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ADV [ sugar star ] Tales of Boinboin / ちちうし物語 RE105810 RJ105810 RPGMaker

Re: ちちうし物語

Rep for you, good sir.
Regarding the intro, it's been awhile since I played through it but IIRC yes, they're in a military academy that normally only nobles attend and Erin is on a scholarship, the guys abusing her are using their station as leverage (fight back and we'll ruin your life, basically).

Little fuzzy on the details, I should replay the game.
Re: ちちうし物語

Can someone tell me what is the difference between this and Life is Paradise?
Re: ちちうし物語

Does anyone have the dl link for the most recent version? None of the links seem to work for me.
Re: ちちうし物語

Does anyone have the dl link for the most recent version? None of the links seem to work for me.


Re: ちちうし物語

Does the save file from hongfire still work with the newest version?
Re: ちちうし物語

I think you guys assuming that George (The player) being a coward in the prologue read the situation wrong. At least the point I assume you're talking about with the monster invasion. You guys should really be translating it, the story is pretty good. My understanding of the prologue story (I use Translation Aggregator that uses translations from like half a different websites, it's nice to piece together difficult story information so it's probably pretty accurate.):

When the monster appears, the girls around the area flee and ask for help and George stands his ground, though he's nervous. Erin shows up and George looks to her and tells her that it's dangerous and she should flee. The monster lunges at George while he's distracted by Erin and Erin jumps in between them and kills it. Erin tells George he shouldn't take his eyes off the enemy in kind of a harsh tone (Telling him he'll be killed if he acts like that) and George admits his mistake, Erin then apologizes for being so rough about it.

I mean we don't know how he would have handled the situation alone, but at least he was looking out for the people around him I believe. The teacher later warns that monsters will try to reproduce with women so they should always try to flee from them.

And yes, Erin is a commoner so she's looked down on by most people at school, though George makes a comment about how the treatment is wrong, (Noticing that even the teacher treats her differently) while people are gossiping about her. When you meet her later in the classroom she tries to address you formally as Sir or Mr, and George says she doesn't need to use those terms/honorifics. She kinda freaks out and says she can't do something like that because it's expected to be used towards a noble. I think he then says something like he can be treated like a commoner because it doesn't matter to him. Then they agree to call eachother by just their names, daww.

The teacher assumes George fought the monster off, even though he tries to correct him, the teacher cuts him off and tells him he doesn't need to be modest. He tells the rest of the class to act like George and George thinks to apologize later to Erin for that misunderstanding. It also seems that Charlotte, at least in the school prologue is your actual fiance from childhood (He says before he understood what the engagement meant). All the packages and letters seem to be from Charlotte (She sure loves to send you girly presents for whatever reason).

Erin and George are the only ones that chose a "practical" skill as their main focus at school with Swordplay/Fencing. The Swordplay teacher is excited to have two students in the unpopular study and starts doing squats haha. The Swordplay teacher tells them that the exercise they're doing is so easy a trainee could complete it, and George gets knocked out in two rounds (I assume there's no way to actually beat the snake). Erin heals you and you work together to beat the snake. George realizes he's weak compared to Erin (As does the Swordplay teacher). He may be happy though that they treat him as George and not the son of a General as usual, as he makes a note of it.

It seems Erin got into the school only because of a recommendation by her swordplay. George says he wants to become strong like her. She trained herself to become a mercenary because the income was good and she was scouted. Her family was poor and she wanted to help them. She almost declined enrollment in the academy because she would lose the mercenary income to support her family, but they told her to do it anyways. George feels ashamed for assuming going to a military college like that was expected. Erin says she has to try her hardest and George says he wants to work hard to not lose to Erin (Because he's often compared to his parents).

The male students pick on Erin for her being a commoner and try to tell her to leave the school because they blame low morale of the students on her. She says she can't do that (Because of her family relying on her). George steps in and helps and she thanks him. George says that she would have done the same thing for him. Later they take her to the bathroom and continue on with the harassment. They tell her she can't fight both of them and she calls them cowards. Then they tell her to undress, claiming their parents are powerful (So they can do what they want to her basically). The boys question what plot Erin has trying to get close to George (A noble) and she claims it's a misunderstanding and she isn't up to anything.

They say if she wants to remain in the school that she has to take off her clothes and... well you know. They then start using her. George doesn't seem to notice what's going on because he's a bit dense/naive (Probably because of his background). Erin comes to him and asks for advice, telling him that she wants to leave because of her problems with some boys (Though she's vague and doesn't explain them). George tries to help her by telling her to hang in there and she feels better. The gang of boys approach her again and this time she's willing to fight back and refuse them but she doesn't have her sword (Later you find out she left it in George's room) so they capture her.

George finds the gang with Erin and after claiming they can treat commoners however they want and asking George if he wants to join in, George yells at them to release her. They laugh at him for trying to think of justice because he's a general's son and George says what his parents do doesn't matter in his decision. Then a gang of monsters shows up (The teacher warned a few days before that there was a fence broken and the students needed to be careful at night). The schoolboys yell at George to come and handle it because he had been practicing swordplay and George tells them to handle it themselves. The schoolboys then run away. George tries to protect Erin who can't move and fails...

After the monsters hurt Erin and flee, she's wondering if she'll die there. She wonders if her family will receive compensation for her death and if George is okay. The K/Night Hawk shows up and heals Erin a bit. I believe she's a sword with a will/soul (A magic/devil sword). She wants to fuse with Erin to save her life. Erin asks if she can help George too but the Night Hawk says the power only works on one person. Erin instructs Night Hawk to help George instead but she says she can't because her powers only work with the sperm of gentleman as energy (Which is why she can work with Erin since she has sperm on her.). The Night Hawk seems to control her body after they fuse together and makes her flee, claiming it'll be troublesome if she's found.

6 Months later when George/you're released from the hospital, he hopes Erin is okay and that she wasn't taken by the monsters. He's upset with himself for not being able to protect her and feels like the time he practiced using a sword and trying to become stronger was useless. He goes to class and asks the teacher who found him what happened to Erin and he tells George that it's assumed she died from the monsters judging by the bloodstains left there. George is seriously upset and later the boys taunt him and tell him that he should have died along with Erin.

George goes to practice and can't stop shaking because he thinks of Erin when he holds a sword. The teacher tells him to go rest because it would be counter productive to continue if he's having a hard time with his guilt over not being able to help. He sends a letter to his dad telling him he wants to leave the school. His father responds by telling him the path to him becoming an officer/general is closed to him because he didn't finish military school and that his engagement with Charlotte will be canceled (Arranged marriage by their houses).

It's explained to the Charlotte side that he dropped out of school because of injury. The Charlotte family shows understanding for it on the grounds of injury and George's father proposes payment consolation for the broken engagement but they want George to pay for it on his own without his parents support. George doesn't have the money and they agree to set dates for him to pay it off. So he becomes in debt to the Charlotte family this way.

George goes into town to find work and manages to work at the item shop (Though the guy knows about his fear of weapons and wonders if it'll be a problem.). Three years pass and he realizes he has no use/ability to use his big garden and needs to go look for work. Charlotte then shows up because she's a new lord of the area or something. She notices that he's different and George comments on how difficult it has been to make money. She says he would have been able to keep working with a sword if he wasn't injured, but he thinks to himself that he's still afraid of weapons because of Erin, even though he's healed.

She asks if the injury made things more difficult and he says he'll pay off the debt, he just needs more time. He questions why she didn't actually set a date for it to be paid off by and (the translations are all confusing for her response) she mentions something about "ties lasting" and "connection basis", maybe because she likes him or they grew up together. She then questions his smoking and he says he needed to escape reality. She says it's a shame he's like a common person now (Saying he's a hopeless/useless human...) and he should wait to escape reality until he's paid his debt to her family. She insults him again for being a good for nothing and the game begins.

Charlotte brings you a cow and says she'll cancel all the debt if you raise the cow well. I'm pretty sure the entire time she's calling the cow useless (Saying she produces bad milk and maybe even that she looks bad. The cowgirl looks angry at this point but remains quiet haha.). At one point I think she may be saying you'll get along well with the cow because you're both useless, but that's only in one of the translations (The rest are too confusing to understand).

So summary: Erin was actually really nice and the main protagonist wasn't a coward (Though he was weak in comparison to Erin). Erin was harassed and threatened into cooperating with the schoolboys against her will. George really seemed to like her and looked up to her strength and Erin seemed to like him as well for sticking up for her and treating her well. Charlotte may like the protagonist (I can't tell yet) but she's certainly a snobby rich girl and not very nice to him (Expecting him to be better/more impressive).

Later on the maid hints that Charlotte may actually worry about him at the first Cow contest (Even though she'll usually be insulting you during most her dialogue). She says Charlotte wanted to come once she found out that George was going (Even though Charlotte will lie and say she's there on business if spoken to, the maid denies that's why they're there.). So she's the token Tsundere it seems.

Alright I think I've tried to translate enough of this for people to be able to understand what happened with Erin haha. I just wanted people who don't translate things to have an idea of Erin and Charlotte. So all that set up why the Protagonist doesn't fight himself and why Erin has the problems that she does (Erin's weapon told her that George was dead I think, so they probably both think the other one died that day and they don't recognize each other).

Some people seemed to think Charlotte was the nice one and Erin was the "bad" choice, but I think it's actually the opposite if you translate the dialogue. Charlotte is kind of the "Rich bitch" so far and Erin was the hard worker from a poor family. At least what I believe the author has been trying to convey with all of this. I feel so bad for Erin...I wanted to clear up the confusion with her because I read multiple people in this thread thinking she's some hussie and fuck that.

Now time to actually play the damn game.
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Re: ちちうし物語

If you are breaked (divorce) with girl(s). How to make she return favorable level to be good again.

I try this on version 1 and I still can't recover their love level from worst.
Re: ちちうし物語

Sorry for the Necro ...
but since the old thread get deleted, the translation link in it also gone too ...
so I just quote the translator post before ... all credit goes to him ... not me ...
BTW, if there's graphic crash ... update the "Graphic" Folder with ver 2.07 ...
(but keep the "Data" Folder as it is ...)

I was planning to translate the basic things first, I did the same for their other game. As to when that might be, I really have no clue.


Tales of Boinboin

Developed By:
Sugar star ( )

Release Date:

RJ Number:

File Size:


Download Link:

NOTE: This isn't a story translation. Well, there's quite a bit of story translated actually. This time I translated the pretty long introduction at the start.

Translated: Items, Skills, Training panel, Introduction to the game that explains how the game works, quest system, most of the short messages, UI, etc.
Not translated: Student days - prologue (this is just a story to introduce the characters and what happened few years before the ranch part main part of the game is cow ranch), H-Scenes and quite a lot of dialog after the introduction, Victoria tutorial(@barracks).





If you are breaked (divorce) with girl(s). How to make she return favorable level to be good again.

I try this on version 1 and I still can't recover their love level from worst.
hmm, give a present to her ?

I have a problem with version 2.00. None of the enemies attack me anymore except for the girls. I know they just uploaded version 2.01 so perhaps they fixed the bug.
the enemy won't attack if your Level is higher up to certain range ... (they run away instead)

a bit tale for the Prologue ...
Erin and George is in 1 school, but as the teacher said, the Noble get special treatment compared with the commoner ...
in this case, Erin is commoner and George is the Noble ...
Charlotte is your fiancee, and sending a lot of thing to you ... (she won't appear yet)

one day, there's monster enter the school and George being saved by Erin ...
The teacher presume George is the one who exterminate it ...
Erin still humble because George is a Noble, this inspire George to become swordman too ...
but he have no talent and Erin get sexually abused ...
(bunch of noble bastard threaten her about her stat, school and family)
George have no idea for what has happen ...

Erin can't stand the abuse and at night ask George what if she out of school ...
George said it's a waste if she give up halfway and it won't help her family too ...
she forgot her blade in George place ... and George try to return it to her ...
(the teacher at day says warning about monster sometimes roaming at night)

at the same night bunch of Noble brat raping Erin until she can't move anymore ...
George found this, and get angry ...
but bunch of monster appear and all the noble run away ... Erin can't move after being abused ...
George try to attack the monster but get fatally wounded instead ...
The monster change their attention to Erin, but they don't rape her ... instead they KILLING her ...
Erin can't run and George cursing his incompetence in that situation ... George fainted ...
Suddenly something kill all the monster and heal Erin ... and she turn into sword ...

After that night, Erin has gone and George get hospitalized for 6 month ...
The noble and school agree to make Erin as "death" or "gone" to erase their bad act ...
George family somehow takes blame or something about all of it ...
and George being deemed as Commoner ... not to mention Charlotte family lend him a big sum of money ...
(somehow Charlotte don't even put the timeline for payment)

disgusted by noble and that school, not to mention no money for education, George out of school ...
day by day, George tried to find a job so he can pay Charlotte ...
but because trauma, George CAN'T HOLD A WEAPON !! (he get scared and regret because what happen to Erin)
this hindering his life and his work ...

after few years has passed ... Charlotte comes and send a Cow ...
Cow considered as most prized possession in that world and money can roll easily as long as you have a good quality one ...
the catch is ...
the Cow Charlotte give to George is the worst / cheapest / dumb, and she make George to have the cow and train it to the best ...

Charlotte also stay in near that location to monitor situation ...

and so the real gameplay start in here ...
because of that Prologue, I choose Erin as wive ...
some gamer might think Erin as loli ... (because her drawing and small posture is like that)
but if they see her drawing / posture / art at the prologue ... they will change their opinion ...
since she doesn't look like loli at all at that time ...

also question about rare dropping from Doppel girl enemy (there's 3) ...
I get 2x EXP from one of them ...
is there any drop item from the other 2 ? (like double gold, or drop rate item ?)
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Re: ちちうし物語

Really liked this game, the jokes in between conversations were funny.

And yes, the protag isn't a coward, he's just a really laid back guy especially after the prologue.

Erin isn't a slut, the spirit in her sword requires "power of sperm" to be of any use. If the count gets too low or goes to zero, I guess the spirit can take control of Erin's body and when she gets raped.

Charol is always watching the protag's back. She's always taking care of him. Definitely the tsundere. She never accepted the marriage contract cancellation.

The prostitute has her own circumstances as well. She's actually saving money to go to school. She also comes from a war torn country and her whole family were victims of a savage war. I am guessing she comes from a third-world country. I had a hard time reading her sentences since they were all in katakana.

I ended up clearing the game quite quickly but that doesn't matter since you can continue anyway. I had all the girls at max affection and saved at that point. Wish the game was longer though.
Re: ちちうし物語

yeah, the gameplay is good but really short ...
dungeon is not enough ... (or maybe it's just me and my freakish RPG taste)
the main story focus is ...
1. make the best cow ...
2. pay all the debt ...
only that ... and it become really easy to get money ...
not to mention Charlotte sometimes give expensive gift to you ...
(Diamond ? kinda have feeling Charlotte actually giving money to you instead ...)

each girl have a good character, and their background story is good too ...
but after marriage, it doesn't have too much event either ...

like usual of Sugar Cube trait, so much potential can be added, and yet they stop halfway ...
really a good game, but this can become a lot more better ...

BTW, after you finish the game, you can buy medicine which can make the cow get pregnant ... this makes the barn can be filled with extra cow (your daughter)
Re: ちちうし物語

Right, you can also make it but I guess buying it is easier since money is so easy to come by.

Ironically, everything in the game is explained in detail if you pay for the extra information. (but then you would need to know Japanese to make use of it :p)

According to the explanation, you can have a total of three daughters including the daughters you can make from them :p.

The game is cleared once Hanako reaches the highest rank, You automatically pay off the debt with the money you earn from achieving high rank. The credits roll after that event.
Re: ちちうし物語

buying it is a lot easier than gathering the ingredient ...
(kinda tempting tough to make the daughter BEFORE you reach game end)

yes, it's limited to 3 ...
but pregnancy limited once at a time ...
as a joke, I make all 3 daughter have trait from 3 other girl ...
lololol ... :D
Re: ちちうし物語

What translation programs do you guys use for playing? If you don't mind me asking. I'm interested on playing this, but not having a single hint of what I'm doing is just not fun. I've tried looking into it on google, but couldn't really find a software that didn't need others softwares to work.
Re: ちちうし物語

What translation programs do you guys use for playing? If you don't mind me asking. I'm interested on playing this, but not having a single hint of what I'm doing is just not fun. I've tried looking into it on google, but couldn't really find a software that didn't need others softwares to work.

One program thats kinda "all in one" is chiitrans.

Works with most games
Re: ちちうし物語

One program thats kinda "all in one" is chiitrans.

Works with most games

Thank you, kind sir. Just the kind of thing I was looking for. I don't really need an accurate translation, just want to have an idea of whats being said.
Re: ちちうし物語

I can read and understand Japanese without any problems so no need for machine translators. Just play these games as is.
Re: ちちうし物語

I can read and understand Japanese without any problems so no need for machine translators. Just play these games as is.

That's really cool of you. Is there any other useless bragging you'd like to offload?
Re: ちちうし物語

i run it but all i get is moonrune (even if i have the japanese package installed)
am i doing anything wrong?
Re: ちちうし物語

i run it but all i get is moonrune (even if i have the japanese package installed)
am i doing anything wrong?

First off check if you actually changed your "non unicode program" setting to Japanese.