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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I think i'll just leave this here...

Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

*strums on the threads to see if they're still in tune*

Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation,
Darkness stirs and wakes the imagination.
Suddenly the senses abandon their defenses,
Helpless to resist the notes I write,
For I compose the music of the night.

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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Sounds like they are. :D Yeah I've definitely been falling behind on this. I want to get to it soon though. Hopefully in the next couple days.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Hey this is totally random thinking on my part, but would anyone be interested in seeing a new chapter of Erika's Revenge?
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

That depends, is writing a new chapter for Erika's revenge going to delay the game any. Or is this like when I try to write and just stare at the page for a few hours without writing anything so I just decide to go post instead.

Read that as a sure I'd be interested. It would be nice to actually see something on the blank page to read again.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

*Pokes at apparently dead body. Remembers that Ranger is a vampire. Gets her a "bloody Mary" to revive her. Goes about business.*
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

lol. My mind goes in so many places that it shouldn't when I hear "bloody Mary."
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Eh, they're probably the same places my mind was already at unfortunately.

Which reminds me what did one lesbian vampire say to the other lesbian vampire? See you next month.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Oh dear dear dear... that joke...

I do believe that getting rid of the cycle would be a perk of vampirism. ;)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Woooooow. It's definitely a perk in my VtM universe. ;)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yeah, I'm full of bad jokes unfortunately. For example: Why don't vampires bite lawyers? Professional courtesy.

I would imagine that would be rather nice perk, for the guy's as well as the girls. I've also now got a horrible new idea for a Ventrue feeding preference.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

The caviar of the Ventrue world.

But ah, yeah... I'll stick to necks and inner thighs. ;)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I prefer to bite my victims squarely in the center of the back. Why you ask? Because I like a challenge.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Mmm, delicious first meal times. Seems it's getting to that point with most people's threads. And flowers for Corrine too? Petra must be so thoughtful. :D
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

You know I keep forgetting that you set the game in the year 2000. I only really remembered it when I noticed the little character sheets you added the other day and read it in the welcome note.

Kind of weird to think of all the things that hadn't happened yet in real life. No Twilight or True Blood yet, which means that Blue probably forgot, too. No 9/11 or the like.

And more fitting to the city the Phillies last won the world series in 1980 and won't win again till 2008. Though the 76er's do get to go to the finals in 2001. The Eagles won't be good till 2005. At least those are the things that popped into my mind when I realized it.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Good point, ronny. Totally had glossed over that.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Man, I don't even remember what things were like back then. I don't think I really even had internets in 2000. ...Though, I think I spent a lot of my time playing Achaea and various other MUDs, so I guess I really have no idea.

Were cellphones as widespread back then? Were beepers still a thing.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Cellphones still had the monochrome green screens at least until 2004ish. I remember in high school going on trips and having to borrow someone else's phone to call my parents to pick me up afterwards, as not everyone had a phone, and it was always one of those that looked more like a walkie talkie than anything.