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RPG [ Chaos Gate ] サキュバスネスト / Succubus Nests (RE103523, RJ103523)

Re: Succubus Nests

So I've been lurking a long time and finally decided to contribute.
I've done a little translating so for on this. Currently working on setting up the necessary libraries to build the project so I can change those character limits.
So far I can build a static library but not an executable. Getting closer though.

I can at least give some preliminary work. The actor names, skill names, text for the swamp map (mostly a test of how bad the character system is), and the announce text (I haven't been able to test them all to verify how well the translation fits with the action).
Extract this into the userdata folder.
(MEGA) /#!KwJzlawT!vawz_cA4wnyCn7aG5IaiQPT1LFmW00bYr2PvAeOBtpQ

You will need to beat the game (or download a complete save with the game beat) in order to start a new game with an alternate userdata set.

Update: Managed to build an exe, crashes when I run it. Progress!
Update2: Including the data.pak with the exe allows me to get to the main menu, still crashes when I try to start the game though. Moar Progress!
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Re: Succubus Nests

Hmm yeah... Guess I'm suck
I play this 3-4 time and still couldn't beat it...
Try to edit the char_param that mention few page back
But it seem's it couldn't applied

So.. anyone has 100% save for the 2.09 version?
Re: Succubus Nests

Uh, nope, that's not the only issue. The major issue for a translation is that the game is hardcoded to have a very low character limit per line (I think it's something like 24, but not sure), and only 8 characters for creature names (possibly, anyway. I'm not sure where exactly, but the fragments of translation I did to test the waters ended up crashing the game. Badly). It will need some hacking to fix these issues.

I did try to compile the game a while ago (so I could do a translation), but I can't seem to get the build environment set up correctly (source code is distributed in the latest version).

Yeah I see what you mean. Hadn't noticed that previously. It's awkward, but it doesn't seem to be as major a hurdle as you make it out to be. With the "cutscene" event text for example, (I've tested to confirm that) you can simply add more lines between each background/frame change, in order to fit it in. Should be pretty easy to adapt to.

From testing just now, the character limit for event text and for map text, is exactly 39 characters, including spaces and special characters. After that it will automatically go to the next line, but will chop words in half to do so. To tell the game to start a new line, it uses the Yen symbol.

explanation=Explore the miasma swamp.¥It is dangerous to search as the miasma¥gushes from the muck. If you can purify¥it、the miasma will decrease greatly.¥

And that's pretty awesome work so far TNT90. Love having the announcement window translations. I hadn't realised before that the game informs you of how safe or narrowly the characters are dodging by.

If you're actually able to fix that character limit, then that's just brilliant, and this text length hassle won't matter anyway. But if it's not working out, we can at least certainly get a decent quality result out, with only a few imperfections regarding scrolling text and such.

I found that making sure to put a Yen symbol at the end of the text will prevent it spilling over outside of the text box like your swamp translation originally was. I tried out adjusting your translated text to keep it as compact as possible, rather than keeping all of the original line breaks. Allows the game to fit three of the four lines into the box, with enough time to read the 1st line before it scrolls off the top.

It's probably the story/event text that I'm most interested in myself. My file name translation effort did enough to make the battles more comprehensible, but without knowing Japanese, the rest is beyond me.

Battle announcements are nearly sorted already.
The event text can be done one way or the other, either via fixing the char limits, or spending a bit of time to carefully measure text and adding lines when appropriate.
Most of the map we know how to do, to a acceptable degree.
My old version already had fully "translated" enemy names and attacks, that would show over the charge meters during battle, so I know that's simple enough.
This leaves a few elements like the map stats key, which I've not noticed a way to influence yet. Anything else?
Re: Succubus Nests

Hmm yeah... Guess I'm suck
I play this 3-4 time and still couldn't beat it...
Try to edit the char_param that mention few page back
But it seem's it couldn't applied

So.. anyone has 100% save for the 2.09 version?

Well I don't have a 100% save on this one, but...

You can try that. I believe that's my save slot #1 which I quickly did to clear the game, and get access to the custom data mode.

It will probably try to overwrite your existing save slot, so either make a copy of that, or rename my one to 001.savedata or something similar. If it works, it will give you an option whenever selecting 'Newgame', and give you a list of modes to start the game on. At the moment it will still only be the default mode and the sample data mode though, written in Japanese. Unless you want to download TNT90's example work so far, but there's not much to it worth worrying about yet.

For some general tips though...

I find Sumiyoshi (the blind priestess) incredibly good to have in the team for defeating the succubus. Her special ability is handy for taking out the tentacles quickly before they can begin interrupting your characters. This allows you a window of time to focus on damaging the succubus, which also helps keep her attack meter down longer, which is good because she hits hard. I've not figured out which of the other characters is best for dealing the damage quickly, but Alicia did well for me last time.

Additionally, you need to try to clear as many of the zones before facing her. Every zone left uncleared adds a significant portion of health to her, and also gives her an extra set of guards that you have to battle first. The cultists are a lot harder to get rid of, and likely to ruin your girls too much before the battle. When I won just now I ignored them entirely, but this does mean you need to be fairly fast and efficient, otherwise you'll lose from too many people going missing. The three demons are almost guaranteed to wreck your characters virginity for the succubus fight, but I never actually realised you were able to get rid of them too (apparently). So it's still plenty possible to get a win, and mourn your hymen later.

Other little bits...
>Sumiyoshi is very good against slimes, but is slow as hell and struggles to save people from being molested.
>Sumiyoshi's special power can be used to counter this during the right moments, but watch out for its second or two of animation which will get interrupted easily and waste her energy.
>Fumika's grenade can kill the highly armoured sarcophagus in one hit, typically saving stamina if done right away. She gets tired quickly though.
>The Jungle has two types of dangerous but low HP enemies. The rapid attacks from sword and gun girls do well at covering each other against the fast attacks.
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Re: Succubus Nests

@Unknown Squid

I use Your save data , but still can't apply the char_param

Can I ask step by step how to apply it?
If You don't want to it's fine

Still , If anyone has 100% save it will be faster though
Re: Succubus Nests

By the map stats key do you mean to 4 lines in the map view with letters for 2 and numbers for the other?
Those are hardcoded, I've found where they are and should be translated when I get it working. I may have messed around with the code before I actually got the thing properly setup so that maaaayy be the reason I can't get it to work right now. Changing random numbers without testing ... probably not my best move. :p
For a save I used one a page or two back and it seemed to work well enough. Was able to start a new game with my userdata folder at least.

Also I am trying to do the best translation I can with 5 different translators open but I know nothing of Japanese so any recommendations or help with it would be great.
Re: Succubus Nests

By the map stats key do you mean to 4 lines in the map view with letters for 2 and numbers for the other?
Those are hardcoded, I've found where they are and should be translated when I get it working. I may have messed around with the code before I actually got the thing properly setup so that maaaayy be the reason I can't get it to work right now. Changing random numbers without testing ... probably not my best move. :p
For a save I used one a page or two back and it seemed to work well enough. Was able to start a new game with my userdata folder at least.

Also I am trying to do the best translation I can with 5 different translators open but I know nothing of Japanese so any recommendations or help with it would be great.

Oh... so you're just using internet translators? I thought you were translating it mentally yourself. xD

Well I guess I could try helping with that then. Should we try to divide up workloads for event text or what? Maybe use a google doc so we can both access it? What translators are you using currently? And yes, that's the bit I meant. Wasn't sure what to call it. ^_^;

@Unknown Squid

I use Your save data , but still can't apply the char_param

Can I ask step by step how to apply it?
If You don't want to it's fine

Still , If anyone has 100% save it will be faster though

Well I'm not actually 100% sure how it would work myself. The file just goes into the main folder where you'll see your existing save data. Possibly load the save to make sure it recognises it? If that doesn't work, I don't really know.

I might upload the entire game later, but obviously it would be better if we are able to do without needing to download 900mb again. That save is on round 7 or so I think, so it should be fairly easy to win with if you just want to give another go that way.

Ah, and I forgot to mention that you can use CTRL to both skip text and speed up the game, which makes things far faster. The shift key also slows the game down, for slow motion cumshots or whatever.

Regarding things like changing the character_param.txt found in userdata>sample>etc, that isn't actually the data that the default game uses. So it will only load if you start a new game and select it. But to do that you need to complete the game once first. Should have made that more clear when I first mentioned it, sorry. So I'm afraid trying to edit the characters to make the game easier to complete, won't work.

To anyone else that is messing around with custom user data for fun, I'd recomend creating a copy of the "sample" folder inside the userdata folder, and working on that. That way you always have an original reference to compare to any tweaks made.
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Re: Succubus Nests

Well I see , too bad
Now I'm Round 10 using Your previous save
Still can't beat it , lol

Guess I just have to wait for 100% save data
If not , well whatever....

Re: Succubus Nests

The save in Post 137 back on page 10 worked for me.

Exe still isn't working despite recompiling with the default code, I'm suspecting at the moment it may be an issue with calling the proper resources. The Resource.rc errors whenever I try to open it in Visual Studio. I can open the scene recollection screen, but the animation test screen crashes out as well as the load game screen. The new game screen will show the screen with the various save files but with no text on any them and clicking on any box will crash it. Maybe there are still code library issues. Le sigh.

Also the exe is like 1MB larger than the default exe, might be due to using the updated boost and DxLib versions though. I might try reverting to the versions it was originally made with if nothing else works.

Edit: Just saw you comment Unknown Squid, I'm using Google, Bing, then the three I have on Translation Aggregator (ATLAS, FreeTranslation, and Honyaku). Then I try to see it in context of the event and make sure it makes decent sense.
Not sure how much translating I'm going to be doing here in the short term. I have papers I should be writing and need to somehow get the program to run properly. I'll be glad when I get all this environment stuff sorted, the rest is cake by comparison.
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Re: Succubus Nests

Few things:

Character param changes only get applied at the beginning of a round - which the game goes into the files to pick out the numbers to do math on.

The skills - value/cost/dmg all get updated as soon as you reload the save file. (make sure it's the right save file - the correct scenario.

If you want to change the "original" campaign's parameters (the original author's version), then go into the source directory and find the userdata directory. Do your changes in there.
Re: Succubus Nests


Damn I missed that post
I'm checking every page though
Finaly the gallery is unlock

Re: Succubus Nests

I've just spent a moment machine translating most of the map areas names and descriptions. One recurring part that has confused me a little, is something that is getting translated as "IMMA".

"A small population of Imma"

One of the translators I'm using however, interprets it as "give in to an urge to excess ". It seems to be referring to the demons, or monsters. Just thought I'd note that, since I expect it will likely come up several times during the event text. I've also noticed that commas seem to cut off any text after them, probably working like comment indicators in code. And for area names, anything longer than Miasma Swamp messes up the title text for the map areas. So 12 characters seems to be our limit for that unless you're able to fix it TNT90.

So in the mean time, I've substituted...
Echidna Jungle -> Deep Jungle
Secret Corridor -> Secret Path
Forgotten castle -> Old Castle

These are the area description texts I came to so far, with the help of google translate and others. Going to do the others now.

explanation=Explore the woods near the village.¥Risk will be low due to being close to¥the barrier.¥

name=Secret Path
explanation=A cleverly hidden passage to the old ¥castle. A shortcut compared to braveing¥the jungle. But is it a safe route?¥

name=Deep Jungle
explanation=Explore the teeming Echidna Jungle.¥The exceptionally deep forest will ¥hamper and prolong the search.¥

name=Forgotten castle
explanation=Confront the enemy in battle at the old¥castle. There is no retreat once battle¥begins so we must be well prepared.¥
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Re: Succubus Nests

I've just spent a moment machine translating most of the map areas names and descriptions. One recurring part that has confused me a little, is something that is getting translated as "IMMA".

"A small population of Imma"

One of the translators I'm using however, interprets it as "give in to an urge to excess ". It seems to be referring to the demons, or monsters. Just thought I'd note that, since I expect it will likely come up several times during the event text. I've also noticed that commas seem to cut off any text after them, probably working like comment indicators in code. And for area names, anything longer than Miasma Swamp messes up the title text for the map areas. So 12 characters seems to be our limit for that unless you're able to fix it TNT90.

So in the mean time, I've substituted...
Echidna Jungle -> Deep Jungle
Secret Corridor -> Secret Path
Forgotten castle -> Old Castle

These are the area description texts I came to so far, with the help of google translate and others. Going to do the others now.

Inma are more or less 'lust/lewd demon' :v which usually refers to succubus but there's also a few other in that genre (tentacle for one)
Re: Succubus Nests

I've generally been putting in demon whenever Imma appears, seemed logical enough based on context. Didn't realize it was a special category of demon though.

Yeah regular commas separate text, need to use the special japanese version of the comma in the japanese text if you want a comma.

Those translations look good. Just one nitpick, for the Secret Path you have braveing instead of braving.

You mentioned some sort of shared drive I think? What's a good way to go about that?
Re: Succubus Nests

I was thinking that Google Drive might work to set up a simple shared workspace. I just uploaded the files (from what I currently have) and it looks like it should probably work nicely enough so far.

Noted on the Japanese commas, and oh yeah, so I did. Fixed the typo.

I'll pm you the link to the google drive. If I've done it correctly then it should currently be set with permission for anyone to edit (so be careful where you put the link). Alternatively, if you're okay to send me your email, I can add you that way as a proper editor for the drive. That would also allow me to set it to view only mode for the public, and we could share the link to it.

From the sounds of it you've translated some other parts too by now? Most of the files in the drive are still as they were when you last uploaded, so feel free to edit or just replace those that apply.

I'll pm the link now. Hope the drive works as intended.
Re: Succubus Nests

Is that Imma from stage that there are Blue and Red guy?
I think in Mageroid , that is also called Imma
Re: Succubus Nests

I have an exe and it actually works!
A change I made is also clearly present (admittedly it's just translating the 'Overwrite?' popup window).
Now the proper translation can begin.
Re: Succubus Nests

I have an exe and it actually works!
A change I made is also clearly present (admittedly it's just translating the 'Overwrite?' popup window).
Now the proper translation can begin.

Our pray with You:D
Re: Succubus Nests

Nice. :D

I just tried testing it out myself, but wasn't sure where to put the exe and the other two files, so couldn't get it to work. Does this mean you've been able to adjust the character limits in any places, or is this just a working step in that direction?
Re: Succubus Nests

The character limits and font sizes and anything else in the code I can work with.
Did just find a pretty large issue though. I can get to the map and character select. But I had not yet actually run a dungeon. Crashes when I try. :(
So I either messed something up or my exe is still not compiling right.
Time to test on the original code and see which of those cases it is.

Edit: Well it's not my modifications that is the issue (code or userdata). The issue yet remains in the compilation of the exe it would seem. Well shit.
Edit2: Uploaded the exe and code to the drive if you wanted to look over it.
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