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Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"I've lasted for a few winters living outdoors, I can make it work!" Daneira said reassuringly, and then explained; "A shorn is the plant that makes alraune. They can impregnate humans like I can, but their seed is actually very nutritious and the faeries tell me that people like to harvest it and purify it for use on food. They harvest the pollen too, for use as an aphrodisiac. We'd need to find someone who actually knows how to do it, but they don't need much tending to and can be harvested daily."

Her explanation about her use of the bed had Daneira grinning, and she giggled lightly as Eleanor leaned in for a quick kiss, eagerly returning the embrace but not trying to deepen it or hold Eleanor in it longer than she wished to be. "Oh really? Well, I'd be happy to show you what I can do with them~" she purred, but just then Kara would call out from downstairs; "Dinner's ready! Everybody eat up!" Chuckling, Daneira added; "But you'll have to wait until later~"

Heading downstairs to eat, Eleanor would find their food spread out already, a wild turkey that they'd caught and that the ex-slaver had prepared for them as the main dish, plus some boiled beans, the leftover venison stew from last night, some roasted potatoes that had been roasted in their stone oven and covered in some light spices, and a light salad with the thick cheesy dressing preferred by the locals. She hadn't brought out a bottle of wine or the like for dinner, but Eleanor could ask her to or grab something to drink herself if she liked. Despite having been upstairs, Eleanor and Daneira had beaten Priscilla and Coltia to the dinner table, and the two walked in on very wobbly legs but with decidedly satisfied expressions once Eleanor and Daneira had sat down.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Mmm, I can't wait 'til then~" Eleanor placed a hand on Daneira's leg and teased her thigh, before trailing her fingertips up the alraune's stomach to her face. Cupping Daneira's jaw Eleanor turned the alraune's head towards her own for another kiss, this time much longer and with a hint of tongue. Pulling away Eleanor licked her lips.

"C'mon, we better get down there before Colt and Pris, they get quite ravenous after a good fuck," Climbing off the bed Eleanor would offer Daneira a hand up off the bed, before heading downstairs with her.

"I suppose we can at least start a trial period with these shorn, see what they're like before deciding if they're worth keeping and setting an area aside for farming them," Eleanor paused as the two of them neared the bottom of the stairs and inhaled deeply, letting out a hungry moan. "Mmm, smells delicious, as always~" Eleanor called out as the two of them walked to the long table, situated just in front of the entrance to the kitchen, laden with food.

Eleanor's mouth was practically drooling by the time the two of them seated themselves at the table, Colt and Priscilla joining them shortly after, both looking quite content and exhausted despite having much of the day off from work. The sight of them brought a sly smile to Eleanor's lips. "I think... to commemorate Daneira's joining us... our best stuff should be brought out tonight." Eleanor said between mouthfuls of stew and potatoes, obviously quite eager to celebrate a new partnership with copious amounts of booze.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

That second kiss had a fairly profound affect upon the perverted alraune, who melted with a soft giggle into the embrace and allowed the rancher, now her boss, to take the lead in it. Daneira's tongue was as skillful as ever, dancing happily with her own for as long as the kiss was to last, placing her hands on Eleanor's hips and pulling her in to deepen it, but when she made to pull away the alraune allowed her to. "You'll give a girl ideas, kissing her like that~" she cooed, and then nodded and followed Eleanor out of the room. As they headed downstairs and Eleanor spoke of giving shorns a trial run, Daneira nodded and said; "Well, if you only want to try them, it only means we need to make sure that all of the extra seeds end up germinating elsewhere. Someone will need to help me catch them, but it shouldn't be a problem."

Kara, knowing Eleanor's preferences well enough by that point, grinned and nodded in agreement. Rising without a word, she went down into the cellar where their alcohol was kept and brought forth two bottles of local mead - her own preferred beverage as well as Coltia's and Priscilla's - and a bottle of whiskey from Southern Badaria, an expensive but worthwhile import. Glasses were passed around, and the alcohol poured, Daneira having some mead herself and being apparently unfamiliar with alcohol entirely as well. The aged whiskey, costing 30 denarii for only a single bottle, was smooth and harsh at the same time, and it settled into a warmth in her stomach that spread quickly to the rest of her body. Daneira didn't seem particularly fond of alcohol after trying it, adopting a sour look, but the others all seemed to enjoy the opportunity to unwind. It went wonderfully with the hearty meal, and by the time their plates were clean - still leaving leftovers to go with tomorrow's meal of course - everyone was quite full and pleasantly happy.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Y'should've seen th' look on 'is face when I shot 'is pal dead, th' poor bastard pissed 'imself in fear!" With both food and alcohol flowing freely Eleanor indulged herself until she was fit to burst and her face red, both from drinking and arousal. With her boots kicked off half way during the meal she had taken to teasing Daneira, rubbing the tip of her foot up against the alraune's leg and throwing her lusty smiles whilst regaling the women with tales of her adventuring days. Most of the stories the others would have heard though Eleanor enjoyed reminiscing, and no doubt Daneira would be interested in her boss' stories.

"Mmmm, tha' was excellent, as always," Eleanor said, before letting out a loud belch, which was followed by quiet chuckling. "oh, 'scuse me! Been awhile since we all done this, eh? May've drank too much." Indeed, when Eleanor rose to her feet she almost fell back down onto her arse as the chair toppled backwards, saving herself just in time as she grabbed onto the edge of the table. Chuckling again she waited a moment before seeing it was safe to let go, and once she stood upright Eleanor stretched and yawned before unbuttoning her shirt to about half way down. "Oooh boy, it's warm in here. W... well girls, if y'all 'scuse me, I've got... I've got to d'scuss the finer points of this job t'Daneira. If y'need me or... or if somethin' un'spected crops up, or if Fido comes back, y'know where y'can find me." Bidding the girls goodnight Eleanor would then stagger her way from the table and to the stairs before realising she had left Daneira behind and go back to her, grabbing the alraune by the hand, and with a wide grin spread across her face Eleanor would half drag Daneira along with her and half use her as support.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Laughter ensued from the gathering of women, all of whom save Daneira were at some degree of tipsy by that point. The alraune was no less jovial than any of the rest of them, however, and had responded to Eleanor's light teasing in kind. Every once in a while she would feel something smooth slide along her leg or against her buttocks, and one particularly bold moment would have the alraune sliding a tendril between her legs to rub teasingly against her clothed sex, remaining there for a whole minute unless Eleanor opted to swat it away. Her underlings always enjoyed her stories to one degree or another, though Kara often grew uncomfortable when she talked about the events leading to their meeting specifically.

The others all chuckled at her satisfied belch, none of them being practitioners of traditional ladylike manners at the table either, and Kara said; "You might've.... Almost a third of that bottle's gone~" Coltia and Pris giggled as Eleanor rose, her shirt hanging half open and leaving her cleavage bare. "Enoy yerselves~" Pris grunted, and as she and Daneira walked off, the alraune rising with her, both would receive a firm smack on the ass from the grinning mutant woman. The alraune just grinned at Pris and put an arm around Eleanor's waist, helping to support the drunk woman as they headed upstairs to the rancher's private bedroom, and when they arrived there she shut the door and said; "So.... Would you still like to find out what I can do with my tentacles?"
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

As the two of them stumbled through her bedroom door Eleanor let out a contented sign as the cooling autumn evening air caressed her warm body. With Daneira occupied with the door Eleanor shrugged off her shirt, barely her heavy breasts and stiffened nipples. It had been quite some time since Eleanor had felt as big a rush as she was currently feeling, and she had no intention of letting it pass. "Does this answer y'question?" Eleanor replied as she slipped her arms around the alraune's waist, pulling Daneira's body against her own and fell backwards onto the bed, Eleanor's lips locking with Daneira's own. Eleanor's tongue invaded the plant woman's mouth for a second time on that bed, and whilst her tongue explored the entirely of Daneira's mouth Eleanor's hands explored the woman's body.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Just a bit," Daneira cooed playfully in reply, her eyes watching the subtle sway of Eleanor's breasts as she turned and stepped nearer. Hands settled onto Eleanor's hips as she closed in and pushed against the alraune, who let out a soft giggle as she was pulled back towards the bed. Her mouth opened immediately, permitting Eleanor's tongue full access to her mouth and setting her own tongue to dance with it as she was pulled down on top of the drunken rancher.

As she slid her hands over the nude plant woman's body, free to touch the other woman's supple curves however she liked, Daneira responded in kind. Her left hand supported her against the bed to the left of Eleanor's head, but the other immediately went for one of her newly freed breasts, cupping it in her palm and squeezing it as she rubbed her fingers back and forth over the peak, until its tip hardened from her touch. Once it had, Eleanor would feel tiny bolts of tangible pleasure beginning to spike up whenever the alraune would pause to offer the nipple that she was toying with a few quick tugs via her forefinger and thumb, though the brunt of Daneira's attentions would remain focused on the passionate interplay of their tongues. At some point Eleanor would feel a knee slide between her legs, affording her the opportunity to grind against it through the thin barrier of her clothing if she so desired.

After a few moments the alraune's tendrils would be felt slithering over her body, touching her everywhere all at once. Down her arms, over her thighs, across her belly and sides, even against the bottoms of her feet, Eleanor would feel light caresses against every part of her body. After a few moments of that, however, Daneira would break the kiss and adopt a mischievous smirk as she rose up, and the moment that Eleanor moved to follow, or perhaps to drag her back down, the alraune would strike. Tentacles coiled around her waist, ankles, wrists, and shoulders, binding her tightly and allowed Daneira to drag her back off of the bed until she was standing once more, her hands tied behind her back.

"There are still things in my way!" the alraune would purr if Eleanor gave any complaint or question about why she was on her wobbly feet again, either through her voice, her expression, or even merely through body language. Then, unless the rancher struggled or protested in a manner that suggested real discomfort on her part, Daneira would lunge forth and engage her in another round of deep kissing as one hand settled onto her bust and the other onto her still clothed rump. Another round of molestations would follow, this time with the added sensation of her bottom being squeezed and bounced, before Daneira would again break the kiss with another smile.

A tendril with a fairly recognizably phallic tip appeared under Eleanor's chin and gently nudged her head up, and the alraune began to trail kisses down her neck, past her collar, and down to the breast that hadn't seen much attention yet. Daneira soon fixed that, kissing her way to the tip and rolling her tongue over that peak if it hadn't hardened yet. When it was ready, a low rolling purr would accompany a slight suction as she began to suckle on Eleanor's sensitive nipple. After a few moments her tongue would begin to flick back and forth over it slowly while one of her hands continued its attention to her other breast, the periods in which she was tugging on the tip coming more frequently and lasting longer. Once her milk began to leak, Eleanor would hear a pleased moan come from her newest associate before the hand that had been playing with her ass shifted around to her front.

Eleanor's shorts were quickly unbuckled, but before they could slide down a tendril came between her legs to rub against her petals through the barrier that they provided. Her garments crumpled down slowly, revealing the plump, pale flesh of her bottom, and Daneira's hand quickly returned to toying with it, giving it a light smack before groping it. If she responded in a positive light to that spank, it would be repeated somewhat regularly, adding to the bombardment of competing sensations that she was receiving. For several minutes her breasts were under constant assault, suckled and squeezed and licked, Daneira drinking down every drop of milk that the busty rancher had to offer, and her backside received increasingly energetic groping and spanking from the lustful alraune. The tentacle that had tilted her chin up slid up against her lips and teased against them, permitting her to start sucking on it if she liked and rewarding her with trickles of a sweet gooey substance if she did, but unless she had pined for release from the constraining vines earlier her arms would still be held locked behind her back, preventing her from using them to offer any return on the pleasures she was receiving.

All good things must come to an end, however, and the bombardment of stimulation was no exception. After a time, Daneira would pull away from Eleanor's breasts and look up at her with another mischievous grin, pulling the tentacle away as well a moment later whether or not she had started sucking on it. "I think it's time to remove the last of your defenses~" she cooed, slightly breathless, and began to crouch down slowly, kissing along Eleanor's stomach all the way. A slight bump had begun to develop there, the seeds planted in her body earlier that day developing steadily, but it wasn't large enough to prevent her from seeing Daneira kiss her way down over the tiny bump and down Eleanor's mound. The tentacle that had slid between her legs moved, and it along with two others slowly slid up to settled in front of Eleanor's face, taking turns with the one that had already been there to poke at her mouth teasingly, coating her lips and cheeks with their tantalizingly sweet precum. The last of her clothing slowly slid down her legs, the tentacles around her ankles releasing them long enough to allow her to step out of them, and then the rancher was as naked as Daneira while the lewd alraune kissed around her petals and looked up at her with an eager smile.

I went ahead a ways. Lemme know if you want me to edit/change anything. You don't need to post anything big in reply if you don't want to, you've had a good bit of smut from me of late already, but I should be good to make bigger posts for this scene. I have plans for it. :3
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor moaned hungrily into the kiss as Daneira's hand came to rest on a breast, teasing it until her nipple stiffened, which given her arousal took little time at all. As the alraune pulled at her hardened nub, which elicited a high pitched squeal of delight from the woman, Eleanor's hands ventured down Daneira's body, stroking and caressing her sides, sliding down over her hips, and finally coming to rest on her buttocks. Eleanor's fingers dug into the flesh of Daneira's ass, kneading and pulling at the alraune's soft buttocks as she ground against the leg her lover so graciously provided.

Though Eleanor's caressing quickly came to a stop as the tentacles made their entrance. Eleanor whimpered cutely into their wet kiss as the tentacles slowly crept along her flushed body, their light touch caressing every inch of her, sending small jolts of pleasure through her entire being. And as the moments passed, Eleanor's lust growing and growing with each gentle, teasing touch from the tentacles, Daneira parted from their kiss and sat up.

"Mmmm, did I give y'permission t'stop~?" Eleanor asked, pouting, as Daneira looked down at her mistress and smirked. As the alraune climbed to her feet Eleanor stretched a hand outwards, placing it on her lover's hip, though as she did the exploring tendrils quickly sprang to life, and with a surprised yelp from Eleanor the tentacles coiled around her, tightening their grip on the woman and binding her securely. Powerless to Daneira's whims Eleanor was effortlessly pulled off the bed and onto her feet.

"Is this any way t'treat your boss~?" No stranger to rope play and bondage, Eleanor voiced no real complaint to her current treatment and predicament, though she playfully struggled against the tendrils, wiggling around, and shaking her breasts. "Mmm, then why don't y'remove them~?" Though as Daneira came in for another passion-filled kiss and a feel of Eleanor's body she ceased her mock struggling and melted in the alraune's touch, letting Daneira's lips and groping fingers take control. She moaned softly as her breasts and ass were toyed with, giggling into the kiss as Daneira jiggled her round ass.

"Mmmmm, I've not been treated like this f'quite some time~" Eleanor mused quietly as Daneira's lips gently planted a trail of gentle kisses down her neck and to her breasts, her lips giving the up-until-now neglected breast some much needed attention, whilst an obviously phallic tentacle poked and prodded at her chin, nudging her vision upwards. As Daneira's lips closed around the nipple and began their hungry suckling Eleanor once more moaned quietly, the volume of her moaning increasing as her milk begun to flow. "Hee, y'seem to enjoy my milk almost as much as Lani~" Eleanor cooed, in reply to Daneira's moans as her milk spilt over the alraune's lips.

As the tendril slipped past her unbuckled shorts to grind against the thin layer of cloth covering her womanhood Eleanor bit her lower lip and bent forward, her head resting against Daneira's shoulder as she let out short, sharp moans. With her ass sticking out it was easy for Daneira to pull Eleanor's panties down over her ass, revealing her plump round buttocks and allowing the cool autumn evening air to caress it. And much like the evening air Daneira's hand went back to caressing Eleanor's plump ass, and as she was struck the first time the rancher let out a surprised, though enjoyable yelp, which she continued to do with each slap. The spanking, on top of everything else Daneira and her tentacles were doing, was sending Eleanor's lust into overdrive, and as the phallic tentacle teased against her lips she opened her mouth, and using her lips and tongue Eleanor aided the tendril in, bobbing her head back and forth its length and greedily suckling it once it had filled her mouth, the sweet goop from the tentacle pleasant on Eleanor's tongue.

Though Eleanor couldn't enjoy the taste of the tentacle forever, and with a gasp the length was pulled free from her mouth a few minutes later. A string of saliva was the only thing connecting the phallic tendril and Eleanor for a brief moment before it broke, spattering Eleanor's chin with a mixture of her own spit and pre-cum. "I was enjoying that..." Eleanor pouted playfully once more, licking her lips. The headiness of the alcohol had more or less left her body, though in its place was the intoxicating lust burning through her body. Eleanor watched expectantly as Daneira kissed down her stomach, which had already begun to swell as the seeds planted inside her earlier started to develop, though as the three tentacles came up to face her Eleanor's attention was momentarily drawn to them. With her underwear removed Eleanor stepped out of them and looked down at Daneira once more, smiling down at her new lover as she licked teasingly at the tentacles as they came against her lips as the alraune planted kisses on and around her womanhood.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Its delicious~" would be Daneira's only response to Eleanor's observation of how much she liked suckling at the rancher's heavy bust, before those lips returned and that tongue was coiled around her breast once again, the alraune drinking down her milk eagerly as she drew out more and more it.

After her trail downwards put the alraune's face at crotch level with Eleanor and the tendril she had been greedily sucking on was taken away, causing her to put, Daneira broke from her teasing kisses against the human woman's petals, glancing up at the rancher's face briefly and grinned before replying; "You'll have plenty of time to enjoy it still... I'm not done with you yet~" And then, the plant woman's lips opened slowly to kiss against Eleanor's nethers, and those four tendrils arrayed against her face began to push all the more enthusiastically against her licks. One of them quickly pushed past her lips, inviting her to suck on it as she had the one that Daneira had taken away, but it stayed with her for only a few moments before pulling out and quickly being replaced by another. This repeated in a cycle, each tentacle pushing into her mouth and allowing her to suck on it enthusiastically for a few moments before pulling away, allowing her a brief moment to lick at each of them before one claimed her mouth again.

While this happened her thighs were pulled farther apart by the tentacles holding them, and Daneira's tongue slid slowly past her outer lips to begin teasing at her pussy. Deeper and deeper she went, occasional moans causing her lips to vibrate softly against the rancher's clitoris, adding to the waves of pleasure created by the wild thrashing of her tongue along its slow journey. Eventually she discovered the drunken woman's g-spot, and once she found that sensitive patch along Eleanor's inner walls Daneira attacked it relentlessly, flicking the tip of her elongated tongue against it rapidly and without mercy. Another tendril came up to rub lightly against her ass as well, lightly rubbing at it without ever exploring past her lower entrance. Two more tendrils came forth, wrapping around her breasts before their tips seemed to open up slightly, revealing tiny structures filled with smaller rubbing tendrils that Eleanor soon felt enveloping the tips of her breasts, sucking as strongly as Daneira's lips while the smaller tendrils were like a hundred tongues rubbing against it all at once. The bodies of those tendrils, wrapped around her breasts as they were, began to squeeze and then relax, one and then the other, the action all but identical to the one used by a person milking a cow, only now it was Eleanor's whose milk was being steadily drained out of her and drunk down by the thirsty tendrils of the alraune.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Mmmm, I do hope so~" Eleanor purred as she chewed on her lower lip, moaning softly with each gentle kiss Daneira placed on her womanhood whilst grinding lightly against the alraune's face. Though as the tentrils renewed their poking and prodding, teasing themselves against Eleanor's lips she eagerly parted them, allowing the tentacle entrance to her willing mouth. Once inside the rancher closed her lips against its length and begun to greedily suck, massaging the base of the tendril with her tongue, though she could only savour its taste for a few moments as it quickly pulled itself free from her pouting lips. Though Eleanor's grumbling was quickly silenced as one of the other four tentacles replaced the first, plunging itself deep into the moist warmth of the woman's mouth for her to suckle on before following the first by pulling out and quickly being replaced by another.

As Eleanor hungrily sucked each tentacle in turn, desperate for the taste of their seed her legs were spread by the tentacles constricted around them, fully revealing her womanhood to Daneira. Deep moans escaped Eleanor's stuffed mouth as the alraune's tongue slipped past her folds and deep into the warmth of her womanhood, caressing every nook and cranny, every lump and ridge, before striking at her most inner pleasure points.

What started as small ripples of pleasure suddenly erupted into crashing waves of euphoria as Daneira's tongue relentlessly attacked her g-spot, causing the bound woman's body to tense up and her back arch, thrusting her crotch even more roughly against her cruel lover's face. Though that proved to be only the beginning of what Eleanor would have to endure as a tendril rose up behind her, slipped between her buttocks and begun to prod teasingly against her asshole, slightly stretching it open but never pushing in more than just the very tip. Coupled with that came two more tentacles, these ones coiling around the woman's sizeable breasts before revealing a new talent; the tips of the tendrils split open to reveal a kind of mouth, the insides lines with hundreds of miniature tentacles, nub-like in size and very eager to get to work. Eleanor's eyes glanced down for a moment at the 'mouthes' as her head bobbed along the length of a saliva-slickened tentacle, though her muffled moans quickly grew in size as they clamped onto her breasts, engulfing her nipples and begun their own powerful suckling. The sucking coupled with the tightening and relaxing of the tentacles coiled around her breasts was the tipping point for Eleanor, and unable to focus thanks to the immense pleasure coursing through her body allowed herself to supported by the tentacles constricted around her whilst Daneira and her tentacles teased and fucked her body.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

As the moments ticked by with Eleanor left in ever rising ecstasy courtesy of Daneira's efforts, she would feel the familiar pressure rising in her belly second by second as the alraune's dextrous lingual muscle flicked about within her depths. The rough patch against her inner walls was flicked against mercilessly, and her mother's milk was sucked out by her partner's greedy tentacles while the ones arrayed against her face were left to return the fluids with some of the plant's delectably sweet blue cum. The tight ring of her ass remained unpenetrated despite the constant pressure maintain on it by Daneira, and after that she simply kept at it steadfastedly, giving the occasional moan against the rancher's clit to add even more stimulation, until Eleanor could take it no more and felt the knot of pressure burst inside of her.

She could feel Daneira lapping up her juices and sucking away at the briefly increased production of her breasts as she came, waves of intense pleasure coursing through the drunken woman's body. She was made to ride it out for as long as she could, but once she was down from her first climactic high Eleanor felt her weight lifted from her jelly-like legs. Her knees were bent fully until her heels were nearly able to brush against her thighs, and then released until Eleanor was fairly comfortable with it, and once she was suspended like that Daneira pulled her tongue from the human's pussy and leaned back to admire the now suspended woman's form. "Your naughty pussy tastes like it needs something bigger inside," she purred huskily, and Eleanor would shortly feel another tendril prodding against it much like the one still poking at her anus was doing.

"But first...." And speaking of that particular appendage, Eleanor would suddenly feel it push into her tight ass, ending its teasing as it pushed past her sphincter and into her ass. It was covered in some sort of oily substance that made the penetration easy and all but completely free of even the slightest discomfort, and as it spread deep into her she would feel it press against some spongy portion of her insides that sent a thrill of pleasure coursing through her even stronger than those that the alraune's tongue against her g-spot had caused. "Nnnnn... So tight~" Daneira moaned, and the rancher would feel a soft slap land against one of her buttocks, the sting minor and the pleasure likely much greater. Closing her eyes during the penetration, the alraune opened them again to add; "When I'm done with you, you're going to beg me into your bedchamber every night!"

The tendril buried in her ass began to squirm slowly, reigniting her lust as it pressed against the sensitive spot, and the one against her pussy began to slide in and out of her, taking her flower inch by inch. The tentacles that had been arrayed against her mouth, having been left there during her climax, began to move once again as her lower holes were explored; two remained in place to continue taking their turns teasing her mouth while the other two slid downwards until both were squeezed between her breasts. The tendrils still present sucking at her nipples began to work Eleanor's heavy bust up and down over those saliva-slick tentacles in time with their pumping, tittyfucking two of them at once and causing her pale skin to be slowly coated in the precum that they continued to leak. That leakage was even more pronounced in her holes, the taste of it a constant boon to the ones she was sucking on and the added slickness detectable in her ass and pussy.

Again Eleanor was bombarded with sensations, every erogenous zone she had being under aggressive attack from Daneira and with nothing that she could possibly do to prevent any of it while her body was made to writhe in an erotic mid-air dance for the alraune's viewing pleasure. She stood up to watch, a pleasured expression on her own face as her hands groped and spanked Eleanor's plump backside to add even more to what she would be feeling by that point. The varied and potent stimulation left that knot forming again all too quickly, but Eleanor would have plenty of time to revel in the multiple sources of penetration as the tentacles aimed at her mouth stopped their teasing and allowed her to suck on them to her heart's content; whether that was to bob on one and then the other in turns, or to leave one untouched and prodding against her cheek while she sucked for dear life on the other, or if she drew both into her mouth at once was up to Eleanor herself to decide. After finding its way to her cervix, the tentacle in Eleanor's pussy would set up a steady rhythm with the one in her ass, both pistoning in and out while writhing to hit her most sensitive spots quite regularly.

By that point, the source of the numerous tentacles violating her was shivering as strongly as Eleanor herself was under the duress of her own pleasure, and the constant leakage of her sticky goo was a promise of the flood that was to come all too soon. Only a few moments later Eleanor would be made to feel that flood, her mouth filled with rope after rope of that sweet and sticky reward as her pussy and her ass were likewise pumped full. Those weren't the only ones, however, as she would feel streams of it painting her breasts, coating those bounteous orbs fully in their thick goo and causing her body to tingle with a new sort of pleasure. If she didn't have both tentacle cocks in her mouth by that point, she would get a similar layer of sticky blue plant cum on her face as well, and the volume produced by both would ensure that plenty ended up leaking down onto her chin to dribble onto her chest anyway. Daneira cried out her pleasure as she reached her own orgasm, her pussy visibly leaking if Eleanor still had the ability to see by that point even as she painted and filled the rancher to the brim once again.

Once Daneira was done impersonating a set of firehoses and had settled somewhat, if Eleanor hadn't found a second peak she would be worked in both of her holes until such was so, with one of the tentacles on Eleanor's chest replaced by Daneria's mouth. Doing so would easily work the alraune into another round, however, and would prompt another whole round to start if Eleanor didn't find some way to speak up. If allowed to, Daneira would gladly fuck the busy rancher and herself to complete exhaustion, but any sign that Eleanor no longer wished to continue would be responded to relatively quickly despite the haze of lust that had descended upon the two of them.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor could do little more than moan as Daneira continued her constant barrage of attacks against her body, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her very being as the alraune's tongue buried itself deeper and deeper within her mistresses womanhood, drinking down the steady stream of femcum that flowed from Eleanor whilst the tendrils coiling around her breasts continued to drink freely from her lactating nipples. Though Daneira wasn't the only one to enjoy the taste of her lover's body, as Eleanor greedily drank down the sweet tasting blue secretions from the plant woman's tentacles between moans, the hint of milk mixed in with the semen adding to to the already deliciously sweet taste. "F-f-fuck... fu-fuck yes... R-right there... so... s-so good~!" Eleanor mumbled almost incoherently as the minutes passed by, both her mind and body threatening to break at any moment as Daneira pushed the rancher's body to its limit.

And break she finally did.

All at once an overwhelming sense of euphoria washed over Eleanor as she threw her head backwards, her eyes rolling back as she was once more overtaken by her orgasm, her piercing cries of pleasure flooding her bedroom and no doubt the rest of the house as well. Thankfully Eleanor was kept from falling on her ass as all strength was sapped from the woman as her mind went blank by Daneira's grasping tentacles, which were quick to lift the helpless rancher into the air, spreading her legs wide to fully reveal her overly sensitive, soaking womanhood. "Y-yes... pl-please, fuck m-my naughty pussy~" Eleanor moaned out almost inaudibly, her head hung forward and her gaze barely focused on the seductive alraune. A moment later weak moans escaped Eleanor's partly opened lips as she threw her head back once more as another tentacle slipped between the woman's legs to press against her slit in time with the one pushing against her asshole.

Though the rancher's moans very quickly grew into cries of ecstasy once more as the tendril suddenly thrust itself deep into her round ass, stretching her tight hole to almost breaking point as it burrowed as far as it could inside Eleanor, her legs straining against the binding tendrils as she reflexively attempted to spread them. Jolts of pleasure ran up Eleanor's spine with each thrust from the thick vine burying itself inside her buttocks eliciting a high pitched squeal each time it hit her most sensitive spot, squeals which quickened in pace as the second tentacle thrust itself into Eleanor's sex, inching in further and further with every thrust. With both holes being ravaged by two fat tentacles as well as her milk being sucked greedily by two more Eleanor's mind was steadily slipping away once more, her words barely more than incoherent mumblings as she hungrily sucked at the air to coax the two remaining tendrils near her face down to her mouth as two slid their way downwards to nestle between her heavy bust. Eleanor's cries and heavy panting was muffled as she opened her mouth wide to allow the two tentacles to stuff that hole and face fuck her, deepthroating each one as they took turns to thrust to the back of the woman's throat.

As the minutes passed by Eleanor's body convulsed in pleasure faster and faster; her hips gyrated rapidly in time to the vigorous thrusting of the tentacles buried deep inside her holes, saliva mixed with blue pre-cum trickled steadily down Eleanor's chin as her head energetically bobbed up and down the length of the two tentacles throat fucking her, stretching and bulging out her neck with each thrust, and her large breasts jiggled and bounced as they were sucked and fucked. Daneira's spanking and groping only further fuelled Eleanor's lust, which by this point had driven the woman's mind to breaking point and had left her little more than a fleshy fuck puppet wanting nothing more than to be used and abused to the alraune's content.

And it was to Eleanor's great delight when Daneira finally reached her orgasm, filling both the woman's ass and pussy with her warm, sticky blue cum, stretching her already impregnated womb to almost breaking point as the two tentacles in her mouth flooded her throat their own seed, pouring most of it straight into her belly while the remainder spilt over Eleanor's lips and chin to meet and mix with the ropes of semen spurted all over her face and chest by the two nestled between her breasts. It was only seconds later after Daneira that Eleanor reached yet another orgasm, her gargled cries of ecstasy mixing with Daneira's own as her body finally gave up and lost all strength.

She hung there limp for several minutes, held up by Daneira's tentacles and breathing heavily, evidently exhausted but extremely satisfied and perhaps a little eager to continue despite her almost pathetic attempt at trying to ride the tentacles still inside her ass and pussy, her hips weakly bucking though seemingly giving up mid-thrust.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Nnnhhnnnn~ You want more?" Daneira purred as Eleanor began to writhe weakly against her tendrils, trying to get them to go more despite her intense exhaustion and satisfaction. As if bowing to her wishes, the two tentacles that had found their way into her ass and pussy began to thrust in and out of her furiously again for a few seconds, but they gradually slowed before they built up too much steam, and eventually just pulled out completely. Giggling, the alraune laid Eleanor down upon her bed, on her side, and then retracted her tentacles before sliding up behind her. A series of soft kisses and coos against the back of her neck and the warmth provided by the blankets that soon covered them both would be what brought the rancher to sleep, and a much needed sleep at that.

Some hours later, she would awaken to oddly familiar pangs in her belly, painful but not nearly as much as those she remembered from giving birth to Lani, and Daneira would awaken with her only to pull the covers aside and gently lift Eleanor down to the floor. The alraune would be with Eleanor throughout her birth of the plant woman's seedlings, which occurred sometime during the night, but she was still slightly buzzed from alcohol in her system and the small size of the seedlings and their writhing tendrils quickly turned the pain into a very odd sort of pleasure. Once, twice, and then up to five times Eleanor would be brought to orgasm by the process of birthing her litter, twenty-nine seedlings in all before her stomach was flat and her quivering body was able to start relaxing. Daneira had gathered her squirming spawn, each seedling complete with a pair of tentacles by which it moved around, then quickly took them in their basket out of the room while Eleanor was left to recover. She would return, now without the basket, after about twenty minutes and then wordlessly drag the exhausted human woman back into bed, allowing her to rest out the remainder of the night.

When morning came, Eleanor would awaken with a mild hangover but Daneira's comforting presence resting against her back, the alraune still dormant as she rested against her back. It was dawn, Eleanor awakened as always by the morning howls of her hellhound pack as they greeted the morning sun. The demonic beasts had been uncomfortable under the light of it at first, even those born to the mortal world, but all had quickly adapted to the day-night cycle with which they were so unfamiliar. Her body had more or less recovered from the ordeal of birthing the seedlings she had released some time during the night, and now it was time to get on with her morning duties and begin rousing her assorted workers. Kara was most likely already up, the ex-slaver still an early riser, but her two other hands Coltia and Priscilla usually needed a little extra rousing before they climbed out of bed and took to their daily tasks, though once they were up neither of them were ever lax in their duties.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor weakly muttered out in protest as Daneira pulled her tendrils free from the rancher's soaking holes, though she settled down quickly enough as she was put to bed, nestling herself against the alraune's front as she joined Eleanor under the covers. Eleanor moaned softly as loving kisses were planted on her neck, and that coupled with the shared warmth between the two women quickly brought Eleanor to a deep sleep.

Though Eleanor wasn't allowed to enjoy the rest for too long, as in the dead of night Eleanor awoke quite suddenly to a feeling she thought she wouldn't have to experience for quite some time yet. But as she doubled over Eleanor remembered how the night came to this. "Daneira..?" The rancher called out through clenched teeth, though even before her name had fully left Eleanor's lips she was lifted down gently off the bed and onto the floor, her legs spread wide to give her seedlings an easier time leaving her body. When it finally happened the birth itself was a very strange affair to Eleanor, the first two or three seedlings to climb free of her body sent waves of pain through the woman's body, though mingled with the pain came shivers of pleasure, which gradually grew in size as each seedling left her body. Soon Eleanor was fighting off orgasms as she birthed Daneira's spawn, and not long after that she eagerly awaited the next seedling slipping free from her sex, their exploratory tendrils pushing her body closer and closer to another ear piercing orgasm.

And then there were the creatures themselves. Eleanor was unsure whether it was partly brought on by the alcohol still lingering in her system but they looked like one of the most curiously odd creatures she had ever seen. The rancher had expected them to be baby-sized plant-like humans what with Daneira being the 'father' and her the mother, but their babies looked more like something a particularly large plant monster would drop off its body.

Though regardless of her enjoyment of the birth Eleanor was grateful when it finally ended, her thoroughly exhausted body being given time to finally rest for a bit. She sat in mostly silence as Daneira tended to their offspring, her weak breathing the only sound keeping Eleanor company, and when the alraune did finally arrive once more Eleanor had drifted off back to sleep where she sat though woke for a moment as she was helped back into bed, where she coiled her arms around the plant woman, nestled her head against Daneira's breasts and quickly returned to sleep.

When morning arrived Eleanor slowly shifted in her sleep as the hellhounds began their morning ritual of howling as the sun slowly climbed into the sky, consciousness gradually filling the woman until she was fully awake. Pulling herself into a sitting position Eleanor yawned loudly and stretched. "Mornin'," Eleanor greeted Daneira through a tinge of pain from last nights alcohol, before leaning down and kissing the alraune briefly. Afterwards Eleanor would climb out of bed and spend some time bathing with or without Daneira should the alraune choose to join the woman, washing off last nights activities for the day ahead of her before dressing in her usual attire.

Once refreshed and ready to go Eleanor started by throwing open the windows as she made her way to Colt and Pris' room, and sure enough the two of them were still wrapped up together and asleep, no doubt dozing off from their own activities during the night. "C'mon girls, rise and shine!" Eleanor called out as she walked over to the bed, and in one quick motion pulled the quilt off the slumbering women. "You might want to get breakfast as quick as you can, I'm feeling particularly hungry this morning. Oh Pris, I think yours and Colt's display yesterday earned you a fan. And don't think you two are getting this back until you come downstairs." With that Eleanor left the two women to their own devices, and taking the quilt with her she made her way down to the kitchen to see what the day will bring.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Morning~" Daneira replied sleepily, but her smile broadened as she opened her eyes to see Eleanor descending for a kiss, and she responded in kind. The alraune followed her out of bed to bathe with her, offering the human a number of teasing gestures in the process. Kisses, pinches, licks, nibbles, gropes... Anything that she could get away with, Daneira would do, up to and including suckling on her bust, though she would only initiate such if Eleanor seemed to welcome it. Once they were all clean and out of Eleanor's bath, having no clothing of her own she simply waited for Eleanor to dress herself while admiring the rancher's busty physique.

The alraune followed Eleanor out of her room as the rancher through open the windows along the way, peaking in with a smirk as she awoke a protesting Coltia and Priscilla by ripping the blankets off of the two nude women, and then joining Eleanor in heading down to start up breakfast. Kara was, unsurprisingly, already there at work making them something to help them start their day, offering Eleanor a nod and a wordless grunt in greeting. Her other workhands were down in short order, and after breakfast it was time to divide up the work for the day.

If left to their own devices, Coltia and Priscilla would see to the needs of the regular animals before going to help Kara with the cultivation of their crops, which really meant preparing for the autumn harvest at this point. Daneira would go off with Kara initially before going to see to the needs of the plant creature that she had captured the day before. That left Eleanor to care for the hellhounds and then see to the minor chores, and possibly check over her financial books if she felt it necessary.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

"Morning, Kara," The rancher greeted the early riser cheerily, and slinging the stolen quilt over the back of a nearby chair she made a beeline for the food. Famished thanks to last nights activities and Daneira's teasings whilst bathing Eleanor gathered up herself a healthy portion of the food available, and not waiting until she had even finished the woman gathered up farm's log books and took a seat at the table. One hand shovelled food into her mouth whilst the other flicked through the pages of the various books, each one cataloguing their current stocks, their seasonal crops and cycles, orders for hellhounds (which was admittedly the smallest out of all the books), and their transactions and outstanding orders with the numerous merchants that made called at the farm.

"Hmm, looks like we're running low on rice," Eleanor mumbled to herself between a mouthful of scrambled egg, blotches of ink forming on the page as she tapped on the paper with the tip of her writing implement. A sly smirk spread across the ranchers lips as she nodded at a dishevelled Coltia and Priscilla as they staggered towards the table and kitchen to claim their own breakfast before turning back to her books.

Once she had finished her breakfast Eleanor closed the book she had been reading and stacked the logs haphazardly before climbing to her feet. This early in the day the girls only really had some menial tasks to get to work on so after thanking Kara for the meal she went off and gathered up the hellhound's breakfast, today's being a rather large helping of offal with thickly cut chunks of venison mixed in, the left overs of a recent hunt that would have otherwise been left to spoil. Once done with the feeding Eleanor would leave the dogs to eat, wondering briefly on how Fido was doing on tracking down Lani before going to tend to the horses. Some time would be spent feeding, watering, brushing the horses, treating them all to an apple each, before opening their stable gates to their enclosed area, to give the horses room to stretch. And finally once the horses were dealt with Eleanor would go help Colt and Pris deal with the remainder of the animals; the cows, pigs and chickens, filling up their troughs, and in the case of the chickens scattering fresh grain and seed while checking their coops for any new eggs, which would be gathered up and put in the kitchen for storing in the basement later on. With the cows nearing the end of their milk cycle Eleanor made a mental note to contact her stud bull provider as soon as possible to begin milk production as soon as they can next year.

By now several hours would've passed, putting the day into the early afternoon, and not seeing Daneira around the other girls as they went about their business Eleanor assumed she'd be tending to their newest addition to the farm. So, with not much to do right now Eleanor decided it would be best to seek out her alraune companion and the feral stalker.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

"Mmmmm, are we? I could go pick some up. It's still in season, and the road South to Lockacre's still open. We ought to be able to still get the good stuff. Amazonian~" Kara offered when Eleanor reported that they were low on rice.

From there her daily tasks would be quick enough to complete, the hellhounds not precisely needing daily feedings but appreciating it and growing stronger when they did so. That they were only fed the scraps didn't seem to bother them particularly much, and the demonic canines tore apart the meat and devoured it almost as quickly as Eleanor could toss it to them.

After that chore was done with, Eleanor was able to see to her other animals, occasionally seeing a few glimpses of her workers as they busied about their own tasks, gathering an average for a day collection of eggs from the chicken coup for the day and, due to the impending end of their milk cycle, a slightly substandard amount of milk.

Once all that was taken care of, she would see Daneira with the feral stalker she'd captured off in the distance, at the very edge of the woods, and would be able to head in her direction. Before she get all the way there, however, a glance down the road heading to her ranch would see a lone figure on horseback riding in their direction, an impressive figure who was seemingly clad in heavy armor. It was rare for people to come to do business with her on her ranch in person, and such was most often the case when people wanted to buy some of her hellhounds. Whether she wanted to meet the figure on the way, return to the house to get ready for a more formal meeting or to get her weapons, continue on to Daneira, or do something else was up to her.
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Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor was about to make her way to the barn when she turned and caught sight the familiar figure of Daneira off near the edge of the forest and so she turned and began her walk over ot the alraune at a leisurely pace.

Though as she made her slow way to the newest addition to the farm movement in the corner of the woman's eye caught her attention. Turning to face the figure Eleanor's brow furrowed at the sight of the figure. It was normally rare for even a merchant to arrive without prior scheduling let alone a random traveller on the road, especially considering the detour they'd have to make off the main road. And then there was the imposing nature of the figure on horseback; well built and clad in what appeared to be armour thick enough to withstand some of the strongest attacks, Eleanor couldn't help but wonder if this person was here to cause trouble for her group. So, bringing a hand to her mouth, Eleanor let out two quick whistles followed by a longer third, a call the hellhounds would recognise as their summon to Eleanor's side. The rancher had no idea if the person's intentions were something other than innocent, but it was always better to be safe than sorry, especially since she had neglected to arm herself before starting her daily rounds on the farm.
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

HP = 67, PP = 66, EP = 49, Status = Fine

Responding to her call in an instant, Eleanor's hellhounds quickly rushed to her side, and assembled around her in a triangular formation as they waited for the approaching horseman to close in. The sight of the bestial demons forming up was one that was practically impossible to miss, but if it worried the armored figure at all they didn't display it. Of course, their facial expression was impossible to read thanks to the helm obscuring their visage, so they might have had some reaction there that Eleanor simply couldn't see.

Regardless, he would continue forward at a relatively leisurely pace, taking another few minutes to cross the distance between them before stopping about thirty feet away from the point hellhound who was standing in front of her. The rider, without speaking, slowly dismounted from his horse without ever reaching for any weapons, and then turned to face Eleanor and her assembled hellhounds. Only then would a strong, masculine voice sound out, slightly warped through the helmet through which the figure spoke; "Greetings. I take it, by this most impressive display, that you are Eleanor Whitehurst?"
Re: Life on the Ranch (SirOni)

Eleanor felt safer when her hellhounds came to her call, taking up their most often used position, though the empty central-most point in the triangle was a reminder of how Fido was currently away from the farm on his mission. Though despite her alpha's lack of appearance Eleanor had every confidence in the remaining hellhounds should something happen.

Fortunately it would seem the unexpected visitor had no desire to cause trouble, as several minutes after the hellhounds fell into formation the armoured fellow stopped in front of the group and dismounted, greeting the woman of the farm and enquiring upon her identity.

"Yes, that would be me," Eleanor replied, a friendly smile flitting across the woman's features, taking on an air of professionalism. "And greetings to you, stranger. Don't worry about my friends, they won't bite."

Why don't we take this into the house, mister..?" Eleanor suggested, signalling to the hellhounds that they were free to go but to stay close by just in case. Once done with the hellhounds she'd gesture towards the house, and whether he agrees to or not Eleanor would continue the conversation, be that where they are or on the way to the farmhouse. "So what brings you to my farm? It's a rare occurrence for us to receive visitors without prior notice.