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Lurker Does an Art Thing


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Soya. I has scanner access actually, so I'll probably be trying to flex out my art muscles again after... a few years, to be blunt.

To start off, here's some random conceptualization I was doing for a custom Warframe (concept name: Drider) over in the Warframe threads. I know I linked it over at my archive thread, but considering I'm planning to post more arts, I figured a new thread was required just for my drawfaggotry ','

A bodyshot that in retrospect didn't really fit the 'organic' feel of the Warframe world. I'll probably be redrawing the concept of this soonish.

More detail relating to Drider's primary helm. Kinda happy with the design, as it doesn't match the look of the other helms in the game and also attempts to allude to the aracnic theme of the frame in question without being overly complex or with a bunch of bells and whistles. (I'm looking at YOU, Frost Prime.)

Drider's alternate helm, Lloth. The only details not featured on this design is between the various parts of her headdress protrusions back there, there's energy lines that connect them together. FEAR THINE BLOOM SETTINGS AND DISPAIR. I didn't feel like driving myself crazy when doodling the concepts, thus the posting of them not filled in.
Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

More arts!

This is a really old one. When I was working on a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, I developed this concept for an 'Anti-Kairi', which while admittedly was PG-Nude, I actually like the design of quite a bit.

Mithral the dragonkin, a character that some of you might recognize in Dark Gate, among a few other of my derpings around. A kind soul and water mage, it's not uncommon for Mithral to try and not help others, no matter the cost.

Blast from the past, Trixie from Super Boarding School! Or more specifically, Trixie when she's all freaked out and is in bioweapon mode. Not something that really showed up, but considering everyone else had weebooru fightan magics, being a bioweapon didn't seem too odd.

Kiriana, a viera that isn't all 'save the forest' mentality. Upon reaching those prime rebellious teen years, Kiri bucked the trend and went off the deep end, getting heavily invested in necromancy and lust magics, as well as all sorts of other assorted magic arts. Though her subject matter tends to be a bit on the dark side, she's still kind enough, and often winds up blundering into over her share of trouble.
Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

I like the Anti-Kairi. She also reminds me of when I read that one Silent hill x-over with kindom hearts, which inspired me to come up with redesigns for Neoshadow and Dusk. Anyways, looks good.

I hate my scanner.
I love it, but also hate it.
Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

More art relating to Warframe concepts again, doubt this trend will slow down until I at least get the Aegis dealt with on paper.


A color test for Drider, now she's a bit more finalized in design via the work of someone else.

Was trying to aim for a more dull-colored look, something that could easily blend in, very similar to a standard brown spider. Naturally, the alternate helmets are much more flashy, and thus have more color to them.

Before you ask, the odd writing below is 'Drider' written in the Grineer dialect. Thought it would be a fun exercise, though maybe next time a ruler would be wise.

And now, weapon concepts for the megathread of ideas relating to the Space Pirate faction idea!


First a pairsome, Blitz and Vesuvius.

Blitz is essentially a weaponized Tesla gun, acting as a improvised lightning-based weapon. Able to fire chain lightning bolts when charged, this weapon works great in groups, and when taking on the Corpus. It's major limitations however include a relatively short range of effectiveness, and it's unpredictability of it's shot bouncing.

Vesuvius, meanwhile, is a weapon that, for lack of a better term, acts as a thermite-throwing device, a mix of Melta Gun and flamethrower that easily eats away Grineer and other enemies. I'm still toying on whether this weapon will operate like the Ignus or more like the 40k Meltagun and fire a short burst of flamey death or not though.


Then we have three heavy weapon concepts, the Privateer, Depthcharge, and Fusillade

The Privateer usually must be mounted for normal pirates to wield, though specific heavy pirates (and occasionally the skiffs, as I also doodled nearby) are able to carry these devastating, tri-barrel rotary guns. With huge ammo capacity, terrible accuracy, and a fire rate that even the Soma would cry for, this weapon will chew apart creatures to swiss cheese before you can say 'It's the Grineer.'

Whereas the Privateer works on the concept of 'More Dakka,' the Fusillade works on the concept of 'get them the first time.' Essentially firing a light anti-destroyer round from this ragtag device, the Fusillade has insane puncture capabilities and a hearty amount of damage to match, but is quite slow on the reload, requiring every shot to count in the end.

Finally, you have the Depthcharge, a basic concept for a guided Rocket Launcher in the game. Players can direct the missile via aiming, as you would expect, but if 'snap-fired', or if the player leaves aim mode, it will swap to going strait ahead like an arrow. This mix of guided and dumbfire however comes with the cost of having a slightly weaker payload (and scarcer ammo) then the more common Ogris.
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Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

Pretty sad when it's the site that caters to fuzzy art that's the fastest. Seriously DA, what the fuzz was up with ye today?

But anyway. Here, has tasteful dragonkin backside in some water

Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

A new art dump has arrived!

- One of my random ideas manifested into art form, Hera here is from my random Paranormal Inc. story idea.

- Another Paranormal Inc. character, this time a biochanged nagagirl. Fishgirl tits for everyone!

- There is a severe deficiency of Meru art in the vicinity of everywhere. I AM NOT AMUSED.

- Now we get to some Legend of Dragoon: The Next Generation things. In this case, we have Hatchel's replacement...

- ...and a entirely new dragoon spirit to a yet-to-be shown off character.
Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

Another installment! Who had thunk it?

So, first off, we has another random Warframe creature idea thanks to the sudden enemy contest they got going on over there.

Meet the Cyst, a small parasite form of infested who naturally inhabits the backside of a small, trilobite creature. These beasties naturally feed off of chemical runoff and other nasty debris, the Cyst however siphons off the lion's share of the chemicals after invading it's host. Once it gets enough, it forces it's charge at the nearest non-Infested enemy, swelling it's sacks of dangerous mixtures to almost three times it's natural size before exploding with the force of a heavily-modified rocket launcher.


Second, another familiar face! Say hello to Six herself! A random Dark Gate creation, Six is a experiment in what happens if someone takes a Shadow Demon artifact and forces a human to get transformed by it.

Six is... broken, to be nice. Unable to properly remember herself pre-transformation, she fights hard to resist her beastial instincts, though it's not uncommon it seems before the creature gets stuck into yet another sexual or hostile situation. Six especially is uncomfortable with any form of niceness, thanks to the mistreatment of her creator, and even if she does lose out to instincts, she's probably gonna be a little rough.

Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

Aw what the hell, been a bit since I posted here, I'll bump this up a bit.


First up, the second group of entries I did for that mentioned Warframe enemy character. This is actually off a pile of concepts, I just went with the basic unit of the A.E.G.I.S. project. Meet the AEGIS Suppressor!

Name Suggestion: A.E.G.I.S. Suppressor
Behavior: Part of the secretive A.E.G.I.S. Project, the A.E.G.I.S. Suppressor is a combination of an advanced AI proxie exoskeleton and a highly-trained crewman, offering a highly specialized combat unit, all powered with the mysterious artifacts known as Orokin Catalysts. Suppressors are the default variant of this new combat unit, equipped with a quartet of Deras and designed for new A.E.G.I.S. pilots to familiarize themselves with the light chassis.
Attacks: Naturally, the Suppressor is able to let out dangerous amounts of firepower with it's standard loadout, as deceptively weak as a standard Dera is. However, the Suppressor is able to also preform the likes of wallruns and walljumps to allow it increased maneuvering over it's Tenno adversaries. When it jumps, landings tend to cause powerful shockwaves, similar to the Shockwave Moa, and it's not uncommon for a pilot to leap on purpose. Finally, should a pilot become incapacitated or trigger it on purpose, disengaged limbs can act as automated turrets, allowing for the Suppressor to become a multi-limbed stationary turret should the Suppressor get surrounded.
Environment restrictions: Elite, rare-spawning enemy. Wallrun maneuvers encourage larger tilesets. Boss-style taunts optional?


And then, there's my recent shenanigans in plotting a Starbound mod, at least before my mental cognitive taking a nosedive for some reason. (Fuck the Grim Reaper with the backside of his scythe, clearly...)

Still, the few images and stuff related there can be found in the related thread for the Poididae, a space pirate mantis race!

Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

You make some great alien and futuristic stuff. Anything recent?
Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

I like your designs lurker. keep practicing and making art.
Re: Lurker Does an Art Thing

With such skills, you could try to make your own game. Good work.