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Kingdom of...

Re: Kingdom of...

C3 those 3 "lifeforms" could be some battle hardened soldiers - i don't want to confront them right at the begining
Re: Kingdom of...

Shifting your body you begun to make a move after those lifeforms. Wondering what they are, but don't really want to meet them right away. Intending on just following them you make a calm 'walking' pace. Your 'vision' clear from the blur before, now capable of 'seeing' you try to see as far as possible, thinking that you maybe able to see who or what these lifeforms are.

To your surprise you are able to see a glimpse of the three lifeforms. Although it wasn't as you expected, through the distances you can see the tiny specks of lifeforms off in the distances.

One appears to be a non-human entity, an animal per-say. A horse you believe it is called. It appeared to be dragging along a small cart with one human seemingly drive it while another sit at the back of it. The driver appeared to be an elderly male, the passenger in the back appeared to be a young female. Neither of them seem to notice you in the distance, but that's just fine as there won't be any confrontations. Although it seems strange, you can't sense any magical energy coming from either of them.

Maintaining your pace you don't seem to be catching up to them, but at the same time they won't be getting too far and at this speed you won't get too tired.

Unsure of how much time has pass you simply kept following them. In the direction they were heading it was a small villiage along the way. As it came into view, your other senses started to pick up of more human lifeforms coming from it. From what you can sense so far is that there are only a few of these lifeforms carrying magical energy, but the magical energy doesn't seem too high.

What will you do?

A) Maintain course with the 'travelers'
B) Search for another way into the villiage
C) Abandon Course to villiage (Pick a direction to head in)

1] Head in right away
2] Wait a while
3] Wait till nightfall

LVL-1 (Meatball)
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Normal
Neurotoxin lv1
Re: Kingdom of...

Coming to a halt, you simply watch as the travellers make way into the village. You figured it would be better if you didn't follow them in, especially with those energy sources about in the village moving around. Deciding to enter when it becomes night.

Making your way around the village as to search for a way in where you won't be seen. As time pass, you found a perfect way to enter, a thin trench. Now all you have to do is wait until nightfall.

Eventually the time had came with the sunsetting you can make your way through the trench. Sliding down you begin to near the first building, a small shop that doesn't seem to have any residents inside. Examining it as you pass there doesn't appear to be any way for you to enter. Continuing on, you made your way through towards the direction where most of the buildings were crowded by eachother. But also is where most of the lifeforms are.

Leading to a small stepping bridge, you find yourself resting for a bit. Although sensing a the lifeforms of the traveller draws your attention over to one of the larger buildings, in front of it was the cart that you followed earlier, but it seems that one of the lifeforms appear to be mixed in with other lifeforms. Unsure if you should go and check it out.

But before you can make your move, a sudden sting of fear spread throughout your body. The magical sources you sensed in the village appeared right above you ontop of the bridge you were underneath. The appearance caused you to freeze for a moment, however as fast as they appeared is how fast they moved on. There were two of them walking down to strange looking building, both female.

"...the Tomes will be handed over to the research division first thing in the morning." The one with long purple hair seem to say. She appears to be wearing a skimpy outfit with a very short black skirt.

"Understood." The older one with shoulder length brown hair. Although her outfit appears more soldier like with armor gauntlets and a steel chest plate.

They were saying something about 'Tomes'. Its strange it felt like you know what they were saying but than it doesn't register in your mind what exactly they were implying.

A)Investigate the building where the traveller is
B)See what these 'Tomes' are/Follow the magical girls
C)Explore the village some more.

LVL-1 (Meatball)
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Normal
Neurotoxin lv1
Re: Kingdom of...

Deciding on following the two girls, you slowly made your way out of the trench. Carefully making sure you aren't seen by anyone else, approaching the building they enter you know not to enter through the front door so instead you travelled around to the side, it was bigger than it appeared to be.

Climbing up onto one of the windows you appeared into an empty room. A sensation drawing your attention to a table, ontop were three small crystals. These were the 'Tomes' they were talking about. You knew what they were, a valuable type of object to your kind. Once used those who have magical energy will grow even stronger.

Pushing into the room, you made your way and set up onto the chair next to the table. But fear strikes through your senses.

"I think I sense something coming from here." A voice said followed by footsteps heading in your direction.

What will you do? You only have enough time to consume one, should you try and consume more you maybe caught and the dangers is that should you get injured while taking them, the crystals might be forced out of your body and you will become an easy target.

A)Taking 1
B)Take 2
C)Take 3
D)Just escape

1)The Window
2)The doorway

Upgrade; (Please note that upgrades is a possiblity, there is a chance you may fail due to approaching enemy.)

A)Increase Neurotoxin Lv2 - This will increase the affects of the toxins, although still non-lethal can cause others to lose strength and other abilities. Still in liquid form.
-Lv3 - To this level the power will be able to turn into a small amount of gas released from your body, but production is at a low.
-Lv4 - Allowing you to release a larger sum of gas at once and produce the affects required to subdue the enemy. Although its best for indoor uses.
B)Magical energy corruption Lv1 - An ability that will allow you to corrupt other energies, should an enemy magic become corrupt they will lose the ability of using it. Some cases they will lose it for good and become a non-magical entity. Although this is required for 'liquid injection' into the body system of the enemy.
-Lv2 - This increases the chances of extracting the energy and adding it to your own. It will also increases the chance for the magical energy of the enemy to be unusable by them.
-Lv3 - Bring up the chances of taking the entire amount of energy from the enemy at once. The enemy will require a ritual to remove the corruption if they wish to be able to use their energy.
C)Dimension field alteration Lv1 - This will allow you to alter the space around you and seemingly 'teleport' into a personal space that you create on your own. It can be useful for escaping enemies but at times they are capable of jumping into your space.
-Lv2 - Your abilities will now be able to bring yourself to safety while preventing most enemies from entering, there will be a backdoor for them to enter.
-Lv3 - Capable of drawing in an enemy of your choice to be pulled in with you into your world. Shaping a large field you can become the hunter against them while knowing that other enemies will require heavier type spells to enter your domain.
D)Detachment system Lv1 - Allowing you to detach part of your body incase you need backup. Currently when releasing this part it will lay dorment until you lose control over your current body. There is a chance that you may lose all your abilities should the main body go, but will still be alive.
-Lv2 - Your backup will be able to house current lv skills within its body, but will still be unusable until your current body is destroyed
-Lv3 - This body will become active but not under your control. It will basically retain all your current lv abilities but be unable to assist you in battle. The body will be mindless and wander about, but it will know when its in danger though will try to escape.
E) Increase body size - To the size of your body mass to a 3ft lump of flesh (You will become a dog size fleshball)
-Lv2- To a 4ft (Basically become a half-size of a human)
-Lv3- To 11ft (You will now tower over a normal human)
F) Phantom flame lv1 - A flame of energy which is born inside you can be wield in however you desire.
-Lv2 - The flame is now able to form into other types appearences and can be extended out into long range attacks.
-Lv3 - Your body will be able to produce energies right off the skin giving you a defense. You will be able to burn away external magical energy from the enemies.
G) Mass control lv1 - Increase your physical power and body defenses. Eventually you will be able to manifest parts of your body in how you desire in any shape or form.
-Lv2 - Allowing your body to closely shapeshift, you could form thicker skin and armor to cover what is vital to you. Although it can only maintain the form for a certain amount of time before turning back.
-Lv3 - Turning parts of your body into what is desired, as long as you keep it to one part of your body you can maintain that form for a long period of time.

LVL-1 (Meatball)
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Normal
Neurotoxin lv1

(Sorry for the shit post. Had a better one before when the internet jumped and lost all that work.)
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Re: Kingdom of...

It's a terrible plan but EAT ALL OF THEM
Re: Kingdom of...

Reaching out, you managed to take one of the crystals within your lump of flesh. Feeling the pure energy flowing from it you can only take it within your grasp and try to consume within your body. Entering your body you can feel a surge of power spreading from your insides. Taking a few seconds you hop off the chair and quickly making way to the window.

The world around you slowly devoid of color, as though you were pulled into a different dimension. [dimension field alteration]

The girl entered the room, not noticing you yet as her eyes drawn to the table. Seeing as how one crystal is missing, her eyes darted straight towards the window where you had climbed up. 'W-What?" Saying that, although she couldn't see you completely there was somesort of distortion. "I won't let you!" Lifting up her hand an energy begun to gather about the palm.

Just as you were about to leave the building, your body was sent fowards along with chunks of the wall and window. Landing hard onto the ground you could've sworn that you felt part of the crystal emerge from part of your body. The thought brings that possibly the entire village may become aware of something going down.

Setting up straight, you force the crystal back into your body. The color of the world returns as so does your body to the real world.

"I don't know what the fuck you are. But your not going ruin this for me!" The girl seemingly pissed off steps out of the hole she created with the attack.

This will be a problem for you, should you fight here or run away.

A] Offensive
1) Tendril
2) Tackle
3) Magic spit

B] Defensive
1) Reinforce
2) Find cover from next attack
3) Magic barrier

C] Other
1) dimension field alteration
2) Runaway
3) Distances yourself
4) Close-in


(I'll try to experiment on the combat. Choose 2 combat choices, inorder you wish to do.
shitty ex. B3, A3 --- or C4, A1 ---- or A2, A1)

LVL-1 (Meatball)
HP: (Receiving crystal bonus 58/50)
MP: (Receiving crystal bonus 28/25)
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Body unstable-adapting to crystal powerup
Neurotoxin lv1
Dimension field alteration lv1
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