. “It takes time, honestly – it’s not much of a comfort, but there it is. That’s the first thing that helps, the other way that helps me deal is to throw myself into something. I like to read, but that’s me – others train, others get drunk and party, some have sex; it’s all about finding something to occupy your mind and time. Something that is important to you, or perhaps not important – sometimes just doing something, anything, will help… but it’s only a temporary reprieve to help you cope and come to terms, no matter how long that takes”. You ponder on his thoughts for a few long moments, and are thankful by his patience, and eventually you smile and thank Julian, which earns you a smile from the incubus. “Actually, could you tell me where Hera… sorry, the amazon’s are staying? Oh, and the orcs from Grazbulork? They asked me to meet them last night… but I kind of passed out. I don’t want to seem rude to them and want to at least make an appearance”. Your question causes Julian to pause and think before he nods and points to your left and says “Down that hall, four doors down on your right are the amazons” and then he points to your right towards another stone hallway and says “And down that hallway, take your first left and at the end are the orcs. As for Glethal and her son, they will be up the stairs and to the right all the way down the hall. Take a left, follow it and then take another left. It will be the room in the center of the hall – you can’t miss it”. You smile and thank Julian for his directions, which he returns with a bow before he bids you farewell and makes his way back the way you came towards the entrance. You watch him go before you look down both hallways… and you take a right.

12:00 pm

I will continue on with the previous choices in the next post. Promise!
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