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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

@ ILL:

Just my opinion, but i don't care about the fully translated demo right now :D

I just want the full game, i can manage without the english dialogue ;)

It may be an annoying question, but i'll ask anyways:
When do you expect the release of the full game currently?

I'm so looking forward to it, i even would pay the price of a so-called triple a-title ...

Maybe you've already answered that but, the tread is long and gets offtopic a LOT, so:
How many hours of gameplay (one playthrough) will the game offer?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

@ ILL:

Just my opinion, but i don't care about the fully translated demo right now :D

I just want the full game, i can manage without the english dialogue ;)

It may be an annoying question, but i'll ask anyways:
When do you expect the release of the full game currently?

I'm so looking forward to it, i even would pay the price of a so-called triple a-title ...

Maybe you've already answered that but, the tread is long and gets offtopic a LOT, so:
How many hours of gameplay (one playthrough) will the game offer?

Please, let me answer this question: Yes
glad I could help
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

More off-topic in this thread then....

Thanks for your help!
Since you're so eager to answer my questions, i'll ask a few more:

Who will win the soccer world-cup?
Do you know the upcoming lottery-numbers?
Whats the purpose of life?

I expect a similarly detailed answer as before.

By the way, quoting a post only makes sense if it is a few posts back.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In order:

The best team who can afford the best bribes.

A fairly incomprehensible combination of numbers between 0-10

The purpose of life is to be a catalyst of change, existence that is universally constant has no meaning, only existence that is transient, changing, can have meaning in the way humanity has defined the concept.

And as a bonus, a slightly different response to your original question:
It'll be released when it's done, it'll be done when ILL is satisfied with the product, the amount of hours you spend on it can vary between minutes and hundreds of hours, depending on varying degrees of autism and tolerance.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

the word When and ETA are missing from my dictionary...So, I had answered many question. but I cannot answer it I haven't made answer.
also I have no interesting soccer. and hates lottery.
I don't know purpose-o-life thing. maybe it's music.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It'll be released when it's done, it'll be done when ILL is satisfied with the product, the amount of hours you spend on it can vary between minutes and hundreds of hours, depending on varying degrees of autism and tolerance.
At this point it's been well over a year since we created a thread about this game, and who knows how much longer before that development was started... I understand ILL has his own ideas of perfection, but this project seems in risk of becoming such a massive and daunting task that it could cause creative burnout and end up abandoned.

As h-games go, the demo we have that is months old is already head and shoulders above almost anything else on the market in terms of combat and art and customization. It might be best to finish the story and art and gameplay and build more if you still have the energy at that point.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Purpose of life? It's easy. Just think about what keeps you getting off your bed in the morning. The first thing comes into mind must be the something that you wanna achieve. If there a'int any persuadable goal in your unconscious mind, there's no way you're still putting in effort breathing in oxygen.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Booze, the answer to everything is booze. :D Anyway, back on topic, I agree it'd be best to leave the english translation on the back burner until the full game is made. :)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

the word When and ETA are missing from my dictionary...So, I had answered many question. but I cannot answer it I haven't made answer.
also I have no interesting soccer. and hates lottery.
I don't know purpose-o-life thing. maybe it's music.

I at least know one purpose of your life, that is make one of the best eroge ever made :D
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Purpose of life? It's easy. Just think about what keeps you getting off your bed in the morning. The first thing comes into mind must be the something that you wanna achieve. If there a'int any persuadable goal in your unconscious mind, there's no way you're still putting in effort breathing in oxygen.

I get up to check the status of DnP.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Why you all don't understand that he don't owe you anything,afterall is his game.
(same for inui, zurine, ns0, Projectx, mitsuko x and more; Perfection needs time and patience. Things that lacks in manies of their relative threads)
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

basically, for every day the game doesnt come out, you scratch a line on the wall.
They represent the times no fap was made over this game.
and when it finally comes out, in a month you recover the lost time.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Why you all don't understand that he don't owe you anything,afterall is his game.
I don't think ILL owes me anything, but on the other hand I'd actually like to play his game someday too.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

You spelled "week" wrong.

what a fool i have made of myself... but you made a mistake as well, it's written as week"end"

its like a better version of maiden snoweve, given all the potential this game has.

holding the pandora's box must also feel great (the hentai pandora's box)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Whole of dialogue text in previous demo was translated by Monkeyman.
Good work and thanks.
Aw no summer solstice present in the form of a translated demo?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Booze, the answer to everything is booze. :D Anyway, back on topic, I agree it'd be best to leave the english translation on the back burner until the full game is made. :)

Actually, the exact opposite is true. With the system that is being used ILL can pretty much send me a new map as he makes it and I can translate it in parallel with anything he's doing, that way it saves me from having to do the WHOLE game at once, not that I'd mind that either.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Son of a bitch, don't sneak up on people hun! :eek: Anyway monkey, how long does it normally take to translate one map? I know jack shit about how to but I did want to try my hand at it sometime. :confused:
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Good to know that monkeyman is the one translating it. This guy knows what he's doing.

If it's released in english i'll gladly pay for it :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Its reassuring to know Monkeyman is working on this. This means not only will we get a great game when this is done but we'll be able to play it and enjoy it as it was meant to be. I'm looking forward to this more and more now!