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ACT [ nekofuguri] [ ねこふぐり ] Pegasus Knight X / 女戦士監禁 RE110815 RJ110815

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Re: 女戦士監禁

Damn this was good. Hope it does well and we a get a sequel with better transition between the H-scenes and gameplay and maybe some HCGs for the game overs...
Re: 女戦士監禁

page2.pic is different in 1.03 (added icon relating to scene control)

I've attached a zip containing the following:
- page2.bmp : white censor removed, updated for 1.03
- kandata.bmp, kobuna.bmp, kobune.bmp : mosaics removed (looks kinda weird, but whatever)
- pic2bmp.py : A Python 2.7.3 script.

As before, copy the bmp files to #0005/pic/ while renaming or deleting the original .pic files.

To use the script, install Python 2.7.3 and drag an image file onto the script. Everything in the same folder will be converted to the opposite format.
The original files will be automatically deleted to prevent the game from using them. Manually back them up first if you want to keep them.
Pic files are just bmp files with the first 8 bytes changed. The script just changes them back.

That script didnt work for me, but then i noticed i didnt have version 2.7.3 installed :p

Anyone have any idea as to why that when I run the game application, it's just black and nothing loads? All I did was download it, extract from archive and try to play it... This looks good... I wants to play it lol.

Or is it just that my PC is too rubbish to play it... I hate my rubbish PC. >.>

(Don't know if should of, or shouldn't of posted in this thread since month without posts... But meh, why post another thread when already one about it lol. But if I should of just made a new thread instead of posting in this one, someone just PM me and I'll delete this post and make a new thread for this issue I'm having. >.>)
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Re: Halp

Anyone have any idea as to why that when I run the game application, it's just black and nothing loads? All I did was download it, extract from archive and try to play it... This looks good... I wants to play it lol.

Or is it just that my PC is too rubbish to play it... I hate my rubbish PC. >.>

(Don't know if should of, or shouldn't of posted in this thread since month without posts... But meh, why post another thread when already one about it lol. But if I should of just made a new thread instead of posting in this one, someone just PM me and I'll delete this post and make a new thread for this issue I'm having. >.>)

switch to japanese language mode, and put them in a English name directory, then try it again
Re: 女戦士監禁


U are our hero. Here have some rep. Thanks A loot.:D
Re: Halp

switch to japanese language mode, and put them in a English name directory, then try it again

If you mean as in change the file/s it is in to English, then nope still just black. I tried changing the name of the game application as well cause sometimes causes issues but nope. Also my PC is always set to Japanese, so it's not that lol.
(not that you knew that, since I forgot to say that I do have it set to Japanese lol)

I've tried ver1.03, ver1.00 and the trial version but it's just black for each one. So it must be a problem as a whole that my computer is having with this for some damn reason lol. But if someone has any other ideas of what might fix it or is causing it, feel free to say lol.
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Re: Halp

If you mean as in change the file/s it is in to English, then nope still just black. I tried changing the name of the game application as well cause sometimes causes issues but nope. Also my PC is always set to Japanese, so it's not that lol.
(not that you knew that, since I forgot to say that I do have it set to Japanese lol)

I've tried ver1.03, ver1.00 and the trial version but it's just black for each one. So it must be a problem as a whole that my computer is having with this for some damn reason lol. But if someone has any other ideas of what might fix it or is causing it, feel free to say lol.

My Windows isn't set to Japanese, but the game works well fine for me.

I am running Windows 7 64-bit Swedish with Swedish locale, but I DO have support for non-ascii/unicode application installed.
Re: 女戦士監禁

to celebrate 3000 downloads, the developer is hoping to release version 2.00 of this game today
I can't understand what scenes are being added, but the reason I said "hoping to release" is because they are uncensoring something in the game
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Re: 女戦士監禁


page2.PIC replaced with page2.bmp

Unfortunately this link is down right now. I was going to ask if anyone can re-upload but if there is going to be a update released today, I'm sure a link will come soon enough. Just thought I'd let everyone know though.
She-warrior Stella?


I was curious if anyone would know the name of this game? I've been looking around on different forum and such but haven't picked up any leads. I don't think it's named She-warrior stella. Only thing close is valkyrie stella which isn't this game.

Here's the vid of it I found:

I tried asking the one who posted the vid but didn't get a response.

Would anyone have this game or at least know the name?

Thanks for any help!
Re: She-warrior Stella?

We have this game! I'll try to see if I can remember it's name or where it is. It's definitely something I still have on my computer, but with all the japanese characters used in titles, it might take me a while to remember, but I'm sure someone will find it before me.
Re: She-warrior Stella?

I'm pretty sure there was an uncensored version too.
Re: She-warrior Stella?

We do have that game. I also still have it on my pc.

let me check these forums here...

Got it, you want this game here

Forums link:

Problem solved. Have a nice fap, gents.

Edit: fourth post in that forums link tells you how to uncensor it too.
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Re: She-warrior Stella?

Oh man, I love all you guys that just super-sleuthed the hell out of that for me!

Thank you guys so much!

Edit: Hah almost flipped my table when I followed the links to the full game and found that the user's account had been deleted, but I think I found another working link within those posts. Here's hoping as it slowwwwly and painfully tries to download...
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Re: She-warrior Stella?

When I found it the first time I was like, yeah finally a really good hentai game, played the demo and the animations were very disappointing.
Re: She-warrior Stella?

I just looked at the dev blog. It seems this game has now been improved to version 2.0 with 1 or 2 new H animations. Also, you can see screenshots of his next game.

Re: She-warrior Stella?

wait, toxic you're not feeling under the weather are you o.0? you usually tell people stuff like this goes in the request thread lol
Re: She-warrior Stella?

I wait for it to get answered usually before deleting it or merging it with the previous thread/hentai finder thread. I figured since I knew we had an answer, I'd leave it up until the OP saw it. Now these posts will be merged
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