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RPG RPG Maker [ 虹コム] サバイバルダンジョン RJ097009

Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Another two screens and nothing about release date.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

There was an update on his blog today. Few new screenshots and some news regarding the H-scenes. It seems like he's brushing them up and revising them still.

Anyway, I'm still eagerly awaiting for this game. I loved this artist's work from when he used to do doujins as "KINOKO allstars." It's a shame he hasn't released anything on that side in a long while. I always liked his full bodied women and somewhat loosely canonical scenarios.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

'. ' So, a blog post saying he's getting an early February release on the game...

Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Joined the forum just to point out that it's nearing release. Here's the blog again, which has updated


Google translate tells me that he has one more bug to kink out. I'm looking forward to this.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Joined the forum just to point out that it's nearing release. Here's the blog again, which has updated


Google translate tells me that he has one more bug to kink out. I'm looking forward to this.

Thanks for the hands up.:)
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

There is a blog update, but no idea what it says.

btw what happened to the "It's nearing release" ><
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

There is a blog update, but no idea what it says.

btw what happened to the "It's nearing release" ><

I think he decided to make some changes and that + bugs appearing = delays.

Anyway, google-fuing the post it's basically thanking the people for posting on his blog and about scenes he's adding into the game as a sort of apology/thanks for the support.

And that he WILL complete it.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

What happened with this game? Cause demo was awesome.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

What happened with this game? Cause demo was awesome.

He's still working on it, don't worry.

I check his blog daily so if something worth mentioning comes up I'll mention it.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Bit of a necro, but he's posted a few updates since May. I suspect it'll be out either this month or next month, but then again, we were hoping this would be out sometime last year.

Google Translating his blog seems to indicate that he's wanting it out soon.

I've tried not to let my hopes get too high, but I loved the GoR scenes in the demo. Here's to hoping it comes out soon.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Considering that this guy hasn't released a work promised in December 2012, I don't think there can be any expectations.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

I was really interested in this one, but it sure seems like vaporware at this point. Pity as the demo was fantastic.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

'. ' So author posts basically saying thanks for people who worried about his health, and that he'll update again on the 15th.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

just play this game for a time being ...
行け!! アイリーン快賊団 ...
quite same with Survival Dungeon (and really "Survival in Dungeon") ...
Everytime you go back at base,
1. your Lv will become 1 again
2. All item will get sold and become money
3. There's food count in this game (reduced for EACH STEP)
4. Shop only available in Dungeon, and so all item too

I hope "RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon" maker get better ...
I really like his game setting ...
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

I'll have to take a pass. There are plenty of other games for me to enjoy, but that other one's art style kinda bores me. I'm waiting on this game because it's art style is cool (and kinda kooky), the boss rape situations turn me on, and the gameplay isn't mindbogglingly bad.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

' 3 ' So the blog is updated....

"The game will be releasedin September"

'x ' Hopefully this will be the final delay...
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

I hope so, too. This is literally the only game I've posted anything to this forum about. I have enjoyed other games, true, but my hype is at possibly untenable levels for this one.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Hopefully this is one of those good delays where he just needs to make the game as good as can be and not one of those bad delays where it's just stalling for time.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Few days left before he misses his deadline again :(
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Few days left before he misses his deadline again :(

His latest update on the blog is "will update next month" (October)

i.e. probably another delay :v