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Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Name: Ariel Raecus
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Swords (Dual wields a katana and wakizashi, the former in her right hand and the latter in her left, both have sheaths and handles of the purest white and the blades are milky white as well.)

Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): (Can shapeshift a dick at will, 11 inches thick and long)

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Ariel is a kind young angel girl that always tries to see the good in everybody she meets, even her enemies. She decided to leave her home high in the heavens to come down to the world and try to help the people down there in whatever ways she could. She was born a futanari, but later on in life she managed to learn how she could shapeshift her body so as to keep it from just hanging out constantly and looking all lewd, since she was quite well endowed and all with an 11 inch long and an inch and a half penis. Though if somebody tapped a pressure point right above her clitoris it would force her penis to erupt back out from the shapeshifting, effectively ending the temporary transformation she used to keep some people form knowing about her. Ariel can be a bit stubborn when it comes right down to it though and doesn't like losing, no matter the situation.

She is a virgin though, and has virtually no experience in sexual matters, mainly seeing herself being a futanari as being a bit of a downer, but she keeps on going regardless, feeling that she couldn't just give up or anything, which was the main reason why she learned to be able to hide her quite large penis, so that people didn't make fun of her or anything for it.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): You know my preferences really about no scat or guro, I'm a bit loosened up nowadays on the slavery bit though. Other than that she could be trying to purify some devils and or demons though that are trying to corrupt her into their sex slaves or something. I don't really have too many ideas at the moment, so I figure that we'll just start her up and see where fate takes her.

. . .

Today Ariel was trying out something that had been going around her home town, a virtual reality system named EGG that would simulate fantasy environments, she had already gotten everything done paper work wise and now she was only needing to get the whole thing started, getting comfortable in a egg pod she eventually felt the pod click shut around her, the system bathing her in complete darkness as it brought up some options for her.

[Enemy settings]
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mind Control/Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Vore: (Softcore, IE being swallowed into tentacle stomachs or not being digested) Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monster Girls: (Succubi, Slime girls etc.) Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Robotics: (Sex machines, androids etc.) Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
H-Game enemies: (Enemies from H-games like fairy fighting, unholy sanctuary etc.) Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa: (Encounter females with dicks) Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Transformations: (You can grow wings, change species etc.) Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness (Gentleness of loss rapes): Y/N (If Y, 1-5)

[Starting Location]
The Daemonic Citadel (Lots of demon based enemies and monsters)
Blackrock Isles (Varies depending on sub-location chosen, can include lots of corrupted enemies and mamono and less frequent monsters)
The Lost Kingdom (Heavy amount of monsters, less frequent monster girls, most varied of all locations)
The Midnight Mansion (Lots of undead and darkness based enemies, balance of monsters and monster girls)
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

When Ariel had gotten to the EGG corporation to try the new virtual reality simulator machine she'd heard about, she followed their instructions and was soon inside of the machine, ready to go after filling out some paperwork and whatnot. Once inside of the EGG pod, Ariel got comfortable in the seat inside, and was soon bathed in darkness as the pod closed around her. When the system started up and everything, she clicked on the options and chose them, then chose her starting location, deciding on the first one that came to mind that went with her character she'd created in that part, which was that of an angel with quite large breasts. Writing out a little backstory for her character and everything, Ariel input all of the data and clicked start to begin her adventure in this thing, hoping to have lots of fun.

Humans: Y 5 (doesn't have to just be humans though, can be elves and or girls and such as well.)
Male/Female: Y 1
Female/Female: Y 5
Mind Control/Corruption: Y 1 to 5, make it as high as need be when appropriate, meaning when certain enemies are faced in battle
Vore: (Softcore, IE being swallowed into tentacle stomachs or not being digested) Y 5
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y 5
Birthing: Y 5
Non Consent Sex: Y 1 to 5, make it as high as need be when appropriate, meaning when certain enemies are faced in battle
BDSM: Y 1 to 5, make it as high as need be when appropriate, meaning when certain enemies are faces in battle
Slavery: Y 1 to 5, make it as high as need be when appropriate, meaning when certain enemies are faced in battle
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Monster Girls: (Succubi, Slime girls etc.) Y 5
Robotics: (Sex machines, androids etc.) Y 5
H-Game enemies: (Enemies from H-games like fairy fighting, unholy sanctuary etc.) Y 5
Futa: (Encounter females with dicks) Y 5
Transformations: (You can grow wings, change species etc.) Y, but no changing races completely please or losing her wings since she's already got them, but she can grow stuff like a succubus tail if corrupted some and such. XD
Roughness (Gentleness of loss rapes): Y 1 to 5, make it as high as need be when appropriate, meaning when certain enemies are faced in battle

Starting location: Daemonic Citadel, maybe later on if she manages to clear it out or something then she could go elsewhere. Though I'm assuming that monster girls are high in frequency here also, though not quite as high in frequency as demons and whatnot.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

After the options were selected, Ariel was greeted with a few more options, some gameplay modes it seemed like for her to try out, it seemed like one of the game modes were grayed out, she probably needed to do something to unlock said mode.

[Adventure, start or continue your EGG adventures!]
[Compendium, get a bit more info on enemies fought and relive some of the loss scenes]
[Quick play, start a one off random battle that wont effect your continuity, enemies fought here will be placed in the compendium alongside a special epilogue for losing in this mode]
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the next set of options, Ariel looked them over, noticing the grayed out one which indicated that she would need to probably fight enemies to unlock it any at all if the name of it was any indication. Before she set out on her true adventure, Ariel decided to pick the quick battle first, to let her get the hang of the EGG and all so that she could maybe learn to fight better. She wondered what sorts of opponents she would be facing in it though.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Selecting the quick battle option, Ariel found herself drifting into the blackness of the egg pod, then almost immediately finding herself awake and standing, in the form of her avatar in what looked like a underground cave, she was armed with her weapons of choice and she was staring down what looked like a large fleshy creature with a single eye and a strange constantly opened mouth, it had strange tentacle like appendages and a long tube emanating from its head, constantly dripping a strange dark green liquid.

[Eggplant 4/4 HP +0 / +0]
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ariel watched as the EGG bathed her in darkness again for a few moments as it initialized everything and created the battle scenario for her. She soon found herself in her character's body in a cave of some sort, swords in hand and her skimpy clothing on her body. She looked quite gorgeous she had to say, but then she glanced up and saw her opponent apparently.

"Uh... ick. I certainly hope that thing on top of its head isn't what I think it's for," Ariel muttered under her breath as she took a battle stance. Ariel flapped her wings and flew in at the thing, doing a barrel roll at the last moment to the left and slashing her katana at the thing's side as she went past it.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel gains initiative!]

[Ariel 11 vs Eggplant 17]
[Eggplant 2 vs Ariel 9]
[Ariel 12 vs Eggplant 2]
[Eggplant 15 vs Ariel 2, AP attack]
[Ariel 17 vs Eggplant 20]
[Eggplant 14 vs Ariel 20]
[Final result: Ariel inflicts 1 HP of damage, Eggplant inflicts 1 AP onto Ariel]

[Ariel 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP]
[Eggplant 3/4 HP]

Ariels barrel roll tactic worked, albeit only partially, she managed to avoid a swing from the strange creatures hands but her attempt at a counterattack fell kinda short, however a straight lunging attack managed to leave a gash on the creatures chest area or whatever the hell it is, this seems to have infuriated it as it aimed its strange tube thing on its head and fired off a shot of its sludge at Ariel, some of it landing on her, it left a strange tingly sensation but it came off relatively quickly.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As she barrel rolled to the side, Ariel managed to partially slash at the creature she was facing with her katana and missed, but she then managed to avoid its counterattack against her. After landing she lunged at the thing and stabbed its chest with her blade, leaving a deep gash on the thing's chest, finally getting the hit she'd missed before. Her blow against the thing seemed to have angered it quite a bit Ariel saw and she saw the tube thing on its head launch some sort of sludgy material at her, which landed on her and drenched her in the stuff. It fell away from her quite quickly however, but she felt a strange tingle from it while it was on her body, a tingle that she had never felt before.

Moving to the side, Ariel spun back around and went in at the thing again, though this time she flew up high into the air above the thing so it couldn't fire at her again just yet, then she would speed down at the thing and slash it as she flew by it with whichever sword she could hit it easier with.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel 19-1=18 vs Eggplant 9]
[Eggplant 10 vs Ariel 7-1=6, HP attack]
[Ariel 5-1=4 vs Eggplant 4]
[Eggplant 4 vs Ariel 13-1=12]
[Ariel 16-1=15 vs Eggplant 7]
[Eggplant 17 vs Ariel 13-1=12 ]
[Final result: Ariel inflicts 3 HP damage, winning the fight!]

Ariels acrobatic fighting style seemed to do her wonders as she managed to gracefully land each attack against the strange opponent and avoid counter attack due to deft use of her wings, after a few more blows the strange creature was defeated, slumping over lifelessely with a few drips of sludge coming out of its head tube before ceasing its movements, two prompts were brought up for Ariel post victory.

[Another match? Y/N]
[Eggplant added to compendium]
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Flying up high seemed the way to go for her, as Ariel swooped down several times, slashing at it with her dual blades time and time again, hacking away at the creature before it could counterattack her any at all. It soon slumped over after her last blow, dead from the amount of damage she'd dealt to it amazingly.

After that was over and she was given the prompts for if she wanted another battle or not and telling her about its being uploaded to her compendium, Ariel chose N to move on to something else, where she would then choose adventure mode to start her story now that she had a general idea of how her avatar's body worked and all now.

"Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road. I'm ready for anything... I think. But... what was that tingle I felt I wonder," Ariel said as she chose the adventure mode, unsure of what the tingle she'd felt was about.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Selecting the adventure mode, Ariel once more felt the environment around her fade away into blackness, however this time she had kept her own form as opposed to fading into the darkness with the terrain, after a minute or so the terrain around her was constructed and checked, making sure physics were in effect and that all parameters were working in optimal conditions, after this was all done Ariel found herself on what looked like a rickety wooden bridge, up ahead was what looked like a massive city, constructed of dark materials and the whole city itself just gave off this foreboding aura, funnily enough it also served as contrast to Ariel herself, its dark theme and materials making Ariels angelic stature stand out quite a bit, which would most likely not work in her favor if she found any enemies within.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ariel watched the darkness envelope her once more as she chose the adventure mode now that she had her bearings with her new avatar's body and all. Watching the terrain building around her and everything, she soon found herself standing on an old wooden bridge and ahead of her she saw a enormous city laid out before her. Ariel got a bad feeling about the city as she looked at it, wondering what was inside to give her such a feeling.

"Wow, that place is huge. I wonder what's inside? Is that where I'm supposed to go?" Ariel said as she stood there on the bridge.

Deciding to head for the city to see what was inside, Ariel flapped her wings and flew up into the air, where she glided down towards the place ahead of her, not feeling particularly worried about her angelic nature standing out in this dark place. She figured that if anything was going to attack her then she should be able to handle it surely, or else she wouldn't have been sent to this place. Gliding towards the city, Ariel looked around for any sort of dangers either in the air or on the ground, hoping to avoid them if possible, but preparing to whip her blades out in case she couldn't avoid them. As she flew, Ariel glanced at herself and noticed that the clothing scheme she'd chosen for herself was quite skimpy and did little in the way of covering her body, so she hoped that this place wasn't very cold or else she might be in trouble.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Taking flight was probably one of the best ideas Ariel could have picked, ascending the skies just above the city, she noticed that the buildings were rather strange, they resembled rocky spires more than houses or huts, occasionally she paused and rested on some outcrops, giving her good views into the ground below, some of these outcrops had gargoyle statues on pedestals, while some of the outcrops didnt have these statues at all, only the pedestals, looking down to the streets below Ariel noticed that...there was little to no people in this city, only further enhancing the foreboding building inside her, it was just too quiet....

Ariel eventually needed to take a rest stop due to flying for so long, resting on what looked like a balcony, she hoped that the buildings and spires were just as abandoned as the streets below, a door leading inside the spire the balcony was attached to was wide open, almost invitingly.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As she flew up into the skies, Ariel looked around down at the city, scanning the area around her for any dangers. The buildings she saw were very strange, looking less like buildings and more like pointed rocky tower like structures instead... spires that's what they were called, Ariel idly thought to herself. Flying over the walls of the city and further inside, she kind of fly hopped from building to building, stopping on the outcroppings and grabbing hold of some of the spires sticking up from the tops of the buildings to take a quick rest before flying onwards a bit further.

"I really hope that the gargoyles missing from some of these buildings aren't alive and whatnot and will come and attack me," Ariel said to herself as she noticed some of the gargoyles missing from the buildings as she landed on one of the ones that had none of the stone things.

She glanced down into the streets and saw virtually no people at all below her, which unsettled her quite a bit to say the least... it was just too quiet and abandoned around here. After a while of flying, Ariel's wings were getting quite tired and she had to stop. Spotting a balcony with a open door leading inside of one of the buildings, Ariel stopped at that particular one to take a rest, thinking to look inside while she was at it to see what was inside of one of these strange stone buildings. She couldn't help but feel that this might be a trap, but she felt curiosity overwhelming her mind and figured that she might as well check inside while she was here, who knew maybe she would even find someone that could tell her about this place some.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Checking inside the room that lead out into the balcony, Ariel found that the room was actually quite royal and posh looking, particularly well kept too, however the bed itself was not made like someone had slept in it recently, but apart from that it seemed like that everything else was in order, Ariel saw a door leading further into the spire as well, or she could explore this room for a little while first.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Moving into the room, Ariel saw that it was almost like a royal suite, looking quite pretty inside and very well kept. The bed looked like someone had slept in it recently, as it was unmade, but other than that there was nothing else in the room that looked as if someone had been in here. She noticed the door leading out into the spire like building, but decided against going through it just yet and thought to explore this room a little for now. First though she was going to rest her wings a little bit and her feet, from where she'd been walking so much lately to get here.

"I wonder what else is in here?" Ariel whispered to herself as she sat down on the bed to rest her weary feet and wings some.

After she was rested enough to where she could fly some more if need be, Ariel started roaming around the room, peeking into this and that to see what all was in here exactly, as she was curious about this place. If someone, like the person that had been sleeping in the bed were around, then she would jump behind the bed for cover and crawl under it to hide from them.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel advantage!]

[Tentacle Bed 4/4 HP]

[Ariel 9 vs T. Bed 19]
[T. Bed 7 vs Ariel 2, FP attack]
[Ariel 17 vs T. Bed 3]
[T. Bed 18 vs Ariel 13, AP attack]
[Ariel 4 vs T. Bed 19]
[T. Bed 20 vs Ariel 13, FP attack]
[Final result: T. Bed inflicts 2 FP and 1 AP damage, Ariel inflicts 1 HP damage]

[Ariel 3/5 FP 1/10 AP]
[Tentacle bed 3/4 HP]

Ariel decided to take a quick moment to rest herself further by sitting on the unmade bed, when she did so she felt something underneath the bed move, a bit like a water bed but it visually resembled a regular bed, raising some suspicions, these suspicions were confirmed when a set of tentacles came out from the sides and mattress of the bed, taking Ariel by surprise as she immediately had her arms seized and winded around by the tentacles, trying to pin her to the bed, another tentacle decided to try and tempt and tease the angel by rubbing itself against the crotch area of her clothing to arouse her slightly. Ariel however would not let this happen as she struggled and managed to get a tentacle off one of her arms with enough struggling, but she would need to hurry as more tentacles were coming out of the bed and feeling about in the air trying to find her.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

When Ariel hopped onto the bed to rest for a couple of minutes and to test its softness, when she felt that it was much like a waterbed she immediately regretted getting on it as a set of tentacles shot out of the sides of the thing and coiled around her wrists, pulling them down against the bed to pin her down. When the one tentacle dove down between her legs and began rubbing itself along her nethers, Ariel visibly shuddered as she sat there pinned to the bed, a strange tingling sensation running through her that she'd never felt before.

"N-No, stop it... l-let me go," Ariel cried out into the room at the tentacles

She shook her head to drive the strange feelings away and out of her mind as she began struggling to get free from the tentacles. Ariel managed to free one of her arms after a swift kick to the thing holding it down, where she grabbed for her wakizashi to slash her other arm free, flapping her wings all the while to break free from the thing as fast as she could, because she didn't want to know what those tentacles might do to her if she didn't.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel 20-1=19 vs T. Bed 7]
[T. Bed 8 vs Ariel 6-1=5, FP attack]
[Ariel 7-1=6 vs T. Bed 13]
[T. Bed 15 vs Ariel 10-1=9, AP attack]
[Ariel 8-2=6 vs T. Bed 15]
[T. Bed 8 vs Ariel 1-2=-1, FP attack
[Final result: T. Bed inflicts 2 FP and 1 AP damage, Ariel inflicts 1 HP damage]

[Ariel 1/5 FP, 2/10 AP]

[Tentacle Bed 2/4 HP]

Trying to break away from the bed was easier said than done, struggling with her might and trying to flap her wings to speed up the process, the bindings of the bed were quite tight, barely letting her get her right arm free, however just as she did this more tentacles wound around her wrists, then keeping her hands above her head to make it harder to retrieve her weapons, her wings were seized by many tentacles as well, and the bed started to go to work, a bladed tentacle forming and slowly cutting the single bit of clothing covering her crotch, exposing it to the mass of tentacles around her as they wound around and caressed every inch of her supple body, making the angel blush as she struggled and tried to keep the appendages off of her.
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Try as she might, Ariel's flapping her wings and struggling against her bindings just weren't enough to break free for long if any at all really. Just as she had broken her right arm free of the tentacles holding it down, they coiled back around it again along with a few more, where they pulled both of her arms above her head on the bed, keeping her from reaching her weapons easily again. She had continued flapping her wings in hopes she could get enough strength through them to tear free of the tentacles holding her down, but they soon started coiling around them as well, preventing her from even flapping them any more effectively.

"N-No please... stop this... you don't have to do this. I-If you just let me go I'll leave this room and never come back, I swear," Ariel pleaded with the bed, though she figured that it wasn't about to listen to her pleas for mercy at all.

Ariel watched in horror as another tentacle came out, this one forming a sharp blade on its tip, which went down her body towards her legs. Ariel just knew that it was about to jab it into her stomach and kill her and closed her eyes tight in preparation for it. However she let out a soft gasp as it cut away her panties and half skirt she wore, leaving her angelic virgin folds exposed to the air and to this beast. As the mass of tentacles closed in around her, Ariel couldn't help but blush and let out a soft whimper as she felt the tentacles beginning to caress her entire body, groping her breasts and tickling her tummy, causing her to giggle a little bit against her will. She wriggled and struggled to get free, but at this point she felt it was a futile gesture and it was only halfheartedly done.

"W-What do you want from me?" Ariel whimpered, feeling the first twinges of arousal that she'd ever felt in her life pretty much as it started to dawn on her what this thing was getting at. Feeling another burst of resistance flow through her, Ariel quickly thought that maybe it would let her go if she dropped her shapeshifting and let her penis out, because she'd heard from her mother that monsters didn't like groping men like this and maybe it would mistake her for one and let her go... hopefully it would anyway. Focusing very quickly, Ariel dropped the shapeshifting keeping her member from showing as she wriggled her hips around, gasping slightly as it erupted out of her crotch just above her clitoris. Gods it was aching so badly... it was so hard too and... large. It had never been this big before, Ariel though to herself as she watched on and waited for the tentacles to release her, still kicking her legs and pulling her arms a bit as she did so.