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Prologue: Lexwyn

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Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn managed to edge within a few feet of the fire as Morgaina released her and watched. As soon as Lexwyn could go no further she came over with a wooden bucket of water and splashed it on the fire from a safe distance.

"Excellent Lexwyn, I knew you would learn quickly. You must always be careful of fire for it is one of the few things that can easily harm us. Along with the light of the sun, and wooden stakes through the heart. Try to keep in mind that some of the legends are true, though only partly true. A stake does not kill it only paralyzes us, the sun and fire however will destroy you with ease. Now I suppose we have time for some questions before the sun rises."

Yeah, they do tend to be boring in some parts even for someone who grew up on fantasy. Same could be said for Star Trek and Star Wars though, granted I still haven't seen the third Star Wars movie and the only captain I can name is Kirk but that's just cause I'm old.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn's pride wanted to say she could go further, if given a few minutes, but it was good enough for now. She relaxed a bit, though her first question would bring back a bit of the tension. "So... I suppose leaving me out there to fend for myself at first was some sort of... test maybe?" She wasn't too happy about it still, but with the scope of what had just happened starting to sink in, she could see why being dumped in the snow might have been necessary. With that out of the way, she would have a few more questions to actually learn about her new condition.

"Basic survival then, avoid sunlight? I suppose that is... inconvenient, but workable. And I need blood as well... there's two dead Normans out there, hopefully the first of many, but I dare say, I was a little less than subtle. That could prove to be a problem too... I would say that it would be good to learn how to properly dispose of the bodies and clean up the mess, but if our appetite is great, the trail of disappearances alone would cause great concern for the populace... I take it my lack of control is mostly to blame in this case?" Judging by how she reacted to the fire, these things got easier with time. It was weird talking like this, how casual it was. Oddly, now that it was done, Lexwyn's churning anger was a bit self-loathing at how she had so readily sacrificed some of her humanity. She had no doubt that with time her new power would more than make up for it, but Lexwyn's rational thoughts did nothing to calm a tiny little corner of her mind that worried she'd plunged in over her head.

Slipping in one last one before bed because I just felt the reply flow.

The first Trek movies were a bit slow, but the TV show couldn't be, by virtue of only being an hour long. The later movies were pretty action packed too. One of my earliest memories was staying up late with chicken pox and watching the Enterprise-D crash land, accompanied by fiery explosions. Can't really beat that.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"No it was not a test, I simply did not wish to have to be your first victim. The frightful hunger of a newly awakened Cainite is not something you stick around to watch." Morgaina says retaking her seat from before Lexwyn's embrace.

"You can feed from mortals without killing them, though it is difficult to do such a thing if the beast is already in control. You will likely come to know your beast quite well in the years to come. When you are hungry, threatened, scared, or even insulted it can break free and plunge you into frenzy at a moment's notice. It is the hallmark of your new clan, the Brujah, we are creatures of passion and zealotry making it easier for the beast to break free."

I haven't seen much beyond the earlier movies, to be honest. Though the first show and the bits of next generation I've seen were fine. Now I want to go find Tremere Trek and post it up. WoD humour can be great sometimes.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn's lips twisted as she thought of earlier, when she had intended her target to be Morgaina. Probably best not to reveal that little detail. She wondered if in her frenzy she could actually overpower the elder vampire, or if Morgaina was just lamenting the thought of wasted effort if she had to be put down. Another question was if the frenzy being so close had to be so. Lexwyn would not argue, but she was always one to see for herself rather than take someone's word. Learning was one thing, and a great thing, honestly, but experience was quite another. She was working quite hard to restrain some of her more excitable thoughts now that Morgaina was here to answer.

"Passion and zealotry eh? I suppose my quest could be described as such. Very fitting. I hope to be able to restrain myself when need be. Fury can be unproductive when not focused...." Lexwyn replayed the earlier scene through her mind again. Morgaina was quite insistent on referring to this "beast". Was it really beyond her control when it came out, or was it her own anger? So many questions were coming up, but now Lexwyn was a bit hesitant to ask... Nary a vampire for more than an hour and she feared she was already developing an unhealthy fascination with the frenzy! Maybe that was something she actually should tell Morgaina... she just didn't know. Maybe she should save the bigger questions for after she had some rest, as it was becoming harder to take it all in as she came down off her high from feeding. The night's events had been rather taxing, after all... Though this brought her to another important question... "Do we sleep during the day then? I feel... to be honest, this is a lot to take in." That much was surely clear. Being so far out of her element Lexwyn almost longed for Morgaina to take charge, especially right now, even if it went against her usual nature.

Heh, there's a thousand parodies I guess. I had some small books called "Star Wreck", I and II. Guess that's what happens when something's successful
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Most of us think of it as sleep, though perhaps torpor is a better word. Since we are dead after all and our bodies would appear as such during the day. You will know what I mean as the time draws near, as freshly embraced as you are you will likely start feeling very tired shortly. The rest will do you good to clear your mind of the millions of thoughts racing through it right now."

Morgaina smiles and moves to the cupboard where she takes another blanket out and places it beside her own. "As your sire I will of course teach you everything you need to know to survive. The rest can be learned through experience and at later dates. Now let us make sure our resting place is secured before it is time for us to rest. Feel free to ask any questions you wish for we are also the learned clan amongst our cousins. The philosopher-kings of old put here to question and teach and learn."

Just think of how many things you've seen that come from Tribbles.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Yes. I am definitely feeling the need to sleep..." Lexwyn slowly got up to help prepare. "Blocking out the light, yes?" In her mind she brewed over the last statement. 'Philosopher-kings' sounded pretty nice. Though she focused so hard on the martial aspect of being a noble, that was more overcompensation for the lot in life women had received. She always had a certain fondness for the ancient Greek and Roman teachings. Maybe this new status carried enough weight she need not present herself as such an outwardly violent person... all the time.

"Mmmm, will you teach me more of the ancient ways then? Survival is important, of course, but I've always had a soft spot for the days of old, though I've been unable to devote significant time to it." Lexwyn probably sounded a bit like a child asking for a bedtime story, but she didn't mind. What's the worst Morgaina could do, say no?

I can't remember if it's cannon or not now that Klingons eat tribbles x.x Mildly disturbing, with all that hair though.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Once the room has been secured against any light or intruders breaking in upon their sleep Morgaina moves over to her bedding and lays down. Once Lexwyn had joined her she began.

"I suppose I could tell you a few things about our clans history while we wait for rest to overtake us. Long ago before Rome became the power that you know about it had a mighty rival in the city state of Carthage. Rome was a place of decadence and jealousy under the Ventrue, the supposed clan of kings, we controlled Carthage. It was a utopia of our kind much like the first city, Enoch, where Cainite and the childer of Seth lived in harmony. We protected and nourished our people and they in return nourished and protected us.

The Ventrue always hungry for temporal power sought to destroy us by any means necessary and so began what the kine call the Punic Wars. Though they do not remember the truth of the story, how the Ventrue fought with unfair tactics and brought low our utopia. The victors always write the history and they often lie. If you ask any but a Brujah, our utopia was nothing but a blood cult mixed with demon worship but they were not there to see the truth. My sire was and she told me the truth about why the Ventrue can never be trusted."

Even if Lexwyn had any doubts as to the veracity of the story she can't help but believe the fervor in her sire's voice. Even as she drifts to her lifeless rest she pictures a city much like Carthage in her mind.

Eww, who would want to eat a hairball. Klingons always were kind of weird.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn hesitated for a moment, unused to sharing sleeping accommodations, but got over it quickly. Just one more change among many, though this arrangement was probably temporary. The thought was given little attention as she was given the bedtime story she so desired. She knew a little about what Morgaina spoke of. Mixed feelings were common about Rome. It had been strong indeed, but the legacy on this isle was... interesting to say the least.

"Carthage... didn't the people there come mainly from Greece?" Lexwyn had always preferred the stories of Plato and the like to the Romans anyway. She didn't know how much of this story was true, only that Morgaina believed it, which was good enough for her. Lexwyn liked Morgaina's attitude, and if these Ventrue who led the Romans were as she said, then it was no wonder she had picked up on that undercurrent before. Sadly, Lexwyn could feel the hold of sleep reaching up to engulf her before she got a reply. This night had been long, but tomorrow would be time for a new beginning...

Is it any better than the live worms they normally eat? :p
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn hears a soft, yes in answer to her question before the sun rises and she feels her body slip into torpor. A strange dreamless sleep overtakes her though she is vaguely aware of her surroundings throughout. The day passes without any trouble of any sort and after the sun has set over the primeval forest her eyes snap open to the darkened room.

Morgaina sits patiently waiting beside her and smiles as she notices that Lexwyn has awakened. "Excellent you are awake. As soon as you are ready we can head to the nearest village so that you might learn to hunt without killing. First though we must heal your wounds from last night. It is quite simple all you have to do is concentrate and will the vitae that flows through your veins to the affected area."

Good point.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

This new sleep felt weird. Not better or worse per se, just different. It would definitely take some getting used to. Lexwyn found she was more alert than normal when first waking up, too. "Huh, wounds?" She had barely noticed, though Lexwyn did not doubt she had taken a few hits in the fight. At the time she was too deep to realize it, and afterwords too caught up in all the new questions. She quickly looked down her body and focused on any imperfections caused by the battle, closing her eyes and concentrating as Morgaina told her.

After waiting long than was probably needed, Lexwyn reopened her eyes and focused in on Morgaina. "Already? Not that I am one to complain, but are there any dangers with overfeeding?" Being a rather active girl, Lexwyn could always eat as much as she wanted, but she saw what happened to those lazy courtiers who did nothing and ate more than their fair share of the realm's riches. It might be a silly question though, and Lexwyn was actually pretty eager to learn how not to lose control of herself when hungry.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

She had almost forgotten about the sword through her chest and was rather amazed to watch it simply knit back together. She noticed that she was a bit paler though not horribly so and she also noticed that she no longer needed to breath or even blink. She almost wondered how a peasant would react to such things when Morgaina answered. "Oh, you needn't worry about overfeeding unless it results in the death of one of the kine. We'll be using up quite a bit of blood to get to the village quickly that way you are nice and hungry. A test so to speak as you mentioned last night."
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Hmmm? Fighting? The trip surely can't be that dangerous, even with any shortcuts." Lexwyn's tone did not convey argument, but more of a desire for more information. Nevertheless, she was eager to test out her new abilities even more. Sneaking through the village might be a bit nerve racking, as would be trying to feed more carefully probably, but she would focus on one step at a time. She could worry about the peasants when they actually got there.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Hopefully, there won't be any fighting as it shouldn't be a dangerous trip. It's just that the Crossroads Inn is several miles away and we'll have to travel fast to get there and back. I'm sure you've already noticed how much stronger you are, it is one of our clans signature powers along with celerity and presence. With celerity you can move much faster than any mortal, though it uses blood up quickly. Now try to keep up, my childe." Morgaina opens the door and closes her eyes to concentrate for a second before taking off like lightning to the north. Lexwyn can barely believe how fast she moves through the trees but she better start herself if she wants to keep up.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Oh. I see. In that ca.... wha... whoa!" Lexwyn blinked a few times as she tried to keep focus on Morgaina. It seemed she was still capable of surprise. If this was a test, though, standing like a gaping peasant was a serious waste of time! Allowing a brief moment to close her eyes and focus, Lexwyn then took off as fast as she could after her sire, though she didn't have as good an idea of where the woman went as she would have liked. Normal speed was hard enough in a forest, and Lexwyn was a bit spooked at how fast trees would go by, and avoiding tripping on any downed branches, but once again she hoped this was something more experience would take care of.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn takes off through the forest after her sire, who seems to slow every so often so that she can keep up. Lexwyn trips a few times though she finds that her senses and athletic ability seem to be slightly enhanced by her new state of being. Eventually they reach a trail on the edge of the forest and Morgaina points down the trail towards a somewhat busy inn.

Not the type of inn Lexwyn would have ever been to as a noble, but she supposed it would work for her first time...hunting. What had she heard Morgaina call the humans, kine or some such. Perhaps it was easier to hunt if you thought of them as being different despite the similar appearance.

Morgaina smiles and says. "Good it's not to busy and not to empty. I'll be around hunting myself and keeping an eye out in case you get into trouble. Good luck."
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

After the initial surprise wore off, Lexwyn found running so fast was actually... dare she say it, fun! Despite her normal hard exterior, especially as of late, she wasn't above a little frivolity sometimes. Even tripping wasn't that bad. She was just about to attempt a running backflip or something next time it happened when they arrived.

Lexwyn said nothing as they sized up the inn, already thinking of her plan of attack, only breaking for a moment when Morgaina left. The excitement was running high. "Good luck to you too, though I suppose you need it far less than I..." Lexwyn slunk around the back, through the trees for some extra concealment. Though her appearance was suitable to mingle most likely, if she was careful, it would probably not be such a good idea to attract attention, and if the point was to be secretive then a show of force and proclaiming herself a goddess wasn't exactly the best course of action either. No, this would be like when she found the cabin. A window would be the ideal entry point, and if she was in luck there would be a nice target just waiting for her in bed right there. The thought actually didn't bother her as much as she expected. This was just going to be the way of things. Sure, Lexwyn would maybe feel a bit guilty if she went overboard, but even then, accidents happened, right?
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

There are very few windows on the ground floor of the inn and none of them seem to be open except for one in the rear from which the smell of food emanates. As few days ago it would have smelled wonderful but not anymore it seemed, her new hunger was foremost in her mind.

The second floor of the building offered just what she had been looking for however. A single window sat open and illuminated by what she assumed was candlelight. She could see two ways of getting to the roof: a drain pipe to the second floor roof opposite the window or an ancient oak on the other side of the building.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

"Hmmm...." Lexwyn first went for the drain pipe before stopping herself. It was more direct, but probably not good enough to support her when doing tricky maneuvers. The tree was probably more sturdy. She would climb, then carefully get onto the second level of the building. Hopefully there would be a good place for her to jump over, without making too much noise. She wasn't so much afraid of jumping too far as to hurt herself, not in this new body, but that she'd wake the sleeping humans. First thing first, though, and she could worry about the jump when she got up there.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn has little trouble at the beginning of her climb up the tree. As she reaches for one of the smaller branches it easily cracks under the force in her new limbs. The branch doesn't make enough noise to startle anyone in the building but she almost loses her balance for a second. She hadn't realized it till now but the strength in her limbs was well beyond that of a human, she would have to keep that in mind around mortals. The rest of the climb went well and she quickly leaped across the short gap between the tree and building without seeming to draw any attention.
Re: Prologue: Lexwyn

Lexwyn grumbled under her breath, almost like a growl but not quite. The climb was supposed to be the easy part.... no matter, nothing bad had yet happened. She slunk around back to the window she'd spied, peering in before entering. A quick glance wouldn't alert anyone awake hopefully. She'd prefer a sleeping victim, that would be easy, though she supposed she had to feed even if it wasn't easy. It wouldn't end her hunt, but Lexwyn at least wanted a moment to come up with the next step of her plan if this human also aspired to be a creature of the night...
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