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Vote for my next CYOA!

Vote for my next CYOA!

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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Hi, so i'm thinking about making a new CYOA soon (After Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar is finished) and i've got a few ideas of how i want to go with it.

I've written a large amount of Creative content on this forum, most of which can be found in my signature, I've written 4 CYOAs, 2 Short Stories, and multiple 'Lore' posts, i have a pretty wild imagination and i love creating new erotic content.

CYOAs are a huge undertaking, and sometimes the individual posts can take hours to write in order to ensure that they not only make sense but are erotic enough to please my readers, not many people have the patience required to continue writing a single CYOA for months as i do and i take them very seriously, alot of my free time is invested in maintaining the story and subplots, i like to think that this is why many people have complimented me on my previous efforts.

I understand that people have different tastes for their porn, not everyone is a fan of Tentacle, Eggs or Vore, some people are interested in other situations as well, and those are the flavors i am hoping to explore in my next CYOA.

Here are some situations i've been pondering, you should be able to vote for more than 1, but please do not vote for all 4.

A. Accidentally Stored away in cyro-stasis for hundreds of years, our character awakens to find that he is the only man left on a planet full of monster girls who are all hungry for his semen for nutritional or reproductive purposes (or perhaps both). Your quest is to simply survive and avoid becoming a semen slave to these beautiful yet ravenous creatures. (working title 'Endangered')

B. You are a dutiful Nymph created by the Great tree in order restore the balance of life in the forest which you call home, accept quests from various factions such as the fairies, Elves and plants before the impending human, demon and tentacle invasions force you to work together and defeat them in order to protect the forest and it's inhabitants. (working title 'Nymph's Quest')

C. 500 years after the collapse of human civilization by alien overlords, female humans are now created inside of large capsules and harvested daily inside of the large encampments created to manage you, you're alien oppressors sell your race as pets while harvesting your planet for it's natural resources, their advanced technology means it would be impossible to defeat them, but the only thing on your mind is to somehow escape with a small group of friends (working title 'The Domesticated')

D. The Wars are over, the monsters girls have won and have begun to take their spoils. You play as a beautiful but decadent Succubus who must try to gather as many human males as possible, battling human resistance groups and other monster girls in order to gather as many as possible. Hated by the other Monster girls for your gluttony, cruelty and selfishness, they will do everything in their power to ensure that you fail and that the human males are kept in the wilderness under their control rather than in the vast harems you have established below your dark citadel, gather or 'convert' your allies as you establish the foundation for the greatest empire this world has ever known. (working title 'Chalice of Life')
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Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

My votes are for A or C.

My reasons:

A In all of your past CYOAs we have had played the role of a female survivor. I think it would be fun and very interesting to see a reverse rape scenario where we are a man trying to survive and avoid being raped and to see how you play out the male gender.

C All of our stories thus far have been fantasy based, or high Fantasy at least. Sci-fi/ space is a new area, genre, and setting you havent tried yet and I would also like to see how you carry it out.

I didnt vote for B as it didnt really appeal to me, i mean tou could surprise us with that and take us in a new and captivating direction, but i just didnt care too much for it tbh. I also think D seems like TLE:A only being told from the Succubus' point of view and I think the best way to improve, or to keep people engaged is to break out from the usual and try something new and daring. :D
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

Heres more about what i'm thinking about each of them.

A. Male hero, Quasi Sci-Fi setting with abandoned technology in a world where nature (specifically monster girls) have taken over, you're job would be to avoid being captured as long as possible (though avoiding them entirely would admittedly would make for a boring erotic cyoa.) it would also deal with the morality struggle our hero would inevitably face.

B. Female Nymph hero, Fantasy setting, 'Quests' would be like gathering victims for the plants, elves or fairies and strengthening them before the impending invasion of evil with demons, tentacles and humans, it would be like a struggle for who controls the forest and who is the prey and who is the predator.

C. Female hero, sci-fi setting, start in captivity possibly escape, heavy description of the sci-fi world, aliens and new reality of what it means to be human, heavy emphasis on subjugation, mind break and submission.

D. Female Monster Girl hero, Fantasy setting, Basically having to do with collecting male slaves with competition from other monster girls, it would have a flavor similar to TLE in one sense, however it would be done from a completely different perspective.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

aA Is my first choice, but if it's a tie between D and either of the other two, I'd vote D
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

A would be a nice change of pace with your CYOA.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!


But I'd prefer to see you finishing what you're already working on than to see you're already trying to finish it so quickly, even if we play badly and deserve a quick defeat.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

Torn between A&B, A sounds like a nice break from the majority of CYOAs around here, while B smells deliciously much like creative strategies waiting to be thought of.

Oh well, A, but should it be a tie between B and either C/D, my vote goes to B.

Final note: Do indeed finish your previous CYOA, I'm not one to join it mid-play, but it's certainly been an entertaining read.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

It will probably be a little while before i start the next project anyway, i'll leave this poll open for like 2 more weeks, and start planning, meanwhile i'll try to get at least a few more updates in on DR, the story won't abruptly end however, i'll try to tie up all of the loose ends and set us up for the sequel if i eventually do it.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

Human pets = kinky
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

A is my first choice but if that ends up with no chance of wining (which I hope does not to happen) then C and the same for B.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

A and B seem to be the most popular choices now, ill leave the poll open for a few more days and for the 2 options with the most votes after that i'll write an intro for and we can revote between the two.

I'd also like to write an update for Dark Ritual sometime here, but i've been slacking in that regard about as much as one could possibly slack, the current update is partially done so after about a half hour or so of work i'll be able to finish it, then i can hopefully start working on wrapping it up.

I'm excited for my next project however and i don't think it will be a problem once i get started on that one.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

B, and nothing more.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

Vote for A because I can think of a lot of good things that could happen and really how many of these are there?
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

Vote for A because I can think of a lot of good things that could happen and really how many of these are there?

I totally follow: why always women? A man from time to time maybe nice...
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

A and B are moving on to the final round, where i will write the opening post for each potential CYOA and you will vote on it again once both have been posted, first ill start off with Nymph's Quest and write 'Endangered' later on.

Nymphs quest is intended to be a funny (lets see if i can actually be funny) Erotic CYOA where the inhabitants of Elling forest rely on you, a clumsy, Naive and playful nymph, you will accept several quests from the inhabitants of the forest which you can complete in various ways, you will gain or lose faction with the inhabitants of the forest based on how you complete these quests, as well as strengthen or weaken a certain faction. eventually invaders (in the form of Tentacles, Demons and Humans) will show up and attempt to disrupt your efforts, decisions you have made prior to this event will determine what happens.

NYMPH'S QUEST (working title) PILOT EPISODE --

The Great Elling Forest used to be a peaceful place where nature was self sufficient, but as the world around it changed and became corrupted, outside influences slowly twisted the forest and it's inhabitants forever.

The Elling forest is home to hundreds of species of creatures including Elves, Fairies, Alraunes and many other types of monster girls, the delicate system has been disrupted and now, many creatures are left starving or unable to reproduce, that is where you come in.

I am the great elder tree of the Elling forest and i have lived for thousands of years, watching my kindred creatures live, evolve and now.....struggle, i see it as my duty to protect these creatures and thus, i have used a significant amount of energy to create a servant; You.

You are a Nymph, a creature who is the embodiment of the forest, your magical power is relative to the health and strength of every living creature who resides here from the tiniest bugs to the great trees, your health and survival is tied to this place and it is your duty to protect and aid the forest and it's inhabitants when ever possible.

Each faction of the forever needs your help, and you should see them immediately for i sense a darkness coming this way, a masculine force with bloodlust in it's heart, we must grow strong together or die together, bound under the chains of man.....or worse.

Chapter 1: Seed

You slowly open your eyes for the first time and as come into consciousness, your body is surrounded by the soft vine-cocoon which you had grow inside of, reacting to you movements, the cocoon looses and spreads open at the top, revealing a bit of sunlight.

Opening your sparkling eyes, you lift your body up and out of the cocoon.

Raising out of the ground, the sunlight meets your moist and shiny skin which radiates a soft aura, at 5''3' you are about as tall as an elf, but you have the wings of a fairy.

your breasts are bulging with heft as they hang from your chest, two round orbs which from each nipple drip a small amount of nectar or sap.

Your Vagina is small and tight, from it drips a small amount of your sweet juices.

You are born fully matured, in order to carry out the deeds which will be required of you no doubt.

Turning towards the great tree which created you, the muscles in your cute face tighten as you form a smile.

Entering into your mind are the words of your creator, who appears as simply a large and old tree.


Alma? Is that my name? that is kind of weird.

'Alma......help us.....' The voice whispers to you.

You know what you must do, you were created to help the inhabitants of this forest in whatever way they require.

You simply nod towards the great tree in acknowledgement as you dash into the forest and disappear into a bush.

Running through the forest, the soft rays of sunlight beam down onto your smooth skin and the whirling breeze rolls through the trees of the forest, carrying the essence of all creatures.

You are a happy creature, because the forest is happy, at least for now, but you can't help but feel as though there is some impending doom which is slowly coming for this place, and deep down you start to worry.


After minutes of running, you finally come in contact with one of the inhabitants of the forest!

Before you is a small fairy, who is carrying a flower with her which has been uprooted, roots and all.

'HI!' you say to the fairy, who drops the flower in surprise. 'WHATS UR NAME!?'

the playful fairy smiles and starts to yell at the top of her small lungs, which is admittedly, not very loud 'my name is magenasifo.......but you can call me......MAG!'

'NICE TO MEET YOU MAG!' you reach out with your hand to shake hers, but realizing her hand is much smaller than yours you simply pat her gently on the rear.

'hehehehh, you are a funny lady' the fairy says as she shoots you a give smile and goes to pick up her flower again.

'DO YOU NEED HELP WITH ANYTHING?!' you continue to yell, being that it is the first time you've spoken and you are still getting used to the whole volume thing.

'I'm just fine at the moment funny lady....but maybe later we could use your help at the Fairy trees'


'Right over there silly!' the fairy points to the east.


'byyyyyyyeee!' mag says as she does a little dive towards you, landing a small kiss on your belly and then looking up with a beaming smile.

you continue your journey through the forest, hoping to meet more inhabitants of this wonderful place.

you continue along the lively forest, the birds are chirping happily around you as you can hear water nearby from a stream begin to flow, you head towards it in order to investigate.

Coming to the stream, you find a beautiful naked slender woman who is lowering her hands in order to gain a scoopful of the water from the river, coming up behind her, you say hello in the only way you know how.


Falling forward and into the stream, the elven woman turns towards you and replaces her shocked look with one of anger.

getting up from the stream, covered in mud, the elf scowls at you.

'What do you think you are doing!? trying to kill me?'


'Keep your voice down you rude child......there is no need to wake the entire forest'


'Talk.....like......this' the elf says in a quite tone


putting her muddied hand to her forehead she closes her eyes and shakes her head as she walks away from you.

'HEY......WHERE......ARE.......YOU.......GOING!' you ask her as her back is turned to you.

the elf points in the direction she is walking in, which is to the west, that must be where all of the other elves live, you'll have to be sure to say HI to them all later on.

you start to run away, full of energy and vigor, with the enthusiasm of a child.

You continue to run through the forest you mouth open and your tongue tasting the air as you go, this is so much fun!

coming to a shadier part of the forest, you encounter a strange plant woman who sees you first and immediately fires vines out to intercept you.

stopped immediately, vines wrap around your ankles and arms as they bring you closer to the green woman, who has green hair and supple breasts.

'Where are you going darling?' the Alraune says to you.

'YOU .....CAUGHT.......ME...........NO........FAIR!'

'Why are you talking like that?' the Alraune said as she slowly released you, placing you gently back on your feet.


'Those snobs? i doubt it....what are you anyway? some new breed of Fairy? you are certainly annoying enough'


'Well then....nymph.....please keep your voice down, you are annoying me'


'Yes.....and don't space your words out so much...that is kind of annoying as well.'

'okey' you say as you widely grin to the plant-woman.

'Hey do u wanna play a game?' you say to her quickly

'not really i.."

'TAG, UR IT!' you say to her quickly as you quickly turn to run, you immediately feel the vines wrap around your ankles again and you are dragged back before the Alraune.

a green finger comes down and touches you on the shoulder.

'Tag, you are it, game over, i win......the end' before letting out a sigh and rolling her eyes.

'Hay you are pretty good at tag' you say, getting up and shooting her another wide grin.

'I wish i had some males to play tag with'

'Mails...whats that'?

'Sit down.....ill tell you if you promise not to interrupt me too much'

obediently and sit down on the ground and cross you legs, looking up at the Alraune with wonder in your eyes.

'a human Male is my main source of sustenance, they excrete a substance i like to refer to as seed, which i am able to convert into energy'

'What does seed taste like?'

'It tastes wonderful...you should try it sometime....i'd be willing to share some with you if you could find a male for me'

'Whens the last time you had some seed?'

'Oh....it's been many months now.....the last one i had escaped from me after i failed to secure him properly.....a mistake i won't make again.'

'you must be starved having not eaten any seed in months!' you observe as you mouth drops open.

'Indeed, i feel weaker every day, and i am too slow to trap one for myself....i could use some help capturing one'

'I can help you!' you shout, jumping up into the air from your seated position with your fist raised piercing the sky.

'Ok little nymph, you find me a male and i'll let you taste his seed'

'DEAL!' you say with another wide grin on your face, full of enthusiasm.

'When you find one, bring him to my lair in the south, my name is Ivy....remember......IVY! don't give him to another alraune...otherwise i'll starve and it will be all your fault Alma!

'Okey ivy......IVY!!'

With a quest in hand, you go forth dutifully in order to find a male so you can deliver him to IVY the plant-lady.
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Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

Voting D just to give it better chance, even if its in second. I pretty much like A and D equally. B sounds ok but not as good as the other 2 and C has little apeal to me from the fetishes involved.
Re: Vote for my next CYOA!

I've been working on the Pilot for 'Endangered' but i'm thinking about scrapping it and starting again, sometimes these things take a couple of shots before you get it right.

I've really got to try to capture the atmosphere of the genre i'm trying to convey.