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Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Lich-cursed cowards! Anthony was about to chase after them, but there was still ought to do here - he owed Cassandra for allowing him the satisfaction of seeing their attackers die, and he wouldn't leave Alexia's sexy snakebutt for anything - short of perhaps her command, though those words he was sure would hurt worse than death.

Maybe if they hurried, they could leave before that goblin showed up again, too! He wasn't even sure where it was. The hope spurred him on all the more to hurry. Either way, his attackers would get away with his vengeance unvisited upon them, and they'd be long gone by the time they'd finished, too... he could only nurse the hope in his heart that they would one day meet once more, and he could skewer them then.

His Alexia dove into the nearby - whereupon he saw a bandit fly out and smack a tree, so he guessed she was doing magnificently for now. Which was good, because the squealing he heard getting louder and louder suddenly revealed it's source - four stampeding swine, charging him with dangerous red eyes. With Cassandra unable to flee, he had no choice but to stand his ground and fight - his long hair flowed down one arm, until it was some three times his height long, allowing him to twirl it in circles, like a bullwhip. He turned, presenting his slimmer side instead of his broader front to the furious monsters, and started to almost dance in place, keeping light on his toes, while his whip lashed the ground, alternating to each side. "I hunt your kind for sport, boar! This just saves me the effort of catching supper before cooking it!" He shouted as the pigs neared, lashing at them with his bristling, magical locks, warding them towards either side of Cassandra and himself.

Use HAIRWHIP for 8 EP, discipline some fucking pigs.
Base attack: d20+30. I think.
Use Battle dance! +12.
Use Duelist! +10.
Use Lightning Strikes! -12.
Total is d20+40 vs whatever those delicious pre-bacons have, I think. I'll slap one two times, and then a second one one more time.
Damage should be 2d8*8 + Spirit 30/4 (I think it rounds naturally like everything else but I can never remember) + 2 (Duelist) - 6 (Lightning Strikes).

Anthony's base dodge: 33
+ Unarmed Fighter bonus: 10 (if that applies)
and/or +Duelist bonus: 10
+ Battle Dance bonus: 12

Defensive Fightan: 10

Total: 65ish!

Also, he takes 4 damage because .
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia Hanover: HP = 47/87, PP = 67, EP = 45, Status = Weakened

Cassandra: HP = 0/40, PP = 65, EP = 77/85, Status = Out cold

Eeyie: HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Super Hair Man: HP = 44/46, PP = 38, EP = 16/48, Status = Grappled, Hair Whip(1 EP/T)



(Weapon Swinging vs. Boar): Alexia infllicts 18 damage to the boar in front of her.

(Dodge vs. Boar): Failed. The boar charges into Alexia, slam jam-ing her for 15 damage, and damaging her armor for 10 TP

(Resistance vs. Weakened): Failed, Alexia gains an instance of weakened.

Alexia has 19 TP remaining


(Stealth Vs. Boar Mistress): ???


(Super Hair Whip Vs. Boars): Hit, Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit
1st Hit: 48-20=28 Damage
2nd Hit: 40-20=20 Damage
3rd Hit: 96-20=76 Damage, ded boar
4th Hit: 112-20=92 Damage, ded boar

(Dodge vs. Boar): Failed. Anthony is now a bed for the boar.

Charging out from the bushes, Alexia caught one boar with her spear, forcing it to divert it's attention from Anthony while the rest of the three charged him still. The boar rounded, and in response to her attack, slammed into her harshly, her armor taking a good deal of the blunt attack, but she was still knocked backwards from the heavy hit, knocking all of the wind out of her lungs, and leaving her feeling a little lightheaded.

Meanwhile, Anthony made good time dealing with the last three. With his mighty hair powers, he quickly struck down two of the boars, before the last seemed to endure two of his strikes, before suddenly jumping into the air, and slamming into Anthony. Crushing him down to the ground, the big pig snorted once it had pinned Anthony down, seeming content now that it had him down, to simply stay like that, acting on it's mistresses orders to keep him down.

While Eeyie was sneaking around, the mistress was suddenly approaching the battlefield! "My poor babies..." she cooed to her fallen boars, before reaching into her thick coat, and pulling out a potion. "Mommy will make it all better." she promised, intending to heal one of the fallen boars.

One bandit unconscious on the ground.
The rest of the bandits are missing or dead.

Two dead boars.
One boar with 48 damage, laying on top of Anthony
One Boar with 18 damage, fighting Alexia

One boar mistress, moving to heal a boar from death.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

A terribly shrill "EEEK-" found it's way out of Anthony's mouth when he suddenly noticed a pig flying through the air to land on him. Seemed he'd been too focused on lashing too much and left himself open...

The fat thing didn't look like it would budge, so Anthony once again used the power of his hair. His locks started to flow over him, hugging close to his body, until he was absolutely covered in a glossy, flexible, and skintight layer of hair, which he could augment is strength with, and which was tougher than his regular old clothing.

Once his sudden re-garbing was complete, he used his enhanced suit's strength and leverage to grapple with the animal sitting on him. Hopefully, he could get a good grip on it with his hairwhip and hug the stinking forest creature at it's master, before she could undo any of his handiwork.

Oh god I have no idea what happened but why do I have five attack rolls and four damage rolls when Lightning strikes only attacks three times

I should have taken 4 damage from Battle Dance also.

Use HAIRSUIT for 9 EP (Armor, melee damage and Grapple + 27 (3X), Stealth +9), then try to dominate grapple and fling dat pig at dat lady.

With upkeep, I should be at 10 EP this turn, oh god, I need more EP.

Also if I forget, next turn I am definitely probably going to want to want to put yon Hirsute to 2 EP. Future Blarg please read.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie worked her way towards the boar mistress, watching for any movements that the lady was in fact not noticing her. The goblin gal would ignore the others actions as they dealt with the boars. Something she admitted to herself, was pretty fun watching~ Especially watching all those snaking hair tendrils~ (Fetish employed - Weakness to tentacles! Roll 1d4 and if 4 Eeyie cannot take an action this turn!)

The orange goblin girl would snap her attention back to the boar mistress chiding herself softly, under her breath "Just wait Eeyie, just wait. You can get some of those tasty hair tentacles whipping you as well. Just wait." The goblin girl would launch herself onto the boar mistress, snaking her arms to wrap around the woman's arms, latching them and forcing them into an awkward angle that did not allow her much leverage!

(Going for sneak attack, free grapple attempt - if spotted, still grapple attempt :p. - Submission Hold.

72 grapple from Eeyie.)
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Taking her halberd and driving it down into the beast, she felt the satisfying mpact and heard the tell-tale squish of metal meeting flesh. But despite all of that, the damn thing still wouldn't go down. At the very least she was able to take the things attention off Anthony, but now it's attention was focused on her and that could only mean terrible things if she didn't finish it quick. The beast smashed into her chest, knocking the wind right out of her and almost causing her to tumble over. Her armor took most of the hit but she still took a good bit of the impact herself. However, she was a warrior and she was not about to fall so easily, especially not to some damn pig. All right you. I'm not going to let you or your bitch of an owner get the better of us. I've come to far to let some side of pork win."

Hefting her weapon over her head, the snake warrior swung her weapon down at the beast, hoping to cripple or kill the beast.

(Action: Attack till it dies!)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia Hanover: HP = 37/87, PP = 67, EP = 45, Status = Weakenedx2

Cassandra: HP = 0/40, PP = 65, EP = 77/85, Status = Out cold

Eeyie: HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Submission holding

Super Hair Man: HP = 40/46, PP = 38, EP = 15/48, Status = Submission'd, Hair Whip(1 EP/T)



(Weapon Swinging vs. Boar): Alexia infllicts 10 damage to the boar in front of her.

(Dodge vs. Boar): Failed. The boar charges into Alexia, turning her into a carpet for a moment, dealing 10 damage, and damaging her armor for 9 TP

(Resistance vs. Weakened): Failed, Alexia gains another instance of weakened.

Alexia is dizzy and can no longer think coherently!

Alexia has 10 TP remaining


(Stealth Vs. Boar Mistress): Success.

(Grapple Vs. Mistress): Success, Mistress has been put in a submission hold.


(Grapple Vs. Boar): Failed. Anthony is bonked over the head by the boar's tusk as he tries to concentrate on his hair, and is put in a submission hold, completely pinned.

Anthony, attempting to weave magics that would free him of the boar, found the boar raising it's head, before it bonked him over his noggin, making him see stars for a moment as it made itself more comfortable on it's new bed, actually laying down and seeming content with the now captured Anthony to lay on.

Meanwhile, Alexia was trading blows with the boar some more, delivering a firm strike, before it rounded, and struck her in return. This time, Alexia was trampled rather well, enough to hit her head on a tree she was charged into, causing her mind to suddenly start spinning, and all logical thought leaving her with her vision becoming increasingly blurry. Seeing Alexia in such a state, the snake would see it's erection growing from underneath, moving around her in a cautious circle now, seeming confident that she was ready to be pushed over and raped.

Finally, Eeyie was jumping out from stealth, and she slammed the boar mistress to the ground, and bound one of her arms securely behind her back, leaving her struggling to get back on her footing. "Argh!" she cursed. "Get off of me!" she announced. "If you surrender, I won't have your friends get raped!" she declared.

One bandit unconscious on the ground.
The rest of the bandits are missing or dead.

Two dead boars.
One boar with 48 damage, laying on top of Anthony
One Boar with 28 damage, fighting Alexia

One boar mistress, in a submission hold by Eeyie.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony saw stars when the pig headbutted him, and after his head cleared some, he got so angry he tried to headbutt it back. "Get off me, you bristly porcine fatsack!"

The nobleman struggled viciously, growing even more furious when he saw the last pig left standing knock his beloved Alexia hard against a tree. "Rrrrgh! Touch her again and I'll make you into mince pie, you ugly ham! I'll bet the sows dash for the butcher's shed when they see that putrescent face of yours, you slop-guzzling, rancid-smelling, mud-rolling, smokehouse fodder!"

Taunting the pigs probably wasn't going to work. But, since he couldn't murder it with glares (which he was trying very hard to do) the best he could do was hope it was a magical talking-pig, who had thusly learned, through it's understanding of human speech, how to be offended. And also get out from under this other fucking pig. Fucking pigs! They were almost as bad as goblins!

Struggle and break the submission hold!
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie purposefully grinded her breasts against the boar mistress's back as she cooed cruelly into the mistress's ears even as she held her purposefully, making the boar mistress's chest stick out towards everyone.

"So~ You'll have my friends raped if I don't get off of you~?" Eeyie giggled happily as she said "Then that is amazing! But then all your little pets will be without a mistress! A nice, bouncy mistress that slurps on their cocks~" As Eeyie begin to switch her grapple, going for putting the mistress lady into a deeper hold, to start strangling her.

"Now~ I'm going to have such fun with you! But first to make certain you are knocked out~ Hey bandit boys!" She called out to any nearby bandits "You want a free girl~? She knows how to make potions~ I'll let you have her completely if you make certain that none of my friends get 'raped~'"

(Action: Try to entice the nearby bandits with a free slave girl and put the boar mistress into a strangle hold.)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Another swing, another satisfying thwack of steel hitting flesh. This thing would be dead in no time at this rate. Just another one or two good hits and this pig might as well cook itself. But those confident thoughts were washed away as the boar struck her again, hitting her hard enough to knock her into a nearby tree. The hit caused the back of her head to impact against the tree and her head began spinning. She could barely complete a thought and her vision was getting blurry. Not fully sure what to do, Alexia tried her best to steady herself, dropping into a defensive stance. She couldn't let this boar get another hit on her. She wouldn't get humiliated again.

(Action: Fight defensively for the full 20 points)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Blackouts and boars.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia Hanover: HP = 37/87, PP = 67, EP = 45, Status = Weakenedx2

Cassandra: HP = 0/40, PP = 65, EP = 77/85, Status = Out cold

Eeyie: HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Submission holding

Super Hair Man: HP = 40/46, PP = 38, EP = 14/48, Status = Prone, Hair Whip(1 EP/T)


Woke up.


Alexia has 10 TP remaining


(Grapple Vs. Mistress): Success, choking ensues.


Freed, is laying down.

As Eeyie wrapped her arm around the boar mistress' neck, the mistress cursed as she began to be choked by the little goblin. "You... Damn... Bandits...!" she growled, assuming the goblin to be among them. After a few moments of being threatened with choking to death, the mistress tapped on Eeyie's arm. "Enough...!" she said with a choked voice. "My babies... Flee...!" she announced, before the boars looked to her, and suddenly picked up and darted off, leaving the weakened Alexia, and the prone Anthony on the ground as they ran off.

With but the four of them, the mistress, and the bleeding bandit in the field, it seemed the group secured something somewhat like a victory. "My babies will return with the others... They will make you all pay...!" she swore.

Meanwhile, Cassandra wakes up, her vision blurry and her head hurting.

One bandit unconscious on the ground.

Two dead boars.
One boar with 48 damage, running away from Anthony
One Boar with 28 damage, running away from alexia

One boar mistress, in a submission&choke hold by Eeyie.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"Bandits?! How dare you! Do I look like a bandit?!" Anthony (tried) to shout out from underneath the pig crushing him and making it hard to breathe.

The insult made him very eager to slay her, but the sudden revelation that she was unlikely to be a bandit as well if she were cursing them as bandits made it eminently clear to him that it would be far more propitious to acquire her friendship. Which... would likely prove difficult if they ended up killing her 'babies'.

"Wait!" He called, swiftly rising to his feet as fast as he could. "We're hunting brigands! If you aren't one, then we have no quarrel - come back and administer that tonic!"
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"Ouchies... That was not nice of them..." Cassandra muttered as she finally came to from the brief period of being very much clubbed and unconscious. The sight of them still being there in the same place was a relief to the healer, but when all that was going on was considered, she became quite confused and not sure what to do at all the things going on."Eeeh?... What's going on?" she pondered aloud, gaze shifting from one place to another in the overall scene.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"And when they return, I'll use you as their goring target!" Eeyie announced cruelly to the woman in her grasp as she tightened her hold hissing "Because you attacked pinkie! You know what that means?" As Eeyie began to continue her squeezing, quite willing to break this little shit stain of a woman neck and then use her broken body as a shield to when her pets return.

"A spanking!" Eeyie cried out even as she looked towards Alexia as she cooed out loudly "Pinkie! Can I spank this naughty woman for injuring you and bustiness? Oh and the person with hair-tentacales." As Eeyie just kept the boar mistress in a strangle-hold, willing to release her dependent of her leader's words. Through she looked like she really wanted to spank the woman's cloth covered tush. As if to mock her for sometihng.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Her head, still hazy from the fight, took a second to process that the enemy was retreating. Seems threateningly the mistress had been enough to scare off her kids or at least force them to snag reinforcements. But it seemed her team had secured something of a victory l, Pyrrhic as it was. But with the boar mistress at her mercy Eeyie wanted Alexia's permission to " punish" the boar woman. In her haze, Alexia waved her hand and spoke. " Go...go ahead. But try to get some information out of her. Bandit presence, how many boars she has. Anything you think is relevant."
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"The blaggarts what jumped us were run off, but that woman and her boars charged us as soon as their remainder fled. They almost got us, but the goblin got their queen and convinced them to pull away," Anthony said without turning fully to Cassandra. "Thank you for earlier, by the way - how's your head?"
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

With Anthony's explanation, the whole scene made a lot more sense to the still somewhat dazed Cassandra. "Hmm, not too bad, a bit achy maybe." she replied, quickly poking at herself for some restorative energy and removal of the remaining headache. "There, I should be fine. But... Oh. OH." the busty cleric soon snapped out from her self-conscious reverie and turned on her proper caretaker mode. It seemed most of them needed something taken care of, so the girl would start flitting about in an effort to get everyone into tiptop shape. No matter how much of her own energy it might take, she would do it. Even the mistress of boars would get a turn, since she did not appear to be a threat, but it would have to wait until she was through with the spankings that seemed to be imminent.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie beamed at hearing Pinkie's words as she looked over at the busty one flitting about before saying "Busty one! Are you going around to heal everyone? Don't worry about mez! Iz was only going to get sexed and nothing happened cause Pinkie came by and bitch smacked the bandits! Oh and for boarry mistress, please don't heal her bottom~" She sing-songed the last part before Eeyie hissed loudly into the boar mistress's ear "Your going to get 10 spanks for each boar that attacked Pinkie and hair tentacle man!"

As Eeyie still held the boar mistress in a stranglehold, shifting around to a submission hold so that she was no longer strangling the boar mistress, she would begin to give 20 swift spankings to the boar mistress's clothed ass! They would be fast and harsh but not meant to destroy the girls ass and make it impossible to sit down without shuddering in pain! If the boar mistress didn't resist, Eeyie would look at Cassandra and Anthony before asking them "Should I release her? Otherwise I feelz likes I just wanna rapez her." As Eeyie looked at those two since Pinkie seemed to be a bit out of it, through also giving a side long glance towards pinkie. (Will release her if Anthony, Cassandra or Alexia asks. Only needs one yes!)

(Actions: Switching to Submission and hold and if possible, 20 swift spanks (I see these as fluff unless you want them to count as actual damage). (Would be 40 but Eeyie is going by Boars that managed to reach and attack Alexia and Anthony. Through this will be changed to 40 swift spanks if Anthony or Alexia makes mention of it.)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The mistress growled in anger as the goblin and Alexia seemed to okay the idea of her getting punished, all of what Anthony said going out of the window as they acted no better than bandits. "I'll have your heads on pikes after my boars get through with you, you fucking bandits!" she screamed, before taking the spankings with a growl. "I'll have you murdered and your entrails ripped apart as you lay dying!" she swore.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"Such language..." the healer thought as she followed the happenings. The whole spanking thing caused Cassandra to flinch a bit. Even as it was far from a terrible punishment, it still seemed to hurt a good deal. "Let her go, please. That is unneeded, and from what I could say, this whole thing seems to be a big misunderstanding. A real big one." she said, wanting to take the mistress into her own arms for a bit. If that did indeed happen, she would go into healing her a bit to try and smooth down the situation. Even if that was not allowed, she would still insist on healing and telling the boar lady what she knew. "What we are doing has nothing to do with those people. We are simply here to retrieve some supplies that they took. Or that is what the boss lady of this mission said, at least. We do not want to cause harm to you or your flock of boars. We avoided them earlier, since there was no reason for us to attack such innocent animals. But you apparently decided to blindly attack us too, mistaking us as bandits which we are not. There is no need to be hostile at each other, we can even be friends." she told the mistress, offering her a truce and friendship along with the healing.