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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As she got closer to the alleyway, Ama heard a rapid series of thunks punctuated by very masculine cries of pain. There was some shouting, and as she was about to enter the alleyway there was a bright flash of light, more cries, and a flickering glow.

Rounding the corner, Ama found five men facing down two nuns. Both were in their early twenties, one was cowering against the dead end wall they were trapped by, the other stood proud and strong in the face of the men, acting as a bulwark between the would-be rapists and her friend. She seemed to be quite in tune with her spirit, the demon instantly realized the array of holy powers the woman was using to keep her enemies at bay. One man was currently rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the white holy flames that burned his flesh, two men were sent to the ground after failing to ram their way through a shimmering holy wall, and another was stumbling back while clutching his bleeding head, perhaps having gotten through the wall only to receive a blow to the head from the woman's radiant hammer, the cudgel of the blessed Ama would recall. Another man was holding back, seemingly shocked by what was happening in front of him, dagger clutched tightly in his hand.

While this was impressive, using so many powers was obviously taking a toll on the woman's stamina, as sweat dripped from her brow and she panted tiredly, swaying on her feet a little bit.

Introducing Lucia!

Rapist 1: On the ground, on fire, badly injured
Rapist 2: Getting up, slightly injured
Rapist 3: Getting up, slightly injured
Rapist 4: Stunned, injured
Rapist 5: Unharmed

Nun 1: Cowering, apparent non-combatant
Nun 2 (Lucia): Appears uninjured, tired
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Thankfully Ama was in a female form and not a male one or carrying extra equipment. If she had she would likely have a raging hard on. This nun this priestess made her wet. She needed her wanted her and she would have her but first she had to save the day. The trouble was if she used her powers the nun would know. Sighing Ama resolved to getting her hands dirty besides she wanted the nun to herself. Running forward aimed a kick at one of the raspiest getting up.

Attack one of the slightly injured rapists with an unarmed attack.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama Falcon Kicks Rapist 2: 50+16= 66 vs 28 hit
Damage: 1,4+13=18
Holy Wall combo:3+5= 8

Rapist 3 tackle: 30+3=33 vs 45 miss
Rapist 5 knife: 30+10=40 vs 45 miss

Nun holy fire bolt: ??? vs 28 hit
Damage: 3,3,4*4=40

Ama's foot heroically landed on the would-be rapist's face, knocking out a tooth and bloodying the man's nose as it sent him reeling back into the nun's holy wall, which caused the man to receive a second nasty dose of the wall's repulsive power which blasted him against the alley wall almost as soon as he had stumbled into it. He was noticeably slower getting up from that, his legs wobbling quite heavily as he leaned on the wall to steady himself, blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

The man who had already suffered a head wound from the nun's hammer still clutched at his head, but now he was looking around to see what had happened to the other rapist. His eyes focused on Ama and it looked like he would make a move as soon as he fought off the stunning effect of the blow to the head.

The holy flames finally went out on the man on the ground, but he had stopped moving, his clothing burnt to smokey remnants along with a good portion of his flesh. He groaned weakly, but otherwise he was clearly done, smoke rising off his form.

The other man who had tried to charge the holy wall and failed attempted to tackle Ama instead, seeing her as an easier target, or perhaps just more accessible. Fortunately, Ama sidestepped and the man went running past her, barely stopping in time to not hit the wall. The last man, the one with the knife, tried to stab her, but missed as well.

Know Ama found herself in the middle of three attackers. Four if she counted the guy who looked like he would drop at any second. Fortunately, the nun had a little bit more energy left in her, and she sent a bolt of holy fire at the knife wielding man, striking him in the chest and sending him to the ground, hard. After thrashing around for a few minutes, he succumbed to the burning trauma caused by the flames and stopped moving, the flames stopped shortly thereafter.

Rapist 1: KO
Rapist 2: Last legs, facing Ama
Rapist 3: Slightly injured, facing Ama
Rapist 4: Injured, facing Ama
Rapist 5: KO
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

It was a shame these fools had no idea who they where dealing with. Ama almost felt sorry for them but unlike the last rapist she dealt with these ones would likely meet mortal justice after all the priestess would likely see to that. Grabbing at the man that lunged at her Ama planned to send him careening into the already hurt man against the wall.

Ama is attempting to grapple #3
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama's grapple check minimum beats Rapist's max. Success
Damage: Rapist 2: KO'd Rapist 3: 10
Holy wall combo: 10 KO

Nun flames rapist 4: ??? vs 28 Hit

The clumsy charging rapist wasn't expecting Ama to be as comfortable with close range fighting as she was, and he was easily redirected back into his buddy who was leaning against the wall for support. The clonked heads, the already badly injured one going down, while the one Ama through stumbled right back into the holy wall as his cohort had done. It blasted him away, headfirst into a brick alley wall, dropping him like a ton of bricks.

Meanwhile, the nun focused on the last man, immolating him in a blast of holy fire. It seems in her fatigue her control wasn't what it should have been, she put far more power than was necessary into the attack, the man didn't even have time to scream before the majority of the flesh was scalded from his bones. This left just Ama and the nuns. However it seemed the fighting nun had reached her limit, as she coughed up some blood before sinking to her knees and falling to the ground, breathing raggedly as her holy wall and hammer faded from existence. The other nun appeared to be in shock, but moved to her fellow sister, shaking her gently and murmuring to her.

+2 XP
3 unconscious rapists
1 dead rapist
1 very dead rapist
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The nun was spent and sadly Ama for all the deific deception could do nothing to help her. Well that is if she had Jane on hand though that might be hard to explain. Running over to the pair Ama made quite the sight. Still as she moved in close she told the other unnamed nun to get her friend back to some one to help and that she would stay and watched for the guard to pick up these fools. Of course she had no intention of simply letting these thugs go if she could get away with it.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman nodded, looking at Ama in awe. Still, she struggled to help the almost unconscious spirit wielding nun to her feet. "Umm...miss? I hate to ask after all you just did to help us, but could you perhaps...help us back to the cathedral? It will be difficult for me to get her there on my own, and if more men attack us..." She shuddered, obviously not liking the thought of escaping here only to be raped by another group of men.

Janet? You mean Jane, right?
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ooops yes I meant Jane >_<

Aww so much for her fun still she was sure she would meet these boys again. "Sure let me give you a hand." Ama offered her arm to help carry the nun as they made their way to the cathedral only stopping once she got insight of the holy structure. "I should stop here.... I don't want to ruin your reputation by being seen by your fellows." Shifting the nuns weight to her friend Ama gave a wave and began to run away. "May the Goddess bless you!"

Running till she was out of sight of the nuns Ama went back to check on the unconscious men to see if they had been picked up yet. If not then well she had plans of course.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Wait miss! What was your name, that we might thank you properly when Lucia awakens? Should you wish to come find us in the future, we will likely be on that street corner over there." The woman indicated where Ama could meet them in the future before hustling her charge into the safety of the church grounds.

Going back to the alley, Ama found her victims lying as they had been when she left.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled a wicked smile. "Little boys and their little toys are soon departed. I think its time you boys figured out what life is like for the fairer sex." Checking to make sure she wasn't seen Ama used her power to grow two more powerful arms before picking up the survivors and heading into the woods to wait for dark or if it was dark enough already taking to the sky and to the safe house. She would have to work on her new pets later however. After securing them tightly Ama headed back to Jane's a strange new spring in her step.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Night had fallen, and the succubus made great time transporting her new victims to the safehouse. Once she made it back to Jane's the woman opened the door, letting the demon inside.

"Hey sexy lady, glad you're here, the goddess sure did a number on me while I was out..." She stuck out her tongue at Ama, showing off how much longer it was before she lowered her dress and exposed a breast, squirting some milk into a cup before showing it to Ama, letting her see, again, the light glow coming from it.

"It's kind of strange...but I think I like it... What do you think baby? Still want to have sex with me?" The factory worker jiggled her tits at Ama enticingly.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Whoa freaky! but it turns me on." Ama immediately embraced Jane deeply and kissed her. "Though I have to say your not the only one the goddess blessed." Standing back Ama grew her cock for Jane to see and feel. "It seems we both pleased her lover." Ama almost felt bad that she was gonna rob Saline from Jane's thoughts but then again maybe she didn't have to. Maybe she could implant an memory of a vision in Jane calling her to her new duties.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane's eyes bugged out of her head when she saw Ama's 'new' cock. "W-wow! You're so lucky Selina! I wish I could have gotten a cock too! Does it...work like a normal one?"

Not waiting for an answer, Jane got on her knees and gently caressed the dick to hardness using her tongue, then she began taking it into her mouth, savoring the taste of the corrupt flesh as well as the corrupting precum that began to leak from it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane wouldn't be disappointed and neither would Ama. Groaning Ama place a hand on Jane's head encouraging her to go deeper. Don't worry Jane you will get you cock after all I've been wanting to feel how you use a real one. "Oh Jane I didn't know it would feel this good?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

At Ama's encouragement, Jane went deeper, faster, and harder, really working her mouth around the demonic dick."Mmph! Didn't know...mmmph...it would taste so...mmmm...good either!" Jane seemed to very much enjoy sucking on the length of cock, working furiously to make Ama blow her load in her mouth if the demon would allow it, rather than sticking the dick somewhere else.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"By the GODDESS!" Ama erupted into Jane's mouth giving the woman a healthy dose of her tainted cum. Breathing heavily Ama hoisted Jane up and onto the table. "I have to have you NOW!" Getting her into position Ama aimed her cock at the woman's folds and slipped it rather gently inside. "AHhhhh it fits so perfectly." Enjoying the sensation of Jane's tight pussy Ama stood a moment before starting to thrust into her. Tonight Ama would feed and enact the next phase of her plan for Jane.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"MMPHH! Goddess indeed! This cock is fantastic!" Jane called out exitedly, drinking down corruptive semen and letting the excess splatter her face and chest. "Oh! OH! YES! That's it, YES!" Crying out in pleasure as Ama started to fuck her with her recently revealed tool, Jane began bucking her hips into her demon lover's thrusts. "The goddess' tools are haaa...wonderful indeed!"

As this is a bit of a landmark scene and you seem to have something planned, I'll just let you RP the both of you coming to orgasm, and getting Jane up to her next corruption level if you want.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama thrusted away into Jane making sure she didn't drive the woman to crazy. Jane was so tight that Ama's own tongue started to lol out of her mouth. As she fucked Jane she let her body slowly shift to that of her true self revealing her nature to Jane. "Jane you have please the Goddess Amasael. You have sheltered her avatar and offered pleasant offerings to the goddess." Ama made sure Jane was aware of what was happening even as she slipped her tail cock into the others darker hole. "You have pleased your Goddess and shall be rewarded. Will you take your place as one of her divine concubines?" Moving her hands Ama grabbed Jane's engorged breasts and began to play with them while her tail and cock worked the woman's sex and ass. This was the important part Jane had to submit to it much as Ama had one so long ago. Ama almost slipped as the troubling thought made its way into her head.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The look on Jane's face as Ama changed was first one of shock, then fear, then back down to surprise as she began her speech. Through it all though, she didn't stop thrusting her hips back against Ama, her tight pussy wringing Ama's cock for all the semen it was worth. "A-avatar? I-I'm glad I...pleased the Goddess Amasael..."

When Ama made her offer, Jane leaned forward and kissed her, continuing to buck her hips. "Yes! Yes please! Make me her concubine!" For all her dominatrix attitude, there was a bit of a submissive streak to Jane as well, it seemed.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled "It is done!" With that Ama let her load lose in Jane draining her essence so she passed out. Smiling Ama carried Jane back to her bed and covered her up letting her hands run over her belly wondering if her seed had taken root. Given Jane's virility she had little doubt. Laying down with her passed out concubine Ama assumed Salina's form to sleep next to the mutating girl. Jane would feel the effects in the morning after all she was no longer human in the normal sense and while Jane was no demon she was now a magical creature in her own right. Yawning Ama contemplated how to best get Claire in bed after all she was next.