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Re: Breeding Season

Donating money on kickstarter is hard enough, so I have to wonder how the fuck people are willing to fork out money to an amateur development with no background in the field in an industry that is usually hidden behind closed doors and private browsing.
Yes, Harista was an idiot for disappearing like that and it's his fault. But to the people who donated money: you have no fucking right to complain about it, man up and complain about the lack of updates instead of feeling entitled after making a DONATION.
Re: Breeding Season

Yes, Harista was an idiot for disappearing like that and it's his fault. But to the people who donated money: you have no fucking right to complain about it, man up and complain about the lack of updates instead of feeling entitled after making a DONATION.

I certainly agree (to a degree, hue), but the way Hartista accepted money for content was also pretty poor. He made it seem more like commissions than donations by promising certain updates on certain days by highest donation. When you tell somebody "Pay money, get this content, on this date", I think people have a right to be upset when the content doesn't arrive.

A fool and their money are soon parted though, eh? For the record, I didn't donate and it bothers me as well when people harp on devs for being behind on their work on free projects. You can probably find some of my posts on LoK telling people to stop acting like entitled assholes haha.

In one of Gore's threads, responding to someone who pm'd him for being a bit behind on an estimated update time:
"I can't believe people actually pester devs who owe the people here absolutely nothing. If you want to show your support, keep your crap in the person's thread, there's no need to mail/pm them unless they OWE you content because you've paid for it."
Re: Breeding Season

I have to wonder why people donate to indie h-game developers. Is it just because they want this random person on the internet to have more money?

Donators are weird.
Re: Breeding Season

I have to wonder why people donate to indie h-game developers. Is it just because they want this random person on the internet to have more money?

Donators are weird.

I think of it similarly to handing out cash to bums on the street. People see it like a karma bank. Donate some good-will here get back some goodwill elsewhere.

Logical fallacy at it's best.
Re: Breeding Season

I have to wonder why people donate to indie h-game developers. Is it just because they want this random person on the internet to have more money?

Donators are weird.
It's weird when people feel entitled to something after donating. But that might come from certain developers being weird about it (I've seem many developers using a donation system that actually looks like a "buy it" system. A few of them even complain when there aren't enough donations and everything... Honestly, being greedy is fine, but they should be honest about it. Some developers want to say they do it out of love while going crazy at any cash).

What they did was pretty much a "like what you've been doing, keep it up". That's why it's a donation. Only a donation.

And they don't want this "random" person on the internet to have more money. They want this absolutely non-random person on the internet who's developing something they like to feel more motivated to keep up their good work.
Re: Breeding Season

When he creates something called donation voting, in which you are quite literally attempting to buy out your opinion against someone else, then I see a problem when he takes the money and disappears. The whole way he phrased it was "you give me this money to decide what I make next" not as a indication that you like where the project is going. To call it "donations" at that point is incorrect.
Re: Breeding Season

When he creates something called donation voting, in which you are quite literally attempting to buy out your opinion against someone else, then I see a problem when he takes the money and disappears. The whole way he phrased it was "you give me this money to decide what I make next" not as a indication that you like where the project is going. To call it "donations" at that point is incorrect.

Exactly. Calling it a donation is just a way to avoid legal problems. I'm pretty sure bestiality and loli are against the ToS of a lot of money transaction sites, so instead of having to admit that you're taking money for a porn game, you just call them "donations". It also obviously helps him avoid problems with needing to actually follow through with the content he promised, which was an indication for me to avoid it.

"I have finished putting together the Voting Donations Page! Now you can support the game while also shaping the direction it moves in by putting your donations behind the features you'd most like to see included. Every month I will take two top rated features and put them in the game." - Hartista

Donations are given without return consideration. This lack of return consideration means that, in common law, an agreement to make a donation is an "imperfect contract void for want of consideration."

I'd say there's quite a bit of want in Hartista's "donation" system lol.
Re: Breeding Season

Speaking of Loli, has anyone gotten the Kittengirl? I mean her sex scenes are not done, but it seems to be like that.

Though the Kittengirl has a trait that "keeps her body young even when she reaches maturity." So what's the call here?
Re: Breeding Season

Speaking of Loli, has anyone gotten the Kittengirl? I mean her sex scenes are not done, but it seems to be like that.

Though the Kittengirl has a trait that "keeps her body young even when she reaches maturity." So what's the call here?

The random trait Neoteny is possible for all female monsters, and it gives them small bodies. An option to remove it from the random trait pool is coming in the next patch.
Re: Breeding Season

She does have some animations, only with buttstallions and dickwolves though, the rest still needs to be added. He said he'd get it working "early next week", so I guess stay tuned.
Re: Breeding Season

She does have some animations, only with buttstallions and dickwolves though, the rest still needs to be added. He said he'd get it working "early next week", so I guess stay tuned.

Ye still waiting for more content for the new lolis, really love this game check it out every week ^^
Re: Breeding Season

Oh god, he's already trying to set up a membership deal before even getting an update out. Run for the hills.
Re: Breeding Season

Yeah, this is probably not the best time to ask people to buy into a years worth of updates.
Re: Breeding Season

The fact he's trying to delay updates by a month so people will get his membership really irks me... I mean I'm fine with everything other condition he put. Votes? Sure. Forums? Don't mind. Debug tools? I play the game for fun, I won't need those. Devblog? Would have been nice, but again I can get over it.
Though they made the argument that it's to beta test the newest updates, and that this way we get much larger updates on a monthly basis rather than a little one every week. I don't necessarily agree to that, nor do I think they need a month to test a feature out, but they have some arguments.
And then there's the fact he's asking for money after returning from his long absence xD

Personally I don't mind membership if it doesn't affect me too much. Right now, delaying updates is a little too much.
Re: Breeding Season

I don't pay for my porn anyway, but yeah the maker on this seems sketchy as fuck the way is took everybodys cash and ran. And immediately after resurfacing its so he can post about a new payment plan.
Re: Breeding Season

I don't think he's yet released the monsters he promised with the old donation voting system. Why the hell would anyone buy into his new "membership" when he's just disappeared for like four months?
Re: Breeding Season

I don't think he's yet released the monsters he promised with the old donation voting system. Why the hell would anyone buy into his new "membership" when he's just disappeared for like four months?

He hasn't yet. Because they're gullible and desperate for porn? I think a lot of people don't know about the history of the project so they wonder where all the distaste comes from, that's why I post stuff like this, spreading awareness lol.

Please try not to throw money at projects like this until they start delivering on their promises. Even if Hartista has good intentions, he slipped out for months at a time, multiple times and failed to deliver on many promises. He still owes people content from the last "donation" system and is asking for more money now, so just be careful.
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Re: Breeding Season

Ok....I have to admit I'm surprised at this...was expecting him to first release a nice big update and then start asking for cash but seems like he decided to do that the other way around.

While his game shows great promise,there's still something about his money talks that make me think about....Toonpimp....if my memory serves he was all about asking for money and rarely giving anything worth while in return.If I'm wrong please correct that:D
Re: Breeding Season

Calling it now.

Once again, another game originating from the LoK forums dies yet again, proving once more nothing ever gets finished over there. If it ain't dying, that emulating, partisan-like kickstarter he begat is going to kill interest outright, then it will start dying.