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The 3rd Angel


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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The city of Minsk, former capital of the nation of Belarus, then one of the western fortresses of the Russian Union, and now the base of NERV-02, stood tall against the flat lands that surrounded it, thanks in no small part to the actual physical walls ringed with turrets that surrounded the city these days.

Though the walls managed to do their job of keeping the city safe quite well (a revitalization of defensive materials was the only reason they existed in the first place), they did not make the city very nice to look at. In fact Minsk itself was downright dreary. Almost all the old buildings had been replaced following second impact with modern more efficient structures. Tanks rolled through the streets and infantry (now in many places replaced with NERV security personnel) stood at the corners, having replaced the police force long ago.

Despite it all the city managed to get even drearier as a torrent of rain was coming down, not that unusual since second impact had turned the region, much like the nation of Canada, into rainy swamps. Civilians continued to walk through the streets going about their daily business even as sheets of rain pelted the streets.

Atleast until the alarms went off. For the people on the surface it was only the sound of air raid sirens, something everyone who lived in the fortress had come to be familiar with log ago and assumed it was yet another drill. Deep down in NERV HQ though, they got to know what was really happening.





From the clouds above a roar was heard not unlike thunder, but it carried more menace then anything nature could create. The soldiers in the streets looked to the sky as it boomed once more, before a creature as white as the clouds themselves darted out of the sky and ripped one of the many turrets from the walls, sending it crashing back to the Earth below before the creature darted back into the sky. Fire from AA positions throughout the city did nothing as their shells exploded dozens of meters away from the angel, or somehow missed despite the near perfect aim of the defensive emplacements.

Though the soldiers may or may not have known it depending on their clearance rank, the only thing on their side that had any hope of harming the angel was three monsters of their own. The giants of steel rising out from their launchpads throughout the city, the angel had some idea though, and it directed its focus near immediately to the new arrivals. Its roar boomed again, but to those three EVA pilots it had much more substance, for it was the Angels battle cry and message. Whether they even understood what was speaking to them or not, the message was clear.

I am.

Through license of He who is named 'I Am' I have come.

Though I shall never touch the base Earth, I have come.

My claws will tear the Lillim to bloody ribbons.

And the sky shall be my shield.

I am the Premonition of God.

Angel of Rain.

I am Matariel.

I have come.
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Wake up everybody, this is the real deal.”

The alarms around the place blared with power, signaling the dispatching of the units into the field. Most people where in a frenzy, reaching for their positions as Viktor strolled in the bridge, looking left and right as everyone started feeding him with information, with what little of it there was to work on. With a light rub of his temple and a quick sigh, he got back to the pilots.

“That thing got us with our pants down… I’ll make it up to you when this is over. But for now, all Eva units, Firefly VTOLs will make a run on the Angel, you are free to engage the angel with long ranged attacks after that.”

“Relay these orders to the Firefly squadron and the nearest tank battalion.” With that, Viktor turned around, switching frequencies as he looked into the map layout carefully. The angel was too close for comfort after all, hopefully the kids would be up to the challenge, but first he had to make sure to make it, even if only slightly, easier for them.

“Nikolai, send in the fireflies (Firefly VTOLs +5), we need to know if we can beat this thing at all or not.” He ordered as he continued walking from left and right, his eyes never leaving the map as he tried to decide, before turning to a another radio operator. “We need our tanks in firing range yesterday, see what you can do to make it happen, a five round rapid (Tank mob +5). Order them to fire as soon as possible.”

“Stay on your toes, we’re meant to dance with these things, not to get flattened under their feet!”
Re: The 3rd Angel

Depressive- Willpower: 31 Roll:34 Failure. Sad Olga is sad. :(
As Olga rose up from the ground in her metal titan to face the enemy, she would feel a great weight on her chest as her sporadic dark moods and temperment reared their ugly heads again, filling her with a sense of melancholy.
"Kapitan Sokolov sir, we have made visual contact with the Angel. Pilots Alan and Miyamoto, stay alert and approach the Angel slowly. We will be on the lookout for patterns, weakness and try to understand our enemy to know how best to defeat it." She said in her normal formal, drab and militaristic tone as she put her Eva's hands in front of her before closing her eyes briefly muttering the words, "Deploying A.T. Field." As her AT Field materialized in front of her spread out in the standard fashion, making her way cautiously towards the enemy in a slow and steady pace.

((Manipulation, AT Field in Deflection Pattern spread.))
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Re: The 3rd Angel

Spreading her AT Field was a strange exercise for Charlotte, even if it had been made routine through her Evangelion piloting drills. There was no physical action to it required - nothing like keeping your arms up to block your face when you were sparring, or even keeping your body low as you took cover from a hostile gunman.

It was up not long after she arrived into the zone of operations, where immediately scrambled her Eva out to take cover. It was part of her training, a routine that kept the rest of her focused - even if it were essentially pointless, as their enemy had already fled back up into the air.

The Commander told them to hold fire until their conventional forces had strafed the thing that was already gone, and fall from the sky, targetting the Evas. "Yessir," she said without hesitation - surely, part of a larger plan.

For now, she kept her eyes, and her gun, pointed heavenward, ready to scramble out of the way at a moment's notice.

Spread dat AT, move out and take cover. Can I Aim? I totally want to Aim.
Re: The 3rd Angel

Takehito was in solemn thought as he deployed his AT field. It was up in the clouds, where he couldn't get in glorious close combat, as he desired. As his commander saw fit to hold back- not his ideal combat form. Regardless, he had a job to do, and would perform it as required.

"AT Field, deployed. On lookout."

He looked upward, gun pointed in the same direction.

((Spread in Layered Field, moving slowly and cautiously.))
Re: The 3rd Angel

As the three EVAs and the armed forces of Minsk watched the skies for the Angel they heard the clap of thunder as the Matariel dropped out of the skies once diving straight to Takehito EVA. Who was unable to dodge in time and Matariel tore at EVA 03Ms body with its claws. Rending huge gouges out of the EVA, and leaving the nasty surprise of a paralysis poison that would stun the EVA.

Following its attack it withdrew into the air over Takehito but didn't disappear into the clouds. Revealing a creature that was difficult to actually see as a halo of light surrounded it, but at its center a taloned hawk like creature was visible.

Turn Order
Turn Order:
1) Matariel
2) Olga II <-
3) Takehito (stunned for 1 round)
4) Charlotte
5) Viktor

Matariel to hit = 1 (Breaches)
Takehito to dodge = 48
Materiel to damage = 11R Pen 5
Material hit location = 62 (Body)
Takehito suffers 9 damage to body putting him at 0HP
Re: The 3rd Angel

"Komrade Kapitan, Pilot Miyamoto has been disabled! Charlote, take the point; I'll get in front of Takehito, and attempt to get a shot on the target as well. If he attacks Ill be able to guard with my AT field! If and when it comes after me, tey to get behind it for an attack!" Olga suggested as she quickly got in a defensive position in front of Takehito before quickly and steadily taking at the monster with her pallet rifle before opening fire, if the angel decided to descend again, she would quickly throw up her field.

((Get in front of Takehito then PEW!PEW!PEW! dat angel.))
Re: The 3rd Angel

The shell from Olga's pallet rifle blasted forward, encountering the shimmering rainbow colours that signified an AT field, and it very much breached the glowing barrier. Then in the moment it took to pass between the field and the angel itself something happened, the round, which by all rights should have hit its target, instead suddenly was pointed straight down, where it impacted into a roadway below.

Olga to hit: 19 (1 Success)
Olga to hit: 57 (Failure)
Fails to hit
Re: The 3rd Angel

Olga got off a few rounds against their enemy before she could draw a bead. It looked like a shot was on-target, but at the last second, the bullet pinged earthward, deflected. She put her gun up to aim, but Sokolov's command ran through her head - wait for the Fireflies, wait for the Fireflies - and she couldn't pull the trigger - thought telling her to hold, and observation telling her it was pointless.

Then Olga barked yet more orders at her, and Charlotte, irritated, snapped at her. "Tch. How do you want me to take point against a bird in the air, sister?" Charlotte asked with a sneer. "You're just a grunt like I am, so stop playing at command!"

Unable to make herself shoot, Char had an idea, and made her way through the landscape of Minsk over to her sister, dropping her gun nearby. She held her hands out and watched the beast up in the air, waiting for it to dive at them once more. When it did, she would be ready - ready to pounce on it, hold it down, break it's wings... and, if not, at least neutralize it's field in the air, hopefully allowing her sister to at least drill a few other bullets into it without the interference of it's deflective field again.

Move towards the other two, ready a grapple against the berd next time it's in range
Re: The 3rd Angel

Screams could be heard over the radio as the angel attacked Miyamoto's EVA. He didn't even have time to defend himself as it tore past the armor, damaging it. While he himself was not hurt, the pain from his EVA shot through him as well. He tried moving his EVA, but to no avail.

"This is Pilot Miyamoto! I'm alright, but the EVA isn't responding!"

((Flail about uselessly.))
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Geh… alright, alright.” Viktor was surprised, they’d clearly started with the left foot. His surprise was easy notice, but then again, the man wore his feelings on his sleeve.

“Damned bastard… Keep your wits about this isn’t over yet. Units 2 and 3, allied crafts will begin their orders momentarily. Focus on the offensive, engage the angel however you see fit after they are done, but from that last display it’s safe to assume ranged attacks won’t suffice. My mistake...”

The man was visibly shaking, but no one on the bridge dared say anything, focusing instead on keeping the updates coming. “Sir, they’re ready.” Spoke Nikolai, much to Viktor’s relief.

“Send them in, the firefly VTOLs first (+5 -MAGI uplink.-), then our tanks fire (+5 -Five round rapid-). Charlotte, Olga, leave Takehiko to us, we can’t afford only one unit to engage the Angel.” He barked out with strength, his heart beating in fear the situation might worsen even with their efforts.

“The mission concludes when you all return alive and well. Good luck, kids!”
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Re: The 3rd Angel

The various support VTOLs that flew overhead moved to direct the various sensors that covered much of the craft. Cameras, IR Sensors, UV sensors, other things that only the scientists deep in NERV knew what they were, "Roger that sir, MAGI sensors should be online in 3..2..1"




Meanwhile on the ground the various tank squadrons rolled to a halt and raised their barrels skyward.

"You heard the commander, fire as fast as you can."

A deafening barrage rang out over the town as shell after shell flew into the sky, stalling the angel in place and keeping it focused on maintaining its AT Field.

Though that didn't manage to stop it from striking out with its claws at Unit 02, which raked off a heavy barrier the AT technician threw up in response.

MAGI Rolls
1st: 91
2nd: 35
3rd: 85
Re: The 3rd Angel

испытывающий страх! Now's my chance! Thought Olga as the bird like Angel bounced off of her barrier she had erected. She would quickly bend her legs slightly before making a jump and attempting to use her gauntleted hand to try to seize one of the creatures talons before deploying her Prog Knife from her wing loadout to attempt to pierce it, holding it in place for Charlote to attack if she could. "Charlote, quickly why I have it restrained!"

(Attempt to grab and stab if possible. First word is Russian for awesome BTW)
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Re: The 3rd Angel

Matariel let loose another thunderous roar as Olga grabbed its talon and pulled it to the ground. Keeping it from flying back into the air for now, but keeping Olga from doing much else as the angels strength fought against her EVA's own.

Olga strength roll: 14 1 success
Matariel Strength Roll: 50
Olga wins grapple, deals 1 point of grapple damage to Matariel's body

(Can't attack this turn sadly, the initial grapple action takes a full action)
Re: The 3rd Angel

Miyamoto rushed forward, vengeance the only thing in his mind. He intended to kill this thing by his own hand, as it had harmed his EVA and while not directly him, he still felt pain.

"I will handle this!" He yelled over the radio, before raising his own Prog Knife in the process, aimed directly at Matriel's core.

"Angel, you fall this day!"

((Side-step Olga, assuming this is possible and attack the angel, aiming for the core, again, if possible.))
Re: The 3rd Angel

Matariel's AT field shattered before Miyamoto's prog knife and despite a weird warping around EVA 03M's hand the weapon managed to connect, deflecting off the core but cracking it just a bit, eliciting another roar from the trapped Angel.

To Hit #1: 26
To Hit #2: 20
To Damage: 5+3 = 8
Re: The 3rd Angel

Eva Type 1's knife undocked from it's place in the giant's shoulder wing, the building-sized blade pulled from it's holder as Charlotte charged the monster. She jumped at it, an arm outstretched as if she could claw the thing's AT Field away before she tried to jam her knife into it.

But, 03M's strike, while it had gotten through, looked like it had been hindered by the thing's AT Field. She should Neutralize it, should she not? After all, a knife was just a knife - there were tanks and VTOLS with proper guns standing by, no? Surely once she got the field out of the way, their rounds would do more damage than some office-building-sized slab of metal.

...But then again, her rifle fired battle-ship sized bullets, at full auto, and that was useless.

Knife it is!

She shouted, stabbing at the thing's core, palm of her opposite hand driving forward on the thing's pommel, to give her thrust more power. Bubbles leaked as she screamed into the LCL - sometimes it was difficult to remember she was submerged in some strange sort of liquid she could breathe when she was in these things, especially during synchronization tests. She never shouted during calm, boring synchronization tests.

I'm moderately sure if I tried to Neutralize it would be completely pointless on account of me being last so uh

Oh wait, the OD goes after me, doesn't he.

Re: The 3rd Angel

Charlotte's knife was just as effective as Miyamoto's, the weapon shattering the Angels AT field and (though once again the air seemed to warp around her EVA's arm for just a moment). The strike hitting the core and causing even more cracks to appear, and eliciting another roar from Matariel. Though it still seemed perfectly able to fight.

To Hit #1: 14
To Hit #2: 14
Damage: 8

Garg, as far as my house rules are concerned, if you start Neutralizing, you stay neutralizing till you cancel it, so if you neutralized this turn it would work for everyone till you canceled it.
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Great, keep it up kids!” Viktor clapped as he saw the battle through the cameras, seeing the creature reeling in pain was certainly making him feel all warm and fuzzy from the excitement. “Stay on the offensive and don’t get sloppy now!”

“Now, Dimitri.” He said as he flicked the switch again, sending the young man at the console flinching, and sending a cup of coffee into the air at free fall speed, where a ‘chyort’ was quickly let loose. “Get me more VTOLs in the air, the hornets(+3), I want them ready the moment this angel separates from the Units, we have to make sure not to give it breathing room.”

“Yes sir!” Said the man with a new, searing hot stain in his pants.
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Re: The 3rd Angel


Matariel was really angry now, the glowing eyes of raptor like angel glowing with fury as lightning smashed into the ground and thunder shattered windows. In a blinding flash of light Matariel broke free of the hold it had been placed in, not because the arm that had been holding it had let go, no it was still holding on juts fine, the blood still flowing from the end of it though attest to it no longer being attached to its former owner.

Then like a lightening bolt the Angel was gone into the clouds again, leaving the arm behind where it twitched and spasmed before going still.

Olga was left in quite a bad situation, not only was one of the arms of her EVA completely gone in a blink, it had also felt like her own arm had been torn from its socket (though it was actually still there just barely).

And by god did she feel that, the pain seeming to get worse as around her the plug of the EVA began to glow all the colours of the rainbow. To the outside observer they would notice that her eyes were now glowing and so were a number of parts of her plug suit, in tune with the glow of her EVA's eyes and Jet Strips. When she got over both the pain, the odd (and sudden) new sensation of feeling every bit of her EVA and the horror of how easily her EVA had been crippled, she would find herself more ensynch with her EVA then she had likely ever been before.

Angel to hit: 12 (Breaches)
No Dodge due to grapple
Matarial Damage = 39R Pen 5
Matarial Hit Location = 28 (L Arm)

Olga suffers 35 damage to left Arm
Olga suffers 1 Fatigue
Olga suffers 1 Insanity Point
Olga gains 84 points of Synch Ratio: Synch Ratio is now at 136
Olga suffers 2 points of Ego Barrier Damage
Olga suffers (1) Fear (Willpower test fails) Result = 36
Olga suffers 1 Insanity Point
Olga suffers -10 on all tests till she snaps out of it