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RPG [ LunaSoft ] ルナソフト Mindhacker - Your Heart Is My Thing - マインドハッカー-お前の心は俺のモノ- RE098446 RJ098446


Feb 27, 2009
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Well, I did say I plan to make a quick how to play guide for it (the game isn't that long if you don't care about challenging higher difficulty)

The basic goal of the game is to 'clear' the heart dungeon of the girls.

WASD for movement, E for moving in the direction you're facing (good for diagonal movement) Q to use gun, left click for melee attack, right click to bring up menu.

First of all, the menu only differs at the "Start Mind Hacking" and "Return to Real World" which lead into the other.

Left side is your storage.
Right side is what you have (you can hold up to 30 items, and when you lose you drop all items you're not equipping)

Item type by icons are (from the left)
Magic Stone

In here you can turn things to Gem to use on something else.

The last 4 are what you can equip, and one of each type.

It lists all of your current equipment
Attack, Defense, Max Essence pool
Then it list the skills you have active on you (like increased max HP, etc)

Talk to Cele (say-le)
-Combine items (will get to this later)
-Use gem to get a random item (higher you pay, higher quality, don't bother at start)
-Tutorial images
-CHEAT (no idea what it does, never used it)

Start Mind Hack/Return to Real World

Config (music level)
Exit (note the game have auto-save nearly everywhere, so you can't savescum for best things.

Now onto how to not suck.
First of all, if you can't read Japanese, then avoid using potion at all cost, it's not always beneficial (in fact, elemental potion will damage you if you use it on yourself, you're supposed ot throw that at enemy)
Now, Magic Gem and Guns have [?] at the end of their, that's how many uses they have.
When you right click an item, there's 3 options that shows up:
Equip (or use for consumables)
Drop on ground

For potion, you either use or throw based on what it does.
Tome is always use (it affect 5x5 area centered on you)
for Magic gem, you can choose to use it to shoot projectile, or just throw the gem at something for the same effect (but lose the gem, basically what you'll do once you're at 0 charge but still want its effect)
For Essence, you can either use it to restore the % number on top right (I believe if it runs out you start losing HP) or throw at enemy for small damage (well, most items can be used for that effect)

If you like trying to make overpowered equipment (only weapon/shield apply) then whenever you have more weapon/shield, talk to Cele and pick combine items.

You first pick the weapon you want to keep, then another weapon you will burn.
You will then choose one ability on the sacrifice and one ability on the main weapon.
If it's the same ability, both number will add up, but if different then the sacrifice's ability replace the main one.
However, the weapon also get damage/defense bonus based on what you sacrifice and it keep going up (right now I'm at +8)

You can ends up with some seriously insane weapon like:
Chance to crit(do 9999 damage)
Lifesteal (hint: that 9999 count)

That's the guide for those who can't read, if you can then status effect (like one that prevent your weapon's bonus from working until you combine it wiht something else or reducing the + on your weapon) then the game does explain it a bit if you hover your mouse over the skill in Status window (not during dungeon)

Now for H-scene, there's not a whole lot, 7 for each girl:
1. Losing scene
2. Losing scene AFTER clearing at least once (i.e. corrupted)
3. Clearing scene
4. Clearing scene after corrupting the girl.
5-7 Option during real world, 3rd one->pick a girl of choice->pick what H-scene to do.
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Re: Mind Hacker

Sorta reminds me of Kagura Douchuki. Not in a good way, though... And having limited h-scenes doesn't help with a game that large.
Re: Mind Hacker

Sorta reminds me of Kagura Douchuki. Not in a good way, though... And having limited h-scenes doesn't help with a game that large.

All girls are voiced (even Cele), and some scenes are animated (that Lilith's recent kind of animation, not actual 'anime')

Audio are usually the real space-eating part of most games.

And limited? 7 per girl, 4 girls, that's 28 scenes (20 if you don't want to count the win/lose variant post-hack) It's not massive like those 4GB VNs, but again this one have actual game inside as well as being 'only' 1GB.
Re: Mind Hacker

Anyone know how to make this fullscreen??
Re: Mind Hacker

Thanks a lot for the guide. Pretty decent game if you're looking for some gameplay in your H-games; its been ages since I've played a rogue-like game. If you're like me and don't like to work too hard just to fap, I believe enabling the cheat gives you a shield buff that makes you invulnerable to everything except the level down trap.

Anyways, did he end up in jail in the ending? It would make sense since he's hacking into the girls' minds and basically raping them.
Re: Mind Hacker

Thanks a lot for the guide. Pretty decent game if you're looking for some gameplay in your H-games; its been ages since I've played a rogue-like game. If you're like me and don't like to work too hard just to fap, I believe enabling the cheat gives you a shield buff that makes you invulnerable to everything except the level down trap.

Anyways, did he end up in jail in the ending? It would make sense since he's hacking into the girls' minds and basically raping them.

Can't answer that sadly .- . between new things coming out and being dragged around for holidays, I haven't had much chance to play through H-games so my backlog has been increasing...

And recently there's Taimanin Asagi 3...
Re: Mind Hacker

Reminds me of stuff like Azure Dreams, Mystery Dougions, and the like. The 'not quite nethack' style of dougion exploring. Just kinda iffed that the H-Content is not directly related towards the gameplay, and more of a 'clear' bonus then anything else. Thanks for the guide and share regardless.
Re: Mind Hacker

Reminds me of stuff like Azure Dreams, Mystery Dougions, and the like. The 'not quite nethack' style of dougion exploring. Just kinda iffed that the H-Content is not directly related towards the gameplay, and more of a 'clear' bonus then anything else. Thanks for the guide and share regardless.

It is explained in the story .- . admittedly a dungeon crawler where you go around randomly killing boss/miniboss to slowly corrupt the girl might be fun (and they always appear at level equal to you/floor's level, whichever is higher, to avoid player grinding early area for corruption points) it would require more contents for progressions, and that could means you might miss out some content by accidently pushing over a certain threshold...

Still an intriguing plot at least .- . (like if you're a servant in a victorian-style mansion and slowly corrupt all the girls who live there, like the mistress, the daughter, the head maid, the other maid, etc or in a school ala Kisaku...like say one day you make the mistress walk around only in her underwear and give a glare to anyone who looks at her funny)

Anyway, why it was a 'clear' bonus
Cele (a demon, if you haven't notice) make a deal with you that she'll give you the power to enter the girl's mind and travel deeper until you reach the Mind Core (that yellow crystal) and retrieve it for her.
Why? Because she want thoes 4 'beautiful' core from the girls, I don't think she eat it, but more like it's like jewelry to her?
In return, you will have the benefit of being able to make them completely submissive to you (or outright 'love' you like the 4th girl is), since Cele only want the core, you can do whatever the hell you want with the body/mind afterward.
Re: Mind Hacker

Thanks a lot for the guide. Pretty decent game if you're looking for some gameplay in your H-games; its been ages since I've played a rogue-like game. If you're like me and don't like to work too hard just to fap, I believe enabling the cheat gives you a shield buff that makes you invulnerable to everything except the level down trap.

Anyways, did he end up in jail in the ending? It would make sense since he's hacking into the girls' minds and basically raping them.

It's an asylum instead. Apparently diving into other people minds and messing with them isn't too good for one's mental health. Who knew? ;)
Re: Mind Hacker

A good tip for levelling up weapons: fuse many low-level weapons together THEN fuse the finished product with whatever main weapon you're using. It's a lot cheaper than fusing single weapons one at a time with one very-expensive sword. So what I ended up doing was grinding the normal dungeons repeatedly and keep all the cheap swords you get. You can add them all together for a very low price, then only fuse them with your main weapon when you're satisfied! Just make sure you end up on a property you'd like to keep before you fuse it. You can get very high level weapons very cheaply this way.

Also, the same principle works for shields.

You can ends up with some seriously insane weapon like:
Chance to crit(do 9999 damage)
Lifesteal (hint: that 9999 count)
It doesn't quite work that way. Once you hit 50 and the text describing the property turns red, it's already max level. Eg: 95 lifesteal didn't give me more lifesteal than 50 lifesteal did.

Also, I think the crit chance is more "instant death", and even then is not a very high chance-per-attack.

My +150 sword (which was more than enough to clear the 99-level dungeon easily) had these properties, which I found a very good setup:
-Lifesteal (essential at higher levels)
-Area damage (level 2= hit all 8 squares around you. In addition to being useful for crowd control, it also means things like blind and confusion affect you less since you hit all adjacent enemies no matter where you face)
-Giant killer (extra damage to large enemies. Demons and swordmasters late game can have like 400HP and 5 L3 attack properties apiece - I ended up killing them in 2 shots)
-Lightning damage (or any other element - good damage bonus)
-Sleepstrike (good if activates, but didn't very often for me. would change for more element damage)

N/B: Just remember to bring anti-curse spellbooks!!
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Re: Mind Hacker

@qwer: there are both "Death" attack (which just make enemy die) and Crit (which make the attack do 9999)

Didn't know about a cap on bonus. -. since I didn't play that far (although the 'red' gem did have 50 in their spell power so I guess that's why)
Re: Mind Hacker

Does anyone know if that option which gives u 100 floors in hell mode unlock anything?
Re: Mind Hacker

Does anyone know if that option which gives u 100 floors in hell mode unlock anything?

e-peen -___- think of it as a personal challenge if you want

For most of us that only want H-contents, that 20 floor is all we care to clear.
Re: Mind Hacker

e-peen -___- think of it as a personal challenge if you want

For most of us that only want H-contents, that 20 floor is all we care to clear.

That's just sad lol D: i was expecting for more :( or at least some hidden contents :D

Anyway thx
Re: Mind Hacker

Have a nice year...
And by the has somebody a downloadlink
for this game

Re: Mind Hacker

well b/c people ask here's the H-code i made for Mind Hacker

Re: Mind Hacker

huh. had this for a while.

menu guide is super helpful, thanks
Re: Mind Hacker

I've been going through almost all of Lunasoft's products at present, found this thread and will use the opportunity to dump my full CG save file plus near-complete gameplay progress save file as a bonus (Checkpoint at level 95 ultimate dungeon, all other girls finished up to Hell difficulty)

Not hard at all once the upgrade system is abused to its maximum potential. I even found this which gives useful info on what the statistics do and what bonuses one can get from the school part bonus menus.

As for those people who said there's only one ending, they're completely wrong. Those who can be bothered can use my save file, complete the final dungeon at level 99 and then read the ending for themselves.


  • SaveData.zip
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