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The Unexplored Planet


Demon Girl Master
Oct 18, 2012
Reputation score
Setting: A jungle planet on the fringes of known space. You are an intergalactic "Artifact Acquisition Specialist." On your last... acquisition, some people took offense to you acquiring an artifact from a museum. You got away, but in the battle your ship took damage. Without a navigation computer or engines, you drifted through space, sinking into suspended animation with the hope that somebody friendly (or gullible) would pick you up.

You were not that lucky. You were awakened by a proximity alert. Your stasis tank showed 50 years having passed (though obviously, you hadn't aged a day), and your computer was blaring about an unexpected planet. You stood and stretched out sore muscles, looking down at the computer with tired uncertainty. The planet was completely unknown; it had never entered into any database. Scans showed that it was capable of supporting life, and was indeed teeming with it. There was no other recourse; your ship was already trapped by the planet's gravity well. With no other options, you set your ship to come in for an emergency landing.

Starting choices:
1. Who are you?
A. Marian Krell; Human, +2 skill points at level up.
B. Keri Scraw; Draconian, +1 to Combat and Sex, -1 to Charisma and Climbing
C. Reba Kay; Cyborg, +1 to Mechanics and Science, -1 to Sex and Combat
D. Melis Tor; Aquis, +1 to Sex and Science, -1 to Climbing and Combat
E. Kiit Sesh; Felis, +1 to Combat and Climbing, -1 to Science and Mechanics​

2. What are you?
A. Mechanic: +5 skill points in Mechanics, +3 in Science, -3 to Sex, -5 to Combat; Starts with a Wrench(1d4 melee), light armor (+2 AC, adds 2 DC to climbing skill check), and a plasma pistol(1d4 ranged)
B. Warrior: +5 skill points in Combat, +3 in Climbing, -3 to Mechanics, -5 to Science; Starts with a buzzblade(1d6 melee + 10% crit chance), heavy armor(+3 AC, -5 AP per turn), and a plasma rifle(1d6 enhanced range)
C. Hacker: +5 skill points in Science, +3 in Charisma, - 3 to Mechanics, -5 to Combat; Starts with a omnitool(1d3 damage + 5% chance paralysis + 5% chance instant death), ultralight armor (+1 AC), and a NaNswarm(1d5 damage ranged + 5% chance instant death + 20% chance all loot is destroyed)
D. Rouge: +5 skill points in Charisma, +3 to Climbing, -3 to Combat, -5 to Science; Starts with a buzzdagger (1d4 melee + 10% crit chance; silent), ultralight armor(+1 AC), and a laser pistol(1d4 ranged + 10% crit chance; silent)
E. Seductress: +5 skill points in Sex, +3 in Charisma, -3 to Mechanics, -5 to Combat; Starts with neurostick(1d2 melee + 20% chance arousal + 5% chance instant sex victory), seductive dress (0 AC, + 3 to all arousal attempts against humanoid enemies), and neurozapper(1d2 ranged + 20% chance arousal + 5% chance crippling arousal)​

3. Where do you land?
A. Clear field about 10 miles east of largest ruin visible to scanners. (Open terrain is less secure, but you're less likely to be ambushed. You'll also be more tired upon arrival to the ruins. Ship takes less damage.)
B. Splash down in the ocean 5 miles west of largest ruin visible to scanners. (Secure from attack by any land-based enemy. You'll be less tired while exploring the ruins. Might have trouble securing necessary supplies. More damage to ship.)
C. Land in the jungle 2 miles south of the largest ruin visible to scanners. (Not very secure, but you can hide your location easier. Easy access to ruins and supplies, but you're more likely to accidently bring "guests" home. Most damage to ship.)
D. Land on the hill 5 miles north of the largest ruin visible to scanners. (Very open, but enemies attacking your landing site will be tired. Easy to get to ruins, but difficult to make it back- you'll have to leave the ruins earlier if you choose to return to landing site. The hill fills you with a nervous feeling. Supplies are fairly scarce. Some damage to ship.)​

4. Are we playing for keeps?
A. YES! (Any case where HP falls to 0, instant permanent game over. There may be a sex scene in certain cases. Some of them might be unpleasant. Some cases, if PC gains debilitating arousal status or gets securely grappled, instant permanent game over with sex scene. Most sex scenes will not end in game over. Some of the game over scenes might be unpleasant.)
B. No.... (HP falling to 0 is not fatal. PC wakes up at landing site with a percentage of XP and loot gone. Possibility of sex scene between HP hitting 0 and PC waking. If PC is raped, no monsters will drag her away. Far fewer unpleasant sex scenes.)​

Weapons with melee tag can only be used up close and personal (duh). Ranged weapons can be used from up to 20 feet away without losing any to-hit chance. Enhanced ranged weapons have no maximum range. To-hit chance will never drop from range.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Re: The Unexplored Planet


I voted that because most CYOA writers get burnt out a few months down the line
Re: The Unexplored Planet


Why anyone would want a perma-game over is beyond me.
Re: The Unexplored Planet

for B Far fewer unpleasant sex scenes.
Re: The Unexplored Planet


just cause
Re: The Unexplored Planet


Sexy fish folk for a change...well that isn't a mermaid, only makes sense to land in the water.
Re: The Unexplored Planet

A, A, C and definitely B.
Re: The Unexplored Planet

Vote Results:
A (6 votes), D(4 votes), C( 6 votes), B(5 votes)

You are Marian Krell, hailing from planet Earth. You are a skilled rouge, able to open physical locks with ease. This has served you well in your life up to this point.

You direct your ship to land in the jungle; you figure the trees will prevent any off-world pursuers from being able to track your ship. While it seems likely that any pursuer have long since given up on finding you, the possibility still exists. Unfortunately, your plan hits a small snag. Namely, the landing. Your ship crashes through the trees, shearing off hull plates and sending a cascade of sparks from your control console. Your ship hits the ground, bouncing you around the cabin. With a crash and a long screech of tearing metal, your ship grinds to a halt. You lay against the console, dazed (-2 HP, + concussion status). The smell of smoke hits your nostrils, and you glance over to see one of the life support computers on fire. A fines white mist begins spraying from the ceiling, quelling the flames almost instantly. The cloying smell of the fire suppressant makes you gag, driving you to open the airlock and step out of your ship.

The first sensation that hits you is one of noise: it seems every denizen of this jungle is screaming about your ship landing. For miles around, you hear birds screeching, primates howling, and more alien creatures making more alien sounds. The second sensation that hits you is the humidity. The very air feels saturated with water, and you start sweating in the heat almost instantly. You breath deep, then cough as the air catches in your throat. Finally, it's time to do something you were dreading: surveying the damage.
As you turn, you follow the path your ship took with your eyes. You see trees missing their tops, a few smoking or smoldering, and a few completely destroyed closer to your landing. Vines litter the forest floor behind your landing spot; obviously knocked off the trees as your ship came through. You gaze upon your ship, despair filling you. Your ship is wrecked. Most of its hull plates are missing, revealing the baffling and wiring beneath. You see many sparking shorts from severed wires, and you can see from here that most of the kinetic dispersal units have overloaded. One of your engines is missing entirely; it probably fell off after you hit the trees. Most of the damage is not something you can describe or diagnose, not with your measly skill with machines. You sink to the ground, burying your face in your hands. It was weird, but your ship has been your home for most of your life. It had served you well in your endeavors. And now it was ruined. Maybe it was reparable, but it seemed impossible to you.

You reenter your ship. The cloying suppressant has been filtered out of the air. You go over to the main console to run diagnostics. Fortunately, most of your ship's systems run on their own power. The diagnostic computer reports:
Medical systems: damaged, but functional.
Life Support: Completely offline. Requires new computer.
Food preservation: Online, leaking refrigerants.
Radar: Offline. Radar dish is damaged beyond repair; requires replacement.
Main power: Online. Minor radiation leak; no danger to you.
Mapping Computer: Damaged. Maps generated will be inaccurate.
Auto-Repair Systems: Online. Require materials.​

All told, you think it could be worse. While your ship isn't going anywhere, most of your important systems are working. So what next?

What next?
Choose up to 3 and up to 10 DAP.
A. Search the nearby jungle for supplies. (-2 DAP)
B. Salvage what you can from your ship and attempt to jury-rig something useful. (-2 DAP , uses Mechanics Skill)
C. Attempt to repair systems (-5 DAP, uses Mechanics Skill)
D. Rest. (-5 DAP, +2 HP, gain Rested status)
E. Use medical systems. (-2 DAP, diagnose status effects)
F. Go to the ruins. (-2 DAP)
G. Other?​

Marian Krell
8/10 HP
10/10 DAP
0/15 LP
Charisma: 15
Climbing: 13
Combat: 7
Mechanics: 10
Science: 5
Sex: 10​
Status Effects:
Concussion: - 2 to all combat rolls. More likely to be dazed in combat. Lasts for 3 days. Can be treated, but not cured, at medical station.​
10/100 pounds.
Buzzdagger: A dagger with micro servos that allow it to vibrate extremely rapidly. This design is extremely quiet, but can slice through most armor easily. 1d4 melee + 10% crit chance. 2lbs
Ultralight armor: This low profile armor doesn't offer much protection, but it's difficult to tear and keeps your skin intact, plus it's easy to move in. Who can complain? +1 AC. 6lbs
Laser pistol: This weapon has been mostly replaced by the plasma pistol in most military operations. This particular design has a super focused beam so that it can more easily penetrate armor. 1d4 ranged + 10% crit chance. 2lbs​

You currently have enough food stored for 5 days, and enough water stored for 3 days.

Medical systems allow you to diagnose and treat injuries. In their current state, they might misdiagnose something.

Food preservation systems allow you to store more food, so that you don't have to gather supplies as often.

Life support generates water and filters toxins out of the air. Without life support, you have a chance of gaining arousal status. You also have to find water, which may be contaminated.

Radar reduces the chances of an ambush.

Main power keeps the heat on and allows all systems to keep operating indefinitely.

Mapping computer gives you an idea of what is around you.

Auto-repair begins fixing your ship. Your end goal is to get your ship space-worthy again. There may be other paths to victory, though.

DAP is your daily action points. This round, you get only 10, and once you've used them it becomes night. In subsequent rounds, you will have 20 DAP. This one is shorter because you landed in the middle of the day.

LP is your lust points. When an enemy attempts an arousal attack, this is what they are attacking. If LP is raised to maximum, you gain aroused status, which lowers your chance to hit and damage, and gives a 10% chance you may lose a turn. If LP is raised to maximum again, you gain debilitating arousal status, which automatically ends the battle with a sex scene. Some monsters can automatically force a sex scene even with your lust points low.

Ambush!: 1d100, + 20 location, rolled a 27: No ambush.
Ship Diagnosis: 1d20 + 0, rolled a 7: unable to perform a full diagnosis
System Damage: 6d20, rolled: 11,7,15,7,14,10. 10 and up meant system was working. 20 means system is in perfect order, 15+ means it's an easy fix. Below 5, damaged severely, 0 is damaged beyond repair.
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Re: The Unexplored Planet

ECB. First we need to treat that concussion, next we should do C/B to try and fix up what we can to prevent further breakdown of what's still working, so we should salvage what we can't fix to keep everything else working/use as materials to feed the auto repair systems, since this is probably going to be our home base for the foreseeable future.

-The food storage unit is leaking refrigerant so that should be a priority.
-After that we should focus on fixing Medical, in case the damage and lack of maintenance leads to a failure down the line. (Also misdiagnosing an allergic reaction as cancer requiring limb amputation would be bad.)
-If we can salvage a computer from other systems we should get life support back online. (Clean drinking water and toxin avoidance is good.)
-Fourth, while the radiation leak doesn't affect us it might piss off the locals who might otherwise might help us.
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Re: The Unexplored Planet

ECB. First we need to treat that concussion, next we should try to fix up what we can to prevent further breakdown of what's still working, like the food storage which is leaking refrigerant. After that we should salvage what we can't fix to keep everything else working as long as possible since this is probably going to be our home base for the foreseeable future.

+1 to this.
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Re: The Unexplored Planet

If anyone wants to jump on the DCB band wagon, double check. I just realized I failed to fix the letters after adding "Repair Systems" while I was typing the post up. DCB is now ECB, in other words.
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Re: The Unexplored Planet

ECB. First we need to treat that concussion, next we should do C/B to try and fix up what we can to prevent further breakdown of what's still working, so we should salvage what we can't fix to keep everything else working/use as materials to feed the auto repair systems, since this is probably going to be our home base for the foreseeable future.

-The food storage unit is leaking refrigerant so that should be a priority.
-After that we should focus on fixing Medical, in case the damage and lack of maintenance leads to a failure down the line. (Also misdiagnosing an allergic reaction as cancer requiring limb amputation would be bad.)
-If we can salvage a computer from other systems we should get life support back online. (Clean drinking water and toxin avoidance is good.)
-Fourth, while the radiation leak doesn't affect us it might piss off the locals who might otherwise might help us.

This has my vote.
Re: The Unexplored Planet


Bollocks, just realised I misvoted for rogue instead of nerdgirl like I wanted
Re: The Unexplored Planet

E then A Marian specialises in climbing and stealth, so gathering supplies should go well. both B and C require mechanical skills so they are only moderately likely to succeed, would be quicker to gather supplies and let the computer do the repairs.
Re: The Unexplored Planet

CD. Let's see what we can do now, and start out fresh tomorrow.
Re: The Unexplored Planet

I think not being mechanically inclined will make the ship repair a bit of a struggle, which is a shame, as that feels quite important.

How about A and C?
Re: The Unexplored Planet

DC. Supplies can wait a day