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Dead Space Frequency

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Re: Dead Space Frequency

Don't dignify a game to sound like its good, when you know its garbage. On LoK, its a Community of really sad and horrible people that dwell on eating and creating garbage. Cause they can't comprehend themselfs or other things outside their Fanboying LoK Site.

Its garbage, your crap. Cause YOU created it that way. YOU are the creator of YOUR garbage that you want it the way you want it to be. Its garbage, because there isn't any Quality or Quantity in the game. Its plain Easy Peasy created Project, cause you're not passionate about it. Nor have you the experience, and neither even the will to make it better.

You are that garbage that creates garbage, Gorepete. Look yourself in the mirror. I'd love to see your projects better then half-assed and dying, by sitting in the shelfs. You said you didn't listen to what others thought about you or your projects?

Hypocrit. HYPOCRIT! You just proved yourself wrong. Go and drink up your own arrogance. Tada!
Re: Dead Space Frequency

I think that the idea behind gore calling it garbage was because the game is barely in alpha, maybe even less. It's pretty much a barely-formed idea given given a form to test. It wan't meant to be great. It's a test to see what needs improvement.

All that really needs to be changed would be to give WASD the movement. and adjust the enemies speed. And give the enemies stagger or some reaction to being shot if they're gonna stay fast. And to make the aim a bit more forgiving, like instead of damage only happening at the crosshair, the weapon shoot a projectile to the crosshair, hitting whatever it touches. So basically alot things need to be done before it's playable. Probably more because I do remember alot of issues, just can't remember them all right now.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

The most hated game on ULMF it seems.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

I think that the idea behind gore calling it garbage was because the game is barely in alpha, maybe even less. It's pretty much a barely-formed idea given given a form to test. It wan't meant to be great. It's a test to see what needs improvement.

All that really needs to be changed would be to give WASD the movement. and adjust the enemies speed. And give the enemies stagger or some reaction to being shot if they're gonna stay fast. And to make the aim a bit more forgiving, like instead of damage only happening at the crosshair, the weapon shoot a projectile to the crosshair, hitting whatever it touches. So basically alot things need to be done before it's playable. Probably more because I do remember alot of issues, just can't remember them all right now.

Yeah pretty much. Racoons are cute an fuzzy, it wasn't even an insult!

It is just always funny to me to see such horrible reactions that eventually turn into "OMG LOK SUCKS YOU GUYS ARE TERRIBLE" when we didn't even bring these games to these forums. LoK is a self contained environment. It is like that for a reason. It is like that FOR THIS EXACT reason.

If you all want to nerd rage at someone (which you obviously do), you should be nerd raging at your forum members who post this crap here. This game is in the garbage stage of development, it is supposed to be heavily flawed until I figure out what I want to do with a lot of the mechanics!

Such silliness over nothing. Some people take their porn way too seriously!
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Yeah pretty much. Racoons are cute an fuzzy, it wasn't even an insult!

It is just always funny to me to see such horrible reactions that eventually turn into "OMG LOK SUCKS YOU GUYS ARE TERRIBLE" when we didn't even bring these games to these forums. LoK is a self contained environment. It is like that for a reason. It is like that FOR THIS EXACT reason.

If you all want to nerd rage at someone (which you obviously do), you should be nerd raging at your forum members who post this crap here. This game is in the garbage stage of development, it is supposed to be heavily flawed until I figure out what I want to do with a lot of the mechanics!

Such silliness over nothing. Some people take their porn way too seriously!

Please,don't start another argument about a forum.I started one few days ago and the results weren't good.I received negative (And positive) reputation,almost got banned for flaming and lost some friends here.
Anyways if you are saying that your game is "In the garbage state of development" so be it.
You heard him,he confirmed it,and he's still developing the game and synthesizing some mechanics with the game.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Yeah pretty much. Racoons are cute an fuzzy, it wasn't even an insult!

It is just always funny to me to see such horrible reactions that eventually turn into "OMG LOK SUCKS YOU GUYS ARE TERRIBLE" when we didn't even bring these games to these forums. LoK is a self contained environment. It is like that for a reason. It is like that FOR THIS EXACT reason.

If you all want to nerd rage at someone (which you obviously do), you should be nerd raging at your forum members who post this crap here. This game is in the garbage stage of development, it is supposed to be heavily flawed until I figure out what I want to do with a lot of the mechanics!

Such silliness over nothing. Some people take their porn way too seriously!

Bravo! Now watch the trolls appear at the bird feed and make some more garbage.

Still kinda flattering the creator of the game actually came over here, made an account, and necroed this thread.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

LoK does have a bad rep but there have been decent games over the years, even if they aren't finished. I think one of the problems with the forum is that everybody uses the same system and methods that make "animating" extremely easy with the separated body parts and all. It's kind of a gathering of newbies just trying out "animating" for the first time and as you know, very few people stick with something they start trying to do. Most of them just modify and edit existing content from LoK to make animations and such. It doesn't really require any artistic skill, just move body parts around.

I like Hartista's game and the Princess Peach game. Those are the two I check in on because they seem to actually have artistic skill and some game making skill. The rest is...welp. There was a good rpg maker game on there I enjoyed, not sure if it's still being developed.

But just remember that LoK is a forum dedicated to making games, there's going to be a lot more failures than successes. Usually you don't see all the failures because people only post the finished games. If you can't handle that most the games aren't going to be completed, don't go there. It's not that hard.

Now to the game in question. As Gore said and should be obvious to anybody checking out the thread, it's in a very basic form right now. I don't understand the hate for it but trolls will troll. I think he maybe should have fixed the controls if he planned to improve them before posting it though because it does give a bad impression, being a core of the gameplay. So most people trying it out will think that was the intended control scheme for the whole game.
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Re: Dead Space Frequency

Wow. That's such a wonderful community we have here.
Free games aren't enough anymore, if said games aren't to our liking, let's just unleash a shit storm and insult the creator like he owned us anything. Way to go.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Wow. That's such a wonderful community we have here.
Free games aren't enough anymore, if said games aren't to our liking, let's just unleash a shit storm and insult the creator like he owned us anything. Way to go.

Yeah,quit bitching about them.Let's see you develop a freeware hentai game.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

lol i can't read shit.
Btw just to post something ...... loved sakyubasu 1. :D. i feel very confident in this project
as well. Keep up Your work pete
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Re: Dead Space Frequency

lol i can't read shit.
Btw just to post something ...... loved sakyubasu 1. :D. i feel very confident in this project
as well. Keep up Your work pete

Yep,I liked that one too.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

For a game free and create in 48 hours it is playable.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

And yet I don't see how necroing this thread just to throw insults around is helping him or us.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

For a game free and create in 48 hours it is playable.

Not really.

But yeah...not everything made on LoK forums is garbage. Just a good majority. I will give the creator and other LoK patrons some mad props for trying at least. I don't know enough about programing and I'm an awful artist so I couldn't do any better. I will say that it is kinda dumb and inviting criticism and trolling if you release something so awful that it is unplayable. But that's your prerogative.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

Yeah pretty much. Racoons are cute an fuzzy, it wasn't even an insult!

It is just always funny to me to see such horrible reactions that eventually turn into "OMG LOK SUCKS YOU GUYS ARE TERRIBLE" when we didn't even bring these games to these forums. LoK is a self contained environment. It is like that for a reason. It is like that FOR THIS EXACT reason.

If you all want to nerd rage at someone (which you obviously do), you should be nerd raging at your forum members who post this crap here. This game is in the garbage stage of development, it is supposed to be heavily flawed until I figure out what I want to do with a lot of the mechanics!

Such silliness over nothing. Some people take their porn way too seriously!

GP remains as classy as ever. I've gotten a lot of fun out of your games, dude, thanks for all the work you've put into them!
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Re: Dead Space Frequency

I will say that it is kinda dumb and inviting criticism and trolling if you release something so awful that it is unplayable.

He "released" it to the LOK hugbox, bro, which hugbox essentially raised all the same issues about the state of the game, but in a much more rainbow-coloured, lemon-scented and fluff-coated way.

Like I said, I don't think it was in a state worth posting on a forum that mostly deals in literally professional demos and completed games at this point, and like GP
(and historical fact/ reality)
said, GP actually didn't post the game over here.

Y'all can raise your own blood pressure as high as you want over games in early stages of development, but it ain't called for.
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Re: Dead Space Frequency

I feel really bad for GorePete, him and LoK forums really shouldnt have gotten flamed just because they make fan based games (which some are kinda terrible), it's like when I scroll through deviant art and other people judge harshly and say their "art" sucks shit. It's really off putting for an artist or game dev and GorePete isn't even charging for making these games.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

A lesson learned for Pete though.
Re: Dead Space Frequency

There is no point in furthering this conversation. The LoK forums have their own system and have their own right to run that system the way they want it. I don't mind talking about the LoK forums and their projects, but when the topic devolves into pointless "THE GAME SUCK" vs "I DON'T SEE YOU MAKING ANY GAMES", there's nothing left to discuss.

This is pretty similar to Toonpimp and the like. The point of this thread isn't to bash Gorepete or the LoK forums; it's to discuss Dead Space Frequency. Now granted, this thread was necro'd by Gorepete himself, but the subsequent replies were as completely out of hand and unnecessary as that post.

You can complain all you want about the quality of the game, or even complain all you want about the ones complaining, but the only thing all parties are doing is making the entirety of the forums and its membership look incredibly childish.

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