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Fatal Attraction (Eve)

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Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Well we can't all be so snobbish in our choices when it comes to feeding or there wouldn't be enough to go around." Bayard smiled as he led her gently down another hallway to the left of where they had entered. The hallway was as richly decorated as the sitting room though Eve noticed that the decor seemed to favor the color red. Red carpets and tapestries hung on the stone walls, even the candles and furniture held a red tint to it.

"We shall see a few of my personal favorites, their blood is not so refined as ours but it has an excellent taste. I was so lucky to be able to buy their services from my competition." He said leading her to a door painted a lovely reddish hue and opening it into a bedroom again decorated in red.

Two people a young man and young woman of simple beauty sat on a red couch and looked up as they entered. A familial resemblance between the pair was obvious and judging from their ages Eve guessed they were brother and sister. They smiled and bowed their heads as Bayard entered waiting as though they knew what was coming.

"Well which would you prefer, Eve. Cora or Calvin, both are excellent companions and even better tasting."

Knock yourself out with whichever choice you prefer. You aren't hungry enough to rage and accidentally drain a vessel.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

She dismissed the male at the outset, it would be too much like adultery against Erasmus for her. "Cora," she purred, "That's such a pretty name." she moved closer to the girl, "It doesn't hurt, Pretty. You know that, don't you?" she gathered the girl in an embrace and nuzzled her neck before she sunk her teeth in with a sigh and would drink as long as he would let her.

Yaay! Eve is just precious, isn't she?
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

The girl had a gleeful smile as Eve moved closer to her, she purred out. "Of course, mistress. I have no doubt that i would love it even if there was some pain."

She smiled and coyly tilted her head giving Eve a perfect shot at her pale throat. Soon little could be heard from either Eve or Cora as the ecstatic feeling of the kiss overwhelmed both. The girl was obviously used to such feedings though she did little more than moan and gently grasp at Eve's neck to pull her closer. For what seemed like ages she fed until finally she pulled away from the girl, who now lay on the couch in a swoon of pleasure.

Looking up Eve watched as Bayard smiled from across the room after wiping a drop of blood from his own lips. Calvin at his feet in a swoon of his own. Bayard smiled and offered his arm once more. "I simply knew you would enjoy yourself my dear but remember only the first time is free. Shall we return to the main hall, I'm sure Guy has finished his own feeding by now."

Still to nice for my taste but then if she actually did suddenly get evil I might wonder who replaced you.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

The eagerness at which the girl took the kiss disconcerted her for a moment but she quickly regained her senses and graced Bayard with a sincere smile. "Thank you, my Lord. This was an unanticipated pleasure." She linked her elbow with his again and let him lead her from the room. I could get used to this.

I know xD Eve is such a great character. But you know i love doing the unexpected, so... we shall see what happens.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Surely you didn't think my best wares would disappoint! Cora and Calvin are by far my favorites. They have such an exquisite taste and they have even grown to enjoy their duties." Bayard says as he wipes a small droplet of blood from his chin.

His endearing smile never seems to leave his face for a second as they travel back through the red hall to the main chamber of the brothel. Eve and Bayard are just about to be seated when Guy returns through his doorway. Eve catches a glimpse of the room beyond this time, everything within being a deep shade of purple.

"Ah, so Bayard was able to convince you after all. Too bad he couldn't have done so sooner or you might have joined me." Her fellow Toreador says with a satisfied smirk on his charming face. He seats himself carefully near the other Cainites and grins as he continues.

"I suppose now that the fun is out of the way we should endeavor to take you to see Sir Rodger. I can't say that you will enjoy meeting him but he is the leader of Mithras' domain for the time being. We can't have you wandering around without acknowledgement after all. Has your valet returned yet?"
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"I haven't seen him yet," she pouted, "Though perhaps we may feed together next time, my Lord." She cast glance at him through her eyelashes, a sight that she had known to melt the hearts of even the most faithful of men. "I'm certain that Sir Rodger will be more pleasant than most of the folk I've encountered on my way here to this glorious and wretched city."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Well it will be difficult to miss him my dear." Guy said with an even bigger smile as she batted her lashes in his direction. "The Cappadocians might be one of the high clans but they suffer from a most disconcerting curse. Looking as corpse-like as they do, though I assure you he can make for very interesting conversation despite the drawback. Shall we take my carriage then and be off his manse is just to the north of town in the moors."

Bayard continued smiling as they spoke before adding as they finished. "I shall be most honored to wait for your valet until you have finished with the necessities of a new arrival in my lord's city, but you simply must promise to visit again. Perhaps I could even aid you in finding a haven for the coming day."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Just because one is not pleasant looking doesn't mean they won't at least have a pleasant attitude," She giggled but Bayard's offer caused it to falter, "I apologise, my Lord. I do wish to have him back before I set out. His service has been so valuable to me and I would be lacking manners if I went gallivanting off without him, even for something as necessary as this."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Guy smiled knowingly at Eve's words and nodded his head in a pleased manner. "This is very true and I am glad to hear you say it my dear. There are far to many poseurs amongst our clan, interested in nothing but physical beauty. Though I fear you will be annoyed by our illustrious primogen when you meet, she is exactly of that sort. Gifted in her own small ways but certainly not an artiste like us."

Bayard looked hurt for a moment before his smile brightened once more and he purred. "As you wish, my dearest Eve. Please do promise me it will not be long before you return to visit me in my lonely palace of servitude?"

He bent his lips to her held hand and kissed it ever so gently as he said this, his eyes holding hers the entire time before he added. "Perhaps we could go and search for your loyal valet. A ghoul no doubt from the way you speak of him, such an important resource for our kind. My carriage is at your service as well should you wish to take a tour of the city before we go?"
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

If Eve had been able to blush then she certainly would have. As it was, she ducked her head in shame. "I am one of those poor unfortunates," she lamented, "My sire was interested only in the beauty I could provide. He tired to train me in the arts but I proved to be an inept pupil," then she laughed, "Then again, it could perhaps be only that I was trying to frustrate him. Maybe with a better teacher I would prove to be a better student."

"He is invaluable to me," she said to Bayard. "I would have been lost without him. He said that he was going to speak with those of the lower class." her hands flew to her face as worry started to gnaw at her, "Oh, what if something has befallen him! I must find him, my Lords." She turned as if to leave.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Well then allow us to aid you in the search at once." The pair of kindred seemed to say at the same moment. Each took an arm of hers and lead the way out of the brothel to Bayard's stable and the lovely carriage within. Before long they found themselves hurtling through the myriad streets of London in search of Eve's wayward Rasmus.

Guy kept a sharp eye out one window of the carriage as he fiddled with the thin sword at his side out of habit. Bayard sat opposite his Toreador counterpart looking out the other window. Eve sat in the middle as the horses raced quickly past shops and inns of all sorts. They seemed to be entering a rundown area and Bayard leaned in close to say. "One of our poorer districts, dangerous perhaps for mortals of such noble standing as ourselves but not for the rulers of the night. It is likely he might be here as it is the closest concentration of the lower classes within the city. What does your servant look like my dear."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

She found herself whisked away far quicker than she would have liked and she wondered, awed, at the help these two kindred had been willing to provide for her. She smiled nervously and recited every detail of Erasmus she could think of... that would help them in their search, of course. No need for intimate details to be spread around.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

They all kept a keen eye out of the carriage as they sped along. The carriage slowed a bit as they entered the poorer district of the city. Filthy, unwashed beggars intermixed with the lowliest of freedmen and serfs. The occasional group of watchmen kept the rabble in line and Eve was shocked by the ugliness of it all. It was simply abhorent to see how these people lived and died, she would have simply closed her eyes but she began to feel sorry for having sent Erasmus to such a dreary unwholesome place.

Then suddenly Guy gave a cry and pointed towards an alleyway. "I believe that was your valet I just saw ducking into that alleyway ahead. We should pull the carriage over and grab him before any of this portion of the city rubs off.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Eve pulls herself out of her self blame with a cry halfway between alarm and delight. "Yes please," she implored, "I do not wish for him, or us, to be out here any longer than necessary."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

The carriage stopped a few feet from the dark and filthy alley that Guy had spotted Eve's dear Erasmus entering not a moment before. Both Guy and Bayard had exited before they both held their hands up to help Eve down from the high carriage. Just as Eve's feet touched the filthy muck and mire that seemed to encrust everything in this section of the city a horrendous scream of terror echoed through the streets.

The scream of a woman seemed to reach all their ears causing even the street walkers and drunks in the area to pause in their course of business. The filthy people of the street came rushing towards the alley but stopped at the sight of the three nobles who had reached the dark mouth ahead of them.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Eve ground her teeth in frustration. All these delays were starting to wear on her and if she'd still been mortal, she would have had a splitting headache. She took a deep breath, "One delay too many," she muttered, "Get them away from me, I want him back. We have to get him back."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Her two fellow Cainite's cast the merest glance at the rabble which falls back at the sight of the three nobles entering the alleyway. Within the impossibly filthy alley they travel a few feet before stopping in their tracks at the horrendous sight before them.

A woman or what was once a woman lies practically cut in half amidst the refuse of the alley. Despite the hideous view before her Eve can not pull herself to look away from the look of horror on the girl's face. She could have been beautiful like Eve was now, she even had a similar hair color and judging by her dress a former prostitute as well. The hissing sound issuing from Bayard beside her indicated he was in a similar state of shock when Guy's voice and tug on her arm pulled her from the entrancement as he pointed to another nearby body.

Erasmus lay further down the alley unconscious but breathing, Eve could see the almost imperceptible raise of his chest as he lay there. Above him on the wall something was written on the wall in the profuse amount of blood in the alley way.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Not that you need to worry about this, I just keep forgetting to keep track of everyone else.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Eve uttered a low cry and fell to her knees next to him, heedless of the filth. She knew enough to not shake him, though she was very distressed by his state of unconsciousness. Doubtless the Lords behind her wondered at her attachment to a mere ghoul, but she could explain it all later, she was sure. "Help me with him," she said in the semblance of a calm voice. Then she looked up to stare at the words written on the wall, almost as an afterthought.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Erasmus seemed to be all right though he remained unconscious as he lay beside Eve in the filth. She stood as Guy joined her on the other side of her ghoul and helped her to stand the young man up. His head lolled to the side as both of the Cainite's gaze's were drawn to the bloody writing on the wall.

"I like to ripp whores and I will not stopp never
Arikel's newest daughter is nott the one who will be blamed for nothing
- Jack"

If it were remotely possible Guy's face looked as though it would blanche a dozen shades lighter as he read the note. He turned and swiftly told Bayard to keep the watchmen back for a few seconds. Bayard hurried to the alley's entrance and kept anyone from gawking long enough for Guy to transfer the ghoul to Eve's confused arms. Moving swifter than humanly possible he wiped the words Arikel's newest daughter from the wall and wrote the Jewes in it's place before returning to help Eve carry the body with a nod at Eve. "You did not see that, I will explain later, milady."

Just as they neared the entrance to the alley a patrol of heavily armed guards arrived.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"I did not see what?" She asked, all innocence and flashed a smile at him as he helped her with the burden of Erasmus. Seeing the armed guards, her feet stuttered to a stop and she took great care to simulate breathing. Plans raced around her head and she debated telling the guards that She and Erasmus had been out for a tryst when they had been struck from behind, but... no. Best to let Guy and Bayard handle the interrogation that was sure to be received.
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