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Tentacle Hive

Re: Tentacle Hive

D, We bothered to get support, so let's use it.
Re: Tentacle Hive


Can't risk losing our quarry. "we require additional troops"
Re: Tentacle Hive

D, why are those guys are with us if we are not going to get help from them?
Re: Tentacle Hive

Help comes at a price. A girl can only give so much energy. More tentacles involved less gain and growth for yourself.
Re: Tentacle Hive

B. its only a small woman

Have the other one do the tripping because its bigger
Re: Tentacle Hive


You quickly formulate a plan. Though you've lost contact with your other allies due to the distance, you plan on chasing this girl back to them and letting them ambush her. You take the initiative and drop from the tree on to the ground directly in front of the girl. She shrieks in surprise and takes off in the opposite direction. You give chase, using your superior speed to stay on her heels. She tries to take a hard right down a small break in the trees. The other hunter, who kept himself hidden in the trees, darts an intentionally wide stab right in front of her face to keep her on track.

40 seconds later and you can tell she's beginning to tire from her dead sprint away from you. You just came back into contact with the soldier and feeder who are now rushing to your position. She skids to a stop, turns, and pulls out a dagger from her belt, slashing at you as you nearly crash into her. Using your mobility, you jump to the side and her slash goes wide. The soldier then makes his presence known, delivering an uppercut slap from behind a tree on the side of the path to the pommel of the knife, sending it flying into the foliage. Finally, the feeder blasts the girl with aphrodisiac semen from a hidden location in the woods, some of it landing in her open, panting mouth.

This is your opportunity, you spring at her, aiming for her mouth. Your aim is true, he eyes go wide at the sudden intrusion as you coil around her upper body, pinning her arms to her side. With you filling her mouth, her screams for help are muffled, she's forced to swallow the semen as you rapidly pump yourself in and out. The semen begins to take effect, her eyes glaze over a bit, her face flushes, and you can feel her smallish nipples begin to harden underneath her blouse. Your allies waste no time, the other hunter wraps up her legs, causing her to lose her balance and fall on her rump. It begins slicing up her skirt with it's small blade. The soldier follows up, getting under her skirt and tearing away what remains. The feeder approaches, seeking to replace you in her mouth so he can do his job, feeding her a steady stream of aphrodisiac cum. You oblige, changing your position to face her newly exposed ass. She's still clenching tightly, but fortunately you're not too thick. With some prodding, you enter her, tight warm ass. Your slime provides enough lubrication for you to pump her at a rapid pace. The soldier lines up with her pussy, a bit of moisture gleaming in it, and forces himself in, filling her completely. Due to the steady stream of aphrodisiac, she's steadily loosening up, the muffled screams are turning more and more into muffled moans. The other hunter, feeling a bit left out, makes a gap in her ass and forces himself in as well. You begin to alternate your thrusts, never giving her a break in the pleasure. In and out, you edge her steadily closer and closer to orgasm. You feel yourself tense up as she starts spasming and letting out a long yell of pleasure into the feeder tentacle in her mouth. You, the soldier, and the other hunter release in unison, flooding her bowels and pussy with thick cum.

After a few moments, you extract yourself from her, feeling pleasantly tingly from her energy, but it's still not enough to cause you to grow as it was split 4 ways. She just stays prone, panting, barely conscious, and still lightly bound across her chest and and around her thighs. Tentacle cum drools out of every orifice, collecting into a small puddle on the ground. You can transport her back to the hive without too much struggling due to the stupor the feeder put her into. Even if she returns to her senses, she'll most likely just start trying to masturbate.

Do you...

A. Leave her behind. You and your team aren't big enough to efficiently transport her yet.

B. Begin dragging her back to the hive as part of a successful hunt. This will take time, as you must just drag her along the ground until you get back.

C. Leave the group and try to continue hunting on your own. What they do with her is their business.

NEW Status Page
Fledgling Hunter
Energy: 75/75
Health: 40/40
Experience: 125/250
Size: 6 feet long

I will be adding an upgrade mechanic. For every normal level, you can choose one on top of just generally growing larger. After 5 levels, you can choose 3 upgrades on that level. Also, feel free to come up with ideas, either for upgrades or other ideas for the potential situation. If they gain traction, I'll write it.
Re: Tentacle Hive

A. If feeder did it's job right she'll be easy to get later.
Re: Tentacle Hive

B. For the hive!
Re: Tentacle Hive

I'm going to try to get a bit more dialogue heavy.


"She won't be going anywhere any time soon.". you think to the group.

"I agree. When she comes to, all she'll want is something inside her. I made sure of that.", the feeder states, drawing himself up proudly.

"But we aren't the only creatures in this forest, what if she is found?", the soldier ponders.

"I think it's worth the risk. We would have a hard time carrying her back ourselves.", your fellow hunter points out.

"Very well. We'll leave her for now, but let's at least get her off the road.", the soldier suggests.

You all quickly agree and proceed to drag the girl by her legs and behind the nearest large tree, allowing her to lean comfortably against its trunk.

"Alright! Where to next?", you ask enthusiastically, invigorated by the successful encounter.

"We should probably continue down this road. It served use well before.", the feeder comments, "Besides, it makes it a lot easier to set up an ambush where we see them but they don't see us."

"You two should go up ahead again," the soldier suggests, "but stay in contact"

You and the other hunter agree silently and climb a tree, one on each side of the road. You begin moving, making sure to pause every once in a while so the soldier and feeder can keep up.

An hour passes with no incident when you begin to hear a faint rattling in the distance. Deciding the more prudent action would be to wait rather than risk detection, you hold put and wait to see what you can see. 3 humans are walking down the road. One man of decent height, nearly 6 foot tall, armed with a spear and armored in a mixture of a chain hauberk and hardened leather leggings with a simple leather and metal open faced helmet. He's walking behind two women, shackled together by hand and foot. They are both naked and a little ragged looking, with unkempt hair, the front with black hair tumbling to her shoulder, the back with dirty blonde hair cut in a short pixie style. The blonde is fairly tall, about 5'10'' with a full body, C-cup breasts, and nearly perfect proportions. She would make an excellent breeder. The dark haired one is shorter, but by no means short at 5'5". She is thick in the hips and has a beautifully round ass, but is a bit lacking in breasts, barely even B-cups. It seems like law enforcement escorting a couple prisoners, or more likely a slaver escorting slaves for an auction. The girls don't appear to be broken as they look tense and uncomfortable at their nakedness.

You and the hunter are positioned in the trees on either side. The soldier is a few feet back from the path, staying low and out of sight. The feeder is 10 feet back from the path, trying to keep a firing angle on the party.

Decision time!

A. Strike quickly, you and the other hunter trying to eliminate the threat from the armed man.
1. Aim for lethal strikes
2. Aim for non-lethal strikes, hoping to scare him off.
B. Let the group pass. It's not worth the risk.
C. Allow the soldier to make first contact. You and the hunter will then strike from the trees.
1. Lethal
2. Non-lethal
D. Other. Come up with your own tactical solution. If you choose this option, explain it or say who you are supporting.
Last edited:
Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.
Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

I love ya guy...
Re: Tentacle Hive

^ Pretty much

Have the soldier attack from the front as a distraction then the two hunters attack from the flanks / behind
Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

Re: Tentacle Hive

A mix of A&D.

Chainmail, even if merely a shirt, is notoriously heavy(Think 10kg+ hanging on your shoulders, at the least). If we poke something at his legs, which aren't very protected(You can't protect the joints as well as the rest due to movement), the added weight from his chainmail will effectively pin him to the floor without any real means of movement until the chainmail comes off, which is impossible when being prone on the floor.

Thus: Both hunters dart in(Preferably from behind), each taking a stab at the soldier's lower legs or knees(Back of the knees preferred compared to the front due to muscle vs thick bone), then dart out and wait for the "thud" to commence. Then we stroll in, take the girls and walk away with a job well done.

What happens with that soldier afterwards I genuinely don't care, leave him like that or give him a coup de grace, I agree with either.

This, only with the addition of killing the guy.