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Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 11, 2013
Reputation score
* Unity Engine to be used, This means Single Player main game with the ability to have traditional multi-player pvp/pve game maps. Anime and art to be used for special scenes but the engine will be photo realistic. The game will feature DnD style classes/skills Combat will aim to lean this say making it like no pause NWN2.
I have a few interested people that have either contacted me or I them that are interested in this. I still need more people. This is a joint share venture.
The combat and weapon styles will be very much like http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=22146 Dungeons and Prinsoners which is a fantastic game in development!!

This game will start development in late fall/early winter. Unity engine style we will be using can be seen here. Please contact me if you are interested in helping in development.*

Hello, Violated Heroine has been a great and very popular game. The goal here is to create a spiritual successor to Violated heroine, not just a simple GOR game, But to have massive replay value, great story and great gameplay. So it hit me in a dream last night that I would need to take an active part in it's creation if I ever wanted to see this come to fruition. I have written a few books and done some writing/balance/theory crafting/Environment design work with video game development, but I lack skill in engine creation and programing

So the goal is to have this new game have the key features of VH Plus adding a few things. A strong character system, and multiple core gameplay factors. It's primary goal would be to have GOR function as it is in VH, with a world as deep and open as a Fallout/D&D/skyrim.

Primary Goals

Character system.
Character creation is key, So I'm expanding on VH's system and fusing it with a more advanced character system. The level system will be capped at 30 or less, or possibly sub-divided into more levels but much less power per level.

Attributes these are 1-10 soft capped (no going over 10 without epic skills or bonuses) and 10-20 are advanced gains via heroic classes/quests (normal humans could never get past 20)

Agility <Move Speed, Dexterity, Attack speed, Contortion/Flexibility>

Awareness <Perception, Trap Detection, Barter, Skill Point Gain, Sex Skills, Mental Stability>

Charisma <Beauty, Communication, Leadership, Barter, Attraction, Sex Skills>

Endurance <Stamina, Damage Resistance, Hit Points, Hit Point Regen>

Intelligence <Skill Point Gain, Magic Damage, Magic Regen, Leadership, Mental Stability, Trap Detection>

Oddity <Genetic Abnormality, Sex Skills, Skill Point Gain>

Spirit <Hit Points, Hit Point Regen, Magic Regen, Skill Regen, Leadership, Mental Stability>

Strength <Physical damage, Carry weight, Skill Regen>


Because of the direction of an open world all skills should have meaning and have a solid use. The skill point system is similar to D&D, fallout and morrowind style, The more you use of one type of skill the higher the points you can place into them. Meaning you form your character threw play and less threw cookie cutter builds. Your actions impact your character. If you just sit around getting raped and don't hone any skills at all your skill points will just end up getting put into skill dumps.

Unarmed combat
Melee Weapon
Ranged Weapon
Magician weapons
* Skill point dumps* Having no points in these means you are growing your character well.
Lore History


Sex Skills.
These are not permanent skills and like VH can change, they can go up or down based on actions and usage. This system will be as true to VH as I can make it, plus a little refining for a multiplayer or a more structured game. The skills will also have a smaller cap and will be MUCH harder to change. In some special situations there will be 180 turns you can do within the story archs. As in falls and redemption, i.e. the Demons LOVE to turn the purest people. And anyone can choose to change their path, Sometimes this involves hard work, other times there are moments when a complete change is possible.

Purity <Purity cannot be raised at the same time as dirty>
Dirty <Dirty cannot be raised at the same time as purity>

I'd like to make this a little more in-depth.

Permanent status.
These stats are always present but are subject to quick change. the "tired" system has been moved here in the form of exhaustion.


Exhaustion: 1-100% At 100% the character is strongly susceptible to fainting/passing out, it lowers all skills and combat skills and makes it impossible to fight back against rape. Can be lowed by sleeping/eating/drinking.

Mental Status: Determined, on the high positive side to Train-wreck on the extreme negative side. This system has room to really be improved from the original.

Menstruation/Pregnant/infertile: The goal is to have this function much like the current system in VH.

Honor/deviancy: Basically the moral Compass

Intoxication: aka/drunk. This could include drugs or mind control.


Class Arch-types.
An Arch-type is really just a starter path choice and a path for skills. I want to add multi-classing and give the ability to open up genetic history paths.


Class choices would be, (Most are self explanatory, but I'll explain the theory behind some odd ones.)

Fighting Classes
Druid (this class is infused with Animal genetics and are commonly seen with tails and ears of various types.(Furry based class)

Unique Classes
Dancer (Uses visuals as the bard uses music or tales to inspire, Very much rogue based but not a thief like the thief.)
Noble (Built off the character of Serena, this class focuses strongly on leadership and can summon mercenary's, They play strongly into the roles of the land owners.)
Monster Summoner (Summoner class, can use sex skill to tame monsters, then summons them to use them as pets(pet system is a capture based)

Mystic Classes
Sorcerer (Has innate magic and summons fairy's and more innocent pets.(Pet system is familiar based, pet does not change often if ever once you select your pet.)
Arcane Knight (Has beam/energy lash attacks and uses arcane magic to form energy like armor. Doing damage adds a powerful shield to surrounding allies.)
Necro Drinker (wears bones for armor and summons undead/flesh beasts, Can summon multiple pets at a time but they die off quickly. A Necro Drinker is this worlds version of a vampire)


Don't confuse this for a trinity system,

As you can see my goal for character development is pretty deep, But all we are really doing is bringing it up to the level of some of the best and most beloved rpg systems out there. I've already started to calculate the numbers but that is unneeded information for this thread.

Player Housing/Land Ownership

IF the game goes multi-player player owned land would be key. If single-player I'd still like to have it in the game.

Game World and Story.

The game takes place in a fantasy world of many monsters and races, Recently an underworld rift has erupted in the once beautiful Mountain city of Sarrissa. The rift fused a demon city into the mountain and the the mountain now spews fire and lava from it's heights. The demons seduced what remained of the Paladins of Sarrissa, Turned the nobles and created a demon hierarchy cast system, While the upper class seems intent and happy to stay in their new bastion, they send forth waves of lesser demons to attack the world.
The goblins, orcs and oger tribes have joined forces and now hold the sand mountains, they invade the forests bordering the human city's. The dragons of every color have sought fit to enforce their numbers by breeding quickly to ensure their nests remain safe. The lowlands have seen a sudden rise of undead and zombies pushing against the Human Pirate cities of the Sun Coast. Meanwhile in the depths slimes have come forth no longer content to sit in pools of long forgotten dungeons awaiting foolish adventurers to drink from low pools or to hastily open treasure chests where they normally lay in wait.
City's have declared independence and have become defensive after the capital and King Targon sacrificed the boarder city of Tirsha, Stealing their vast amounts of gold and magical artifacts instead of defending them from the coming tide of monsters, leaving their people to become slaves and food. Tirsha is now a hybrid city of monsters and bandits and slave traders who sell their slaves to the various factions.

Dragons are both good and evil, and fight their own faction war beyond the sight of humans. Demons send out raiders from the now named Scarrissa Mountain city as they fight among themselves for dominance and control. The Sun coast has become filled with great war.
Some unseen hand has enabled nearly all monsters to be able to breed with humans and now push all the factions into all out war.

I've already got story arcs, characters, and the world mapped out.

What is needed.
Support from this community, I need to know if people would support this game, and in what form.

Game style, 2d? 3d? What engine? Live combat like VH (I prefer this) or more traditional jrpg turn based? Multi-player? Single player?

Senior staff, I need people that will come along and help with this project. Artists to help create visuals later on in the development.

My original idea was to create a style of mmo possibly using a browser mmo engine. Adding in a small cash hop to fund the server and the next gen version of the game. However that version might be a few years off, there is a massive climb in indie games and this would be a first. So there are many choices to be made and directions to go in. I need people that would be willing to become partners in this project.

A title for the game.

If this idea is popular I will create a blog and start posting story updates to help the world come to life. Please let me know what you think.

Alright so Unity 3d engine is looking like a promising base engine. If anyone has some experience with it let me know your thoughts.
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Mystic Girl
May 18, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

It sounds like you want to do a massive project. The question is, do you have the heart to go all the way through, or will it fall into abandonment halfway or less through as Ive seen so many games much smaller do.


Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Sounds more like a "Took too big of a bite to even chew" scenario..

I've started too many of THOSE kinds of projects to even count..

It won't even get on it's feet.

My advice is you need to ignore your fantastic aspirations and start small..

Sure, it may seem overly-simplistic, and you feel like you can do better,
but starting at the bottom is a lot healthier than just setting life at the
highest difficulty and jumping in blind..


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

This sounds like a massive project that'll need a lot of people working on it while you sit on your ass and occasionally fiddle with some numbers. Are you offering pay, per chance? Because I find it hard to believe that you can get even a fraction of the necessary work done for free.


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 11, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

It sounds like you want to do a massive project. The question is, do you have the heart to go all the way through, or will it fall into abandonment halfway or less through as Ive seen so many games much smaller do.
This is why I am wanting to build a team first. I've been looking at doing a version on RPG Maker with High Fantasy Resource pack 2, But that will require adding some functions and graphics that are not in the game yet. Although pretty doable. But I need someone help with those two functions. The other idea was using fallout 2 engine. It's free*ish* and capable of becoming an mmo, Would require again graphics and coding development but it is a complete game with a massive amount of alteration to the base engine already.

The other options would be some of the browser based engines that are more capable but would be much more expensive to develop but might be better all around. there are a few other options including a nwn2 alteration as it carries with it the ability to become a mmo, of sorts and there is a sizable amount of adult mods for the game already. Lots of options which is where I need to know from the community what their choice is. And then gather the skill for it. As for me I'm not going anywhere, I believe indie gaming is on the rise and I believe looking at the massive number of fans behind the GOR games this could work as a online game. I know from personal experience that wow/rift/tera and like dozens of other mmo's are filled with gor fans that rp all the time. So why not make a game that caters to us?


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 11, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Sounds more like a "Took too big of a bite to even chew" scenario..

I've started too many of THOSE kinds of projects to even count..

It won't even get on it's feet.

My advice is you need to ignore your fantastic aspirations and start small..

Sure, it may seem overly-simplistic, and you feel like you can do better,
but starting at the bottom is a lot healthier than just setting life at the
highest difficulty and jumping in blind..
I get that. I believe we need to start small, I mentioned a few times that the goal is to make this a series that keeps getting bigger with each new gen of engine.

ATM I think the best thing to do would be to start with an older engine and develop a following, Really make a game that feels like VH and make it good but better. VH is old and at the very least it can upgrade to the newest graphics engine on RPG maker, march 5th they released their newest HD pack. Even comes with some VO that can be used.


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 11, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

This sounds like a massive project that'll need a lot of people working on it while you sit on your ass and occasionally fiddle with some numbers. Are you offering pay, per chance? Because I find it hard to believe that you can get even a fraction of the necessary work done for free.
I want to make this very clear. I have no desire to "sit" on my ass. I am also not expecting to get "free" work, everyone needs to get paid and this will be addressed with those that join. But don't get to far ahead. Some of the first things I asked was "Will you play it?" And what type of engine? Those 2 questions can set the difficulty of development.


Nov 22, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Before I go into any length on this topic (it might just be a hoax or a drunk post), what's wrong with the current iteration ?

I fail to find anything related to this question in any of your posts, while it's probably the single most essential one you should be asking yourself before starting to look for people, before even elaborating on the project in your head.

I will try to remain constructive, but honest.

VH is a RPGmaker game, developed in Japanese, and to make things even more hairy, it's a RPM2k game. Yeah, I got that.

Attempting to make a pale 3D copy out of it, or worse yet, a whole MMO, is a bad concept (I said I'd try to remain constructive), for a variety of reasons of which the technical (engine related) ones are only the tip of iceberg, and which has next to no chance to ever see the light.

We've seen fruitful community efforts recently, to get whatever our Japanese friends produce to the English-speaking public with improved reliability and frequence. I'd rather see these efforts being consolidated with any extra energy that you or anyone else is willing to provide than compromising whatever we currently have, or may have in the near future, with at best questionable side-projects.


Apr 26, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

I want to make this very clear. I have no desire to "sit" on my ass.
sure. but we'll never see this kind of project finished anyway. those people have a valid point in believing that. they dont question your motivation, they're just being realistic.
i would say such a project could use up to 5-10 years development or more (considering the game to be as "deep" as fallout/skyrim/dnd and using 3d engine) ... if you want to produce a GOOD game.

but... i personally like all of your suggested ideas.
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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Moved to Under Construction.


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 11, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Before I go into any length on this topic (it might just be a hoax or a drunk post), what's wrong with the current iteration ?

I fail to find anything related to this question in any of your posts, while it's probably the single most essential one you should be asking yourself before starting to look for people, before even elaborating on the project in your head.

I will try to remain constructive, but honest.

VH is a RPGmaker game, developed in Japanese, and to make things even more hairy, it's a RPM2k game. Yeah, I got that.

Attempting to make a pale 3D copy out of it, or worse yet, a whole MMO, is a bad concept (I said I'd try to remain constructive), for a variety of reasons of which the technical (engine related) ones are only the tip of iceberg, and which has next to no chance to ever see the light.

We've seen fruitful community efforts recently, to get whatever our Japanese friends produce to the English-speaking public with improved reliability and frequence. I'd rather see these efforts being consolidated with any extra energy that you or anyone else is willing to provide than compromising whatever we currently have, or may have in the near future, with at best questionable side-projects.
There is nothing wrong with the current version, It's the best gor game I've ever played. Does my writing remind you of a drunk post? Or does my depth of detail scream hoax?

You think of bad mmo's which I don't blame you. I'm not looking to turn it into a grind fest. Most of the examples I used are of very small multiplayer platforms, nwn2 for example can house only 124 per server but you can make cross servers with areas that you hop between.

The goal is to give it a graphical update and a character depth update, This is not something that can be popped out in a few weeks, were talking about a year or so of planning and choosing an engine. I'm looking for people who in 5 years wants to be launching a third generation of VH. That is the main goal here.


Demon Girl
Jan 9, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Come back once you've got a demo.
I sincerely hope you don't plan on doing this alone. Bethesda has a giant team dedicated to making these games, and it still takes 3-5 years for them to develop. That's just for a single player game too. So alone, you can expect to work on it for at least 10 years, if not more. Even with a small team of maybe 3-5 people, it's like to take just as long.
If you plan on doing 3D, then it could take even longer, since you'll have to constantly remake the models to be up to date, instead of looking old. Since honestly, you wouldn't want to work without any sort of demo or build out there. If you do, no one is going to care. Sounds like I'm just being a dick, but I know from experience. No one cares unless there's something tangible, and even then, they're not likely to care all that much.

You really shouldn't announce stuff like this until you've got at least SOMETHING to show. Otherwise, it's hard for anyone to take you seriously. As you've seen.

ombre vengeresse

Demon Girl Master
Dec 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

If you're good with 3D, unity 3D is for you. Here a game make by 1 people : .But if you start in programming C++ and Python (blender), I do not recommend it.
For begin a game gamemaker is good for early. After u need a good designer for the characters and the level design.
For create a MMO u need a server for your game, and a server costs money.
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Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

I like your ideas, and though I share some of the skepticism of our fellow forum-goers, I would prefer to encourage you rather than express doubt.

Game style, 2d? 3d? What engine? Live combat like VH (I prefer this) or more traditional jrpg turn based? Multi-player? Single player?
I would go for 2D (in part because I prefer 2D graphics, but also because 3D tends to be far, far more work for very little gain -- if you want a 3D world you can still use 2D graphics).

Live combat a la VH is a strong preference for me -- I get bored of most turn-based games, after all -- but in the end you should go for what you feel most content making.

Senior staff, I need people that will come along and help with this project. Artists to help create visuals later on in the development.
I'd recommend getting a skeleton game together first to showcase your technical skills -- if your game is fun and well written even with programmer sprites, artists will be much more willing to contribute their time.

My original idea was to create a style of mmo possibly using a browser mmo engine. Adding in a small cash hop to fund the server and the next gen version of the game. However that version might be a few years off, there is a massive climb in indie games and this would be a first. So there are many choices to be made and directions to go in. I need people that would be willing to become partners in this project.
I'd recommend focusing on a single player version first, honestly; you can always rework it into a multiplayer version later if it seems feasible and the game still holds your interest.

A title for the game.
This is something you'll have to figure out for yourself, as game titles tend to be related to the storyline (if they're in the same language as the game -- Japanese games don't count :p).

Hope this helps a little -- you sound like you have great ideas already, but the ideas are unfortunately the easiest part of the gamemaking process. Still, I look forward to hearing more!

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

No idea why people are hating on this. It's an idea on a large scale and sure, he may be way out of his depth, but if he's willing to pay the people who help construct the game, then shit, sounds good to me.

ombre vengeresse

Demon Girl Master
Dec 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Because a lot H game are abandonned...


Demon Girl
Jan 9, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

No idea why people are hating on this. It's an idea on a large scale and sure, he may be way out of his depth, but if he's willing to pay the people who help construct the game, then shit, sounds good to me.
It's not that people are saying these things to be mean.
It's just, this is another person with just a concept. No demo, no team, no previous work, and not even some concept sketches, just an idea. They don't even know if they want it to be 2D or 3D, or even what kind of game it is yet. To top it off, it's way overly ambitious. Not just for an H game, but for a browser based microtransaction game as well.

A lot of people in the H community start projects, then just disappear into nothing.
When I announced my first game, I had a working demo, and had completed the pre-production phase. I did this because I knew that no one would take me seriously unless I had something tangible.
My second game I didn't, and ended up cancelling it, since I wasn't completely sure I was going to make it in the first place.
So, until there's a working build of this game, people are going to be skeptical, and the attitude in the community will be the same.
Game development is a huge risk, if you want to make a quality product like this. There is absolutely no way to know if your game will be liked until it's out there. It's completely up to the developer to make a good game. Having feedback is important, and it should absolutely effect the final product, but wait until there's something to build upon before asking.


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

It's not that people are saying these things to be mean.
It's just, this is another person with just a concept. No demo, no team, no previous work, and not even some concept sketches, just an idea. They don't even know if they want it to be 2D or 3D, or even what kind of game it is yet. To top it off, it's way overly ambitious. Not just for an H game, but for a browser based microtransaction game as well.

A lot of people in the H community start projects, then just disappear into nothing.
When I announced my first game, I had a working demo, and had completed the pre-production phase. I did this because I knew that no one would take me seriously unless I had something tangible.
My second game I didn't, and ended up cancelling it, since I wasn't completely sure I was going to make it in the first place.
So, until there's a working build of this game, people are going to be skeptical, and the attitude in the community will be the same.
Game development is a huge risk, if you want to make a quality product like this. There is absolutely no way to know if your game will be liked until it's out there. It's completely up to the developer to make a good game. Having feedback is important, and it should absolutely effect the final product, but wait until there's something to build upon before asking.
i didnt know you had a game...pm me a link to the thread :)


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 11, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

If you're good with 3D, unity 3D is for you. Here a game make by 1 people : *snip*.But if you start in programming C++ and Python (blender), I do not recommend it.
For begin a game gamemaker is good for early. After u need a good designer for the characters and the level design.
For create a MMO u need a server for your game, and a server costs money.

Yes thank you, I remember hearing about that engine a few months ago, But now it looks awesome, Would need some nude mods some in screen cinematic and fiddle with the class system then boom. Done. TY for the suggestion!

I like your ideas, and though I share some of the skepticism of our fellow forum-goers, I would prefer to encourage you rather than express doubt.

I would go for 2D (in part because I prefer 2D graphics, but also because 3D tends to be far, far more work for very little gain -- if you want a 3D world you can still use 2D graphics).

Live combat a la VH is a strong preference for me -- I get bored of most turn-based games, after all -- but in the end you should go for what you feel most content making.

I'd recommend getting a skeleton game together first to showcase your technical skills -- if your game is fun and well written even with programmer sprites, artists will be much more willing to contribute their time.

I'd recommend focusing on a single player version first, honestly; you can always rework it into a multiplayer version later if it seems feasible and the game still holds your interest.

This is something you'll have to figure out for yourself, as game titles tend to be related to the storyline (if they're in the same language as the game -- Japanese games don't count :p).

Hope this helps a little -- you sound like you have great ideas already, but the ideas are unfortunately the easiest part of the gamemaking process. Still, I look forward to hearing more!
Well like I said I'm not a programer so starting from scratch is not in the options at all, I'm looking for an existing engine that would go the game justice in upgrading it. Like the Suggestion above. I am wrestling with the idea of upgrading the game simply into RPG Maker Fantasy HD #2, Seeing as the next round of upgrades is already in the works.

Everything you've said has confirmed my most popular choices.


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 11, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Concept Development, A Violated Heroine Successor

Moved to Under Construction.
BTW Thanks, and sorry forgot there was a under construction section. I'm on wayyyyy to many forums these days.
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