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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi


The water was really, really tempting.. The clearness and sparkles were drawing you in. Without much doubt you opened your mouth and took a big gulp of the clear water from where the water was pouring.


You started to feel so revitalized.. So energized!
You kinda went overboard here as you jumped in the fountain and started to scrub the filth of off you, using the pouring spot as a shower.

Your plantgirl friend looked at your act with a bit of a long face.. However she too slowly decided to dib in.. Seemingly really energized aswell!

Things started to get really playful, as you splashed water at the plantgirl.. And she soon retaliated splashing some on your way!
Water war was engaged.


With bit of giggles and fun later, you and your plantgirl friend soon climbed out.

"hehehe.. haah.. ... urph.!"

Seems the water had a backfire.
The eggs started to grow again! even faster!
Your belly was seriously inflated and seriously tight now.
You were feeling you could explode!
Your plant friends eggs had expanded a lot too and she seemed quite pained.

These things could hatch any moment now.

"...aaah ah ahh.. oh damn it.."

You slowly made your way to the math doorway and the plantgirl followed.

these eggs were so heavy and really annoying the bare..

As you finally reached what seemed to be a round room, you had to take a breath. You went on your knees on the floor.. with hands on your chest.
These eggs, just these damn eggs..

as the plantgirl followed the doorway behind you shut off.

The walls on the room spun a bit.. and doors appeared.

First door had number 4 on it.
Second door had number 7 on it
Third door had number 12 in it.
Fourth door had number 20 on it.

The floor gave out a number:


A) Take the door with 4
B) Take the door with 7
C) Take the door with 12
D) Take the door with 20
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


99 and 12 have a factor of 3. C is also the third choice.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Not voting just pointing out something.

Edit: ahh the Floor. Is 99-3x3x11.

Still there is a pattern of
#x# in everyone BUT B which is a Prime.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

B. It's an odd number like the floor.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

D... Because.

The char' ain't a genius and is the unluckiest. What else would you pick?