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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura: 16 vs 9 hit
Wasp: 12 vs 8 hit

Aura: 11 vs 11 hit and sunk

Undaunted by the onset of the venom, Aura attacked again, once again trading blows with the wasp and becoming somewhat aroused at the contact.

At last, she stood face to face with her foe, a breeze blew through an open wall and a small weed tumbled between the two. The wasp lifted off and flew straight for Aura, who charged the wasp in turn. Aura's ax was faster than the wasp's sting, and it fell to the ground, minus its head.

Victorious, once Aura looked around for a bit, she would find a fairly decently sized backpack with about a day's worth of smoked meat inside. She was left feeling somewhat aroused, but nothing she couldn't ignore.

I'll be pretty lenient about what/how much you can carry in the backpack.

In regards to the arousal, she can either wait a bit for it to wear off, or take care of it herself, I won't even roll for an encounter on those as they will happen fast enough. Orrrrrr she could go back and see if yon corrupted sir is as erect in death as he is in life if that's what she's into, though I'm pretty sure her AP isn't quite high enough to warrant such measures hahaha
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The wasp was dead. Of course, it had left two does of venom burning inside her, and while that wasn't enough to make her do anything drastic, it was enough that she decided to wait a minute before continuing up the stairs. If there was another wasp exploring up a level, she didn't want to make its job any easier.

As she waited for the poison to subside, the idea that she could speed things along by... taking care of it herself, so to speak, occurred to her. She was certainly horny enough that 'before' she would have been practically running to the Egg, or spending some private time in her room if it was too far. But now... with the number of things that wanted to breed with her, diddling herself seemed like a great way to advertise that there was a human woman about. And that was besides the fact that she was technically in public.

Instead, she occupied herself by taking a look around the floor. And found a bag full of meat. That was worrying. Taken as an abstract it was good. She had spent about a day in the future, and found a day's worth of food. If she kept that up then she was golden, with a month's reserve in case anything went wrong that didn't include her being kidnapped or enslaved and thus presumably fed. But it also meant that there was someone else active in this area. Someone with enough intelligence to smoke meat. Maybe not today, but this meat certainly hadn't been sitting there for hundreds of years, maybe not even days with animals about. She wasn't the only one who had explored this building recently.

With the backpack over one shoulder and her arousal faded enough, Aura moved on to the next floor, quiet again until she could see what she was up against this time.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Advancing on up the stairs, Aura came to the fourth floor. The door was cracked and she peeked through the door before going through. She didn't notice anything in terms of creatures, though she couldn't know for sure unless she left the staircase. However, she also didn't see much in the way of useful items. Again though, she couldn't be sure without leaving the staircase.

She still had three floors plus the roof to comb though...maybe she wanted to skip this floor?
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

With nothing obviously interesting about the floor, Aura decided to continue on to the next, and made a mental note to return if she had time later. She continued to the next floor in the same manner as the previous ones.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura sneak: 17 vs 20 not a ninja this time
Class III Corrupted Primate pheromones: 14 vs 5 gain AP
Not sure what I'm making the roll for the pheromones, in terms of probability of gaining an AP, so for now it's just d20 vs d20+2(hard mode)
Continuing up the stairs, Aura came to the next door. Unfortunately, as she approached it, she stepped on a stick, causing it to crack sharply. After looking down to see what she had stepped on, she looked back up to see one of the primates that she had encountered at the very end of her outdoor excursion the day prior. Needless to say, it was looking right at her.

It was not as overtly threatening as the first two monsters she had fought, but it approached her with a quiet confidence that was rather intimidating, she remembered Charlie's warnings from the day before. Inevitably, she caught wind of the creature's pleasant musk.

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP: 1/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The chimp was coming towards her. It wasn't straight up attacking her like everything else had so far, but she still didn't want it near her. She tried to remember what Charlie had said about them. Emitting pheromones that arouse women... confirmed. The thing's scent had hit her, and the next moment part of her was wondering what it would be like to be fucked by a monkey. She could see its dick, after all, it wouldn't be that hard to imagine... Aura crushed the thought as best she could.

They also hunted in small groups. So while she only saw one, there was every chance more were about. And if she was defeated... well, she'd get to find out what it was like to be fucked by a lot of monkeys. What else? They were strong. She wasn't particularly strong. They were fast. She wasn't particularly fast.

Aura swallowed. Things weren't looking good. Of course, prey animals escaped stronger and faster predators every day. Strength and speed were nothing if they couldn't get their hands on her because she was more agile then them. She considered herself fairly agile... but then again, what she could do was nothing compared to what a monkey could do, and even if the mutations changed that, Charlie had said they were agile as well. What had been his advice, then?

Avoid them. Great advice. She took a step back out into the stairwell, and swallowed again. They bred with women. What was the chances she could simply walk away? She kept the axe between them, hoping that maybe a weapon was something they would respect. Or maybe she could get the door secured shut between them, buy enough time to get away.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Primate 1: 18 v 17 +1 arousal
Primate 2: 6 vs 14 no effect, but he's still kind of in the way...

It was good that Aura remembered that the primates typically hunted in packs. Otherwise she might not have realized what was happening as the pheromones got more oppressive in the hallway. Glancing around instinctively, she saw another of the primates coming up the stairs from below her.

It wasn't the end of the world, she remembered that there were multiple emergency exits, or she could try to fight them in the stairwell where they could only really come at her one at a time. Or she could make a tactical retreat to higher ground. But then, did she really want to run? She could see both of the creatures' penises coming through their fur, large red rods becoming quite erect, thick too...

Aura: HP: 5/5 AP:2/10
CIIICP 1: HP: 6/6
CIIICP 2: ????
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Any doubt that the primate wanted to mate with her was quickly vanishing, as its musk continued to affect her body, and its own arousal became apparent. Any doubt that the primate would succeed was also quickly vanishing. Two could be all there was. In which case she could go up, and back down an emergency stair. Assuming they didn't follow her just as quickly and considerably more forcefully. Or there could be another on the next floor, leaving her cornered between three horny monkeys, any one of which could probably overpower her. She wondered if they would take turns, or DP her.

No! Aura refused to give up. Things looked bad, but there might *not* be a third! She might make it to the top, shut a door in their faces, jam it shut, grab a power supply, and run back down the fire exit and into the safety of the Egg reception area all before they did anything to her!

She decided to stop thinking about it and start doing it. The redhead kept hold of her axe, but stopped brandishing it so much as she sprinted up the stairs as fast as she could go.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura makes a tactical GTFO up the stairs: 16 vs 7, 14 SUCCESS! (I'm sorry...)
Wasp 1: 9 vs 2 hit
Wasp 2: 5 vs 19 miss
Wasp 3: 12 vs 8 hit
Wasp 4: 3 vs 14 miss
Wasp 5: 16 vs 2 hit (ouch, minimum twice...)
Wasp 6: 18 vs 17 hit

Aura booked it up the stairs, desire to get away from the primates before she gave in, was raped, bred, and taken away for a life as a primate breeder urging her on faster than she would have imagined possible. As she bolted, the primates gave chase. She could hear them, thudding menacingly up the stairs behind her, though she dared not turn to look.

Her legs burned and her lungs were hurting for air as she neared the top of the stairs, it may have just been her imagination, but she could almost feel the breath of the things on the bare flesh of her legs.

Finally though she reached the door, pushed it open, turned, and slammed it shut, jamming a piece of debris into the handles, keeping them shut as the monsters pounded on the door. Safe. However...

As she turned around, she was confronted by what could only be called a giant beehive. Needless to say, they had noticed her dramatic entrance. Almost immediately, wasps were all over her, stinging her chest, legs, and arms while a larger group charged out of the hive and down lower on the building, seemingly entering to battle the primates, who had since stopped banging on the door.

In the midst of everything, she saw the power room. The hive was built around it, covering approximately half of it. There was also a set of doors that would lead to another staircase on the other side of the rooftop. Though her options were dwindling fast with the heat that was increasing exponentially in her loins.

Aura: HP: 3/5 (cuz getting all kinds of stung up in this bitch) AP: 6/10
Wasps: HP: NO
Sorry...the lower floor had the monkey out of sight, and the floor above the one you stopped at had the third monkey, except dead and a handful of wasps that may have clued you in on the danger, and if you had busted it through that floor there was a little something in the stairwell, butttt.... Ah well, just wanted to give you an outline of what I was thinking/how you doomed yourself/letting you know that getting gang-banged wasn't the only outcome here (though at this point...). And I feel kind of bad, especially since you succeeded on a fairly difficult double-roll to get there.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

One of the primates hit the door with a thud, but Aura had already wedged a loose board under the handle. The whole thing shuddered as one or more of the monkey-men pounded against it. The board might not hold up for long, but it seemed to be strong enough to last until she could find something better... or maybe enough enough time to find the power room and get the hell out of there. It probably wouldn't be hard, she could hear a low buzzing that sounded vaguely like a generator. Or maybe like...

The redhead turned around, and tried to dodge out of the way of the giant wasps. Some missed, but more found their mark anyway. The effect of so many doses of their foul venom on top of what the primates' musk had already done left Aura with a too-familiar damp spot in her panties and limping slightly from the brutality of the assault. Many of the wasps seemed to be using broken windows to get in at the monkeys who were still trying to get at her, but... she had failed to escape two, only a hundred yards from safety. Now there were at least six actively attacking her, and she was in sight of their hive. If by some miracle she cut all 6 in half with her axe, another dozen would come.

She couldn't fight, but there was another door, a way out. She could run to it... and by the time she got there she'd have enough stings to put her under. She'd wake up, if at all, inside the hive, being used to breed more of the foul bugs.

There was one thing left that she could do. The doomed redhead turned around and kicked the board out from under the door handle, and struggled to get it open. Maybe if the wasps were busy fighting the chimps and vice versa, she'd have a chance...
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aphrodisiac: 4, 2,1,1 +2 AP
Aura kicked the door open, and the two primates rushed out, pursued by a number of wasps. They certainly weren't focused on Aura anymore, busy as they were swatting at the wasps. The wasps were fighting them fairly aggressively, stinging them time and again, though it didn't seem to be aphrodisiac in their stingers this time, judging by the furious roars of the primates.

The wasps that had assaulted her previously were now engaged with the wasps, leaving her with a little room to breathe, but she was finding herself increasingly enchanted with the thrusting motions the wasps made as they stung the primates. When would they start doing it to her, filling her up in such a delicious way?

Aura: HP: 3/5 AP: 8/10
Wasps: couple dead, some wounded, still lots more
CIIICP 1&2: Hurting pretty bad, gonna be dead next round.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura moved to the side as the door opened, allowing the chimps onto the roof with her. All the wasps immediately forgot about her, and started fighting the chimps. She realized, in a distracted sort of way, that they were fighting over who would get to mate with her. The damp spot in her panties was growing, and it was hard to breathe normally. It looked like the wasps would win easily. One would knock her over, pin her face down on the floor. She'd struggle a little, but not enough to actually stop it as it pulled her panties aside, shoved its ovipositor in, and made her cum. It would fill her belly with eggs, then move aside for the next one...

But not yet. The venom already inside her might overwhelm her, but then it might not. Things looked bad, worse than when she had been cornered by the chimps, but if the wasps hadn't been here she would have gotten away from that! There was still hope, and Aura stopped watching the fight over her cunt and started running down the stairs. If she could, she'd get all the way down to the lobby and start looking for someplace to hide.
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Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Arousal checks: 3,4,4,4 huh...
Luck for how long the apes last: 14 arbitrarily determined as long enough for Aura to get down to the lobby and hide.

Aura managed to fight through the arousal enough to get down to the lobby. She decided to find somewhere to hide, running through the open streets didn't seem like a very good idea at this point, her chances were probably better indoors. Looking around, it was an average several-hundred years old lobby, there were crumbling places and masses of growth everywhere for her to hide in. Or she could be extra sneaky and go up the other stairwell, that aught to confuse them. Thinking back, Aura thought she remembered one of her Biology professors mentioning that some species of bees/wasps were drawn to pheromones emitted from the stinger when a victim was stung, alerting an entire hive to the victim's location. Maybe she should have gone to a few more lectures...

She didn't have long to decide what to do, she could hear the dying cries of the primates, and the sounds of the wasps flying down there stairs.
Aura: HP: 3/5 AP: 8/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura found herself breathing heavily. Running seemed to be keeping the venom in her system at bay, but the chimps hadn't looked good. They wouldn't hold the wasps off for long. If she went outside... even two peeling off from the fight would be the end. She remembered hearing that wasps or possibly bees were attracted to the stings of their own kind by some sort of pheromone or something, but these were so heavily mutated that the details probably didn't matter. Given what they were hunting at the moment, the scent of a woman's arousal was probably just as good as whatever they might sting her with.

But would they be able to actually use that to follow her trail, or just to smell her when they got close? If they could follow the trail, then a confusing path might help - doubling back up the stairs - though it was far from a certain tactic. But if they had to get close and could then smell her... then being as far from the roof as possible would be best.

The time was the deciding factor. Hiding well did no good if they just saw her before she was hidden. She'd wasted enough time considering the issue, now it was time to hide as quickly as possible. She found the nearest dense cluster of vegetation, hoping it would help cloud her scent, and tried not to think about what would happen if they found her, on the basis that it would make that outcome more likely by virtue of making her horny. Hornier.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Arousal: 3,4,2,2 you resisted again...
Aura Hides (subtracting AP from roll): 6 vs 18 but they find you anyway...

Crouched inside the brush, the wasps finally made it downstairs and into the lobby. They flew around for a couple of seconds, before they settled into a pattern flying over the spot where she was hiding, circling overhead. One of the wasps landed, and began walking towards her spot, slowly getting closer and closer. It appeared she had been found.

As of now, the wasps weren't being overly aggressive, but they were slowly circling closer and closer around her spot.

AP: 8/10
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura tried her best to freeze in place when the wasps arrived in the lobby. They started searching, and she struggled to control her breathing. Then they changed their pattern, circling around her hiding place. She held her breath, not wanting to admit that she'd been found. They weren't coming right at her. Maybe... maybe they only smelled her, didn't know exactly where she was. And then when they didn't find her after a few seconds, they'd leave.

But she didn't really believe it. She waited as long as she dared in her hiding place, but before the thing actually touched her she'd bolt. Try to make it to the door, and then continue until she was back in the safety of the reception area. Or so she told herself.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Run to the lobby: 17 v 6 makes tracks
Arousal: 1,3,1 done

Aura burst out of the bushes suddenly, startling the wasps and making good time before they could follow. Unfortunately, her resistance to the aphrodisiac seemed to crumble, as she fell to the ground following a dizzying wave of arousal and a micro-orgasm that left a damp, sticky spot on her undies.

The wasps were all over her in a matter of moments. Instead of roughly fucking her like she may have expected, the first one instead spit up honey on the wounds she had received in the building and on the roof. Any pain she may have felt from them dulled, and on some instinctual level, she knew that the honey was good for her wounds.

Of course, the wasp wasn't done. Once it had patched her up, it rolled her over onto her front before crawling onto her belly and wrapping its legs around her torso, but actually leaving her arms free, apparently just wanting some leverage as it placed a familiar tube at the entrance to her sopping cunt. At the same time, it began the familiar routine of 'making out' with her again, pouring a large quantity of honey into her mouth, this time before it began depositing eggs in her. The egging process this time was less painful than the first. Whether the honey had anything to do with it was anyone's guess, but she definitely felt less pain this time around, and received a number of orgasms.

What was different this time was that after the first wasp left, two more came up, one in front, and one behind. The one in front of her stuck its tube into her mouth, pumping back and forth in a strange new variant of oral sex. The one behind her gently clutched onto her back and placed its tube on her backdoor. Slowly it pushed inside, though not penetrating her deeply. The two wasps on her thrust away until they spurted loads of honey into her, and then, as Aura fell into a lust-addled sleep, a number of the wasps latched onto her, and she felt herself lifted from the floor.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The simple pressure of her legs rubbing together as she burst out from her hiding spot seemed to do it. She felt her body seize up as a mini orgasm ran through her. She stumbled, tripped, fell. The wasps were on her before she could get up, and she knew her escape attempt was over.

They spat their healing salve onto her wounds before they fucked her, which was considerate. The first one took her face up this time, and while it left her hands free, the weight of the thing on her chest and the fact that there were dozens more in the area was enough to make that useless. The fact that it was shoving something into a pussy aching with need didn't help either.

She came repeatedly as it forced its eggs into her womb, not as painfully as the first time. Maybe these eggs were smaller, for whatever reason, or the honey on her wounds had gotten into her blood and dulled the pain everywhere. Or maybe having three eggs go in and then come out had stretched her out.

No sooner was the first one done then two more took its place. One took her mouth, and she wondered if it was going to put eggs into her actual belly, and what would happen afterwards. Not that there was anything she could do about it, but... even through her lust and the thing in her mouth, Aura let out a yelp as the second wasp pushed its tube into her ass. This was something she'd only experienced before in the Egg, and which she had never really liked. It hurt more and didn't arouse her as much as the 'front', and while she didn't exactly hate it, she'd rather have been fucked properly again.

The absurdity of being raped by gigantic wasps that wanted to use her as a breeding tool and complaining that they wanted anal presented itself, and before she blacked out Aura couldn't help but giggle softly through her lust. Then, as everything started to go dark, she realized she was being lifted into the air, and what that meant. Unconsciousness came before she could react.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura awoke after an untold amount of time in what she assumed was the hive. It was kind of dark, but there were enough holes in the hive to allow light in to see by. She found herself face to face with...she wasn't really sure what. It looked like more of a bee than a wasp, and it also had distinctly, surprisingly human qualities to it. It had a slightly humanized face, perhaps a bit angular, with golden chitin, antennae, and two large bug-eyes. But there was a definite human shape to her face. And it was certainly a her, she had a torso with a pair of heavy breasts on it. Going down, there was a carapace covering at the low point on her waist, in the shape of a vagina. it hardly seemed coincidental.

She had arms, sort of. They were more like thicker, more developed legs, still ending in the hook-like shape of the wasps' legs. She had a smaller, secondary set of arms at waist height, though they seemed underdeveloped they were built the same as the primary arm set. This was followed by the legs, or where human legs would traditionally be. There was another set of arms here, or a third set of legs depending on your definition. They were roughly the same as the primary arms on the torso. Finally, extending off of her tailbone area was an abdomen, complete with stinger, much like the wasps except this one possessed the characteristic brown and gold markings of a honey bee.

After examining Aura for a moment, by this point the woman had realized she was still pregnant and clothed, except her underwear had been basically torn to shreds, holes all throughout from the wasps' tubes, the female bee moved in and kissed Aura, who felt something akin the proboscis the wasps had used, but instead felt a little closer to human, more like a really long tongue than anything else. The bee's mouth tasted of honey, but there was no explosion of the fluid into Aura's own mouth, only the taste. As they were kissing, she felt something prodding her nethers. If she looked down, she would see the chitin patch had retreated, and now there was a tube sticking out of it, covered in honey, and making its way into her egged pussy. The bee pressed her waist against her, and she felt a peculiar rush, despite the reduced power of the aphrodisiacs, as she felt the tube growing longer and longer inside of her until it was actually touching the eggs. When it did hit the eggs, Aura felt the tube expand, followed by a slight suction as she felt it latch onto the eggs, suck them into itself, and then suffered a series of orgasms as she felt the eggs travel down her birth canal inside of the tube, and make their way into the bee's body.

Once the process was complete, the bee broke off her kiss, walked away, leaving Aura to fall asleep once more.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The whole thing was bizarre. Even hopped up on aphrodisiacs, Aura was scared of the strange woman. Not enough that she was able to fight back with any sort of effect, or run away, but... what was she? Was this was Aura would become once she'd stayed here for ages?

What came next was even stranger. Her panties were as good as gone now, something that a small part of her pointed out would leave her pretty compromised if she ever got out of here, exposed. And then the woman slid something into Aura's body, drawing gasps and eventually an orgasm, as the odd woman pulled the eggs out of Aura's body. This bitch was stealing her eggs!

She shook her head as the bee-woman withdrew and walked away. No. She didn't want eggs, the woman could have them! Of course, this left her still in the middle of the wasp's nest, horny and... vacant. She wasn't sure if having eggs in her was protection against more or not, but she knew that whatever bizarre part she played in their reproduction, she sure as hell was going to be made to do it again pretty soon.

Aura tried to figure out how she could escape. Given that they had chased her down, raped her, and brought her back here when she'd started at the doorway, just running out didn't seem likely. Just remembering that was making her horny. The aphrodisiac wasn't as strong as when she'd collapsed, but it was still there, and Aura had to make a conscious effort not to let her fingers find their way to her shredded panties. She decided to try to find the entrance anyway. She might not get out this time... but she would eventually. She had to! She couldn't spend the rest of her life... she couldn't even think about it!