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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The beast could do nothing against what it faced, and was helpless against Seras as she executed it, leaving it dead with it's mane for the taking.


"You go on and head back to your friends. I'm afraid I must be off, as I'm needed else where. Hopefully not to be enslaved again... Hopefully." Star sighed at her chances. "Take care!" she wished Seras well, before opening her wings, and flying off.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

There was little denying it, it was an execution... but an execution of a true demon. With the mane in hand looked like finally, finally! she managed to actually do something. Actually it was her first ever successful quest! The girl couldn't help but feel at tad relieved and even... happy.

Seras listened to Stars refusal with some sadness, but before the angel flew away "Hey Star..." she smiled widely and gave the angel girl a heartful hug "Thank you." she held the angel girl for a brief moment, before letting go "Hope we'll meet again, just er... next time. No cages or demonic Lords 'kay" she laughted playfully and waved her final goodbyes to the angel "Stay safe! See you!"

With a happy sigh Seras turned to the path out of the manor, her eyes still distant, her mind still in disbelief how bright everything's had become. Hopefully the darkest times were now behind her.

At any rate, she needed to plan out what she'll do next! The girl unrolled the map and checked it over once more, what city was she in and how far was she away from her friends...?
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Star smiled back at Seras. "Thank you as well, and yes! That would be nice!" she replied.

Checking the map, Seras wasn't taken that far. A couple days travel and she'd be back in the forest where she was captured. With the wolves. But thankfully, whoever made the map also drew various markers on it. They obviously knew the lay of the immediate land.

So, to get to where she wanted to go (presumably her friends), there were three paths Seras could take, and unfortunately there was an 'area of threat' along each path as marked by the one who owned it.

The first was back the way she came, straight to her friends. That would lead her back to the wolves.

The second was along the highway, where most travel. Though bandits were marked to prey upon people.

And the last was closer to the slaver town. That one was simply marked with question marks. There was apparently no telling what one might be attacked by along that path.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

While they may not seem like much, the wolves were an enemy she'd rather not face again, at least not alone. The slave market seemed far too risky, unlike the simple highway men most slavers were well versed in capturing or otherwise defeating their enemy. Meaning the route she'll take... "The highway..."the girl uttered to herself and checked the route she'd need to take, before rolling the map up and stashing it away for later.

Seras turned to the manor briefly. There had to be a Caravan going that way out of this town. Would save from the troubles and the likely steep price of acquiring personal transport. If anyone knew where she could hitch a ride it had to be the manor... as well as... Well she just had to double check.

The girl would return to the manor, but would actually keep herself from sight unless spotted. With everyone believing the duo slayers were gone, if there was a masquerade going on she could see beneath it now.

Return to the manor and eavesdrop.

When spotted or if there's nothing suspicious:
Find out where she could hitch a ride with a caravan or the like
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

And so Seras eavesdropped. What she heard immediately was the sound of popping, and various cries of glee. Peeking inside, she'd see many maids spilling wine bottle fizz onto the floor and pouring tall shot glasses in celebration. Then the head maid would reveal her ability to apparently sense a presence without using her eyes as she came to the window and opened it up, looking down at her. "No beer or wine for you." she said strictly.

Then she inquired about a caravan. "Only caravans of the suspicious kind move around here. I'm afraid you'll have to either trust a stranger, which would be unwise, or go on your own, which would also be unwise, but more wise than the former option. We've no help to give you." The head maid then held up two fingers sideways at Seras, while her cheeks blushed, apparently tipsy after drinking an entire bottle of something. "Peace." she said, before closing the window.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Hum? And why not?" Seras smirked playfully "I did play a role in making this all possible, no?" she'd snickered "No honestly that's okay, I just wanted to ask about the local caravans...." the girl would quickly explain her situation and request and listen to the answer, before the head maid peaced out.

Looked like she wasn't too welcome around the manor, but nor didn't want to linger there anyway. Gathering the supplies and hopefully a few denarii. Well actually she absolutely required some denarii and would bug the head maid for it again if it wasn't included in her 'goodbye' package.

Stepping out of the manor Seras looked around and took a deep breath, the maid mentioned the caravans around here being 'shady'... but traveling with thieves or smugglers has to have some upsides. Among all of them at the very least being able to fight if bandits raided them.

"It won't hurt to check." with that comment Seras would go to the local caravan center and indeed check what her options were over there.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Checking with the maid the maid quickly gave Seras 20 denarii. "That's enough for a caravan if you don't want to believe me. Count yourself lucky if all they do is molest you." she cautioned Seras.

And then Seras was off, walking along the path where a few people walked here and there, passing her and often giving her prolonged stares. There wasn't exactly a caravan center in the shady part of Badaria, but there was a gathering of caravans, and their owners all seemed to huddle into a bar/Inn to drink and sleep while leaving many guards on duty to protect their goods, which included various men and women in cages. One of the men suddenly jumped at Seras from within his cage. "Get me outta here! I'll fuck you good! I'll be a good boy!!!" he cried desperately, before two guards protecting that particular wagon huddled closer, giving Seras a cautionary glare to keep away or there'd be trouble.

On the inside of the building were all the caravan masters. A well-built man with two axes on his back was sitting at the bar next to another muscular man with a claymore strapped to his back. Both were sharing tall pints and laughing together, though their topics of conversation were often lewd and barbaric.

In the corner of the room a rather beautiful demoness with fair white skin sat with two men who seemed to be her companions. One was a demon with purple skin, and the other with red. Both were fairly thin but quite dexterous in appearance. Their conversation was quiet, unable to hear a sound over the noises of drinks clicking against tables and other, louder patrons.

And then there was that guy. Or thing, depending on one's description. He sat all alone at a table, and rightly so, as no one in the room even sat in tables near him due to his massive size, easily twice as tall as Seras, and many more times as wide. He was a giant in his own right, and had many defining characteristics. A large single horn coming out of his head, various tattoos decorated on his body in red color, and a loose robe that seemed to be in ribbons, either from travel or combat. Unlike others in the room, he didn't seem to care too much to glance at Seras when she arrived, he was only focused on his meal, on a plate large enough to feed five families, and his large 'cup', which was actually the entire keg of ale.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

So happy to finally having things go her way, the thought that she was in Badaria of all places had slipped her mind. The 'Caravan center' was absolutely NOTHING like the one in her old town. From the clear slavery to exceptionally questionable and shady people, showing weakness here would likely end her up exactly like she started...

Somehow her encounters with female demons taught Seras to well.. avoid them. Especially when they have 2 escorts, a trip with that company would likely get her double or triple raped at every pit stop. The two barbaric drunkards were absolutely out of the question... which left.

Seras turned to the great demon everyone seemed to hesitant to even approach. Honestly, among all these shady figures he seemed like the most experienced and er... trustworthy. Atleast as trustworthy as she could expect. Still approaching such a giant was as scary as it gets. What if he really enjoys his alone drinks and smushes her interupting them...

Still the girl soon enough steadied herself and approached the giant, waiting for him lower his keg before she spoke "Excuse me, sir. Are you one of the Caravan masters? I'm heading towards the town of..." Seras double checked the nearest town her route would take her "I was wondering if I could join in with you?" hopefully her polite tone would not be lost on him. But it wasn't likely.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The man had a very overbearing presence. Seras would feel it as she approached the large man. The giant man's eyes were black with red colored iris', like rings of fire in the darkness, and he seemed to always be wearing a constant frown. When he looked at the woman entering his space, Seras would feel very much at his mercy. After asking her questions, the man simply stared at her for a moment, grunting as he took another bite of his large meal. Swallowing the bite he took, he grunted a simple response. "You're an escaped slave." he stated. "And you're a very attractive woman. I'm a caravan master, yes, but I also deal in slaves. I take women like you, I put them in cages, and deliver them to those who would use them. All for a profit. Now, tell me, woman... Why are you so naively walking into a room full of slavers?" he asked, looking behind Seras. If she looked as well, she'd see that everyone in the room was staring at her.

The very next instant, Seras felt herself hit by a spell from the large man. Her vision went black. Unconsciousness set in. It seemed like but a moment later that she was waking up. She found herself on the far outskirts of town, feeling no pain or injury, simply feeling like she just fell asleep. She was laying on a cotton sleeping bag, very plush, and was in front of a small campfire, with the large man on the opposite side of it. "The slave agency doesn't accept slaves that have run away as a policy, so I cannot return you to them. You're a very lucky woman, as well as naive." he grunted, before standing up, his wagon nearby, pulled by two horses, and with an empty cargo of four cages with no one in them, along with a good deal of bondage gear to restrain any slaves he acquires. "You won't survive outside of sanctuary with such carelessness. Hopefully this scared you enough to heed my advice. If you must venture into danger, avoid strangers." he cautioned her, as if talking to a child.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

At the very least the girl made the right choice... sort of. She got out of the particulary dangerous situation without too much trouble, except one annoyed veteran slaver.

"How did you know?" Seras finally came too and listened to the giant make his scold at the unknown girl "That I was captured by slavers before?" the answer was more than likely unpleasant, but if she could avoid being marked as a slave with the knowledge she may some day avoid a lot of trouble.

"I see..." the girl lowered her eyes thoughtfully before continuing "I will be heading down this road aswell, I know I'm bothering and I'm sorry... but surely you know these roads well." she paused "Perhaps you could tell me something about it. I may be careless, but it would be nice to slip by any known dangerous unnoticed." she smiled sheepishly. Honestly, while she treated the giant with apparant respect, Seras didn't feel in too much danger. If the giant wanted to, who knows what he could've done. Instead he got her out safely out of town...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"I saw you being taken out of town in the fat man's wagon, along with an angel he purchased." he revealed. Seras' request to be given information made the large horned man heave a sigh an look back to her. "Information is not free in my business. Neither is protection. Give me intimate company this night and I'll tell you the safest road. Give me the same company every night and you'll get your free ride." he offered her, though looked ready for her to refuse in light of not sleeping with the large man, one foot already prepared to make him turn about and head to his wagon to drive off.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras winced subtly at the request. Typical demons, still this was Badaria... the offer of sex for information or protection, it was more than likely just a common thing around here. Perhaps even one of the simplest ways to repay aid... but she wasn't a demon darn it!

"W-wait..." but it was either this or risk wandering off to some road and into known ambush spots. Seras was not looking to get caught once again. If the demon turned to see what the girl wanted, perhaps in a fairly rare display around these parts the girl had a very evident blush on her face "I-I could use your help." she looked down embarassed at what she had to offer "But, judging by your size. M-maybe I could just... suck you off, pen-netration might be bad for my body." she swirled her hair with one finger, keeping her eyes away and only glancing to him at opportune times, clearly the girl was not from around here, nor did she taste the slave life for long.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"If that turns out to be the case, then you'll need to be extra skilled with your upper half." The large man said, before climbing into his wagon, and fetching something out of a compartment behind him. Suddenly, he threw a blanket that landed on Seras' face provided she didn't catch it with her hands. "Bundle up, it gets a little chilly." he advised her, waiting for her to get aboard.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras kept a blush just thinking at what sort of deal she was getting herself into "Y---" whatever the girl was about to say was swiftly interrupted by a blanket wrapping around her face. The girl removed the blanket and took a deep breath. It's just some sex for protection, stop making a big deal about it! Time to suck... it up... Stupid Badaria!

"Aye!" she'd wrap herself up in the blanket and join the giants caravan. Hopefully for a trip without too much incident!

As the duo traveled Seras would certainly not remain quiet, the more she was around the man the more acclimated she got to him "Would it be rude to ask, what is your name?" she smiled kindly, but tried to avoid too much eye contact focusing more on the road.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"... Would it be rude?" he repeated her question at first. "Most women who trade their bodies for services do not often want to know their temporary companion's name. But I suppose if you wish... You may call me Sen." he replied. Then he was silent again, not to speak unless Seras herself spoke to him again.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

He didn't have to say it like that... even if it was true "Sen. Thank you for getting me out of there." Seras would continue even if she knew he wasn't listening "Things are so different here in Badaria. The moment I entered that place, somehow I felt if I turned and ran out, it would mark me to be hunted." she turned to the demon "Like wolves chasing after a runner, you know?"

"That's why I decided to stay." the man was likely not interested why she chose to approach him of all people, so Seras would not mention it "Perhaps there's something you can tell me about this road or area?" she smiled politely to him, trying to keep the conversation lively... at the possible cost of grim news.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Everyone already saw you when you were for sale." Sen announced to her. "Only a fool would try to capture you after you've already clearly made an escape. Such signs are often clear attempts to trap slavers themselves. Often enough times, slavers sell their fellow slavers. Title really doesn't matter in the business. If anything, so close to that town, slavers would prefer to capture and sell each other, because often enough, they'll be catching a slaver who just made a sell, and thusly has some coin on their person. Effectively, you'll be doubling your money by selling them, and collecting whatever they sold. Some jump the gun though, and capture a slaver as they head to town. Then they just sell the slaver and whoever they captured. Seeing you walking around free after being for sale is something other slavers would take as a sign that you're being used as bait. The fact that you're pretty helps that suspicion, as you'd appear very attractive a sell to a fool who doesn't know any better." Sen grunted, as if finding such careless people to be unworthy.

"To be honest, I was looking to capture whoever you were working with. It was quite disappointing to find out the truth of the matter that you were here alone." he said honestly. "Count yourself lucky in this case. The very same fools I speak of are prolific along these roads. Unlike common bait, you'd have no one coming to save you and capture your captors. I hope you have a home or friends to go to, because I know of no safe place for someone like you." Sen announced.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras listened to the giant demon speak his peace. Crolia was no slice of heaven, but this place... Then again maybe all slaver relations were this cut-throat and backstabbing. Still he was right about one thing, Seras did indeed luck out. Seemed being branded as slave, at least this time oddly enough aided her greatly.

"I see... well once I reach familiar woods I'll be fine." she smiled at the demon casually, neglecting the mention of any friends or company that would wait for her. Looked like slavers were the absolute last people you should trust with such information "So~ any news about the surrounding towns?" well she had a chance to speak with a true veteran of these roads and of the underworld, might as well learn what she could. As well as just chat to pass the time.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Sen glanced at Seras, humming a bit before looking back to the road. "Each little town seems to have their own problem. Corruption seems to be a common theme no matter where you seem to go. I've heard plenty of cases where villagers go missing for inexplicable reasons. I've heard a few of their descriptions, and even seen them, either turned bandit or slave. Seems to go unnoticed though by a lot of people. Seems like even some families give up looking for their kin, as if they know it's hopeless. From the looks of things, you're in the same boat as those people. Guess the only options you have now are to go bandit like the others, or if you're feeling particularly stupid, go for revenge." Sen stated flatly, as if a quest for vengeance will accomplish very little.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Unnoticed victims... be it of slavers or Badarias wilds... the girls eyes wandered down thoughtfully, she beared that title a few times now as well. Perhaps everything that happened to her, may have ended right then and there if it wasn't for a dear friend. She needed to get back to them as soon as possible!

"Well, any particular standouts?" she looked to the demon coldly, his opinion on the matters noted, but not overthought "I've had experience with a few towns that mark you down even upon entry." Seras smiled casually to him "I'd rather not experience that or anything similar again."