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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River moved away from Hervo, the man still muttering agitatedly and in a rather foul mood, she noticed what she was too close to see before, the red, slightly shimmering mist that moved around him as he continued to pound through the iron like if was feathers attached to the bar. Stopping and sitting up, watching her as she did her pull ups, and calming down, the odd phenomena faded away rather quickly, and left the sweaty, still frowning man as he stretched and took several deep breaths.

In the end it doesn't matter, if you need to know, I'll tell you, if you want to know, I'll... make you buy me a drink, and THEN tell you, and matters aside, I'm officially off duty for 3 days. So Jessica will be the one backing you up for the time being if you run into trouble again.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River chuckled, answering between pulls on the bar, her form more agin to lifting herself over the bar than a proper pullup. "Fair enough. Think I owe you a drink anyways, after last night. Not sureid I can have one myself, I'm apparently still good to go, but I can feed you some liquor pretty much whenever I'm around. Don't pay room and board no more, leaves me with a nice pocket of disposable income nowadays."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Odd when the problems transcend wealth, how much money there seems to be. Very Odd He said, finally smiling, and starting to laugh. And hey, you can work drunk, I think... Can you run drunk? That would probably be hilarious to see... He said laughing again before flopping on the bench.

Silence had begun to form, until of course, the seemingly abandoned facility gained another member, Jessica wandering in and looking around. Spotting River, she just... seemed to appear next to her, and yoinked her off the bar, starting to lift her above her head like a weight. Hey Hervo, Why aren't you benching this weight? She's much cuter then the metal bars. She said jokingly, before setting River back on her feet. I'm your back up for tonight, apparently there's a job... Well, okay, not an official job, more an off the books thing I could use your help with. Interested? She asked, Hervo just snorting and lounging around, pointedly ignoring the vampire.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I can run drunk, but it had better be an empty street like we had last night, or things get painful." She said with a laugh of her own.

Jessica walked in, River giving a nod from her spot at the bars, then a yelp when the vampire blinked over and lifted her herself. Her first reflex was to try and aim a knee at the woman, but she stopped that just before it got awkward and likely painful. "Jeez, warn me next time you try that, kay?" She said defensively, adjusting her waistband once Jessica put her down again. "I suppose so, depends on what's going on. Not too much happening here, so I have the time for it, at least."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

If I warned you all the time, it would never be any fun! Jessica said, smirking before hearing River's answer and nodding. Excellent, thank you. It's... Eh, you'll see later, I'll give you a call before I'm ready to head out, should still be a few hours yet. And Hervo, stop pouting. It's unattractive. She said, giggling before sauntering off.

Hervo, seeing her leave and shamelessly enjoying the view for the moment, sat up after she was gone. She's either cranky, or in trouble, or causing trouble. A lot like a cat, Jess, still. She's a good friend and no, she's not going to warn you when she does stuff like that. I remember she pushed me off a roof once just to catch me, said I screamed like a girl the whole way down.

Scratching his head, he just sighed. What can I say, power like that? Who wouldn't abuse it a little, besides, I have a pretty good idea what you're off to do, one of her little vices she can't get anymore on her own. Corvinus revoked her right to own a pet in the Tower. Dimes to Dollars you're going to go check up on one, should be.. Interesting? Eh, like she said, you'll see. He said, chuckling as he wandered off to the showers. It seemed everyone here had a problem with leaving her all alone to entertain herself, assholes.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"See ya then." She offered Jessica as the woman left, shaking her head as Hervo explained. "If she ever pushes me off a building, I will -find- a way to make her regret it, I don't even care." She said, taking the weights off and finding a seat close enough to talk.

"A pet, eh? Why do I get the feeling you aren't talking about a cat?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo just chuckled as he wandered off, calling back one last time in way of answer Hrm... you'll probably want to buy me that drink after, Jess has... interesting taste.

Thankfully, this time River wasn't left without anything entirely to do, as her phone went off nearby, a text showing that her computer had been delivered. She had had no idea what exactly Mouse had them build for her... but it was Mouse, odds are it was semi rediculous at least, and probably had a microwave.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Oh great, thanks for that." She offered with a laugh, letting Hervo leave without further comment. She pulled her phone from her pocket when it went off, noting the message and checking the time in one go.

Figuring it may be a good idea to wash up before heading out with the vampire, River took the message as a clue to head back upstairs, Checking out the laptop for a few moments before taking a shower.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The laptop itself was unusually thin, and unassuming, the sleek black casing and smooth body of the machine unmarked by any logo or insignia, nothing to betray what went into it's building at all, but she wouldn't get to really figure the thing out until she sat down to play with it properly.

The shower, was a shower, complete with well, water, and nozzles, and hoses, and other showery things, there was even soap! imagine that!

To comment on River's ability to clean herself, or on her hygiene would be a tad odd, but needless to say, she was clean when she emerged from the shower, the towels hanging nearby thick, and soft, though during the act of drying herself off, she could hear movement outside in her apartment.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River rotated the laptop in her hands, noticing the lack of logos on the casing, opening it up and finding the same arouund the keyboard and screen. "Huh." She said slowly, setting it down with a shrug and heading off for her shower.

Stepping out afterwards and drying off, River heard the sounds of movement outside the bathroom, in the rest of her apartment. A quick glance at the lights on the roof told her it wasn't an emergency, but the paranoid side of her still had her slip on her old clothes and draw the knife from her pocket, flipping it open but keeping it hidden when she walked out. "Doesn't anybody knock in this place?" She asked slowly, looking around for her visitor.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

When River entered her apartment proper, thankfully dressed and armed, albeit kind of pathetically, she would find her apartment completely empty, everything in it's proper place, nothing even seemingly touched apart from the curtains of her window, which now stood open, letting the slowly setting sun pour through the glass. It was odd, how muted that golden shine was, probably with how the glass had been treated, and after a short albeit thorough search, she would find her apartment was ACTUALLY empty.

No surprises, nothing apart from the curtains out of place. It was a little odd, but really not all that worrying... right up until a translucent white blue figure phased through her wall and said hello rather brightly. About 6 feet tall if you ignored the fact that he was floating, and very much see through, dressed in odd victorian era clothing, the apparition looked at River, and smiled. "Hello! So You're who they moved in here! That's amazing! Fantastic! Truly an honor to meet you! And no, I don't knock. My name, my fair lady, is Robin. He said, with a rather extravagant flourish and midair bow.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River jumped when the figure materialized through the solid wall, taking a long and deep breath as the figure introduced herself and surreptitiously pocketing her blade again. "Nice to meet you, I think. How can I help you, Robin?" She asked slowly, her mind working in two directions at once.

[Henrietta? Can you hear me? I just had a ghost walk through my wall and introduce herself, you know of a Robin perhaps?]
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Henrietta was rather slow to answer, apparenty a little distracted at the moment, some kind of training with Chuck put on hold before River heard the reply. *yea, Robin is Uncle's anscestor, lotsa greats... Apparently. I think that was it anyway. He floats around whenever Uncle is gone but he's careful about who he talks to, doesn't want to scare the people working who don't know bout us. He can go invisible to but he's very nice. always has good advice.

Robin smiled as River returned his greeting, bowing again with a soft smile. I apologize for the fright, but... it honestly amuses me, and makes things easier later, like jumping into the lake rather then tiptoeing. This is purely a greeting so you don't panic later, heaven's and lords forbid you saw me wandering the halls at night without knowing who I was. It gets so akward at times. I'm the reason your dark pursuer cannot enter these grounds more then anything, too many spirits bound here already~ But of course, if you ever need some advice, well, despite my age, my mind works just fine. he said politely, appearing at least to float down to the ground which oddly enough made this all a little more bearable.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

[Kay, thanks.] She answered back, having to mentally backtrack what Robin had said, causing a pause before her response.

"Uh... Fair enough, I suppose. The terminal downstairs was pretty helpful, still digesting most of that, I guess. And I probably would have reacted better to see you stalking the halls, instead of my apartment, to be honest. Done is done, though, nice to meet you." She answered, holding out a hand by reflex before twitching a bit and taking it back. "Heh, didn't really think about that one, sorry."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Robin nodded, noting the offered handshake before laughing rather heartily. If you need anything, just call. Benefit of being dead, I'm technically everywhere and nowhere. And before you ask, I keep everyones private business there own. Nor am I so uncooth as to peep... Much. He said, winking rather exxageratedly before laughing again and floating back through the wall.

Now Actually alone, what had started as a calm, and relaxing day, seemed to be quickly turning into a mess as her doorbell sounded, probably Jessica. Or... something else that was supposed to only exist under the bed, this place was wierd.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Appreciated. See ya around, then." She replied as Robin floated off, letting out a sigh, which only deepened when she heard the knock at the door.

She strode over to open it, expecting Jessica on the other side. If it was the vampire, River would smirk. "Little earlier than I expected, come on in and tell me what's up."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Thankfully, it WAS Jessica, no more surprises at the moment it seemed, though, seeing River smirk only made the vampire catface rather obviously before sighing. We gotta go see to feeding one of my pets before it eats someone, or worse, I know she's hungry but I can't keep her here, she causes too many problems. she said, slumping visibly.

Problem is, already got reports this morning of monster sightings in the sewer, I now it's her and she's moving around too much, she's sucha sweetheart too but... terrible appetite...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Okay." River said when Jessica finished, counting off points with her fingers. "One: What exactly is your pet? Two: What does it eat? And three: How do you expect me to help? Im pretty sure you can do pretty much everything I can, and my spare hands are probably not worth much with how fast you go."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessice held up three of her own fingers and set her hips. 1! Only Hervo knows Exactly what she is, and the name is almost unpronouncable, but I think she's some kind of gigantic hell bug? I dunno, I love her anyway. 2! She eats garbage, Iron, sulfur, and when she's cranky, People. Which is why we're going down there. No you're not bait. 3! I need your help because while I'm chasing her around underground, I need you to run topside and watch the sewer mains, and tell me if she jumps out of any and believe it or not, you climb and run through this city easier then I do. Remember, people point and scream and panic if they see me zipping around like a bullet. She said, her hand now closed, each finger dropping as River's questions were answered.

I wouldn't be asking if I didn't really need the help... Please?
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"A freaky hell bug thing? Oh great." She said, shaking her head and cracking a smirk. "Alright, best deal with it before it gets too cranky, I'm in. You can tell me what's in it for me on the way, eh?" She said, pausing to grab her pack from teh table before heading out. "How big is this thing? Small enough to get through sewer grates, but all of them, or does it have to pop a manhole or something?"