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Tentacle Hive

Re: Tentacle Hive

A, don't we still have 1charge of that poison? Easy win if true, else try to remove the quiver before we're a pincushion.
Re: Tentacle Hive

(B sounds good, we don't know what else she might have under the cloak (knives being a common backup weapon for archers). Our ambush should be twofold, if possible. First, we hit her with the aphrodisiac and retreat, then, once she has succumbed to our poison and her desires, we strike again (that is assuming that our aphrodisiac is neither instantaneous nor takes several minutes to take effect).)

Vote changed, see post below.
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Re: Tentacle Hive

A The disadvantages of archers are rush attacks which is why they usually have a form of protection in front of them. Also I don't think an ambush would work because she was able to almost hit her target from hearing a tiny rustle so she has keen senses.
Re: Tentacle Hive

She's a hunter by the looks of things.

Generally speaking a hunter is expecting something in a tree to run away or freeze in fear.

Birds don't attack predators
Re: Tentacle Hive

A The disadvantages of archers are rush attacks which is why they usually have a form of protection in front of them. Also I don't think an ambush would work because she was able to almost hit her target from hearing a tiny rustle so she has keen senses.

Hmm, you have a point there, she would maybe see through our root-imitation. I'm a bit worried about the effectiveness of our aphrodisiac in a direct attack though, since she is alerted, which reduces the effectiveness of our stuff.
Nevertheless, I change my vote to A.
Re: Tentacle Hive

C. Don't mess with the badass, it never ends well. Just look at Chuck Norris.
Re: Tentacle Hive


A lone girl out in the wilderness, even one that is a hunter, is a great opportunity. You coil yourself into a spring, ready to strike the moment she turns away. She keeps walking in well worn boots, keeping an eye and ear to the trees as she stalks. She passes by about 10 feet and you've finally got her back. You launch yourself through the air and extend your needle, intending to give her the remaining dose of your aphrodisiac. She hears the trees rustle behind her and she turns her head in an instant. She sees you flying toward her and her eyes go wide in a mix of shock, fear, and confusion. It only lasts a moment though. She drops her bow and arrow and reaches one hand into her cloak, going for a long dagger you couldn't see before. As you approach, her other hand tries to slap away your thrust. She succeeds, but only partially. You miss making a direct hit, but you do skim her and deliver your payload high on her shoulder. Unfortunately, it's only just under her skin. It'll take effect, but it will take more time since it's not direct into the blood stream.

You fly past after she deflected you and land into a coil on the ground, quickly pointing back towards your prey. She's still quite confused and is holding her weapon out in front of her. During the scuffle, her hood was pulled back and due to her stance now, you can get a good look at her body. She's tall, but fairly thin with only slight curves. No wonder you couldn't instantly recognize her as a woman. The height fit an average man and the cloak obscured her hips, breasts, and her slimness.

It seems a bit of a stand off. Making another strike might be dangerous as she's well prepared for another attack. On the other hand, she seems to be unfamiliar with your kind, so she's unwilling to attack. She might try to run. It's kind of a waiting game now, but time might be of the essence. She's off the path, but still within shouting distance of someone on the road.

Suddenly, she starts to turn, and you start to lunge. She turns back in an instant, keeping her dagger leveled at you. It seems she's trying to understand you as a creature and what your intentions are. You know she doesn't think you're trying to eat her. You're not large enough for that. Her confusion is plain to see, as she spends the next minute or so trying to figure out what's going on. Your aphrodisiac should be taking effect in just another minute or two, but she'll realize what's happening and why and it won't be as effective.

Decision Time!

A. Wait right where you are until your aphrodisiac takes effect. Attack after.

B. Tactical withdrawal. Spring away from her and watch from a distance. Attack after it takes effect.

C. Keep up the attack.

D. Leave entirely and head away back towards the path.

E. Other

Finally, for A-C and E, detail where you'd like to attack and how or what else you'd like to do.
Re: Tentacle Hive

B Changed my vote. Still move to disarm her first. Go to trip and remove whichever weapon she goes for 1st probably the knife.
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Re: Tentacle Hive

B she might think we've ran off
Re: Tentacle Hive

B. wait for her to lower her guard or think were gone then go for the back of the knee or dat achilies tendon. =w=
Re: Tentacle Hive

B. The less information she has, the better; once she's lost in her own thoughts as the sting takes effect, then we strike.
Re: Tentacle Hive


Coinflip goes to disarm first.

There's no point in being out in the open waiting for you sting to take effect. Before she can react, you spring yourself directly upwards and quickly camouflage yourself among the leaves and branches, watching, waiting for her to react. She moves slowly towards her bow, keeping an eye and ear out to the woods, not sure if you've actually fled or are just lying in wait for another attack. Her caution is warranted of course, as you've perched yourself in the middle of two main limbs of a nearby tree, blending in as best you can, ready to spring at any sign of weakness. You watch silently as she collects her bow. Now that you can observe her, you begin to notice more details about her. She has short black hair, almost boyishly short, looking a bit ragged from her hunting. Her eyes are hazel and she has a small scar on her neck, a puncture wound she would had been lucky to survive.

She puts her bow over her head one handed, her other hand still brandishing the dagger, the string holding the staff to her. Then it hits her. The aphrodisiac has finally found its way into her system. You can hear her take larger breaths as her mind fogs a bit and she blushes. She takes a look at her shirt and sees the small hole you left as you struck and the equally small scrape. Some of your aphrodisiac was left outside the tiny cut. She puts her finger on it and sniffs it, an even worse idea as she just gave herself even more of the dose. She brings her hand up to her head and tries to shake away the arousal, but it won't quit.

You see your opening, the hand holding the dagger is limp at her side and her grip seems to have loosened. You strike from the tree with lightning speed, hurtling yourself, aimed at her hand. Due to her current state, her reactions aren't what they used to be and she can't move fast enough to prevent your from striking her weapon hand. You hit dead center of her hand, your needle just pricking her deep enough to get her to release her grip. Immediately, you wrap her up, pinning her arms to her sides, as she falls from the sudden pain and impact. For the first time, she's beginning to panic. She doesn't quite understand what's caused the arousal in her body(this being a side effect of some types of venom and poison), or what you want with her or even what you are. She's going to shout, and you predict it. Just as she opens her mouth to scream, you shoot in deep, causing her to gag on her cry for help. She tries to bite you in half but finds your hide too tough for that. Odd that she only tried once.

No time for that. You start forcing yourself in and out of her mouth, working yourself up to your ejaculation, hoping your cum, though not as well formulated as the feeders, will work in conjunction with your aphrodisiac to placate her enough to do your business. You spew, forcing yourself down her throat a bit to ensure she swallows all of it. She's coughing and sputtering a bit while tears are welling up in her eyes. And then it hits her. Your semen is rapidly doing its work and has boosted the effects of your aphrodisiac. She is still trying to break free from you, but there's no strength in her arms. You undo one of your coils around her to give yourself the length you need. You remove yourself from her mouth before instantly forcing your tail back in to keep her quiet. Good thing you don't have bones, this is quite a bit of gymnastic work here. Now, you're at the task at hand. You slip into her pants and find she's not wearing underwear. Using your needle, you cut out the section you need and expose her pussy to the air. Your tail still in her mouth, you line yourself up. You can sense something, she's got her hymen! It seems you've caught yourself a virgin. It's a good thing you're more or less driven by instinct at this point, or you might feel bad. You enter her slowly, trying to minimize her pain. You break through he entry and then her hymen. Her blood mixes a bit with your natural sliminess and she gives a stifled scream of pain.

You try to keep your pace slow for now, at least until she loosens up, but her tightness spurs you on to pump a bit faster. She makes a pained little noise, but quickly gets used to your new pace. You've got her map now, she likes the top of her walls rubbed so you grind up there as much as you can. After a few minutes of thrusting while she makes the occasional muffled grunt, she starts to lose the edge on her voice. It seems she's starting to like it! Nicest thing about being a hunter, once you're inside them, the tend to get a bit lost in it all. This is your cue. You start thrusting in as fast and as deep as you can. Her eyes go wide, and she starts screaming into your tail at the extremely rapid stimulation. Her walls are beginning to twitch around you, she's starting to convulse in her very first orgasm(maybe, who knows she could masturbate). She cums, laying in the dirt as you plow away at her for another minute until you stiffen and empty yourself into her. She's well and truly full up, her thin frame doesn't have much room for your semen to go. She's a fun fuck, but would make a less than efficient breeder.

She's in a daze, half conscious, half asleep. You figure now is as good a time as any, before anyone else comes by and finds you. You exit her and a large gout of cum pours out of her pussy and onto her cloak. You slither up the nearest tree, newly energized and ready for whatever comes next. You feel like a change is about to happen to you, but you're not sure what. You could probably figure it out back at the hive.

Decision Time!

A. It's been a pretty successful trip, but it's about time to go back and see what's going on at the hive.
B. Back? What's that? Keep going on.


1. Sleep Compound. Similar to your aphrodisiac, it works better when they don't realize you did it.
2. Independent Operation. When you're still a lone tentacle without a mass, you consume energy at a slightly slower rate. When you have a central mass and more than one tentacle, this will allow you to detach a tentacle to operate separately from your main body. It's range is limited though, about 30 feet before you can't maintain remote control.
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Re: Tentacle Hive

B2: once inside the lair, go to fuck some girls.
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Re: Tentacle Hive

B2 sounds good, after all, we do not wish to remain a lowly hunter for some unknown tentacle Lord forever, do we? ;)