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Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 1/45, Status = awake but very groggy from draining and looking close to fainting again

As Misty came back to consciousness, she would find Mia still laying atop her, her cock still buried inside of the catgirl's luscious pussy, which was still gently squeezing a little bit on Misty's semi hard member as she lay there, the beautiful Su-Ku-Ta looking quite exhausted from Misty's draining her again. Misty's loins felt thoroughly exercised after that bout of sex, and what with the way that Mia's pussy was clenching at her dick still it seemed almost as if Mia wanted yet more. Mia seemed to be awake still, though she looked quite groggy, as if she'd been snoozing until just a few moments before. Mia glanced up at Misty's face to see her waking up and smiled up at her, her deep dark green eyes shining in the light of the sun that was shining into their little cave.

"Hey, you blacked out on me there when you came... was a little worried about you until I heard you start snoring. So I took a nap with you, felt it was as good a time as any really," Mia said softly from where she lay, leaning up to kiss Misty on the cheek before laying back down, her face right next to Misty's. "Oh yeah, I just remembered. You asked me what kind of priestess miss Evelyn was right, well I didn't think stopping in the middle of our fun was a good thing to do just to tell you, so I figured I'd tell you afterwards. Miss Evelyn is a priestess, but she wasn't what you'd call... chaste exactly, but she wasn't a slut either. She was just... very experienced you might say, and she taught me lots of things most priestesses probably wouldn't normally know, or shouldn't know rather. She was like me, and told me that I could put my tail to good use, that she'd learned that a few years before even meeting me. Also Misty... I wonder if you put a baby in my belly here, though I kind of hope you didn't... not just yet anyway," Mia went on to say, shyly looking away as she finished speaking, letting Misty know that Mia obviously intended on bearing her a child someday from the sounds of it.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Mph.... It was more just.... How absurd it sounded at the time," Misty explained regarding her question about Mia's priestess, though she still listened to the cat-girl's explanation about her apparent mentor. "Well.... I can't say I expected that, but alright...." she commented dryly, and then frowned slightly and glanced at Mia's taught stomach. There wasn't really any way of telling whether or not she'd gotten her pregnant, but there was a fairly good chance that she had. "We'll worry about that when it becomes an issue," she replied simply, not wanting to make a particular fuss over it. As she'd said, Misty didn't have to do very much given her limited responsibilities, so she made no initiative to end the cuddling session until Mia made some sort of inquiry about it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 1/45, Status = awake but very groggy from draining and looking close to fainting again

"Heh, yeah I suppose it does sound a bit absurd in a way, but miss Evelyn was always there for me and kept me safe for as long as I can remember. I... I really miss her, and I want to find her, but... I doubt that she's still alive... or if she is she's been turned by those fucking monsters," Mia said, ending harshly as she turned away from Misty and dismounted her finally, slipping Misty's cock out of her tight little pussy that was gripping her so well, where Misty's seed began trickling out of her and down her inner thighs. "She told me to run, and to go northeast to a place called Therion, that if she managed to get away she would meet me there as soon as she could. But she told me that if she didn't show up within a couple of months or so, then to leave and live my life as I saw fit, but that I could come back to Therion from time to time if I wanted to look around for her, that she would be staying there if she managed to escape and I had already left the city," Mia went on to say, obviously missing her mentor and caretaker up until now, and it was also obvious in her tone that given the opportunity she would search for this priestess Evelyn even if it meant going back to her town she'd lived in.

After a few moments Mia would turn to look back at Misty as she sat there, with tears in her eyes. "W-Would you help me look for her Misty? I... don't know how far it would be to the place they took her, if she hasn't already gotten away that is, but... if I can find her I'd like to try. But, I know that I can't save her alone if it came to breaking into one of those monster's strongholds, that I'd just be taken too like she was. But she is a powerful person, so she may have gotten free and needs help or something getting up this way. She would have taken the same path I took I think, because she told me that she could track me if need be, so there's a chance that she's already on her way. Though... if you'd rather not Misty, then I'll understand, because those things are really scary after all," Mia asked Misty, a slightly pleading tone in her voice, though she did say she would understand if Misty didn't want to, but it was very clear that Mia wished to look for her mentor, despite this priestess telling her to forget about her and run.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Therion.... That's a long long way from here," Misty said speculatively, "That's the other side of the mountains and a long walk besides. Something like two hundred miles at least, and a dangerous trip too. If she sent you there... Well, it must have been pretty desperate, that or she was afraid of what might happen to you in Badaria."

Misty frowned somewhat dourly as Mia turned to her with tears in her eyes, and for a moment an inner battle was waged within her. It wasn't a particularly long battle, for the kitsune was at heart not a courageous woman, and after a moment she firmly said; "If she hasn't gotten away on her own by now, you wouldn't like the state we would find her in. Either she'll find us on her own, or she's already gone. Either way, there's not much that can be done about it now, and if there's no point in staying here where such creatures could find us." She left "and do the same to us" unsaid.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 1/45, Status = awake but still very tired from draining

"Yeah I know it's a long way, but... it's where she told me to go to wait for her, though I've never been there before. And yes she was worried about what might happen to me in Badaria, she always told me to never go there by myself, because they would cut off my tail and hang it on a wall... a-and they'd stuff me and make me into a rug," Mia said on the matter of heading to Therion and about Badaria, sounding a little scared at what her priestess mentor had always told her apparently, from the sounds of it to scare her into not going to Badaria.

After Mia turned with the tears in her eyes and waited for Misty to answer her on the matter of going to find her priestess mentor, Mia looked quite saddened at Misty's reply. "Y-Yeah... you're probably right. Sorry Misty... i-it was a stupid thing to ask," Mia said, her shoulders slumping a bit as she hung her head and turned it away from Misty so she couldn't see her face. It was very obvious and easy to see that Mia was very saddened by Misty's answer, though she didn't speak out against her to try and persuade her otherwise. It seemed that Mia knew what had likely happened to this priestess Evelyn, she just didn't want to say or admit it. "You're right, we probably shouldn't stay here for much longer, I'll uh... help you get your things together, just tell me what you need me to do okay," Mia added after a few moments, tears in her eyes again, though she wasn't crying outright, she was sniffling a bit as she set about picking up a bit of Misty's things and getting it ready to put away so they could travel. Mia stumbled a little a couple of times from how exhausted she still was from Misty's draining, though she continued along unless Misty stopped her, trying to round up all of Misty's gear so they could put it away and prepare to move on.

Assuming Misty didn't stop her from doing so or anything, Mia would have all of her gear laid out neatly and ready to put away whenever she was ready, though she was still quite tired looking. "I'm ready to leave whenever you are my mate, just say the word," Mia would say tiredly, obviously putting on a brave smile so Misty wouldn't worry.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

The comments about Badaria had Misty somewhat taken aback. She knew all too well that the place was fairly hostile to nonhumans, and that those tales could get exaggerated with some retelling, but really? The priestess must have known some very disenfranchised people to spread such things, even though they might not be too terribly far from the truth.

The look that Mia gave Misty after giving her her answer, to put it bluntly, made the kitsune feel terrible. Absolutely terrible. Her gut sank, her tail flitted between her legs, and she just barely kept her look of shame from showing through her frown. Quietly, she guided Mia through helping her pack things up - a very short and simple task - and all the while she fought herself inwardly for the decision.

Going back to the alien infested area was an act of foolishness bordering on a suicide attempt. She owed Mia nothing, if anything it was the other way around. Why should she endanger herself for a woman that she didn't know, on behalf of a girl that she'd just met? It was insanity.

But.... Every time she glanced at Mia's face, Misty's gut dropped another inch. Guilt made her motions sluggish, and though it might have been the amount of Mia's spirit that she'd taken into herself, when it came time for them to leave Misty gave a sigh and remained rooted in place. She turned and stared at Mia for several seconds, contemplating, before sighing again, this time more loudly. "Which way did you come from? And how long were you walking? Maybe we'll be able to help your friend still, if we can find her quickly."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = fine

Mia helped Misty get all of her things packed away, which didn't take but just five minutes or so, if that much even, where the young catgirl lay back down on the bedroll for a couple of minutes to rest before they moved on, the bedroll being the last thing to pack up before they go.

After a couple of minutes of debating inwardly, Misty would see that Mia looked rested enough for them to move on whenever they wished now. When the kitsune said what she did to Mia, about which way she came from and whatnot, Mia raised up to looked at her. "Misty... you... you don't have to..." Mia began to say before stopping and smiling at Misty. "I came from the southwest, it was a town just across the border into Anudor around where thee borders of Crolia, Badaria, and Anudor meet, though the town wasn't built in the desert area, it was still in the highland plains area before the desert starts. Priestess Evelyn said the things may have come across the border from Badaria rather than from deeper into Anudor, because they'd have to cross the desert and they were further away from the town than the ones in Badaria might be. And I... think I was going for nearly two days... give or take. I did what she said, don't stop until I collapsed, and when I woke back up to keep heading northeast until I reached a road to lead me to Therion," Mia went on to say, telling Misty what she wanted to know.

Mia sat there as Misty took in what she'd told her, waiting for her reply with a slightly hopeful look on her face, though she tried to not make it too obvious that Misty's words had gotten her hopes up some.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Well, we aren't going until we drop from exhaustion, so it might take us a little bit longer. Another full day perhaps," she said, fluffy tail flitting back and forth. "So, unless you're looking to fuck some more, get your cute little ass up! Daylight's wasting~ Hurry up! If you don't get your clothes on soon I might be too tempted to pass up round three!" Her threat wasn't particularly serious, though she did scan her eyes over Mia's body with an increasingly suggestive smile, not interrupting that look even if Mia got up and got dressed. Unless the cat-girl had something else to concern herself with she would pick up her pack and get moving in the direction that Mia had indicated she'd come from, going South West.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = fine

"Oh... well I didn't think we would honestly, at least I hope we aren't. Miss Evelyn is strong... m-maybe she'll be able to hold on," Mia said as she stood on up, offering a hand to Misty which if she took it she'd feel Mia's fairly strong arms pulling her up to her feet in the process. "W-We can fuck later tonight when we make camp or something, o-or after we find miss Evelyn," Mia added, blushing as she mentioned her mentor possibly joining in their fun.

Mia got up and slipped her tattered clothing back on that she'd had, unless Misty had anything extra to loan her that is and wanted to do so. "I uh... I can fight too Misty, just so you know. Miss Evelyn had someone teach me martial arts so that I could defend myself if need be," Mia said as they began walking back the way Mia had come, the young catgirl informing Misty of her ability to fight if need be. Though Misty may have guessed her apparent martial arts abilities with hos strong her grip was earlier when she pulled her to her feet... and of course when she was gripping her another way before that.

Mia let Misty take the lead, being only a couple of steps behind her the whole way, and after a while of walking in the general direction which Mia came from, the pair started coming to less dense forest and in the distance through the trees some and out over a hillside, they could see some savanna lands before them, indicating that they were getting closer to Mia's village most likely, as the borders between Anudor and Crolia ended at the edge of the forested area here really, maybe a little in either direction. It had taken them until nearly noon to get to where they were, and they still looked to be an hour or two from the forest edge. In the distance though they could see a small patch of trees, across the savanna plains a ways, which looked to be a good place to make camp for the night when they reached them.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Hopefully we won't need to fight," Misty said, after taking the offered hand up, and then they were off traveling shortly thereafter. When the good camping spot appeared off in the distance, Misty pointed it out to Mia and decided to start cautiously heading in that direction, keeping her eyes peeled at all times for easy sources of food. It would be easier to forage here than it would be as they got closer to the desert, and finding food now would make things much easier. Misty, being a kitsune of a particularly magical lineage, wouldn't need to eat actual food any time soon, but she suspected that Mia was not so gifted, and thus would need to be fed if she was to keep her strength up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = fine

"Aye, hopefully Misty, but it's better to be prepared, so I'm ready to fight if need be," Mia replied as she helped Misty up and they got Misty's stuff together and set off.


Mia nodded to Misty when she pointed out the possible campsite for when they bedded down for the night, agreeing that it looked pretty good indeed and telling Misty that her old town was in that general direction. "Yeah I kind of remember stumbling through those trees up ahead somewhat actually, because I remember stumbling over a fallen tree and almost falling down," Mia said as they went, looking like she was wracking her brains to try and remember what she saw in those trees, but coming up with mostly a blank.

Along the way, they didn't spot much in the way of food to forage, save a few wild onions growing around the edge of the woods they were in, and an cherry tree that Mia insisted they stop and gather some cherries from before going on, as they'd need both she said in order to keep their strength up and it was better to forage and not waste rations when possible. "I love cherries myself, and these onions look pretty good and stuff really, considering. Do you got anything to put some of the cherries in by chance? Like an bag or anything? If so then hand it to me and I'll get them while you gather those onions for us," Mia said to Misty, though if Misty had no bag then Mia would take off what little clothing she had left and would create herself a makeshift sack to carry the cherries in until they got to their possible campsite later.

Along the way out across the savanna lands between the patches of forest, the sun shined down on them and kept Mia quite warm considering, so Misty needn't worry about the catgirl getting too cold with the northern air, plus they were getting closer to the desert areas and the dry air that came from it, so Mia should be mostly alright until she got her clothes back on, should she need to use them that is to make her little sack for the cherries to carry with them.

It wouldn't take them too very long really to make their way across the open savanna plains, so they'd managed to make fairly good time when they got to the patch of woods in the distance and were out there before sundown, giving Misty time with which to do whatever to set up a campsite as Mia helped, telling Misty to just say what she needed her to do and she'd do it. There were a few decent spots they could use in the little forest, as there was plenty of dry wood nearby to use and quite a few larger trees they could camp beside to be a windbreak for them.

"Hey Misty... thank you... this is more than I could ask and I know that I can never truly repay you for it, but... it means a lot to me. I... think miss Evelyn, if we can save her that is, would also be willing to um... repay you too... l-like I did," Mia said as soon as they had set up their camp, looking at Misty and bowing deeply to her in thanks, blushing as she spoke of repayment and that this Evelyn may very well do the same as she did earlier, assuming they find and rescue her that is.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"It's better than nothing," would be Misty's only real response to the food they managed to forage, producing a small sack with which to carry some of the cherries so that Mia wouldn't have to surrender her clothing to do so. Once they made a camp, Misty allowing Mia to help and instructing her on anything they didn't know and providing a plethora of encouraging spanks and gropes along the way, the kitsune made a stew out of the onions they'd found with some of the meat and vegetables she'd had packed away, producing a decent enough meal out of it when paired with a side-dish of cherries and a crust of bread.

Of course, the catgirl's suggestive statement about the priestess they were on their way to rescue caused Misty to raise an inquisitive eyebrow, and she offered Mia a suggestive smirk as she replied; "I see.... Well, being able to fuck the sense from the woman who taught you your sexual techniques should be ample reward for my efforts at a daring rescue~" She tilted her head to the side as she observed Mia's reaction to that rather overt statement, allowing the shoulder of her robe to slide down a bit, and added; "You've already seen a bit of what I'm talking about... But we don't have anything else to do for the night, so I'd be happy to give you a second demonstration of what I'm talking about~"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = fine

"Aye it is better than nothing, plus it saves you from having to waste any of your food that you already have," Mia said as she took the sack and gathered the cherries, kissing Misty on the cheek as she did where she began gathering the cherries while Misty got the onions.


When they made their way to the viable campsite and started getting everything ready to bed down for the night, Mia gave a cute little eek with every grope or little spank Misty gave her, before and after they did so. Mia helped get some water for their stew that Misty made from a nearby stream, though said stream was a ways off and was a good minute or two walk away from the camp itself, but it shouldn't cause too much trouble. When Misty mentioned that her being able to have her way with Evelyn should they find her would be payment enough, Mia blushed and giggled a little.

"Hehe, are you sure you could handle her? I've known of some men that couldn't move when she was through with them and woke up fairly sore... I even watched her secretly a couple of times too. She's... wild in bed, her fiery red hair swinging back and forth while she went, when I watched her at least anyway," Mia said as they sat there and continued preparing their dinner, blushing more when she mentioned that she'd peeked on the priestess Evelyn while she was having sex before, though when Misty began sliding her robe down off her shoulder a bit, Mia came up behind her and hugged her, sliding her hands around and across Misty's belly, tickling her a little bit in the process. "And... s-sure, we can do that again if you like. But we should probably eat first so our food doesn't get cold or anything if we lose track of time. S-Shouldn't we?" Mia went on to say, stuttering a little and sounding embarrassed, but not really against Misty's suggestion as her tail swished around curiously. Assuming Misty didn't want to do anything then, which Mia wouldn't stop her if she did go ahead and try something, then they would eat as soon as their food was done, with nothing really bothering them at all save a few curious squirrels and other animals looking at them before going on their way. Mia's mouth was watering by the time the food was done and she gobbled everything down from her portion fairly quickly and guzzled down all of her water she had to drink with it, possibly surprising Misty a little at the catgirl's appetite and speed of eating.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Ooooh a redhead? That explains a lot~" Misty said, and then giggled as Mia came up behind her and tickled her through her robes. "Of course~ We wouldn't want to let that food go to waste!" she replied agreeably, and then sat down to eat with her relatively primitive utensils. She ate her food slowly while Mia gorged herself, more to watch the other woman stuff herself than out of any effort to savor the simple meal, even if it did have a good bit more seasoning than her usual fare.

"You really do have an appetite, don't you Mia?" Misty said jovially once she'd finished eating, "Remind me not to pay your part of the tab if we ever end up in civilization!"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = fine

"S-Sorry Misty, but I'm hungry. I can't help it. And miss Evelyn can be really wild when it comes to sex... from what I saw at least. She did tell me before I left that she wished she had more time to teach me more about a lot of things, which I think she meant sex among those, but I'm not sure really," Mia said as she ate every bit of her portion of dinner, blushing a little and looking a bit embarrassed as she did so upon Misty's comment about reminding her to not pay her part of the tab at a tavern or something.

When they were through eating their dinner, Mia lay back on their bedroll and stretched out, arching her back like a cat as she did so, her tail swishing around in the air in the process. "Whenever you're ready for bed Misty, though I suppose one of us could or should keep watch really, just in case I mean. This place is pretty out of the way and all, but you never know," Mia said after she stretched, waiting for Misty to decide on how they should bed down for the night. If Misty decided that they could both risk sleeping together then Mia would smile and lean over and peck Misty on the cheek before taking off her clothes and getting under the blankets, patting the bedroll next to her invitingly.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"I don't have any problem with your appetite Mia, don't worry.... And don't worry about watch," Misty replied casually, using her magic to reshape a few areas of the ground to form a rough wall around their camp, and to ensure that they would produce a great deal of noise if they were disturbed. With that task done and their camp hopefully surrounded in a protective barrier, the kitsune casually slipped out of her robe, her cock flaccid but present, and moved to the indicated spot beside Mia to lay down for the night. "That should protect us well enough for the night," she said softly as she wrapped her arms around the nubile su-ku-ta, "And it should ensure us a tiny bit of privacy too... Hopefully."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 66/90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = fine

Misty uses Reshape twice, reshaping the ground which in this case is considered an object for the highest amount she can, spending a total of 24 EP to do so, forming a basic barrier around their campsite, meaning only a flying enemy will likely get in.

"Are you sure we don't need a watch set for the night Misty? I mean I don't mind taking first watch if you're rather get some sleep first," Mia asked Misty as the kitsune began working her magic again, forming them a protective wall around their campsite for the night, to which Mia looked absolutely amazed at. "Wow... t-that's awesome Misty. I didn't realize that you knew how to do this kind of stuff.... W-What is this exactly? Magic? I was never any good at it myself, couldn't learn it at all when I was younger, so miss Evelyn taught me how to fight hand to hand and had a couple of people show me how to use weapons," Mia said after Misty was done and began undressing to join her in bed, the covers of the bedroll falling off of her to reveal her fairly large and perky breasts, her nipples starting to stiffen slightly from the cool air still drifting down from the north a bit.

When Misty climbed into bed with Mia and wrapped her arms around her, the young Su-Ku-Ta smiled and draped a leg over Misty as they lay there on their sides facing one another. Mia snuggled her face right into Misty's breasts, giggling and shivering a little bit. "Gods it's still kind of cool around at night even though we're in the highlands now mainly. Do you want to... you know, have a bit of fun Misty?" Mia said, giggling a little bit again as she pulled her face out from between Misty's breasts where she asked if the kitsune wished to have fun once more. "I mean if you're rather we just get some sleep then okay, I don't mind any. I mean it would probably be good to do so since we'll need to hurry when we wake up... but it's up to you really," Mia added, just snuggling up to Misty if she wished to just sleep instead. However if Misty did indeed want to have a bit of fun, then Mia would just giggle and reach over under the covers with her hand, where Misty would feel Mia's fingers wrapping around her length and stroking her lightly until she was at full mast, where she would roll over however Misty wished for her to do, shaking her ass at her if she wanted to have her from behind, pushing the covers down and spreading her legs wide if she wished to do her in the missionary position, or rolling atop and straddling Misty where she would grind her pussy up and down Misty's length if the young kistune wished for Mia to be on top.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"I sleep lightly, and I've made sure that anything that might try to sneak up on us will make enough noise to wake me up," Misty said reassuringly when Mia made her worries known, and then smiled broadly at her amazement at the terrain sculpting abilities that the kitsune displayed. "Magic is probably a good enough name for it, I suppose. It's one of many of my little tricks, and it comes in handy from time to time."

Later, when Mia asked what she'd like to do after she'd crawled into bed to face her, Misty giggled lightly and leaned her forehead against the cat girl's, her tail slowly batting back and forth beneath the covers. "And let this golden opportunity to see how loud I can make you moan go to waste? Nonsense my dear~" she purred, and then tilted her chin up and pressed her lips against Mia's in a soft kiss. A soft purr escaped Misty through their joined mouths when the cat-girl wrapped her fingers around her cock, and as she deepened the kiss she moved one of her own hands between Mia's legs herself, preparing her pussy in the same general manner in which Mia was preparing her cock. It was hardly difficult for Mia to get the kitsune succubus to bring Misty to full hardness, but she remembered the cat-girl's sweet spots from last night, and put her dextrous fingers to work finding each and every one of them.

Once Mia was properly horny and dripping wet, Misty broke the kiss and gently pushed her over, climbing on top and placing herself between Mia's legs. Guiding her cock towards Mia's folds with one hand, Misty sighed softly as she pushed in and felt her tight inner walls squeezing around her. One she was hilted, the kitsune paused for a moment and purred; "Nnnnn.... You're so tight Mia.... And this time, I don't need to punish you~" Misty began to thrust, slowly at first but rapidly picking up speed, hitting Mia where she would feel the most pleasure every time and searching for the perfect pace to provide the cat-girl with as much pleasure as she could take. Misty was relentless and insistent as she pistoned into Mia's tight flower, measuring her own pleasures despite her partner's insistent efforts to milk her seed right out of her cock. She wanted Mia to cum first, and cum hard at that, followed by a good long period to warm her up again. Rejoining the kiss in order to help distract herself from the relentless bursts of pleasure inspired by Mia's clenching sex, Misty pumped into her partner steadily and rapidly right up until she felt the su-ku-ta clenching in the initial throes of climax.

Once Mia had cooperated with her desires, something that Misty considered an inevitability, she pumped into her slowly throughout, keeping her going as she took her first bites out of her spirit to replace what little she'd spent, the kitsune slowly pulled out while Mia basked in her afterglow. Shifting back, she grabbed Mia's leg and angled it upwards, spreading her legs apart and putting Mia on her side as Misty put herself back into position. "Now.... It's my turn~" she cooed breathlessly, her thick shaft pulsating eagerly as she pressed the tip against Mia's folds once again, teasing her. "Next time you cum.... I'm going to fill you up right to the brim~" she purred, and then without further adieu pushed back into Mia.

The position made the cat-girl's pussy even tighter, and Misty gently placed her Mia's leg over her shoulder before shifting her grip to the girl's thigh, allowing her to plow away as fast as she reasonably could in that position. She wasn't rough, per se, but she was certainly giving it to Mia much faster and harder than she had before, making as much effort to please herself as she was Mia. Holding much less of a hold on herself, it was Misty that came first this time, and she would announce it once she felt the early warning signs by saying; "Ooooohhh Mia~ I'm... Nnnn... Almost there!" The cat-girl would have a very brief window in which to urge Misty to pull out of her, and if she didn't take it the kitsune would give a few moments worth of quick, shallow thrusts before letting out a long, deep moan and tilting her head back, her body trembling and her cock twitching twice before the third signaled an eruption of cum that was pumped into Mia's womb, the downward angel and the depth of her penetration ensuring that Misty's potent seed found its way into her deepest chamber first, filling her full.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 1/45, Status = pregnant and exhausted

[Pregnancy roll: 3, so success \o/ Mia is now preggers. Don't Kitsune pregnancies last a full 9 months or so? Just wondering.]

"O-Oh, okay then. If you're sure we'll be alright then come on lover, give me everything you've got then. But... I think you'll be moaning louder than I will most likely, because you can barely keep your hands off of me you fiend," Mia said to Misty, smiling as naughtily as one with as little experience in sex as she did could as she snuggled up to Misty some more and stroked her length softly.

As Misty worked her fingers into Mia's depths more and more to get her wet and ready, she would feel Mia's juices flowing quite a bit. It didn't take long for Mia to get ready as it were, where as soon as Misty broke their kiss and gently pushed Mia over, the young Su-Ku-Ta purred softly as Misty pressed herself into her, guiding her in willingly inside without any resistance. "Y-You were... punishing me before? It didn't... seem like it... to me... especially from the way... you looked," Mia panted as Misty began thrusting, letting out a cute little meow, still trying to tease Misty as best she could while they went at it.

As soon as Misty began pounding Mia at full speed, knocking at her most sensitive spots, the young catgirl let out a loud meow, about as loud as when she had her first orgasm when they had their fun earlier. Mia clamped a hand over her mouth to try and muffle her moans, blushing quite a bit because of moaning so loud after telling Misty what she had. Mia lunged up at Misty when she leaned down to kiss her again, pressing her lips hard against the young kitsune's lips as she wrapped her legs around Misty's waist and held on for dear life, her tight folds clenching and squeezing Misty with everything they had. It didn't take much longer to bring Mia to a shuddering climax, her moans muffled by Misty's lips as she kissed her, her legs squeezing tightly around Misty. Mia lay there after her climax, panting like mad as she lay there underneath Misty's luscious body, waiting for Misty's next move.

"Hah... hah... wow... you... just wow. C-Can you... make me feel that good again?" Mia said, still panting a bit as Misty began devouring her soul energy.

When Misty shifted positions around with Mia, the young catgirl maneuvered around along with her how she wanted her to do, where she awaited Misty to reenter her, an almost giddy look on her face that they were going to go more. As Misty hilted inside of her again, Mia let out a lewd meow and her folds clamped down in climax around Misty, just from thrusting back inside. Mia purred as Misty went at her, sapping her soul as she went, though Mia didn't seem to mind much for more than one reason, the main one being that she was just receiving too much pleasure to be bothered by it much. When Misty finally bottomed out with Mia and could hold out no longer, she would feel Mia tightening up again as she closed in on her third climax, making no effort whatsoever to have Misty pull out of her. As soon as Misty spurted her first load into Mia, she would feel Mia tighten again in climax, letting out a very loud moan, much louder than Misty's, almost a scream of pleasure rather than a moan really.

Mia lay there under Misty, letting her fill her womb with everything she had to offer, not once trying to get away from her in the process. "G-Gods Misty... that was great. We should do this every night Misty... well every night that we're able to at least. Because that feels so good," Mia said after finally catching her breath, her voice coming a bit weak from the draining Misty gave her and her eyes half lidded.

When Misty finally pulled out of Mia, if she did that is, then a small gush of her seed would follow her now softening length, her pulling out making Mia meow softly again as she looked down between her legs at Misty, a look on her face that all but asked if Misty wanted more and a determination in her eyes that said she would try her best to fulfill Misty's desires.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Mmmm~" Misty cooed agreeably as she basked in her afterglow. It had been a simple but satisfying bout, and she was content to leave it at that, slowly pulling out of Mia's sex to allow some of her trapped seed to leak out of the cat-girl's pussy. "That sounds like an excellent plan~" the pale kitsune cooed, sliding down to lay beside Mia as her cock softened, "We can try all sorts of interesting positions~ But tomorrow.... I think you're going to ride me. Until your pussy has two loads in it, at least. Sound like a plan?" Her lewd teasing aside, Misty was quite ready to get some sleep. She would sleep lightly, even with her feline cuddle-buddy, but she would sleep well that night, assuming of course that nothing tripped her alarms and woke her up.

(Yes, but Misty has breeder so it's shortened down to 4 and a half months.)