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Off the Air: Rena Vance

Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

The woman's face twisted into a frown, the kind that said she didn't doubt what Rena said was true, but was not fully convinced. She turned back to the other vampires with her tounge clearly pressed to one cheek, like she was thinking of how she deal with this situation, though definitely harshly...

"Is this true Joesph?" She asked the masked man, though was now glaring at the police woman, who had been in the process of taking off some of her attire. Not to strip, no, but because it appeared now that it was mostly a costume she was wearing! The man scowled, but didn't say anything, though it was pretty much all the answer she needed. With an exaggerated sigh she stepped back towards them, pushing off with such force that Rena almost tipped over!

"And here this seemed to be going so well. I suppose the first run always has a few issues though... next time maybe we'll taunt a bit less, as much fun as that was... I know some of you like gags anyway, right?" The disgusting looking man got excited for a moment again before his neighbor elbowed him in the ribs. "I'm afraid this one is ruined though..." She turned back to Rena. "Guess we'll just drain her dry, as a lesson to those wanting a new ghoul not to CHEAT in the future!" Though an expert at maintaining a composure normally, it was clear this was really pissing her off.

"Wait! You can't do that!" All eyes were drawn to the corner where the police woman had now completed her change, and was wearing something much more stylish. She was pointing at the center of the room where the woman had begun to stalk Rena as if she was going to bite. This must have been the last straw, as she whirled around, hissed, and bared her fangs.

"The hell I can. This is MY group, remember!"

"Yeah, and who set it up for you, and makes sure the Camerilla stays off your back."

"You'd get in just as much trouble as us if the word got out!"

"Really? Maybe... maybe not. I claim her as my childe. Don't you dare touch her. I only agreed to even help you get this far because you had good taste. I'm not about to let you go and ruin this dear sweet little thing!"

The dark haired woman looked like she was about to argue more, but one of the crowd stepped forward and addressed her in a confident, smug tone, albeit if one looked closely they could see he wasn't entirely calm. "Let her Susan... She and the Prince are practically joined at the hip, you know." It was clear he meant it as an insult, and the police woman gave him a nasty look, but walked forwards towards Rena. "Susan" got out of the way and walked like a diva who just found out daddy canceled her credit card back into the fold, vanishing out the door just as the blonde started to undo Rena's binds.

"There there, sorry for putting you through this, but I have wondrous things to show you." She started to scoop Rena up, almost bridal style, though the crowd joined in with boos, catcalls, and other inane heckling. She was completely focused on the little DJ though, and had a great, big, toothy smile.

Police Girl's new look
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

As she watched the elegantly dressed woman whirl around on her attackers, Rena found herself nodding in the affirmative. It was all going according to plan! Yeah... who's laughing now assholes? She thought to herself. The dj would have crossed her arms if she could, but instead she just got a kind of smug look on her face, smiling at her success.

A look that drained away completely when she heard the woman's solution to the problem. "Wh-what? No! They're the cheaters not me! How does killing me hurt them at all?!" Rena wriggled at her binds like crazy now, desperately trying to break free. Anything to get out of this freaky hellhole. "Please don't hurt me... I swear I won't tell anyone!! You can even come on my show if you like it so much! If you kill me, there won't be any fucking show!"

When the policewoman spoke up, Rena stopped, going silent like the rest of the room. She kept looking back and forth between them, not knowing what the hell they were talking about but very skeptical and incredulous about what it all meant. Rena really frowned though at the thought of being that woman's childe, whatever that meant. It didn't sound good! She was the reason Rena was in this mess in the first place. How could that possibly be good. The only worse thing would be that sailor moon guy!

"N-no... get away from me! I don't wanna be your little daughter! You're the reason I'm in this mess in the first place you bitch! You said you'd protect me, and then you let that batman schmuck use C-Form on me! Who does that? No... d-don't touch me!" Rena struggled as much as she could, trying to break free when the woman undid her binds, flailing, kicking, and trying to push herself away from this crazy bitch!
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

The woman growled a bit, though not exactly at Rena. More like she realized most of what Rena said was true, though she didn't acknowledge that directly either.

"Susan, I'm going to use your room. Find some place else for the day if we take long!" She kicked open a side door, into a hallway. Only a loud hiss-like sound answered her call. For a warehouse, the place actually had very little in terms of storage, and back in the hallways in the rear, it was actually decorated for like someone spent a lot of time "living" here. Rena was carried down to a bend, then around the corner, then down a few more doors before the vampire used her foot once more to enter a room.

This was a dark bedroom. No windows, but a four poster bed draped in red-brown covers. It got a little easier to see as Rena was tossed onto it, a bit forcefully but not too rough, and her captor turned a switch on the wall that illuminated the place with wall lights designed to look like gaudy candle holders.

"Yeah... it's pretty tacky, but Susan is new to town. It's the best place we have right now. Later I can bring you back to your new place, which I know you're just going to love. I decorated it myself, but it's fresh enough that your touch will be easy to add..." The woman jumped on the bed too, on all fours above Rena, smiling while her fangs showed. "I'm sorry this has to be so traumatic deary, but trust me, you'll love it soon enough. If only it could be under better circumstances."

She leaned down, brushing Rena's hair softly and looking deep into her eyes. The DJ could now see how un-earthly this woman was, her skin tone, her eyes... all slightly "wrong". Before Rena could even think about leaping up, though, she was set upon by the fangs. The puncture felt sharp at first, but then a wave of bliss flooded over Rena's small form. She was being cradled and rubbed as she was drained dry of her precious blood, but for some reason her mind could not will itself to overly care. Blackness started to set in, the last thing Rena saw was the vampire pricking her wrist and bringing it to nuzzle on her lips. Her strength was gone, so the woman rubbed the back of Rena's head to help her lick some up before the darkness fully claimed her.


Rena's eyes shot open, her head buzzing with a bit of dizzyness. The first thing she realizes was she was in the same bed, covered up by the blankets, obviously something someone else had done for her. The room was even more dimly lit than before, so that the only thing she could see clearly was a table in the middle of the room, between where the bed and door would be. She couldn't even make out the edges of the room, which seemed to be an intentional touch of whoever had re-arranged things. On the table were roughly ten wine glasses, all full with some thick red liquid. She was supposed to notice this, and some strange compulsion on the back of Rena's mind was all but screaming at her to bolt forth and down the contents as fast as she could... and if she didn't... she didn't know what would happen, she just had to!
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

"No, let me go! Help! Help!" Rena cried out, screaming desperately for someone, anyone to save her. She kept struggling the whole way down the halls, pushing, wriggling, and clawing at the vampire, but it was no use. Even Rena started to realize there was nothing she could do eventually, but she wasn't going to give in to this police bitch, not even if she had to struggle to the end!

By the time she was flung onto the mattress, Rena was panting heavily, sweat glistening on her forehead and dripping on her arms. Rena couldn't understand how this woman could attack her, kidnap, and try to rape her, then just be so casual about it. The brunette looked around at the lighting in bewilderment, and that was distraction enough to get pounced before she could try to run again.

"Bullshit! You're not sorry for anything. If you were, you wouldn't be... doing this.. to me. I'm not going anywhere with you! This... this can't be happening! I'm a..."

Rena gasped sharply before she could say anything more. The fangs were already in her neck. The dj's eyes widened, only managing soft squeaks as she felt her whole body going limp beneath her vampire attacker. Rena's fingers squeezed the mattress so hard her knuckles went white. Her body writhed uncontrollably, as if she was being pulled by puppet strings, marching to the beat of pleasure's drum rather than her own mind.

Despite her struggles and screams earlier, Rena couldn't bring herself to care anymore. She couldn't even think. The pleasure was just so overwhelming. Rena felt herself spiraling away, further into a dark cavern. Lights fading. Heart slowing. Vision blurring. Rena suddenly kicked at the air, so sudden was the reaction to the release that she didn't even know was coming. All Rena could see was blonde hair and electric candle holders as the magical vitae trickled down her tongue and into her throat before everything went black and silent. Rena was dead.


Then she wasn't. "Uuuuhhh?" Rena rolled sleepily from under the blankets after her eyes miraculously shot open, alive again. Everything was like a dark blur. Was she dead? Delirious? What was going on? Rena felt like she was in a dream as she walked forward toward the table with the red glasses. Had someone made her a Bloody Mary or something? Rena didn't have time to think before draining the contents of the first glass. The contents were godly, so good that she groaned softly as some of it trickled down the corner of her lips to her chin. She'd never tasted anything like, nothing that made her feel so satisfied just from a simple drink.

Rena put the glass down, wiped the "bloody mary" from her lips and looked at it as she began to pick up another glass. Suddenly, it dawned on her, the events of the night slowly coming back. The warehouse. The struggle. The fangs. Rena's lips were quivering, hands trembling as she stared at the blood on her hands, the blood that she'd just drank like it was nothing. She sniffled and whimpered.

Crash, went the shattering glass on the floor. "N-No..." Rena whispered. "No... no... nononononononono NOOOOO!!!!" Rena screamed in despair. She swung at the remaining glasses, splattering the contents against the walls, turning about in a feral terror. Rena ran straight for the door, crashing right through it if necessary. The dj took off as fast as she could in the hallway, trying to remember the way the police woman carried her earlier in the night. She had to get out of this madhouse!
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

A leg shot out as Rena was bolting through the door, tripping her flat on her face. "Oh dear..." From the shadows Rena's sire emerged, looking down at her. "You're going to need my help for awhile longer. You know what would happen if you ran outside right now? Poof! Gone! Ashed! You were out for quite some time...." She bent down to pick the DJ up and haul her back to the bed, very firmly, but also gently. "Good job breaking those tacky plastic knockoffs though. Teach Susan to display false wealth. You got the strength fast, but will need to learn how to use it."

Once she was done moving Rena she pulled a chair from where she had apparently been sitting in the corner and placed it right in front of the door. "Now, I don't expect you to be in a good mood, but if you want to continue existing I have a few things you're going to need to know. Sadly we don't have time to discuss all the finer points at the moment, but I'm going to need you to calm down before we get anything done." The way she talked made it pretty clear she was not happy to be doing this, at least in this way, either. It was almost a strange form of sadness on her part too, even if Rena was really the one who had just suffered loss here....
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

Rena shrieked, the extended foot taking her by surprise and knocking her face first into the ground. She hissed venomously, her fangs bared when she whirled around on her attacker only to shriek in despair when she saw who it was. Being scooped up by that woman only worsened Rena's mood as she growled and scratched at her until she was put on the bed again, moving to the furthest possible corner to be away from that dreadful woman.

Once she was in the corner, Rena gave up trying to run away for the moment, instead staring up at the woman, her sire, Rena cringed just at the thought of those words. She hugged her knees to her chest, scowling, her eyes filled with hate and betrayal.

"In case you forgot, I asked for your help one time before and yeah... you led me right into a trap that you apparently set up all along with your fugler ninja wannabe friend that chloroformed me and then you tied me up, raped me, and turned me into a freak of nature against my will. So you can take your help and your protection and shove them up your skanky ass. I hate you..."
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

The woman's face turned a bit colder. Apparently it was time for some tough love. "Would you rather have the final death, or do you wish to continue your existence? Perhaps mistakes were made, but this is the only way forward. If you don't like it I can put you out of your misery." She crossed her arms and stood back in the doorway, actually looking slightly angry now. "And believe it or not, I'm going well out of my way to ensure you continue to exist, and whatever you think of the morality of such things, I really don't have to go through this trouble for you if you don't want."

The shouting apparently attracted someone's attention, or maybe he just wandered over naturally, but behind the woman that ugly, but timid thing showed up and stood back a bit meekly, fidgeting until she turned her attention towards him. "Ah... emmm.... pardon my interruption, but the sun will be down in about five more minutes now. Susan.... ummmm.... politely requests you leave as soon as possible." Rena's sire closed her eyes and nodded a bit sadly, waving him off.

"Okay Rena, do you think you are calmed down enough now follow me a short ways? I would really like to do this the easy way, but if you insist on doing it the hard way, I have taken more precautions, ones which you will not like, and which have cost me a good deal in personal favors."
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

"I guess they should give you person of the year then," Rena huffed in reply. The dj's brown eyes were cold as ice just like her sumptuous body, her voice dripping with spears of sarcasm. She poutily wrapped herself in a protective cocoon with her own arms, adding a soft mutter under her breath. "bitch..."

When Rena saw the ugly guy, her eyes actually lit up with hope for a few short moments. "Hey sailor moon boy," she greeted him charmingly like she might have to a regular caller on her radio show only for her eyes to lose their luster again. "Oh what's the point... you probably don't give a shit about me anyway. It's like everyone was in on this."

Rena looked back and forth between the blonde woman and cosplay boy then turned away. When she turned around again, Rena's eyes were dripping with bloody tears, but she followed her sire grudgingly. "Vampires suck..."
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

The Nosferatu opened his mouth to speak, but then looked nervously at the woman. It was clear they were afraid of her, though she actually didn't seem to be paying attention, or care what he said. Still, he didn't say anything then scurried off down the hallway.

Rena's sire led her with a close hand. From high windows she could seem some faint red light from the set sun, but the other two vampires did not seem concerned, so it must be far enough down for their purposes. She was led to a side door, opening into an alleyway. A bright red Ferrari was waiting, a man dressed in some fancy, yet causal black clothes was leaning carefully against the hood, as not to scratch it, yet still appear 'cool'. "Ah, mistress! Your car is ready! I even washed it this afternoon!"

"Thank you David." They exchanged the keys for a wad of what had to be a few hundred dollars. "Have fun tonight, but I want you back at the house by two. Got it?"

"Heh, something important eh?" The elder vampire just looked at Rena with a face that said 'obviously'. "Oh, of course. I'll be there. Best of luck tonight." He walked towards the street proper in cheerful step, giving Rena a brief, friendly smile before heading out for good.

"That was David, my ghoul. I will explain in more detail later, but suffice to say, he is a very helpful servant. If you prove that you can handle it, he can help you out as well." Rena was walked to the passenger side, the door opened and held for her. The interior was very clean, spotless even. It was a model that was plenty spacious for the two occupants it could fit. Especially for someone Rena's size, though it just now hit her that her sire was actually pretty tall for a woman... "Oh, and I suppose I've never actually introduced myself. Alyssa, of Clan Toreador. You might not want to hear about it right now, but clans and bloodlines are very important in our society."

There was a sound of a motorcycle revving up down the block, causing Alyssa's head to cock towards it. She listened for a second, then chuckled when it backfired. Still smiling she looked back to Rena as the DJ seated herself. "Get comfortable, it's a good forty minute drive around town to the mansion." She waited for her to sit down before heading to the drivers side.

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Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

Dejectedly following her sire, Rena found herself watching the fading red colors through the high windows of the creepy vampire house. It unnerved her. There was definitely something deep within her that was unhappy about the idea that she might go out into that Sun... or worse, that it might come in after her. As they kept walking through that hall, Rena found herself positioning the blonde woman between herself and the window. If anything happened, at least that bitch would go down first!

With those thoughts in mind, Rena was pretty reluctant to follow Alyssa out of that door. Eventually, she did follow, tear soaked eyes darting back and forth nervously, dripping with blood and all as she appeared fearful that the Sun might jump out at her any moment. Rena didn't pay much attention to the car or the guy waiting with the keys. He looked like a poser whoever he was. Besides, he just had to be bad news if he was working for this woman, Rena thought to herself, returning his friendly smile with a dirty look.

"I'd rather not," Rena said matter of factly to the idea that she might be interested in that David douche. Rena wasn't interested in having a butler or manslave, or whatever he was. She hadn't even thought of guys that way since the sixth grade when her friend Stacy gave her a kiss on the cheek that changed her life. It'd been all down hill from there though, in terms of Rena's romantic life. Pretty much all Rena wanted was to be away from this soul sucking lady, but it didn't seem like she planned to let her go anytime soon. Looking around, the chances of escape didn't seem too good. Rena didn't even know where the hell she was, and she was still nervous about the Sun, so she just crossed her arms, giving Alyssa the same tear stained dirty look that she gave David.

"I'm Rena of Clan Don't Give a Fuck," the dj said with an eyeroll. Figuring there wasn't anything to do except get in the car, Rena plopped down on the leather seat and sighed, putting on her seat belt. It was an old habit after all. The dj closed her eyes from the world around her. Maybe if she kept her eyes closed long enough, Rena would just fall asleep and then wake up with everything back to normal again. She could only hope.
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

Alyssa put the car in reversed and backed out of the alley, taking them down the mostly empty streets for quite a few blocks before getting on an interstate heading out of town. Due to the lack of traffic, it was easy to tell a motorcycle was shadowing them, though Alyssa seemed either not to notice or not to care. Try as Rena might, traditional sleep did not come.

"It'll be a few minutes. The city is so dirty, having a place outside it is much nicer." Alyssa didn't say much, but kept trying for at least a little bit of small talk. "As you'll quickly come to find, too, we require a degree of secrecy. The woods are good for hiding things, though unfortunately not all of those things are ours..." They were passing a more heavily treed segment now, which Alyssa idly glanced at from time to time.
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

Keeping her eyes closes gave Rena a small measure of comfort, but as hard as she tried, she couldn't get to sleep. Instead, Rena watched the little blobs of orange and pinks float around against the blackness of her eyelids until everything went dark. She shifted uncomfortably on the soft leather seat and turned toward the window to see the whisk of trees flying past. Seeing the trees and signs go by, Rena couldn't help but think of how far away she felt from her old life. Here she was in a car that cost more than her family's house driving away from the only city she'd ever known, the only dream that she'd ever had. What was she now?

Seeing her blood stained cheeks in the rear view mirror, Rena wasn't sure she knew the answer. She wiped her cheeks with her hand, taking a little peek at her fangs in the mirror before closing her lips again. Rena wasn't sure what to do now with her bloody hands, so she decided to wipe them on Alyssa's million dollar seats.

"I still don't get it," Rena blurted out after a few moments of silence. "If you and your groupies loved my show so much, why kill it? You do realize it's canceled now? Kaput? On hiatus? Video killed the radio star? I mean... good luck finding something cool on the radio now."
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

Alyssa's bottom lip quivered when Rena wiped the blood on the seat, though she held back remarkably well, with clearly practiced restraint. Part of the reason she did not react more violently was evident as she eyed Rena up a bit more, seeming to only now notice that she could have cleaned Rena up before leaving. A slight eye roll also suggested that she simply didn't want to deal with it at the moment. They had places to be, after all.

"It wasn't like they were trying to kill it. They were going to have some fun, then wipe your memory and put you someplace to wake up. It was supposed to be the thrill of the hunt, with something *yummy* as the prize." If Alyssa wasn't talking she probably would have just licked her lips at that. "They're young though, all of them. You couldn't possibly know it yet, but those were pretty much the bottom rung of our society. Those with little power yearning to play court for a night. I take great pity on them. Perhaps I'm soft, but I've never really cared for the petty bickering most of our kind indulge in. There's more important things to do." They were getting to some more rural roads now, passing dark trees and the occasional mansion. A nice, quiet, secluded place for the rich and famous. "Your show isn't dead, though. Far from it, if you so desire. Undead if you're feeling humorous. Hell, forget that dump of a college station, we can get you a REAL position if that's really what you want to keep doing. There's so many new options now, though, and you'll be surprised. You can indulge in whatever fantasy comes to mind now, without having to worry about the petty and mundane of the mortal world..."
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

Rena squirmed in her seat as a shiver coursed through her small frame. The way Alyssa described the situation gave her the willies. It was like she wasn't anything more than fresh meat to these snooty vampires.

That made Rena wonder about a lot of things. What happened to people when they became vampires. Were they all like this? Would Rena eventually turn into a pretentious douche or mindless monster... or worse.... both? The radio dj shuddered at the thought.

It was a lot to take in for one night. Too much. Rena giggled to herself nervously, feeling like she was having a midlife crisis. Who would have thought it could happen at age twenty? Then again, she was dead, so that threw a big wrench in common sense. Rena wasn't really sure of much of anything except one thing; she hated Alyssa.

"Yeah, you can try to act like the white knight if you want, but I know it was you. You were the one that led me to that nasty place when you could have taken me anywhere." Rena paused and shivered. "You let everyone do that ...stuff... to me. I bet you would have even joined in the fun if it didn't backfire on you. It was all your fault!"

Rena pouted and balled up her fists before sighing sadly and trying to keep the tears from flowing again.

"Maybe I liked being mundane, ya know. I'm not a rich girl like you. I don't go windsurfing in Nantucket or yachting with my peeps. I don't ride ponies like a princess, and I've never been to a ballroom dance in my life. I don't know what you think you know about me, but if you were looking for a partner, I think you dialed the wrong number."
Re: Off the Air: Rena Vance

"Yeah, well, now you can." Alyssa led with that, but it was clear that even this "soft" vampire had some limits to patience. "Look, I'm not going to argue with you right now about all these things, but a big, massive door has just been opened to you. Yeah, it may not have been the best trip to get here, but where you go from here is up to YOU. You want to go wind surfing, you can have it. You want to stay curled up in a ball in some dark basement, that's fine too, but a damn shame of a waste of potential. What's more, if you've ever wanted to do something that broke the rules, now you can, almost with impunity. It's quite fun, if you're not reckless about it. Your options are limitless, but you need a guide..." Alyssa glanced at the car's clock. They appeared almost to their destination now. Alyssa pressed a button on a typical garage remote that was on the visor as a gate on one of the secluded houses slid open in perfect time for them. The drive wound back and forth a bit, but the house they pulled up to was right there. Very modest for a mansion. Larger than anything Rena had lived in, but probably one of the smallest places on this road. The outside was rather plain, but clearly by design, meant to evoke a homely feel of typical Americana.

"There are two reasons I'm doing this. One, if you go off on your own, there's people far meaner and nastier than I who will likely hunt you down and bring your adventure to a more final conclusion. We wouldn't want that, would we? Two, I have the resources to bring out your full potential, which is likely a deal we will both benefit from. You don't have to like it, but it's just like waiting in line at the DMV if you want your driver's licence. No pain, no gain." The older vampire clicked the door lock, then opened her door, standing by until Rena got out as well.