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Demon's Tale reboot

Re: Demon's Tale reboot

What would he have preferred? Trenchcoats, a park bench, and some pigeons to feed? The Cold War is over buddy.

I admit, I laughed out loud.

I'll vote for A, it seems reasonable enough.
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

A murmur of agreement went around the collected group, even as another loud crash overhead rang out. "Indeed? remarked Saphaellus. "They would certainly have to be to top this noise. I am curious, come, tell me of these storms."

"They can take you by surprise," replied the man as he wove his way through the crowd to get closer to her. "You may be expecting something quieter, something less dramatic and then there it is, declaring itself overhead with a mighty crash and you wonder, 'should I run from this? or try to harness its power to achieve my goals?'

Saphaellus nodded slowly. "Quite the dilemma, for I would think trying to use such a storm could easily lead to disaster. They are known for doing their own thing, regardless of the desires of lesser beings, she replies, a slight smile playing across her lips.

"Indeed," he replied back. "They sow destruction and chaos with little regard for others, for what is man to a storm? But despite all that, man is not stupid and can easily seek shelter to escape the storm's grasp."

Another loud crash overhead caused brief respite in the conversation.

A) Claim you tire of storm-speak and move the conversation towards something else
B) Approach the contact flirtatiously
C) Excuse yourself to freshen up, giving the agent a chance to contact you alone
D) Other

Pride) If a storm truly wants something, there is no force on this world to stop it
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

B. Let's get on with this
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Pride. Either that or B, not picky.
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

B leading to C.

Yes, yes... you have your methods and we have ours. That's great. Now let's go talk in private. Of course, this storm did introduce herself as the bees knees of lust, sooooo... we gotta sell the crowd on the fact that we're intending to take a brief break to sex you up, contact o'mine.

(Naturally, once we're alone, we're not giving him anything unless he actually works for it.)
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

B) with a sparkle of C)
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Saphaellus wove through the crowd, moving towards the contact. "So tell me," she purred softly. "Would you try to harness the storm? Would you brave the excitement, consider it worth the risk? Or would you seek shelter, and hide, should its attentions turn to you~?" By now she had reached him, and lay one hand upon his shoulder.

All things considered, he wasn't too bad looking, she found herself noticing. Shame he was such a twit. "It would depend on the situation," he replied, raising a brow slightly. "In the right situation, I definitely think I could handle... riding the storm."

"A bold claim," Saph replied with a cocked brow of her own. "I wonder if you have anything to back it up~" she purred, her hand slowly sliding down his side.

A) Lead him off to a quiet room somewhere
B) As A, but collect the slaves as well
C) Tease him a little more, then return to socialising
D) Other

Lust) Take him here and now
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Lust, for lulz. :D
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

For the Lust, I mean Lulz XD
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

A, as tempting as that last option is...
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

EDIT: I'll change to A so as to try and steer us away from lust.

However, if we must do lust, maybe do it slow enough for him to back off or suggest going somewhere private.
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Re: Demon's Tale reboot

Lust, then B if it's still an option.
Re: Demon's Tale reboot

c ... damn we're going to get one big spanking of a punishment when we get home.
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