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Re: Breeding Season

I don't think he's yet released the monsters he promised with the old donation voting system. Why the hell would anyone buy into his new "membership" when he's just disappeared for like four months?

There's an easy answer for that...

Ironvein said:
Harista doesn't OWE anyone ANYTHING. Before you were DONATING money, there is no obligation on his part to provide a product. The only fault he has was putting the stupid poll up, giving a false impression that they were paying for features.

...it's because humans are freakin' stupid.
Re: Breeding Season

Calling it now.

Once again, another game originating from the LoK forums dies yet again, proving once more nothing ever gets finished over there. If it ain't dying, that emulating, partisan-like kickstarter he begat is going to kill interest outright, then it will start dying.

Both sakyu and dusty's castle are finished games.
Re: Breeding Season

There's an easy answer for that...

...it's because humans are freakin' stupid.

That's just the point, it's not that he promised. What he did was take donations and then disappear. Does he 'owe' them? No. However, I think it's both rude and stupid to start asking for more money before delivering any of the features he was talking about last time he was taking money. It has nothing to do with 'rights' and everything to do with his public image.
Re: Breeding Season

Is there anyway to cheat engine money for this game? Because I really don't feel like redoing everything.
Re: Breeding Season

Dusty wasn't that impressive and sakyu basically is an abandoned series.

I actually really liked Dusty's castle. I found the double paths made it re-playable (which is rare for an H game) and the work he did into making the riddles was fun too. I never got syaku working properly for me, so I didn't play very far in it.

Those aside, even if they were both A++ amazing top-tier games, it still shows a general trend of unfinished work at the LoK forums. The current incarnation of Mario is Missing has a big team that has been working on it for a long time, so even though it's not really my thing I have to give them props for that.

There was also that game called "babysitters club" that got finished. It's okay, I found it very confusing to progress the events.

@Gorepete: I didn't know you still checked in over here. Being the most prolific developer on the LoK forums, what's your opinion on donation voting, and the proposed "membership" idea?
Re: Breeding Season

@Gorepete: I didn't know you still checked in over here. Being the most prolific developer on the LoK forums, what's your opinion on donation voting, and the proposed "membership" idea?

I like these forums, despite what people may think. I enjoy reading people's feedback on different things; plus is it a pretty centralized place to find game updates etc. Plus I always like to see how long it takes for LoK stuff to pop up here :D

I don't take money for my games because in my eyes that turns it from a hobby into a job. And it stops being fun. What others choose to do, however, is their prerogative. Besides, if I got paid then I would HAVE to deliver completed games (which as you know, completing a game violates LoK forum policy).

Harista is a pretty good guy, I am sure the "take the money and run" thing that happened wasn't intentional or malicious - if anything he was trying to figure out a better way to do things and got killed by his own optimism. Now that isn't saying it was okay; just that in this environment with these situations it is rare to actually have even half the picture, let alone the whole of it.
Re: Breeding Season

Well the new update was released somewhat on time, it is missing some of the features that were listed but it's better than nothing and a step in the right direction anyways. I just wish he'd stop hyping up release days and content beforehand. He's going to have to keep telling people that stuff couldn't be added in time every single patch. It just leaves a ton of room for disappointment.

He could just have a "things to be added" page to let people know what is or will be worked on eventually and then when some of those pop up in an update, people will feel like they won a prize instead of getting upset that their damn male/male animations haven't been added again (People really love their gay porn it seems, it's always the message I see people upset over).

The OP should have a link to his blog site.
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Re: Breeding Season

Well the new update was released somewhat on time, it is missing some of the features that were listed but it's better than nothing and a step in the right direction anyways. I just wish he'd stop hyping up release days and content beforehand. He's going to have to keep telling people that stuff couldn't be added in time every single patch. It just leaves a ton of room for disappointment.

He could just have a "things to be added" page to let people know what is or will be worked on eventually and then when some of those pop up in an update, people will feel like they won a prize instead of getting upset that their damn male/male animations haven't been added again (People really love their gay porn it seems, it's always the message I see people upset over).

The OP should have a link to his blog site.

I don't really mind the lack of gay porn... I mean sure I get why some people are pissed, he has been promising it for at least 4 updates now.
Personally, I'm a little pissed at how little he delivered versus how much he delivered. We basically got 2 new animations. 2!
I wouldn't be as mad if he didn't hype it up as you rightly pointed it out.

Also, I don't actually think he has any malice as gorepete said. What he did WAS undeniably stupid though :)
Re: Breeding Season

Hey guys, the game isn't dead. The latest version (4.4.1) was released earlier today, and it's on Hartista's blog (breedingseasongame.blogspot.com). He's planning on releasing an update each month, and every two weeks (i think) for donators.

- UI Overhaul: The monster shop, the consumable shop, the building shop, the clients menu, the breeding menu, the monster menu, the inventory menu, and many of the small menus have all been overhauled. The UI overhaul is a work in progress - Not all of the UI has been finished and much of the new UI is still in a rough state; we're looking for as many bug reports and opinions on the UI changes as possible. I'll be supplying hotfixes throughout the week as necessary.

- Random events: 2 large sex scene events, 2 small character events, and a handful of overheard
conversations (frequency on these events is still being balanced)

- You can now be introduced to Kay and Levi

- The Marquis and Marchioness finally remembered their housewarming gift

- There's a couple new consumable effects to play around with

Bug Fixes
- Consumable ratings can now go all the way to five stars

- Removed "less than" Client Requirements
- Consumables raise mod by four times as much
- Consumables sell for slightly more
- It now takes 10 minutes to enter any of the pens from the ranch or enter the guild from the town

Debug Codes
- You can now use debug codes to unlock gold and silver traits
- There is now a debug code to generate new clients
- There is now a debug code to change particular monster stats
- There are now debug codes to change both monster and player pregnancy rates
- If you want access to these debug codes, become a patron :p

Known Bugs
- Pregnancy still doesn't correctly display on a lot of animations (waiting until new PC sprite is done to fix this)
- The Feral trait is not yet in the game and as such can't be selected

He's also got an IRC channel up, and a Patreon page as well.
Re: Breeding Season

He's received enough donations to be totally reworking the art, with hired artists. It looks stunning. Take a look on his blog!
Re: Breeding Season

I like these forums, despite what people may think. I enjoy reading people's feedback on different things; plus is it a pretty centralized place to find game updates etc. Plus I always like to see how long it takes for LoK stuff to pop up here :D

I don't take money for my games because in my eyes that turns it from a hobby into a job. And it stops being fun. What others choose to do, however, is their prerogative. Besides, if I got paid then I would HAVE to deliver completed games (which as you know, completing a game violates LoK forum policy)..


i Rarly Post on the LoK forums anyway but from what i have seen most of the games Die due to it JUST being a programmer or a Artist trying to solo a project. and i got to say Hart has a nice setup now he just needs the Animations in it.

Can not remember who but someone started work on a Dead space H game that i thought would be awesome unfortunately my skills in code are fairly weak.(as a Game it was finished there was no H in it tho) Fun play regardless)
Re: Breeding Season

He's being funded by over 5000 bucks a month.
That can alrady be considered a really good paying job. XD
Re: Breeding Season

Man, these donate-to-get-early-access systems are beginning to really get tiresome really quickly. TiTS, Flexible Survival, now this. Especially now as games of good quality are far and few between. Why hassle yourself with releasing specific builds to specific people? It makes no sense to me.

Surely, if you want more donations it would be better to change the reasons why people /are not/ donating. People who make these games get something for their time regardless, and I for one would be happy to donate if it wasn't shoved down my throat to donate, the reasons to donate were actually beneficial, and that there was no minimum quantity.

Nobody wants to pay your $15 minimum? Not surprised.
You want donations for a game that'll get updated twice a month? Not worth it.
Does my donation actually help the progress of the game? No? Then why am I donating? To buy you another round.

If people donate they support the game to such an extent that they have some faith in it, an investment of money in return for quality, and donations are no assurance of quality. Don't live doing shit for nothing? Don't do it.
At the end of the day, you just want to get your rocks off. Not spend a cut of your paycheck, go through convoluted member systems or just have your money taken from you like a sucker. If you need a wank, you want it now. Not two weeks time.

Either way, pirating is still a lot cheaper and easily accessible. If people get put off donating due to these stupid schemes, then guess what? They'll just pirate. It's win-win for the pirate, loss-loss for everyone else.

Just my two cents.
Re: Breeding Season

I agree Hank, all I've seen him produce since he came back with this 'new and improved donating system' is he hired someone else to overhaul the non-sex animations (IE the ones people don't really care about anyway), some more storyline stuff... He removed the debug codes unless you were a donator... Oh and many of the couplings are still missing animations completely? What are these people paying for?

I think he better start churning out the product at a very fast rate or else people will start to be pissed off again. Harista seems like a marketing genius to me, the fact that he can get people to start churning out all this money for a product he really hasn't delivered on.

I'd love for him to make me eat my words on this.
Re: Breeding Season

I agree Hank, all I've seen him produce since he came back with this 'new and improved donating system' is he hired someone else to overhaul the non-sex animations (IE the ones people don't really care about anyway), some more storyline stuff... He removed the debug codes unless you were a donator... Oh and many of the couplings are still missing animations completely? What are these people paying for?

I think he better start churning out the product at a very fast rate or else people will start to be pissed off again. Harista seems like a marketing genius to me, the fact that he can get people to start churning out all this money for a product he really hasn't delivered on.

I'd love for him to make me eat my words on this.

he's updating everything but breeding scenes with the new art before doing the scenes
I'd feel a bit disoriented if the scenes were in the new art style whilst everything else wasn't
Re: Breeding Season

Man, these donate-to-get-early-access systems are beginning to really get tiresome really quickly. TiTS, Flexible Survival, now this. Especially now as games of good quality are far and few between. Why hassle yourself with releasing specific builds to specific people? It makes no sense to me.

Surely, if you want more donations it would be better to change the reasons why people /are not/ donating. People who make these games get something for their time regardless, and I for one would be happy to donate if it wasn't shoved down my throat to donate, the reasons to donate were actually beneficial, and that there was no minimum quantity.

Nobody wants to pay your $15 minimum? Not surprised.
You want donations for a game that'll get updated twice a month? Not worth it.
Does my donation actually help the progress of the game? No? Then why am I donating? To buy you another round.

If people donate they support the game to such an extent that they have some faith in it, an investment of money in return for quality, and donations are no assurance of quality. Don't live doing shit for nothing? Don't do it.
At the end of the day, you just want to get your rocks off. Not spend a cut of your paycheck, go through convoluted member systems or just have your money taken from you like a sucker. If you need a wank, you want it now. Not two weeks time.

Either way, pirating is still a lot cheaper and easily accessible. If people get put off donating due to these stupid schemes, then guess what? They'll just pirate. It's win-win for the pirate, loss-loss for everyone else.

Just my two cents.

especially with Flexible Survival's switch considerin it's not worth paying immediately when most of the content of the game is already available

it'd be more worth people's money to pay every half year or so (or when a lot of the new content interests them) as they'd get a large amount of new content at once n only lose the money from one payment

in my opinion, the new system has the possibility of crashing if more people realize the point above and less people see the game as worth donating to (as the amount of new content would slowly decrease)
Re: Breeding Season

Is there anyway to cheat engine money for this game? Because I really don't feel like redoing everything.
Cheat Engine works fine, but you can also use the debug code the get money 1000 a time
Re: Breeding Season

What freaks me out is that that system is per month, it's not a one time thing. So what happens if somebody cancels it? Anyways I'm surprised that there are that many people willing to basically pay a subscription fee for this...Most people won't play subscription mmos.

I mean hey if it works and he actually delivers on what he says he will, that's awesome, great that he can make a ton of money on it. I'm just worried about the kind of collapse that will happen if he doesn't deliver on the promises. I still haven't seen anything that makes me trust his ability to keep up with updates and that workload. Hopefully having some of the visual work on his new artist will help with that. Hope for the best, plan for the worst, etc, etc. No skin off my bones if something implodes because I haven't pledged.
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