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Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

"Aye, they won't be an' all 'appy wiv me." She puts her club away, walking up to guy Guy and Nadia, smiling brightly at the former, "We should go befawer 'e goes ter get Pop. I don't wan' ter 'ave a talkin' to." She starts towards the East, a little further ahead of the Descendants before Nadia makes her snarky comment. The Goblin spins around, nearly toppling over before she stomps her foot down, hands on her hips as she glares at Nadia. "Yew'll be expectin' it soon if yew don't watch yahrself. Nuff said, yeah?" The Goblin grins shortly afterwards, apparently trying to show off she was joking.
"Noaw, c'mon. I don't wan' Pop ter catch up."

As Guy began to walk next to her, the Goblin looked up at him.
"Yew know, I don't even fnk I'd know where ter start takin' yew as a slave - even if I'd wan'ed to." She grins widely up at Guy, "Don't get me wrong! It crossed me mind, til I saw yew lookin' at me. Not on Theer Nelly been compared ter a 'uman befawer!" The Goblin's eyes go wide, turning to look at Nadia, like she was afraid of the Descendant hearing. After a few moments, she looks back at Guy, continuing on: "I mean, bringin' yew 'ome as me first slave would 'ave gotten me pain' right-fast, innit." Kiki giggles, rubbing her hands on her hips nervously, "But, uh, I'm not an' all worried abaht it. Pret'y sure I can prove myself wivout ge'in' no skull paint."

[Current Position: 1, 1]

[Perception Check:]
Guy: 3 + 10 = 13 vs. 17 [Fail]
Nadia: 8 + 15 = 23 vs. 16 + 8 = 24 [Fail]
Kiki: 1 [Autofail]

[You guys are screwed.]

Grapple vs. Nadia:
1 [Autofail].

[Initiative Rolls]
Guy: 20 + 13 + 10 = 43 [1st]
Nadia: 6 + 15 = 21 [4th]
Kiki: 17 + 20 = 37 [2nd]

Ogre 1: 4 + 8 = 12 [6th]
Ogre 2: 9 + 8 = 17 [5th]
Ogre 3: 2 + 8 = 10 [7th]
Ogre Brute 1: 17 + 5 = 22 [3rd]
Ogre Brute 2: 2 + 5 = 7 [8th]

The trees grew a bit thicker in this part of the forest. Kiki often found herself scrambeling around tree trunks and between roots to stay next to Guy. Nadia enjoyed watching the woman scramble, before she resorted to walking his foot steps, rolling her eyes. As she was about to say something to the Goblin, she notices something to her right - and without hesitation, the Descendant rolls forward, dodging a large arm swinging where she had been just moment ago. Spinning around, Nadia's surprised to see a humanoid, about two and a half meters tall, with greyish-blue skin and horns protruding from his head. He glares down at Nadia with bright red eyes...

Guy and Kiki realize that there's something up far too late. The warrior comes to a stop, Kiki slamming into his backside as he spots a hulking grey humanoid in front of him, a club resting on the creature's shoulder. Looking around, Guy realized the group had stumbled into a trap, as three more of the tall humanoids moved towards them. Kiki scowls, pulling her club free, getting read for a fight.
"Ogres," She scowls, facing the one closest to her.

[Guy and Kiki are 1 Meter away from each other. Nadia is 6 Meters West of Kiki.

The Ogres: Ogre 1 is two Meters Northeast of Guy. Ogre 2 is 2 Meters North of Kiki. Ogre 3 is 2 Meters South of Guy. Ogre Brute 1 is directly in front of Guy to the East. Ogre Brute 2 is directly in front of Nadia to the West.]

BP: 38/38, PP: 13/13, MP: 24/24
Speed: 2
Copper Axe (dull): 3d6+6
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 1

BP: 38/38, PP: 18/18, MP: 32/32
Speed: 3
Sharp Stone Sword: 2d5+2 [20 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 3 [20 Dura] + 4
Magic Mitigation: 2

BP: 58/58, PP: 43/43, MP: 80/80.
Speed: 4
Stone Club: 2d4 + 5 [45/45 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 13 [40/40 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 5
Ogre 1:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 3:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 7 DM
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 1:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 2:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

"Well, it's no' like I've really 'ad much of'a look at goblins b'fore now," Guy admitted as the three of them pushed through the trees as they headed east. "I've only dealt wi' th' ones that 'ave attacked the village. An' then th' others dealt wi' the bodies. Yer group's th' first I seen tha' wasn't tryin' t'kill or enslave us." Guy paused for a moment, looking awkward about continuing the line of conversation, though decided to after a few awkward moments later. "T'be 'onest, we've bin taught tha' goblins are evil, so i' was surprisin' to come across you and ya' bro's and no' bein' attacked. An' you bein' the first girl goblin I seen prop'ly, I couldn't help bu' notice that yer not all tha' diff'rent lookin' from reg'lar human girls. Well, aside from th' obvious." Guy let out a quick bark of a laugh before continuing. "Y'look nothin' like wha' I imagined girl goblins look like, an' if'n y'don't mind me sayin', y'look pretty good. Nadia good." Again, the descendant of Aedus let out a quick laugh that filled the forest with its sound.

"No' sure ev'ryone's gonna b'pleased tha' a goblin is movin' int'a th' village though. Bu' I dun live too close t'th' rest'a them, so's i' shouldn't be too much of'a problem."

As the group marched on and the trees began to get thicker Guy started holding back the lower hanging branches to make it easier for the girls, though the descendant of Aedus stopped suddenly as he heard a rustle behind him. But before Guy could turn around to see what made the noise he spotted a giant of a man, or rather a humanoid, stand in front of him, its weapon at the ready.

"Ogres, eh?" Guy repeated, a wide smirk appearing on his face as the Descendant readied his axe. "So's these mus' be th' mis'terous creatures the board was talkin' 'bout then. 'Bout time they turn up, bin itchin' to kick somethin's ass since settin' out. Okay, listen up! They may look strong, bu' if we beat them 'ard 'nough they may try'n run. 'Ttack their knees. Th' bigger they are th' 'arder they fall, righ'?" With his suggestion said Guy lunged at the ogre standing before him, sweeping low as he spun round and brought the axe level with the beasts leg, chopping at the side of its knee, hoping that his flourish would help to avoid whatever attack the ogre may throw his way.

[Attack Ogre Brute 1, move back 2 spaces]
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Throughout their walk, Nadia paid the goblin no mind, only rolling her eyes at any threats the creature may send her way. She quietly snickered as Kiki started having problems with the brush, but soon she was having problems of her own. Thanks to her natural superior reflexes, she managed to just barely avoid the giant arm that appeared out of nowhere. Unfortunately, there was a body connected to that arm, an extremely large body. And more bodies surrounded her and her party.

"Ogres?" Nadia hissed at Kiki, "I though you said there wasn't anything out here?" Looking over the beast before her and the placement of the creatures surrounding them, she angrily drew her sword. "We walked right into this ambush," she complained. Despite having trained to fight, and having been in combat before, the humongous creatures were a new type of foe for the Descendant. She had only fought goblins before, and these giants were worrying her with their massive weapons and imposing presence. Guy, though, sounded pleased with their predicament and wasted no time calling out a plan of attack.

Smirking, Nadia swiftly lunged at the creature before her. She stayed low, hoping to use it's size against her as she had seen goblins do against humans. Just before reaching the creature, she dodged left and swung her jagged stone blade at the back of it's leg, hoping to land a vicious strike on it's hamstring. In most mammals, a large important vein ran though that area of the leg, and if she could slice it open, the ogre would be slowed, weakened, and even in danger of bleeding to death. If it was similar to mammals, that is. Grinning as her blade approached it, she called over to Guy and Kiki, "I think these guys are gonna fall real hard!"

[Attack Ogre Brute 2]
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

[Combat Rolls:]
Guy and Kiki (after moving 1 Meter Northeast) attack Ogre Brute 1:
[Guy]10 + 10 + 20 + 5 [Ingenuity Bonus] = 45 vs. 6 + 5 = 11. [Hit]
[Kiki][Natural 1] 20 - 6 = 14 vs. 8 + 5 = 13 [Hit]

[Guy]10 + 6 [Kiki] + 5 + 5 = 26 - 6 = 20
Ogre Brute 1: 10/30 BP.

Ogre Brute 1 attacks Kiki using Overhead Swing:
16 + 10 - 5 = 21 vs. 3 + 20 = 23 [Miss]
Ogre Brute 1 FP: 39/44

Nadia attacks Ogre Brute 2:
11 + 15 + 5 [Ingenuity Bonus] = 31 vs. 11 + 5 = 16. [Hit]
Damage: 6 + 2 = 10 - 6 = 4.
Ogre Brute 2 BP: 26/30.

Ogre 2 attacks Kiki:
16 + 10 - 5 = 21 vs. 5 + 20 = 25 [Miss]

Ogre 1 moves Southwest and attacks Guy:
9 + 10 - 5 = 19 vs. 3 + 10 = 13 [Hit]
Damage: 8 + 4 = 12 - 3 = 9.
Guy's BP: 29/38.

Ogre 3 moves 2 Meters Northwest.

Ogre Brute 2 attempts to grapple Nadia again:
11 + 15 = 26 vs. 8 + 13 = 21.
Nadia is at Grapple Level 1.

"...'Ow da 'ell did yew not know abaht Ogres?!" Kiki scowls at Guy. She didn't say much else as Guy shouted his orders, scowling up at the closest ogre as the others began to lumber towards the two. Guy swung his axe, dragging it along the ground as he slammed it into the ogre's knee! The creature's skin was thick, the creature's leg buckling at an odd angle as Guy's axe struck it's limb. Kiki lets out a cry, clambering through the split between two trees, before launching through the air! She slams the club down on the Ogre's head, one of it's tiny horns splitting off and flying through the air. It stumbles backwards, quickly regaining it's composure, it's red eyes fixed on the tiny goblin. Letting out a growl, pulls the club back behind his back in an exaggerated wind up, before slamming the weapon back down! The force of the blow causes dust to rise up in the air, the cloud disappating as Kiki coughed and hacked, quickly ducking out of the as another ogre's stray fist destroyed the tree she was next to. Guy was distracted by the Goblin, as she bumped into his leg, only for an Ogre's fist to slam into his side, pain quickly spreading through his body.

Nadia had her own problems to deal with; She heard Guy's shout, and went for the Ogre's knee, her blade quickly slicing across it's skin. She managed a shallow cut, but not much more. A tree fell behind her; she took a quick glance back, the one of the few ogres that had surprised them was making his way towards her, blocking out view of Guy, and partially his little 'ally'. She wanted to shout out, but there was a quick, rough jerk on her hair; She was barely able to turn around, as the ogre she had attacked held onto her long hair tightly, glaring down at her.

"Not goin' anywhere... tiny..." He says, apparently having trouble finding any words at all. He didn't let go of her hair, giving her a chance to attack or escape.

[Guy and Kiki are 1 Meter away from each other, Kiki now to the North. Nadia is 7 Meters West of Guy, with Ogre 3 blocking the way to her.

The Ogres: Ogre 1 is two Meters Northeast of Guy. Ogre 2 is 1 Meter Northwest of Kiki. Ogre 3 is 2 Meters West of Guy. Ogre Brute 1 is directly in front of Guy to the East. Ogre Brute 2 is directly in front of Nadia to the West.]

BP: 38/38, PP: 13/13, MP: 24/24,
Speed: 2
Copper Axe (dull): 3d6+6
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 1

BP: 38/38, PP: 18/18, MP: 32/32, FP: 40/40
Speed: 3
Sharp Stone Sword: 2d5+2 [19/20 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 3 [20 Dura] + 4
Magic Mitigation: 2

BP: 58/58, PP: 43/43, MP: 80/80, FP: 70/70
Speed: 4
Stone Club: 2d4 + 5 [45/45 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 13 [40/40 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 5
Ogre 1:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 3:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 7 DM
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 1:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4/4, FP: 39/44
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 2:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4, FP: 44/44
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Had Nadia landed that attack on a human, they would be on the ground crying in pain. Unfortunately for her though, ogres seemed to have quite thick skin, her sharpened stone blade only biting deep enough to splash a thin spray of blood. She grit her teeth as she stared up at the monstrosity, only to quickly turn when a horrendous crashing sound came from behind her. Another ogre advancing on her, a wicked grin plastered on it's dull face. She didn't have to look at the ugly creature for long, though, as the one she had been attacking took advantage of the distraction.

Nadia grunted in pain as her ponytail was grabbed by the monster's thick rough hands. Her head was yanked back savagely, allowing her only a sidelong glance at the creature as he made his simple taunt. From her warrior training, Nadia knew she was in a most disadvantageous position. The ogre's grip was far too strong for her to simply pull away from, not to mention the damage it would do to her naturally beautiful hair. Still, her body was still free, and if she could inflict enough damage to the monster, she might be able to convince it to let her go.

'Careful with the hair, muscles," Nadia growled over her shoulder at the ogre, "I find any split ends, and I'll split you end to end." Banking on the fact that the ogre seemed rather stupid and her words would give it some pause, she quickly twisted towards it, swinging upward with her blade towards the wrist that was holding her. If she angled her attack just right, she could slice open the major artery in his wrist. She might be covered in blood from the act, but it just might weaken the monster enough that she could free herself.

[attack Ogre Brute 2]
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

"I dun ge' ou' much, a'ight?" Came Guy's response before he delivered his attack. The Descendant let out a cheer as his weapon connected with the ogre's leg, unbalancing the brute for a moment and threatened to knock it down just as Kiki leapt into the air and let out a cry. Turning his attention to the goblin, Guy let out another cheer as Kik's club connected with the massive creature, staggering it some more, watching as it teetered. Though as the ogre regained its composure the descendant of Aedus let out a grunt of annoyance, him having hoped the creature would've landed flat on its ass.

Though Guy had other matters to contend with as the ogre delivered its counterattack, aiming at Kiki though fortunately avoiding the small woman, the club hitting the ground instead and whipping up a dust cloud. With his vision obscured by dust in his eyes Guy had no time to react as Kiki dodged another blow, the ogre's missed attack splintering a tree and showering the two with shards of wood. Now with the wood accompanying the dust Guy had no chance to avoid the attack aimed at him, grunting in pain as the massive fist connected with his side. "Heh, tha' stings. This migh' turn ou' t'be fun!" The warrior exclaimed, the grip on his axe tightening as he readied another attack at the ogre he had just attacked.

Attack Ogre Brute 1, and if he's killed then cleave-attack Ogre 2 if possible. Failing that, if any of the others are within Guy's range cleave-attack them.
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

[Combat Rolls:]
Guy and Kiki attack Ogre Brute 1:
[Guy]11 + 10 + 20= 41 vs. 10 + 5 = 15. [Hit]
[Kiki][Natural 20]20 + 20 + 10 - 6 = 14 vs. 8 + 5 = 13 [Hit]

[Guy]9 + 6 [Kiki] + (5 + 5) x 2 = 35 - 6 = 29.
Ogre Brute 1 dies.

Guy uses Cleave on Ogre 2:
12 + 10 = 22 vs. 18 + 8 = 26 [Miss]

Nadia attacks Ogre Brute 2:
3 + 15 = 18 vs. 6 + 5 = 11. [Hit]
Damage: 5 + 2 = 7 - 6 = 1.
Ogre Brute 2 BP: 25/30.

Ogre 2 attacks Guy:
11 + 10 - 5 = 16 vs. 10 + 10 = 20 [Miss]

Ogre 1 moves South and attacks attacks Guy:
18 + 10 - 5 = 23 vs. 9 + 10 = 19 [Hit]
Damage: 8 + 4 = 12 - 3 = 9.
Guy's BP: 20/38.

Ogre 3 moves 2 Meters West.

Ogre Brute 2 attempts GL 2 on Nadia:
19 + 15 = 34 vs. 15 + 13 = 28.
Nadia is at Grapple Level 2. She suffers -6 to-hit on attacks, and -8 on Spells.

"This ain't fun!" Kiki shouts, glaring at Guy. As the Ogre goes to swing his club again, it bumps against the tree in his drawback; the Brute looks a bit confused, stopping to ponder the situation, giving Guy and Kiki enough time to continue their furious assault. The Goblin runs back up to the Ogre, pulling her club above her head and slamming it down on the creature's foot. The viscious crack of broken bones resounds throughout the forest as the Ogre bellows in a guttural tone.

"Tiny girly die!" It blusters, raising it's club up in the air. Kiki looks prepared to dodge again, but Guy quickly launches himself towards the Ogre, using every ounce of his strength to drive the attack. The blade of his axe cleaves into the ogre's side, and, thanks to the momentum he had built up, slashes through creature's torso, spraying dark crimson all across the forest. Kiki lets out an ack, as most of the blood gets on her, just as she nimbly dodges the top half o the ogre crashing to the ground. Keeping his momentum, Guy spins and tries to drive his Axe down onto the neck of the Ogre that had pummeled him, but the creature narrowly dodges the slashing axe-head.

The death of the Brute seemed to cause quite a stir with the other two Ogres. The ogre swings it's fist wide, Guy ducking under the haymaker. "Gordon and Gotch yer back!" Kiki calls out. The saying caught Guy a little unawares, and as he looked back at Kiki, she saw the Goblin desperately trying to stop an Ogre from advancing on Guy. The beast simply pushes her out of the way, stepping forward and slamming it's fist into Guy's chest. The blow nearly topples Guy, but the strong Descendant keeps his footing.

The Ogre Brute and Nadia were locked in a tight battle, as she slashed frantically at the Ogre's stomach. Her blade makes a connection on his buldging abdomen, but barely makes a scratch, the brute gurgling a mocking laugh. He grabs roughly onto her upper arm, the Descendant finding it very hard to swing her weapon...

[Guy and Kiki are 1 Meter away from each other, Kiki now to the North. Nadia is 7 Meters West of Guy, with Ogre 3 blocking the way to her.

The Ogres: Ogre 1 is one Meter Northeast of Guy. Ogre 2 is 1 Meter Northwest of Kiki. Ogre 3 is 2 Meters East of Nadia. Ogre Brute 2 is directly in front of Nadia to the West.]

BP: 20/38, PP: 13/13, MP: 24/24,
Speed: 2
Copper Axe (dull): 3d6+6
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 1

BP: 38/38, PP: 18/18, MP: 32/32, FP: 40/40
Speed: 3
Sharp Stone Sword: 2d5+2 [18/20 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 3 [20 Dura] + 4
Magic Mitigation: 2

BP: 58/58, PP: 43/43, MP: 80/80, FP: 70/70
Speed: 4
Stone Club: 2d4 + 5 [43/45 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 13 [40/40 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 5
Ogre 1:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 3:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 7 DM
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 1: Dead.

Ogre Brute 2:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4, FP: 44/44
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Unfortunately, Nadia's blade seemed to bite into the ogre's flesh about as deeply as her threat had. Which is to say, not much. She snarled at the monster's mocking laugh, her pride getting the better of her. Curling her open hand into a fist she sent it flying towards him, but the ogre was surprisingly fast, catching her arm mid-swing. He laughed again while the Descendant seethed.

"Get off me, oaf!" Nadia yelled angrily, vainly pulling against the ogre's iron grip on her arm. With one of the brute's hands holding her arm still and the other firmly on the back of her head, the violent descendant found herself unable to freely maneuver to swing her blade at him effectively. What was worse, in her struggles she noticed another of the beasts advancing towards her from behind.

Looking back up the ogre before her, his broad face sporting a dull grin, Nadia was starting to realize the gravity of her situation. She had to get free of the monster's grip, or Guy and Kiki would get all the credit for defeating these brutes! With a furious roar, the Descendant swung her sword at the ogre again. Rather than aiming to slice the ogre open, however, she used the flat side of her blade against his hand. At the same time she struck, she also pulled away. If she could just free herself, she could use her speed to outmaneuver the monsters.

[Escape grapple]
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Losing himself in the battle, Guy seemingly missed what Kiki had said as he charged at the lumbering beast once more, its howling painfully from the goblin's attack. Letting out his own guttural roar, the powerful Descendant swung his arm in a violent arc at the ogre the dull edge of his axe cutting into the side of the creature with such force that the attack tore it in two, sending blood and viscera in all directions as the torso took to the air. Without stopping Guy continued to swing his arm around, bringing his attack in to attack the next closest ogre, though perhaps thanks to the thickness of his dead comrades skin Guy's attack lost enough momentum for the ogre to dodge out of the way at the last minute.

"Heh, sorry 'bout tha'," Came Guy's reaction to seeing Kiki covered in the blood of the ogre's as his attack ended, the descendant of Aedus taking a second to scope the battlefield. The death of the brute seemed to have attracted the attention of the surrounding ogres to Guy, which only served to increase his apparent enjoyment of the fight. Fully expecting a counter attack the ogres fist was easily dodged this time by Guy, who let out a bark-like laugh, though as Kiki called out he swung around wondering what she was talking about only to spot the advancing ogre too late. Unable to react in time Guy could only watch as the ogre pushed the goblin out of the way, his fist driving into Guy's stomach. The smile was wiped off Guy's face for a second as the wind was knocked out of him, though he quickly regained his composure and let out another laugh. Tha' the bes' y'can do?" The descendant asked mockingly.

Though as Nadia yelled out Guy's attention was quickly pulled to her. "Ge' yer filthy' 'ands off 'er, y'ugly brute!" Guy growled out in anger as he saw that one of the ogres had successfully caught hold of his fellow descendant. Whilst dumb and a bit slow Guy nevertheless understood what the creatures of the forests did to whomever they caught and was determined to not let the same fate happen to Nadia. With another loud guttural scream that filled their little part of the forest Guy lunged himself in the direction of Nadia and her captor, his axe swinging wildly in an attempt to cut down or just frighten the ogre enough to get out of his way.

Move and attack ogre 3 if possible.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

[Combat Rolls:]
Guy moves 2 Meters towards Ogre 3. He's 2 Meters away.

Kiki attacks Ogre 1:
7 + 20 - 6 = 21 vs. 14 + 5 = 19 [Hit]
Damage: 6 - 5 = 1.
Ogre 1 BP: 42/43

Nadia attempts to escape her grapple:
[Natural 20] vs. [Critical Fail...]
[Nadia definitely escapes.]

Ogre 2 and Ogre 1 grapple Kiki:
4 + 15 + [Natural 20] + 15 = 54 vs. [Critical Fail. Seriously.]
[Kiki goes RIGHT up to GL4.]

Ogre 3 moves 1 Meter East and attacks Guy:
8 + 10 - 5 = 13 vs. 15 + 10 = 25. [Miss]

Ogre Brute 2 attacks Nadia:
10 + 10 - 5 = 15 vs. [Natural 20]. [Miss]

Having heard Nadia's cry for for help, Guy launches himself towards the Ogre lumbering towards Nadia. He lets out an attack roar a little too soon, as the Ogre suddenly spins around, bellowing in return at Guy. With a single step, the creature swings it's fist wide, colliding with several trees. Guy manages to scramble out of the way of the fist, barely avoiding a falling tree, as the ogre glares down at him.

"Oi! OI! Lemme go!" Kiki's cry draws Guy's attention. He watches as her club slams into the knee of one of the Ogres, only for the creature to grab onto her pony tail. She flails about, trying to smack the creature with the stone club, only for her arm to be grabbed roughly by the other Ogre. No matter the amount of struggles that she made, the ogres were quick to grab onto her limbs, holding her arms and legs out in an 'X' shape!

Nadia's struggles are renewed as she realizes the trouble that she's currently in; She does her best to pull away, but finds her strength quickly failing... and without much thought to it, quickly brings her leg back, slamming her shin into the Ogre's crotch! There's a pause, and a groan, the Ogre almost immediately letting go and grabbing at his crotch, falling ot his knees.

[Guy is two Meters West and 1 Meter North of Kiki; Nadia is 5 Meters West of Guy, with Ogre 3 blocking the way to her.

The Ogres: Ogre 1 is one Meter Northeast of Guy, and 1 Meter West of Kiki. Ogre 2 is 1 Meter East of Kiki. Ogre 3 is 4 Meters East of Nadia, and directly in front of Guy to the West. Ogre Brute 2 is directly in front of Nadia to the West.]

BP: 20/38, PP: 13/13, MP: 24/24,
Speed: 2
Copper Axe (dull): 3d6+6
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 1

BP: 38/38, PP: 18/18, MP: 32/32, FP: 40/40
Speed: 3
Sharp Stone Sword: 2d5+2 [18/20 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 3 [20 Dura] + 4
Magic Mitigation: 2

Kiki: Grappled, Level 4
BP: 58/58, PP: 43/43, MP: 80/80, FP: 70/70
Speed: 4
Stone Club: 2d4 + 5 [42/45 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 13 [40/40 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 5
Ogre 1:
BP: 42/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 3:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 7 DM
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 1: Dead.

Ogre Brute 2:
BP: 25/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4, FP: 44/44
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Snarling like a beast as the ogre's iron grip refuses to budge, Nadia swings her leg wildly without thinking. All of a sudden, the ogre tenses up, and Nadia looks over her shoulder as it slumps down, it's eyes comedicly wide as it slides it's hands down to it's groin. Nadia's expression slowly changes to a smirk, before she starts laughing raucously at the pained ogre. Of course, this was not Kovan she had humiliated, but a monster intent on inflicting great harm upon her. Turning to stand before the monster, she raises her hands up, her jagged stone blade pointed down at it's neck.

Just then, Nadia hears Kiki's cry and swings her gaze over to see what was happening. Another of the ogres was between her and Guy, and behind them was the gobliness, held spread eagle by two of the brutes. She snarled again, knowing that the monsters could have nothing good in mind from holding the small woman in such a way. As much as Nadia knew having Guy fight at her side would guarantee the descendants victory over the ogres, she knew the man would want to make sure his new 'friend' was as safe as she now was. Looking at Guy, she nodded her head quickly and said, "Get your lil hussy free." She then turned back to the ogre still moaning in pain before her and added, "This one is gonna regret mussing up my hair."

With that, Nadia raised her sword again, aiming for the ogre's neck before plunging it down. With the monster distracted by his personal pain, the coup de grace should be simple, though as she had seen, these creatures were not fans of making things simple. If the ogre happened to recover before she could finish him, Nadia would reverse her grip and ready for his next strike.

[coup de grace ogre brute 2 if possible, otherwise attack]
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Guy, seeing the ogre turn around, swinging its massive fist at him in an attempt to slow the Descendant down quickly ducked to avoid the blow, though it proved unnecessary as the cumbersome brute's fist connected with a tree. Though he quickly had to back step as the tree splintered and fell down, just narrowly avoiding being crushed where he stood.

However, before Guy could deliver a counter attack Kiki's cry grabbed his attention, and swinging around he saw two of the remaining ogres grabbing at, and successfully capturing the goblin in their grip. The descendant of Aedus was torn between this dilemma; his original intention was to help Nadia, and whilst she was now free the two of them were still kin, however without aid Kiki was sure to become a victim of the creatures. Whilst not knowing what the word 'hussy' meant, it was Nadia's order that finally swayed Guy's decision.

Acknowledging her with a quick, simple nod and a thumbs up, Guy swung back around to face the monstrous ogres, spinning the axe so that the blade faced upwards. Lowering his body, Guy let out another roar as he charged towards the nearest ogre, the Descendant bringing his arm back as he swiftly cleared the distance between the two of them, only to bring it back around and swing his weapon upwards, aiming to slam the edge of his axe into the crotch of the brute.

Move to, and attack Ogre 1 right in the dick.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

[Combat Rolls:]
Guy moves 2 Meters towards Ogre 1. He's 1 Meter away and attacks.
To-Hit: 14 + 10 = 24 vs. 8 + 8 = 16 [Hit]
Damage: 9 + 6 = 15 - 5 = 10.
Ogre 1 BP: 32/43

Kiki tries to lower her grapple level:
6 + 20 = 26 vs. 5 + 15 + 15 = 35 [Fail]
Kiki is still at GL4.

Nadia attempts to escape her grapple:
17 [Well... I said it would happen...]
Nadia decapitates the Ogre Brute.

Ogre 2 takes off Kiki's armor.

Ogre 1 attacks Guy.
2 + 8 = 10 vs. 19 + 10 = 29. [Miss]

Ogre 3 moves 2 Meters East and attacks Guy:
5 + 10 = 15 vs. 2 + 10 = 12. [Hit]
Damage: 9 + 3 = 12 - 3 = 9.
Guy's BP: 11/38

Realizing the danger that Kiki's in, Guy springs into action, spinning around and rushing towards the Ogres. Building up momentum, he throws himself at the brute holding onto her arms, swinging his axe at the creature's waist! A deep, red gash is cleaved into his hip, blood spewing from his wound. It's just enough to distract the creature, it seems - but there was something they needed to do first.

Kiki lets out a cry as the Ogre jerks on her pony tail, keeping her arms held behind her back. As the Goblin struggled, the other Ogre eagerly wrapped it's giant fingers surprisingly dexterous as it began to pull off her leather pauldrons. Kiki struggled, trying her best to escape the creature's grasp. As he started to undo the straps on the sides of her armor, the struggling Goblin stopping only for a moment to look down at Guy.

"'EY! Bacon Rind ge'in' me some 'elp?!" She scowls, letting out another cry as the Ogre tears her armor open, right in front of Guy. Not surprisingly, she had the odd, golden colored skin all over her body, her aerolae a brown color. The Goblin had rather well defined muscles, which were on full display as she twisted and contorted her body, trying to wrench her arms and legs away from the Ogres. They transferred her to only a single beast holding her, the Goblin getting loose for just a second - only for him to grab onto her flailing arm and force it behind her back.

The Ogre who had just let go of Kiki suddenly pulled back one of his giant meatclobbers, throwing a punch at Guy. The Descendant rolls out of the way, the Ogre stumbling over his own feet as he threw the heavy punch. He manages to stop himself from falling over completely, the display distracting Guy long enough for the other Ogre to shamble up to him, pulling back a large stone sword from it's sheath, slashing down at the human. He manages to dodge, but not before a long, red streak appears across his chest.

Nadia was having far more luck with her Ogre than Guy and Kiki; as the beast doubled over, grabbing at it's wounded crotch, the Descendant spun her blade with her nimble fingers, grinning down at the dull-turquoise humanoid. It didn't even look up as she brought the blade down against it's neck, quickly shearing through the creature's spine. Even with the stone weapon, she sliced through in one quick, clean stroke, ending the Ogre.

[Guy is 1 Meters North of Kiki; Nadia is 7 Meters West of Guy, with Ogre 3 blocking her view.

The Ogres: Ogre 1 is one Meter Northwest of Guy, and 1 Meter West of Kiki. Ogre 2 is 1 Meter East of Kiki, and 1 Meter Northwest of Guy. Ogre 3 is 6 Meters East of Nadia, and directly in front of Guy to the West.]

BP: 11/38, PP: 13/13, MP: 24/24,
Speed: 2
Copper Axe (dull): 3d6+6
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 1

BP: 38/38, PP: 18/18, MP: 32/32, FP: 40/40
Speed: 3
Sharp Stone Sword: 2d5+2 [17/20 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 3 [20 Dura] + 4
Magic Mitigation: 2

Kiki: Grappled, Level 4, nekkid.
BP: 58/58, PP: 43/43, MP: 80/80, FP: 70/70
Speed: 4
Stone Club: 2d4 + 5 [42/45 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 13 [40/40 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 5
Ogre 1:
BP: 32/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 3:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 7 DM
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 1: Dead.

Ogre Brute 2: Dead.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

As her blade sunk into the tough but yielding flesh of the giant's neck, Nadia grinned, relishing in the feeling of superiority that comes from finishing off a defeated foe. Chuckling, she stood up straighter then looked over towards her companions, wondering if they had seen her astounding performance. Unfortunately, Guy was busy moving back to help Kiki, and the goblin was busy getting her unimpressive clothing ripped off. Nadia's grin faltered, and she muttered grimly as she realized she would have to take care of the rest of the ogres before they could revel in her magnificence.

"Hey, big boy!" Nadia yelled at the ogre between her and Guy. It was already attacking Guy, and seemed to be putting the hurt on the big man. She knew Guy would want to save Kiki, and for him to do so, she would have to distract the ogre into fighting her. Pulling her blade free from the dead monstrosity's corpse with one hand, and kicking it away from her with a boot planted firmly on it's shoulder, she smiled at her next opponent. "Your friend here couldn't handle all this," she said with a wicked smile, motioning with her free hand towards her incredible body while swinging her sword swiftly to let the blood covering it spray into the surrounding forest. "Think you can?" she asked, just before stalking towards the ogre, her blade held out to her side, ready to strike. "Of course, if you're afraid, I'll let you run away now!"

move towards ogre 3, attack
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

"Le' 'er go, dammi'!" Guy growled out as the Descendant swung his axe, and carried by the momentum of the swing it bit into the ogre's thick hide, carving a gash into the beast.

Though Guy didn't have to time celebrate his attack as the two ogres that had a grip on the goblin made short work of her armour. The descendant of Aedus faltered for a moment as, first, the brutes tore off her chest armour baring Kiki's sizeable breasts, his eyes locking onto them as they jiggled briefly, freed from the confines of the leather. Guy's eyes then wandered down as a hand tore off her leather pants, revealing Kiki's womanhood and ass, giving him a perfect view of her naked form as she flailed helplessly against the stronger creature's grip. Despite their current situation Guy's body couldn't help but react to the, quite honestly, splendid sight before him, his manhood straining against the fabric wrappings tied around his waist whilst he made another note of much more alike goblins and humans were.

Kiki's cry to him snapped the muscled warrior out of his daze, though Guy had been out of it for a little longer than he should've. The ogre that he had just attacked released Kiki from its grip, giving her over to its partner as the monstrous brute swung its heavy fist at the Descendant. Guy managed to dodge it, but only barely, its attack throwing the beast off balance. Though through dodging one attack Guy had put himself in the direct line of another. With no time to react Guy rolled with the slash from the heavy sword, its edge cutting a deep wound across his abs and up to his pecs. The Descendant growled in pain as the weapon finished mutilating his well toned body, and for a moment he had no other desire but to bury his axe as deep as he could in the ogres face. But no, he shook that thought from his mind as his attention was brought back to Kiki.

With both hands now concentrated on holding her in place the ogre had no way of effectively defending itself from any attack Guy made on him, and with that thought he abandoned the sword wielding ogre and ran towards Kiki's would be rapist. Letting out a blood curdling roar the descendant of Aedus dropped to the ground just as he neared the beast, falling into a sliding tackle as they came face to face. Sliding between the ogre's legs Guy would violently swing his axe upwards. If he couldn't stop the brute from restraining the goblin he'd sure as hell make it impossible for it to abuse her body.

Attack ogre 1, swinging the axe right into the ogre's dick.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

[Combat Rolls:]
Guy attacks Ogre 1:
To-Hit: 18 + 10 = 28 vs. 10 + 8 = 18 [Hit]
Damage: 7 + 6 = 13 - 5 = 8.
Ogre 1 BP: 24/43

Hal casts Iciclex3 on Ogre 1:
To-Hit: 13 + 15 = 28 vs. 4 + 5 = 9 [Hit]
Damage: 26 - 1 = 25.
Ogre 1 dies.

Ogre 1 drops Kiki.

Kiki grabs her discarded club.

Nadia moves 3 Meters West, towards Ogre 3.

Ogre 2 drops Kiki; he moves 1 Meter North, then 1 Meter Northeast and attacks Hal:
To-Hit: 15 + 10 = 25 vs. 17 + 9 = 26 [Miss]

Ogre 3 moves 2 Meters West and attacks Nadia:
5 + 12 = 17 vs. 3 + 15 = 18 [Miss]

[So, uh, I got my ogres mixed up in this post. Still, Kiki got out of her grapple.]

This battle was going poorly - or at least, it was in Guy's mind. Bleeding from the cut on his chest, the Descendant glares at the Ogre holding onto Kiki. As he rushes forward, he slides underneath the ogre's legs, swinging his axe up; and while the attack looked really, really freaking cool, he wasn't able to get much momentum behind it, slashing into the creature's leg. It lets out a bellow, growling down at Guy.

"Dumb stoopid hooman, doesn't know wh-" The ogre is silenced. Looking back, Guy is surprised to see a shard of ice jutting through the back of it's head, and out it's mouth, covered in a bright red sheen of blood. As the ogre topples to the ground, the battle comes to a stand-still, as everyone peers at the new comer to the North.

He wasn't terribly tall, or even all that remarkable. Whatever armor he wore seemed to be made out of leather and some odd, orange-shiny stuff. Guy was immediately disgusted by the elven ears he spotted beneath the man's brown hair; besides that, he seemed slightly different - but not that interesting. Pulling a sword from it's sheath that shined with the bright orange color, the same as his odd armor, the man grins widely.

"Wot say you and I go for a bit of a dance, eh chap?" he asks to the ogre holding Kiki.

There's silence, before the ogre bellows, dropping the Goblin and storming towards the newcomer. "YOU DIE NOW, HALFLING!" it shouts, the man's face suddenly sporting a look of surprise, mouthing the word 'halfling'. He was distracted by the odd insult, and barely had any time to dodge out of the way as the Ogre slams his fist into the dirt ground where the half-elf had just been. Coughing and sputtering, he holds up the sword, pointing it towards the Ogre.

Nadia's taunt doesn't go unmet; expecting the ogre to be in shock from the death of his comrade, she rushes forward, only to be taken by surprise as the Ogre turns and runs towards her, bringing it's sword up and yelling out, slashing horizontally at the female Descendant. Nadia manages to duck out of the way, the large stone sword slicing through several trees. She scrambles around, managing to dodge all three that fell near her, quickly gaining her balance and putting her sword up, ready to fight.

Meanwhile, Kiki fell on her hands and knees, letting out a little cry as she was abruptly let go. Quickly she gets to her feet, grabbing onto her discarded club, glaring towards the ogre's back that had grabbed her... But after a few moments, she turned her head, looking at Guy worriedly. It didn't seem to be much of a decision, as the Goblin turned, pushing her body up against Guy, apparently unashamed of her nude form. Her breasts were soft, and only came up to about Guy's abdomen, as she reached up and touched near the wound on his chest. She seemed concerned, looking up at him with golden eyes.

"Are you alright?"

[Guy is 1 Meters North of Kiki; Nadia is 4 Meters West of Guy, with Ogre 3 blocking her view. Hal is currently 1 Meter West, and 4 Meters North of Guy.

The Ogres: Ogre 2 is 1 Meter Southwest of Hal, 2 Meters North of Kiki, and 3 Meters north of Guy. Ogre 3 is 1 Meter to the East (directly in front of) Nadia, and 3 Meters to the West of Guy.]

BP: 11/38, PP: 13/13, MP: 24/24,
Speed: 2
Copper Axe (dull): 3d6+6
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 1

BP: 38/38, PP: 18/18, MP: 32/32, FP: 40/40
Speed: 3
Sharp Stone Sword: 2d5+2 [17/20 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 3 [20 Dura] + 4
Magic Mitigation: 2

Kiki: Nekkid.
BP: 58/58, PP: 43/43, MP: 80/80, FP: 70/70
Speed: 4
Stone Club: 2d4 + 5 [42/45 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 13 [40/40 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 5
Ogre 1: Dead

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 3:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 7 DM
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 1: Dead.

Ogre Brute 2: Dead.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Whilst the attack hadn't hit where the Descendant had intended it to the blade of the axe still struck at the ogre, biting into its tough hide. Now having fully passed between the creatures legs Guy clambered to his feet as the beast let out a terrible bellow, and crouching low Guy readied himself to lunge at the ogre, to jump on its back and hopefully deliver a deathblow to its head.

Or he would have if not for a blast of cold air suddenly rushing past over his head, cutting off the monsters words mid-sentence a split second later. Looking up a bewildered expression appeared on Guy's face as he spotted the large chunk of ice speared through the back of the beasts head, awkwardly jutting out of the ogres mouth. Wondering what could have done such a thing the muscled warrior looked around, only noticing the newcomer as he spoke. A look of annoyance replaced his confused expression as Guy spotted the half-elf, a magic user no less. Guy had often found elves and even their halfkin to be haughty bastards, often looking down on him for being 'less educated than a particularly dull rock', which he had often quickly proved to not matter when it came to combat. After all, your brains can't protect you if there's a weapon lodged firmly in it.

Guy watched as the ogre and the half-elf fought, the elf seemingly taunting the beast by dodging a split second before the ogres attack would've connected, then shifting into a stance for deliver his own counter attack. Though the descendant of Aedus' attention was pulled from the fight as Kiki held herself against him, her sizeable chest pushed against his muscled stomach. Looking down at her Guy's body reacted to her touch and the sight of Kiki's ass, his member twitching to life once more. "I''s nothin' I can't 'andle," The Descendant replied nonchalantly, as if the pain from a moment ago suddenly left the Descendant as Kiki showed some concern for him. Guy found it hard to pull away from those mesmerising golden eyes, and for a moment he forgot about the battle that was currently going on around the two of them. Though the warrior quickly snapped out of it, and rising a hand to his head he removed his headwrap and handed it to Kiki.

"'ere, this should b' good 'nough t'cover you up 'til we finish this," The wrap, whilst only big enough to cover a regular-sized person's arm or head should be enough to at least cover Kiki's modesty until they could get the goblin back in her leather armour. Now I'm gonna go 'elp take down th' last o' these... ogres, y'said they were called? We'll finish this up, an' then 'ead back t'th' village. Gotta le' ev'ryone know abou' this new threat. So keep y'self hidden 'til I come back f'you, 'kay?"" With that said Guy ruffled Kiki's hair and reluctantly pulled himself free from her. Giving the gobliness one final look he ran towards the ogre between him and Nadia, his axe at the ready.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Nadia grinned at the ogre as she approached it, her sword held out at her side, ready for a quick swing under it's guard. As she got closer though, she heard a commotion behind it, though she wasn't able to see what was going on. The only thing she could make out was that someone else had joined the fight. 'Damn,' she thought, 'someone else I've got to share the credit for killing these things with.'

With her attention momentarily divided, Nadia made a critical mistake and stepped too far forward. The brutish ogre swung his sword in a low arc, aimed to slice her in half. Gasping in surprise, Nadia managed to duck just in time to avoid the lethal blow, but the move sent her sprawling off balance. She cursed, her attack having been foiled by her own negligence, but she didn't have much time to think on that, as the crashing trees demanded quick footwork to avoid as well. The descendant recovered quickly, but by the time she had, her opening on the ogre had vanished, the brute roaring at her while it readied itself again.

With an annoyed grunt, Nadia looked up at the monster while brandishing her sword in front of her. Though this was her first time fighting an opponent so large, it was becoming obvious that they preferred heavy, wide swings to attack with. So far, her own slashes had not done much to damage the one she had been fighting before. Deciding to use a risky new tactic, she lunged forward, sending her blade straight towards the ogre. If her aim was true, her sword would pierce through it's hide and into the soft flesh under the arm holding it's heavy blade. 'Might not kill him, but it should make him a little less eager to fight.'

[attack ogre 3]
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

[Combat Rolls:]
Guy moves 2 Meters West and attacks Ogre 3:
To-Hit: 19 + 10 = 29 vs. 19 + 8 = 27 [Hit]
Damage: 15 + 6 = 21 - 7 = 13.
Ogre 3 BP: 30/43

Hal slashes at Ogre 2:
To-Hit: 20 [Natural 20] vs. 8 [Hit]
Damage: 5 [Are you fucking kidding me. ;-;] * 2 = 10 - 1 = 9.
Ogre 2 BP: 34/43

Kiki moves 2 Meters West, and attacks Ogre 3:
To-Hit: 18 + 20 = 38 vs. 3 [Auto-hit, Bitch.]
Damage: 5 + 5 = 10 - 7 = 3.
Ogre 3 BP: 27/43

Nadia attacks Ogre 3:
To-Hit: 8 + 15 = 23 vs. 1 [Auto-Hit]
Damage: 7 + 2 = 9 - 7 = 2.
Ogre 3 BP: 25/43

Ogre 2 attacks Hal:
To-Hit: 2 + 10 = 12 vs. 3 + 9 = 12 [Miss]

Ogre 3 moves 2 Meters West and attacks Nadia:
3 + 10 - 5 [Wounded Arm]= 8 vs. 18[Automiss]

Guy watches as Kiki looks at the cloth oddly, then back to him, before he chases off after the Ogre. The beast was preparing to attack Nadia again, even as she prepared to defend. Rushing behind the creature, Guy pulls back his axe, slamming it into the ogre's back; it lets out a howl as it cuts into his thin armor, crimson blood spilling out of the visible wound. It spins around, trying to swat Guy away; As the creature did, Kiki was suddenly next to Guy, slamming her club into it's foot. The Ogre bellows in pain once more, literally hopping on one foot - only for Nadia to shove her blade up, right into the ogre's arm. The creature nearly drops it's sword, but swings wildly at female Descendant, who easily dodges, now that the ogre had trouble with it's sword arm.

As the group comes together once more, Guy seeds Nadia is fine; and Nadia sees Guy is fairly bruised, and Kiki is naked... which Guy takes notice of once more. The still-nude goblin glances at him, catching his skeptical look; she had apparently tied the cloth about her waist loosely, so as to not lose it.

"Awright geeezzaa! I'll put i' on after they're all dead!" She shouts.

"Oh, no, this is fine; I can fight this one by myself," The newcomer shouts. He seemed to be handling his own fairly well, too.

[Guy is 1 Meter South of Kiki; Nadia is 2 Meters West of Guy, with Ogre 3 blocking her view. Hal is currently 1 Meter East, and 4 Meters North of Guy.

The Ogres: Ogre 2 is 1 Meter Southwest of Hal. Ogre 3 is 1 Meter to the East (directly in front of) Nadia, and 1 Meter to the West (Directly in front of) Guy, and 1 Meter Southwest of Kiki.]

BP: 11/38, PP: 13/13, MP: 24/24,
Speed: 2
Copper Axe (dull): 3d6+6
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 1

BP: 38/38, PP: 18/18, MP: 32/32, FP: 40/40
Speed: 3
Sharp Stone Sword: 2d5+2 [16/20 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 3 [20 Dura] + 4
Magic Mitigation: 2

Kiki: Nekkid.
BP: 58/58, PP: 43/43, MP: 80/80, FP: 70/70
Speed: 4
Stone Club: 2d4 + 5 [41/45 Dura]
Damage Mitigation: 13 [40/40 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 5
Ogre 1: Dead

Ogre 2:
BP: 34/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 3:
BP: 25/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20, FP: 30/30
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 7 DM [2/20 Dura]
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute 1: Dead.

Ogre Brute 2: Dead.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Lunging forward, Nadia smirked as her blade pierced the monster's thick hide, it's sword arm jerking uncontrollably as it stumbled towards her. Despite all it's roaring ferocity, the ogre seemed completely overwhelmed by Nadia's precision attack. Glancing past the brute, she noticed Guy and Kiki attempting to aid her. Nadia's smirk changed to a glare as she beheld Kiki's shameful display. With the battle in full swing though, she only gave a disappointed grunt before she returned her focus to the monster before her.

With the ogre's arm disabled, Nadia felt it was time to do the same for it's legs. Ducking low, she swung her blade in a wide arc, aiming for the side of the brute's kneecap. Even if the blade didn't bite deeply through it's leathery skin, the force would surely cause an injury to the bones beneath. Beyond the monster, Nadia could hear their helper shouting what sounded like a plea for help, despite the confidence masking it. "Hold on, boy!" she yelled, "I'll save you once I've finished this one off!"

[attack ogre 3]