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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Not really.... Saw someone with massive white wings... and then white light, and some of the strangest, most unsettling feelings of rage and comfort I've ever felt... And then he looked at me, and I blacked out... So now I'm drinking... Alot.. I don't want to think about what I saw." He said, looking away, clearly shaken at witnessing John... it was probably incredibly unsettling for any mortal man or woman to actually witness an angel... and know in their gut that that was exactly what they were seeing.

taking a moment to steel himself, he pushed the bottle away. "You're here now, everything is alright.. God, listen to me, clinging to you like a security blanket while I try and handle this all. I'm sorry River" he said softly, immediately changing his mind about the booze and simply taking a long pull from the bottle, before setting it back down with a solid thunk.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Whoa.“ she agreed solemnly, nodding and holding the shot glass out for a refill, sipping it from then on. She didn‘t really feel the pull to drink herself into a stupot tonight. At the same time, Mouse looked like he needed the support for now, so she had to have some, at least. Solidarity and all that. “it‘s fine, man. Everyone upstairs was surprisingly casual about everything, i find it kinda reassuring to see someone as freaked out as I feel, for once.“ She offered, getting comfortable.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"No one here is normal River.... Just you, you're the only piece of normal I can find anymore. Even their systems are all fucking whacked out and wierd" Mouse said, leaning in to drop his head on her shoulder.

"You'll look out for me here, right? I need someone, I can't leave, I can't find my contacts here.. .You're all I've got..." He said quietly, his face flushed with alcohol and the beginnings of a confused and likely deep depression caused by his forced isolation. Granted he'd dug that ditch himself by spying... but it didn't make any of it any easier.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River chuckled, putting an arm around the young man, a reassuring weight on his shoulders. "Fuck man, I'm the worst of the lot." She told him, smirking. "But I got your back, don't worry. Stick in there, You'll figure that computer stuff out, and the guys upstairs'll realize you're too awesome to keep in some cubicle doing busywork."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"thanks River... i... needed..." What he was going to say dropped off quickly as he did as well, collapsing across River's lap dead asleep, his face looking a little less worried then usual... nothing had changed between them... She was still the person looking out for him, and he was still her Little Brown Mouse... Funny how the good friendships never changed.

What River did with the drunken, passed out Mouse, was entirely up to her, but he was now sleeping in her lap, his hand resting on her thigh and around her back, and snoring in a very soft, cute way, his sleep peaceful for the moment.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River sighed, leaning back in her seat as Mouse slumped over her. "Didn't expect to have to start so soon." She commented to no-one in particular. Setting the half-full shot glass down, she shifted around and hefted him easily, bringing him to his room and settling him onto his side in bed.

That done, she wandered back out to his living room, slumping back onto the couch. She wasn't expecting to have to be the support on this visit, but oh well. Slipping sideways to lay on the couch, she flipped on the television, finding something mindless to watch and waiting to pass out herself.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River found herself alone, babysitting the drunken Mouse and contemplating her seemingly endless stream of bullshit to deal with without a break, she was once again disappointed.

As the t.v. seemed to fade into the background, and River found herself drifting around between sleep, and waking, she found herself standing in her mental cage, staring at her demonic self. As she looked on, the image shifted to her simply looking into a mirror, and on the other side of the glass, she stood nude in all her glory, her body beautiful and alluring, the collar of runes pulsing around her neck, and she found herself yearning longingly for master's touch, her body heating up unexpectedly at the thought.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River woke with a start, aroused and halfpanicked, glancing around. She calmed down after a moment, realizing that it was just a dream. Well great, now she probably shouldn‘t sleep, either. Sighing, she rose to her feet and paced for a bit, downing a glass of water before sitting down again and refocusing on the television.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As she shook off the strange visions, or dreams, or whatever the fuck THAT just was, River found that the wildlife documentary about the australian blue snail was almost as boring as the visions were fucking weird.

A short channel flip brought her to more entertaining fair however, and before long, River was snoring soundly upon the couch, sleep having snuck up on her with little warning, and this time completely untroubled. No nightmares, just the sweet blissful black release of true sleep.

Waking slowly, feeling worlds better then she had yesterday, River found Mouse there, standing by the counter, sipping on coffee and glancing over at her apologetically. "Sorry about last night... didn't mean for that to happen" he said quietly, pouring River a cup of coffee as well, and pointing to the fried eggs and bacon he'd made for breakfast, still hot.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“We‘re all under a lot of stress, it‘s fine.“ River replied, taking the coffee with a nod, still half asleep. She perked up a bit at the sight of breakfast, however. “food is always a good apology, though.“ she finished with a chuckle, standing and coming over to dish herself up. “you‘re doing okay, though?“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Chuckling as River made a beeline for the food, Mouse nodded slowly, sipping on his coffee and looking out the window from his place near the counter. "As good as can be expected I suppose. I have work in an hour though. What's on your agenda? More packages or something?" Mouse asked, pouring himself another cup of the black brew
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I usually only find out an hour or few in advance, but I doubt it. Looks like I may be benched, for a little while at least." River said, shrugging. "Probably head down to the gym, see if they have a sauna in the place maybe. Really need to sweat out some of this stress."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"They do, I used it yesterday, it's down passed the jogging area and the weights, big sign, you can't miss it." Mouse said as he popped a piece of bacon in his mouth and sighed. "Well, if that's your plan, I certainly can't join you. Go on ahead, I'll head down early and get started on todays work, see if I can finish early and catch you later." He added, grabbing his ID badge and starting towards the door.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Well if you gotta work, then you can't join me regardless, can you?" River asked, confused. "I'm open to suggestions if you have something else in mind, after's probably best though. See ya later then, you have my number, but I'll probably still be in the building."

Once Mouse had left, River followed soon after, as soon as breakfast was finished. Stopping by her own place for a change of clothes, she went for the gym area next, with plans to bask and relax as much as she could. Things were so much easier when her biggest worry was whether or not rent was gonna get paid...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As Mouse left with a little wave and a point to the small camera in his room in answer to how he could join her, he just chuckled and shrugged. Seemed he wasn't behaving completely.. But he said he couldn't and therefore wouldn't, the Sauna was safe.

Leaving shortly after, when she was done with breakfast, and heading towards the gym, River was met by Claire in the elevator, who smiled cheerfully, or.. as cheerfully as an ancient murderous lycanthrope could smile. Well, there we are, a night with mouse to unwind and no problems. You know, I make a terrible babysitter Claire said with a wink as River hit the button for the gym level.

You have a meeting in 4 hours with Myself, Hervo, John, and Corvinus. don't be late for that and I'll be out of your hair. Claire said, getting off two floors above River as if she didn't have a care in the world, and allowing her to continue unharassed to the Sauna, which was exactly where Mouse said it was.

Inside were towels, the signs leading to the male and female areas, and a notice saying it was not safe to spend more the 3 hours in the Sauna at any one time.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River raised a brow when Claire stepped into the elevator on it's way down, nodding at the mention of a meeting. "Great." She answered, pausing a moment, almost missing her chance to continue when Clair reached her floor. "Wait." She asked, reaching out to plant her hand on the kitsune's shoulder. "About these jobs you want me for. Something I forgot to ask before, but what makes you so special that you should have all these things, if nobody else can be trusted with them?" She asked. Her tone was kept neutral, but it was fairly obviously a serious question nonetheless.

Regardless of the answer, River let go, letting Claire move off and continuing down to the saunas. She smiled a bit spotting the segregated rooms. She didn't own a swimsuit, so that made things a little easier than going in there with what she wore right now, and changing into the fresh clothes after. Stopping in the changerooms to claim a locker and strip down, she simply went into one of the women's saunas naked, keeping to herself if there were other women in there and finding a spot to sit and relax. There was a waterproof clock on the one wall with a reposting of the 3 hour reminder under it, so she used that to keep time.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Claire chuckled as River stopped her to ask her question. simple, I'm the only on jaded enough to destroy them all, or bury them forever. Or both. Claire said, reminding River of how she had instantly destroyed the Infuser piece at their first meeting at the slightest chance it wouldn't be theirs anymore.


In the Sauna, River saw no one their at this hour, most other people probably working. So she had the entire place to herself. Settling in and enjoying the steam, River watched the clock, apparently intent to use the entire three hours to sit and relax, clear her head, and wait for her meeting.

The hours ticked by, and although some people came and went, it was never for more then 20 minutes at a time, usually after a work out, and no one troubled her.

3 hours came and went without any trouble whatsoever, and River still had time if she did indeed spend the entire 3 hours there.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"There'd always be something you'd want, I'm sure." River commented once the woman left.

She passed the sauna time in relative silence, using the space and privacy to stretch or rub sore muscles, keeping herself moderately occupied in the quiet room, her mind off the recent events for the time being. Three hours came and went, and she left, changing into fresh clothes on her way out and grabbing a milkshake from the cafeteria on the way back. Her phone had nothing missed during her stay, so it remained ignored in her pocket, River pretty well wandering the halls for the last half hour before heading up for the meeting, arriving a little early.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Simply killing the time until the meeting, River headed up there a few minutes early, riding up to Corvinus' room, only to be greeted by the familiar face of his assistant, Ms. Bronn. Welcome back Miss River. They are all inside discussing everything, and you are very nearly exactly on time. She said simply stepping aside and opening the door for her.

Inside were Claire, Corvinus, Hervo, and John, all sitting there and drinking what looked like coffee. Growing silent and looking up as she entered, only Corvinus and John looked glad to see her. Claire silent and pensive, Hervo seeming as neutral as ever, even more so then usual.

Welcome to the party River. Corvinus said, gesturing to a nearby chair, John offering a little wave, and Claire and Hervo glaring at each other like murder was close at hand.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"You know me and deadlines." River answered Corvinus' assistant, walking through and noting the people and tension in the room.

Giving John a nod, she took the offered seat, spinning it around so she could lean forward against the backing and still face the crowd. "Some party, looks like." She said simply, waiting to see what the meeting was about.