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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The first jump into her shadowscape, River could feel the creatures, whatever they were, nearby... As if being made aware of them had opened her senses to their very existence. Her second jump however, between a wall overshadowing a bench, and a tree, traveling quickly up 23rd street showed no signs or feelings of whatever was now known to be lurking within her little pocket space.

Each jump took her closer and closer to her target, and with each section of distance closed, River could feel her heart beating faster, could almost taste the raw copper and iron of blood in her mouth... Not her own, but that of the prey she was fast closing on... and she couldn't find another way to think of the man... he was simply a target... that's what she had been told... her command was to hunt and kill him.. and she'd follow Master's commands.

Each jump was faster, each port a little further, and by her 6th, River was well aware that she was flying at an impossible speed towards the man, she could feel him getting closer... the image of the older gentleman flashing through her mind as she brazenly blitzed out from underneath a moving cab to dive straight into a person's shadow so quickly anyone watching would have simply seen a blur... dismissing it as a trick of the light... or a cat ducking into an alley.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The closer she got to the target, she more her focus went from simple motion, to the target himself. Her heart beat faster, exertion and anticipation working equally. Her jumps went faster and faster, her mind reaching forward, the last jumps before reaching the man already plotted out, she was so close. Car to man's shadow, into an empty bathroom in the man's building, then to the top floor, several jumps giving her downward momentum before she landed in her target's room, her wings spread wide as she landed with a solid thump.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Up the building, faster.. faster... always more speed, more momentum... before a wing jarring descent to the floor in the target's living room behind what appeared to be an old couch flanked by a matching loveseat. An ornate red rug sprawled across a scuff marked hardwood floor, and, peering around the room, River saw him.

Sitting at his table, a cup of what could only be coffee, juding by the carafe right next to him, in his hand and a warm smile on his face, was...

Images, flashing through her mind without rhyme or reason of a man, this man sifting through his own life, childhood, parents, his first school, his first love, his wife... Before the whirlwind of information came to stop on him, this man, maybe 30 years before now, sitting just as he was across from someone she recognized in a pinstriped suit. Ferenze...

His name was just as forthcoming, sliding from her Master's lips as the two spoke about something River couldn't quite make out. Fredrick Gwyn, that was right, the same name she'd heard before... and then reality spiraled back into play and then old man spoke up.

So, here to collect, 28 years on the dot young lady, and here I had thought I was so careful, and clever. Word to the wise child, you cannot cheat what was freely given, when you collect your silver as the cost. It's a shame really. Well, come come, sit and have a drink and talk to me, because it's obvious you're here to do a job, but maybe... just maybe you can have a chat with an old man who bit off more then he could chew. Fredrick said softly, sipping on his coffee and pouring River a cup.

**We're supposed to just kill him weakling. So let us be done with it, I want to feel the rush again, I want Master to be pleased we did as he asked.** a voice sounded from the depths of River's... not her mind... was that her soul? Her conscience? It was her voice, and she could feel the runes on her neck glowing hot with the bloodlust that dripped into her ear.

Ahh, so you were snared another way. It's a shame, the Tower had high hopes for you Girl, still do as far as I know. Corvinus is a good man, but come, have that drink with me, I have no illusions of escaping what I freely bargained anymore. The man said again, his eyes crinkled with laugh lines and his voice more of a breathy whisper then the strong baritone she had briefly heard in her visions of him, his smile soft and kind.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River barely landed before she would have pounced, but the visions stopped her, distracting her long enough for the man to start talking. The other voice in her head (What was it? More teasing by Ferenze? Was it some part of he he had instilled?) pressed at her to just kill him and be done, but she pushed back the walls for the moment, standing from her crouch a little stiffly, rubbing at her neck to try and disperse the burning sensation.

She went for a seat, turning it around so she could sit backwards on it, gripping at the sides. "What do you know? Can you help me?" She forced out, watching the man carefully. He said he wasn't going to try running, that was the only thing that kept the walls from closing in, let her hold them back.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Pushing the coffee towards her with a soft chuckle, Fredrick raised an eyebrow and glanced at the collar she was forced to wear. Well, you certainly are in a bit of a pickle aren't you. Ahh well, I'm sure you'll manage. You know, before my machine, there were only two ways to become something more then human. You could be unlucky, or stupid. I was simply stupid, apparently things in the dark listen to the things you mutter when you're alone. Offer you things in exchange for something you always took for granted. He said softly, sipping on his drink again, before reaching down to retrieve the briefcase River had seen him with earlier.

Opening it up, River could see several shining, intricate, pieces of the infusion machine she had used that had been attached to the terminal, that she had destroyed.

Smiling with interest, River could feel him gently brush her mind. Ahh, you've used it then, hope it would give you a way out? Well, maybe it will. You're lucky child, think on it, you were tricked, or trapped, or baited, there's a way out for you, though whether you'll find it, or someone else will, is something I don't know. What I do know, is that between what's in this briefcase, and what's sitting in the council's Vault, these are the only two Synthesizers left, and well... you're here, I wont be making more anytime soon will I. Figure you've listened to me ramble, let me finish my coffee... Anything you'd like to ask? He said softly, brushing the white wispy hair that haloed his brow back a bit.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River Looked at the coffee when he nudged it over, shaking her head a bit. She didn't trust herself to let go of the chair, just yet. She listened, searching his words for anything that may help her, surprised when he brushed her mind. Somewhat less so when he revealed that he was the one who made the infusion machines. She didn't hear much, at least nothing that she thought could help her right now. There was only two more of the machines left, that was something, at least. "Do you not have blueprints for the things?" She asked tersely, nodding over at the briefcase, almost immediately after she asked, she spoke again. "What did you try? Against Him?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I tried a carefully worded request, I tried to remove what I'd been given, even tried to find the angels using the Tower's resources, and then the Council's. Still, it turned out that for me at least, short of actually killing the demon, Ferenze, that I was trapped in my agreement. As for the machines, yes, there are blueprints of a sort. The Tower has one set, the Council has another, and the third, well... It's right up here Fredrick answered, tapping his temple softly with a grin.

You need all three to make a replacement, and well, I'm about to go away. But you know, well... I'm not all that eager and I've thought of something interesting. So now... Focusing for a moment, River felt him brush her mind again, before she saw something long and slender, made of a dark metal and covered in small cuts, grooves, and finally a syringe that slid into the center of...

Now you have the third blueprint, and I don't. I gave Ferenze exactly what I promised for this little extension, the blueprint is now in his possession! He just doesn't know it. One small petty victory I think.

Kill him! We are supposed to Kill him! If Master finds out that we've gone against him like this... Do it! DO IT! her internal voice screamed at her, her wings flexing behind her in agitation as a part of her warred internally with her curiosity and the bloodlust, the need to kill, rose in her again.

Ahh.. my time up then? At least make it clean, base of the skull, good hard hit, I'm an old man, it wont take much. Fredrick whispered, still smiling, closing the briefcase and sliding it towards her. Combination is 1620, that's the piece that the Tower blueprint makes, the third is in your head, the last is held by the council. Good luck River. the old man finished, closing his eyes and leaning forward on the table, his cup empty, a content look on his face.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River gasped slightly when he brushed her mind again, the image of the component flashing through her mind before packing itself deep down in her mind, hopefully where it wouldn't be found.

Then the voice broke through again, raging that she was still ignoring the demon's orders. It was getting too loud to ignore, and apparently it was showing, at least to him. She nodded at his request, standing slowly, her grip still on the chair. "I'm sorry.." She said stiffly. The other her in her head wanted to maim him, slice into him, make it bloody and gory and painful. And it was winning, but she still had enough willpower left... Dimming the lights a moment, she made the shadows form a blade in her hand, and stuck it into the back of his neck, driving it in deeply.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Holding on to her control, happy to grant the man a clean and painless death, though truly sickened at the task, River did as he asked, the single strike sliding deep into the base of his brain stem and ending him instantaneously. No pain... Not much mess... There were worse ways to go.

As the lights flicked back on, and River looked at the corpse, she felt that joy again, that rush of victory, her target was dead, she was alive, and anything that had happened prior be damned, and with the deed done and the blood spilled at Ferenze's orders...

Sliding back into herself, the walls smashing in on her from every corner, River was stunned as the voice that had been pushing her, goading her, gave a joyous cry as it seized control and her demonic nature took the reigns. She was happy to serve, she was cunning and powerful and beautiful and her enemies should dread her approach.

It was glorious, and powerful, and addicting, this incredibly high, and although she knew Master had something to do with it, she no longer cared. She could hear her restraint calling to her from somewhere deep inside, walled away and protected by a creature far older then herself, an old friend that had spoken of freedom and imprisonment, but it sounded as if someone was calling desperately for her to come back, to remember what she had been... and it was utterly in vain.

However, in the midst of her celebrations, she saw the form of the man she had killed, of Frederick Gwyn, a name she knew she'd never forget, ripple and shift, before long, brilliant, white, feathered wings slid from his back, and his eyes, once that soft and gentle brown, shot through with pure white until nothing of pupil or iris remained...

He spoke the truth my Pet. Never forget it. And take pride, an Angel has fallen today at your hand. They'll never help you now... Ferenze breathed with a triumphant laugh into her ear, and despite the incredible pride that was surging through her, for just a moment, for one single, shining moment, despair took hold and the urge to weep at what she had done almost overpowered everything.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River didn't even have the chance to draw the shadowblade back out before the walls sealed her in, and she lost control of herself. Instantly, the other her took over, revelling in the kill, in following her orders, the jubilation passing through her from head to toe.

And then the corpse started growing angelic features. The evil half in control elated that much more, but the original River, buried deep inside herself, was horrified. The demon whispered into her mind again, haughty and teasing, driving her despair higher, enough to even get a sob from her physical form before she was locked away again.

Then her hand reached out, grabbing the briefcase. She knew if she brought it back, the tower would know she had been there, she'd need another place to hide it... She could feel her other half considering, so she tried to have a say as well. {My old apartment building, the stash in the boiler room. Just... Take a feather too, or something, please.} She sent out, giving the walls keeping her helpless a mental shove, to no avail.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

What weakling? You want a trophy? Well... I like that idea, Too bad you're still around though to pester me. At least Ferenze has put you in that tight little box, or something else has. You know? I don't really care... River got as an answer, before she bent down to pluck a feather from the back of the angel's wing, tucking it safely in an inside pocket.

Grabbing the briefcase, River made a series of incredibly rapid shadowsteps, jumping through several nearby to build up more speed, before rocketing much further then she was usually capable because of the buildup, launching herself into her old apartment and stashing the case in the boiler room, the idea a good one...

Why do we have to take orders from Corvinus anymore? That fool is nothing compared to Master, we should just grab our real target and drag him back to hell, kicking and screaming all the way home! River cursed, spitting on the ground in annoyance as the small remnant of River's true self saw Ferenze's walls slamming down on this new persona, locking it down. She couldn't hear what was being hissed at her, but she could tell it had a profound effect, curbing her desire with caution almost immediately.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River felt herself regain control somewhat as Ferenze reprimanded (she assumed) the half that he had created, somehow. Figuring it wouldn't last long, she carefully pulled the feather from her pocket and put it into the briefcase with the segment of machine. Didn't seem like something she should take into the tower, either.

Moving a bit quicker, she ported back up from the building's basement to the alley outside, hiding her features and heading for the street, and from there the end of town Corvinus' package was going. She barely reached the sidewalk when she felt the internal fight end, her control slipping away again as the corrupt half took over, her outward stride barely faltering.

Aww, did the child play while the parents were away? It teased her, heading down the street for a block before ducking into another alley. [Funny. Go and tell that demon how clever you are, leave me be.] River answered with venom in her voice. The other one spoke up almost immediately, pausing in the shadows of the alley, inspecting her fingernails in a rather vain fashion. Oh, you think I'm leaving, do you? You don't even understand yet, do you? I'm not some demon Master slipped into you. I -am- you. Ferenze made me this way, and I love him for it. I'm better than I was, more beautiful, powerful. You're just some remnant, some castoff that got missed. And as soon as I figure out how, I'm ending whatever's left of the old me in there. You're holding me back, wasting my time, and the Master's. She moved on after that little revelation, starting to port again, heading through the city at a comfortable pace.

River just stayed quiet, stewing in the little corner of her mind she could still call her own. Yes, stay quiet, that's a good little shard. [Fuck you.] Oh, Master will. Very soon, I hope.

The conversation ended just as she reached the building, The corrupt half's last statement spoken just as she was walking up to the gates from under a nearby parked car, the smile on her face retaining some of the predatory sneer her mental voice had implied. "Package. I'm not too late, am I?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Having stashed the briefcase, and waged an odd internal war with herself as she made her away across town like she owned every inch of ground she touched, River quickly made her way to the drop off and pick up.

The guard standing inside the gate didn't look any different then your usual, run of mill, overworked and underpaid security guard. Looking closely however, yielded different results... The glass that boxed him on on River's side was made of the same material she'd seen in some of the holding cells, and the paneled walls reminded her of something she had seen in the armory. She was in the right place.

Nodding at her, the guard hit a switch under his desk, the gate arm raising, and, off in the distance, maybe 60 yards or so, a door on the far end of a massive, smokestack covered building belching off color smoke into the air, a large airlock resembling door hissed open. "On your way miss. I'll let everyone know you're coming. You can find Claire if you follow the blue line painted on the ground, it's quite the walk" he said softly, gesturing for River to head on in before the gate arm lowered.

The complex itself was large, but tightly packed, 2 warehouses, and what looked like a large, rounded hanger were attached to the building she was entering by catwalks on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Off to the left was a series of large, carefully fenced in greenhouses, and to the right, a lot for large trucks, construction, and mining equipment, all sitting silent and glinting an off navy color.

The large glaring emblem on the side read "Hyrian Plastics", the name of a company you could find on the side of any bottle of water, sports drink, or tupperware in the city, and... Judging from the crisscrossing fences, the armed patrols, and the razor wire, this place guarded it's secrets jealously... She only had to follow simple instructions, and then head on her way...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Oh, no worries about that, I could use the exercise." She answered jokingly, giving the doorman a nod as she walked on by, entering the building and headed down the blue line.

The internal conversation seemed to have died down, the trapped half hunkered down, thoughts straying along a bunch of different lines and memories.

Outwards, her eyes glanced around as she walked, taking a mental map and noticing all the guards and defenses. Much more than a plastics company warranted, she figured. Then again, she was here, so they were clearly more than that, weren't they...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Heading into the building, River saw no less then 8 other lines on the floor and walls heading in different directions, and she found out why as she walked, her mental nap interrupted as she realized just how mazelike this building really was.

Several twists and turns later, the blue line eventually split away from the rest, and led River into a large office near one of the greenhouses, the giant plant houses visible through the nearby windows. A large, well aged, hardwood desk dominated the center of the office with an old, silver haired woman sitting behind it.

Ancient would not be an inaccurate description of who could only be Claire, and judging from her pale complexion, dull red eyes, and the 9 tails sliding around her chair behind her, she was much like Vorlan, though power and something like suspicion and even malice wafted off of her as she sat there regarding River.

Wearing a business suit that would look more at home on a man, Claire tapped her long nails on her desk and chuckled. So you're the latest problem for everyone else. isn't that interesting. Just think, everyone is running around like chickens without heads because of you... and the Council is going completely mad to get their hands on you so they can dice you into pieces and figure out how you work. Aren't you just the luckiest little bitch to ever wander into my house. She said softly, her voice grinding on River's ears like the rustle of leaves or old paper.

I'm your package. You can put that contrived part on the desk, and leave it, someone will pick it up, then you're to get me back to the Tower before the Council notices I'm still alive. If they do, then things here are going to get very interesting very quickly. There are no restrictions on how you do this, I do not particularly care. Morality ceased to be an issue for me almost 3 centuries ago, and I find I care even less now. So... River... Wraithling... Problem Child. Well met. she said, chuckling again, and regarding River with those same dull eyes that even now, twinkled with a dark intelligence that reminded River of things she had seen only in one place. In Hell.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River more or less gave up her internal map once she figured out how large this place was. She knew enough to get back the way she came, but just from glancing down side hallways, she figured she wouldn't get enough to figure out a second route if need be.

She entered Claire's office, immediately noting both the mess of tails behind the woman, and the disdainful attitude of her in general, and to the council especially. The woman was dangerous, she'd have to be careful. She gave a mocking bow as the woman described River herself, smirking. "Not exactly a fan of being center of attention, but at least the pay is good." She joked.

She nodded along with the rest of it, slipping the part out of her pack and setting it on the desk. "Well, that's a twist. Never done human trafficking before. Or, well, fox trafficking, I guess. Figure we have two real options: One, you can turn the lights off here, and i can hop and skip our way back to the tower. Problem with that is, the place i go isn't the friendliest place. I don't even liek to go there myself, but at least I'm protected, after a fashion. You, less so. Only tried that once before, with a vampire. single jump, maybe ten or twenty yards distance, she seemed fine after. Not sure I wanna try that to cross an entire city, though."

"Second option has a few options. You tuck those tails somewhere, and we go for a walk, or a drive. Problem with that is, if the council is after me so badly, chances are they'd spot you pretty fast if you're tagging along. You sound like you know how they work, how does it sound if I play the distraction, run off somewhere else on my own, and you slink on over to the tower without me. From what i read you get pretty capable with all that power, I frankly don't see why you need me at all, but I'm being paid for this, so I don't much care. Thoughts?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I have thoughts... Many. One is a mounting respect to a woman with a head on her shoulders. Another is that my powers are restricted as long as I'm in hiding. Me... Jumping... as you call it, in my own way, is far flashier at my age and power then say... Vorlan. Things tend to break... As for you playing a distraction... that could work very well...

You already know to be careful around this one... Let me second the notion. Claire... or Larish as she used to be called, is someone even the Angels pay respect to. She's been alive longer then most and doesn't suffer fools. She deals with her paranoia by simply murdering anyone who makes her suspicious. She's abrasive, but that's simply her way, use your senses, your new ones. It's your only advantage here. Ferenze hissed into her ear, HIS disdain of this woman carrying almost as much venom as his hatred for Hervo.

Standing slowly, and with regal posture, Claire strode around the desk, and put her hand on the door frame, before reaching for her cell phone and hitting one of the speed dial settings. Security, yes...... what do you mean... Visitor? I only have the one you insufferable moron!!

She was cut off as flashing red lights suddenly blazed down the hallways, and the entire facility was rocked with the force of an explosion that shattered the windows and the greenhouses. They're Here. They must know! We leave no witnesses... Claire suddenly hissed, her many silver tails billowing around behind her and her ears and fur bristling with rage as she reached for the synthesizer component.

Taking it in her hand, she simply twisted her wrist, and the entire thing turned to sand, drifting to the ground. That was something that most certainly had NOT been in any report River had had the pleasure of reading. Corvinus is going to be furious. Come on little one, let the crimson river flow... She whispered, glaring down the hallway, and indeed, River could feel them coming.. at least 3... and they were closing in quickly.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Yess, Master...

"From what I saw of Vorlan, yours is more of a slide, than a jump. But regardless, I figured if I ran distraction well enough, you wouldn't have to."
She said, frowning as the woman pulled out her cell phone.

A moment later, the explosion shook the facility. River's eyes widening in surprise. "I could probably jump us away, but... Alright." She said, secretly eager for a fight. "Can you damp the lights? the darker the better, black is best." She almost showed her full power, but held back her demonic features when she realized what a bad idea that would be, merely letting the shadows coat her instead, a pair of short black blades appearing in her hands as well. Using both her shadow senses and her new faculty for reaching into minds, she searched for the intruders, hoping to get a hint of what they were facing before she had do discover such in the middle of combat.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River took a more appropriate form for combat, and extended her senses into the complex, she could now more properly map everything in her head. Each shadow was like a single silk thread in a spider's web, and she was the monster at it's heart. As her telepathic sense searched outwards as well, she found not 3, but maybe as many as 14 Council members, baring the same kind of mind as the one she had killed earlier.

As she searched around, Claire also showed up on her internal radar, and River realized now that the Vulpine Lycan was watching her very, very closely... she'd have to be careful, there was a good chance that Claire actually answered to no one...

They were all moving in small groups of 4, 3 groups... no, 5... The last two groups had only just shown up in her web, and they were all spreading out, trying to find what they were after. The last 2 only had a pair of people in them, but they felt different from the others, like their minds were buzzing with excitement... and then those minds locked onto hers and she felt the eyes of 4 minds staring into hers for a second, before she broke the contact. Other Telekines... The 4 that had spotted her didn't react though, instead moving around the facility, waiting for something to happen. The mages were instead taking different parts of the compound, though now they were starting to spiral in towards them, tipped off by their companions. They'd have to move...

The closest of them was approaching from the west, 2 more were coming from the east, maybe as much as 100 yards away, and with a lot of ground to cover, and the last... Was now missing. Where the hell had they gone? She could feel her web of shadows burning... Ahh, they were creating light trying to stay hidden...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)


River let out a yell of surprise as she was bodily picked up and thrown through a wall by the mage's magic, her armour thankfully absorbing most of the blow, but still leaving her stunned a few breaths. The miniature sun burned away her previous attack, the runner biting her lip at the pain of it there and on her armour, just about to blink away when Claire arrived, the light winiing out as she killed the mage controlling it. The last didn't seem to notice at first, and River wasn't wanting to give him time to sort out what had happened. She drew up a wall of shadow between them as she jumped to her feet, then jumped straight through it anyways, hands extending into wicked talons aimed for the mage's face and throat.
As River made to unleash her counterattack, her wall springing suddenly into place, the man that was her victim unleashed a large and infernally hot rolling wave of flames. As the fire washed over the wall, the mage only had a moment to recognize his mistake as the wraithling simply launched herself through her own barrier, the shadow stretching across her form, carrying fire and death with her as she struck the man. Screaming in pain for a moment, his thrashing only lasted for a moment as her talons tore him apart. Blood fountaining across the far wall, River found that his fire had failed to hurt her at all, despite it having torn her flimsy wall to pieces, her clothing scorched even underneath her own armour. Thankfully such a view was guarded from Claire, though she did raise an eyebrow at the brutal and straightforward attack. One group was down... The others were starting to close.... And now they were gone... They were all hiding from her now, they'd have to hunt them down the hard way now...
River almost recoiled at the blaze, pressing through as her nerves sparked witht he pain the shadow around her felt. Her first hit was across the man's face, his scream cut short as the second tore through his throat, dragging him forward to meet the third, the woman doing a small pirouette around him tu bury her claws through his back and into his heart, the strike following through to bear the corpse to the ground, before she drew back, standing again and looking over at Claire. "Thanks. the others... They're keeping the shadows at bay now, harder to track them..." She said slowly. "Doubt we could slip away, either. You have a bead on any of them?"
Claire chuckled, the harsh and dry as she pointed at the north wall. "The nearest only, but they're moving fast." She answered, before another vicious explosion rocked the facility, followed by the sound of helicopter rotors in the air. "Seems like the council is here as well... Which means our enemies will now be trying to flee... I like it when they run..." She added, grinning, her fangs shining in the flickering glow of the flames nearby, debris burning from the previous blast.
[Just let them go.] The trapped River prodded, prompty ignored. "Seems they didn't think this attack through, If they're looking to run so soon. You take them, I'll stop the chopper." She said, waiting for confirmation before heading upwards, gathering more shadow with each successive port, until the last one put her twenty or thirty feet above the chopper in the waning twilight. .Then she dropped the extra mass she collected, a leaden weight of darkness almost a foot in diameter, aimed right at the center of the chopper's rotors, and she blinked out again, reappearing a ways off on the roof to watch the effect.
"Split factions wanting different things! Fun fact, each council magistrate commands something of a private army. Not sure who these belong to, but the chopper is a riv...Well then" Claire said, watching as River rocketed skyward in her own unique way. As the various lights around the factory died, heralding her attack, the chopper, a black, possibly stealthed affair, kicked on a searchlight, trying to find the source of the disturbance that was reaking haywire on it's electrical system. The spotlight died soon after, flickering weakly, before the mass smashed down into the rotors, baring it down into the ground with a massive fireball of a detonation, several nearby warehouses laid flat in the blast, and River knocked clear from the rooftop, before her own tendrils lashed out to anchor her, and she came back down to the shaking, definitely on fire, soon to collapse factory Main. She could feel Claire, popping up in different areas, and her victims, appearing briefly within her web, before being snuffed out
like a candle before a hurricane. As she focused though, she felt a mind brush against her own, before another, and a third. With that being all the warning she recieved, a mental blow as real as any physical one smashed into her consciousness, dropping her to a knee as her own telekine nature reflexively tried to shunt it off. She could see stars flashing around in her mind as a trained and concerted effort to bring her down began. She'd have to find a way out of their range, it was the only way she knew...
Rival factions? Her demonic half didn't care, revelling in the destrustion she caused even as the surprisingly large blast wave knocked her off the building. She reached out, shadow extending past her arm's reach to catch the edge of the roof she was on, swinging her towards the wall. She let go before she hit, sliding down a ways before kicking off, rolling on the ground to absorb her momentum. Picking herself up with a grin, she just started to track Claire's movement when she came under assault herself, the utterly new sensation of being assaulted mentally bringing her to her knees before she ported away, taking refuge in the shadow world. She knew she couldn't wait here long though, so she bent her will to finding the mentalists. Far as she knew, they couldn't turn the lights on her, after all.
Back into her own little world, back into the relative safety of... Shit... She could already feel them moving. she'd jumped a lot recently. Though she'd left no food, this was no longer truly Her Place, and the creatures that warded it knew it. She could maybe stay her for another minute, tops, Total, before she'd have to leave it for an extended period and rely on other methods. Like sharks circling fresh blood, the chained shard of herself could feel them closing in, and this time, when she made it known, her other half listened... Here, and Only Here, could she assert any dominance over herself. Forcing the realization upon her dominant half, River forced herself to realize the danger, and bent her will to finding the threats that lay outside... the seconds dropped like grains of sand in an hourglass... 11... 12 She'd found 1, southeast corner of the factory wall, behind an open door, 15... 16... 17... 2! To her immediate right in plain sight, shielding herself from River's senses... she'd have to learn that technique... Where was the third! 20... 21... She could move now, slay at least half of the Telekines, or try her luck at finding the third threat, and the possible fourth still hunting her....
The seconds ticked away in River's head, the time ticking much faster here than in the world she watched, in comparison. The chained half counting them, more loudly as each passed, pressing at the half in control to leave as she felt the beasts here closing in. {Two is enough, go!] She yelled, the demonic half finally listening to the panicked tone, reappearing above the one closest, dropping down on it and driving a spike into his skull, pulling it out immediately and throwing it at the one through the door, more to engender the telekine's own panic than expecting it to finish them, the woman running quickly after it to make sure the job finished properly.
Back into reality, throw the black wall above the hidden woman and down onto a victim that literally never had any warning. The crunch and the wet sound that heralded her instantaneous death was only followed by the heartless, and powerful throwing of her victim. Soaring almost 30 feet, the corpse slammed into the door, knocking her second target over, and lessening the attack she could already feel rebuilding. River, moving on vaulted legs, her own shadows spiraling up into her feet to propel her faster, was on the downed man in fractions of a second after he hit the ground, his death just as quick... The third though was still pounding away at her mind.. And there was still no sign of the fourth. The pain flashing through her own skull was as if someone were slowly squeezing down on her, strangling her thoughts, making her hazy, and the trickle of blood sliding from her nose heralded what was obviously soon to be lethal...
She could feelthe blood, those of her victims on her suit of shadows, and her own, sliding between her skin and the dark barrier, trickling slowly into her mouth. With no idea where the third was to attack him physically, and out of time in the shadows to hide and wait, she dropped to her knees again, slumping against a wall and ignoring her physical shell for the time being, pressing her willpower back against the assault, looking to follow it back to the source and return the favour in kind. her own attacks were crude, but with the power of one that doesn't know their own limits as yet, driving against the invading presence with every fiber of her being, both halves working to ensure her survival as a whole.
It was painful, difficult, and she could feel the walls crushing in on her mental self even as she tried to marshal a counterattack. The part of herself that was still her was taking the worst of the pounding, tortured within her own seclusion, while the demonic half of her weathered the assault fairly well... She could not fight this threat as she was conflicted, and away from the shadows that were the old River's true source, that side of her found her toehold slipping, felt the crystalling prison, that little corner of herself, start to be crushed under the weight of Ferenze and his Minion's dominance. And That River...Already had a Master... Back to the source, with the naggling doubt restricting that side of her powers, River was able to follow the line back to her attacker, a cripple, a man in a wheelchair at the edge of the compound, and as she tore into his mind, and he saw what he had assaulted, River in all her demonic glory, with the shadow of her Master looming behind her, he gave a strangled scream, before his body erupted into flames, the conflagration starting inside his skull, before engulfing the rest of him... With the threat dealt with, the little hiding wraithling, River's last vestige of herself, felt the pressure her demonic half had inflicted to deal with the him, lessen, and she survived... but only barely... Already the sound of combat was starting to die down, and River could see the lines of black Humvees crashing through the gates baring the standing insignia of The Tower, and the men and women, and even creatures that they carried. Even Jess was now vaulting over the walls... River's instructions were not to be seen, by anyone... She had to find Claire, and get out. Now.
Her demonic half crowed it triumph, the annoying shard fading further bruised and weakened. But a whole different set of difficulties appeared, reinforcements from the tower crashing in. Her instructions were not to be seen, and even if those instructions came from teh same source as the reinforcements, plausible deniability seemed the best course of action. She focused for a moment to find Claire, cringing slightly at the effort required, and what she had to do next. The weak half had said a minute in the dark, she had barely spent half. It should be enough... Porting quickly to Claire's location, she gave the elder lycan a bare warning as she strode up. "Boss-man said to keep you hidden, his own people count. vamp's quick, we're quicker. This won't be pleasant, hold your breath, close your eyes." She spat out quickly, reaching out and taking hold of the kitsune. Assuming Claire didn't avoid or blast her for the presumption, she'd port them both into the sewers, as fast as she could.
Back away from her allies, to Claire, the woman just now disembowling another enemy. Turing to regard her, that lethal touch of hers lashing out before the lycan pulled it back, her lips turned into a disappointed scowl. "Fine. To Corvinus then, I'd rather be going home sooner anyway, and that was the last of the sport." She snarled, before closing her eyes as told, and soon finding herself almost a half mile away in the sewers. Looking around once they arrived, Claire's lips turned into a grin. "You're hunted in there... Interesting, and by something new.... Well well welll...~ Wont that be something to chat about... Maybe I will stick around..." She said, grinning her toothy old crone grin, and starting to walk. "Well, I do hope you have a better plan then wandering around in Shit all night..."
River swore she could feel the breath of the things down her neck, the graze of a claw before she dumped them into the sewer, panting and backing off a step. "Nothing should be in there, those things enforce that. Even I'm not immune." She said, letting the shadows fall from her face an dlimbs, keeping her torso covered for modesty and wiping the blood from her nose with a shred of her shirt. "Walking's about it, I fear. Don't got much more left in me, and another jump risks both out lives. Unless you have a better idea?"
"Hmm.... Nope! Walking in shit it is! It's just like being 150 again!" Claire said, clapping her hands and starting to stomp her way down the sewers. "Odds are we can surface somewhere and get a cab, or steal a car, or just... I suppose I could jump us into the tower if we were closer... I don't think you'd take my kind of travel well though... May not come out all in one piece." She mused, still walking. River could sense the sewers were clear, almost empty except for the rats... It would be a long and messy walk home, but it would be a safe one at least.
"From how Vorlan explained it, yours didn't sound so bad. Then again, you said yours was stronger somehow. Honestly, i can't think of anything worse than mine, right now. How is yours so bad?" She said, her strength returning as they walked. "Think we're alone down here, at least as far as threats go." She added after she had gained back enough to do a proper scan of the area.
"Think of it this way.. When you're younger, things are harder, well, you need to be clever, and more careful about how you do things yea? Well, I'm old, very old, and I stopped being careful a long time ago. Vorlan, the pup bless him, slips around and through, very good at it... I well. I change reality to suit me. I think. Fucked if I know exactly how it worked. I used to care, that stopped about a century ago. Now well, I want something, I go get it, I can't be bothered with consequences anymore. So when I jump, I tend to leave holes in things, or people." Claire said, expressing her point by putting her hand on the wall and seeming to push, her hand sliding into the stone. When she pulled back, the wall seemed to have been literally melted away, the stone scorching hot, warped, and violently cracked.
River's eyes widened in surprise, reaching a hand out until she could feel the warmth radiating off of it. "Your clothes seem fine, surely you take a bit more care with the things you bring with." She commented, resuming the walk with a shrug. "At least you know you're fine, using it. Mine can kill myself or anyone with me, I don't get much say. Regardless, we have the time now, at least. next left."
Claire chuckled again before nodding. "That's more something like muscle memory then choice, and a very good tailor. It wouldn't be the first time I walked through a wall, set an office on fire, and apologized naked though... I used to be quite the looker to." Claire added, barking a short laugh as she took the turn. "What about you though? Something new, and even then, something not. Things have already changed you girl... I felt the man you set ablaze... how did you do that..."
Shit. Think fast. "Not too different from you and the wall, i think. He was hammering at my head, so I did the same to his. didn't really expect him to light up, not really convinced that was my own fault, thought it was his own stuff at work. Must have hammered the inside tight enough to spark something, i guess." She said, pausing frequently. both to appear as if she was figuring as she went, and because she actually -was- figuring as she went. "Still figuring out all I can do. A lot of it is reflexive. They almost have a mind of their own, they kinda do their own thing, to make it turn out like I want." Another pause, longer. "I, uhh... Don't really want this big file on how to kill me, like the others i saw in the computer. Could you keep these to yourself, please?"
"Suppose so." Claire said off handedly, smiling at the thought as they walked. River figured they had another 2 miles to go in the sewers, which were thankfully entering the newer section of the city, which meant walkways. River could even feel Slip moving around in the sewers nearer the tower, building a web of it's own and apparently hungry, eating rats. "Honestly, I just want a bath,and then maybe I'll raid Corvinus' wine selection, not as good as the rum he keeps, but still, very large." Claire continued, tilting her head as she wondered more about how to spend her evening then the dead bodies and burning factory they were leaving behind.
"Think he's more protective of the rum, anyways." River said, stepping up onto a walkway with a grateful sigh. Her illusion seemed in place, for now at least. Once she had brought Hervo to her Master, perhaps he wouldn't have her return. Her cover would likely have been blown when she made her play, anyways. Her thoughts drifted to her reward, a small shiver passing through her in anticipation. The shard had something to say about it, but she clamped down on the weakened personality, keeping it silent in her head.